September 05, 2011
Sri Lanka eliminated a dreaded terrorist group, with intricate global links, but receives little credit for it!
Unlike elsewhere in the world, Sri Lanka has succeeded in resettling 300,000 IDPs. There are no starving children for the NGOs to feed but this gets ignored!
Sri Lanka has avoided mass misery, epidemics and starvation but the West takes no notice of this.
Sri Lanka has attained enviable socio-economic standards for a developing country while eliminating terrorism but gets no acknowledgement!
The Government of Sri Lanka and its President continue to enjoy unprecedented popular approval through democratic elections but this is dismissed!
The economy continues to boom, but remains unencouraged by the West.
After 27 years of bloody conflict Sri Lanka’s internal mayhem came to an end with the comprehensive defeat of the Tamil Tigers. In an Alice in Wonderland scenario, the country changed from an environment of unconstrained fear and uncertainty to peace and utter relief overnight. Thousands poured out on to the streets to celebrate in an outpouring of incomparable joy and restaurant keepers spontaneously distributed food to all passersby along busy thoroughfares. Over the following months approximately 300,000 IDPs were returned to their own towns and villages, admittedly not to the best of living conditions.
But one has to remember that their circumstances were hardly comfortable under the iron rule of the LTTE for close to 27 years or as they were herded from one tent camp to another as a human shield and a bargaining chip by the retreating LTTE. The retreating LTTE had also removed roofing material from houses to prevent the return of their human shield to their homes. The captured child soldiers (approximately 600) have undergone rehabilitation and have returned to their communities. The UNICEF documented 5700 child recruits by the LTTE. Of the 11,700 former LTTE combatants, over 7000 have been returned to their communities after rehabilitation despite the real risk of some returning to the only profession that they had been trained in – that of being trained killers.
The risk is magnified by the fact that caches of buried weapons continue to be unearthed in the North and the Tamil militants in the West continue to drum up separatism and violence from their safe havens. The continued presence of the military in the North is naively criticized, but the above background factors are ignored. Only a fraction of the detainees will face trial as the evidence against the rest may not be adequate to satisfy the evidential requirements of the courts. A vast effort has been undertaken to restore the economy of the North and huge sums are being pumped in for the purpose.
All this receives hardly a mention in the West while an intense campaign is being orchestrated to pin down individuals allegedly guilty of war crimes and human rights violations. This must surely be the only case in history that a winner in a conflict has been hounded in this manner to account for alleged war crimes and breaches of human rights in the process of winning the conflict – leave alone defeating a ruthless terrorist group. There have been no such demands made following World War II, or after the Korean Conflict, after Vietnam, after Gulf War 1, the continuing occupation of Afghanistan or Iraq.
Remarkably, all sorts of people have flocked together to demand accountability from Sri Lanka, the Elders, Prime Minister Cameron, Hillary Clinton, the SG, Bernard Kouchner, David Milliband, the aging Ed Mortimer, et al. It cannot simply be that they all were encouraged by the sexiness of the subject or simply by the nobility of advancing humanity's highest ideals.
The Reasons
It is difficult to pin down one reason for this attitude of a number of key Western countries and some high profile individuals. Were pure principled attachment to humanitarian standards the reason, then Sri Lanka would, in their view, appear to be the one egregious offender in the whole world. This obviously cannot be the case. But Sri Lanka is certainly a developing country from the non-Western world and hence easier to beat up. Sri Lanka also was unusual in not responding positively to intense pressure when a number of Western leaders demanded a ceasefire towards the very end of the conflict and this refusal set an uncomfortable precedent. Bernard Kouchner, David Miliband and Hillary Clinton, all demanded a cease fire which Sri Lanka rejected. Both sides had good reasons for the approaches that they adopted.
Sri Lanka had the Tamil Tigers on their haunches and victory after 27 years of brutal bloodshed was temptingly within grasp. The Western leaders were under intense pressure to intervene from the Tamil diaspora, which wielded enormous financial and some political clout. Cities like Toronto, London, Melbourne and Sydney were brought to a standstill by massive Tamil demonstrations. During his visit to Sri Lanka in the middle of May 2009, David Miliband was told in no uncertain terms to butt out and mind his business by the Sri Lankan leadership and may not have forgiven this slight by the former colonial minion. The US proposed an evacuation of the trapped civilians and, perhaps the LTTE leadership, using its naval assets and this was rejected both by India and the Sri Lankan Government.
There were predictions of a blood bath and, at the time, no one claimed that it actually happened. (Subsequently and, suspiciously, evidence began to be produced by interested parties to establish that a blood bath did actually happen!). Interestingly, allegations of war crimes and human rights violations have emerged from countries that have provided refuge to massive numbers of Sri Lankan Tamils. Many have used the then existing violence as a basis for their claims for refugee status.
The LTTE raised large amounts of money from the diaspora to fund the war effort. Today these funds are used to advance their cause. Tamils for Clinton contributed substantially to her campaign until this was brought to public attention and the funds were returned. The LTTE has quietly funded politicians in many Western countries and continue to do so. The US lawyer, Bruce Fein, is funded by the Tamil diaspora. The liberal end of Western politics, ever ready to champion the underdog, was a willing champion of the Tamil diaspora cause. The shadow LTTE incessantly targets the media and the diplomatic community in Colombo.
The availability of funds, articulate advocates, the liberal tendency to take up the causes of apparent underdogs, horror stories, real or concocted, sympathetic journalists who were ever ready to use their privileged position in the Western media to support the cause, the sense of unhappiness with Sri Lanka among liberal political leaders in the West, the slow pace with which Sri Lanka countered some of the issues, were a cogent mix to activate the major humanitarian NGOS in the West. Many Western journalists unashamedly adopted the Tamilnet version of the conflict and were willing to use influential Western newspapers (London Times, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age) to propagate the version fed by the Taminet.
It would also seem that a not so subtle campaign is being mounted against the Sri Lankan leadership, orchestrated by elements of the Tamil diaspora and picked up by the Western media. The settling of scores by using the international community, now that the battle on the ground has been lost, appears to be the major objective. Efforts persist to pin charges of war crimes and human rights violations, on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations and innuendo. This powerful surge is further augmented by allegations of abuses, corruption and nepotism. If these allegations stick, it would be a short step to drag Sri Lankan leaders before international tribunals. Recent history suggests that some allegations get a life of their own by the simple process of repetition.
The Machiavellian story line is simple. “The Sri Lankan Government deliberately set about using its military to target the Tamil population of the North and killed thousands in the process”. This line is repeated for effect while the authenticated history of the LTTE’s murderous bombing campaign targeting civilians over a period of 27 years and killing thousands, the recruitment of thousands of children as child soldiers, the murder of dozens of moderate Tamil leaders, the extortion of millions from Tamils around the world, the ethnic cleansing of the Northern Province, the deliberate destruction of UNESCO protected places of worship, the deliberate and cynical use of thousands as a human shield, the human trafficking and the drug trafficking are air brushed as the frenzied campaign is cranked up using NGOs, eminent persons and the media to establish human rights violations and war crimes by the Government.
The focus is deliberately shifted from the murderous Tigers to the Government and these allegations are designed to stay around for a long while. The one goal of this campaign appears to be to punish the Government leadership, in order to avenge the defeat of the murderous Tigers, if not today than at some later time.
A lie repeated often enough acquires a life of its own. This also gradually contributes to causing feelings of discomfort and doubt in the minds of ordinary Sri Lankans whose confidence in their Government, unshakable at present, could falter in time giving rise to prospects of regime change possibilities.
Some Elementary Fallacies – Were Thousands Killed in the Final Stages of the War
Were thousands of civilians killed in the final stages of the conflict? Was the number 1000? 7000 (as claimed in an internal UN document, later denied)? 20,000 as claimed by Jeremy Page in the London Times? 40,000 as claimed in the Cage by Gordon Weiss (commonly known as Gordon the Unwise) and referred to in the Darusman Report to the UNSG? or higher. The exact number will never be known just as much as we will never know the exact number of civilians killed in Afghanistan and Iraq following the intervention by Western governments. (The Lancet claimed in 2005 that already over 500,000 civilians had been killed).
But certain established facts cannot be ignored. In the final weeks of the conflict, the ICRC with the assistance of the Sri Lanka Navy evacuated approximately 7000 injured and the sick, including pregnant women, and over 8000 others from the last holdout of the LTTE. Is it likely that if there had been other injured, the ICRC would have left them behind and ferried out 8000 healthy persons? Experience and records of other recent conflicts would suggest that the number killed must be substantially lower than the number injured. This is a fact derived from experience.
Most importantly, at the end of the conflict both sides were hell bent on fighting to the end leaving no time to bury the dead. In the circumstances, the LTTE is unlikely to have had the time to bury the alleged large numbers of dead. The Sri Lankan army never found large numbers of dead bodies either. But what is a fact is that in April and May 2009, close to 300,000 civilians streamed out of the LTTE enclave to seek the protection of the Government Security Forces. Importantly, the Government which adopted a zero civilian casualty policy had learned from the experience of other armies fighting amongst civilians in region that indiscriminate attacks on civilians only result in producing more volunteer martyrs.
In early 2009, the Committee to Coordinate Humanitarian Assistance (CCHA) to the North was working on the figure that there were approximately 121,000 people in Kilinochchi and 127,000 in Mullaitivu for the purpose of directing relief supplies to the North. It is quite likely that the LTTE took with them around 100,000 from Mannar.
Considering that around 60,000 escaped to Government controlled areas in the previous year, the numbers detained by the LTTE settles around the number accommodated in the Government organized refugee camps in May 2009. It is also on record that the Government adopted a zero civilian casualty policy and consciously adopted an infantry based approach. This resulted in 6000 deaths of security personnel as the final battles were fought by infantry when more devastating approaches could have been adopted. The allegation of deliberate targeting of civilians by the military and the large numbers killed appears to be a convenient and Machiavellian story to pin a charge of crimes against humanity.
Was the Tamil Community the Target of the Security Forces?
This is an accusation which could be dismissed outright if not for the seriousness with which it is expressed. The majority of the Tamils of Sri Lanka do not live in the North or the East. The vast majority lives among the majority community, the Sinhalese. It is estimated that 41% of the population of the capital, Colombo, is Tamil. In Colombo, the Tamil community has schools, temples, flourishing businesses and a significant number of Tamils are successful professionals and businessmen in Colombo. Many business houses in Colombo are Tamil owned. The UN has acknowledged that for over 27 years, the Government funded the health services and the schools in the LTTE controlled areas and sent food supplies to those areas. The food requirements were determined by the Government agents stationed in the District capitals, although in fact under the control of the LTTE.
The CCHA which consisted of the Ambassadors of the US, EU, Japan, Norway and the ICRC, in addition to senior representatives of key ministries, monitored the supply of essentials to the North on a weekly basis.
In the circumstances, to suggest that the Tamil community was targeted by the Government’s security forces, as was done in the Ch 4 documentary, is a base attempt to exacerbate ethnic divisions and create a negative impression of the Government. It also appears to be part of a insidious scheme to pin a charge of crimes against humanity on the security forces and its leadership in addition to aggravating and perpetuating latent ethnic tensions. No armed conflict is a game played in the school yard leave alone a terrorist war unleashed by a brutal proscribed group. Civilians do get hurt in war. Elsewhere this is referred to as “collateral damage”, and we know of wars in the wider region where collateral damage can be counted in the thousands.
But the Government of Sri Lanka adopted a policy of minimizing civilian casualties and to denigrate this approach now is reprehensible. It was because of the adherence to this policy that the Security Forces incurred over 6000 deaths by approaching the last pockets of the LTTE on foot. Perhaps, it is also convenient for the thousands of Tamils who went to the West claiming discrimination and oppression to maintain this facade until their refugee claims have been processed.
To acknowledge anything else may result in being sent back. It is also a fact that thousands who have received refugee status and travel documents from Western countries have travelled back to Sri Lanka to reclaim their properties and visit family and have not suffered any harassment.
Mathias Keittle A German researcher in Colombo hailing from Statalendorf.
- Asian Tribune -
Sri Lankan expatriates in Europe protest against UN in Geneva
By ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan of all ethnicities including Tamils and Muslims, carrying placards and shouting slogans, protested in front of the UN complex in Geneva where the 18th sessions of Human rights Council is in progress.
The activists in unanimous voice urged the UN not to meddle and hinder in Sri Lanka's development and reconciliation at a time Sri Lanka is trying to rebuild after eliminating the three-decade long terrorism from the country.
The demonstrators also signed a petition, against the report of the UN's three-member Expert Panel chaired by Marzuki Darusman of Indonesia and the Britain's Channel 4 ,documentary to hand over to the UN .
They called on the human right organizations and western governments accusing the Sri Lankan government of violating human rights not to forget and turn a deaf ear to the atrocities committed by the Tamil Tiger terrorists on Buddhist monks, women and children and suicide attacks on sacred institutions in the country .
(Photos by Sudath Silva)
Bravo, Mr. Keittle!
You have neatly summarized in one fell swoop the HYPOCRITICAL SELF-SERVING DOUBLE STANDARDS of Sri Lanka's Western Critics!
In most cases, this HYPOCRISY springs from the ANGER & CHAGRIN of powerful ego-centric Western Politicians who sought to extract personal publicity as "global leaders" on the world stage from "solving" the Sri Lankan conflict, when it was on the verge of being solved very effectively and completely by Sri Lanka itself, through its own herculean efforts and the incalculable sacrifices of the heroic Sri Lanka Defence Forces.
Their DESIRE TO PUNISH this "upstart nation" that presumes to solve its own problems without their "indispensible" wisdom and military aid, and deny them that opportunity to rescue the terrorists in return for campaign funds and Tamil diaspora votes, and to perpetuate the conflict, IS NOW FULLY EXPOSED.
It matters NOT that Sri Lanka preserved its democratic tradition through a debilitating 30-year war and remains one of the only two FUNCTIONING DEMOCRACIES of South Asia that shares the much ballyhooed Western love of democracy.
It matters NOT that for over 30 years, despite Sri Lanka's pleas, they did not give the military, diplomatic and economic assistance necessary to excise the cancer of Tamil terrorism that sickened this fellow democracy.
It matters NOT that, unlike most of its Western critics, that Sri Lanka avoided the use of massive firepower and the destruction of the captive Tamils in order to save them and the nation from the LTTE scourge.
It matters NOT that, MORE THAN ANY OTHER NATION in RECENT MEMORY, Sri Lanka had adopted more humanitarian policies in its conduct of this war; feeding, supplying and paying salaries to its citizens in enemy territory for over 30-years; and rescuing, rehabilitating, and returning over 300,000 human shield captives to their homes.
What DOES matter to them is that little Sri Lanka DARED to solve its own sickness by itself, exercising prudent policies and methods to save and rehabilitate the lives of those held in terrorist bondage, without deferring to the advice of foreign critics who offered solutions CONTRARY to Sri Lanka's NATIONAL INTERESTS.
Those who destroyed Manila in the Phillipines in WW-II killing over 1 million Filipinos in order to defeat the 20,000 Imperial Japanese Naval troops who occupied it, and those who razed the city of Fallujah in Iraq with massive firepower in order to kill the Islamist terrorists who held it, and those who even today blandly dismiss hundreds of civilian casualties inflicted by remote controlled drones firing deadly missiles from afar as acceptable "collateral damage", have donned the mantle of holier-than-thou expert practitioners of the "Art of Humanitarian War"!
Our UNHAPPINESS with these HOLLOW CRITICS is not that they are fighting a common terrorist foe, but that they are UTTERLY HYPOCRITICAL in their Criticism of Sri Lanka which has exceeded by far the "Humanitarian Standards" they are applying in their own conflicts.
What is GOOD FOR THE WESTERN GOOSE, it appears, it not GOOD FOR the Sri Lankan GANDER!
A NAKED MANIFESTATION of Neo-Colonialist Attitudes at its worst!
Sri Lanka's democracy was one that was tried and tested
September 08, 2011
Allegations made against the Sri Lankan armed forces by various quarters were completely false and unsubstantiated said the High Commissioner for Sri Lanka, Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe speaking at the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA), ACT branch recently.
He reiterated that Sri Lanka had one of the most well trained armed forces comparable with the best in the rest of the world. During his address the High Commissioner highlighted the sophisticated equipment that the Government had invested in over the years and also the training given to all armed forces personnel in the rules of engagement and the protection of civilian life in a combat situation.
He added that the Government’s intention throughout the conflict was to restore the democratic rights of the people of the North and the rest of the country by defeating terrorism. High Commissioner Samarasinghe also said that the Government of Sri Lanka had conducted a strategic and well planned military operation and had taken great precautions in the lead up to the final phase including the destruction of several floating warehouses carrying weapons belonging to the terrorists, which were intended to cause damage in Sri Lanka. He emphasized that had these ships carrying weapons not been destroyed it would have caused the death and destruction of hundreds of thousands of civilians in the country.
The High Commissioner stated that despite allegations made by various parties regarding the denial of humanitarian assistance to the people of the North during the last phase of the conflict, he was personally involved in coordinating the delivery of humanitarian assistance during that period and could vouch for the fact that humanitarian assistance was delivered by the Government to the population being held hostage by the terrorists. The terrorists also benefited from these consignments.
High Commissioner Samarasinghe also took the opportunity to brief those present on current economic developments in the country and the reconciliation efforts underway. He said that Sri Lanka’s democracy was one that was tried and tested and since independence transitions of Governments had been through democratic elections in every instance. These values, he stated, were well rooted in Sri Lankan society.
Ian Dudgeon, President of AIIA (ACT) said that the High Commissioner was an officer with a distinguished naval career and has received commendations for his conduct from international agencies such as the ICRC. He said that he brings a unique perspective to this issue having been directly involved in the conflict throughout his career.
The High Commissioner’s presentation was well received by over 50 participants who attended the event. He spoke on the topic “Sri Lanka: Internal Conflict, Humanitarian Operation and Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation”.
It is ABOUT TIME that the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA, are PROSECUTED and PUNISHED for their TREASONOUS activities of the PAST 30-years, as well as their Anti-National activities of the PRESENT!
Mr. Murugesu Chandrakumar, a Tamil MP from Jaffna, KNOWS WELL the TNA's underground activities designed to incite civil discord, resurrect terrorism among the Tamils of the North.
Why is the GOSL so INACTIVE in investigating and prosecuting these monsters?
Tamil alliance MPs of Sri Lanka accused of creating fear psychosis in the North
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 08, Colombo: A legislator of Sri Lanka's ruling United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) accused the major Tamil political party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) of creating a fear psychosis in the minds of the people in the North.
UPFA Jaffna district parliamentarian and Deputy Chairman of Committees Murugesu Chandrakumar has told parliament that three TNA MPs had flown to London to collect funds claiming to help the people in the North fight the 'Grease Devil' after creating a fear psychosis in the minds of the Northern civilians.
He has accused the TNA of misleading the Tamil Diaspora with false information.
He has also charged that the newspaper owned by one of the TNA MPs was reporting false information about the Grease Devil accusing the forces personnel.
According to Chandrakumar, newspapers are allowed to be published without any fear after the government ended the war.
He has added that the respective newspaper after reporting the attack on the News Editor of the Uthayan newspaper has failed to report on the findings of the investigation.
Bravo, Government of Sri Lanka!
Please STRENGTHEN the Laws of the Land as OFTEN AS NECESSARY to protect the nation and its people.
The USA does it ROUTINELY, through ONEROUS but NECESSARY laws such as the Patriot Act.
The USA needs such protection; so does Sri Lanka.
New proclamation for military deployment
By Kelum Bandara and Yohan Perera
September 09, 2011
Three forces in all districts to maintain law and order
Govt. rejects call for removal of PTA and PSO
A week after the lifting of emergency regulations, the government yesterday issued a new proclamation under the Public Security Ordinance allowing for the deployment of the army, navy and air force in addition to the police for the maintenance of law and order in all districts of the country.
Deputy Speaker Chandima Weerakkody read out the gazette notification issued by President Mahinda Rajapaksa under the Public Security Ordinance.
United National Party MP Dayasiri Jayasekara took the government to task over the new proclamation and said in this context the lifting of emergency regulations was merely eyewash.
He said the government appeared to have withdrawn the state of emergency as a ploy to hoodwink the international community, which was mounting pressure on the government to strengthen the democratic machinery.
“Emergency regulations were imposed under the Public Security Ordinance. Now, they have been lifted and replaced with yet another regulation under the same law. This is unacceptable. Today, the government has brought a motion in the House thanking the President for the removal of the state of emergency. It is of no use if a similar regulation is being implemented,” Mr. Jayasekera said.
The deputy speaker, Chandima Weerakkodi who was presiding at the time said emergency regulations were imposed under the Chapter I and II of the Public Security Ordinance, but the new proclamation was being made under a difference section of the same law.
“There is no relevance between the two as a result. Emergency regulations were something different,” he said.
Mr. Jayasekara thanked the deputy speaker for clarifying the issue and asked him not to defend the government on such matters while presiding in parliament.
“There are government members who can respond. I hope you will do the duty of the deputy speaker while being in the chair,” he said.
Meanwhile, the government stressed that the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and the Public Security Ordinance would not be scrapped at all although the opposition wanted them removed.
Joining in the debate, Leader of the House Nimal Siripala de Silva said that those two pieces of legislations had been in use as part of the country's legal system for a long time.
"They are part of the law of the country. We need them to prevent possible threats of terrorism in future and to ensure public security. Today, terrorism is no longer present on the surface. Yet, the embers of terrorism still linger under the ashes. What happened today in New Delhi is a classic example. The threat of terrorism remains in our region. We never expected such attacks in Delhi and Mumbai," he said.
He added that laws similar to Sri Lanka's PTA were in existence in the countries such as the USA and Malaysia too.
"In the USA, there is the Patriot Act. If anyone is arrested under it, we will not know what will happen to him or her," he said.
He charged that only those who wanted to support terrorism agitate for the scrapping of these two laws in Sri Lanka.
INDEED, "any concept of domination or control exercised by some states over the fortunes of others is inconsistent with the democratization of international relations."
Yet, nations reborn free and sovereign languish everywhere in neo-colonial chains!
GL calls for collective action on counter terrorism
September 08, 2011
External Affairs Minister G. L. Peiris emphasized the importance of collective action in areas such as counter-terrorism, food security, energy security and climate change in his address to the commemorative meeting of Foreign Ministers to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade.
"Pride of place must be given to ensuring that trends in the developed world should not lead to the formulation of economic policy in a manner that is detrimental to the interests of vulnerable developing nations," the minister observed.
External Affairs Minister Professor G.L. Peiris with Serbian President Boris Tadic
The use of trade agreements for the attainment of political objectives should be strenuously resisted, Prof. Peiris said.
Sri Lanka takes legitimate pride in being among 25 countries which formed the Non-Aligned Movement, he added.
"Our association with NAM goes even further. The forerunner of the founding NAM Summit was the Bandung Conference of 1955, which our country was privileged to co-sponsor with India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Myanmar," he said adding, "the apex of our affiliation with the Movement came with Sri Lanka's Chairmanship of NAM during the period 1975-76, when we had the signal honour of being the first Asian country to host a NAM Summit."
The Non-Aligned Movement, in terms of its ideals and contribution to international relations, remains as relevant and of as much value today as it was in 1961 when it came into being in this very city, Professor Peiris said.
He recalled the words of former Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike at the Fifth Summit held in Colombo i.e. "any concept of domination or control exercised by some states over the fortunes of others is inconsistent with the democratization of international relations."
Minister Peiris told the Foreign Ministers of NAM countries that the continuing practical value of the NAM Movement is evident in several fields.
Among them is the clearly perceived need today to adopt an issue-based approach to the resolution of problems, encouraging countries to make a principled assessment of situations, unfettered by a firm commitment to an ideology or a group of countries.
"There is also the growing acknowledgement that the basis of international relations must derive from the mainsprings of a variety of cultures, straddling civilizations in different parts of the world, without exclusive emphasis on one point of view or one body of historical experience," he said.
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which commenced with 25 states, today counts among its members 120 countries across Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, accounting for about two-thirds of the membership of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
During his visit to Belgrade, Minister Peiris was received by Serbian President Boris Tadic. Minister Peiris recalled the meeting President Mahinda Rajapaksa had with President Tadic at the 15th NAM Summit in Egypt in 2009.
He briefed the President about the progress achieved by the government of Sri Lanka during the last two years with regard to development and reconciliation, and outlined the government's plans for the future.
The minister also briefed the Foreign and Defence Ministers of Serbia, Vuk Jeremic and Dragan Sutanovac about the current situation in Sri Lanka.
The minister held bilateral discussions with his counterparts of NAM countries to acquaint them with rehabilitation, reconciliation and revival of political and electoral processes in Sri Lanka.
TRUE, "armed forces personnel had to be present in the North in order to ensure that lands in the North were safe for resettlement."
But, de-mining is not the main purpose of stationing the Armed Forces permanently in the North and East.
This is an area that was controlled by the LTTE for several decades, had its young people brainwashed over several decades in terrorist and separatist ideology, and still harbors caches of deadly hidden weapons stored for reuse by the defeated enemy.
Given these circumstances, it is IMPERATIVE that the Armed Forces are omnipresent in the North and East for at least the next HUNDRED YEARS!
For example, a massive military presence was maintained in the defeated Confederacy of the USA to ensure the nation's integrity, and in defeated Axis nations of WW-II to maintain global peace.
So it must be not only in the North and East of Sri Lanka, but within the entirety of Sri Lanka.
Local and International threats to Sri Lanka's national security, its territorial integrity, and its hard-won freedom as a sovereign nation remain REAL, PALPABLE, and IMMINENT.
Recent manipulation of the Arab Spring by neo-colonialist powers to restore their hegemony in the world is one manifestation of the threats developing nations face in today's world.
27,000 security forces personnel assisting de-mining work in Sri Lanka's North
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 07, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government says that 27,000 personnel from the three armed forces currently stationed in the North were assisting the de-mining work in the area.
Leader of the House and Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva has said the armed forces personnel had to be present in the North in order to ensure that lands in the North were safe for resettlement.
De Silva has made these comments in the parliament in response to a question posed by Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe.
The Minister has explained that the Northern Province was heavily mined and it was the security forces personnel who contributed to the clearing of the North of all lethal devices.
Speaking of the high security zones (HSZs) in the North, de Silva has said that only 3.5 to 4 percent of the lands are under HSZs.
He has added that the government was in the process of handing the lands that were under HSZs back to its original owners.
Sri Lanka delegation leaves for Geneva to attend UNHRC sessions
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 09, Colombo: The top level Sri Lankan delegation attending the United Nations Human Rights Council session scheduled to begin on September 12 in Geneva has left the country Thursday, the government news agency announced.
The Sri Lankan government has appointed a five-member delegation headed by Plantation Minister and Special Human Rights Envoy Mahinda Samarasinghe to address the 18th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva from September 12-30.
The other members of the delegation include Ministers Prof. G. L. Peiris, Nimal Siripala de Silva, Anura Priyadarshana Yapa and government parliamentarian supervising the External Affairs Ministry Sajin de Vaas Gunawardena.
Attorney General of Sri Lanka Mohan Peiris and some senior officials of the External Affairs Ministry will also join the delegation.
External Affairs Minister Prof. G L Peiris will visit Geneva from Jordan where he is having bilateral consultations on Sri Lanka's post conflict situation with the King of Jordan, King Abdullah II and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Judeh.
Minister Samarasinghe is scheduled to address the HRC on 12th of September.
Prior to the sessions next week, the delegation expects to hold discussions with the President and member countries of the Human Rights Council, other members of the UN family, as well as representatives of civil society, on the development, resettlement, rehabilitation and reconciliation efforts currently being carried out by the government of Sri Lanka, the government said..
Minister Samarasinghe said the government hopes to inform the international community about the post war development activities in the country and obtain their assistance.
"We hope to develop the Northern areas and bring normalcy to the area. Not only that we hope to develop the whole nation by uniting the Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, and Burghers. By lifting the state of emergency we have sent a message to the whole world stating that we have not stalled in one place after the end of the war," Minister Samarasinghe has said.
The Minister also hopes to show the government prepared documentary "Lies Agreed Upon" to the international community to counter the allegations of war crimes depicted by the Britain's Channel 4 video "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" which was widely circulated and viewed throughout the international community.
ASK NOT For Whom the Bell Tolls; it Tolls for Thee, our beloved Heroes of the Sri Lanka Defence Forces!
Government provides houses to over 3,000 disabled Sri Lankan soldiers
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 09, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government has said today that 3,303 disabled soldiers who have been injured during the war have been provided with houses.
Chief Government Whip and Minister Dinesh Gunawardena has told parliament that 23,287 soldiers were injured during the war.
The Minister has made the comment in response to a question posed in the parliament on the number of disabled soldiers and the number of houses provided to them.
According to Gunawardena, among the disabled soldiers in the country, there are 21,327 army personnel, 430 navy personnel, 234 air force personnel and 1,296 police officers.
See Link for video of Nano on fire!
Not a Nanofire!
Nano aflame yet again, now in Sri Lanka
September 09, 2011
It's small, and it's affordable, but is the Nano safe? It's a question that has returned to haunt Tata Motors . Another Nano has gone up in flames, and this time, in Sri Lanka, reports CNBC-TV18’s Swati Khandelwal Jain.
The latest Nano to catch fire is one that was being used as a taxi by Budget Tax - a cab company in Sri Lanka. When contacted, Tata Motors said that they were investigating the actual cause of the fire. “The Nano is a safe car," they assured.
Also watch the accompanying video
What makes it worse for the company is that questions of the Nano's safety have cropped up after it added several safety features to the car before beginning exports to Nepal and Sri Lanka in May this year. Pushing Tata Motors to a corner is the fact that two domestic cases of the Nano catching fire have also been reported since the safety ramp-up.
The company however maintains that no engineering fault is responsible for these incidents. But these incidents are definitely hurting the company. Sales have taken a hit at 1,200 cars against a target of 10,000 cars a month and over 30,000 Nanos are stranded at the Sanand plant.
Discussions with representatives of affected communities is good, even though the incidents are engineered by them, but let us NOT EVEN DREAM OF DEVOLVING Police and Land powers to former separatist terrorists.
Smiling Tiger Nominated Agents of today will only bring Suicide Bombers tomorrow!
Sri Lanka President meets Tamil legislators to ease fears in North and East
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 09, Colombo: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday met with a delegation of Tamil political party members from the North and East to discuss arrangements for the resolution of matters resulting from recent alleged incidents in the two provinces, President's Media Unit said.
Representatives from the major Tamil party Tamil National Alliance, Tamil United Liberation Front and PLOTE participated in the meeting held at Temple Trees.
According to press statement issued by the President's Media Unit an understanding was reached on the necessity for cooperation between the Police and the organizations of the people on the concerned areas with a view to the speedy removal of fears and doubts among people.
At the request of the President Minister Susil Premajayantha has visited Jaffna recently to study and report of the current situation in the area. The Minister who also took part in this meeting disclosed he held discussions with the Governor of the North, senior military and police officers, members of the clergy as well as with local politicians and members of civil society.
During these discussions an agreement has been reached for resolving the issues through committees at three tiers. At the superior level the Governor, senior administrators, officers of the security forces and the police as well as members of the clergy will mediate to solve the matters. The other would be at the Divisional Secretary level with the participation of local politicians. The third would be at the Grama Niladari level with the participation of the people. The members of the Tamil Political parties were invited to participate in these committees.
However, it was the overall consensus at the meeting that the situation of the two provinces was returning to normal rapidly. Therefore, an agreement was reached to pursue all initiatives for further understanding on the need for unity and the assurance of peace. Furthermore, all steps would be taken to remove hardships caused to people from these alleged incidents.
Secretary Blake should only meet with Government Officials and U.S. Embassy staff, not with private individuals and political organizations.
He should not meet with "civil society representatives, university students and political leaders" in Sri Lanka.
That is UNWARRENTED INTERFERENCE in the INTERNAL MATTERS and POLITICS of Sri Lanka, potentially to arouse opposition to its GOVERNMENT elected by the will of the vast majority of its citizens.
The United States WOULD NOT TOLERATE such interference from foreigners within its OWN BORDERS, and NEITHER SHOULD Sri Lanka.
The great majority of patriotic citizens of Sri Lanka are VERY DISAPPOINTED by these activities of US officials of the Current Obama Administration.
Sri Lankans, as a nation sharing the SAME DEMOCRATIC VALUES and SUBJECTED TO THE SIMILAR GLOBALLY ORCHESTRATED TERROR, want to be CLOSE ALLIES of the United States, not at ODDS with it.
The citizens of Sri Lanka RESENT US support for the global vendetta waged against them by separatist terrorists, for WHATEVER REASON: Personal hubris of officials, or in pursuit of their global agenda, including the containment of China.
Can we have some EQUALITY in how relationships between SOVEREIGN Nations are conducted and maintained?
Deal with the Sri Lankan Government and Sri Lankan People through Official Govt to Govt Channels; not through disaffected groups seeking to undermine the peace and stability won after 30 long years through great sacrifice of blood and treasure.
Please DO NOT ALIENATE the bulk of the Sri Lankan people!
Mr. Blake & Mrs. Clinton, are you LISTENING? Hello?
US Assistant Secretary Blake to visit Sri Lanka next week
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 09, Washington, DC: The United States Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake, Jr. will travel to Sri Lanka next week.
The U. S. State Department said Thursday in a media note that Blake will travel to Sri Lanka and India September 12-16, 2011.
"He will meet with government officials, civil society representatives, university students and political leaders while in Sri Lanka," the note said.
"In India, Assistant Secretary Blake will meet with Government of India interlocutors and have internal consultations with staff at U.S. Embassy New Delhi," it added.
The media note did not specifically say when Blake will be in Sri Lanka. However media reports citing State Department sources earlier said Blake has rescheduled his cancelled visit to Sri Lanka for September 14.
He was scheduled to arrive in Colombo on August 29 for a three-day visit but the trip was cancelled due to Hurricane Irene.
Dear Mr. Blake, your SLIP is showing!
Aren't these the REAL War Crimes you should be pursuing, instead of hiding them in secret diplomatic cables?
Different Strokes for Different Folks, Eh?
Secret Colombo US Embassy diplomatic cable (3/2009) says LTTE blocked civilians leaving battle zone
By Daya Gamage
September 09, 2011
The classified diplomatic cable sent from the American embassy in Sri Lanka under the signature of Ambassador Robert Blake to Washington state department dated 19 March 2009 very clearly said that the Tamil Tigers had refused to listen to Norway and other international community nations’ appeals to allow civilians to leave the battle zone “instead it has shot civilians who have tried to escape, and engaged in forcible recruitment of progressively younger and older civilians to augment its diminishing cadre.”
The classified cable released by the whistleblower network WikiLeaks further noted “(the Colombo US diplomatic) Mission recommends the USG ask the UNSecGen to issue a public statement calling on both sides to allow a humanitarian pause in fighting for civilians who want to leave. The LTTE maintains the fiction that civilians do not want to leave. All evidence points to the contrary: several civilians have been shot trying to escape, many others have escaped. We need to call the LTTE´s bluff.”
But the long-term projection of the Foreign Service professional in the Colombo’s American Embassy became absolutely wrong when the classified cable said “If the LTTE refuses to cooperate, the UN can say so publicly which would likely cause the LTTE significant problems with its paymasters in the Tamil Diaspora.”
With the total demise of Tamil Tigers a section of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora is seen actively engaged in reviving its leader Prabhakaran’s dream of a separate/independent eelam state in the north and east of Sri Lanka in getting a section of the international community nations and international rights organizations to tighten the noose on Sri Lanka on alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and violation of international humanitarian law (IHL). The Tamil-Diaspora funding stage has now entered the public diplomacy/strategic communication stage, a scenario Sri Lanka is still unable to internationally combat.
The Robert Blake-signed diplomatic cable was clearly accusing the LTTE for the plight of the civilians who were eager to leave the battle zone and the safe zone saying:
(Quote) The USG in Colombo and Washington has been engaged in intensive efforts to protect the estimated 120-150,000 civilians presently trapped in the "safe-zone" in northern Sri Lanka. We have pursued several tracks. First, we and other Co-Chair countries have called on the LTTE immediately to allow civilians freedom of movement. The LTTE has not done so, instead it has shot civilians who have tried to escape, and engaged in forcible recruitment of progressively younger and older civilians to augment its diminishing cadre, now estimated by the government at 400-500. There is also growing evidence of civilian confrontations with the LTTE in the safe zone. Publicly the LTTE continues to insist that it is not safe for the civilians to be evacuated to "concentration camps" in Vavuniya. UN U/SYG Holmes in his recent report to the UN Security Council following his visit to Sri Lanka rebutted the LTTE´s clais and stated that basic needs are being met, although clearly more needs to be done on several fronts (for example, reduce overcrowding and improve sanitation). (End Quote)
Secret Colombo US Embassy diplomatic cable (3/2009) says LTTE blocked civilians leaving battle zone
.....continued 1.....
In this 19 March 2009 US Embassy diplomatic cable says, exactly two months before the total defeat of the LTTE, responding to the LTTE call for a ceasefire and political negotiations “The Norwegians have made clear that the time for a cease-fire to pursue political negotiations is now passed; they are only responding to LTTE questions regarding the treatment of civilians once they leave the North.”
It was clear to the Foreign Service Officers of the American Embassy in Sri Lanka that the only measure available in March 2009 was the safe movement of the civilians hoarded by the LTTE as a human shield and not a political solution; not even a ceasefire.
The cable said:
(Begin Quote) The Government of Norway has been engaged in quiet efforts to persuade the LTTE to allow civilians in the safe zone to leave. (Note: Norwegian efforts must be strictly protected and not referred to either publicly or privately by USG officials with third country nationals.) The LTTE has responded to Norwegian overtures by insisting there should be a cease-fire and political negotiations to resolve the conflict. The LTTE has also raised numerous procedural and other questions about how the UN and ICRC might evacuate civilians; the treatment they would be subjected to in the camps in Vavuniya, and GSL plans to resettle them. The Norwegians have made clear that the time for a cease-fire to pursue political negotiations is now passed; they are only responding to LTTE questions regarding the treatment of civilians once they leave the North. These talks are unlikely to reach a satisfactory conclusion before mid-April. In addition, despite Norway´s good faith efforts, a recent leak to a nationalist newspaper suggests the Government is wary of Norway´s work in this matter and may be preparing the ground to undercut Norway. (End Quote)
Secret Colombo US Embassy diplomatic cable (3/2009) says LTTE blocked civilians leaving battle zone
.....continued 2.....
The American Embassy in Colombo in March 2009 dismissed both a ceasefire and political negotiations. The interest turned to the safe departure of civilians held by the LTTE as human shield. The Robert Blake-initiated cable to Washington was very clear that the Government of Sri Lanka had no option but to emancipate the civilians from the clutches of the LTTE which Sri Lanka eventually termed it as a ‘humanitarian operation’.
The final two paragraphs of the classified diplomatic cable was self explanatory:
(Quote) It is clear, then, that the international community needs a plan now to evacuate as many of the civilians as possible. Mission recommends that Washington and USUN consider the following approach. The USG should ask the UN Secretary General to issue a public statement calling on both sides to allow a humanitarian pause in fighting for civilians who want to leave. The LTTE maintains the fiction that civilians do not want to leave. As noted above, all evidence points to the contrary. The UN needs to call the LTTE´s bluff. The SYG could reassure civilians they will be well treated, recalling Holmes, late February statement to the UN Security Council. To give added credibility to his assurances, the UN should coordinate in advance with the GSL so the SYG can announce that the GSL has invited UN Special Rapporteur for IDP Issues Walter Kaelin to work with GSL to resolve remaining issues in the camps. It is important the initiative be cast as a GSL proposal given the GSL´s stiff-arming of Special Envoys proposed by the UK and others. Kaelin already has extensive experience in Sri Lanka and would be well suited to this job.
The obvious challenge is to get the LTTE´s agreement to this plan. The ICRC confirmed to Embassy Colombo that their staff in the safe zone could develop a mechanism to determine which of the civilians want to leave. If the LTTE refuses to cooperate, the UN must then be prepared to say so publicly. Such an announcement would likely cause the LTTE significant problems with the Tamil Diaspora, who have supported the LTTE thus far and whom the LTTE is counting on to help finance the reconstitution of the LTTE once fighting is over in the North. The Diaspora remains very concerned about the plight of the civilians and would likely help the UN pressure the LTTE to allow those civilians to leave who want to. (Septel (meaning separate telegram) will offer thoughts on ways the USG can do more to reach out to the Tamil Diaspora in the U.S. both to respond to their mail campaigns and engage them directly.) Ambassador has discussed the outlines of this proposal with the UN, ICRC and Sri Lanka´s Foreign Minister, all of whom believe it is worth trying. It is clear the LTTE will not let all of the civilians go because the civilians serve as human shields and as a pool for conscription. But even if we can evacuate two-thirds of the civilians, that would mark significant progress. (End Quote)
- Asian Tribune -
All, especially the leaders, who are guilty of terrorist crimes, above and beyond mere membership in the LTTE, MUST BE PROSECUTED and PUNISHED severely.
1. DETER future terrorism,
2. deliver JUSTICE to the victims, and
3. UPHOLD the Laws of the Land.
881 ex-Tigers to be prosecuted
By Sandun A. Jayasekera
September 10, 2011
Law enforcement authorities are carrying out investigations before filing charges against 881 ex LTTE cadres who would be prosecuted once investigations have been completed, Deputy Solicitor General Shavendra Fernando said yesterday.
He said 22 ex LTTE cadres had been charged in the Magistrate’s Courts and another 278 in the High Courts while 200 were in remand custody and 204 released on bail.
Of the 4,281 LTTE combatants arrested during the last stages of the humanitarian operation some 1,000 had been discharged due to lack of evidence.
With regard to the legal implications of detaining ex LTTE combatants even after the emergency regulations were lifted, Mr. Fernando said according to section 40 of the Public Security Ordinance, suspects arrested under the PTA could be detained for a further interim period.
“The Supreme Court in a judgment has ruled that there are legal provisions to detain those being investigated under the PTA even after the lifting of the Emergency Regulations. Even International Law accepts the position taken by the Supreme Court that suspects can be detained for an interim period for the purpose of carrying out terrorism-related investigations,” Mr. Fernando said and added that the Attorney General’s Department and other state agencies had dealt with 3,394 out of a total of 4,281 taken into custody either by the armed forces or the police towards the tail end of the conflict.
The Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA are doomed to OBLIVION if they continue to hold onto their their RACIST, APARTHIED COMMUNAL AIMS.
They will drag the Tamil people down with them ... as they had in the past ... consigning them permanently into a distrusted fifth column.
ABANDON political party names with "Tamil", "Moslem", "Sinhala" and "Hela"in favour of truly National parties open to, and working for, all communities.
Strive to build ONE NATION, of ONE PEOPLE, sharing ONE National DESTINY, and RESTORE to the Tamil Community the POSITION OF HONOR they had in the past as TRUSTED Sri Lankan citizens.
That is the PATH TO SUCCESS for all communities of Sri Lanka; the PATH TO FAILURE is the creation of a HODGEPODGE of ETHNIC Bantustans continually at war with one another!
If Tamils DEMAND Ethnic Enclaves ... in whatever DISGUISE ... they will get NOWHERE ... for WE, the Patriotic Sons and Daughters of Mother Lanka are vigilant in guarding the gates!
Sri Lanka's major Tamil party splits in to three groups
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 11, Colombo: Sri Lanka political sources say that the major Tamil constituency Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has split into three groups over the political solution to the Tamil problem.
One group has suggested that the TNA needs to propose a political solution instead of waiting for the government to offer a solution.
Another group is reportedly arguing that the party must base a solution on a government proposal to move the political process forward.
The third group is a number of parliamentarians who are accused of acting in line with the needs of the government.
Colombo political sources say that the crisis in the pro-Tamil nationalist TNA will affect the Tamils' struggle for wider power devolution.
Indeed, Ambassador Butenis, Sri Lanka is both multi-ethnic and multi-religious in its demography.
However, multi-ethnicity and multi-religiosity should not be BASES for DEVOLVING GOVERNMENT POWERS.
That leads only to COMMUNAL CONFLICTS and disintegration of nations into ever smaller, more uneconomic, indefensible units.
The PATH FORWARD is to relegate such COMMUNAL ATTRIBUTES to an HONORED PLACE in the PRIVATE SPHERE ... within the homes of individual families ... and NOT the PUBLIC SPHERE ... in the governance of the Nation.
Let us strive to create ONE NATION, of ONE PEOPLE, sharing ONE National destiny.
A NATION that is BLIND to COMMUNAL differences among its people, and committed to ensuring EQUAL RIGHTS and enforcing EQUAL RESPONSIBILITIES to love, protect and defend Mother Lanka.
The ONLY attribute of a Sri Lankan recognized by Government should be that of Sri Lankan citizenship ... NONE OTHER!
Let multi-ethnicity and multi-religiosity be the basis for DEVOLUTION of political power in OTHER COUNTRIES willing to risk their eventual disintegration. We Sri Lankans will watch their progress with GREAT interest ... as they fall apart.
US Ambassador commends resilience of Sri Lankans in the face of terrorism
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 11, Colombo: The United States Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives Patricia Butenis said the Sri Lankans have shown unbelievable resilience in the face of decades long terrorism in the country.
Speaking at the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States, the Ambassador said intolerance and extremism remain a threat across the world and no country is immune to these dangers.
Ms. Butenis held a memorial service at her residence to honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001 with the participation of religious leaders from several faiths practiced in Sri Lanka.
The Ambassador said a terrible day in American history, however, brought out the best in Americans.
"Al-Qaida�s attack on our symbolic buildings was an attempt to destroy our spirit and our way of life. But those attacks failed because of the resilience of the survivors," Ms. Butenis pointed out.
Commenting on Sri Lanka's decades long fight against terrorism, the Ambassador said "many innocent people lost their lives over the past three decades of conflict in this country, killed not by foreign attackers but by fellow citizens, sometimes from different communities, sometimes by their own communities."
"Sri Lankans as individuals have shown unbelievable resilience, just by struggling to pick up the pieces of shattered lives and getting on with the business of daily life," she said.
Looking forward, the Ambassador said her deepest wish for Sri Lanka as a country is that it continue to embrace one of its traditional, essential core values, that of its multi-ethnic, multi-religious identity.
"That is its true strength and the country must be resilient enough to hold on to it," Ambassador Butenis pronounced.
Commendable, but Curious!
How can Sri Lanka, which is still severely affected by dengue fever, and has yet to eradicate the menace of dengue fever from its own territory, be viewed as a credible source of expertise in the battle against this scourge?
What special medicines, or operational/administrative methods, has Sri Lanka deployed that are effective?
Seems to be a case of the blind leading the blind and deaf!
Sri Lanka to help Punjab Province of Pakistan to fight dengue
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 11, Lahore: The Sri Lankan government has pledged to help Pakistan's provincial government of Punjab to fight the mosquito-borne dengue menace in the province.
The Chief Minister of Punjab Province, Shahbaz Sharif, has called the Sri Lankan High Commissioner in Pakistan and requested Sri Lanka's assistance to fight the dengue virus in Punjab.
Sri Lanka having taken strict measures fighting the dengue virus successfully on several fronts, has offered to provide medicines, equipment and medical staff to the provincial government to help combat the viral disease.
The Punjab Chief Minister has thanked Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa for announcing Sri Lankan government's assistance to eradicate the dengue virus from the province, a press statement said.
Chief Minister has said that Punjab government and people of Punjab were thankful to the people and government of Sri Lanka.
What? Vaiko an Employee of the LTTE?
And here I was laboring under the illusion that it was only PURE RACISM that motivates that awful unrepentant demagogue!
Now it turns out that MONEY too was a factor driving this unemployed communal politician with no other visible means of support.
Well, if US attorneys, Western journalists and NGOs, and even Western politicians can live off the LTTE, why not poverty stricken Vaiko?
LTTE funded Vaiko’s MDMK: Wikileaks
September 09, 2011
A US diplomat of Indian origin who had a stint at the American consulate in Chennai had in a confidential cable hinted that the LTTE could have financially supported the MDMK leader Vaiko, according to Wikileaks.
In a cable sent on May 15, 2006, two days after the DMK was voted to power, Ravi Candadai, the then acting US Consul General in India, while ruling out funding for the LTTE from Tamil Nadu, said: “It may be, however, that some financial support flows the other way, that is, from the LTTE to certain political leaders in Tamil Nadu, notably Vaiko, founder and general secretary of the MDMK.”
To support this theory, Candadai quoted Chandrahasan, a well known Sri Lankan Tamil in Chennai and the founder of Organisation for Eelam Refugees Rehabilitation (OfERR).
“Some people, including Tamil refugee NGO leader Chandrahasan, believe that the LTTE provided initial financial support for Vaiko in establishing his MDMK party after he came out of the DMK in 1993,” the diplomat observed.
Describing Vaiko as an outspoken supporter of the LTTE, he, as a matter of caution, added, “but any financial link (with the LTTE) remains unproven.”
Dealing with the issue of sympathy for the LTTE in Tamil Nadu, the cable said the support had vanished almost overnight after former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination.
Based on information provided by his contacts, the diplomat surmised that substantial financial support for the LTTE came from Tamils living in Canada, the UK, Netherlands and Germany, who contributed 10 pc of their income due to the encouragement of local religious institutions or Tamil cultural organisations. This encouragement was “closer to extortion.”
The cable also gave a clean chit to the then newly installed DMK Government on its anti-LTTE policy saying the party had a record in controlling the outfit between 1996 and 2001.
Candadai also believed that to the average person in Tamil Nadu, the then prevailing situation in Sri Lanka was not of primary interest. “It may seem strange that in the Indian State of Tamil Nadu, which literally means Tamil country, there is little support for the LTTE, an organisation that professes to be dedicated to establishing a homeland for all Tamils,” he quipped.
The perception of the people in Tamil Nadu would remain unchanged unless there were to be major human rights violations against Tamils in Lanka or a huge influx of new refugees into TN from Sri Lanka, the diplomat had concluded. (Expressbuzz)
IDP Resettlement completed; Bravo Sri Lanka!
Resettlement Ministry to be scrapped
By Anthony David
September 09, 2011
Remaining functions to be handled by GAs; Sampur IDPs face new dilemma
The government is to wind up the Ministry of Resettlement from next year and vest the remaining responsibility in the hands of the respective Government Agents. The decision, the Sunday Times learns, has been made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Like the withdrawal of the State of Emergency, he feels there is no need now for a Ministry of Resettlement since most of the task has been completed.
Such a move will see new functions being given to the current Minister, Gunaratne Weerakoon, and his deputy, Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan.
The Ministry was established, particularly after the military defeat of the Tiger guerrillas in May 2009, to oversee the resettlement of some 300,000 people displaced by the separatist war. The bulk of them have been resettled leaving only some 8,000 IDPs to be relocated. The government hopes to resettle them by next month leaving no IDPs in the north.
However, last week’s signing of an agreement between Sri Lanka and India for the establishment of the Sampur power plant has necessitated the relocation of 900 families. People displaced from Sampur will not be considered as Internally Displaced People (IDPs) if they do not agree to the government’s relocation plan, Eastern Province Governor Mohan Wijewickrema has said.
The move would mean that some 900 families or 2,800 people living in three separate IDP camps will lose their benefits as displaced people and the camps would be eventually shut down. They would also not be considered for any other resettlement plans of the government or not be entitled for any compensation. Retired Rear Admiral Wijewickrema on Friday instructed officials to start informing the IDPs about the decision, but gave no deadline as to when the camps would be closed down.
He said the people would be offered relocation areas depending on the nature of their work. “Fishermen will be given land close to the sea and farmers areas they can cultivate,” he said.
The governor said there was a misconception that since the Emergency Regulations were lifted the displaced people could return to their original lands in Sampur. He said the area has been gazetted under the Public Security Ordinance and the regulation remains effective.
Currently the IDPs have been categorized into three segments – those who have been occupying land illegally, those who have been occupying lands on a permit issued by the government and those who hold deeds to their lands. Only those who hold deeds are officially entitled to compensation while the others cannot make a legal claim.
Earlier this week Eastern Security Forces Commander Lal Perera visited the displaced people in the three camps and urged them to accept the government’s offer. An area of some 7000 acres was acquired by the government in 2006.
(Additional reporting by Amadoru Amarajeewa.)
IDP Resettlement completed; Bravo Sri Lanka!
Landowners to be compensated and non-owners to be relocated from Sampur Power Plant site.
Resettlement Ministry to be scrapped
By Anthony David
September 11, 2011
Remaining functions to be handled by GAs; Sampur IDPs face new dilemma
The government is to wind up the Ministry of Resettlement from next year and vest the remaining responsibility in the hands of the respective Government Agents. The decision, the Sunday Times learns, has been made by President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Like the withdrawal of the State of Emergency, he feels there is no need now for a Ministry of Resettlement since most of the task has been completed.
Such a move will see new functions being given to the current Minister, Gunaratne Weerakoon, and his deputy, Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan.
The Ministry was established, particularly after the military defeat of the Tiger guerrillas in May 2009, to oversee the resettlement of some 300,000 people displaced by the separatist war. The bulk of them have been resettled leaving only some 8,000 IDPs to be relocated. The government hopes to resettle them by next month leaving no IDPs in the north.
However, last week’s signing of an agreement between Sri Lanka and India for the establishment of the Sampur power plant has necessitated the relocation of 900 families. People displaced from Sampur will not be considered as Internally Displaced People (IDPs) if they do not agree to the government’s relocation plan, Eastern Province Governor Mohan Wijewickrema has said.
The move would mean that some 900 families or 2,800 people living in three separate IDP camps will lose their benefits as displaced people and the camps would be eventually shut down. They would also not be considered for any other resettlement plans of the government or not be entitled for any compensation. Retired Rear Admiral Wijewickrema on Friday instructed officials to start informing the IDPs about the decision, but gave no deadline as to when the camps would be closed down.
He said the people would be offered relocation areas depending on the nature of their work. “Fishermen will be given land close to the sea and farmers areas they can cultivate,” he said.
The governor said there was a misconception that since the Emergency Regulations were lifted the displaced people could return to their original lands in Sampur. He said the area has been gazetted under the Public Security Ordinance and the regulation remains effective.
Currently the IDPs have been categorized into three segments – those who have been occupying land illegally, those who have been occupying lands on a permit issued by the government and those who hold deeds to their lands. Only those who hold deeds are officially entitled to compensation while the others cannot make a legal claim.
Earlier this week Eastern Security Forces Commander Lal Perera visited the displaced people in the three camps and urged them to accept the government’s offer. An area of some 7000 acres was acquired by the government in 2006.
(Additional reporting by Amadoru Amarajeewa.)
Integrated plan, need of the hour
By Srian Obeyesekere
September 11, 2011
Sri Lanka needs to importantly look at an overall integrated plan rather than a national plan to drive the country’s highly ambitious economic drive to reach self-sufficiency, suggests a top marketing professional.
Rohantha Athukorala of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) who serves as the Head of National Portfolio Development – Sri Lanka and Maldives says that towards this direction, a major factor that the Sri Lankan authorities needed to urgently address is on building awareness, where still most countries did not know about Sri Lanka or where it was.
This was a highly detrimental factor and therefore, a private-public sector partnership needed to address this key area where sports could play a greater role.
Delivering the keynote address at the Sri Lanka Chief Information Officer (CIO) Summit 2011 last week at the Hotel Galadari, Athukorala said, “Only two per cent of the world population knows about the variety of marketable Sri Lankan products such as culture. I think the IT industry and apparel and tourism industries could be pivotal factors to Sri Lanka’s economy going forward.
We have to look at an overall integrated plan than a national plan,” remarked Athukorala while also paying a glowing tribute to the country’s frog leaping economy which had significantly jumped an impressive ten places on the World Economic Forum’s latest issue of the Global Competitiveness Report, moving from 62nd in the 2010-11 report to 52nd place, a further improvement from the 79th position it held in the 2009-10 rankings.
He believed that this economy had the trimmings to become a 100 billion economy in the next 10 years on the back of a private-public sector partnership. In fact the growth in the next one year will be significant.
The second challenge, this marketing expert spelt out as key to the economy was the SME sector. “We have 80 per cent exporters from the SME sector. With the SME sector coming into play we have 1 million economic units and we have a lot of trust taking place around this sector,” observed Athukorala.
He cited a case in example where the SME sector had produced results relating to the village sector where five villages had been selected and featured at a Sri Lankan design festival.
Indeed, SME had wrung in a turn around for the urban village lass who had found the success road in designing, courtesy SME sector.
“SMEs are an overall economic developer of Sri Lanka and are key to the growth of the economy,” observed Athukorala.
Athukorale, a Harvard University Alumni while noting that 60 per cent of Sri Lanka’s merchandise goes to Europe and the US, said that Sri Lanka’s enhanced trade links with India and Pakistan and the partnership with China were economically pivotal in that forward thrust.
Another challenge related to problematic areas in respect of access to finance. The overall policies were being formulated and falling into place, the results of which will take years to produce results.
Overall, Sri Lanka being No. 52 in global competitiveness showed that we were in a commanding position and being ranked 42nd in terms of Business Environment and 96 in conducivenesses reflected the fact that there were lots of opportunities for further development. From here, the challenge was to strive to become amongst the top 30 countries.
As to the political economy, although this sector came in for criticism, it had to take its place in a moving economy. “The political economy is inevitable,” he said while also stressing that far-reaching decisions were needed to drive the private-public sector partnership.
Integrated plan, need of the hour
By Srian Obeyesekere
September 11, 2011
Sri Lanka needs to importantly look at an overall integrated plan rather than a national plan to drive the country’s highly ambitious economic drive to reach self-sufficiency, suggests a top marketing professional.
Rohantha Athukorala of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) who serves as the Head of National Portfolio Development – Sri Lanka and Maldives says that towards this direction, a major factor that the Sri Lankan authorities needed to urgently address is on building awareness, where still most countries did not know about Sri Lanka or where it was.
This was a highly detrimental factor and therefore, a private-public sector partnership needed to address this key area where sports could play a greater role.
Delivering the keynote address at the Sri Lanka Chief Information Officer (CIO) Summit 2011 last week at the Hotel Galadari, Athukorala said, “Only two per cent of the world population knows about the variety of marketable Sri Lankan products such as culture. I think the IT industry and apparel and tourism industries could be pivotal factors to Sri Lanka’s economy going forward.
We have to look at an overall integrated plan than a national plan,” remarked Athukorala while also paying a glowing tribute to the country’s frog leaping economy which had significantly jumped an impressive ten places on the World Economic Forum’s latest issue of the Global Competitiveness Report, moving from 62nd in the 2010-11 report to 52nd place, a further improvement from the 79th position it held in the 2009-10 rankings.
He believed that this economy had the trimmings to become a 100 billion economy in the next 10 years on the back of a private-public sector partnership. In fact the growth in the next one year will be significant.
The second challenge, this marketing expert spelt out as key to the economy was the SME sector. “We have 80 per cent exporters from the SME sector. With the SME sector coming into play we have 1 million economic units and we have a lot of trust taking place around this sector,” observed Athukorala.
He cited a case in example where the SME sector had produced results relating to the village sector where five villages had been selected and featured at a Sri Lankan design festival.
Indeed, SME had wrung in a turn around for the urban village lass who had found the success road in designing, courtesy SME sector.
“SMEs are an overall economic developer of Sri Lanka and are key to the growth of the economy,” observed Athukorala.
Athukorale, a Harvard University Alumni while noting that 60 per cent of Sri Lanka’s merchandise goes to Europe and the US, said that Sri Lanka’s enhanced trade links with India and Pakistan and the partnership with China were economically pivotal in that forward thrust.
Another challenge related to problematic areas in respect of access to finance. The overall policies were being formulated and falling into place, the results of which will take years to produce results.
Overall, Sri Lanka being No. 52 in global competitiveness showed that we were in a commanding position and being ranked 42nd in terms of Business Environment and 96 in conducivenesses reflected the fact that there were lots of opportunities for further development. From here, the challenge was to strive to become amongst the top 30 countries.
As to the political economy, although this sector came in for criticism, it had to take its place in a moving economy. “The political economy is inevitable,” he said while also stressing that far-reaching decisions were needed to drive the private-public sector partnership.
Indigenous, non-European, "White" Sri Lankans DISCOVERED!
Sudu Wunata, Apeyma Kollo!
New white monkey species found in Sri Lanka's rain forest
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 11, Colombo: The members of Galle Wildlife Conservation Association say that they have identified a new species of white monkeys from Sri Lanka's World Heritage site of Sinharaja rain forest.
The researchers have confirmed that the new species was not an albino of the common black monkey found in Sinharaja forest.
Chairman of Galle Wildlife Conservation Association Madura de Silva said that they traced this white monkey species in several places in the southern region of the Sinharaja forest during a survey conducted with the assistance of the Biodiversity Unit of the Ministry of Environment.
The group issued the photos of the white monkeys they took following the information from the treacle tappers in the border villages of Sinharaja.
The research team has observed 26 monkey troops in the rain forests and home gardens around Galle and Matara districts and found 30 individuals with unusual white color in 14 troops.
The group comprising Madura de Silva, Nadika Hapuarachchi and P.A. Rohan Krishantha, reports that the white monkey is a color morph of the southern purple faced leaf langer and systematic DNA testing is needed to determine subspecies and form accurate maps of locations.
How is it that a whole boat-load of people can set sail from the North ... without detection and arrest in port ... well before they are detained on the "high seas"?
If the Security Forces can be evaded for human smuggling of this type, what else is crossing the border under their noses?
Guns and explosives, drugs & other contraband, terrorist cadre from Tamil Nadu?
The Security Forces have to beef up their presence along the coast; this is a CLEAR WARNING that BORDER SECURITY is DEFICIENT!
Defense Ministry ... are you LISTENING?
Sri Lanka Navy arrests 44 illegal migrants heading to Australia
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 11, Colombo: Sri Lanka Navy today has arrested 44 illegal migrants heading to Australia in a fishing trawler off the eastern coast.
The Navy sea units deployed on patrolling and surveillance have detected the over-loaded multi-day trawler in the choppy waters off Kalmunai, 190 miles east of Sri Lankan capital Colombo in the early hours of Sunday.
The Navy said the trawler with forty one men, a woman and two children had left from Negombo, in the west coast.
The group is now being brought to Trincomalee Harbour to be handed over to Police for further investigations.
In the past, Sri Lanka Navy had foiled several illegal human smuggling attempts targeting Australia as destination.
The Navy warns the illegal migrants, mostly minority Tamils, not to fall prey for the human traffickers and take the risk of a dangerous journey to Australia.
In May Australia made an agreement with Malaysia to detain any illegal Sri Lankan migrants arriving in Australia.
1953 US coup in Iran: Lessons for Sri Lanka
By Shenali Waduge
September 08, 2011
It is widely believed that the success of the Iranian coup & the coup in Guatemala by the US prompted its successive leaders to follow covert action & regime change as a foreign policy. Mohammad Mossadegh was the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1951. His fall is seen as the perfect example of how a rich & powerful nation can create chaos in another nation.
Kermit Roosevelt, grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt was tasked by the CIA to head the mission to overthrow the Iranian government. The mission was called Operation Ajax.
The US & UK involvement
Why would US desire to overthrow Mossadegh since he was afterall an elected leader & popular amongst the Iranians too?
Kermit Roosevelt may have been the brainchild behind the coup itself but like in the present day scenario another country was also involved. Great Britain too had eyes on the Middle East to enhance their trade primarily through the Anglo Iranian Oil Company & the revenues generated from the sale of oil & taxes levied on Iran was over 170million pounds & 30% profits in taxes.
Will imperialists like to hear “nationalism” – not likely & when newly elected PM Mossadegh announced plans to nationalize Iranian oil production – the British determined to stop oil production & force Mossadegh to change, plot a coup & install a government friendly to British interest or take direct military action.
As the leader of Iran, Mossadegh was very much within his rights to nationalize oil that belonged to Iran & he was gentleman enough to offer compensation to the British though it had benefited all these years. Nevertheless, Britain went ahead to stop oil production creating a disastrous impact on Iranian economy & abandoned military action as they could not get sufficient troops to the area so it was left to the next option – overthrowing Mossadegh. M16 & the British Foreign Office approached the CIA & an agreement was reached & funds from both intelligence units were used to fund the protests & bribe necessary people.
UN’s role
Instead of Iran seeking the assistance of the UN for attempts to overthrow a democratic government, it was the British that lodged a case against Iran with the United Nations Security Council & the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
So how does one create chaos in a country that has varying cultures, traditions & beliefs?
Kermit Roosevelt began by bribing members of parliament & leaders of small political groups that were partners of Mossadeghs’s coalition. Kermit Rooselvelt spent USD11,000 per week on bribing 90 members of the Iranian parliament. The average annual income in Iran was USD500. It was thus a very easy task to bribe. What ensued was not hard to fathom. Disarray in parliament.
Kermit Roosevelt next went on to bribing newspaper editors, newspaper owners, columnists & journalists. That was not so hard to do either.
Meanwhile, foreign tv channels & media carried out their role. BBC Persion Radio channel was the propaganda arm of the British Government in Iran (the channel has admitted its complicity in the Iranian overthrow – 18 August 2011). Note how perfectly this connects with the Channel 4 documentary & allegations against Sri Lanka’s armed forces. The irony is that all these admissions of guilt come far too late & after the damage to a nation & its people has been done.
The result. Within no time almost 80% of newspapers in Tehran was not only on Kermit Roosevelts payroll but they were suddenly attacking Mossadegh from all fronts. This shows how easy it is to manipulate media & how successful media is in turning the thoughts of its viewers & readers.
1953 US coup in Iran: Lessons for Sri Lanka
....continued 1....
The next target was the religious leaders. Without surprise, the Mullahs were soon denouncing Mossadegh calling him an atheist & an enemy of Islam.
Kermit Roosevelt did not stop there. He also bribed the police & low-ranking military officers & gave them specific orders to be ready.
Having bribed politicians, newspapers & journalists, religious leaders, the police & armed forces it was easy to bribe the public & organize street protests in Tehran. This was to project that Mossadegh was not only unpopular in parliament, amongst the forces as well as even amongst the public & that he had no control over law & order in Iran. Kermit Roosevelt is said to have even hired men to run through the streets shouting “We love Mossadegh & communism”, which by way of the message being conveyed left people to automatically go against Mossadegh. With this achieved, Roosevelt hired another gang to attack the first gang to reveal that Mossadegh & communism would not be tolerated & that there was total failure of order in Iran.
This clearly depicts how even one agent can cause an entire nation to fall into disintegration with the strength of money that can win over people. A fairly stable Iran, that installed a leader democratically elected was overthrown by creating a totally wrong impression about him amongst his people.
The first coup attempt took place on 5th August 1953. An officer who had been bought over by Kermit Roosevelt arrived at Prime Minister Mossadegh’s home with an order signed by the Shah of Iran firing him as Prime Minister. This was done purposely because as a democratically elected leader only the Iranian Parliament could fire him. The gameplan was to make Mossadegh refuse to accept the order in facilitate his arrest. A CIA prepared Iranian general was ready to take over but Mossadegh who came to be informed of the plan was quick to arrest the officer while the Shah fled the country. Despite orders by the CIA to return to US, Kermit Roosevelt decided to activate his hired mobs on 19th August (2 weeks after the failed coup attempt) to cause rampage on the streets. Tens of thousands of people were paid to go out into the street & start chanting anti-Mossadegh slogans. Even paid members of the police & military joined & soon the crowds started to storm government buildings until they approached the Prime Ministers House. They say about a 100 people died inside Mossadeghs house. Mossadegh managed to flee the house & surrendered himself a few days later & the Iranian general (Major-general Fazlollah Zahedi) on the payroll of the CIA was installed as the Iranian Prime Minister. Mossadegh was tried, imprisoned for three years and kept “under house arrest at his estate” until he died in March 1967.
The Shah of Iran who was in Italy at the time on hearing of the success of the 2nd coup flew back to Iran & was received by none other than Kermit Roosevelt himself. That was how the CIA installed dictator Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi who was later toppled in the Islamic Revolution in 1979 led by Ayatollah Khomeini.
Mission Succeeded Kermit Roosevelt returned to the US met with President Eisenhower & members of the US national security & weeks later he was given his second assignment – to overthrow the government of Guatemala. However, another CIA agent eventually was given the task & what happened in Iran took place in Guatemala. The cost of the Iranian overthrowing operation took USD1million.
The Iran coup was the first time the US overthrew a democratically elected government. It was a relatively low cost operation as well. Without invading & committing US troops, the US managed to oust a leader whom they disliked. This blueprint came to be used & reused in all of the regime change & covert programs that the CIA came to be involved in.
1953 US coup in Iran: Lessons for Sri Lanka
.....continued 2....
The examples given in the manner that a very popular leader in a country came to be looked upon as an enemy before the very people that looked upto him spells clear dangers of what is at stake for not only Sri Lanka but any nation that the US looks to target.
Bribing state officials, private entities & even the public was a simple endeavor & just one single CIA agent succeeded to oust a government & cause chaos to an entire nation. Two countries that invoke “democracy – democratic ideals” ended up overthrowing a magnanimous leader & opening the doors to fundamentalism in Iran. No international body cared to point fingers at the wrongdoers instead these very organizations played puppet & function in the same manner even now.
These are lessons we cannot forget ever. Mossadegh was popular, he ended up having to flee for his life, Iran was a democracy & has been turned by a supposed democratic nation towards fundamentalism, bribing always wins the day & as in Irans case even “loyalists’ turned away. We know how true this is in the manner politicians cross over. We know the people who are likely to be in the “payroll” but there are others who one cannot imagine & this professes dangers for Sri Lanka & its future.
Western Critics bemoan "human rights violations" in Sri Lanka.
Yet, by one of the measures of human rights, how women are treated in a society, Sri Lanka SHINES.
In Sri Lanka ALL HIGH Government posts, including those of President, Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Ministerial Secretary, Supreme Court Justice, Attorney General have been, or are being held, by women.
In addition, in every profession in Sri Lanka ... medical doctors, engineers, lawyers, university teachers, scientists, school principals ... the list goes on ... there are nearly equal numbers of women and men.
Can Western Nations match this record of human rights? I think not!
PONDER then, why that is so, and you will conclude that it springs from the BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES & MINDSET of the MAJORITY OF CITIZENS of Sri Lanka.
This is EVIDENT when one compares the social progress in neighboring Sri Lanka and India which became independent at the same time and share a similar cultural heritage.
SRi Lankans enjoy a much higher level of social equity compared to Indians in education, health, jobs, and general quality of life.
The PRINCIPAL DIFFERENCE responsible for that DISPARITY is that the vast majority of Sri Lankans follow the tolerant and compassionate teachings of Buddhism, and are amenable supporting programs that improve the lives of the less fortunate among them.
This has led to a great increase in social equity in Sri Lanka compared to other South Asian Nations that shed the shackles of colonial bondage about 60-70 years ago.
Jayawewa, Sri Lanka ... Full Steam Ahead our own UNIQUE way!
Sri Lanka's first female Attorney General to be sworn in today
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 12, Colombo: The swearing in of Sri Lanka's first female Attorney General will take place before President Mahinda Rajapaksa today.
Solicitor General Shanthi Eva Wanasundara PC will be sworn in as the new Attorney General following approval by parliament last Friday. Wanasundara's name was proposed to the post by the President.
Wanasundara is to assume office as the 26th Attorney General in the country and will mark a milestone in the history of the Attorney Genera'�s Department that spans over a century.
Former Attorney general Mohan Peiris retired at the end of August.
Wanasundara, a graduate of University of Leicester Law School, was also reportedly the first woman Senior State Counsel, first woman Deputy Solicitor General, first woman Additional Solicitor General and the first woman Solicitor General.
Sri Lanka also has a female Supreme Court Chief Justice, Dr. Shirani Bandaranayke.
Sri Lanka will attack blatant propaganda against the country with all energy, Minister tells UNHRC
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 12, Geneva: Sri Lanka is willing to accept justified criticism and helpful comments in a constructive spirit but will assail unjustified blatant propaganda created by groups or individuals with an agenda inimical to the country with all energy at country's disposal, the Special Human Rights Envoy, Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe told the United Nations today.
Addressing the 18th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva Monday, the Minister said the international network of Sri Lanka's now defeated terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the well-organized anti-Sri Lanka diaspora is using every resource tirelessly to subject the country to unrelenting pressure.
He said the government has consistently warned against this threat and asked the friends of the country to treat the propaganda with caution and objectivity.
Quoting President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Minister said Sri Lanka is now in the process of Reconciliation and Reconstruction and all the energy and resources are diverted for that long term mission.
"Our immediate, medium and long term goals are a sustainable peace with equality, equity and the guarantee of human dignity," the Minister emphasized.
Speaking of post-war reconstruction, Samarasinghe said Sri Lanka has achieved tremendous success in the mere 2 years since the end of the war in May 2009 and the government has taken the responsibility to provide resources to rebuild the conflicted areas along with the nationwide economic development.
The government has mobilized US$ 2.01 billion to develop the North under Joint Plan for Assistance to the Northern Province, a tripartite agreement with the UN system and the civil society.
The demining efforts in the conflict areas have been progressing with the Sri Lankan Army taking the lead role, the Minister told the session. The Army supported by several international agencies has carried out 75-80 percent of successful demining operations, he said.
Infrastructure including roads, bridges, schools, water supply, health facilities that were destroyed by the LTTE has been rebuilt not just to replace them but at a vastly improved level to meet the future needs of the people of those areas, Samarasinghe explained.
Referring to the resettlement of the displaced in the conflict areas, the Minister pointed out that the government has resettled the most of the 290,000 displaced at the end of the war in May 2009 and only 7,000 are remaining to be resettled. The government has spent US$ 360 million for the resettlement program, he pointed out.
Sri Lanka will attack blatant propaganda against the country with all energy, Minister tells UNHRC
.......continued 1....
Speaking of Sri Lanka's own investigative mechanism Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) the Minister said it is inquiring in to the conflict and its causes and is evolving recommendations to ensure that such a situation never arises again in the country.
He stressed that it is critical to wait for LLRC to finish its deliberations and come up with conclusions in due time.
"Rushing the processes unduly may compromise the effectiveness of the implementation of the eventual recommendations," Samarasinghe told the HRC.
The members of LLRC are highly regarded professionals and they should be given time and sace to come up with their findings and recommendations, he emphasized.
In conclusion of his speech, the Minister, referring to the transmission of the UN Expert Panel report on Sri Lanka by the UN Secretary General's office to the office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, the failure on the part of the High Commissioner to inform the state in question - Sri Lanka is inappropriate and leads to a loss in the confidence in the office of the High Commissioner.
Noting that the incident raises serious concerns regarding the impartiality of the High Commissioner, the Minister asked the Council to discourage the practice as it will make a mockery of the Council.
More on Dengue Eradication Assistance from Sri Lanka to Pakistan.
This is a great opportunity for Sri Lanka to assist Pakistan which has been a constant and true friend of Sri Lanka.
A Friend-in-Need is a Friend-Indeed!
Sri Lankan experts to visit Pakistan tomorrow to assist for Dengue Eradication
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 12, Colombo: In response to a request from the government of Pakistan through its High Commission in Colombo the Sri Lankan government will be assisting Pakistan's fight against dengue virus, by sending 11 member expert team on 13th of September 2011, the High Commission said in a press release.
The Sri Lankan expert team of dengue eradication will be staying in Pakistan for 10-15 days and will be carrying out the need assessment and training of the Pakistan officials. In addition, the expert team will also be carrying along the equipment and insecticides to tackle the outbreak.
Looking at the growing rate of dengue patients in the Punjab province of Pakistan, the High Commission of Pakistan in Colombo requested the Sri Lankan Government to provide trained personnel to visit Pakistan for assistance and training of Pakistani medical and paramedical staff to help combat the disease.
Resultantly, in a kind gesture of friendship, the President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa personally assured the High Commissioner of Pakistan, Ms. Seema Illahi Baloch of his government's commitment to assist the government and people of Pakistan to overcome the disease outbreak.
The High Commissioner also met the Sri Lankan Minister of Health Maithripala Sirisena on Monday along with Sri Lankan Senior Government Minister A.H.M. Fowzi and other experts at the Ministry of Health. During the meeting the plans and details for the visit of the Sri Lankan expert team were discussed and finalized.
In recent weeks, the dengue fever has rapidly spread in various parts of Pakistan, however, Punjab province is the worst hit. The first case of Dengue fever in Pakistan was reported in year 1994 in Karachi. After that this disease spread slowly and in 2006 there were large number of patients affected with Dengue fever. Since then, this time it is one of the major outbreaks of the disease so far in which over 3,000 cases are reported from the provincial capital Lahore alone.
For dengue eradication in Pakistan, public health officers are keen to learn from the experience of Sri Lanka. After a 10-year peak in 2009, the Sri Lankan government declared control of the vector-borne disease a national priority. The Sri Lankan government launched an enormous community-based campaign to check the spread of dengue fever in the country. The efforts to clean up breeding grounds and spread awareness through TV channels, billboards and school children were launched. Another measure introduced by the government of Sri Lanka was the initiation of a campaign that included fines against people and businesses that fail to remove mosquito breeding areas. With these efforts they overcame the epidemic and in the process developed the expertise to handle the situation in the aftermath of any similar dengue outbreak.
Pakistan and Sri Lanka being located in the South Asian region and being members of SAARC and the United Nations are mutually important for each other. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Sri Lanka in 1948, the two countries have consistently maintained close, cordial and mutually supportive relationship in multifarious sectors. They have been helpful to each other during difficult times. The two countries share commonality of views on various issues of mutual interest.
As we predicted, US Assistant Secretary of State Blake is meeting with the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA.
Curious indeed, to see a US Assistant Secretary of State conferring with the Political Arm of a Terrorist Group BANNED in the US!
To what purpose .. we ask?
Is it to undermine, destabilize and trigger REGIME CHANGE of the popularly elected Government of Sri Lanka?
SHAME on you, Blake!
Sri Lanka Tamil party holds discussions with US Assistant Secretary of State
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 12, Colombo: Representatives of Sri Lanka's major Tamil party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) today met United States Assistant Secretary of State Robert O. Blake who is currently on a visit to Sri Lanka.
TNA Leader R. Sampanthan and parliamentarian M. Sumanthiran met with Blake, who was accompanied by the United States Ambassador to Sri Lanka Patricia Butenis and the Political Secretary to the Embassy Paul Carter. The meeting took place at the Hilton Hotel in Colombo.
Sumanthiran has said that the political solution to the ethnic issue, rehabilitation of the North and East and the humanitarian situation in the areas were discussed during the meeting with Blake.
Meanwhile, Sampanthan has said a whole gamut of issues pertaining to the national questions in the past, present and future was discussed at the meeting.
UN council to discuss rights abuse in Sri Lanka
September 12, 2011
Sri Lanka on Monday said the global community cannot raise issues of rights violations against it unless guided by "political reasons," as a top United States official arrived in Colombo coinciding with the United Nations rights council meeting to discuss alleged war crimes during the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam conflict.
The UN Human Rights Council is set to meet on Monday and on its agenda are discussions over Sri Lanka, and allegations of rights abuses in the country.
Assistant US Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Robert Blake, arrived in Colombo on a three-day visit during which he is expected to discuss with political leaders and civil society the issue that has created considerable friction between Sri Lanka and the West.
Rajiva Wijesinha, a parliamentarian and one of the government's international spokesmen, said on Monday that the country has already dismissed allegations of rights abuse levelled against it.
"We have sufficiently proved that allegations contained in the Darusman report are unsubstantiated and lacked evidence to back them," Wijesinha said. "So unless there are political reasons there cannot be any issues against Sri Lanka," he said, citing the work of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission and a report issued by the presidential task force on rehabilitation, reconstruction and reconciliation addressing the international aid agencies.
His comments came as Blake landed in Colombo. Blake is to meet government leaders, civil society and university students, diplomatic sources said.
With the reconciliation commission appointed by Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa preparing to issue its final report on November 15, Blake is likely to take keen interest in its proceedings.
The LLRC was mandated to look back at the conflict with the LTTE between February 2002 and May 2009, and is currently probing the two documentaries aired by the United Kingdom's Channel 4 television that showed footage of alleged rights violations.
The documentaries accused Sri Lanka of resorting to large scale rights abuses during the final phase of the military campaign that ended the three decades old ethnic conflict with the LTTE.
Sri Lanka has denied the accusations and has said the visuals contained in the video were a doctored version of footage showing executions of government soldiers carried out by the LTTE.
Retirement benefits for Sri Lanka's aging population could become UNSUSTAINABLE in the future.
The current retirement age of 57 is much too low, when many other industrialized nations have increased the retirement age to 65!
Moreover, it puts out to pasture experienced people at the height of their knowledge and skills! What a WASTE of human capital!
Catching Itself Young
By Amantha Perera
COLOMBO, Sep 12, 2011 (IPS) - When Sri Lanka extended the age of retirement for government workers from 55 to 57 years it defied criticism that the island’s public sector was overstaffed and needed serious downsizing.
Yet, few opposed the move in May because Sri Lanka’s ratio of working age population to non-working age had peaked in 2005, according to the World Bank. Since then it has been on the decline.
Over nine percent of Sri Lanka’s 21.5 million people are above 60 years and in the next decade that will almost double to 17 percent. By the end of this decade over 40 percent of Sri Lankans will be of non- working age.
According to the World Health Organisation Sri Lanka’s median age was 23 years in 1998 and will move to 40 years by 2025.
But, timely planning could turn this impending demographic shift towards grey into a golden opportunity, say experts.
In the next 20 years or so, Sri Lanka is likely to have a large, young workforce eager for jobs and it is up to the country’s policy makers to make the best of a window of opportunity, the experts say.
"Until the labour force starts shrinking due to the demographic transition, Sri Lanka will have an absolute cohort of young people," Diarietou Gaye, the World Bank (WB) country head for Sri Lanka, said. To make use of this one-time demographic bonus, jobs - more importantly, well-paying jobs - need to be provided to the youth, said Gaye.
The flip side of the deal is that allowing the opportunity to just pass over will not result in business as usual, but in serious socio-economic problems.
"If they (young people) are not equipped with the necessary skills, and if the economy is unable to generate sufficient numbers of good jobs, this may compromise the stability this country has gained," Gaye observed.
Stability has been rare in Sri Lanka, beset as it was by a bloody sectarian war that raged on for more than two decades and bled the economy before it ended bloodily in May 2009.
Sri Lanka needs to provide new jobs, get the private sector involved, increase the potential of the youth, and also ensure that equal opportunities exist – a tough ask, but not an impossible one, says Gaye. Creating good jobs is vital as the working population would not only have to support their children but also take care of a large, elderly and dependent population.
Researchers say that already the idea of a better paying job is critically important, even to youth already employed.
"Creating ‘better jobs’ is very important among our youth, as many of those who are migrating for work are in fact employed but suffer from low incomes," Anushka Wijesinha, lead economist at the research body Institute of Policy Studies, told IPS.
Wijesinha was part of the institute’s team that conducted a snap survey among hundreds of youth who had gathered at 29 centres across the country to apply for jobs in South Korea.
That survey reinforced the fact that even educated youth – 66 percent of those surveyed had passed the national secondary exam – and those already holding jobs were constantly on the lookout for better situations.
"Although we may be quick to assume that most of these Korean job aspirants were unemployed youth, the survey revealed that in fact the majority were already employed in Sri Lanka - around 63 percent," the survey said.
Catching Itself Young
The problem lies not so much in the level of education as in the lack of skills.
According to senior country economist at the WB, Susan Razzaz, the unemployment rate rises to 10 percent among those who have passed the secondary level exam – more than double the general rate of 4.3 percent.
"Clearly there is a mismatch, not in the level of education, but in soft skills," she told IPS.
Policy makers would need to change the country’s education system so that the skills acquired at high school and university match the demands of the job market.
Razzaz said that instances of companies unable to fill posts for lack of people with specific skills are common in Sri Lanka.
There is also a tendency among educated Sri Lankan youth to seek government jobs. Researchers say that they tend to feel secure in the public sector and display a clear aversion to taking career risks. "Graduates will need to start looking for jobs in the private sector in the future," Harsha Aturupane, lead education specialist at the Bank, told IPS.
"In addition, some of these graduates should become entrepreneurs, who will then create jobs for others," Aturupane said. (END)
Are Upcountry Politicos ORCHESTRATING SABOTAGE by estate labor promising to distribute to them the land of the GOVERNMENT OWNED TEA ESTATES THAT FAIL as a result?
Are these politicians working in COLLUSION with the Tamil Eelam project?
LTTE's promises to Greedy People ... that you can have your Tamils-only Eelam cake and eat the cake of the rest of Sri Lanka too ... created the Eelam War.
Will these NEW PROMISES of riches to Greedy Tea Estate Workers create another war in the Hill Country?
GREED will always trump GOOD SENSE in HUMANS!
Sri Lanka tea plantation companies making heavy losses; considering handing lands back to government
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 11, Colombo: Eleven out of 21 major tea plantation companies of Sri Lanka have reportedly incurring heavy losses for a number of years.
The losses of these companies are estimated to be an average of around Rs. 40 per kilo of tea, sources say.
Sources of the plantation sector say that the losses of these companies got worsened due to the 27 percent pay hike to plantation employees and the global decline in tea prices.
Meanwhile, the companies say they are considering to hand back these tea estates to the government.
Some politicians in the plantation areas openly say that the land of tea estates will be distributed among the plantation workers one acre per each if the companies fall due to losses. It has also caused lack of interest in the employees to contribute to production productively, company management says.
Dalits turned violent says Jayalalitha, Chief Minister of TamilNadu, India, defending police firing on a Dalit crowd, killing six.
If this happened in Sri Lanka, for example because Northern Tamils egged on by the TNA about Fake "Grease Devils" attempting to get rid of Security Forces so they can rearm for terrorism again, Jayalalitha would SEVERELY CONDEMN the Sri Lankan Security Forces and the Government of Sri Lanka.
That is how DOUBLE STANDARDS are applied by RACIST HYPOCRITES among the TamilNadu leaders.
Security is SACROSANCT in Tamil Nadu, but can be DISPENSED WITH in Sri Lanka!
Jayalalithaa defends Paramakudi police firing
September 11, 2011
RAMANATHAPURAM (TN): Five persons were today killed in police firing at Paramakudi, 40 km from here, when a mob of Dalits turned violent, setting ablaze vehicles and blocking traffic following the detention of their leader, John Pandian at Vallanadu in Tuticorin district.
Violence broke out after news spread that Pandian had been detained at Tuticorin en route to Paramakudi to pay homage on the death anniversary of Dalit leader Imanuel Sekar.
Police used tear gas and lathi-charge before firing at the crowd at Paramakudi.
Prohibitory orders under Section 144 CrPC have been promulgated in Ramanathapuram district and police officially confirmed the death of five persons in the violence.
Four of the deceased have been identified as Jayapal, Panneerselvam, Manickam and Ganesan, while the fifth is yet to be identified, they said. About 50 others were also injured in the violence, they added.
Police said several people, including DIG Sandeep Mittal, Superintendent of Police Senthil Velan and DSP Ganesan were injured and rushed to the Government Hospital.
More than 15 vehicles, including a crowd control vehicle were set ablaze.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa defended the police firing and blamed some people for disrupting law and order "for their own political gains."
"The protesters indulged in largescale violence and torched police vehicles. Police opened fire in self defence and to protect public property as they threw petrol bombs," she said in a statement, describing the violent protest as "highly condemnable".
Jayalalithaa also announced Rs one lakh compensation from the Chief Minister's Relief Fund to the next of kin of those killed.
Local police personnel said they had to open fire at the mob as lathi-charge and lobbing of tear gas shells had proved ineffective. Even opening fire in the air did not have any effect on the protestors, they said.
All shops and business establishments in most parts of Ramanathapuram district were closed and bus services stopped.
Local Dalit leaders blamed police for not making proper arrangements to manage the huge crowd expected for paying homage to the Dalit leader. They alleged that only 400 policemen were deployed in the area.
Though police said the situation in the district was normal, there was sporadic violence at different parts of Ramanathapuram including at Muthukulathur, Sikkal and 14 other places.
Police reinforcement has been sent to the district to monitor the situation closely and armed policemen have been posted at sensitive areas.
Meanwhile, three trains - Madurai-Rameswaram Passenger, Karakkudi-Manamadurai DEMU Special and Rameswaram-Madurai Passenger - were cancelled following the incident.
Even the MOST POPULOUS non-Western Nations in the world are UNWILLING TO COLLABORATE in the ILLEGAL New Western Strategy to Demonize, Invade, Occupy, and Change Regimes in other countries on VARIOUS PRETEXTS to Preserve their Neo-Colonialist Hegemony in the World.
Iraq and Libya today JOINS A LONG LIST ... but NOT FOR LONG in the Future as the GLOBAL BALANCE OF POWER shifts from the West to the East!
U.S. ‘Not Encouraged’ by India, South Africa, Brazil at UN
By Nicole Gaouette
September 13, 2011
The U.S. has not been encouraged by the performance of India, Brazil and South Africa during their temporary tenure on the UN Security Council, Ambassador Susan Rice said yesterday.
Splits between the so-called IBSA group of countries and the U.S. arose as protest movements swept the Middle East. India and Brazil, along with Russia, China and Germany, abstained from a UN resolution that formed the legal basis for military intervention in Libya.
As Syria sent troops out to suppress protesters, Brazil, India and South Africa blocked UN moves to pressure the Assad regime and sent diplomats to Damascus last month to engage leaders there. All three countries are serving two-year temporary terms on the Security Council and aspire to permanent seats, a goal the U.S. may block.
“It’s been a very interesting opportunity to see how they respond to the issues of the day, how they relate to us and others, how they do or don’t act consistent with their own democratic institutions and stated values,” Rice said at a briefing with reporters. “Let me just say, we’ve learned a lot and, frankly, not all of it encouraging.”
Rice said that issues related to the protection of human rights, democracy and the protection of civilians raised U.S. concerns about the IBSA group.
“Whether in the context of Libya, or Cote d’Ivoire or Sudan even,” Rice said, the countries have taken positions “that one might not have anticipated, given that each of them come out of strong and proud democratic traditions.”
Post-Colonial Viewpoints
That criticism is simplistic, said Fabienne Hara, the vice president of multilateral affairs at the International Crisis Group. Hara, who recently returned from meetings in Brazil and consults widely with other diplomats, said the IBSA countries approached the Libya situation with their own set of concerns.
“They were all quite surprised that this turned into a NATO-led operation with a bombing campaign, with a variety of targets including Tripoli,” Hara said.
U.S. ‘Not Encouraged’ by India, South Africa, Brazil at UN
......continued 1......
For countries with colonial histories that now champion non-interference, as India and Brazil do, the NATO action had ugly historical echoes, said Mark Quarterman, director of the program on Crisis, Conflict and Cooperation at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
“There’s almost a third-world sense, a post-colonial sense, that they were meddled in, in ways that didn’t redound to their benefit, and now the same countries are claiming humanitarian reasons for meddling,” Quarterman said.
The IBSA countries have pointed out that while there was an arms embargo and a call for a cease-fire, it applied to Qaddafi’s forces, while France sent arms to the Libyan rebels.
An oil embargo was put in place against Qaddafi and his officials, while Qatar helped the rebels sell oil with the NATO- led coalition’s awareness.
All this led to concern about what the UN would do when Syrians began taking to the streets. “The reason why there is no resolution on Syria now is because of Libya,” Hara said, “the aftermath of this very bitter debate that members of the Security Council had after the Libya bombing.
‘‘They were extremely reluctant to authorize any kind of resolution that could be the first step to’’ another Western intervention, Hara said.
Brett Schaefer, an analyst at the Heritage Foundation, said that political positions of South Africa, India and Brazil should not come as any surprise.
‘Not Democratic’ Alliances
‘‘Most often, they’ve chosen to ally themselves with countries that are not democratic, are not politically free and are not economically free, and at times have shown themselves to be hostile to promoting those very values in the United Nations,’’ Schaefer said in a telephone interview.
Schaeffer said that the IBSA countries’ performance serves as a counterargument for those who say the Security Council is not representative of the world.
Expanding the Council ‘‘doesn’t mean it would be more effective or responsive to the world’s problems, nor possess the will or inclination to act than the current council as it stands,” Schaeffer said. “There’s a great deal of evidence to indicate the opposite: That a larger security council would be more paralyzed, less likely to act to address political crises around the world.”
It is TRULY AMAZING how certain foreign officials PRESUME TO HAVE AUTHORITY over Sri Lanka's internal security matters.
Does any other country have ANY right to approve or disapprove the US Government's policy and decisions on Defence Matters including the War on Terrorism?
If not, what right has Robert Blake to INTERFERE in Sri Lanka's security matters, especially when a debilitating 30-year war has just been successfully ended, and the SECURITY THREATS to Sri Lanka remain in a heightened state on many fronts?
These BUSYBODIES are a CURSE on Small Developing Nations in the world with their HYPOCRITICAL DOUBLE STANDARDS and SELF-SERVING AGENDAS!
Alleged militarization of north and LLRC discussed
By Dianne Silva
Setember 13, 2011
US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake met President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday and discussed the alleged militarization of the north and the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) which is to be released in November. External Affairs Minister G. L. Peiris speaking to Daily Mirror said the president had dispelled any myths held by Mr. Blake that there was militarization of the North. “We told him that there was no such thing. There were military camps in the north like everywhere else in the island and that such a presence was necessary, as is the case in other countries,” he said.
Mr. Blake had inquired about the LLRC report and the president had assured him that the report would be out mid-November and that the government would decide on its next course of action based on this report.
He had further called on the international community to not prejudge the report but to view it objectively and dispassionately, according to Prof. Peiris.
Mr. Blake had also been shown the responses to the UN Panel report by two independent bodies in Sri Lanka: the Marga Institute and the Chambers of Commerce.
Those present at the meeting included Prof Peiris and Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga. They informed Mr. Blake that talks with the Tamil National Alliance would resume on Friday. “We informed him that these talks would resume and this would carry forward the continuous and constructive dialogue between the two groups. He was very interested in this,” said Prof. Peiris. Meanwhile Mr. Blake had made three positive assertions about developments in the country since his last visit here. “He was very happy about the resettlement programme and stated that it was very successful. He praised the fact that from 300,000 in Menik farm the number has now come down to 10,000,” the minister said. Mr. Blake had made positive statements about the government’s aiding development of the livelihoods of the people in the north through loans by the state banks. “He told us that it was very clear to the US that the local government elections in the north were carried out in a free and fair manner and we gave him assurances that the provincial council elections would also be held in the north by the end of next year,” said Prof. Peiris. The work being carried out in the north by USAID in collaboration with the government had also been discussed.
Mr. Blake is to visit Jaffna today and meet government officials, civil society leaders and university students, a US Embassy official told Daily Mirror. Prior to his departure he will have a wrap up meeting with the External Affairs Minister and the presidential secretary on Wednesday.
However he did not meet Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe and will not meet with him today.
Talks with TNA on national questions
By Hafeel Farisz
September 11, 2011
The United States Assistant Secretary of State Robert O. Blake who is on a visit to Sri Lanka met Tamil National Alliance (TNA) leader R. Sampanthan and parliamentarian M. Sumanthiran at the Hilton Hotel in Colombo yesterday. Mr. Sampanthan said issues pertaining to the national question and other matters were discussed at the meeting.
Mr. Blake was accompanied by the US Ambassador Patricia Butenis and Political Secretary Paul Carter.
“It was a cordial and constructive meeting in which we discussed a whole gamut of issues,” Mr. Sampanthan said but when asked about the outcome of the meeting he was noncommittal.
“We don’t make decisions based on these meetings however, we understand both positions and it was a very useful exchange of views,” he said and added that the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report, which was due in November was not the main item on the agenda. “It was referred to in passing,” Mr. Sampanthan said.
Bravo, Government of Sri Lanka!
This BARBAROUS PRACTICE must be ENDED FORTHWITH, and the Laws of the Land against unnecessary cruelty to Animals MUST BE ENFORCED!
This practice brings generally non-violent religion of HINDUISM into DISREPUTE!
Government minister intervenes to stop animal sacrifice in a famous Hindu temple in Sri Lanka
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 13, Chilaw: A Sri Lankan minister has today prevented the sacrifice of animals at a famous Hindu temple in Chilaw in northwestern Sri Lanka by "rescuing" the animals.
Public Relations and Public Affairs Minister Mervyn Silva had intervened and taken the animals brought for slaughter at the Sri Bhadra Kali Amman Kovil in Munneswaram, Chilaw to the police.
Silva had taken few tractors from the town to take the animals to the Chilaw Police.
Silva had asked the people at the kovil why they had brought animals to be sacrificed saying there was no need to sacrifice animals.
Meanwhile, Chilaw Additional District Judge R.M. Jayawardana has issued a court order temporarily suspending the annual rituals of animal sacrifice at the famous kovil.
What? Blake hounded by "Human Rights" protestors? LoL!
Protest in Sri Lanka's North against the visit of US Assistant Secretary of State
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 13, Jaffna: The United States Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake, Jr. toured the conflict-affected areas in Northern Sri Lanka today and met with community leaders and students.
A group of demonstrators meanwhile, held a protest outside the American Center in the Northern city of Jaffna against Blake's visit demanding that the US be probed for war crimes in Iraq and other alleged crimes committed by US.
Reports from Jaffna said that some members of the EPDP protested outside the American Center in Jaffna carrying anti-US placards and had also protested against Blake's comments on WikiLeaks against EPDP Leader and Minister Douglas Devananda.
Reportedly Blake's vehicle was blocked by the protesters forcing him to delay a meeting with the student leaders.
The US official toured Jaffna to observe the progress of construction work and met with the students of the Jaffna University. He also visited the office of the Uthayan newspaper.
Diplomatic Terror
Wimal says it like it really is.
Indeed, Robert Blake's agenda is geared to undermining and destabilizing Sri Lanka through supporting dissatisfied opposition fringe groups.
Wimal warns of US move to meddle with SL universities
By Shamindra Ferdinando
September 13, 2011
National Freedom Front (NFF) leader Wimal Weerawansa, MP, alleged that the US was now making an effort to influence the student community as part of its overall strategy to undermine post-war Sri Lanka.
Minister Weerawansa warned of political instability unless the government took effective measures to counter the US initiative.
Addressing a public meeting at Maharagama last week, Weerawansa said student grievances could be exploited by interested parties to cause chaos.
The Colombo District MP said that India and the West had adopted a two-pronged strategy, with giving political power to those who represented the interests of the now defeated LTTE being the first objective.
"Their second goal is devolution of powers on the basis of 13th Amendment to the Constitution. They are obviously pushing the Rajapaksa administration to go beyond the 13th Amendment," he said.
Although the Opposition was no longer in a position to challenge the government, those wanting to haul Sri Lanka before an international war crimes investigation would exploit the student community, the minister said.
He attacked visiting US Assistant Secretary of State Robert O. Blake for meeting a group of University students during his three-day visit here. The one-time JVP firebrand said that there hadn’t been previous meetings between visiting US State Department officials and student leaders during eelam war IV, though visitors met representatives of the Tamil National Alliance and civil society organizations.
An irate Weerawansa said that the student community could be used to cause chaos in Colombo and create a situation that would pave the way for foreign intervention. The MP alleged that some foreign powers seemed to be exploring the possibility of an intervention similar to that of NATO intervention in Libya.
The NFF chief lashed out at the JVP, TNA and other political elements for facilitating the US move. Weerawansa said that the recent lifting of the emergency regulations would strengthen the hands of those disruptive elements. In spite of eradicating the LTTE’s conventional military capability, the country was being targeted by godfathers of terrorism, he said.
The NFF leader said that the government shouldn’t give in to those demanding withdrawal of major bases in the Northern and Eastern Provinces in the wake of lifting of emergency. Had that happened, it would rapidly create the conditions for fresh separatist campaign, which may overwhelm the State, he said.
EU complicity in move targeting Lanka revealed
By Shamindra Ferdinando
September 13, 2011
In spite strong objections by Sri Lanka, UNSG Ban Ki-moon has transmitted the report of his Advisory Panel on Sri Lanka to the Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, President of the UN Human Rights Council Ms Laura Dupay Lasserre (Uruguay representative) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Authoritative government sources told The Island that the UN had made its controversial move at the behest of a group of countries and foreign and local NGOs bent on punishing Sri Lanka for eradicating the LTTE.
Sources alleged that some countries had ganged up against Sri Lanka and were making an effort to undermine post-war development process.
Responding to a query, sources said the UNSG’s move had been revealed by a top EU delegate at a luncheon meeting in Geneva on Sept 9. The revelation came soon after External Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris and Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe, Special Envoy of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, briefed 29 member states of the Human Rights Council. Hadn’t the EU delegate divulged the move, the Sri Lankan delegation wouldn’t have known the UNSG’s decision until the transmission of the so-called ‘Darusman report.’
Sources said that the EU representative had unwittingly revealed the move.
Human Rights Council chief Ms Lasserre, who had been present at the Sept.9 meeting, too, hadn’t been aware of the decision in spite of her being one of the recipients.
Sources alleged that the EU, which had denied GSP plus facility citing accountability issues, was among those pushing for an independent war crimes probe.
Asked whether the Sri Lankan delegation had discussed the issue with UN Human Rights Council chief Ms Lasserre before the inauguration of the 18th Sessions of the council in Geneva, sources said Ministers Peiris and Samarasinghe met Ms Lasserre for an hour before the Sept. 9 luncheon meeting. Sources said that there hadn’t been any reference to the UNSG’s move by the President of the Human Rights Council.
Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe, in a statement at the UNHRC sessions on Monday called the failure on the part of the UN Human rights High Commissioner to inform Sri Lanka of that decision, ‘wholly inappropriate’, while pointing out that it might ‘lead to a loss of confidence in the Office of the High Commissioner’.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa and External Affairs Minister Peiris would take up the issue at the forthcoming UNGA in New York, sources said.
Minister Peiris during his interactions in Geneva emphasized that the report of the UNSG’s Advisory Panel on Sri Lanka did not have the sanction of any inter-governmental body and it had been purely an exercise on the prerogative of the UNSG. Minister Peiris said that such a report couldn’t be brought to the attention of the Council by the circumvention of procedure purely to humiliate the government of Sri Lanka.
Play the GAME, but don't expect the PUPPET UN to be IMPARTIAL!!
Powerful HYPOCRITICAL countries are pulling the strings of the UN PUPPET, and its PUPPET Secretary General, pursuing their Global Neo-Colonialist Agenda. All PRETEXTS are used to PUNISH nations that STEP OUT OF LINE!
The Current United Nations NO LONGER SERVES the ASPIRATIONS of Developing Nations.
IT IS TIME that an New UNION OF NATIONS, that is free of Neo-Colonialist Domination, is CREATED to REPLACE the current United Nations, under the leadership of China, Russia, India, Brazil, Japan, South Africa and Indonesia.
All Developing Countries should WITHDRAW FROM & BOYCOTT the UN!
If NO ONE COMES TO THEIR Neo-Colonialist PARTY ... the UN will COLLAPSE!
Sri Lankan delegation asks HR high commissioner to be impartial
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 13, Geneva: The Sri Lankan delegation, led by the special envoy for human rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe, to the 18th sessions of UN Human Rights Council met with the High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Navanethem Pillay in Geneva Tuesday and asked her to follow an impartial policy on Sri Lankan affairs.
Minister Samarasinghe has pointed out that the statement made by Ms. Pillay Monday on Sri Lankan affairs cannot be accepted under any circumstances and it was malicious at this juncture when the country is making progress towards the reconciliation and the government has taken many steps to safeguard human rights.
The Minister has asked the HR commissioner to be impartial and treat all countries in an equal manner.
Minister Samarasinghe expressed concern that the decision by the UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon to send his Expert Panel report on Sri Lanka to the HRC and the Commissioner was not relayed to the country and the delegation came to know of the decision through a third party.
Ministers Nimal Siripala de Silva and Anura Priyadarshana Yapa, and the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva Ms. Tamara Kunanayakam also participated in the discussion.
(Photos by Sudath Silva)
The Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA are FIGHTING HARD to DISMANTLE the SECURITY BARRIERS to their resurrecting the ARMED Eelamist murder & mayhem.
This is what happens when TRAITORS are allowed to go UNPUNISHED!
PROSECUTE & PUNISH the TNA for their TREASONOUS ACTS of the last 30-years!
TNA to file legal action
By Kelum Bandara
September 14, 2011
The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) is to file legal action this week against the imposition of regulations under the Prevention of Terrorism Act from August 30, party MP M.A. Sumanthiran said yesterday.
Mr. Sumanthiran told the Daily Mirror though President Mahinda Rajapaksa announced the lifting of the state of emergency, the government had introduced a separate set of legislations to do what they previously did under the emergency regulations.
On that principle, he said, the TNA would go to courts this week. The new regulations under the PTA seek to proscribe the LTTE and the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization. Also, the new regulations seek to take action against LTTE suspects and remandees.
The POT calling the KETTLE Black!
Robert Blake should FOCUS on defending the United States against War Crimes Charges rather than accusing other countries of it.
The FAKE TRUMPED UP charges aganst Sri Lanka pale in comparison to the RAPE OF IRAQ with over ONE MILLION people killed, the ILLEGAL destruction of Libya, and the CONTINUING "collateral damage" of PREDATOR DRONE assaults in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Send troops on foot to accurately identify and take out terrorists as Sri Lanka did. Do not use missiles from afar to destroy entire communities!
Furthermore, Total US Aid to Sri Lanka in the last year is less than $30 million.
Does this PITTANCE IN AID give LICENSE to meddle in Sri Lanka's internal affairs?
US official wants Sri Lanka reconciliation commission to address war crime allegations
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 14, Colombo: A top United States official Wednesday urged Sri Lanka's reconciliation commission appointed by the President to address the war crime allegations raised in the United Nations report prepared by a Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka's armed conflict that ended in May 2009.
Addressing a press conference in Colombo at the end of his visit to Sri Lanka, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Robert O. Blake, Jr. said the UN report points to "the need for a comprehensive national reconciliation process that includes a full, credible and independent accounting of and accountability for those who violated international humanitarian law."
"We hope that the LLRC report will address the allegations raised in the Panel of Experts report," Blake said.
The UN Secretary-General has sent the report of the Expert Panel, appointed by him to advise on the accountability issue to the Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner of Human Rights Ms. Navi Pillay. The government has rejected the UN report saying it is flawed and based on unsubstantiated information.
The US Assistant Secretary who was on a three-day visit to Sri Lanka toured the conflict affected North and met with the military commander, NGOs and students of Jaffna University.
In Colombo, Blake met with the President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris and representatives of major Tamil party Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and the major opposition UNP.
The former U.S. ambassador to Sri Lanka noted the progress made in the North since his departure in May 2009. He observed that most of the Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) have left the camps and democratic process has taken place in the North with the local council elections.
the official has observed the work that has been done in the North to re-open schools, improve infrastructure, and remove mines
Blake said he was pleased that the government and the TNA are resuming the talks on power devolution and other concerns.
Emphasizing the need to improve the human rights situation in the country, the U.S. official said an important part of reconciliation and returning people's lives to normal in the North is an improvement in human rights.
He noted the progress made in disarming paramilitary groups in the country and urged the authorities to put an end to the Grease Devil incidents that threaten the security, mostly, in the North. He asked the authorities to deploy Tamil police to the North so the military no longer needs to perform these functions. Blake also expressed concerned about attacks on journalists.
US official wants Sri Lanka reconciliation commission to address war crime allegations
Referring to the humanitarian assistance the U.S. is providing to the country, Blake said the U.S. is prioritizing its assistance plans.
He noted that the U.S. is investing $20 million to partner with the private sector to create 20,000 jobs in horticulture, dairy, apparel, aquaculture, logistics and construction sectors in the North and East.
The U.S. has contributed $1.4 million in the last year to support transitional housing across the North and provided $5 million over the past 12 months to the World Food Program in Sri Lanka.
Blake reiterated the support for demining operations in the war-torn land for the remaining IDPs to return to their homes.
Murugan, Nalini meet in Vellore prison
September 11, 2011
VELLORE: Murugan, one of the three men facing execution in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, was allowed to meet his wife Nalini at Vellore prison on Saturday. The meeting lasted for 30 minutes at the women’s cell.
The couple had been convicted for working on a plot to kill the former prime minister in 1991.
Nalini was brought back to Vellore prison at her request to meet her husband. A year ago she was transfered to the prison in Puzhal near Chennai after she complained of harrassment by prison officials in Vellore.
The three men have been in the news headlines after President Pratibha Patil rejected their mercy petition last month and their execution was set for September 9. But the Madras High Court postponed the execution by eight weeks on an appeal from the convicts.
Nalini was also awarded the death penalty but her mercy plea was accepted and her sentence was commuted to life term in 2000. Her lawyer Pugazhendi also met her and Murugan separately at the prison.
He said the couple’s daughter Harithra, a student in London, is likely to get a visa soon to meet them.
'Accept SC verdict on Rajiv Gandhi killers’
September 14, 2011
PUDUCHERRY: The Supreme Court verdict on the conviction of three accused in Rajiv Gandhi Assassination case should be accepted by all political parties and other outfits, said Union Minister of State for PMO, Pensions and Grievance cell, said Minister of State for the Prime Minister’s Office, Pension, Public grievance, V Narayanasamy.
Referring to agitations held for saving the convicted trio, he said that he Supreme Court which was not in favour of Capital punishment, gave it on rarest of occasions where it is absolutely required, said Narayanasamy
Along with Rajiv Gandhi another 15 Tamilians had been killed and this should not be forgotten ,said Narayanasamy. He said that Rajiv Gandhi has tried to establish peace in Sri Lanka and political rights of Tamilians in the island nation, but regretted that he got assassinated. Naming some LTTE leaders he said that they had been responsible for killing Tamil leaders in Sri Lanka who were opposed to them.
Narayanaswamy slammed the BJP for stalling Parliament during the recent monsoon session over corruption issue even as it was facing ‘rampant corruption’ in the party-ruled Karnataka and other states.
“While the BJP is facing rampant corruption charges in Karnataka and other states, they are not allowing the Parliament to carry out its activities under the pretext of fighting corruption, he told reporters.
My Comment at on DELAYS in execution of Rajiv Gandhi's killers:
Questioning Centre on planned hanging of trio, Tamilnet rakes up Sarabjit issue
India is a helpless giant, totally incapable of protecting itself against terrorists and killers of both its leaders and its ordinary citizens.
If India cannot carry out a sentence sanctioned by its Supreme Court, after lengthy hearings in its courts, and still hems and haws after 21 long years, India will never be able to protect its citizens. It is too political, too weak, too indecisive!
No wonder that a broad swathe of India, inhabited by 850 million citizens, is dominated by Naxalite and other terrorists, with terrorists ruling by night the land the forces of law and order only protect by day.
Unless India finds the will and determination to deliver justice to its innocent law-abiding citizens in a TIMELY and EFFECTIVE way, India will not be able to become the much balleyhooed economic power feared in the West, nor the promise of greatness and glory that beckoned in 1947. Without Law & Order ... no progress, no nation building, is possible.
from: Ananda Sinha
Posted on: Sep 15, 2011 at 01:24 IST
AUSTRALIA says ENOUGH! Lauds Sri Lanka for thwarting FAKE REFUGEES who FLOUT Australia's Immigration Laws.
Preservation of FAKE REFUGEE STATUS is ONE REASON for Tamil Diaspora's URGE to DEMONIZE Sri Lanka with War Crimes Charges!
That CLAIM is being DEMOLISHED STONE by STONE by Sri Lanka and the UNWILLING TARGETED "host" countries.
Also, What BRUTALITY in "camps" is this addle pated fool of a journalist talking about? He speaks as if there are still IDPs. There are NONE!
NO COUNTRY has taken better care of its war displaced people than Sri Lanka.
These journalists are UNPATRIOTIC ... preventing their own country ... AUSTRALIA from enforcing the Laws of the Land!
No Nation can Long Survive with uncontrolled massive ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!
Sri Lankan navy thwarts refugees
September 15, 2011
AUSTRALIA has lauded a crackdown by the Sri Lankan navy that stopped a boat carrying 44 people fleeing the strife-torn country to Australia, prompting a sharp rebuke from human rights advocates.
Australia's high commissioner in Colombo, Kathy Klugman, issued a statement praising the Sri Lankan police and navy for picking up the boat in rough seas on Sunday as it set out on the perilous 5500 kilometre journey.
The spectre of boats departing directly from Sri Lanka to Australia is a nightmare for Labor's already stressed asylum seeker policy, raising the prospect of more people on the open seas.
But the tone of the statement - congratulating the Sri Lankan government, which stands accused of war crimes in its bitter civil war with Tamil separatists - has drawn fire from refugee advocates in Australia as ''disgraceful'' and ''extraordinary''.
John Dowd, a former NSW Liberal attorney-general and president of the International Commission of Jurists, said Australia was ignoring the right of people to seek asylum. ''It is likely these asylum seekers will be treated harshly when all they have done is exercise a legal right,'' Mr Dowd said. ''People who are desperate to get away from Sri Lanka know that it is a dangerous enterprise coming by sea. We Australians praise ourselves as great humanitarians - this is hardly an example of compassion.''
Thousands of Tamils were displaced during fierce fighting in the last months of the civil war in 2009, with continuing reports of brutality in camps in the north and east of the country.
The fallout is also damaging Sri Lanka's international reputation, with a former army general posted as a diplomat to Germany recalled to Colombo this week amid claims he was involved in war crimes.
The United Nations has since recognised more than 140,000 Sri Lankans as refugees around the world.
Paul Power, from the Refugee Council of Australia, said there was no evidence Australia considered the people on the boat might have been fleeing persecution. ''It is possible the people on the boat may not have a strong refugee claim, but it's possible they may. No one knows,'' he said.
Sri Lankan navy thwarts refugees
......continued 1....
In the statement, Ms Klugman welcomes the ''interception of a people smuggling boat''. It goes on: ''The effectiveness of Sri Lankan security forces' co-ordinated work is demonstrated by the facts: no boat has reached Australia from Sri Lanka since November 2009 …
''People smugglers are only interested in profit. On several occasions, people have lost their lives trying to make the journey to Australia.''
Phil Lynch, from the Human Rights Law Centre, accused Australia of speaking with a ''forked tongue'' on Sri Lanka. He said the praise for stopping the boat was at odds with calls by Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd to take action on human rights in Sri Lanka.
A Foreign Affairs department spokeswoman last night said ''It is government policy to work closely with other countries in our region to disrupt dangerous people smuggling journeys where possible, before they leave the waters of the departure country.'
This is a GOOD FIRST STEP towards ENFORCING Diplomatic Protocol.
Now, if only we can convince Robert Blake to abide by Diplomatic Protocol as well, and avoid plotting to UNDERMINE Sri Lanka with various fringe groups in the country.
MR: Diplomats breach protocol
By Kelum Bandara
September 15, 2011
President Mahinda Rajapaksa informed Cabinet last evening that heads of diplomatic missions breach protocol by meeting various
departmental heads and directors, bypassing the subject ministers, to canvass for various projects.
President Rajapaksa instructed External Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris to tell those diplomats not to breach protocol in this manner. .
The president said there were instances when the subject ministers and ministry secretaries were totally unaware of such canvassing by diplomats of department heads and other top officials. He further noted that the diplomats who were guilty of such breaches of protocol were often those who represented countries that faulted Sri Lanka on good governance issues.
The president said that countries such as China never resorted to such tactics.
“China never tries to pinpoint Sri Lanka on good governance issues either,” he said.
AS USUAL, the BLIND HYPOCRITES posing as journalists at The Economist prostitute themselves on behalf of their paymasters in the Tamil Eelamist Diaspora, and Western Governments engaged in preserving their Neo-Colonialist Hegemony in the World.
Sri Lanka's government under pressure: Turning the screw
September 15, 2011
THE United States is not in the business of threatening its friends, said Robert O. Blake, US assistant secretary of state, in Colombo on September 14th. But, he added, smiling placidly, there will be pressure. If a domestic commission appointed by Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka’s president, does not provide credible answers to allegations of war crimes committed by the military, demands for “some sort of alternative mechanism” will mount.
Ever since its war with Tamil Tiger rebels ended horrifically in 2009, the government has fended off calls for international action. On September 12th, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sent a damning dossier about the war’s conduct to the UN Human Rights Council and to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Produced in March 2010 by experts that Mr Ban appointed, it finds credible allegations of war crimes perpetrated by the military and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. It says troops shelled areas where civilians were encouraged to gather and systematically fired on hospitals.
The government rejected the panel and the report. It declined, too, Mr Ban’s invitation to respond formally to the charges. Instead, the defence ministry released its own 170-page version of the ‘humanitarian operation’, as the government calls it. In it, the Sri Lankan government finally admitted it was impossible to avoid civilian casualties in a battle of such magnitude. Mr Ban also referred this document to the council and to the commissioner.
The 47-member council can now decide what to do with both. One of the options that might be considered, particularly by European countries backed by the US, is a resolution against Sri Lanka at the council’s sessions in March 2011. Another is a fact-finding mission to Sri Lanka.
The government is already marshalling its friends to block or vote down a resolution. Foremost among them are China, Russia and Pakistan, all of whom funnelled stashes of weapons to Sri Lanka during the war. Colombo is also likely to benefit from the composition of the HRC; the majority of members are developing African, Asian and Latin American states with their own civil conflicts to battle and an aversion to Western involvement.
A fact-finding mission will get nowhere if the government refuses visas to its members; indeed, Mr Ban’s expert panel was denied entry despite repeated requests. But diplomats warn that such intransigence will only harden the position of countries who want to see accountability for war crimes.
Sri Lanka's government under pressure: Turning the screw
This is already being felt. Swiss media said on September 14th that Sri Lanka has recalled one of its diplomats to Colombo over accusations of involvement in war crimes. Jagath Dias, a former frontline army commander, was posted in Berlin as deputy ambassador to Germany. The mission is also accredited to Switzerland.
Sri Lanka said he was returning at the end of his term. In response to a parliamentary question, the Swiss government said on August 31st that it had raised the allegations against Mr Dias with Sri Lanka through a demarche but did not reveal details.
Others might follow if Sri Lanka’s domestic mechanism—the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission—fails to stand the test. Rights groups have already dismissed this exercise saying its mandate does not explicitly require the commission to investigate alleged war crimes.
Indeed, the government never said it would. Mahinda Samarasinghe, President Rajapaksa’s human rights envoy, told the HRC on September 12th, that the commission was “inquiring into the conflict and its causes” and would make recommendations to ensure “such a situation never arises again in Sri Lanka”.
This would fall well short of the accountability expected. And prattle about recommendations is irrelevant when even the five simple suggestions made a year ago in the commission’s interim report—none of them to do with answering for war crimes—go largely ignored.
My Comment on the article:
AS USUAL, BLIND HYPOCRITES posing as journalists at The Economist prostitute themselves on behalf of their paymasters in the Tamil Eelamist Diaspora, and in Western Governments engaged in preserving their Neo-Colonialist Hegemony in the World.
Those who accepted the deaths of over 1 million Filipinos in wresting Manila from 20,000 Imperial Japanese Navy troops in WW-II, waged aggressive war on Iraq on a false WMD charge that reaped the deaths of an estimated 200,000 to over 1 million Iraqi citizens, demonized Gaddafi unfairly and masterminded the NATO bombing and invasion of Libya under the guise of propagating "democracy" to capture and control its oil resources, and routinely accept as "collateral damage" the deaths of hundreds innocents in Predator Drone attacks from afar, instead of accurately targeting the terrorists with foot soldiers as Sri Lanka did in its war against the LTTE terrorists, and who to this day lionize Gen. Tecumseh Sherman for his bringing the Confederacy to its kneesby his destructive March From Savannah to the Sea, DARE TO PIOUSLY PONTIFICATE about "war crimes" of other nations.
Motivated by Tamil Diaspora vote banks, bus loads of campaign contributions by terrorist networks to AMBITIOUS POLITICIANS ever in search of RE-ELECTION to POSITIONS OF GREATER PERSONAL POWER, and the perceived need to CONTAIN China and gain favor with India's Tamil community in that QUEST, albeit interfering and undermining India's integrity in that process, these Western Critics of Sri Lanka PROSTITUTE themselves playing a new version of the GREAT GAME of an earlier age.
In the process, they throw to the wolves THE ONLY REAL DEMOCRACY in South Asia that shares their LOVE OF DEMOCRACY, and has preserved its democratic principles through war and peace since independence, that has succeeded in completely ERADICATING terrorism from its land after suffering agonizing terrorism for 30 long years.
Through its own efforts, with great sacrifice in blood and treasure, Sri Lanka rid itself of a terrorist plague against which the pain of America's 9/11 disaster pales into insignificance. The first World Trade Center bombing did not happen in America; it was in Colombo, Sri Lanka!
What message does this kind of penalizing democratic Sri Lanka for eradicating terrorism, by the leading Western democracies, convey to other emerging developing nations striving towards democracy themselves? It says that the chanted mantra of "democracy" by these Western powers is PURE HOGWASH, a MERE FIGLEAF to clothe and sanctify their Neo-Colonialist ploys designed to preserve and perpetuate their grasp on the resources of the world, and they are NOT TO BE TRUSTED or BELIEVED. This DEMOCRACY CHANT is a red-herring designed merely to confuse others and preserve their own economic and military advantages, while they set about undermining and destroying all those who do dare to act independently of them, as Sri Lanka did, to preserve those very democratic goals.
To that end, these Western Powers manipulate the UNITED NATIONS like a PUPPET on a String, as they do NOW under the pliant puppet Ban Ki-Moon now, and ignore the United Nations directives when they cannot, as they did THEN during the invasion of Iraq when Kofi Annan was the UN Secretary General.
SHAME on The Economist for participating in this HYPOCRITICAL WITCH HUNT ... throwing journalistic probity to the winds.
If Tamil Nadu imposes "economic sanctions" on Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka should return the favor by SEVERING all economic and transportation links with Tamil Nadu.
Let them STEW in their own juice!
Actually, this would make Sri Lanka MORE SECURE!
AIADMK stages walkout in Puducherry Assembly over Sri Lanka issue
August 30, 2011
The AIADMK Thursday staged a walkout in the Puducherry Assembly after Speaker V Sabapathy declined permission to table a private member resolution seeking economic sanctions against Sri Lanka.
When Speaker V Sabapathy asked AIADMK`s legislature wing leader A Anbalagan, to speak on the demands for grants to some departments he wanted a clarification whether the House would take up a private member resolution he had given notice of to urge the Centre to announce economic sanctions against Sri Lanka.
"Unless this is clarified I will not go ahead with speaking on the demands," he said.
He also said he was surprised at the Chief Minister N Rangasamy not being present in the House when he was making the plea for a resolution. (The Chief Minister had retired to his chamber a few minutes before Anbalagan rose to speak).
The Speaker told the member that there was no listing of any resolution for adoption or discussion today.
Anbalagan said the Puducherry government was thus making it clear that it was not concerned about the plight of the Tamils in Sri Lanka.It had been the convention that on the last day of every session the Assembly would adopt government or private member resolutions, but this time it was violated, he said.
Protesting against Speaker's refusal to let him to table his resolution for economic sanctions against Sri Lanka, he and three other AIADMK members staged a walkout.
They returned to the House a few minutes later.
Now Sri Lankan Muslims want a separate piece of Sri Lanka as well!
Once the PANDORA's Box of COMMUNAL DEVOLUTION of Power is Opened, every disease stemming from COMMUNAL PETTINESS and GREED will spring from it.
As people COMMITTED to PERFECT FAIRNESS to all COMMUNITIES, power will have to be SEPARATELY devolved to Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Burgher, Veddah, Farsi and Chinese ethnic groups, etc ... no matter how small.
But why stop at that, RELIGIOUS groups form communities too. So, to be PERFECTLY FAIR, let us SEPARATELY devolve power to Buddhists, Hindus, Moslems, Christians, Aethists, Animists ... no matter how small.
But, why stop there, SEXUAL preference groups form communities too. So, to be PERFECTLY FAIR let us SEPARATELY devolve power to Heterosexuals, Homosexuals, Transexuals, Pedophiles ... ad inifinitum, ad nauseam.
But, why stop there, POLITICAL preference groups form communities too. So, to be PERFECTLY FAIR, let us SEPARATELY devolve power to Socialist groups, Capitalist groups, Communist groups, Monarchists, Anarchists, Oligarchists ... well, you get the idea.
But, but .. why stop there? Every region is different it its habits and economic privileges. So, to be PERFECTLY FAIR, let us devolve power to "City States" for the want of a better word. Colombo, Jaffna, Anuradhapura, Kandy, Galle, and Batticaloa have different micro cultures and interests, and qualify as "City States"!
But, wait a minute, what about Wellawatte? Tamils displaced from the North are the majority community there ... they NEED Power to be DEVOLVED SEPARATELY to them too!
Ad infinitum, ad nauseam, ad absurdum!
At the end of this process of Devolving Power by Community, a PATCHWORK QUILT of Walled-Off Communal Bantustans, forever jockeying for advantage and warring with each other, will emerge.
Is this what ANY Sri Lankan wants? An existence steeped in interminable strife. I think NOT.
The CONCEPT of SEPARATE DEVOLUTION of Power by Community ... irrespective of its size ... is therefore exposed as a RIDICULOUS concept.
Instead of DEVOLVING Power SEPARATELY by community, power should be held EQUALLY by ALL PEOPLE belonging to ALL COMMUNITIES through the CONCEPT of ... you guessed it ... EQUAL CITIZENSHIP in the NATION.
Communal Diversity can and should be preserved in the PRIVATE DOMAIN ... in one's family, home and cultural/religious organizations ... not in the PUBLIC DOMAIN related to GOVERNANCE of the Country.
ALL DEVOLUTION of Power on COMMUNAL BASES should be TOTALLY REJECTED as a STUPID TRIBAL CONCEPT unsuited for ensuring the welfare of ALL PEOPLE of Sri Lanka EQUALLY.
ONE NATION of ONE PEOPLE sharing ONE National DESTINY makes the most COMMON SENSE.
Sri Lanka Muslim leaders want representation in discussions on solution to ethnic issue
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 16, Colombo: The major Muslim party of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) is to discuss measures to be taken to request the government to include the Muslim community when finding a solution to the ethnic issue.
SLMC Chairman and Deputy Minister of Co-operatives and Internal Trade, Basheer Segu Dawood told ColomboPage that the party's High Command would discuss the matter once party leader Rauf Hakeem returns to the country from an overseas trip today.
Segu Dawood said the international community also needed to recognize the Muslim community and include them in the whole process of finding a political solution as the Muslims have also been affected by the war.
He said the party was displeased with US Assistant Secretary Robert Blake for not meeting with any Muslim political leaders during his recent visit that was aimed at discussing a solution to the ethnic issue.
Sri Lanka Muslim leaders want representation in discussions on solution to ethnic issue
Segu Dawood observed that the SLMC would agitate for the inclusion of the Muslim community in the process to find a political solution.
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has proposed setting up of a parliamentary select committee to discuss and bring a political solution to the ethnic issue. He says a solution should not be confined to discussions with one party.
Blake, during his three-day visit to Sri Lanka met with the representatives of the major Tamil party, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and the major opposition United National Party (UNP).
The discussion between the government and the TNA on a political solution stalled a few months back but following separate meetings held between the government and the TNA with the US Assistant Secretary of State, the talks are to recommence soon.
Mervyn Silva is MAD if he has said such a thing.
No matter what the offence, Sri Lanka should not allow BABARIC PRACTICES such as this that not only will create more human rights issues for Sri Lanka, but is also COMPLETELY CONTRARY to Sri Lanka's beliefs as a Buddhist nation.
Arbitrary punitive amputations was the practice of Belgian colonialists in the Belgian Congo at the height of their rape of that country ... a MONUMENTAKL SHAME that INDELIBLY SCARRED Belgium FOREVER!
Sri Lanka should MUZZLE this MADMAN before he does more damage to the Motherland with his despicable antics!
Sri Lanka Minister to amputate animal killers and to take on international schools
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 17, Colombo: Sri Lanka's Minister of Public Coordination and Public Affairs Mervyn Silva said yesterday that he would soon take steps to amputate the hands of the persons who kill innocent animals.
The Minister was recently involved in a protest against a mass sacrifice ritual of animals in a Hindu temple at Munneswaram in Chilaw.
Addressing a meeting after declared opening a computer laboratory in a school in his electorate, the Minister stated that curses imposed on him would go in vain.
He also said that his next focus would be the international schools that teach western customs to Sri Lankan children. He said these schools teach the students to say cheerio and bye against the traditional Sinhala culture.
The AMAZING HYPOCRISY of these British MPs, bought lock, stock and barrel by the Tamil Eelamist Diaspora, is ASTOUNDING!
The British RUN AMOK all over the world killing people with impunity in their "war against terrorism", and undermining and overturning sovereign governments in their "battle for democracy" to preserve their Neo-Colonial economic advantages, with no regard to "human rights".
But yet, they presume to deny the right of DEMOCRACIES in the developing world to protect the integrity of their nations and the lives of their people.
The day when all of this ACCUMULATED HYPOCRISY, DUPLICITY and DOUBLE STANDARDS are going to BOUNCE BACK on them is JUST OVER THE HORIZON ... they are just to BLINDED by HUBRIS to see it now.
SL and India attacked in British Commons on accountability issues
By Shamindra Ferdiando
September 17, 2011
Amidst ongoing efforts in the British parliament to isolate Sri Lanka over alleged accountability issues, India, too, has come under heavy flak regarding conduct of its troops in Jammu and Kashmir.
A section of MPs representing Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats attacked both Sri Lankan and Indian governments over accountability issues during a three-hour debate last Thursday (Sept. 15) on human rights in the Indian Sub-continent.
The British parliament has taken up the two issues together, though known LTTE sympathizer Lee Scott (Ilford North/Conservative) and Steve Baker (Wycombe/Conservative) called for separate debates on the situation in Sri Lanka and Kashmir, respectively.
MP Baker supported the LTTE’s demand for an independent international investigation targeting Sri Lanka on the basis of UNSG Ban Ki-moon’s report, which dealt with accountability issues in Sri Lanka and ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ telecast by UK’s Channel 4.
The debate took place in the wake of controversy over UK complicity in secret CIA operation which subjected those considered a threat to US-European security interests to extra-judicial action, arming of the ousted Libyan regime and abuses in Iraq.
The recent British move had disturbed those seeking to secure India’s support for a common front targeting Sri Lanka ahead of forthcoming UNGA in New York (in Sept.) and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth, Australia (Oct.).
Sri Lankan parliamentary sources told The Sunday Island. "Don’t forget the LTTE is pushing the Commonwealth to prevent Sri Lanka’s participation at the CHOGM 2011 in Perth," sources said.
Responding to a query, an official with the Sri Lankan Ministry of External Affairs pointed out that the debate took place in the immediate aftermath of Canadian Premier Stephen Harper’s threat to boycott CHOGM 2013 in Colombo unless Sri Lanka responded positively to concerns raised by the international community.
During the debate, Joan Walley (Stoke-on-Trent North) (Lab) told the UK pushed for issue of civil rights and justice in Kashmir needed to be on the diplomatic agenda of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and that it should negotiate on this issue. The MP emphasized the need to deal with the human rights abuses and take follow-up action.
John Hemming (Birmingham, Yardley) (LD), too, called for action on the part of the UK government to investigate the situation in Jammu and Kashmir.
Several MPs lashed out at India for using India’s Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act and Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act to target civilians living under its control.
SL and India attacked in British Commons on accountability issues
.....continued ....
The Indian press quoted External Affairs Ministry Spokesman Vishnu Prakash as having said that there were effective mechanisms within the country’s democratic framework to address any "grievance or aberration." The official asserted that the debate initiated by back-benchers didn’t reflect the position of the UK government.
Ministerial sources pointed out that Indian politicians, too, routinely criticized Sri Lanka and debated the issue at the expense of national reconciliation efforts, while Tamil Nadu State Assembly went to the extent of passing resolution demanding economic sanctions against Sri Lanka. None other than Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has dismissed the TN move.
Denis MacShane (Rotherham) (Lab) attacked the Indian government position during the unprecedented debate. MacShane is quoted as having said: I have just received a communication from an Indian paper called Daijiworld. The headline reads, "India reacts strongly to British parliamentary debate on Kashmir". We have not even had the debate and already a parliamentary democracy is telling us that we should not be having it. That is not quite a point of order, but this really is an insult from the Indian journalists who say we should not even be debating this in our own House of Commons.’’
But to the credit of MP Steve Baker, the lawmaker acknowledged that the Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act was very much in line with the principle at least of our own control orders and terrorism prevention and investigation measures. "The House should therefore not be too quick to condemn the principle of what India is doing. It is very much in line with what we have done."
MP Lee Scot lashed out at Sri Lanka over accountability issues, while reiterating unsubstantiated allegations by the UNSG’s report and ‘Sri Lanka’s Killings Fields’ produced by UK’s Channel 4 News. The MP alleged the Sri Lankan government of killing 40,000 men, women and children during the final phase of the conflict.
Sri Lankan officials said that UK lawmakers seemed to be confused regarding the situation in Sri Lanka. They pointed out that one MP (Robert Halfon (Harlow) (Con) referred to 17,000 Tamils caged behind bars and 200,000 held in transit camps, whereas less than 3,000 LTTE cadres remained in custody out of 11,900 detained at the conclusion of the conflict in May 2009. The total number of IDPs was very much less than 10,000, they said.
They said another MP referred to those driven out from the North by the LTTE in 1990 as Tamils and went on to estimate the displaced living at Puttalam at 160,000. Sources alleged that British MPs were either ignorant or purposely playing with figures at the behest of the LTTE, which could influence those Sri Lankan Tamil voters living in various constituencies.
Are the birdbrains of the Western Powers who engineered the "democratization" of Libya by overt and covert military intervention .... finding they have turned Libya over to ISLAMIST radicals?
It seems that "The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men DO Often Go Astray!"
Libyan Oil may prove as ELUSIVE as Iraqi Oil to the Neo-Colonialists who engineered the RAPE of LIBYA!!
Islamists’ Growing Sway Raises Questions for Libya
September 14, 2011
TRIPOLI, Libya — In the emerging post-Qaddafi Libya, the most influential politician may well be Ali Sallabi, who has no formal title but commands broad respect as an Islamic scholar and populist orator who was instrumental in leading the mass uprising.
The most powerful military leader is now Abdel Hakim Belhaj, the former leader of a hard-line group once believed to be aligned with Al Qaeda.
The growing influence of Islamists in Libya raises hard questions about the ultimate character of the government and society that will rise in place of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s autocracy. The United States and Libya’s new leaders say the Islamists, a well-organized group in a mostly moderate country, are sending signals that they are dedicated to democratic pluralism. They say there is no reason to doubt the Islamists’ sincerity.
But as in Egypt and Tunisia, the latest upheaval of the Arab Spring deposed a dictator who had suppressed hard-core Islamists, and there are some worrisome signs about what kind of government will follow. It is far from clear where Libya will end up on a spectrum of possibilities that range from the Turkish model of democratic pluralism to the muddle of Egypt to, in the worst case, the theocracy of Shiite Iran or Sunni models like the Taliban or even Al Qaeda.
Islamist militias in Libya receive weapons and financing directly from foreign benefactors like Qatar; a Muslim Brotherhood figure, Abel al-Rajazk Abu Hajar, leads the Tripoli Municipal Governing Council, where Islamists are reportedly in the majority; in eastern Libya, there has been no resolution of the assassination in July of the leader of the rebel military, Gen. Abdul Fattah Younes, suspected by some to be the work of Islamists.
Mr. Belhaj has become so much an insider lately that he is seeking to unseat Mahmoud Jibril, the American-trained economist who is the nominal prime minister of the interim government, after Mr. Jibril obliquely criticized the Islamists.
For an uprising that presented a liberal, Westernized face to the world, the growing sway of Islamists — activists with fundamentalist Islamic views, who want a society governed by Islamic principles — is being followed closely by the United States and its NATO allies.
“I think it’s something that everybody is watching,” said Jeffrey D. Feltman, assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, visiting here on Wednesday. “First of all the Libyan people themselves are talking about this.” The highest-ranking American official to visit Libya since Colonel Qaddafi’s fall, Mr. Feltman was optimistic that Libya would take a moderate path.
“Based on our discussions with Libyans so far,” he said, “we aren’t concerned that one group is going to be able to dominate the aftermath of what has been a shared struggle by the Libyan people.”
Mr. Sallabi, in an interview, made it clear that he and his followers wanted to build a political party based on Islamic principles that would come to power through democratic elections. But if the party failed to attract widespread support, he said, so be it.
“It is the people’s revolution, and all the people are Muslims, Islamists,” Mr. Sallabi said. Secularists “are our brothers and they are Libyans.”
Islamists’ Growing Sway Raises Questions for Libya
.....continued 1....
“They have the right to offer their proposals and programs,” he said, “and if the Libyan people choose them I have no problem. We believe in democracy and the peaceful exchange of power.”
Many Libyans say they are not worried. “The Islamists are organized so they seem more influential than their real weight,” said Usama Endar, a management consultant who was among the wealthy Tripolitans who helped finance the revolution. “They don’t have wide support, and when the dust settles, only those with large-scale appeal, without the tunnel vision of the Islamists, will win.”
Yet an anti-Islamist, anti-Sallabi rally in Martyrs’ Square on Wednesday drew only a few dozen demonstrators.
Many, like Aref Nayed, coordinator of the Transitional National Council’s stabilization team and a prominent religious scholar, say that the revolution had proved that Libyans would not accept anything but a democratic society, and that the Islamists would have to adapt to that.
“There will be attempts by people to take over, but none of them will succeed because the young people will go out on the streets and bring them down,” Mr. Nayed said.
Some are concerned that the Islamists are already wielding too much power, particularly in relation to their support in Libyan society, where most people, while devout, practice a moderate form of Islam in which individual liberties are respected.
Mr. Sallabi dismissed those fears, saying Islamists would not impose their traditionalist views on others. “If people choose a woman to lead, as president, we have no problem with that. Women can dress the way they like; they are free.”
Adel al-Hadi al-Mishrogi, a prominent businessman who began raising money for the anti-Qaddafi insurgents early in the revolution, is not convinced by the Islamists’ declarations of fealty to democratic principles. He pointed to a well-organized Islamist umbrella group, Etilaf, which he said had pushed aside more secular groupings.
“Most Libyans are not strongly Islamic, but the Islamists are strongly organized, and that’s the problem,” Mr. Mishrogi said. “Our meetings go on for hours without decisions. Their meetings are disciplined and right to the point. They’re not very popular, but they’re organized.”
He complains that Etilaf and Mr. Sallabi are the ones who are really running things in Libya now. Others say the picture is much more diverse and chaotic than Mr. Mishrogi suggests, although it is true that Etilaf, with no fixed address and still apparently operating underground, continues to issue decrees of all sorts as if it were some sort of revolutionary guide.
“All offices here must make sure that they are headed by an acceptable person within seven days of this notice,” read a leaflet pasted to the doors of offices throughout Tripoli Central Hospital, dated Sept. 3 and signed, simply, Etilaf.
“They are behind everything,” Mr. Mishrogi said.
Youssef M. Sherif, a prominent Libyan writer and intellectual, said: “Every day the Islamists grow stronger. When there is a parliament, the Islamists will get the majority.”
“Abdel Hakim Belhaj is in effect the governor of Tripoli just because he was elected by an Islamist militia,” Mr. Sherif said. Echoing debates in Egypt, Mr. Sherif argued for a longer transition to elections than the planned eight months, to give liberals a better chance to organize.
The growing influence of the Islamists is reflected in their increased willingness to play a political role. Until recently the Islamists have kept a low profile, and even many secular Libyan officials have expressed a reluctance to criticize them, saying they should focus instead on the common enemy while Colonel Qaddafi remains on the loose.
Islamists’ Growing Sway Raises Questions for Libya
.....continued 2....
That seems to be changing. After the interim government’s acting prime minister, Mr. Jibril, appeared recently in Tripoli and indirectly criticized politicking by the Islamists as premature with a war still in progress, Mr. Belhaj and Mr. Sallabi began agitating for his replacement.
“Jibril will be gone soon,” one aide to Mr. Belhaj said.
And Mr. Sallabi said that Mr. Jibril, along with the American-educated finance and oil minister, Ali Tarhouni, were ushering in a “new era of tyranny and dictatorship,” Al Jazeera reported.
During the 42 years of Colonel Qaddafi’s rule, underground organizations like Mr. Belhaj’s Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and the Muslim Brotherhood were the only opposition. Although outlawed and persecuted, they had a network through mosques that secular opponents of the government could not match.
That has also given them a head start in political organizing now, and they appear to be wasting no time.
“There will be attempts by some parties to take over; it’s only natural,” said one prominent official with the Transitional National Council, who spoke anonymously so as not to alienate Islamists. “And definitely Etilaf is trying to increase its influence. And we’re hearing much more from the Islamists in the media because they are more organized and they are more articulate.”
Mr. Nayed conceded that might be true, but was unconcerned. “My answer to anyone who complains about that: You must be as articulate as they are and as organized as they are,” he said. “And I think we’re starting to see that among various youth groups.”
Fathi Ben Issa, a former Etilaf member who became an early representative on the Tripoli council, said he quit his position after learning that the Muslim Brotherhood members who dominate that body wanted to ban theater, cinema and arts like sculpture of the human form. “They were like the Taliban,” he said. “We didn’t get rid of Qaddafi to replace him with such people.” The final straw, he said, came when Etilaf began circulating a proposed fatwa, or decree, to bar women from driving.
Most Libyans are quick to bristle at suggestions that their own Islamists might one day go the way of Iran, where after the fall of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini stomped out a short-lived liberal government by denouncing democracy as un-Islamic.
Mr. Sallabi said he hoped Libyans could find a leader on the model of George Washington, whom he had been reading about lately. “After his struggle he went back to his farm even though the American people wanted him to be president,” Mr. Sallabi said. “He is a great man.”
Referring to Mr. Sallabi, Mr. Ben Issa, who said he has received death threats since breaking with the Islamists, retorted: “He is just hiding his intentions. He says one thing to the BBC and another to Al Jazeera. If you believe him, then you don’t know the Muslim Brothers.”
Sri Lanka should be very cautious about expanding its Public Entitlement Programs and making people dependent on Government handouts for all their needs.
We should LEARN FROM & AVOID the Economic Hole the West has dug for itself.
The Ayn Rand Institute predicts an unavoidable collapse of Western Economies, because of a philosophical shift towards Government Solutions for what should be Individual Responsibilities.
The Coming Collapse: “We Can Buy Time, But We Can’t Change the Outcome
By Aaron Task
September 16, 2011
The Ayn Rand Institute held its annual "Atlas Shrugged Revolution" dinner Thursday night in New York City.
In attendance were a number of financial luminaries and hedge fund managers, including Peter Schiff of EuroPacific Capital, John Tamny of RealClearMarkets, Dmitry Balyasny of Balyasny Asset Management and Scott Schweighauser of Aurora Investment Management.
The setting was the tony St. Regis Hotel on Fifth Avenue but there was nothing pleasant about the primary message coming from both the speakers and those in attendance: Western civilization is heading for hell and a hand basket, just like Rand predicted in her seminal novel.
In the accompanying video, ARI president Yaron Brook tells Henry why Rand's devotees believe the global economy is "heading for collapse."
In a nutshell, Brook believes politicians and policymakers have "no solutions" for the problems facing the globe.
"The fundamental problem," Brook says, is with the philosophical belief our society has that governments can solve problems and more rules and regulations are the answer to our economic ailments.
Barring "real structural change" to our economic underpinnings toward self-reliance and true laissez-faire capitalism, "we can buy time, but we can't change the outcome," Brook says.
And what will that outcome be? A repeat of the Great Depression in the 'best'-case scenario, he says. And the worse-case? A repeat of the fall of the Roman Empire.
"I don't expect that, I think we'll rebound," Brook says. "But we have to remember that…civilizations in human history have declined, they've disappeared."
War Crimes by the NATO?
When LTTE supporters of the Tamil Diaspora, frantically trying to save LTTE leaders hiding behind civilians held as human shields in the Mullaitivu pocket, claimed that Sri Lanka was intentionally killing civilians through artillery fire ... the Western Govts BELIEVED them, and issued THREATS against Sri Lanka.
Now, when Gaddafi's supporters, frantically trying to save his skin, claim that NATO kills civilians by indiscriminate bombing, why should we not believe them?
The same tactic should elicit the same response from us ... should it not?
Or, should we applaud NATO for it is only a matter of WHOSE OX IS BEING GORED at any given time?
Looks, like the US, UK, and other Western Critics plying their GLOBAL AGENDA against Sri Lanka have now FALLEN INTO THE SAME SOUP War Crimes Allegations!
With this kind of HYPOCRISY, DUPLICITY and DOUBLE TALK they use, how will they ensure the SURVIVAL of DEMOCRACIES like Sri Lanka, which always find it more difficult to wage war unlike totalitarian governments?
The hands of DEMOCRACIES are tied, rendering them incapable of self-defense, by these kinds of "war crimes" accusations, in a world rife with dictators and murderous terrorists!
What will they do, when the Arab Spring is co-opted by Islamists .. will they prevent the true democrats from fighting back, with their "war crimes" charges?
Only the VAST millions of workers in the NGO "human rights" industry, and terrorists in their tens of thousands, all enemies of democracy, will win from this "war crimes strategy" orchestrated by Western Nations.
Hundreds killed in NATO night attack – Gaddafi’s spokesman
September 17, 2011
Muammar Gaddafi’s spokesman accused NATO of killing more than 350 people in the town of Sirte overnight, as well as thousands of civilians in the last 17 days.
In a telephone call to Reuters on Saturday, Moussa Ibrahim, a spokesman for the deposed Libyan leader, said that 354 people were killed as a result of NATO airstrike on a residential building and a hotel in Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte.
"NATO attacked the city of Sirte last night with more than 30 rockets directed at the city's main hotel and the Tamin building, which consists of more than 90 residential apartments," Ibrahim said. "The result is more than 354 dead and 89 still missing and almost 700 injured in one night."
He added that many more have been killed in Sirte in NATO air attacks since the beginning of September.
"In the last 17 days, more than 2,000 residents of the city of Sirte were killed in NATO air strikes," Ibrahim told the news agency.
NATO spokesman Colonel Roland Lavoie said that the alliance is aware of the allegations but did not confirm or deny the information.
"We are aware of these allegations," he said. "It is not the first time such allegations have been made. Most often, they are revealed to be unfounded or inconclusive."
The information cannot be independently verified due to a lack of communication to Sirte, Reuters reported.
Heavy fighting is continuing between Gaddafi loyalists and the forces of the National Transitional Council, the interim Libyan governing body.
Gaddafi loyalists launched a fierce counter-attack in the city of Bani Walid and are continuing their resistance in Sirte, the Al Jazeera television network reported.
Despite the resistance, NTC military spokesman Ahmed Bani has given Gaddafi loyalists an ultimatum: join the ranks of the new authorities, or be considered traitors.
"The soldiers and officers who will not heed this last call will be accused of high treason," he said, noting that the fall of the two cities is now a “matter of days.”
More ILLEGAL immigration skullduggery by Fake Refugee Tamil Eelamists.
For these guys, breaking the laws of any country is just BUSINESS AS USUAL.
When they get caught, they break into the wailing victim routine, and teams of LTTE lawyers rush to defend them.
These guys are LAW UNTO THEMSELVES ... they have n fear of the law, or any self-respect.
Sri Lankan national arrested at Cochin airport
By Hiran Unnikrishnan
September 19, 2011
Immigration officials at the Cochin International Airport on Monday detained a Sri Lankan national after being deported from Dubai for travelling on an Indian passport.
Officials said the person, identified as the 30-year-old Vasanthan of Jaffna in Srilanka had boarded an Emirates flight from here to Dubai on Sunday using the passport of a Chennai native. He, however, was caught during an emigration check at Dubai airport and was deported back to the originating destination.
On interrogation, Vasanthan said he had been on his way to Paris and confessed to obtaining the travel document from a passport agent in Tamil Nadu. He had left Sri Lanka about two years ago and was living with his relatives at a refugee camp in Tamilnadu.
Attempts are on to trace the whereabouts of the arrested person and those who assisted him to get the Indian passport. Investigation will be also held to ascertain why he had chosen Kochi as the exit point from the country and how he managed to slip through the immigration net here.
The detainee will be handed over to the Crime Detachment Wing for a detailed interrogation, officials said.
It is ESSENTIAL that the LAW RULES in Sri Lanka, and terrorists, thugs, and criminals of every ilk are SEVERELY PUNISHED & DETERRED in every possible way.
STRICT ENFORCEMENT of Law & Order protects the lives, and enhances the quality of life, of law-abiding citizens.
RESTORATION OF RESPECT FOR THE LAW, lost in the last 30 years of terrorist mayhem,is a PREREQUISITE for Economic Progress towards Sri Lanka's next goal to become of becoming the New Wonder of Asia!
Gota pledges to wipe-out underworld
September 20, 2011
*Seeks support of business community
*Govt to develop friendly environment
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa yesterday said that the government would take all possible measures to eliminate underworld activities, extortion and other crimes that affect the smooth flow of businesses and society and sought the support of the business community to achieve this objective.
He said that it was the responsibility of the government to ensure security and develop a friendly environment in Colombo, which is the commercial hub, to develop the country, while developing the other cities on par with Colombo.
He made this observation at a discussion with tradesmen in Pettah, at the Defence Ministry auditorium, responding to questions raised by them. They gathered to put forward defence related issues to the Defence Secretary, that affected the smooth flow of businesses.
The Defence Secretary further stated that during the past two years his ministry took measures with the Urban Development Authority and other related authorities to make Colombo an attractive city. He added that each day police officers are deployed and sent to the relevant places around 5 am to guarantee that the employees of garbage clearing agents report to work and the work is done properly.
He stated that after the eradication of terrorism the people expect the country to be developed. He added that his ministry has made a massive transformation in Colombo attracting tourists and investors and the programme is still in progress. He also added that the business community should also support in removing shanties and keeping the city clean.
Rajapaksa said that although the city is being cleaned up every hawker is given an opportunity to conduct his business. He added, in the same way, shanty dwellers are also given comfortable houses. For this 17,500 houses are being constructed. He added that each housing unit costs Rs 2.5 million, in addition to the value of the plot and the expenditure on the infrastructure facilities.
During the discussion, the Defence Secretary directed the Police to attend to complaints made by the businessmen in Pettah. They brought to the notice of Defence Secretary that certain persons were demanding ransoms. A few houses were burgled in Wellawatta, imported goods in several containers have been robbed while they were transported to the container yards. The Defence Secretary directed DIG Anura Senanayake to deploy additional officers in those areas specially for that purpose.
When businessmen complained that certain roads in Colombo have not been developed UPFA MP Thilanga Sumathipala stated that most of those areas were coming under the Colombo Municipal Council and stated that it was very important that the CMC comes under the government to solve all these issues. He also said in response to a question by another tradesman that the government is to spend Rs 17,000 million to repair the drainage systems that are more than 100 years old and it has not yet been fruitful as the CMC is not supporting the government’s initiative in this regard.
WHO is GATHERING explosives, and towards what PURPOSE
Sri Lanka police find explosives in a bus bound for Jaffna
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 20, Monaragala: The Monaragala police have discovered a parcel of C4 explosives in a private bus bound for Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka, national news agency, Lankapuwath reported today.
The discovery has been made at a checkpoint near the Monaragala police station.
A parcel containing 615 grams of C4 explosives was found hidden in the meter Board at the driving seat, Monaragala police have said.
The police have arrested the driver and the conductor of the bus on suspicion. The suspects are to be produced before the Monaragala Magistrate today.
My Comment at on Shenali Waduge's article: Private Practice is ok, Practical Medical College is not!
Bravo, Shenali! Once again you have written a well researched article on an important topic ... with the correct conclusions.
Indeed, Sri Lanka should allow Private Universities, in general, and Private Medical Colleges, in particular, to educate the sons and daughters of Sri Lankan tax paying citizens who cannot enter Government Universities ... for whatever reason. Creating artificial shortages by throttling the supply of qualified professionals is not in the interest of the nation.
In this connection I would add ....
1. The GMOA and the SLMC should continue to be standards setting accreditation bodies for the medical profession. Let them specify the criteria that Private Medical Schools must meet. The Boards of these institutions should have a minority of Govt appointed members and respected non-medical profession members, to preserve the public's interest, and some members from respected foreign universities (US, UK, Russia, China, India etc) to ensure that international standards are being met as well. The latter will ease the path to foreign accreditation for our medical graduates. In this way, we can provide for the inherent right of medical professionals to police their profession, while preventing their self-serving agenda geared to erecting barriers to entry to the profession.
2. Similar Boards should be set up by other professional bodies (Institution of Engineers, Association of Charted Accountants) perhaps under the aegis of the Organization of Professional Associations (OPA) of Sri Lanka to ensure standards in other professional fields, always making sure that both the professional interests and the public's interests are protected.
3. The right of a doctor, or any other professional, to decide whether to serve in Sri Lanka, or to emigrate to a foreign country cannot and should not be denied ... for that is a fundamental human right. By increasing the supply of these professionals through Private Colleges, Sri Lanka would be in a better position to meet the shortfall in created through emigration, normal attirition, and shortage of graduates, while defusing the frustrations created among well qualified students who want to become professionals.
My Comment at on Shenali Waduge's article: Private Practice is ok, Practical Medical College is not!
.....continued 1....
4. As Shenali points out, the creation of Private professional teaching institutions in Sri Lanka would save the country several hundred million dollars of foreign exchange paid for tuition in foreign universities every year. Moreover, if high, internationally accredited, standards are maintained, it would become a foreign exchange earner for the country, while providing employment to many Sri Lankans who need good, well paying jobs. If foreign accreditation is maintained, Sri Lanka could, in time, become a recognized place not only to acquire a professional education at lower cost than in Western countries, but also as a place where quality medical services that are prohibitively costly in the West can be affordably obtained by foreign citizens. India is already well known in the USA as the preferred place for such "medical tours". When such centers of excellence spring up, funds flow in for research and high-technology medical equipment leading to a resurgence of scientific and technological research, development, innovation, and growth of the entire economy. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka earns money, people get jobs, and get better educated in the high tech skills necessary to compete effectively in the global marketplace of the future. ALL of this translates into propelling Sri Lanka faster on the path to achieving our shared dream of the New Wonder of Asia.
5. Finally, a word about politically motivated student protests orchestrated by the JVP and other political parties. ALL political demonstrations and protests in educational establishments should be banned and declared illegal. The few professional agitators who disrupt teaching deny a valued opportunity to the vast majority of other students who are there to gain the skills for their livelihood ... as I did many decades ago at E-Fac in Peradeniya. No politics should be allowed on campus, and violation of those laws should end up getting you a semi-permanent job breaking rocks in prison. Education is serious business ... let us keep it that way. Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa may be the ideal person to enforce student discipline on campus ... the same way he is bringing respect for the Rule of Law in the rest of the country.
Good job, Shenali!
The JVP needs to MOVE AWAY from its OPPORTUNISTIC Politics and Rabble Rousing to become the truly Patriotic Nationalist Party that it can be!
Backing Gen Fonseka ... who brought down "war crimes charges" upon the heads of the GoSL ... was PURE OPPORTUNISM unworthy of Patriotic citizens!
What was CLEAR for ordinary Sri Lankans to UNDERSTAND, the JVP failed to grasp, blinded by its thirst for political power AT ALL COSTS!
JVP suffers major split: Breakaway CC group forms new party
By Saman Indrajith
September 20, 2011
A group of JVP heavyweights has broken away from the Marxist outfit's Central Committee to form a new political party, The Island learns. The decision of the breakaway group to sever links with the party was officially announced at a Central Committee meeting on Monday. The new party is expected to be registered with the Elections Commissioner shortly.
The dissidents led by (Ms) Dimuthu Atygala (JVP Politburo member and leader of the Women's Wing), Pubudu Jagoda (JVP Politburo member cum chief of the Education Wing) and Waruna Rajapaksa (JVP Central Committee member) had a secret meeting at Biyagama on Monday night after announcing their breakaway and walking out from the Central Committee meeting at the JVP headquarters at Pelawatte.
More than one half of the JVP's 24-member Central Committee had pledged solidarity with the dissident group, dissidents claimed. However, party seniors backing Somawansa disputed that claim and insisted that Somawansa commanded the support of the majority of CC members and some of the dissidents were likely to return to the party's fold in a day or two.
The JVP's debilitating split was attributed by sources to the revelation of a plot to capture the party leadership by ousting the incumbent Leader Somawansa Amarasinghe, General Secretary Tilvin Silva and several others.
A leadership dispute had been simmering since the JVP's decision to back former Army Chief Gen. Sarath Fonseka at the last president election last year and the matter was discussed on several occasions at the Central Committee meetings. But, all efforts to reconcile the two warring factions failed resulting in Monday's breakaway.
Oh My God, the JVP breakaway dissident group is LED BY Tamil EELAMISTS!
Destroy these TRAITORS!
JVP crisis worsens
September 21, 2011
The JVP organisers of Kalutara, Colombo and Gampaha have joined politbureau member Premkumar Gunaratnam’s group in opposition to the Somawansa Amarasinghe camp and triggered a major crisis within the party.
Premkumar Gunaratnam, it is learnt, is organising party cadres in 14 districts and has even moved to dissolve dozens of JVP affiliated organizations, including National Bhikku Front.
Most of the party offices in the Western Province have remained closed during the past few days.
Gunaratnam, the brother of JVP senior Ranjitham (who was killed during the 1988/89 insurgency), had been in self exile in Australia till recently. He had reportedly returned to Sri Lanka early this month.
It is learnt that the Somawansa camp is slated to hold a media briefing soon to tell their side of the story.
Gunaratnam is said to be of the opinion that the JVP should support the Tamil cause, while the Amarasinghe group is opposed to communalising the party.
Highly placed party sources said that there was a plan by Gunaratnam group to go underground and pave the way for an armed struggle.
Sri Lanka's half million mines will take a decade to clear
September 21, 2011
MANNAR, Sri Lanka (AlertNet) -
Post-war Sri Lanka will need another decade to clear the half million landmines which lie buried under swathes of agricultural and forest land and around villages in the north of the island nation, the head of a demining group said.
The country is in its third year of peace after government forces defeated the separatist Tamil Tigers in a civil war which lasted a quarter of a century, killing and injuring tens of thousands of people.
But as people who fled the fighting return home to rebuild their lives, they still face the threat of anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordnance (UXOs) like bombs, rockets and hand grenades left behind by the Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankan army.
"Based on our current clearance rates, there are perhaps half a million landmines that need to be cleared," said Nigel Robinson, country head of the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (FSD), which has cleared 60,000 mines since 2002.
"So it'll perhaps take 10 years for Sri Lanka to become fully mine-impact free, assuming the current capacity of de-miners can be maintained," he told AlertNet in an interview from a clearing in a minefield in the northwest district of Mannar.
The FSD has 750 deminers clearing the mines, aided by other specialist groups. There are no official figures on exactly how many mines and UXOs were used during the war, although some reports suggest more than a million mines were planted during the 25 years.
The Land mine and Cluster Munition Monitor (LCMM) says the Sri Lankan government, which is not a signatory of the Land mine Ban Treaty, and the Tigers "made extensive use of landmines."
These included belts of Pakistani-made P4 MK1 mines laid by the army and long defensive lines of mines and booby-traps manufactured by the separatists.
The Tigers also left extensive "nuisance" mines in the north -- particularly in areas of intense fighting and often planted as its fighters retreated in the face of the army's advance.
Fortunately, casualties have been low despite the high mine density in parts of the country. The LCMM says there were 38 injuries and deaths in 2009 compared to 78 in 2008.
"Casualties in Sri Lanka are relatively low compared to other places in the world, like Afghanistan where you have around 900 casualties per year," said Robinson, adding that most were due to people doing "high-risk" activities like burning undergrowth to clear their farmland.
Mine risk awareness and the fact that the Tigers' homemade mines became less effective over time helped keep casualty figures low in the Indian Ocean island, he said.
"Now people have come back to their former communities, they're desperate to get back onto their land -- to grow crops and to produce income for their families," he said. "Landmines are a significant inhibitor to allow that process to happen."
(AlertNet is a global humanitarian news service run by Thomson Reuters Foundation. Visit
(Editing by Bryson Hull and Idayu Suparto)
Sri Lanka President holds talks with world leaders
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 21, New York: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa who is attending the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly met with several world leaders on Tuesday and held discussions.
President apprised the world leaders he met Tuesday on the post-war progress in Sri Lanka, especially, on the resettlement of the displaced persons, de-mining activities in the North and East, post-conflict management and the success of the recent local government elections held in the conflict-affected areas.
The President has explained the head of states the plans to promote the economic development following the end of the terrorism in the country.
President Rajapaksa held discussions with Nigerian President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and President of Kyrgyzstan Ms. Roza Otunbayeva.
With his Nigerian counterpart Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, President Rajapaksa discussed ways to enhance the bilateral relations, especially in trade, between the two countries.
He requested the Kyrgyzstan President, who was appreciative of Sri Lankan tea, to send a team to study Sri Lankan tea.
The President, accompanied by External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris, Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga and Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York Dr. Palitha Kohona, held a bilateral meeting with the President of Slovenia Dr. Danilo Turk.
Slovenian President Dr. Danilo Turk noted that the reconciliation process in Sri Lanka is a good example to the whole world. He commended the speedy economic growth and development achieved by Sri Lanka within a short period of time after the end of the conflict.
He also paid a courtesy call to the United States Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake, Jr., who visited Sri Lanka last week.
President Rajapaksa also attended a reception hosted by the President of Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade.
President Rajapaksa, who will address the General Assembly session on Friday (23) is scheduled to meet UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on Saturday, the President's Media Unit said.
(Photos by Sudath Silva)
The SKELETONS in India's Cupboard?
Over 2,000 found buried in Kashmir's unmarked graves
August 11, 2011
More than 2,000 corpses have been found buried in several unmarked graves in Kashmir, believed to be victims of the divided region's separatist revolt, a government human rights commission said in a report.
The graves were found in dozens of villages near the Line of Control, the military line dividing Kashmir between India and Pakistan.
"At 38 places visited in north Kashmir, there were 2,156 unidentified dead bodies buried in unmarked graves," the inquiry report by the Indian government's Jammu and Kashmir State Human Rights Commission (J&KSHRC) said.
The report, released on Saturday, comes after a three-year inquiry by an 11-member team led by a senior police official.
Nearly 50,000 people have been killed in mainly Muslim Kashmir since a revolt against New Delhi's rule began in 1989. On Saturday, Indian soldier shot dead 12 separatist militants trying to cross from Pakistan into the disputed region.
Indian security forces in Kashmir have been accused of murdering innocent civilians in staged gun battles and passing them off as separatist militants to earn rewards and promotions.
Indian authorities have consistently denied systematic human rights violations in Kashmir and say they probe all such reports and punish the guilty.
The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP), which estimates around 10,000 people went missing during nearly two decades of separatist revolt, says many missing people may have ended up in these unmarked graves.
"We appeal to International human rights groups and Indian authorities to identify the people buried," said Parveena Ahanger, founder and chairperson of the APDP.
International human rights groups have also repeatedly asked the Indian authorities to investigate the unmarked graves.
Here is HOW INDIA DOES IT in its own backyard when India's own national integrity is at stake.
40,000 people killed in Kashmir revolt: India
August 10, 2011
Nearly 40,000 people have been killed in violence linked to a rebellion in Kashmir that erupted more than two decades ago, the national parliament was told on Wednesday.
Junior home minister Jitendra Prasad said 39,918 had died including 21,323 'terrorists'.
"As per reports, 13,226 civilians and 5,369 security force personnel have been killed in terrorist violence in Jammu and Kashmir during the period from year 1990 to April 2011," the minister told parliament.
The figure is lower than the official police count in Indian Kashmir of more than 47,000 dead. Some rights groups in Kashmir say the toll could be close to 100,000 from the revolt which began in late 1989.
Violence has sharply declined in the region since India and Pakistan started a peace process in 2004.
The statement in parliament came after three policemen and an army officer were arrested in Kashmir following a probe into the death of a man in custody and an allegedly faked gunbattle last month.
Unrepentant Racist Demagogue Ramadoss gets a little political mileage at NO COST ... demonizing Sri Lanka.
PMK opposes Indo-Sri Lankan Naval exercise
September 20, 2011
CHENNAI: Strongly criticising the ongoing joint Naval exercise by India and Sri Lanka, PMK today demanded that it be called off keeping in mind the 'sentiments' of people of Tamil Nadu that there should not be any ties with the island nation.
"Sri Lankan Navy has always worked against the Indian interest. After the Katchatheevu agreement in 1974, so far 540 Indian fishermen have been killed by the Lankan Navy," PMK founder S Ramadoss alleged in a statement here.
Claiming that there was an unanimous view in Tamil Nadu that there should not be any ties with Sri Lanka, he said Indian Navy working on joint exercises with Sri Lankan Navy was not a correct step, he said.
"People of Tamil Nadu are feeling whether the joint exercise is a gift given by India to Sri Lanka for the killing of Tamil fishermen," Ramadoss said.
The joint exercise began yesterday in the eastern seas off Trincomalee in Sri Lankan to enhance interoperability of the two navies.
Tamil Nadu demagogues demand a separate state for Sri Lankan Tamils.
Applying the same criteria, let us demand a separate state for Moslem Kashmiris who have suffered "grievously" at the hands of India's security forces. Let us ignore who initiated the conflict, killed most of the victims, and hoped to compel India to its knees.
Why stop there, let us revive the Tamil National Army demand for a separate state for Indian Tamils!
But, to be perfectly fair let us carve out a separate state from several Daravidian states for the Nayakkar clan!
You get the drift? Separate states for every community ... no matter how small ... ad infinitum, ad nauseam!
In that QUEST let us make sweeping claims of GENOCIDE against every government ... democracies to boot .. that has suppressed terrorists who murder and enslave people on a massive scale.
Now, about the Naxalite demands in India ...
'Secure justice for Lankan genocide victims'
September 21, 2011
CHENNAI: The Joint Action Group against war crimes of Sri Lanka on Tuesday submitted a memorandum to the UNICEF seeking the intervention of the UNO for immediate justice for victims of the war crimes and genocide committed by the Sri Lankan government.
More than 100 activists attached to the group met the representative of UNICEF at their office in Adyar and submitted the memorandum. The demands include intervention of the international community to voice its support to subject the Sri Lankan war criminals to the inquiry by the International Court of Justice based on the news documentary telecast by the News channel. People confined in temporary camps and militants detained in prisons in Sri Lanka should be released forthwith and be unconditionally reinstated in their home towns with all appropriate basic amenities.
Appropriate measures should be taken to conduct an independent referendum amongst the Tamil people in Sri Lankan under the direct supervision of the UN towards formation of a separate nation for the Tmils in the island, so as to uphold their rights of self-determination and political identity. The memorandum also demanded that Sri Lanka accept the suggestions and the request made by the international community and allow the international media to meet the Tamil people in a free manner, failing which, the international community should cause to exert pressure on the Sri Lankan government to comply with the same.
The Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in foreign countries should not be forcibly asked to return to Sri Lanka, until the above legitimate demands were met and the safety and protection of the Tamil people unequivocally ensured, added the memorandum.
New 200-room hotel to be built near Sri Lanka's second international airport
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Sept 20, Hambanthota: Construction work to build a 200-room luxury hotel near the site of Sri Lanka's second international airport in Mattala began yesterday under the patronage of Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, Civil Aviation Minister Priyankara Jayaratna and Parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa.
The four-star hotel of Uva Leisure Resorts will be built as an 'eco-friendly paradise' giving special attention to the environment during planning of the construction, the officials of the Uva Leisure Resorts said.
The hotel to be completed with modern amenities will include a roof-top swimming pool, gymnasiums, auditoriums, squash and tennis courts, mini golf, kiddies play area and a coffee shop among others.
It will also include a multi-purpose banquet hall that can accommodate up to 500 participants. A separate area will house a mini shopping mall, Business centers together with travel and taxi counters.
The hotel is built to cater for the International business traveller and tourists and to meet the requirements of many visitors expected to attend sporting events planned in the area including the Cricket T20/20 World cup.
The hotel will be ready for the opening of the airport during the latter part of 2012.
Revolutionary MUTTS of the JVP seems hell bent on repeating their mistakes of the past, instead of seeking voluntary acceptance of their proposals by the public through democratic elections.
It seems these MUTTS may have to be RETAUGHT the LESSONS of their last two Violent Viplavayas!
SAD ... because they will lead innocent youths to their deaths .. AGAIN!
JVP dissidents to sue party leadership
By Kelum Bandara
September 22, 2011
Action contemplated over delay in holding convention
The Janatha Vimukthi Peremuna (JVP) dissident group led by Premkumar Gunaratnam is planning to take legal action against the party leader Somawansa Amarasinghe, General Secretary Tilvin Silva and some party MPs, informed sources said yesterday.
Sources close to the dissidents comprising students’ union activists said lawyers had been consulted to send the letter of demand today against the party leadership. They charged that the present party leadership, backed by some of the officials had blocked a convention for the appointment of a new set of party officials.
Daily Mirror learns that the dissidents were seeking to take legal action on the basis of the party’s constitution submitted to the Elections Commissioner when registering it as a recognized political party.
The latest crisis that has been simmering in the party for a long time has surfaced with the hardcore cadres of the party coming up openly against leader Somawansa Amarasinghe and General Secretary Tilvin Silva.
They have charged that the present leadership was taking political shortcuts for survival instead of taking forward the party based on socialist principles. The party’s students’ unions at various universities have been crippled following this crisis. Most student union leaders such as Udul Premaratne, Chameera Koswatte and Duminda Nagamuwa have sided with the dissidents now demanding political reforms to the party.
It is learnt that party MPs are also planning a campaign against the dissidents. There have been differences of opinions within the party over its recent decisions such as the backing of former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka at the presidential election. Differences have also emerged between the two factions over the decision to campaign on behalf of the people who disappeared during the war in the North and East.
Responding to dissidents, JVP MP Vijitha Herath said that the party acts according its constitution, and therefore, nobody can take legal action against it.
Meanwhile, the JVP yesterday ceased the operations of its headquarters in Pelawatte after removing all the workers attached to it. Daily Mirror learns that it had been forcibly occupied by some members loyal to the leadership after removing the others.
Asked about it, Mr. Herath, however, said that the party only stopped the work at the office including the media unit until the internal rift was sorted.
“There is nothing serious about the matter,” he said.
He said no one could take legal action against the party.
Motion to suspend Sri Lanka from the Commonwealth defeated in the Australian Senate
Note the sentence: "Education is key to labor mobility. Education attainment remains low and well over 25 percent of the labor force in all countries except Sri Lanka lacks any education at all."
How can Sri Lanka that has educated ALL of its people to attain a literacy rate of over 95% ... exceeding the literacy in certain European countries ... be VIOLATING HUMAN RIGHTS?
It is CONTRARY TO EVIDENCE on the high level of SOCIAL EQUITY attained in Sri Lanka as acknowledged by the statistics compiled by major international organizations such as the UN, WB, and the ILO!
WB says South Asia needs one million new jobs per month to reduce poverty.
Associated Press of Pakistan
WASHINGTON, Sep 23 (APP): South Asia has seen an accelerated job growth and a substantial decrease in poverty over the past three decades, second only to East Asia, says a World Bank report, released during the IMF-WB meetings.
The region will be the largest contributor to the global workforce over the next two decades. According to the report, ‘More and Better Jobs in South Asia,’ the region defined by the World Bank as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, will need to add between 1 and 1.2 million additional jobs every month for the next twenty years, equivalent to about 40% of the increase in the global labor force.
Reforms will have to be accelerated if the region is going to meet the challenge of providing better jobs for them.
The key asset to South Asia is its people. South Asia has a young population and the second lowest female participation rate in the labor force. The demographic transition will result in more than 350 million people to enter the working age population over the next two decades, said Isabel Guerrero, World Bank South Asia Vice President.
Creating jobs for them will contribute to growth, equity, and peace in the region.
South Asia created nearly 800,000 jobs per month between 2000 and 2010.
However, despite growth, the region is still home to the largest number of the world’s poor a half billion people. Since labor is the primary asset of the poor, having more and better jobs is the key employment challenge facing the region.
“The number of additions to the labor market over the next few decades will result in a 25-50 percent increase over the historical average,” said Pablo Gottret, co-author of the report.
Going forward the region faces an enormous employment challenge, but its demography can help if countries choose to reform.
Education is key to labor mobility. Education attainment remains low and well over 25 percent of the labor force in all countries except Sri Lanka lacks any education at all. More education facilitates labor mobility to more productive employment, from rural agriculture to rural-based industry and service jobs and from urban casual work to urban-based regular wage and salaried industry and service jobs.
It’s not only the quantity of jobs but the quality of the jobs being created in the region that is relevant,” said Kalpana Kochhar, Chief Economist for the World Bank’s South Asia Region.
WB says South Asia needs one million new jobs per month to reduce poverty.
There has not been much change in the composition of employment, that is between casual laborers, the self-employed and regular and salaried wage earners, but there has been an increase in real wages and poverty reduction within these categories. However, the share of wage employment and high-end self-employment are stagnant.
Additionally, South Asia has some of the highest rates of malnutrition in the world as well as high levels of anemia and iodine deficiency. Malnutrition rates are higher even than Sub-Saharan Africa. Poor nutrition results in lower productivity of the labor force.
Despite significant progress in recent years, the contrast between increasing demand for higher levels of education and the educational attainment of the labor force could not be starker. Education reform is key, said Reema Nayar, co-author of the report.
The biggest payoff in quality may well come from addressing poor nutrition and other factors in early childhood before children enter formal schooling.
Since the demand for labor is derived from businesses, it is important to address constraints of electricity shortages, corruption and political instability in some parts of the region. A lack of electricity was ranked highest and the report outlines the electricity reform agenda to tackle the issue. The reform agenda is not only about investment. Improvements in the regulatory framework and governance of the sector are equally critical.
Growth has varied within the region. The demographic transition when the number of workers grows faster than their dependents can provide a tailwind for the next three decades in much of South Asia.
This is because the resources saved from having fewer dependents to support,provided it used for high-priority investment, can support rapid growth of labor productivity.
Such a reform agenda is challenging, but it is feasible, said Pradeep Mitra, co-author of the report. It will be helped if governments use the resources made available by South Asia’s demographic transition wisely. Future generations will thank today’s populations for having used this opportunity to create an environment for progressively better jobs. It’s the only sustainable pathway out of poverty.
Please shift over to the new article on President Rajapaksa's speech at the UN.
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