Malinda Seneviratne
June 2011 01:34
The 30-year old conThere’s a pathway to war. There are contributors. There are co-conspirators. They are those who give two-cents and those who give millions. They are those who learn and those who repeat error. There are those who are ignorant and those who are persuaded by mal-intent. There are those who have aspirations, who take legitimate grievance, pad it up, dress it in the colours of aspiration and based on this monumental lie that has been carefully constructed declare war for non-addressing of ‘grievance’, even long after the original issue has been resolved.
It is no secret that Tamil politicians wanted a separate state. Such ‘wanting’ is not illegitimate. The Vadukoddai Resolution of May 14, 1976, authored by S.J.V. Chelvanayakam is a classic expression of dressing up aspiration as grievance. This piece of paper does not require fresh rubbishing. What is important is the fact that it contributed in great part to creating ‘need’ for a separate state among Tamil people, fed ‘logic’ to this newly constructed need and shamelessly preyed on the emotions of the ill-informed.
‘And this Convention calls upon the Tamil Nation in general and the Tamil youth in particular to come forward to throw themselves fully into the sacred fight for freedom and to flinch not till the goal of a sovereign state of TAMIL EELAM is reached.’
There was ‘flourish’ in that conclusion. There was no flourish when the script was played to its logical end. It was a recipe for a tragic outcome. This particular delicacy was consumed for the next thirty 33 years. It was all done on May 18, 2009. There is only one lesson that is relevant: that path leads to Nandikadal Lagoon.
I re-read the Vadukkoddai Resolution a short while ago after I heard that the Tamil National Alliance was calling for a re-merger of the Northern and Eastern Provinces. M.K. Sivajilingam is the TNA candidate for the Velvittithurai Urban Council. He’s a politician and he’s playing the part to perfection. That’s the kindest interpretation I can think of at this point. I don’t know whether he speaks for the TNA. He has stated that the North-East merger had not been mentioned in the proposals submitted by the TNA to the Government regarding reconciliation.
The Tamil National Alliance has a history. It was birthed, bathed, baptized, fed, breathed and lived Tamil chauvinism and separatism. Its manifesto in 2001 was a wishy-washy re-hash of the Vadukoddai Resolution. The 2004 manifesto was an unabashed expression of servility to the LTTE. To this date, the TNA has not engaged in any self-criticism over its past including its shameless ‘tongue-tiedness’ regarding atrocities committed by the LTTE. To this date, the official website of the TNA carries the ‘Eelam Map’ that was on the LTTE flag. To this date, the TNA fails to acknowledge that history, demography and geography (never mind political ‘doability’ and economic sense) rebel against separatism, including devolution of power to existing provincial boundaries. To this date, the TNA has not worked out the logic of devolution (with or without re-merger) when more than half the Tamil population lives outside the North and East, large swathes of the Eastern Province remain non-Tamil etc.
The TNA has not, will not and cannot deal with the objections to the assertions of the Vadukoddai Resolution, its unadulterated chauvinism, intellectual dishonesty and political demagoguery.
All this may be ‘so-what’ as far as the TNA is concerned, I concede. Politicians and political parties are seldom interested in truth and honesty. They prey on insecurity and innocence. The TNA forgets that the path that Chelvanayakam chartered for Tamil chauvinism not only saw its key articulators such as A. Amirthalingam being slaughtered by Chelvanayakam’s political heirs, but many Tamil politicians found it impossible to live, die or even be buried in the so-called ‘traditional homelands’.
A lot of Sinhalese people died over the past 30 years. Some 27,000 combatants died. Thousands perished in terrorist attacks carried out by the sons and daughters of the Vadukoddai Resolution. More Tamils died. More Tamil civilians were killed by the LTTE than by the Sri Lankan security forces. One in every ten Muslim in this island became an IDP. That’s the end-count of the process that the Vadukoddai Resolution precipitated. And that’s where the TNA insists we should all travel towards, a second time!
Sivajilingam talks about re-merging the North and East. The 13th Amendment carved this country into 8 parts. The Supreme Court made it 9. The security forces turned it back to ONE COUNTRY. Considering the costs incurred by us all, I doubt anyone will want a re-playing of this terrible, terrible tragedy. That, however, seems to be what the TNA wants.
There are some numbers the TNA must not forget. They are asking for control of ONE-THIRD the land mass and HALF the coastline for SIX PERCENT of the population! Even if every Tamil in this country decides to go live in the so-called ‘traditional homelands’ this still amounts to LAND THEFT. Sivajilingam just cannot expect the peace-loving people of this country (many of whom have lost loved ones in the struggle to eliminate the terrorist threat and many who have suffered immense deprivations courtesy of their self-appointed representatives) not to object and, if it comes to that, to fight.
I am wondering what Mathiaparanan Abraham Sumanthiran has to say about all this.
Right! Let us resurrect Veluupillai Prabhakaran as a Sun God too!
This is what happens when SERIAL TRAITORS who were the political arm of the LTTE are allowed to function as politicians without answering to the law for their TREASONOUS ACTIVITIES of the past.
These Buggers, including Sivajilingam who was in Channai pleading agitating and plotting to get India re-invade Sri Lanka, got away scot free!
GOSL, Can we have some ACCOUNTABILITY and PROSECUTE THESE TRAITORS and uphold the laws against TREASON in Sri Lanka?
The Northern & Eastern Provinces will be merged ONLY WHEN HELL BOILS OVER!
No sub-national Administrative/Government unit larger than a District should be allowed. Local governments should be kept LOCAL, and MUCH SMALLER than the National Government to prevent separatism from taking root and threatening national integrity again.
Let us not create overlapping layers of government bureaucracies that increase the tax burden of citizens, create unnecessary bureaucratic barriers, weaken national government authority and control, and inhibit development of national resources across provincial boundaries for the general good of all of Sri Lanka's citizens.
Let us not allow ethnic fiefdoms to rise again in Sri Lanka!
TNA wants to re-merge N&E
By Kelum Bandara
June 20, 2011
The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) had renewed its call for the re-merger of the Northern and Eastern Provinces as a single political administrative unit, former MP M.K. Sivajilingam said yesterday.
Mr. Sivajilingam, TNA candidate of the July 23 election to the Velvetithurai Urban Council, told Daily Mirror that the party would once again ask for a mandate from people to evolve a negotiated political solution with the right to self determination. The former MP noted that the North and the East should be converted to a single political administrative unit. “We will campaign for such demands. We try to get the powers devolved to this unit as far as possible,” he said.
He said that the TNA demanded for the early establishment of civil administration in the North, the dismantling of the military camps, the completion of the resettlement of displaced persons and the release of detainees.
The TNA had a meeting for the candidates contesting the election to some local bodies in the North yesterday.
TNA spokesman MP Suresh Premachandran said that the re-merger of the North and the East had been their demand right from the beginning.
Asked whether it was mentioned in the political proposals handed over to the government recently, he said that the TNA informed its stand in this regard to the ruling party at the very beginning of the series of talks.
Clearly. the Communist Party of India (CPI) does not know that allocating political power on communal bases is not Sri Lanka's policy of governance.
Also, the CPI is ignorant of the fact that such policies have brought home the threat of disintegration to India itself which is best with MANY separatist (Kashmir, Punjab, Assam, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu, etc) and terrorist (Maoist/Naxalites affecting a broad swathe of territory from Mumbai to Calcutta home to 850 million people) movements.
India assigns regional political power, and government benefits, on the basis of race, and caste (Scheduled, Other Disadvantaged castes etc). As one Indian Supreme Court judge quipped "I know of no other country in which people rush so enthusiastically to degrade themselves socially as a lower caste in order to gain government benefits." These practices have led to internecine conflicts between communities, and to regional politics in which each state aspires to a separate destiny separate from the shared common destiny of a United India.
We in Sri Lanka have just emerged from a 30 year conflict waged to decide whether Sri Lanka shall remain one nation or two - or more nations - precisely because India initiated an ethnic separatist war in Sri Lanka, intervened to impose it, and retreated to India when the cost became too high in lives and treasure. In the process, India learned that the Eelam Tamils they came to protect had turned upon them, were incurably racist and were a greater threat to the integrity of India than a united Sri Lanka.
In Sri Lanka we have learned that pandering to a false "diversity" that pits communities against one another is not the way to build a united nation, or the way to ensure peace and security for the people.
Instead, Sri Lanka's policy of governance is not to recognize any communal basis for the devolution of power, including race, religion, language, sex, caste or wealth, and to declare that equal citizenship irrespective of community is the sole basis for political rights and government benefits in Sri Lanka.
India is welcome to pursue its flawed policies of governance by community IN INDIA .. and try to survive as a nation. But, NOT in Sri Lanka.
But, Sri Lanka will pursue a different path .. the path of democracy and free enterprise without regard to any communal basis for allocating government benefits or political power.
NO! Sri Lanka will not grant special political power to some of its citizens because they are Tamils, nor will it allow the creation of a separate region exclusively for Tamils.
Sri Lanka will grant an equal right to its Tamil citizens, as to its other citizens, to elect their representatives to parliament on the basis of one-person one-vote. All political power will come from participation in the Parliament. No special privileges will be granted to any sub-national community. There will be NO APARTHEID, nor separate ethnic bantustans, in Sri Lanka.
India must ask Lanka for more powers to Tamils: CPI
New Delhi, Jun 20 (PTI) Apprehending orchestrated demographic changes in Sri Lanka''s Tamil majority areas, the CPI today asked the Indian government to press the Rajapakse dispensation for a time-bound devolution of powers to the Tamils.
India must ask Lanka for more powers to Tamils: CPI
It also demanded a peaceful political settlement to the ethnic conflict in the island nation and passed a resolution to observe All India Solidarity with Sri Lankan Tamils Day on July 8, 2011.
"There is a threat of demographic changes in Sri Lanka which is against the interest of Sri Lankan Tamils. It is an issue which concerns India, we have lots of Sri Lankan refugees living in India," CPI leader D Raja said here today.
He was interacting with reporters after meeting External Affairs Minister S M Krishna here .
The party has also demanded an open trial of war crimes in Lanka. A party delegation will meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over the issue.
"India has ethical and moral responsibility to speak out for the interest of Sri Lankan Tamils and urge upon the Rajapakse government to come forward with a time bound program for devolution of powers and find a political solution for the Sri Lankan Tamils," Raja said.
Raja said the UN Secretary General''s expert committee has come out with a credible report on war crimes in Lanka against the Tamils.
The Response Should UNAMBIGOUSLY be:
1. No Power will be devolved to any community or any region on a COMMUNAL BASIS. That is a Prescription for Communal Strife and National Disintegration.
2. No Police and Land Powers will be devolved to Provincial Councils.
3. Provincial Councils will be dissolved as administrative entities that are too large relastive to the national government. Large sub-national administrative units that can challege the authority of the national government are inimical to the INTEGRTITY OF THE NATION. Such large administrative entities present barriers to the exercise central Government authority in protecting the nation and developing the national economy without regional barriers.
No sub-national administrative entities larger than Districts and Cities should be allowed.
Crucial round of talks on Sri Lanka's ethnic issue tomorrow
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
June 22, Colombo: Another round of talks between the Sri Lankan government and the major Tamil constituent, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) is scheduled to be held tomorrow at the Presidential Secretariat in Colombo.
The sources close to TNA say that the round of talks will be crucial and the party expects the government response to power devolution as a solution for the ethnic issue.
Meanwhile, the local English newspaper Daily Mirror said the TNA has threatened to pull out of the talks with the government if it went ahead with appointing a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to find a solution to the North-East conflict.
TNA parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran has told the newspaper that his party rejects the idea put forward by the government as it does not serve any purpose.
He has complained that the party has handed over several proposals such as the release of some 850 long-time political prisoners, providing facilities to IDPs and framing charges or releasing those who are detained, to the government but the government has not taken action on any of those proposals.
The government is represented by Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, Prof. G.L. Peiris, Rajive Wijesinghe and Sajin Vaas Gunawardhana. MPs R. Sampanthan, the leader of TNA, Suresh Premachandran, Mavai Senathirajah, and A. Sumanthiran represent the TNA.
Negotiation with the TNA regarding "Tamil Rights" leads to demands for Negotiations with the SLMC regarding "Muslim Rights".
The SLMC feels compelled to make these demands, because it fears that the Tamils will get special rights they will not have! That illustrates the danger of granting special privileges not available to all to some people only on communal bases!
Tomorrow, Sinhala parties will want to join the Negotiations for "Sinhala Rights".
"Religious Rights" and "Language Rights" by community and by region next perhaps?
And so, we slide down the slippery slope of devolution of power on communal bases .. on towards destruction of Sri Lanka as a ONE UNITED NATION. Once you accept in principle the idea of devolution of power on communal bases .. there will be no end to it!
There should be NO NEGOTIATIONS with COMMUNAL GROUPS regarding devolution of political power in Sri Lanka. Power should be devolved only at the BROADEST LEVEL ... the national level ... including ALL CITIZENS!
Power should not be devolved to any ethnic community, but to the Sri Lankan people as a whole ... as a SINGLE NATION. That national level of power sharing is already in force under a national government that is ELECTED TO POWER by ALL PEOPLE of the country.
GOSL, just TELL the TNA, the SLMC, and all other COMMUNAL groups that demand power that Sri Lanka's POLICY OF GOVERNANCE is not to devolve power to ethnic, liguistic, religious communities separately from the power citizens have as Sri Lankan citizens, and END these "Negotiations"!
Tell them that ALL POWER is won through elections to Parliament and sub-national entities will not be granted Police and Land powers to set themselves up as independent entities within Sri Lanka.
SLMC pushes for tripartite devolution talks with UPFA & TNA
By Shamindra Ferdinando
June 24, 2011
The SLMC is pushing for immediate expansion of post-war bilateral talks between the SLFP-led government and the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) on devolution of powers.
The SLMC says the Muslims should be represented at the talks and the failure on the part of the government to accommodate the party wouldn’t help ongoing national reconciliation efforts.
An aide to Justice Minister Rauff Hakeem told The Island that the SLMC leader had discussed the issue with Japanese Ambassador in Colombo Kunio Takahashi at the minister’s residence this week. The official quoted Hakeem as having told Kunio that it would be President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s prerogative to address the issue.
SLMC pushes for tripartite devolution talks with UPFA & TNA
.....continued .....
Minister Hakeem said that the Muslim factor couldn’t be ignored. The Kandy District MP was responding to a query by Ambassador Kunio. The SLMC contested the last parliamentary polls on the UNP ticket but switched its allegiance to President Rajapaksa over a year to support the controversial 18th Amendment to the Constitution, which did away with the time-limit on the presidency.
Hakeem said that there was a friendly exchange of ideas between his party and the TNA.
Minister Hakeem and Ambassador Kunio discussed the forthcoming Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) meet in Colombo.The five-day meet will begin on Monday (June 27). The Justice Minister said that the government of Sri Lanka appreciated a decision by Japanese national Justice Hisashi Owada, President of the International Court of Justice to attend the Colombo meet.
Minister Hakeem and Ambassador Kunio the role played by the Government of Japan during the previous UNP-led UNF administration, through Japanese Special Peace Envoy Yashushi Akashi.
Minister Hakeem on behalf of the government thanked Japan for continuing assistance to Sri Lanka in spite of recent tsunami tragedy, which caused massive economic losses on the Japanese economy. The Minister appreciated Japanese support for ongoing post-war recovery project, particularly restoration of the government hospital at Kilinochchi.
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