Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mr. Robert Blake: Condescending, Crass, Cheap Advice Not Solicited nor Welcomed!

By OaO Asithri

July 22, 2010

Mr. Robert Blake, US Assistant Secretary of State said yesterday when meeting the media in Colombo:
“The US believes the UN panel can play an important advisory role with Sri Lanka 's commission. UN has greater experience in many parts of the world with such conditions and that experience could benefit Sri Lanka 's Commission."

Furthermore, he said “the panel is only an advisory panel and does not have an investigatory or judicial role of any kind."

Blimey, how silly of us little brown men/women of Sri Lanka ! Why did we not think of these entirely-good-intentioned measures before ourselves? Silly us, did we not know that our own Commission is deficient as it was lacking “helpful greater-experience” of this UN panel?

helpful greater experience of UN panel” – what is that? Pardon me, but is this akin to the white elephant we all long to see before we die?

Yes, I am astounded beyond words but then again not surprised by this man’s utterances! What galling cheekiness, what diplomatic gaudiness and simply stated, what crass “holier than thou” condescending cheap behavior!

Since when did Sri Lankans appoint this Bobby as their National Reconciliation Minister, or the National I-know-whatz-good-for-you-you brown-minions Minister, or for that matter, their National Raw-sewage-salvation Minister?

Maybe we Sri Lankans did, and in the same vein I am sure Americans also appointed our veritable, ever-potent Keheliya Rambukwella as their “Hide-our-utter-shame-&-proudly-tucktail-&-exit-from Iraq-Afghanistan” Special Advisor to Obama?

Truly, this man’s crass arrogance and gaudy diplomatic faux-pas vis-à-vis Sri Lanka that I have seen, now and before, never fails to shake-my-cockles and ghast-my-flabber to a fit!

I wonder…

Would he dare to do the same by giving such unsolicited, warped advice to other countries, say to the Spanish on the “Basque issue” or to the Canadian on the “First Nations issue” or for that matter to the Indians on the “ Kashmir issue?” I think not!

Rather, should not this man be concentrating his evidently-challenged acumen in the extrication of the now badly bogged-down, all but defeated, demoralized US and other “US-coalition forces” from Iraq and Afghanistan? Is that not a more important issue for this man to waste his sweat droplets on than the now-self healing Sri Lankan issue?

Sadly, what this man fails to realize is that his crass arrogant behavior is so gaudy and nauseating to us Sri Lankans that the complete opposite of what he wants to achieve is bound to realize vis-à-vis his pet-project cum-mania, the “Sri Lankan issue!”

Aha, lest I forget, yes, did I not earlier speak of the National Raw-sewage-salvation Minister? Now we all know that when we speak of Raw-sewage, we cannot not consider our heinous-terrorist LTTE darlings of only about one year ago. As such, sorry Bobby, this is one post you cannot stealthily grab as today that position is hotly contested between the masses-resoundingly-rejected Ranil Wickremasinghe and Somawansa Amarasinghe camps and the last I heard, this “menace-to-SL traitors” Rajapakse-Regime (resoundingly accepted by the masses) has very magnanimously agreed to let each camp share that mandate equally and each of them camps is in sheer bliss now, working at it night and day!


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Moshe Dyan said...

multipolar won't last.

Moshe Dyan said...

mongal joining UNP!!! is that news???

bugger contested from the UNP in april when they were defeated with a record margin!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

LTTE die-arse-pora is trying to frame jagath dias. from the looks of it, their plan is going to fail. that may set a good precedence for others to follow. from what i hear, JCD is LEAST BOTHERED!!!

Asithri said...

"multipolar won't last"

What a pity - at least for my sake!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...



What fun!!!

[Asithri, uba warnko Lankawa paththe denna ubatat kemak]


Ado wesa-kollo, mama mey dan Lankawata awoth umbey ammtath, umbey ammagey-ammath pukey-hukala thamai aaith rata it RW=LTTE eunuch???

paraya Rana, kiyapan thogey wesa RW=LTTE ammata...magey baseball bat eka kakiyanawa para-wesigey paka eranna...

hahahahahha...typical OaOA uh? Cheeey aney, how bad!!!

What fun...just when the blog was "dormant"...

All thanks to an ill-bred, cross-bred (father unknown), arsehole from SL who loves to kiss-ass the star Eunuchs of SL!!!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

"Who Wants to be an Ambassador" = Multipolar !!!

See how fast the RW=LTTE ammahuka came with another handle!!!



OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

News News News

['Ranil must make room for Sajith as leader'

Aug 2 (Island)

Senior UNP MP Lakshman Seneviratne said that Ranil Wickremesinghe should step down from the party’s leadership and Hambantota District MP Sajith Premadasa should fill the vacancy if the party was to come out of its present crisis.


:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

p.s. It does not matter to us Invincible Patriotic Forces of SL...Ranil or Sajith...whoever tries to fcuk with Motherlanka's interests will be met with the same fate - FAILURE! If so, I will personally devote my money (as I have done in the past) to defeat this unpatriotic UriNePees bitchees! If, however, Sajith is going to set a "new course" that moves the party away from being anti-MotherLanka, then it is a fair game - as then it is a matter of true democracy.

Asithri said...


[Ubala okkotama kelawanawa, danaganiyaw.]


Where is the "red bird" "blue bird" "ultimate surprise" that you RW=LTTE whorepup promised us in late 2008/early 2009?


Those were what you promised to save your LTTE (=RW) darlings uh?


but no action!!!

Ada RW=LTTE wesa kolla, urapan umbey ballgey donga...


Api dinuwa...Api thamai aandu karanney...Api thamai umbagey ammata-hikuwey! Api thamai SINHAYO!!!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

As I suspected long ago and said many times before in DW and herein in SLDF too...

This "Rana" and 1000 of his handles were all from one individual who we now know as a member of the "Sinhala Kotiyo"...

Yes, in my last visit to SL I was astounded to see how deep the rot had set in the South that supported the LTTE! The "Sinhalese" network that had been in place to support the LTTE in the South was truly a masterpiece...something that had been accomplished very patiently over 20 years I was told.

Some of the caught culprits were the most unthinkable I was told (perfect "Buddhist Sinhalese"!!!).

Yes, this whoredog "Rana" (and his 1000's of avatars) was the www version of it and I am glad that I for one always suspected the bitch for what he is/was.

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Bro Ananada,

Sent a new email...pls. check you email.

(cc. sent to Sam, Sujeewa, Konnapu, Moshey)

AA, If you grant my request, then just post here "Asithri, I am allowing your request" and I will do the needful.

Many thanks...indeed, very much!

OaO Asithri

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Leave aside the big lies they make here, we can call that innocent and harmless recolonization is happening. Not only that, these MFs found that there is nothing they can make out against RECOL other than spreading the fat lie of "stealing lands" to agitate ppl against it. So if GOSL can assure that it is not true [which is easy] that means even eelamists have no rational arguments to use against RECOL.



උතුරේ ජනතාවගේ ඉඩම් දැවැන්ත ලෙස මංකොල්ල කනවා: හමුදා පවුල් බලෙන් පදිංචි කරවනවා -දෙමල මන්ත‍්‍රීවරු හෙලිදරව් කරත

Yesterday at 9:25pm
(ලංකා ඊ නිව්ස් 2010 අගෝ. 02, ප.ව.6.25)

කිලිනොච්චි, මන්නාරම වැනි ප‍්‍රදේශවල හමුදා පවුල් පදිංචි කරවීමට යාමත්, උතුරු නැගෙනිහිර පළාත්වල අවතැන්වූ දෙමළ ජනතාවගේ පාරම්පරික ඉඩම් ඔවුනට නොදීමත් දෙමළ ජනතාවට කරන බලවත් අසාධාරණයක් බව දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය පවසයි.

හමුදා පවුල් ලක්‍ෂයකට ආසන්න සංඛ්‍යාවක් උතුරු-නැගෙනහිර පදිංචිකරවන බව තොරතුරු ලැබී තිබෙන බව කොළඹ දී අද (02) පැවැති මාධ්‍ය හමුවකදී කරුණු දැක්වූ යාපනය දිස්ති‍්‍රක් මන්ත‍්‍රීවරුන් වන සුරේස් පේ‍්‍රමචන්ද්‍රන් සහ එම්.ඒ. සුවන්තිරන් මහත්වරුන් පෙන්නා දුන්නේ එසේ හමුදා පවුල් පදිංචි කරවීමෙන් එම ප‍්‍රදේශවල දෙමළ ජනතාවගේ ප‍්‍රතිශතය විශාල ලෙස අඩුවන බවයි.

අවතැන්වු ජනතාවගේ පාරම්පරික ඉඩම්ි ඔවුනට ආපසු නොදීමත්, එම ඉඩම් රජයට පවරාගෙන අධිආරක්‍ෂිත කලාප පිහිටුවීමත් ගැන කරුණු දැක්වූ මන්ත‍්‍රීවරුන් පැවැසුවේ ජනාධිපතිවරයා කැබිනට් මණ්ඩල රැුස්වීම පැවැත්වීමට කිලිනොච්චිය පැමිණි අවස්ථාවේ තමන්ට පාරම්පරිකව අයත් ඉඩම්වල නැවත පදිංචිවීමට ඉඩ ලබාදෙන ලෙසට ඉල්ලා සිටි අවස්ථාවේ ඔවුනට එම ඉඩම් ආපසු ලබාදෙන බව ප‍්‍රකාශ කළ බවත්, එහෙත් මල්වතු අස්ගිරි මහනාහිමිවරුන් හමුවූ හමුදාපතිවරයා, උතුරු නැගෙනහිර ආරක්‍ෂාවට හමුදා පවුල් පදිංචි කරවන බව ප‍්‍රකාශ කර තිබෙන අතර, අධිආරක්‍ෂිත කලාපවල ඉඩම් ආපසු ඉඩම්හිමියනට නොදෙන බවට මාධ්‍ය ඇමැතිවරයා ප‍්‍රකාශ කර තිබෙන බවත්, ජනාධිපති ප‍්‍රකාශය හමුදාපති හා මාධ්‍ය ඇමැතිගේ ප‍්‍රකාශ හාත්පසින් විරුද්ධ පරස්පර ඒවා බවත් මෙවැනි තත්ත්වයක් උදාවුවහොත් අනාගතයේ දෙමළ ජනතාවට එම ප‍්‍රදේශවල ජීවත් වන්නට බැරිවන බවත්ය.

සුරේෂ් පේ‍්‍රමචන්ද්‍රන් මහතා මෙම මාධ්‍ය හමුවට සහභාගි වූයේ දෙමළ සන්ධානයේ මාධ්‍ය ප‍්‍රකාශක ලෙසයි. අවතැන්වූ දෙමළ ජනතාව නැවත ඔවුන්ගේ මුල් පදිංචි ස්ථානවල පදිංචි කරවන බව කියා ඔවුන් එම ස්ථානවලට ගොස් තාවකාලික නිවහනක් සාදාගෙන දින 3 - 4 ක් කල්ගත වන විට හමුදාවෙන් ගොස් ඔවුන් පන්නා දමන බවත් එම ප‍්‍රදේශවල බිම් බෝම්බ ඇතැයි කියමින් එසේ පන්නා දමනවා නම් ඔවුන් නැවත පදිංචියට යැව්වේ මන්දැයි ඔහු ප‍්‍රශ්න කළේය.


Sujeewa Kokawala said...


සුරේෂ් පේ‍්‍රමචන්ද්‍රන්, එම්.ඒ. සුමන්තිරන්, එස්. සිවසන්ති ආනන්දන් සහ එස්. ශ‍්‍රීධරන් යන දෙමළ සන්ධානයේ මන්ත‍්‍රීවරුන් 2010 ජූලි මස 29 වනදා ශාන්ති පුරම් ප‍්‍රදේශයේ කළ සංචාරයකින් පසු සකස් කළ වාර්තාවක් ද මාධ්‍ය හමුවේදී නිකුත් කළ අතර. ශාන්තිපුරම් කඳවුරු ප‍්‍රදේශයට අතරමැදි කඳවුරුවල වෙසෙන එම ප‍්‍රදේශයේ පාරම්පරික ජනතාවත් එදිනට චෙට්ටිකුලම් හි සුබසාධන කඳවුරුවල සිටින ඉන්දුපුරම් සහ තිරුමුරුකණ්ඩි හි පාරම්පරික වාසය කල ප‍්‍රදේශවලින් ද හමුවූ බවත්, තම කණ්ඩායම ශාන්තිපුරම් විද්‍යාලයට ලඟාවන විට බඩුබාහිරාදිය රැුගෙන එන පිරිසකගෙන් විමසූවිට මාන්කුලම් බි‍්‍රගේඩියර්වරයා ඔවුනට සිය පැරැුණි වාසස්ථානවල යළි පදිංචි විය හැකි බව කී නිසා එහි ගොස් තාවකාලික නිවාස සාදාගෙන සිටියදී 29 දා උදෑසන හමුදා සෙබළුන් පැමිණ නැවත පදිංචියට අවසර නැතැයි කී නිසා ආපසු පැමිණි බව එම වාර්තාවේ දැක්වේ. එම වාර්තාවට අනුව මෙය නැවත පදිංචියට ගිය ඔවුන් පළවා හැරි තුන්වන අවස්ථාවයි.

තමන්ට විඳින්නට සිදුව ඇති මේ දුක් කරදර නිසා ඔවුන් බිම පෙරලෙමින් විලාප නඟමින් දුක පැවැසු බවද එම වාර්තාවේ සඳහන්ය.

මේ පිරිසේ බඩු බාහිරාදිය හමුදාව බලහත්කාරයෙන් ට‍්‍රැක්ටරයක පටවා ගෙනැවිත තිබූ අතර, තම කණ්ඩායම දුටු විට එම ට‍්‍රැක්ටරය කැලෑ පඳුරු පිටුපස සැඟවූවත්, එහි ඡුායාරූප ගැනීමට තමන්ට හැකිවූ බවද මන්ත‍්‍රී වාර්තාව සඳහන් කරයි.

ශාන්තිපුරම් විද්‍යාල භූමියේ පවුල් 281 ක පුද්ගලයන් 980 ක් ජීවත් වෙති. මේ පිරිස 2010 මැයි 07 දා චෙට්ටිකුලම් සුබ සාධක කඳවුරකට ගෙනැවිත් කිලිනොච්චිය මධ්‍ය මහා විද්‍යාලයේ රඳවා ඇති බවත් වර්තමාන කඳවුරට ඔවුන් ගෙන එන ලද්දේ ජූලි 01 දා බවත් ඊට පෙර දෙවතාවකදී ඔවුනට තමන්ට අයත් ඉඩම්වල පදිංචියට යන්නට ඉඩ හැර පසුව පන්නා දමා ඇති බවත් එම වාර්තාව කියයි.

වවුනියාවේ තිරාමුණකණ්ඩි දේවාලය ආසන්නයේ වෙළෙඳාම් කළ අයට ඔවුන්ගේ ව්‍යාපාරික ස්ථාන නැවත පවත්වාගෙන යාමට අවසර ලබාදී නොතිබියදී පිටපළාත්වලින් පැමිණි පුද්ගලයන්ට වෙළෙඳාම් කටයුතු සඳහා අවසර ලබාදී තිබෙන බවත් දේවාලය අසල ඉඩමේ හෝටලයක් ද ඉදිවෙමින් තිබෙන බවත්. මේ සම්බන්ධව ජනාධිපති, නැවත පදිංචි කිරීමේ ඇමැතිවරයාට සහ අනෙක් බලධාරීනට මේ තත්ත්වය ගැන භාෂා තුනෙන්ම ලිපි යවා ඇතත්, අද වනතුරු පිළිතුරක්වත් ලැබී නැති බවත් එම ජනතාවගේ එකම ඉල්ලීම වන්නේ රටේ අනෙක් පුරවැසියනට ඇති තමන්ගේ ඉඩම්වල වාසය කිරීමට සහ වගා කිරීමට ඇති අයිතිය තමන්ට නැවත ලබාදෙන ලෙස බවත් කියති.

මන්ත‍්‍රීවරුන් සිය වාර්තාව අවසන් කරන්නේ මෙසේයි.

සාන්තිපුරම්, ඉන්දුපුරම් සහ තිරුමුරුකණ්ඩි ප‍්‍රදේශවල ජනතාව ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවේ සාමූහික හෘද සාක්‍ෂියට අයැද සිටින්නේ අසරණ වූ ඔවුන්ට මේ තත්ත්වයෙන් මිදී නැවත ඔවුන්ගේ ඉඩම්වල පදිංචි වීමට සුදුසු ප‍්‍රතිකර්මයක් ලබාගැනීම සඳහා ඔවුන් වෙනුවෙන් ඉදිරිපත් වන ලෙසයි.


Sujeewa Kokawala said...


[[As I suspected long ago and said many times before in DW and herein in SLDF too...

This "Rana" and 1000 of his handles were all from one individual who we now know as a member of the "Sinhala Kotiyo"...

Yes, in my last visit to SL I was astounded to see how deep the rot had set in the South that supported the LTTE! The "Sinhalese" network that had been in place to support the LTTE in the South was truly a masterpiece...something that had been accomplished very patiently over 20 years I was told.

Some of the caught culprits were the most unthinkable I was told (perfect "Buddhist Sinhalese"!!!).

Yes, this whoredog "Rana" (and his 1000's of avatars) was the www version of it and I am glad that I for one always suspected the bitch for what he is/was.]]

I am amazed too mate. In recent past I associated with these MFs more than with you guys. I am amazed how the mental defects in their heads are used to plant seeds of eelamism.

They are continuing. Unlike in their real life where their smelly arses of extreme socialism and lunatic liberalism can be seen, they can pretend as anyone in cyber space. So they get more acceptance there.

This brain wash is continuing, and I see that as singly the biggest enemy supporting separatism.

I invite you all to pay more attention to local blogs than foreign. Like it or not the world is loosing interest in SL affairs and the true IC [not NGO hawks] will soon stop bothering about us. Although we shud still take on the intl media, it is more important in protecting home front. Virus is unleashed now. I fear of having a next generation who sympathize the pussycats due to this brainwash.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

An example for a sinhala separatist pussycat suppporter

On top of that proud-to-have designation this MF can withhiold few more minor ones like, "lunetic", "daydreamer", "anti-social", "hate-man" etc.

I hope Sam has him as a JPB, an if not, I have no hesitation in nominating him.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Aussie model of devolution best for Lanka - Susantha

Million dollar Q is how they are gonna do this in SL. If you divide regions there is no way you avoid division of races as racial lines are more or less falling on regional barriers.

There is one way to change that dependence and we all know it and dream for it becoming a reality.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Kelaniya Joker ties a man to a tree

This is a hefty shame to everyone.

If Mahinda does not start counting the days of Mervyn at office, ppl will soon start counting Mahinda's days at office.

Ananda-USA said...

US State Department honors Sri Lankan woman entrepreneur as State Alumni Member of the Month

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 03, Colombo: The United States Department of State has named Sri Lankan businesswoman Rezani Aziz as State Alumni Member of the Month for August.

Aziz, the chief operating officer for a global public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller, and a member of the Women's Chamber of Industry and Commerce, is a Sri Lankan alumna of the State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP).

She was selected in recognition of her work to promote women's empowerment in business and local capacity building as she empowers professional women while helping to build a robust civil society in her native Sri Lanka, a State Department communiqu� said on Monday.

Throughout the month of August her leadership and achievements will be recognized on the State Alumni website.

Aziz's current projects focus on raising awareness of women's issues and promoting small and medium-sized enterprises.

On her IVLP exchange, Aziz has traveled around the United States to learn how business and local associations bring about changes and affect policy.

With her IVLP experience she has designed and initiated a campaign called "A Cleaner Colombo in 100 Days" to activate neighborhoods for waste management and has worked with the City Administrator to make the project an ongoing priority for the city.

Describing her achievements, the State Department said the honoree has also volunteered with female entrepreneurs to provide training for migrant women, establish female-oriented business associations, and collaborate with commerce and trade boards to advance the recognition of women.

"She has worked tirelessly to make Sri Lankan women aware of their rights, especially in war-torn Tamil areas like Jaffna," the statement said.

"In addition to her professional endeavors, Aziz is an active member of the U.S. government exchange alumni community in Sri Lanka. She currently serves on the 10-person steering committee that selects projects and plans events for the bourgeoning alumni organization," it added.

Ananda-USA said...

Major high security zone removed in Northern Sri Lanka

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 03, Jaffna: Sri Lanka security forces announced today that a key high security zone (HSZ) in the island's Tamil dominated Jaffna has been removed.

This high security zone was in effect for around 15 years since the Army liberated the Jaffna peninsula from the Tamil rebels in 1995. The zone centered on Ceynor Jetty in Gurunagar, a major fisher community area in Jaffna.

The removal of the high security zone occurred in a ceremony held under the auspices of the Jaffna Commander Major General Mahinda Hathurusinghe.

Government sources said that the high security zone was removed to facilitate the resettlement process.

Ananda-USA said...

TamilNET stirring the Tamil Nadu Pot against China bemoaning that the Tamil Eelam of Myanmar is being overwhelmed by Chinese influx!

"Cheena minissu ohen enawa, mehen enawa, arahen enwa, yatin enawa, udin enawa, Lankawatath avilla, apey Eelam Loka Rajadhaniye Sanwardhanaya nawathenawa! Aney, Apoo!" un adanawa, walapenawa!

Chinese outnumber Tamils in Myanmar

Manan Kumar
August 02, 2010

NEW DELHI: The silent influx of Han Chinese into the border towns of Myanmar, adjoining India, such as Tamu, Min Thar, Shwelebo and Kawngkan has made the security establishment in Delhi wary of China’s understated expansionist policies.

Intelligence inputs suggest that the steady push of Han Chinese, who are getting into business along the Indo-Myanmar border towns in a big way, has outdazzled thousands of people belonging to traditional Tamil trading community, involved in smaller businesses in the border towns. According to Tamilnet, the relations between Myanmar and Tamils go back a long way to the times of the advent of maritime activities in the Bay of Bengal, as trade winds and currents were particularly conducive for the swift and direct communication between Myanmar, which was known in Sanskrit as Swarna Bhumi (the land of gold).

Sources said the Chinese scheme to change the demography is fast outnumbering Tamil businessmen in Myanmar, especially in the border towns.

The contrast is visible clearly in Mandalay and Tamu (Myanmar border town close to Moreh in Manipur on Indian side).

Inputs suggest that China, supported by Burmese military junta, is helping Han Chinese to invest in Myanmar and in the takeover of businesses controlled so far by the Tamils by improvising both products and methods. As a result, these towns, thronged by Tamil business families not long ago, have given way to the Hans and about 12 percent of Myanmar’s population now speaks Mandarin.

Aware of the serious implications the demographic changes may have on India’s security, Delhi is understood to have conveyed its concerns to the Myanmar’s military ruler, General Than Shwe during his visit in July. In the backdrop of China’s growing clout in Myanmar, India accorded a red-carpet welcome to Than Shwe by giving him a ceremonial welcome at the forecourt of the Rashtrapati Bhavan during his five-day visit.

Moshe Dyan's Nightmare said...

This idiot Ananda is acting like a bull in a china shop, deleting each and every post that disagrees with his stupid ideas.

All he know is to cut and paste some unimportant lengthy article. When ever he post his own comments his utter idiocrisy and mediocre mind gets apparent.

Now he has chased away pol, the only guy who would engage in lengthy conversations with me.

.......I cant be thinking against him, he might delete my posts too, he is such a Pol Pot....

If that happen then I wont be able to sit infront of the computer looking porn for hours, pretending to type some important articles.

When my wife cant hear me typing, she will come to me and want to have sex with me. I cant do that my dick wont stand up for her any more, I prefer the white girls in porn sites........

My profile picture is constantly in my nightmares since Nov 2008..... I avoided that humiliation thanks to SLA...

but it bothers me every time, here I see it again and the whole story comes to my mind


priyashantha said...

What the hell is this? Where are the bloggers? No activity in Defencewire and SLPAC. Rana Somatilake's wild dogs everywhere. They are breeding like Shanika Downer (nee Somatilake) breeding puppies.

priyashantha said...

Pahaharu sunakha nari koti laega saema thaenama
Himikaru pirisa gaena wagathuga naethuwaama
Piyakaru atheethaya amathaka naethi sema
Sumithuru ekathuwen rekaganu desa prema

Asithri said...

What the heck is this?

That is what I have been asking myself too!!!

[Rana Somatilake's wild dogs everywhere. They are breeding like Shanika Downer (nee Somatilake) breeding puppies.]

Ananda Aiya is busy and with no other blog admin present (or privileged so), this amma-huka Rana Somatilake (yes, I know him and I will "get" him sooner or later) is running rampant here...including offering his incest-indulged daughters' arses to us raw-patritots!!!


OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Hey Priyashantha mallo...


Godaak kaalekin neyda mallo?

Hondin innawada sawoma?

Mey para vesa-RW=LTTE ballo thawamath methana awilla rennda hadanawa...habai, api ungey ammalagey paka iramu...harida mallo?

mama Ruhuna-ley kolla...mama mey para wesanta dannawa niyama behetha!


OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Yo LTTE/RW whoredog,

How about a post from "OaO Asithri's Sperm Drop" ???

(I am feeling left out paraya...don't do that to me!:))


Para is you RW/LTTE thamiz whoreamma's cunny? Still rotten with Thala-thel-fungi infection???


OaO Asithri

priyashantha said...

Asithri Malli,

Soma den retire wela lu. Uta weda naehe. That's why the paraya spending time in internet nowadays. Uge loku ekita suddek hukala maattu wela. Ane paw ithin. Uge podi eki thaama vesakame yanawa bang. Paw thamai ekita. Eki kalui. Kalu huththata kawuwath asa naehe. Haema ekaama hukala maaru wenawa.

Somatilake had tried to get back to CEB, Colombo. But Champika ne new minister. So uta bayai yanna. Samasamaaja pakek awoth mu yanawalu.

If you see Somatilake you will not call him half the things you said. He looks like a real muspenthuwa. Langadima u maerila yawi thadi haelapaya.

Anushka NGO weda walata Colombo enawalu. Balapiya mama ekige puka palana haeti. Patta vesa balukaduwa.

Asithri said...


Maru wachana mallo...hariyatama, nikan kiwwoth...kaantharaye wetunu wehi-poda wagey!

:)) :)) :))

Para wesa-pawula...para wesa-thaatha...thawa monawada kiyannai uh?

[Anushka NGO weda walata Colombo enawalu]


Para patta wedak denna onai Colombey - for sure!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

p.s. shows the "kind sentiments" I have for a once undercover RW=LTTE whoredog who pretended to be a "Sinhala Patriot" !!!

Ananda-USA said...

Priyashanta Malli ..

Ayubowan! Always happy to hear from you!

Ananda-USA said...

GOSL should also request Vaiko's EXTRADITION to Sri Lanka to face charges of aiding and abetting terrorism in Sri Lanka, AND for ENTERING SL UNLAWFULLY to train LTTE terrorists in the Wanni.

Sessions court frames charges against Vaiko

Times of India
August 3, 2010

Charges framed against Vaiko
Vaiko has been charged under Section 12(A) of the IPC (waging seditious war against the government) and under provisions of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

CHENNAI: A sessions court here today framed charges against MDMK leader Vaiko for various offences, including sedition, for his alleged inflammatory speeches supporting the banned LTTE two years ago.

Vaiko has been charged under Section 12(A) of the IPC (waging seditious war against the government) and under provisions of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

A charge sheet was filed against Vaiko for allegedly making inflammatory speeches supporting the LTTE at a meeting here in October 2008. Subsequently Vaiko was arrested and was lodged in Puzhal Central Prison. Later he was released on bail.

Vaiko, who was present at the court, said "I am not denying the speech, which I had made. But I deny the charges levelled against me."

Additional session judge P Boopalan, where the case came up, posted it to September 6, 2010 for trial.

Speaking to reporters outside the court, Vaiko said he would face the case in an "appropriate" manner.

Vaiko alleged that DMK government was 'unnecessarily foisting cases' on him since he allied with the Opposition AIADMK.

Ananda-USA said...


Even better if we can force Norway to remove its Embassy altogether from Sri Lanka!

Norwegian Ambassador bids farewell to Sri Lanka

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 02, Colombo: Norwegian Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Tore Hattrem paid a farewell call on President Mahinda Rajapaksa today (August 02) at the Temple Trees.

Secretary to the President, Lalith Weeratunga, and Secretary to the Treasury, Dr. P.B. Jayasundara also were present at the occasion.

Ananda-USA said...

Sounds like the FOX will be guarding the HEN HOUSE!

Will he fly the COOP during the night one of these days, and crow at us from abroad?

Wanted in Rajiv case, KP now heading NGO in Lanka

Sutirtho Patranobis
Colombo, August 03, 2010

"LTTE's self proclaimed leader in exile… Kumaran Patmanathan alias KP was the key arms smuggler who conspired to assassinate several VVIPs including the former Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi." That was Sri Lanka government’s portal’s description of KP on August 7, 2009, two days after
his arrest in Kuala Lumpur.

A year later, the smuggler and conspirator has become a VVIP himself. Seldom does a prisoner – he’s yet to be produced in court after a year – get to invite business delegates from abroad, fly to other parts of the country with them and even issue a statement inviting foreign investments.

But KP, a terrorist by the government’s own admission, is no ordinary prisoner. He had two dozen aliases during his career of buying arms and gathering money for the LTTE but the government now sees him under a new softer light, almost a halo – a critical bridge between Colombo and a section of the reluctant but rich Tamil diaspora; also someone who would have the lucrative key to LTTE’s international assets including bank accounts and financial assets.

Probably as a small measure of gratitude, the happy, expectant government has bestowed upon him the secretary-ship of a new NGO, the `North-East Rehabilitation and Development Organisation’ (NERDO). Which is not too bad for government patronage for someone in Interpol’s most wanted list and wanted in a neighbouring country for his role in murdering a former PM.

"We need your help. We need it now. We need your physical, intellectual and financial contribution. We need your advice and plans,’’ KP recently wrote to Tamil diaspora businessmen with all the enthusiasm of a broker.

The perennially suspicious and Marxist party, Janatha Vimukti Peramuna (JVP) found all this new found cosiness and exchange of letters a bit jarring. It pointed out that while KP gets to wear a new cap and give leisurely newspaper interviews, Sri Lanka has another high-profile prisoner, former army chief, Sarath Fonseka, who was actually on the winning side in the civil war but is now charged with corruption and conspiracy.

As for India, the Multi-Disciplinary Monitoring Agency of the Central Bureau of Investigation would be keenly keeping track of KP who was suspected to have known about Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination months before it took place.

Ananda-USA said...

While the West deals with a large scale REVIVED INSURGENCY in Afghanistan, after the enemy was totally defeated and expelled from power, the West advises Sri Lanka to dismantle its defences, while giving every encouragement to LTTE terrorists residing in their own countries!


Sri Lanka arrests over 1,500
August 03, 2010

COLOMBO - SRI Lankan troops arrested over 1,500 Tamil rebel suspects during July, more than a year after the separatist guerrilla group was crushed militarily, the Prime Minister said on Tuesday.

About half of the suspects were picked up at government-run shelters where they had taken refuge after the fighting ended in May last year, Premier DM Jayaratne told parliament during a debate to extend a state of emergency.

'We need to maintain emergency laws to ensure the safety and security of the nation,' the premier told parliament.

Sri Lanka has resisted international calls to end the state of emergency, saying that Tiger remnants were trying to regroup and resume their armed campaign for an independent homeland for the island's ethnic Tamil minority.

Mr Jayaratne said the government continued to receive information about Tigers trying to collect weapons and regroup.

The United Nations estimate that up to 100,000 people died in the Tigers' independence bid from 1972 till May last year. -- AFP

Asithri said...


[Will he fly the COOP during the night one of these days, and crow at us from abroad?]

Valid concern I agree.

if this KP bugger does that, then the blame for that should squarely lie with GR!

So, GR, our Good Sire, I know you do visit this blog now and then to take the " overseas pulse", please take note of this non-insignificant posts from us about NOT letting KP go footloose!

Thank you sire!

OaO Asithri

priyashantha said...

Ananda Ayya,

Ayubowan. Ayubowan. Ayya.

Hope you are keeping fine. I visit here often but don't write anything. Now the war is over ne. Ehemai mehenang minissu okkoma den hithanne. Yudde amathakamawela gihilla. Eka hondada narakada danne naehe. I guess depaththama. But glad to see our patriots here are keeping a close watch of things. Hopefully the panel will not cause too much trouble for peace in Sri Lanka. People are slowly come to terms with SF. Now even those who supported him say he is a traitor.

Sri Lanka deserves to be happy and free after all she went through for no fault of hers and her children.

Carry on Ananda Ayya, I always enjoy reading your comments.

Thunuruwan Saranai.

Ananda-USA said...

Priyashantha Malli ..

Malli wagey kavi pelak liyanna mama daksha naha.

Habai menna "Wadakaha Sudiya" thaaleta podi sinduwak!

Harima Deyak Lankawata Siduwuna
Deshapremin Seemawak Nathuwa Pathuruna
Raja Wennata Sithapu Kotiyo
Drohi Kamata Modawela
Kalapuwa Addara Un Okkama Vanasuna

Aney Magey Emily Paney
Kiyannako Attha Aney
Damma Neda Chandey Mahindata?

Damma Neda Chandey Mahindata?
Damma Neda Chandey Mahindata?
Raja Wennata Sithapu Kotiyo
Drohi Kamata Modawela
Kalapuwa Addara Un Okkama Vanasuna

Aney Magey Emily Paney
Kiyannam Attha Aney
Api Okkoma Damma Chandey Mahindata!

priyashantha said...

Ananda Ayya, gema nang gema.

Dutu thaena nasaw para kotiyo pana kendithi

Kadu pihi poro polu muguruda raegena kaethi
Rathu le hela gamdora rata deya nasathi
Mathu kawadaa noma wannata mae wipaethi
Dutu thaena nasaw para kotiyo pana kendithi

Ananda-USA said...

Priyashantha Malli ..

"Dutu thaena nasaw para kotiyo pana kendithi"

Kadu pihi poro polu muguruda raegena kaethi
Rathu le hela gamdora rata deya nasathi
Mathu kawadaa noma wannata mae wipaethi
Dutu thaena nasaw para kotiyo pana kendithi

Malligey kavi kiyawana wita
Edath, adath
Sathutu kandulu epidei magey neth dekata!

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Mervyn agony is continuing and there is no doubt that it will be a stumbling block on MR's govt soon. See what this MF did to a family.

As I said before, unless MR starts counting days of Mervyn at office, ppl will soon start counting Mr's days at office.


Officer's family in fear
Wednesday, 04 August 2010 15:00

By Indika Sri Aravinda and Sanath Desmond

The family of the Samurdhi officer who was tied to a tree by Deputy Minister Mervyn Silva in Kelaniya yesterday said that they fear for their lives with the officer himself now reportedly in hiding.

Relatives of the Samurdhi officer told Daily Mirror online that they did not know the whereabouts of the officer after he left his home yesterday. “He has been psychologically affected because of what has happened to him. He had not committed any sin for him to be treated in such a manner by the Deputy Minister. We all now fear for our lives,” a relative said.

The relative added, “We cannot step out of the house as people identify us. We have disconnected the home telephone as people are calling us. We are all affected because of this. We do not know what will happen to us.”

Meanwhile the Intellectuals for Human Rights termed Deputy Minister Silva’s actions yesterday as a ‘brutal’ act and condemned the physical and mental violence against this government official.

“It was an action which obviously violated the right of a civilian to be free from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and the right to work without any discrimination protected by international human rights charters and conventions,” the Human Rights group said in a statement. (Daily Mirror online)

Moshe Dyan said...

just when mervyn looked to become sane!!

this is a bullshitter. this joker has to be contained. his conduct fuels what anti-SLs allege - abuse of power by the govt. no need to play into their hands.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

How Mervyn tied the man

What Mervyn had to say in parliament

Note that this is a big threat to SL in every possible way. Mervyn is singly the biggest factor against the pro-SL govt of today. He stands above RW, Fonseka, JVP, LTTE, West, NGO and all the other JPBs in deviating Sri Lankans from the govt.

Foolish and helpless [you know why] MR and close numbers keep on ignoring. Mervyn knows how to keep Rajapaksa's out of scene.

It is absolutely pathetic.

Sam Perera said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam Perera said...


Oh ho Rana. Wassup old fart? Let me see the names you have used under this ID.

fake Sujeewa Kokawala
fake ConspiracyTheory
fake tata
fake නිසල්
Andrea Ulicna
true mUlTiPoLaRrrrr!!

Your ability to take various names are much more impressive than your anti SL blabber. What are you upto these days?. Are you still on to that disgusting incest work?

Moshe Dyan said...


the 2 are connected!!

if he assumes another ID in real life (say mr gunaratna) and does that, he is convinced that it is not incest!!

of course in reality nothing changes but AFA he is concerned, it's another man.

ALWAYS he does things under a new ID which he cannot do with his real ID.

Sam Perera said...


if he assumes another ID in real life (say mr gunaratna) and does that, he is convinced that it is not incest!!

Ha ha ha, it is always interesting to see this kind of decadent characters.

aqua said...

Asithri.. bro good to see your 'bitch seeking' missiles are still pretty sharp and you are on top of things!

Sujeewa thanks for posting those links.. this guy makes me F%^&*g sick. something tells me he wont live to die as a happy old peaceful grandfather.

Moshe Dyan said...

"OAOA's 'bitch seeking' missiles"

nice one aqua. indeed they are. they silenced multi (at least for the time being).

surely there is more than one way to moderate a blog!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

sam, SK,

re: solar power

i read 0.3% of sahara is enough to power entire europe!!!

this is POWER in the hands of SLs too. being a tropical country we should be able to do well. if solar generated (or wind power) electricity can be used to purify water and irrigate, we will be laughing.

KB said...

Jolly good show Mr. Clad! You hit the nail right on the head about this terrorist scam. How about using one of those unmanned predator strikes to send this rust bucket to Davy Jones locker?


Sri Lankan Tamils aim for North America, asylum

By John Pomfret
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 4, 2010


James Clad, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for South and Southeast Asia, said he thought that the boat was part of an attempt by the Tamil Tigers to "create a network again and play the transnational terrorist game."

"I'm not an advocate for sending people back to their deaths, but that is just not happening in Sri Lanka," he said. "I've helped a lot of migrants before, but I know a scam when I see one."

Diyasena said...

Ananda aiya and all,

Sorry for not writing here in awhile as I have been going through quite a hectic period.. I am sorry the Ranaviru fund didn't materialise, but I'm sure every one here does make personal contributions.

Maybe it's just me, but I have seen slight cracks appearing in the unity of the key bloggers. If one needs to vent please do so on SLPAC blog and don't give ammuniition to the cat humping dole bludger who is multipolar.

Will try and contribute more often. Hope you are all well..

Ananda-USA said...

Diyasena Malli ..

Glad to hear from you again!

All is well at the SLDF blog front; not to worry.

Ananda-USA said...

Wonder who paid the Assassins?

I'll give you TWO guesses!

Ahmadinejad survives 'assassination attempt'

Daily Telegraph
August 04, 2010

TEHRAN: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, has survived a bomb attack on his convoy, according to reports.

Al Arabiya television said an attacker threw a bomb at Mr Ahmadinejad's convoy before being detained.

A home-made bomb exploded near the convoy, a source from the president's office told Reuters, but Mr Ahmadinejad, who was travelling from an airport in the western city of Hamadan to give a speech in a sports arena, was unharmed.

The website reported that the hardline president's car was about 100 yards away from the site of the blast.

The website said it had no information about whether other people were injured.

"The explosion caused a lot of smoke," it said.

However, an official from Mr Ahmadinejad's media office told AFP that the president's motorcade had not been attacked by a grenade. The explosion was from a firecracker, he said.

Ananda-USA said...

Tiger Nominated Agents (TNA) are at it AGAIN!

GOSL: Why are these TRAITORS still not prosecuted for their treasonous acts during the last decade?

Why are SL's TREASON laws not being UPHELD?


Leaving them alone will only encourage them to greater TREACHERY, and they will ultimately cut Sri Lanka's throat!

'Special envoy must not take a guided trip'

P K Balachandran
August 03, 2010

COLOMBO: Any special envoy that India might send to get first-hand information on the resettlement and rehabilitation of Tamil war refugees in Sri Lanka’s northern province should avoid going on a government-held tour, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has said.

“The Indian special envoy must go to the spot and see the refugees independently of the government of Sri Lanka. He could go with the help of the officials of the Indian High Commission here,” said TNA MP for Jaffna district, Suresh Premachandran.

According to TNA MPs Premachandran, M A Sumanthiran and Sivasakthi Anandan, about 3,000 refugee families are leading a nomadic lifestyle in makeshift shelters and under trees. Some are in schools and other transit shelters, they add.

Though released from the main refugee camp in Vavuniya four months ago, they had not been allowed to go back to their villages, the MPs told the media here on Monday.

About 288 families from Shanthapuram are still in a transit camp at the Kilinochchi Central College. Likewise, 400 families from eight other villages are languishing in various places outside their villages.


The case of 1,000 families from Thirumurigandi is particularly pathetic. They are Tamils of Indian origin who were driven out of central and western Sri Lanka during the 1977 and 1983 anti-Tamil riots. They had settled in the Thirumurigandi area after clearing the jungle. They had also acquired legal titles to these lands. They were, however, not allowed to go back to their villages when they attempted to do so last month, the TNA leaders said.

The army stopped 281 families from returning to Shanthapuram, the TNA said. On the one hand, civil authorities were asking them to get back to Shanthapuram, and on the other, the army there was not allowing them to enter it, the party member added.

Three attempts to return had failed, the refugees from Shanthapuram told President Mahinda Rajapaksa when they met him in Kilinochchi last month.

Thirty-five families from Ponnagar, who had gone back, were not given back their houses on the grounds that the LTTE had given them these houses.

“For the last three days, these families are living under trees,” Premachandran said.

The TNA MPs said the army had taken over thousands of acres of cultivated land for military purposes. Premachandran said 4,180 acres in Thirumurigandi, 400 acres in Mannar; and 2,000 acres in Mullaitivu had been taken over to settle one lakh troops and their families.

On July 17, the TNA had written to President Rajapaksa, but no reply had come as yet, the MPs said.

Ananda-USA said...

BUT, BUT ... BUT, You can't do that in the World's only ONE and TRUE DEMOCRAZY! Can you?

If you do that, what will Sri Lanka do to Sarath Fonseka, and the TNA TRAITORS?

Or, is it different strokes for different folks .. all over again?

Execute WikiLeaks whistleblower: US Congressman

August 04, 2010

WASHINGTON: WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, who is accused of leaking over 90,000 intelligence documents, should be given death if he is found guilty, says a US Congressman.

Republican Rep. Mike Rogers, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Michigan-based WHMI radio Monday that the charges against Pvt. Bradley Manning deserved capital punishment.

Rogers said: "We know for a fact that people will likely be killed because of this information being disclosed."

"That's pretty serious. If they don't charge him with treason, they ought to charge him with murder.

"I argue the death penalty clearly should be considered here. He clearly aided the enemy to what may result in the death of US soldiers... If that is not a capital offense, I don't know what is."

Fox News Tuesday reported that Manning was being held at the Quantico Marine Corps Base in northern Virginia.

Manning is also accused of leaking a helicopter cockpit video from Iraq that WikiLeaks posted in April.

"He put soldiers at risk who are out there fighting for their country," Rogers was quoted as saying.

"And he put people who are cooperating with the United States government clearly at risk -- them forever. Our soldiers will be out of that combat zone one day; those folks will never be."

Defence Secretary Robert M. Gates and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen have condemned the WikiLeaks organisation for endangering the lives of US soldiers by publishing over 90,000 classified US military documents.

Ananda-USA said...

Muscle Flexing Contest Continues in East Asia!

Whose mussels are better?

>China's PLA flexes muscle

Christopher Bodeen
August 03, 2010

BEIJING: China's military launched major air defense exercises Tuesday, highlighting rising capabilities that are seen as tipping the balance of power in east Asia.

The drills involve more than 10,000 service members, including those from naval and army aviation units and land-based air defense forces, according to the official China News Service.

CNS said the war games would run for five days over parts of the provinces of Shandong and Henan south of the capital Beijing. They will include three simulated attacks and one live-firing exercise designed around the scenario of defending the capital from an air assault.

No rehearsals were held for the exercises, which will emphasize real-time responses to unplanned events and the integration of units under separate commands, CNS said. About 100 aircraft of seven different types will take part, along with air defense missiles and artillery units.

Amid a boom in defense spending, China has lavished funds on its air force, navy and missile forces in recent years as part of a gradual shift away from ground units. The widely respected Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates total expenditures on the 2.3 million-member People's Liberation Army, including funding for arms imports and defense research and development, reached nearly $100 billion last year.

New additions to its air forces include SU-27 fighter-bombers purchased from Russia and produced under license by China, along with the home built latest-generation J-10 fighter that Beijing touts as a breakthrough for its sprawling defense industry.

Such hardware and China's adoption of more effective training and tactics is widely seen as strengthening China's ability to assert its territorial claims over Taiwan and the South China Sea. Military planners from New Delhi to Washington have taken note, fueling calls for more attention to Chinese developments and increased regional cooperation with the U.S. military.

While tensions with Taiwan have declined under the island's relatively pro-Beijing administration, China has grown increasingly vocal in protesting U.S. naval operations off its coast.

Beijing repeatedly criticized last month's joint U.S.-South Korean exercises in the Yellow Sea and recently elevated the South China Sea — over which it claims complete sovereignty — to its list of high priority territorial claims.

Such moves coincides with a willingness to send its navy further from shore, including the unprecedented dispatch of Chinese ships to join an anti-piracy flotilla off the coast of Somalia.

As troops readied for Tuesday's exercises, two of those ships, the destroyer Guangzhou and frigate Chaohu, docked in Italy as part of a three-nation goodwill cruise, the government's Xinhua News Agency reported.

Overseas visits and more realistic exercises are both aimed at boosting the PLA's ability to project power and improve cooperation between its different branches, said Russell Smith, an analyst with Jane's and former Australian defense attache in Beijing.

"These are opportunities to practice conducting joint operations. I think you're going to be more reorganizing and restructuring in the PLA to emphasise this," Smith said.

Moshe Dyan said...


glad to have you back. all is well despite a few small hickups.

Moshe Dyan said...

shitt the bloody dictator survived again!!


Ananda-USA said...

Good thing for India that Sri Lanka is not meeting those BASIC NEEDS in funding, weapons and training of these "poor victimised" Maoists, like India did with the Sri Lankan Tamil separatists!

Sri Lanka is such a GOOD NEIGHBOUR of India that it is positively frightening!

Well, India too has come to the positively brilliant conclusion that DEVOLUTION OF POLITICAL POWER to terrorists just AIN'T THE ANSWER. Political Solutions are not for them.

Just eradicate the buggers, and use ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT to meet the needs of the people AFTER ESTABLISHING SECURITY.

Now, WHERE have I heard that before? Can ANYONE help me out? ANYONE? HELLO ... Anyone out there?

Maoists have no foreign aid: Chidambaram

August 04, 2010

NEW DELHI: Denying reports of Maoists getting foreign funds, Home Minister P. Chidambaram Wednesday said an integrated development plan is being made by the Planning Commission for the left-wing insurgency-affected areas.

"The Naxals get bulk of their money from extortion, but no foreign funds are coming," Chidambaram said during Question Hour in the Rajya Sabha.

He, however, said arms were being smuggled cross-border from Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Giving the details of the strategy being adopted by the government to deal with the Maoist menace, the home minister said development was the first concern of the two-pronged strategy being adopted.

"The planning commission is working on an integrated development plan for the affected districts. It will be final in a few more days. Once it is approved we will have more funds for the Naxal-affected areas," he said.

Chidambaram added that so far nearly 66 percent of the funds allotted to the states for affected districts has been spent.

A two-pronged strategy of accelerated development and calibrated police action has been prepared to curb Maoist insurgency.

Moshe Dyan said...


they slowly come to realize that SOMETHING SMELLS FISHY!!

hopefully this will go to increase awareness of TE activity in the west.

tata said...

Just to cool things off a bit... :)

and we were placed 9th. Good show!

tata said...

btw, where's Pol?

Asithri said...

News News News...

[Sri Lanka to confiscate properties of defeated LTTE activists

Aug 5 (AIR) Prime Minister told Parliament that the Government has taken measures to confiscate all assets of the defeated terror outfit the LTTE in the future. Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne speaking at the debate in the legislature on the motion to extend the period of emergency by another month said that these assets included houses, plots of land and business establishments that were run by the LTTE in Colombo and the suburbs.



Imagine this happening if the Rani/Mongali/TNA=LTTE/Gonzi/SomageyAmma cabal had been in the seat of power in SL today? Sorry don't mean to horro-shock you patriotic bloggers, but try to think what the scenario would be today if that unpatriotic, opportunistic cabal had been in the seat of power in the GOSL today!!!

I am not a fan of Astrology, but damn it, I am sure even my skepticism will show that the planets have well aligned in Motherlanka’s favor for the past 18 months?

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Aqua, TropicalS, et al...

Thanks bros for your kind words...yes, I am still the same poor ole sod hammering away on the keyboard whenever time permits and am glad to know you dudes are also still the same - i.e. looking out for Motherlanka's interests in the www.


OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...

"Sri Lanka to confiscate properties of defeated LTTE activists"


confiscate assets of all anti-SLs not just the LTTE.

at last the house has a householder!!! cats and dogs used to reign the country b4.

Asithri said...

["OAOA's 'bitch seeking' missiles"]


You guys crack me up and I am laughing my head off...

actually I should say in the traditional OaOA's style...


Now the fact that most of my 'bitch seeking' missiles" in the www have been in the shape of a randy-dandy phallus is not my fault, is it???


Nice to have a good laugh...especially after a few moments of tense we had on account of some LTTE/RW/Gonzi dogs trying to breakup our pro-Motherlanka Brotherhood as manifested in this very SLDF!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

tata said:

"Just to cool things off a bit... :)"

Here is my reveal "another side" of me and bring some lighthearted bragging/bravado to this thread for a moment:

Yes, the male dancer here is almost the carbon-copy of who I am in appearance (so I have been told)


I love dancing and love to dance the various modes of dances, including what this dude & gal do very well in this track (and I have been told I do very well in this department :))


This is one of my favorite songs (aha, yes from that immortal Clarence aiya!).

Hope you will enjoy too - watching this nice couple do a nice dance to one of Clarance aiya's top hits!

Warm regards to all my patriotic bros/sis here...

OaO Asithri

p.s. FF, thanks bro for sending me this link with the brief note.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Inevitable happening


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Ananda-USA said...

Oi Asithri,

I hate to ask, but I must.

Finally overcoming my natural reluctance to admit gross ignorance in matters linguistic, I humbly ask in the Queen's own vernacular,


Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Straddling bus - gem by China

Why did it never occurred to anyone else?

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Some voices are made...

Anthimata dengue walatath vada Merviya thamayi prashne.

Wish to see him departing.


Action against Mervyn
Thursday, 05 August 2010 12:29
( 12 Votes )

By Sandun A. Jayasekara

The government said today that a group of government members including cabinet ministers were going to meet President Mahinda Rajapakse in order to request him to take drastic action against Deputy Minister Mervyn Silva’s conduct on Tuesday.

Cabinet Spokesperson Minister Keheliya Rambukwella made these remarks at a press briefing a short while ago and added that due to this meeting, it was still premature to take action against the Deputy Minister for tying a Samurdhi officer to a mango tree earlier this week.

The Minister further said that if the Samurdhi officer had lodged a complaint against the incident, then action would have been taken against Silva sooner. (Daily Mirror online)

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
How Mervyn tied the man

Foolish and helpless [you know why] MR and close numbers keep on ignoring. Mervyn knows how to keep Rajapaksa's out of scene.

I really dont know why MR is so patient with Mervyn. Please enighten me!

I think we should send Mervyn and his groupies to the UN to meet ban Ki Moon... it will be a win win situation whatever way it turns up!

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Also, saw on DM that Prabha Ganeshan has joined the government and met MR!

This is very good to show what bankrupt useless set of ppl the Gneshans are! After years of MR bashing and charges of HR abuses, terror, corruption, these guys are now happily running to MR. No backbone!Opportunistic politicians!

Sam, will that bring the Ganeshans out of of the JPB list? Hope not... haa haa haa

OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Due to work commitments, I could not visit this blog that much over the last few weeks. Although like Diyasena, I also felt there were some cracks coming up and feared for the future.

It was a shame that the fund project did not take off, but I was not that surprised. We are too distributed across the globe for such an effort right now. That kind of project is easier to be launched and sustained at a local country level. I have no doubts that most or all patriots who attend this blog contribute towards the soldiers and others affected by the war.

What i take away from this blog is the opportunity to discuss and share thoughts. Get informed and be challenged.

Would be interesting to get an idea of how many ppl read and contribute to this blog. It is easy to find out how many ppl contribute (multi polar will be counted as 1). To know how many read may be challenging.

Ananda-USA said...

Excactly: Chase them to the ends of the earth, and make normal life abroad impossible!

‘Lankan courts should go after LTTE abroad’

P K Balachandran
August 04, 2010

COLOMBO: Prof Rohan Gunaratna, an internationally acclaimed Sri Lankan expert on terrorism, wants Lankan courts to be given extra-territorial jurisdiction to go after and punish LTTE operatives in other countries.

Gunaratna, who heads the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at the Nanyang Technical University in Singapore, said here on Monday that though the LTTE’s military machine in Sri Lanka was destroyed in May 2009, the separatist group continued to be very active abroad, indulging in political and criminal activities.

After the military defeat of the LTTE, the “criminal” wing in charge of arms smuggling and international finance, operating under Castro and Norway-based Nediyavan, had got involved in credit card frauds and human smuggling, he said.

“But it is also itching to carry out terrorist strikes in Sri Lanka,” Gunaratna asserted. According to him, sympathisers of this group had been detected in Tamil Nadu too.

Some key members of the criminal group are Ponnaiah Anandarajah, who secured massive amounts of arms from China and North Korea with false end-user certificates, UK-based Shanmugasundaram Kanthaskaran, Canada-based Ravishankar Kanakaraj, and former Sea Tigers Capt Kamalraj Kandswamy and Capt Vinod.

Gunaratna described the US-based LTTE group led by V Rudrakumaran and the UK-based one led by Fr S J Immanuel as politico-ideological groups overtly engaged in lobbying with western governments against the Lankan government, but covertly working for the LTTE’s separatist cause.

But these two “peaceful” groups could, at an appropriate time, collaborate with Nediyavan to restart violence in Sri Lanka, the expert warned.

LTTE groups overseas would have to be kept in check by continuous intelligence gathering, by politically engaging the Tamil diaspora and foreign governments and by acquiring new legal instruments, he said.

He pointed out that Lankan courts had no jurisdiction over persons indulging in anti-Lankan criminal and terrorist activities overseas. Colombo should amend the criminal law to empower the courts to take cognisance of these crimes, apprehend and punish them, he said.

He warned of the possibility of western countries lifting the ban on the LTTE, accepting the Tamil groups’ propaganda that they were not violent but purely political. Lanka should, without letup, fully utilise the anti-terrorist orientation of the West post-9/11, he said.

kevin said...

We haven't forgotten our beloved Denzil's memorial...

Sunil Koswatta said...

>WTF is "LMSSAO" ?

Laughing my Sweet Sinhala Arse Out?

Sam Perera said...

OneNation (formerly TTBO)

Jonny and SB are still there. MG is very unlikely to get out unless he publicly begs forgiveness from the people and warrior of Sri Lanka for his past association with LTTE and Eelam. In addition, he needs to cleanse his sins of bathing with Velu by diving in to Colombo municipal raw sewage tank.

Sam Perera said...

Rana needs some urgent medical help. Hope somebody in NZ can help him.

Moshe Dyan said...


it is august and 18 years after he left us. from a military pov, he had this amazing ability to find troop multipliers within limited resources.

i still cannot come to terms with the fact that they all got on to that one damned jeep and were trvelling NOWHERE in araly point!! it defies logic and NEVER happens in the SLA.

Moshe Dyan said...


laughing my sweet sexy arse off!!

Moshe Dyan said...


funny DNA trying to discipline the JVP!!!

JVP is 90% of DNA!!

looks like gonzeka is going to lose even the JVP. what a loser!!

Moshe Dyan said...

gonason and digambaram joinging the govt is not good. they know they have the edge and that means UNREASONABLE DEMANDS.

its not just 150 what matters is the best QUALITY 150.

Moshe Dyan said...

you know what multipolar, i LOVE ananda and he LOVES me. now don't jump into homosexual and incest crap. there is brotherly love TOO!! sad, if you don't know what it is.

our enemy is NOT multipolar but TEs. multipolar is only a DISTRCTION and yes, i AM distracted now. that is bcos i have no defence matters at this very moment. soon there will be and distractions won't take my time.

Ananda-USA said...

Double-o-Seven & Moshe Dayan,

Thanks for lifting my fog on Asithri's LMSSAO acronym!

Ignorance is Bliss, I know,
but Enlightenment is Nirvana!

Ananda-USA said...

What ho! DISCRIMINATION in Tamil Valhalla of Tamil Nadu BY TAMILS against OTHER TAMILS?


Vaiko, Ramadoss, Thirumavalavan, Karunanidhi where are you Tamil Champions of Tamil Rights?

Why are you not cleaningup up the cesspool of discrimination in your own state?

Bloody Hypocrites, ALL!

Ostracism continues in Dalit colony

S M Arun
August 05, 2010

THOOTHUKUDI: It’s going to be four years after Subha killed herself as a teenager who fought a daring battle against caste Hindus for abusing her as a member of the ‘lowly’ Arundhathiyar community. The accused were later punished and the residents of the Dalit colony she lived have since faced no similar humiliation, but a social ostracism continues to haunt them. As the people of the Arundhathiyar colony in K Velayudhapuram off Kalugumalai in this district are poised to commemorate the fourth death anniversary of Subha next Monday, they continue to live virtually cut off from the rest of society. A barbed-wire fence that caste Hindus had erected around their colony remains intact, no shopkeeper in the locality sells them commodities. It was on August 10, 2006, that Subha committed suicide at the age of 17, unable to bear the taunts she faced as a Dalit girl who raised her voice against the local caste Hindus even after complaining to the police.

The offenders were later punished under the law, but the boycott against her community continues even as Subha is now hailed as a legend. “She was bold,” says Subha’s mother Kaliammal. “She told the truth boldly that caste Hindus oppressed us on many occasions when the issue arose in 2006. My daughter helped us earn freedom for us from the oppression by her death. But she was abused beyond words. They even tried to molest her.”

The tearful mother said that Subha wrote to the authorities a letter about the abuse and committed suicide, thereby bringing the offenders to justice. But Left parties aren’t happy about the result. CPI(M) district secretary K Kanagaraj, who accompanied this reporter to the colony, said that it was inhuman and amounted to human rights violation. “The fence has psychologically affected these oppressed classes. Shockingly, even the official machinery sleeps unmindful of it”, he said.

Collector G Prakash said. “A revenue team under the RDO will be sent within few days to sort out the issue. Punitive action will be taken, if necessary”, he told Express.

Diyasena said...


We have a hero in the Variyapola Sumangala himi ilk

Not much press coverage though..Hopefully this is the beginning of greater agitation on the issue..

Diyasena said...

We are not alone..More voices on lost Sinhalese rights in the Vanni

If more voices are heard, JHU and/or NFF will be forced to pick it up for at least the sake of political gain..

Diyasena said...

Most of us believe that Multipolar is a dole-bludging Samasamaja/ communist type living in the West..

I have another theory..He could be a jobless JVP art graduate venting his frustrations against a government which paid for his education from Year 1 to BSc.

Ananda-USA said...

Attaboy, Chidambaram!

I COMMEND you for condemning honour killings, and moving to punish them severely.

But, I would also like inestimable Indian cousins, who frequently adopt a holier-than-thou attitude towards Sri Lanka's separatist problems, to recognize that honor killings such as these are UNKNOWN in our own Dharmadvipa of Sri Lanka!

In short, attend to your own bigger omnipresent problems first before you PRESUME to address ours.

Punish those behind honour killings: PC

August 05, 2010

NEW DELHI: Home Minister P. Chidambaram Thursday said the government was planning to introduce a bill on honour killings in this session of parliament as the perpetrators must be identified and "punished with severity".

"We are in the final stages of the work. We are consulting all state governments and have asked them to give their views. I am confident that the group of ministers (GoM) will give its report shortly and it is my intention and I hope that I am successful to introduce the bill in this session of parliament," Chidambaram said in the Lok Sabha.

He was responding to a calling attention notice given by the Communist Party of India's Gurudas Dasgupta and other MPs.

"The law being contemplated is a law to punish crimes committed against young couples in the name of bringing dishonour to the community, family, village. Under the law as it stands today it's (honour killing) a crime. There is a demand in society that the crime which is punishable under today's law must be identified and punished with greater severity," Chidambaram said.

The minister said the issue has been engaging the government for many months and the discussion was about whether it should be a standalone law or an amendment in the existing provision of the India Penal Code.

"I can assure the house the bill will deal with all the issues related to honour killings. It's a strong bill and those involved must punished with severity," he said.

Chidambaram said every honour killing is murder and there is no honour in this, rather such killings bring dishonour to the community, state and the country.

"In the name of defending honour, persons who encourage the killing of young people and couples bring great dishonour to the country." He said it had been asked why the crime was called honour killing as it was one of the most dishonourable things that could be done in this age.

Addressing the concerns of members that complaints were not registered in cases of honour killings, Chidambaram said: "FIRs (first information reports) must be registered and the state must investigate the matter and punish criminals. We have given advisories to the state governments in this matter.

"If state governments are tardy, lax in registering FIRs, in punishing the perpetrators of the crime, they will be held accountable".

"The laws must be amended to punish those involved in honour killing. We are not dreaming of living in the 21st century, we are living in 21st century and laws must reflect what is the 21st century," he added.

Attacking states that are opposing a law on honour killings, Chidambaram said: "If people (political parties) think they are not accountable then people will hold them accountable as we are accountable to people once in every five years."

Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Lalu Prasad asked the government to call an all party meeting over the issue.

To this Chidambaram replied: "It is for the parliament to make the law and my duty is to bring the law but it's your privilege to make the law and once the law is made that law must be enforced and the breakers of the law must be punished."

Ananda-USA said...

Attaboy, Mr. President ManMohan Singh! Now you are talking!

Acceptance of Responsibility should follow Recognition of the Problem of Persistent Illiteracy in India.

Now, ask WHY THAT IS SO!

Study of India's own history and the reason why Buddhism gained broad acceptance in ancient India will give you a CLUE.

If the FOG CONTINUES TO DULL YOUR MIND, please ask us Sri Lankans for help .. we will be happy to set our dear Indian cousins on the right path towards a CASTE-FREE society, and UNIVERSAL LITERACY.

We are, after all, kissing cousins, are we not?

India has a long way to go in education: PM

August 03, 201

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday said India has a "long way to go" in spreading literacy, adding that paucity of funds will not be allowed to hamper the spread of education in the country.

"We still have a very long way to go (in spreading education)," Manmohan Singh said, referring to "significant gains" India has made in the field.

"According to UNESCO's Global Monitoring Report 2006, out of 771 million illiterates in the world, 268 million are estimated to be residing in our country, which accounts for nearly one-third of the world's non-literates," he said.

The prime minister was speaking at a lecture of his "school friend" and Nobel laureate Amartya Sen organised by Pratichi Trust, Asian Development Research Institute and the National Literacy Mission.

"It is our government's commitment that paucity of funds will not be allowed to limit the spread of literacy and education in our country. It is on the foundation of this fiscal commitment and political resolve that we went to parliament and added a new fundamental right to our constitution - the Right to Education," the prime minister said.

Even though India's GDP has recorded a very high growth rate in the recent past, the inferior literacy status of the country has contributed to the lowering of its position in the UNDP's Human Development Index.

Manmohan Singh said the government has taken a series of important steps in the past six years "to make the light of literacy and education shine for every child, every citizen - irrespective of gender, caste or religion".

He lamented that even at the end of the first decade of the knowledge century, "a quarter to a third of our people remain illiterate".

"It is even more unfortunate that a strong gender bias against women persists in the spread of literacy," he said, adding that to make India "fully literate and to eliminate the gender bias in literacy must be our immediate priority goals".

Sen's talk focused on "The Centrality of Literacy". He said the schooling could be deeply influential in the identity of a person and the lack of school education could make a person susceptible to violence.

The Nobel laureate said that basic education "plays a role in tackling health problems in general and epidemics in particular".

"Women's education helps in reducing infant mortality rate and illiteracy can muzzle political voice and ability to understand one's legal rights," he said.

Sen said in rapidly changing societies like India and China, discussion on smoking could be introduced in school curriculum and added that "India can be a pioneer in this regard".

Ananda-USA said...

Indian officials are holding meetings with Nepali ethnic groups, even as they claim "non-interference" in Nepal's internal matters!

They do the same with Sri Lanka: Claim they are not-interfering while meeting with Sri Lankan Tamil separatist parties, and pressuring Sri Lanka for "political solutions" to their liking! If that is not INTERFERENCE, I don't know what is!

What if China did this with Indian ethnic leaders? How would India like it? NOT MUCH, is my guess!

My advice to India: Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you.

India not interfering, Saran tells Nepal Maoists

Sudeshna Sarkar
August 05, 2010

KATHMANDU: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's special envoy to Nepal Shyam Saran began his whirlwind consultations Thursday by first holding talks with the top leaders of the Maoist party.

The Maoist party had asked New Delhi not to interfere in the crucial prime ministerial election Friday and the formation of a new government.

Saran, a former Indian foreign secretary as well as ambassador to Nepal during the height of the Maoist insurgency, held a nearly an-hour long dialogue with Maoist chief and former prime minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda as well as Prachanda's three deputies, Baburam Bhattarai, Narayan Kaji Shrestha and Mohan Vaidya.

The current Indian ambassador to Nepal Rakesh Sood as well as two other Maoist leaders, Ram Bahadur Thapa and Krishna Bahadur Mahara, were also present at Thursday's meeting in Prachanda's residence in the capital.

Saran told the media the talks had been extremely fruitful. He would also be meeting caretaker Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal and Sushil Koirala, chief of the Nepali Congress party that along with the Maoists is taking part in the poll Friday.

Soon after his almost unheralded arrival in Kathmandu Wednesday, Saran held informal parleys over dinner with the four ethnic parties from the Terai plains, whose support will prove crucial in the election.

Maoist deputy chief and MP Shrestha told the media that Saran had come to express India's concern about the peace process and the drafting of a new constitution by May 2011 and to see how India could help.

The Indian envoy had assured the Maoist leaders that his visit was not intended to pressure the parties and influence Friday's election. India wanted to improve ties with Nepal and had put its concerns frankly before the Maoists, Shrestha said.

Saran had also expressed New Delhi's concern over the fate of more than 19,600 fighters of the Maoists' People's Liberation Army who have been lying in the doldrums since the end of the Maoist insurgency in 2006 and the signing of a peace agreement.

The Maoists have remained at loggerheads with the ruling parties on the induction of the PLA in the national army and rehabilitating those who wanted to opt out.

The issue has remained a major hurdle that derailed three rounds of elections with the parties failing to elect a new prime minister.

The Maoist leadership held a meeting as Saran arrived in Kathmandu on his new mission Wednesday. The meeting agreed to hold talks with him as long as India showed mere concern in the peace process and constitution and did not seek to make the parties toe its line during Friday's polls.

The prime ministerial election Friday will be an acid test for Saran.

The Maoists Thursday declined to withdraw Prachanda as their candidate. Though he could not acquire simple majority in the three earlier rounds, Prachanda is hoping to get the figures right Friday with the Terai parties beginning to stray from the party fold to vote for him.

Ananda-USA said...

President Rajapaksa should immediately suspend Deputy Minister Mervyn Silva, until he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and is declared guilty or innocent.

If found guilty, he should be dismissed from his post.

This kind of thing brings the Nation into disrepute, undermines its government, and its system of justice.

Lankan minister ties government servant to tree

P K Balachandran
August 5, 2010

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan Deputy Minister for Highways Mervyn Silva on Tuesday tied an official of the Samurdhi Poverty Alleviation Department to a tree in full public view for not participating in the department’s dengue control campaign in Keleniya near Colombo.

Incensed by government servants’ “indifference” in controlling dengue that has claimed more than 180 lives in the island in recent weeks, the ebullient minister decided to take the law into his own hands and invited the media to record his “action” against errant officials. The victim’s plea that he was absent as his child was ill, fell on deaf ears. He was freed only after the media recorded the event.

A lady colleague who tried to save the official from public humiliation was sternly warned that she too would meet the same fate if she persisted with her protest.

Later, the official’s family members told Daily Mirror Online that the government servant had gone into hiding and they too feared for their lives. “We are all affected. We do not know what will happen to us,” a family member said.

When the matter came up in Parliament on Wednesday, Minister Silva flatly denied that he had tied the man to the tree. “I never tied anyone to a tree. I only untied a person who was tied to a tree,” he asserted, and waved a letter purportedly written by the official concerned, which said he had tied himself to a tree as a penance for neglecting his duties.

Earlier, Leader of the Opposition Ranil Wickremasinghe said the Minister was bringing disrepute to Sri Lanka internationally. Silva’s behaviour clearly contravened the Constitution of Sri Lanka, he said. Silva had on an earlier occasion clashed with the media and had also been beaten up by the employees of a state-owned TV station.

Meanwhile, the ruling United Peoples’ Freedom Alliance (UPFA) distanced itself from the conduct of Silva. “This was purely his (Silva’s) conduct and had nothing to do with the party. Therefore, I do not want to comment,” Daily Mirror Online quoted UPFA general secretary Susil Premajayanth as saying.

Stung by the Minister’s conduct, Samurdhi department officers have decided to suspend participation in dengue eradication programmes island-wide until disciplinary action was taken against him.

Ananda-USA said...

Eelamist organizations grow in strength, without much opposition from Sri Lankan Patriots!

LTTE's international network of financial support has survived despite the end of Sri Lanka's war, US report says

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
August 06, 2010

Aug 06, Colombo: Although Sri Lanka's Tamil terrorist group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) lost the war on the ground in the Indian Ocean island in 2009, its international financial network survived largely intact, a report issued by the United States said Thursday.

The Country Reports on Terrorism 2009 released by the U.S. State Department on Thursday said that the arrest of the LTTE's principle financier and arms supplier Selvarajah (Kumaram) Patmanathan, alias KP, a year ago by the Sri Lankan authorities has dealt a blow to the LTTE's international network.

The report says that the network continued to collect contributions from the Tamil diaspora in North America, Europe, and Australia, and reportedly locally-based LTTE sympathizers have coerced some of these contributions.

The LTTE also used Tamil charitable organizations as fronts for fundraising, the report added.

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks for the link.

from DM.

Buddhist monk starts fast-unto-death

Calling on the government to immediately initiate a programme to reconstruct Buddhist temples that were destroyed during the war in the north and resettle the Sinhalese people who were displaced during the terrorist domination in the area, a fast-unto-death had been launched by the Chief Incumbent of the Mangalaramaya in Batticaloa who is also the Anunayake of Ampara and Batticaloa- Ven.Ampitiye Sumanarathna, yesterday morning.

Before launching the death-fast the Venerable thera told reporters that the fast will not be abandoned for any reason unless a real undertaking was given that their demands would be met."

i'm not in favour of fast unto death moves BUT WHATEVER WORKS!!

JHU leader should fulltime engage in archaeological pursuits without dirty politics and this mevement MUST co-ordinate with him. now ven ellawala medhananda should NOT try to stop it but DISCREETLY ENCOURAGE ANY MOVE that will REBUILD the lost heritage.

i wish more ppl will rally around him. it is not for his personal benefit or communal benefit, but for the spiritual upliftment of ALL.

Moshe Dyan said...

diyasena's second link.


"The Swarna Hansa Foundation yesterday said that it was the normal strategy of separatists to distort facts and keep on repeating them to achieve their Eelam goal. The Foundation was replying to the allegations made by Tamil National Alliance MP Suresh Premachandran against the government and the army of denying many displaced persons their night to return to their original homes in the North and settling army personnel and giving them lands, to change the demography of the North.

The Foundation said "In the first place it was the TNA, their predecessors and the collaborators who changed the demography in the North by chasing away the Sinhalese, who were living there for ages. Their houses, lands and property were taken over and given to Tamils, brought there from South India as well as from tea plantations in the central hills.

"The TNA while talking so much on reconciliation, up to now has not uttered a single word about those crimes committed nor asked for forgiveness in pursuit of reconciliation. If the TNA is sincerely interested in reconciliation one of the first things they should have done was to request the government to bring those Sinhalese families back to the North and settle them in their original places. "It was the TNA, their predecessors and collaborators who changed the entire socio- economic system in the North"

The Swarna Hansa Foundation wants the TNA, "if it really wanted reconciliation, to get the assistance of the army personnel who are at present paid by the government, to construct their houses and cultivate the abandoned lands to make their villages where every body could live in peace and harmony.".

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ananda-USA said...

Moshe, Diyasena,

Re: Buddhist monk starts fast-unto-death

I am with you.

I just don't like fasts-unto-death with or without the benefit of MacDonalds burgers.

But, this is A GOOD PUSH-BACK against Eelamist racism and double talk, restores the ethnically cleansed to their homes, resettles the North and East, and promotes Ethnic Integration throughout the land.

Moshe Dyan said...

OTOH, fast unto death is something tamil elamists understand VERY WELL!!!

but things can go wrong if they too start it against.

next they will say due to govt backed buddhist "invasion" into "tamil lands", EI is at risk!!!! they see many things in the oppositte.

Moshe Dyan said...

daily dose of punnakku for TEs!!!

"[TamilNet, Thursday, 05 August 2010, 20:33 GMT]
Two key officers of China military paid a sudden and secret visit to Vanni where they met the occupying Sri Lanka Army (SLA) top officers in the important bases in Vanni, sources in Vanni said. Even the key SLA officers based in Vanni had not been informed of the sudden visit of the Chinese military officials who arrived in a convoy of vehicles heavily guarded by Sri Lanka President's Special Security Force, the sources added."

IF its so secret, how come TN got to know!!!


and they came in a convoy of president's special security force!! now that is not a very secret way to travel isn't it???

thank god they are bloody fools. we can have a field day, everyday.

Ananda-USA said...

SL Vs India 3rd Test ..

We are in trouble in the 2nd innings: Randiv & Mahela both got OUT cheap! 77/4, Ouch!

Ananda-USA said...

SL Collapsing ..

Sanga and Mathews OUT, 87/6!

Ananda-USA said...

Next ball, Prasanna OUT, 87/7!

Moshe Dyan said...

fantastic writing dr rasalingam!

nallur hotel controversy

The Nallur Hotel controversy - the same old story !
by Sebastian Rasalingam, Toronto, Canada

(August 05, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Three cheers for Mr. Sooriyasegaram on the very balanced and sensible opinions expressed by Mr. M. Sooriyasegaram on the Nallur Hotel controversy, in the artcile published in the Island, 1st August, and in Transcurrents (). What he has said about the proposed hotel project is so eminently reasonable that one would wonder why such common sense is so rare in the Tamil community.

However. my point is to draw every one's attention to several other very important themes that surface within his article. I list them as follows. (a) The misguiding of the Tamil-speaking Sri Lankans by the "wise old men". (b) Unity in diversity. (c) Need to welcome the Sinhalese and the Muslims back into the Tamil community.

The folly and hubris of our wise old men.

Mr. Sooriyasegrama writes: "Those with education, land, wealth and foreign connections, who can survive under any circumstances, must not be allowed to make decisions at the expense of the have-nots and the disadvantaged and marginalized communities, who will suffer as a result of such decisions. Therefore active participation in such decision making by all, especially the downtrodden and marginalized communities, cannot be overemphasized."

The Nallur hotel issue potrays the age-old problems of Tamil politics.
The elitist upper-caste men of the Tamil community, (usually Christian lawyers) who licked the boots of the British, and applied the boot to the fellow Tamils (and the Sinhalese), made the decisions for the Tamils. First it was the attempt to incorporate the caste system into the constitution, led by Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan. Then it was the effort by G. G. Ponnambalam to replace caste divisions by race divisions, partly as a ploy for him to pick up the leadership of the Tamil community. The ordinary rural Tamils did not really matter except as their political power base for the upper-class Tamils. To preserve this power base they were prepared to oppose universal franchise, divide the country and create "exclusive Tamil homelands (Tamil "apartheid"), oppose the building of causeways, roads etc., to connect many of the villages in the Jaffna peninsula because they would "make lower-caste villages more uppity". The land-owning Colombo Tamils - the old wise men of the Ilankai Thamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK), and the Tamil congress (TC) were the ones who prevented, in the 1950s, the upgrading of the Jaffna urban council to a municipality because these absentee landlords did not want to pay higher taxes!

Instead of fighting for the up-liftment of the Tamil people's economic and social development, the Colombo elite turned the political battle towards an attempt to grab a separate kingdom from themselves. No wonder their remnants today want to glorify the image of Sankilian. King Sankilian was surely in no sense a civilized man, but a brutal tyrant.

Mr. Sooryasegram is completely correct. The voice of a representative sample of the people, and not the self-appointed old elites, should be consulted, not only in the matter of the Nallur Hotel, but in general, for all political action.

Unity in diversity

Mr. Sooriyasegram writes:

"A sculptured work of art must be incorporated with a chosen theme, such as "unity in diversity", recognizing the rich multi-ethnic nature of Sri Lanka. This could be an integral part of the building’s front elevation or an independent sculpture. It is essential to be creative in all aspects of our work to reach the hearts and minds of people if we want to achieve the aim of a genuinely united Sri Lanka."

Moshe Dyan said...

How refreshing at last to ready this kind of sensible statements - statements that we heard in the D.S. Senanayake era. Then there was less and less of it. Instead, it was the false rhetoric of the ITAK. The ITAK talked of federalism in its English writings, and even forged a hollow "Bandaranaike-Chelvanayagam" pact, while in Tamil it talked of eventual separation and the setting up of Eelam, as early as 1949, and also in the 1952 elections. The so called "sathyagrahas", using the "sinhala-only" legislation as the bone of contention, was used by the ITAK to polarize the amicable Ceylonese society into two warring factions. The nationalist Sinhalese were deliberately provoked by the ITAK, with its Tar-brush campaigns against the Sanskrit letter "Sri" introduced onto car registration plates, and by issuing "Eelam stamps" and civil disobedience. The forming of clandestine militant armed youth groups began already in the 1960s.

Old men like myself, who grew up in the pre-second world war era, watched this turn of events in horror and disbelief. Events that were fuelled by the hubris, pride and greed for power shown by the Colombo-Christian Vellala Tamils. The Gajan Ponnambalams and Sampanthans of today, and the RudraKumarans of the Global Tamil diaspora are the remnants of that noxious breed of Tamils.

So it is so refreshing to see some common sense coming from the pen of Mr. Sooriyasegaram.

Welcoming the Sinhalese and the Muslims.

Mr. Sooriyasegaram writes: "I therefore like to respond to these racist utterances by warmly welcoming all Sinhalese and Muslim visitors to Jaffna and at the same time demanding that the Jaffna Municipal Council and the Government provide decent hotels, accommodation and improved infrastructure facilities in Jaffna".

I grew up in Jaffna, moved to Mannar and then to Hatton. Finally, after marrying an "Indian estate Tamil women", I moved to Colombo. I have seen, in my young days at school, the utter impossibility of being a "low-caste" person and have a modicum of dignity. A christian baptism provided some softening of the harshness of the discrimination that many of the "lower castes" had to face. However, it was only when I moved to the Sinhalese areas in the central hills and in Colombo that I learnt that there was a much more just and equitable society in Ceylon.

The alleged "discrimination of Tamils by the Sinhalese" was nothing compared to the
discrimination of the Tamils by the upper castes of the Tamils themselves. It was even after Vaddukkodaai (1976) that Mr. Shanmugathasan of the Communist Party challenged Chelvanyagam to clarify his caste policy in Mavattipuram.

The best way to soften the caste-ridden, superstition-deriven insular society of the North and the East is to infuse other groups of people closest to us by encouraging multi- culturalism and multi-ethnicity in our so-called "exclusive" Tamil homelands. We need to encourage and invite the Sinhalese and the Muslims to the North and the East. So I am very happy that Mr. Sooriyasegaram has also urged the development of inter-ethnic communication. This is in strong contrast to the writing of "educated" Colombo Tamils like Rajan Phillips whose bigoted writings suggested that the Sinhalese pilgrims are an unwelcome nuisance in Jaffna!

The Marxist fellow travelers of the LTTE, e.g., the Kumar Davids and Wikramabahus, they too have not welcomed the government's attempts at integration, siding with the TNA and even with Sarath Fonseka, the jingoist right-wing ex-general who commanded the Sri Lankan army. These pseudo- Marxists also support separatist Eelamist doctrines!. It is in the interest of the down-trodden Tamils to guard against these misguided "wise men" of the "left".

Once again, I salute Mr. Sooriyasegaram for giving voice to common sense. What Tamils need is common sense, a most uncommon commodity!

Ananda-USA said...


This post from Dr. Rasalingam is the most uplifting thing I have read recently!

It is entirely in line with our thinking at the SLDF blog on Ethnic Integration geared towards the creation of a Sri Lankan society where being a Patriotic Sri Lankan is the ONLY LABEL that matters. NOTHING else!

Thank you for posting this!

Here are excerpts from your post that I find paticularly relevant and/or uplifting.

"The alleged "discrimination of Tamils by the Sinhalese" was nothing compared to the
discrimination of the Tamils by the upper castes of the Tamils themselves."


"The best way to soften the caste-ridden, superstition-deriven insular society of the North and the East is to infuse other groups of people closest to us by encouraging multi- culturalism and multi-ethnicity in our so-called "exclusive" Tamil homelands. We need to encourage and invite the Sinhalese and the Muslims to the North and the East."


"The Marxist fellow travelers of the LTTE, e.g., the Kumar Davids and Wikramabahus, they too have not welcomed the government's attempts at integration,"

Ananda-USA said...

Samaraweera & Mendis recoup for SL, 221/8.

Ananda-USA said...

SL 267, Mendis 78, Samaraweera 83!

SL Leads by 256 runs; An outside chance of winning, if bowling succeeds!

No_MESS said...

Full text of the speech made by Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the inaugural session of the Galle Dialogue Maritime Conference

Ananda-USA said...

India 53/3 at Stumps. India needs 205 runs to win.

Moshe Dyan said...


"We need to encourage and invite the Sinhalese and the Muslims to the North and the East."

good intentions no doubt but who is dr rasalingam???

sadly, a nobody. TNA, etc. will NEVER invite non-tamils to what they believe tamil-only areas.

IF gosl is serious about peace, they have to do this one way or the other.

one frusts of EI becomes visible, resistence will die down. until then it will be there.

e.g. mr thayaparan marries kalavathi - a girl brought up strictly in tamil traditional ways. she has never seen x rated stuff and never read those crap. she was told not to run/jump, etc. by parents and certainly never to expose herself no matter what.

t approaches k to screw and she dreds the thought of it!! t encourages her and explins it os OK but she is adamant that it is taboo. t gives her time. day turn into weeks. then one day moshe avatar hits t. he goes home whacks the living day lights out of k amidst her violent protests.

the next day at the same time k grabs t and screwss the life out of him. this continues and the jealous neighbour bitchh masterbates hearing them!!! years pass by and they have 10 lovely kids.

bloody idiots bandaranayaka, senanayaka, sirima, JRJ, etc. gave them what they wanted not what SL wanted them to have. we cannot wait any longer. EI,through colonization one way or the other.

Ananda-USA said...

Full text of the speech made by Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the inaugural session of the Galle Dialogue Maritime Conference"

`Your Excellencies, Heads of Missions based in Colombo

Secretary to the President

Secretaries to Other Ministries

Chief of Defence Staff

Service Commanders

Admiral Arun Prakash, former Chief of Staff, Indian Navy

Prof. James Clad

Invited Speakers

Ladies and Gentlemen

I am glad to have this opportunity to address you at the Inaugural Session of the Galle Dialogue Maritime Conference, which is being organized by the Ministry of Defence of Sri Lanka. This Conference takes place at an opportune time, one year after the defeat of the LTTE, one of the world's worst terrorist groups, by the Sri Lanka Defence Forces.

The importance of this achievement cannot be overstated. It has not only created the space for an economic resurgence within Sri Lanka, but has also strengthened security and stability in the region as a whole. Furthermore, this military defeat of terrorism is an unprecedented event. There are many lessons that other countries can draw from the Sri Lankan experience. One of the reasons behind the organizing of this Conference is to provide a forum for this exchange of information to take place.

The LTTE, which caused enormous suffering in this country for three decades, was no ordinary terrorist group. It had a well-organized international network that provided both funding and logistical support to its domestic outfit. It also had a network of operatives within Sri Lanka that had infiltrated every part of the country. It had a ruthless ground force, a fledgling air force, and a sophisticated naval wing. At its height, the LTTE not only controlled a large area of land but, crucially, up to two thirds of Sri Lanka's coastline.

The LTTE's naval power and its control over so much of the coastline was a grave threat to this country. Their ability to attack our naval vessels, as well as attack targets on the mainland using the sea, was a significant security challenge. The arms, ammunition and equipment that it procured and smuggled in through international waters posed an even greater problem. Over the years, as depicted here,

Artillery weapons: 152 mm
Artillery weapons: 122 mm
MBRL - 107mm
Mortars - 120mm and 140mm
Anti tank weapons - SPG-9, ATGMs
Shoulder fired Anti Tank Weapons
Anti aircraft systems - 20mm, 23mm, 30mm, 37mm
LTTE Aircraft - Type Zlin 143L
Missiles - SA-7, SA-14
LTTE Aircraft - Shot Down
Torpedo Launcher
Underwater Scooters
Underwater Diving Gear
Re-Breather Kits
Communication Equipment
Satellite Communications System

Ananda-USA said...

Full text of the speech made by Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the inaugural session of the Galle Dialogue Maritime Conference

....continued 1 ....
the LTTE managed to bring in thousands of items of heavy weaponry, including heavy artillery, mortars, multi barrel rocket launchers, and anti aircraft systems. They also managed to smuggle in sophisticated equipment, including aircraft, communication systems, missiles and torpedoes with which they greatly enhanced their offensive capabilities.

The mechanism through which these items were brought to Sri Lanka is worth elaborating. As mentioned earlier, the LTTE had a large network of activists around the world that raised funds to support their separatist ambitions. By engaging in various criminal activities, including extortion, smuggling, and various kinds of fraud, as well as by tapping sympathizers in the Diaspora, this network generated a constant flow of funds. These funds were used to procure arms, ammunition and equipment from various sources. These items were stored at large warehouses in strategic locations abroad, and when needed were transported to Sri Lanka through international waters.

The ships that the LTTE used were often purchased under false pretences at international auctions. The ships travelled under different guises, hoisting flags of various countries and changing their names from port to port. Instead of travelling to Sri Lanka, where detection could lead to an attack and the destruction of their cargo, these ships became virtual floating warehouses that lay thousands of miles away in international waters. Smaller vessels, such as trawlers, were then used to transport the weaponry in batches to terrorist bases on the coastline. Even during this phase of the operation, the boats were usually disguised as fishing vessels, and the weaponry was hidden within false hulls.

Through this financial and logistical chain, the LTTE obtained various sophisticated equipment, all sorts of heavy weaponry and enormous quantities of ammunition with which it engaged our Defence Forces over the years. It is pertinent as well as disturbing to note that much of this activity took place in a post 9-11 world, despite increased global awareness and sensitivity about the dangers posed by international terrorism. The LTTE's financial network operated with varying levels of impunity in many countries. The weapons they procured quite often came from unscrupulous sources within respectable nations. Finally, their cargo ships travelled mostly unimpeded through international waters.

Over the years, through the obtaining of intelligence about these floating warehouses, the Sri Lanka Navy was able to engage and destroy ten vessels, often by going over a thousand miles into the deep sea. The destruction of these ships, as depicted here,

Destruction of the LTTE's floating warehouses

was a key factor in crippling the LTTE's ability to sustain itself.

Ananda-USA said...

Full text of the speech made by Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the inaugural session of the Galle Dialogue Maritime Conference

.....continued 2 ....
In this context, alongside the crucial blows it dealt to the LTTE's naval outfit-known as the Sea Tigers-the Sri Lanka Navy was instrumental in reducing the efficiency of the LTTE's ground operation. The contribution made to the defeat of the LTTE through this dismantling of its armaments supply chain cannot be overstated. In addition, through its destruction of the LTTE's naval capability, the Sri Lanka Navy justly deserves commendation for clearing the Indian Ocean of overt maritime terrorist activity.

At the same time, we must realize that although the LTTE has been militarily defeated in Sri Lanka, its international network remains largely intact. In May this year, a vessel named the MV SUN SEA was reported to be off Thailand waters. The MV SUN SEA is a general cargo ship believed to be carrying more than 200 immigrants including a considerable number of LTTE cadres, and is heading towards Canadian waters. This voyage is part of the LTTE activists human smuggling operation that began after the military defeat of the LTTE in Sri Lanka.

Charging anything between US$15,000 to US$40,000 per immigrant, this human smuggling operation poses a significant threat, because it allows trained terrorist cadres to enter other nations while disguised as civilians or refugees. It should be noted that these operations benefits from a lax legal framework that prevents the detention of such vessels while in international waters.

It is vitally important that all maritime nations realize the threats they face from the sea. Transnational crimes, whether human smuggling, piracy, drug trafficking, terrorism or the smuggling of supplies for terrorism, have space to take place because of the lack of adequate domination of the sea. The increasing number of sea going vessels and their growing diversity makes the identification of potential threats very difficult. It still not that difficult for small vessels to slip through coastal defences and even allow trained terrorists, like the Mumbai bombers, to slip into countries and wreak havoc. Threats also exist to Sea Lanes of Communications, such as those that cross this region. Given the vast quantities of cargo that cross these Sea Lanes on a daily basis, they are vital to international trade and energy security. A threat to them is a threat to peace. Countries must realize that with the increasing sophistication displayed by non-state actors in this era, the first line of defence is shifting beyond the shore.

In this regard, the message that I want to stress most clearly at this forum is the urgent need for greater international cooperation in terms of maritime security. As the Sri Lankan experience demonstrates, a terrorist organization was able to procure and transport sophisticated equipment, heavy weaponry, and vast quantities of ammunition over international waters for many years without much difficulty. Even to this day, the same network engages in the dangerous game of human smuggling.

Ananda-USA said...

Full text of the speech made by Secretary Defence Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the inaugural session of the Galle Dialogue Maritime Conference

......continued 3 ...

There are legal difficulties relating to the ability of a country to intervene with regard to such threats in international waters. It must be said that despite the existence of various treaties, there was insufficient commitment at a multilateral and bilateral level to combat the LTTE's transnational operations. It is this lack of effective intervention arising from an outmoded legal framework and inadequate multilateral commitment to combating transnational crimes that needs to be addressed if we are to successfully face future challenges to maritime security.

Robust ties need to be established between the maritime powers in the region not just at the diplomatic level but even more importantly at the operational level. Ineffective treaties extolling cooperation and token joint naval exercises are no longer enough. There has to be a deep-rooted commitment to cooperation amongst these powers. Proper intelligence sharing and timely communication between the Navies is essential. If a suspicious vessel is sighted, the relevant authorities in other nations should be contacted to determine its provenance. If, once challenged, the vessel cannot give a valid answer as to its business, the relevant Navies should be alerted and proper steps taken to ensure that any potential threats are nullified in time.

This level of international cooperation will only be achieved once we all realize that no matter how powerful we are individually, so long as we act in isolation, we will be ineffective against threats arising from the transnational operations of non-state actors. While the further strengthening of diplomatic ties remains essential in achieving this understanding, it is our sincere hope that your Dialogue at Conferences such as this one will encourage further cooperation at an operational level. If we act together to oppose the shared threats we face, we will be able to stand firm and uphold our security. If we do not cooperate with one another, and are forced to continue to act in isolation, we will all be at risk.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all the delegates present here an informative, productive and enjoyable few days in Sri Lanka. I am sure that a lot of hard work has gone into the preparation of Papers by our distinguished presenters, and I am aware that the organizers have gone to great lengths to ensure that the Conference is a success. Special mention should be made of the assistance provided by the Near East South Asia (NESA) Centre of the United States, which assisted in numerous ways. The Conference has been named the "Galle Dialogue". It is my sincere hope that the dialogue it prompts both formally and informally amongst the participants over these two days will promote greater and more effective cooperation in the region as a whole.

Thanks NO_MESS! ... for bringing this article to my attention.

Ananda-USA said...

Moshe Dayan said ..

[IF gosl is serious about peace, they have to do this one way or the other.

one frusts of EI becomes visible, resistence will die down. until then it will be there.]

Agreed .. but that someone .. is willing to criticize the racism of the old Tamil hierarchy and embrace Ethnic Integration is a step forward.

GOSL adoption of EI is KEY to implementing EI, despite what individuals of all stripes may do by themselves to further it.

GOSL, Adopt Ethnic Integration as National Policy, and Implement IMMMEDIATELY!

Ananda-USA said...

Two opposition MPs join government after meeting Sri Lankan President

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 05, Colombo: Two members of parliament who were elected to the Sri Lankan parliament through the main opposition United National Party (UNP) at the last general election have decided to extend their support to the government led by President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Prabha Ganeshan of Democratic People's Front and P Digambaram of the National Workers Front met President Mahinda Rajapaksa today at the Temple Trees and extended their support to the government.

After declaring their support to the government, Ganeshan told the local media that the two MPs have not accepted any portfolios, but will work with the government.

The MP's support raises strength of the ruling alliance to 146 in the 225-member parliament and the government is just three members shy of the two-third majority in the parliament.

Moshe Dyan said...


"GOSL, Adopt Ethnic Integration as National Policy, and Implement IMMMEDIATELY!"

not quite.

...adopt EI through coexistence as national policy (=colonization).

there are other EI measures that are BS.

e.g. chingalam, thamilam, muchlim makkal holding hands on the road.

e.g. chingalam makkal vising jaffna as a goodwill gesturte and thamil makkal visiting colombo.

this is the worst shitt.

e.g. EI and reconciliation through investigation of war crimes!!!!

we have to be specific.

Ananda-USA said...

The BEAUTY is in the writing in this article, not the cricket itself!

Bravo, Kaushik!

Tough final day beckons India

By R Kaushik, Colombo,
The Deccan Herald
August 06, 2010

For the first hour and a quarter, nothing would go wrong for India. For the remaining five hours, nothing would go right for them at the P Sara Oval on another dramatic day of Test cricket.

Happy camp: Sri Lanka’s Suraj Randiv (centre) is mobbed by his team-mates after dismissing India’s Rahul Dravid at the P Sara Oval on Friday. ReutersSri Lanka’s off-spinning duo of Ajantha Mendis and Suraj Randiv adopted contrasting routes to scuttle India’s victory charge in the final Test on a tension-soaked Friday, necessitating an in-the-trenches resolve on Saturday, which India will begin needing a further 204 for a series-levelling victory with seven wickets standing.

The hosts looked out for the count in a crazy passage of play when they tumultuously slipped from their overnight 45 for two to 87 for seven. Visions of a fourth-day finish loomed large when the stirring fightback began, Thilan Samaraweera playing his second crucial hand of the match and finding more than adequate support from the common sense and courage of Mendis.

The two half-centurions added a Sri Lankan record 118 (152m, 233b) for the ninth wicket to haul their side from the depths of 125 for eight to 267, setting India a daunting 257 on a wearing, if hardly threatening, track.

Not for the first time, Virender Sehwag and his unique brand of aggression was India’s most potent ally, but Randiv, operating with the new-ball, fired out the dasher with a straighter one for nought, then accounted for Rahul Dravid through extra bounce and was fortunate to win an appeal for a dubious catch at leg-gully to dismiss Murali Vijay.
By the time stumps arrived, India had stumbled to 53 for three, Sachin Tendulkar holding fort. India face an arduous task on the morrow, but it is by no means impossible, especially if ambition and desire are complemented by application and determination.

Moshe Dyan said...

re: GR's speech


we have a man with a brain running defence. now that's a change from the past.

Ananda-USA said...

Tough final day beckons India

......continued .....

Indeed, if they need inspiration, they needn’t look beyond Mendis, who showed that in his lexicon, impossible doesn’t exist. The mystery bowler with his vast bag of tricks could have been forgiven for throwing caution to the winds, for that is exactly what the specialist batsmen had done; instead, he put his head down, showed a broad blade and a huge heart and teamed up with the impregnable Samaraweera in a stand that could be the most decisive component of this wonderful contest.

Trailing 0-1, it was in India’s interests to do the running, but they had to draw a fine balance between taking wickets and conceding runs when play began. Their cause was helped by Pragyan Ojha’s incisiveness and Sri Lanka’s profligacy; under pressure for the first time in the series, the top-order folded up quickly once Ojha had shown great skill in accounting for night watchman Randiv and Mahela Jayawardene.

Skipper Kumar Sangakkara played a tame pull to a rank long-hop and holed out to a strategically placed short backward square-leg, Angelo Mathews whipped an Amit Mishra full toss to mid-wicket and the leggie trapped Prasanna Jayawardene in front with a quicker delivery as Sri Lanka slid rapidly towards doom.

Why he then chose to change tack, spread the field for Samaraweera and try to attack only the tail, only Mahendra Singh Dhoni can tell. For a brief while, Lasith Malinga counter-attacked in a stand of 38, but it was the Samaraweera-Mendis partnership that hurt India badly.

First-innings centurion Samaraweera was in complete command, judicious in the use of his feet and picking the gaps with delicate turn of his supple wrists. Mendis started with a flourish but settled down quickly, his obduracy and orthodoxy totally flummoxing India, who found the slowing track too high a hurdle to vault over. India’s ploy of not attacking Samaraweera completely backfired as both batsmen gained in confidence. By mid-afternoon, Dhoni was bereft of ideas and looking for mistakes, his complete lack of faith in Abhimanyu Mithun – not brought on until the day’s 42nd over – totally bewildering.

In the end, it needed the second new-ball, and Mithun, to terminate the stand, Samaraweera dismissed for the first time since falling for zero in the first Test. Mendis wasn’t finished yet, smashing the red cherry around on his way to a popular and memorable knock, every blazing stroke followed by an infectious grin. Talk about killing ’em softly!

Ananda-USA said...


In GR's address at the Galle Maritime Security Conference, he said ...

"This level of international cooperation will only be achieved once we all realize that no matter how powerful we are individually, so long as we act in isolation, we will be ineffective against threats arising from the transnational operations of non-state actors. While the further strengthening of diplomatic ties remains essential in achieving this understanding, it is our sincere hope that your Dialogue at Conferences such as this one will encourage further cooperation at an operational level. If we act together to oppose the shared threats we face, we will be able to stand firm and uphold our security. If we do not cooperate with one another, and are forced to continue to act in isolation, we will all be at risk."

Likewise, there is a need for PATRIOTS to create, join, and effectively act through PATRIOTIC ORGANIZATIONS at an OPERATIONAL LEVEL.

I paraphrase GR's words, thus:

"This level of cooperation between patriots will only be achieved once we all realize that no matter how powerful and committed we are individually, so long as we act in isolation, we will be ineffective against threats arising from the transnational operations of the Eelamists.

While the further strengthening of patriotic community ties remains essential to achieving this collaboration, it is our sincere hope that your Dialogue at Patriotic Fora such as this one will encourage further cooperation at an operational level.

If we act together to oppose the threats Sri Lanka faces, we will be able to stand firm and uphold our personal security which is ultimately indistinguishable from that of our nation. If we do not cooperate with one another, and are forced to continue to act in isolation, we will all be at risk."

Ananda-USA said...

Interesting strategy by India in the final inning of the 3rd Test.

They have sent in Sharma, typically a tail-end batsmen, to do the one-two-thattu in the first session.

The motivation seems to be to blunt the pace attack sacrificing tailenders, while degrading the pitch as far as possible in the first session, so that the remaining batting specialists can cash-in on a degraded pitch unfavorable to the Sri Lankan bowlers.

The downside of this strategy for India is that they may run out of batsmen to partner the batting specialists, and even time to attain the target score by stumps at the end of the day.

Fascinating cricket, guys!

Ananda-USA said...

Oops, Ishant Sharma is OUT for 4!

The best laid plans of mice and men .....

Diyasena said...

Ananda aiya,

Ishant came in as night watchman last night.. However thanks to the dropped catch of Tendulkar by Dilshan and poor captaincy by Sangakkara (field settings, bowling changes), we are going to loose the match.

Sangakkara's on-field captaincy has been pretty ordinary for awhile now..I have heard that he is bit of a dictator in the dressing room as well. The thing is we have no viable replacement, unless we hand it back to Mahela..However in such a situation Sanga might retire to play IPL and we will lose a great batsmen. So best thing is wait till end of the world cup (8 months more) and make a change (Dilshan or Maththews)

Ananda-USA said...


I too think we are going to lose, although Tendulkar has gotten OUT, Laxman has sprained his back, and Raina is nervous and is playing wildly! About 65 runs and 5 wickets to go.

Let us hope, and pray for the best!

Moshe Dyan said...

yea, sanga's captancy shows signs of IRRATIONALITY. he strated very well and then..........

dilshan is a good replacement NOW.

it has to be done BEFORE the WC. otherwise we are going to lose it.

potentially lose sanga or most likely lose the WC?????

which is the least damaging one????

and sanga HAS STRONG political ambitions. i know this for a fact. not sure what camp, t,hough. this is another thing sport officials have to have in mind in deciding on him. making aravinda a selector is tough for sanga. aravida has his own views and he is VERY HEADSTRONG about them, just like sanga. so we will see some nasty things between the 2, especially when things go wrong.

retiring or demoting sanga got to be done WELL BEFORE the next big election, me thinks.

OTOH IF sanga wins the WC (VERY unlikely), we will have another arjuna. a stinky arsehole of a dictator.

Ananda-USA said...

A SAD situation for the nation that spawned terrorism in Sri Lanka, killing over 100,000 of OUR citizens.

What is sent around, comes around, I'd say!

India is one of the most terrorism-afflicted nations: US report

Washington, Aug 6 (IANS) India remains one of the most terrorism-afflicted nations, facing as it does persistent and significant external threats from groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad in Pakistan and Harakat-ul-Jihad-i-Islami in Bangladesh, said a new US report. It said the country's counterterrorism efforts remained stymied by outdated enforcement and legal systems.

Although there were no large-scale assaults similar to the LeT led Nov 26, 2008 attacks in Mumbai, officials warned that 'India remained at risk on the basis of the volume of credible threats the government continued to receive', the State Department said in its Congressionally mandated Country Reports on Terrorism 2009.

Noting that India was the focus of numerous attacks from both externally and internally based terrorist organizations, the report said: 'Although clearly committed to combating terrorism, the Indian government's counterterrorism efforts remained hampered by its outdated and overburdened law enforcement and legal systems.'

In the wake of the Mumbai terrorist attacks, India's parliament has introduced bills to restructure its counterterrorism laws and established a National Investigation Agency (NIA) to create a national-level capability to investigate and prosecute acts of terrorism, it said.

In neighbouring Pakistan, foreign terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda and its affiliates, continued to operate and carry out attacks in Pakistan, the report released Thursday by counterterrorism coordinator, Daniel Benjamin, noted.

'The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Balochistan, the North West Frontier Province, southern Punjab, and other parts of Pakistan continued to be used as safe havens for Al Qaeda terrorists, Afghan insurgents, and other terrorist groups,' it said.

Similar to last year, attacks occurred with greatest frequency in the regions bordering Afghanistan, including Balochistan, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).

In Afghanistan, 'the Taliban-led insurgency remained resilient in the south and east and expanded its presence into the north and west'.

'Although the insurgency absorbed heavy combat and leadership losses, its ability to recruit foot soldiers from its core base of rural Pashtuns remained undiminished,' the report said.

Al Qaeda provided some facilitation, training, and funding while maintaining its safe haven in Pakistan, it noted.

Separate but intertwined and affiliated extremist organizations led by Mullah Omar (Taliban), Sirajuddin Haqqani (Haqqani Network), and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin - HIG) increased their use of improvised explosive devices and coordinated attacks using multiple suicide bombers, resulting in an increase from 2008 in overall casualties, the report said.

(Arun Kumar can be contacted at

Moshe Dyan said...


we have a very interesting military situ in the far east - the future MAIN BATTLE FRONT.

1. north korea - south korea stand-off

2. sinking of a SK ship by NK

3. US navy drills in the area

4. russian navy, air force drills in the area

5. US-SK combined military drills

6. on 3 august SK started own military drills.

7. on 5 august china started its own military drills.

retailations and re-retaliations!!!

8. ????????

9. taiwan?????

10. japan??????

"South Korea on Thursday launched its largest-ever anti-submarine exercise including live-fire training near the disputed sea border with North Korea, despite Pyongyang's threats of retaliation.........................................South Korea is mobilising 4,500 troops, backed by 29 ships including a submarine and a destroyer and 50 aircraft including jet fighters and attack helicopters.

The exercise began eight days after South Korea and the United States ended a massive joint naval and air drill in the Sea of Japan (East Sea) as a show of force against the North."



"China launched large-scale air defence exercises on Tuesday - the latest in a series of drills carried out amid US concerns about Beijing's increasing military assertiveness. More than 10,000 defence personnel and seven different types of military aircraft are taking part in the drills in the eastern province of Shandong and the central province of Henan, the official China News Service said."


the new cold war is OBVIOUS. it has more than 2 sides.

1 + 3 > 2 and

2 + 3 > 1.

as can be seen, the edge is held by 3. it's decision will dictate what the world is going to see. and who wins this cold war.

Ananda-USA said...

Diyasena, Moshe,

If we had won, would everyone have applauded Sanga?

At Cricinfo, Indians were bitterly complaining about Dhoni, demanding his replacement, when India seemed to be losing.

I wonder what they are saying now that India won .. that his strategy was brilliant?

Winners have many fathers,
Losers are orphans, And fans are notoriously fickle!

Moshe Dyan said...

"India is one of the most terrorism-afflicted nations: US report"

ho!! ho!!!

what do we have here?????

so india being one of the most terrorism afflicted nations, NEEDS US ATTENTION!! so this is the plan.

terrorism ----> we follow them.

Ananda-USA said...


Specify who 1, 2 and 3 are in your inequalities.

You need to take account of NK, SK, US and China. I see at least 4 main players in this game, for now, not 3.

Moshe Dyan said...



this has been noticed by many for a long time even when SL was winning.

we have less than a year to fix our team to WIN.

Moshe Dyan said...


1, 2 & 3 are on a glabal scale.

NK and SK are just cat's paws.

1 may be US or russia. it doesn't matter. 3 is china.

putting that news report and your news report together, i think i know what's the next move is!!!

it is very dangerous. it means wars from one end of asia to the other.

Ananda-USA said...


You said "1, 2 & 3 are on a glabal scale."

Oh! OK, I thought you were talking about the Two Koreas-US-China local play.

On the global scale, it is still US/Russia/China .. which are your global 1, 2 and 3. Others are still minor players.

Interestingly, on a nuclear warhead scale, Israel scores very very high, higher than many EU nuclear club countries, India and Pakistan, and is reputed to have as many as 200 warheads.

Diyasena said...

Ananda aiya,

Re: Sanga

His captaincy was bad throughout the series..Even the first test which we won..He has not captained well since the 2009 T20 world cup..


Re: Aravinda and Sanga

We need Sanga in the T20 world cup..There is no time for a new captain to get used to things..Unless we get some good individual performances no way we are going to win..

I don't see many conflicts between Ara and Sanga..Both are from NCC..Like in politics where Lankans put party before country, cricketers put club before country..SSC, NCC hold too much power in SL cricket..

Imho, Aravinda is not such a great selector (okay he dropped
Sana but thats all) Indians are not good against bouncing ball and the Oval is a bouncy track..Yet instead of playing Nuwan Pradeep (who is slingy like Malinga and 5-10 km/h quicker) we played the gentle medium pace of Welagedara..We were leading 1-0 and the pressure was all on India, good time to bring in a debutant

Moshe Dyan said...


yes, we need sanga for t20. but for the WC (ODI)?????

i have my doubts.

UNLESS sanga acts a bit more rationally.

didn't know both of them from the same club. but both have strong opinions of what's best!! hope they will work together until the job is done and NO political intereferences.

winning WC 2011 is a MAJOR part of SL's "recovery" process after the war. we MUST win it.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes, it is a good move to bring a newcomer when we held the lead. anyway we didn't lose the series. and we tried out a new player.

SL will go to australia in december.

1995 december they toured australia ahead of WC 1996.

de ja wu????

OTOH too much pressure is not good. the fact that polies will be pressing cricketers to win and the fact that the homecrowd will also press for a win (except may be at the finals) are not that good in the sense it adds too much pressure. india collapsed in 1996 under similar pressure.

anyway i leave it to you and other experts (at least to those who have played cricket since i haven't, apart from backyard cricket!!!). shame on me.

where is mayilravana????????

No_MESS said...

His intentions are beyond reproach. But his actions…..

Mervyn Silva and the Samurdhi officer - The Video

M S must ensure his head rules his heart.

Ananda-USA said...

Diyasena, Moshe,

If we had won this series, I think SL would have become #1 in the standings .. so it was important.

So, who can replace Sanga? Give back the captaincy to Mahela? Didn't understand why Mahela was replaced in the first place, and why Sanath didn't get it for a few years.

Some politics I suppose. I don't keep close watch on cricket politics, only player performances.

Moshe!!! Didn't play cricket when you were a thottha-baba in Lanka? ... shame on you!! :)

Ananda-USA said...

Power and Energy Minster emphasizes need for citizens who would serve Sri Lanka's interests

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 07, Colombo: Sri Lanka's Power and Energy Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka has emphasized the need for changes to the country's education system to produce citizens who would have country's best interests at heart.

Addressing a gathering at a seminar held in parallel with the Vidulka Power Exhibition at the BMICH in Colombo, Ranawaka said that universities should be breeding grounds for upstanding citizens who would serve the nation and remain in the country to take it forward.

Technology and Research Minister Prof. Tissa Vitharana and Higher Education Minister S.B. Dissanayake were also present at the event.

Higher Education Minister S.B. Dissanayake addressing the seminar said a golden era had dawned for the power and energy sector and added that it was good that a person who was well versed in the subject had been put in charge of the relevant subject by the President.

Minister Prof. Vitharana spoke of the importance of power and energy and the need to focus on the fact that resources we have would only be sufficient for 50 to 100 years and that it was important that alternatives were found to supplement the resources presently available in the country.

Ananda-USA said...

SL will have similar problems with all of the LTTE-ers who fled Sri Lanka, and are fleeing even now, after the Eelam war ended.

Terrorism is their greatest skill; so they will continue do what they know to do best.

'Qaeda’s new 'planning chief’ lived in US'

Alex Spillius
The Daily Telegraph
August 07, 2010

WASHINGTON: The FBI has warned that al-Qaeda’s new head of “global operational planning” is using his unprecedented familiarity with American society to plot attacks against the United States and other Western countries.

Investigators believe that Adnan Shukrijumah, 35, is “extremely dangerous” in part because of the experience he can draw on having lived in the US for 15 years.

Shukrijumah has taken over a position once held by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11 World Trade Center attacks, who was captured in 2003.

His role puts him in regular contact with al-Qaeda’s senior leadership, including Osama bin Laden, according to an FBI agent.

“He’s making operational decisions is the best way to put it,” said Brian LeBlanc, a Miami-based counter-terrorism agent. “He’s looking at attacking the US and other Western countries.”

“He knows how the system works. He knows how to get a driver’s licence, he knows how to get a passport,” he added. “He out there plotting the attacks and recruiting people.”

Shukrijumah is also suspected of playing a role in plots against the London Underground and in Norway that never came to fruition.

The son of a Saudi Arabian imam, he travelled to the US with his parents as a young child and lived in New York and Florida. He assumed his alleged new role in the terror group after two colleagues on an “executive operations council” were killed by suspected US drone attacks, the FBI said.

The suspect’s mother, Zurah Adbu Ahmed, who still lives in south Florida, said the authorities were using her son as a scapegoat. She said she had not spoken to her son since the September 11 attacks.

The US authorities believe he left the country in the late 1990s, visiting Trinidad and London on his way to al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan where he started with lowly camp duties.

The FBI has been searching for Shukrijumah since 2003 but moved him up their wanted list when three men accused of plotting suicide bomb attacks on New York’s subway system last year named him as their key liaison in Pakistan.

He was “the one that convinced ... them to come back to the United States and conduct the attack here”, said Mr LeBlanc.

Mr Le Blanc’s warning came as the US State Department released their annual report into terrorist threats. It said that despite suffering the loss of a significant number of senior figures, al-Qaeda’s leadership in Pakistan’s tribal areas remained the “most formidable” terrorist threat to the US.

The report said that the terror group remained “adaptable and resilient” and continued to plot attacks against America, while building affiliates in Yemen and Africa.

The organisation had retained its ability to attract and train new recruits, including some from Europe and North America such as the Nigerian student behind the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a US airliner en route to Detroit.

Ananda-USA said...

'Qaeda’s new 'planning chief’ lived in US'


The State Department’s analysis is likely to boost critics among President Barack Obama’s Democratic Party who are concerned about fighting an expensive and lengthy war in Afghanistan when the greatest threat is officially next door in Pakistan.

It underlines how nearly nine years after the devastating attacks on US landmarks, Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri remain in command of al-Qaeda and able to communicate with the likes of Shukrijumah and increasingly well organised affiliates elsewhere.

Mr Obama has increased the use of remote-controlled drone attacks on the organisation’s safe havens in Pakistan’s tribal areas, but, according to the report, that hasn’t prevented al-Qaeda from readily training and funding the Taliban-led insurgency in Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan, despite some heavy losses among militants and their leaders, the Taliban’s “ability to recruit foot soldiers from its core base of rural Pashtuns remained undiminished,” the report said.

Ananda-USA said...

Afghan strategy tops Indo-Iran talks

Ashwani Talwar
August 07, 2010

NEW DELHI: IRAN on Friday said the mega-leak on the internet of classified United States documents showing links between Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Taliban in Afghanistan had come at a wrong time, when the focus instead should be on stabilising that country.

Visiting Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Ali Fathollahi said the ISI issue was not new - and has been discussed for some time now.

“The Wikileaks disclosure ‘at this time’ when a multi-national Kabul Conference on Afghanistan had ended ‘successfully’ did not help in creating the right atmosphere for bringing about stability in that country,” Fathollahi said after meeting External Affairs Minister S M Krishna.

The focus of his visit is Afghanistan: both countries are looking at the possibility of coordinated efforts on Afghanistan as the US-led armed forces prepare to quit.

Delhi fears ISI-backed Taliban leaders could make a comeback in Afghanistan - at India’s cost - when America pulls out.

The documents available on Wikileaks website point at an ISI role in attacks against Indian interests in Afghanistan, including its embassy.

The Iranian minister said Delhi and Iran had similar views on post-America Afghanistan, but pointedly refrained from criticising Pakistan.

Increasingly, Iran has been talking to Pakistan as well on combined regional efforts on Afghanistan.

Fathollahi said Iran was against the presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan and wanted the Afghans to take charge. Neighbours, rather than America, should be involved in strengthening the Afghan government.

The minister’s India visit follows a meeting of the India-Iran joint commission a month back.

India is pushing Iran to further develop Chabahar port as an alternative route for transit of goods from Afghanistan, reducing Kabul’s reliance on Pakistani ports.

Mahen said...

Hey you singala chena yobs...long time no see no? Take a look at this...

LTTE handover control of Vanni to LMTE

Ananda-USA said...

Slicing and Dicing India based on COMMUNAL attributes CONTINUES with CENSUS data gathering!

When will India learn to abandon such communal approaches that pit India's people against each other and permanently embed age-old diseases in India's social fabric?

India should adopt income level, poverty, and need as the sole criteria for government benefits!

Learn from Sri Lanka, dear India!

BJP backs caste-based census

Anita Saluja
August 07, 2010

NEW DELHI: The BJP favours caste column in the census rather than OBC-based census, toeing the line indicated by the RSS. The RSS was initially opposed to caste-based census, but later on, revisiting its own stand, the Sangh took the position that caste-based census was preferable over OBC-based census. Thereby it facilitated the BJP to finalise its own stand on the issue.

The BJP now favours a caste column, leaving it, however, to the government to decide to use it whenever and wherever necessary, but with the rider not to disturb the integrity of the headcount.

Replying to the query made by Leader of the Lok Sabha Pranab Mukherjee, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj wrote to him on Friday, “We agree that the caste should be canvassed in such a manner and at such stage so that it does not affect the integrity of the head count (census).”

She said that the BJP had already clarified its stand in Lok Sabha and it reiterated that caste could be canvassed in the ongoing census/NPR exercise.

Moshe Dyan said...


good one!!

this is from TN.

"Hordes of monkeys plague resettled families in Vanni
[TamilNet, Saturday, 07 August 2010, 05:19 GMT]
Monkeys in Vanni having multiplied in numbers after the war on Vanni invade into the temporary sheds of uprooted families hastily resettled by Sri Lanka government without clearing the area of the overgrown shrubs and jungle, sources in Vanni said. The resettled uprooted families in Vanni left to fend on their own without the needed assistance and subjected to occupying Sri Lanka Army (SLA) harassment are further assailed with the problem and danger of monkeys, the sources added."

not only the monkey numbers, but also IDP numbers increased after the war!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

"learn from SL"

worse thing is SL is forced to copy india!!!

Ananda-USA said...

Ban Ki-moon sued for discrimination

The Daily Telegraph
August 06, 2010

NEW YORK: Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General is being sued by a lawyer for sexual and racial discrimination after he repeatedly blocked his appointment to a key post.

American Robert Appleton is seeking $1 million (£600,000) in damages and up to $500,000 in lost wages and benefits after he was denied a promotion on the grounds of gender and nationality.

In a 76-page application to the United Nations Dispute Tribunal Mr Appleton said that Mr Ban’s rejected the recommended candidate for the post of permanent head of the investigation division in a breach of the UN Charter and General Assembly resolutions.

An internal hiring panel selected Appleton from among about 70 applicants as the sole qualified and suitable candidate to serve as permanent head of the investigation division within the UN’s Office of Internal Services, or OIOS.

But Mr Ban insisted that all senior-level appointments to be chosen from among a field of three qualified candidates that reflect a degree of geographical diversity and include at least one woman.

Last month a leaked memo by Inga-Britt Ahlenius, the former head of the OIOS, revealed she had attempted to persuade Mr Ban to appoint Mr Appleton nine times.

Instead Catherine Pollard, the assistant secretary-general for human resources, ordered Miss Ahlenius to interview four more candidates.

Mr Appleton further alleges that Michael Dudley, who is the division’s current acting director, benefitted from his wife’s friendship with Miss Pollard.

Mr Dudley e-mailed colleagues within the division in the past week to deny he tried to influence the hiring through his wife’s connection to Pollard.

Miss Pollard said the job would have been filled “a lot sooner” if Miss Ahlenius had followed Mr Ban’s policy. “It was all about policy, not about a particular personality,”

Mr Appleton headed the white collar fraud unit, known as the Procurement Task Force, that operated with great success from 2006 to 2008. It found 20 significant corruption schemes, leading to several felony convictions and sanctions against dozens of U.N. vendors.

Farhan Haq, a UN spokesman, said that Mr Ban’s office could not comment on matters before the tribunal.

Consultants found the OIOS investigation division to be ineffective after the former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker investigated the theft of $1.8 billion from the Oil for Food programme in Iraq.

AP said...

Status of Nano Technology in Sri Lanka : 5 new patents!

Moshe Dyan said...

RANA VIRU scholarship program. you can contribute directly into this BOC account. it is managed by the ministry of defence.

Ananda-USA said...

Epic, first Indian web browser

Jayadevan P K
July 15, 2010

BANGALORE: India’s indigenous web browser is all set to join the legion dominated by popular browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Epic, the first Indian browser built by Hidden Reflex, a Bangalore- based software startup founded by Alok Bhardwaj in 2008, was launched on Wednesday.

Its creators claim that it can scan your computer for viruses, track your stock portfolio, type in 12 Indian languages, book travel tickets, spot phishing attacks at the same time, without having to visit multiple websites or switch between applications, all for free.

Epic is built on the popular open-source Mozilla platform and supports a sidebar that enables creating documents in 12 regional Indian languages. Users can access latest national and regional news from popular publications and television channels. As many as 1500+ customised Indian themes and wallpapers are provided along with the browser.

One unique feature of Epic is the free built-in antivirus software.

The user would have the option to manually scan the system or individual folders and viruses detected would be instantly removed.

“Epic will be useful to all types of users, including hard-core multi taskers and newbies,” Bhardwaj told Express.

The Epic browser can be downloaded here.

Ananda-USA said...

Prabhakaran had sidelined KP: Lankan sleuths

P K Balachandran
August 08, 2010

COLOMBO:Sri Lankan sleuths interrogating former LTTE arms smuggler Kumaran Pathmanathan, alias KP, have found that he was a back-number with little or no knowledge of the working of the LTTE’s weapons smuggling and financial dealings overseas during the critical, final phase of Eelam War IV.

This was because KP was sidelined by LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran in 2003 and kept out in the cold till the end of 2008. Even after he was reinducted, KP was not given back the responsibility for arms smuggling and international finance. Instead, he was made the group’s “international plenipotentiary” or ambassador to lobby with western governments to halt the advance of the Sri Lankan military juggernaut.

In an interview to Daily Mirror on Saturday, KP recalled that at one stage, the interrogators laughed at him and said, “You don’t know anything about the LTTE now!”

CASTRO GAVE EVERYTHING AWAY: KP said Lankan intelligence had received loads of material on the LTTE’s international operations from the abandoned office of Manivannan alias Castro in Viswamadu. Castro, who managed arms smuggling and international financing from 2003 till the defeat of the LTTE in May 2009, had failed to destroy the material in his possession, including those stored in computers, before he fled Viswamadu. “The reality is that the Lankan intelligence know more about overseas Tigers than I know,” KP said.

HOW KP IS BEING USED: Nevertheless, Colombo finds KP very useful. Having been an ace arms smuggler and an international finance manager for years, he knows the Tamil diaspora and its leading members very well. The Lankan authorities, who took him into custody in August 2009 from a hotel in Kulala Lumpur, have been using him to persuade the diaspora to contribute to the development of the Tamil-speaking north-east either through direct investment or through his North-East Rehabilitation and Development Organisation (NERDO) based in Vavuniya.

In June this year, KP had persuaded nine “country heads” of the LTTE to visit Sri Lanka, meet high officials and tour the war-devastated north. They went back converted to the idea of peace and development. NERDO has got other members of the diaspora to also work for development in the island. It enables them to get the Lankan Defence Ministry’s persmission to visit the north. It has a website too. Indeed, KP is now the sole link between the Tamil diaspora and the Lankan establishment. Other Tamil parties and leaders have now been put in the shade.

WHY PRABHAKARAN SIDELINED HIM: When asked why Prabhakaran had sidelined him, KP said that post-9/11, he was a particularly marked man in several countries, and so, could not visit Prabhakaran at his hideout in north Sri Lanka when the latter called him over for a discussion in 2002.

An annoyed Prabhakaran promptly removed one Velu, who was acting as a link between him and KP. The new link man and KP failed to get along. Meanwhile, Castro; political wing’s head S P Tamilselvan, Sea Tiger chief Soosai, and head of the group’s finance department Tamilendhi demanded a share of the LTTE’s overseas activities. They carried on a smear campaign against KP. They even accused him of sexual harrassment.

Ananda-USA said...

With these emerging demands on language policy, gradually India will cease to have a national language, as communities are "empowered" to use one of India's 380 languages.

As a result, each community will become a veritable frog-in-a-pond unable to interact with one another incapable of binding India into one whole.

A true Babel-of-India will emerge, where the very concept of Indian-ness will be gradually lost as demagogues rule the roost. Armies of "Translators" will join the roost severing direct understanding between the national government and the governed in India's far-flung regions. Hindi may revert, again, to a regional Northern language instead of the National language of India.

Leading this demand for "empowerment" are the leaders of ... you guessed it ... Tamil Nadu.

Sri Lanka is VERY FORTUNATE that only 3 languages are in use.

'Demand use of other languages too in courts'

August 07, 2010

CHENNAI: “It is my humble request to you to include the other languages of India in your struggle. That can only make your case stronger for the introduction of Tamil in the High Court and Parliament as well,” said CPM Rajya Sabha member T K Rangarajan at a protest meeting of the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers and Artistes Association held recently.

He agreed with the opinion expressed at the meeting that the way forward was the introduction of translators and not blocking of use of various languages in courts and elected assemblies.

Rangarajan added that politicians need to come together to ensure all languages were given their due for the sake of national integration.

Recalling the recent swearing-in ceremony of newly-elected Rajya Sabha members, he said, “A new MP from the BJP left after taking the oath. He was called back and asked to take the oath again in Hindi. When I asked him, he said in the first instance he had taken the oath in Bhojpuri. I learnt that Bhojpuri has around 80 million speakers. The same happened with an MP from Rajasthan. It is ridiculous that languages with such large bodies of speakers are not given the acceptance they deserve.”

But other speakers at the meeting were less generous.

They lashed out at the DMK government for not taking enough steps to include Tamil as a court language.

They said parties in the Dravidian fold had used the Tamil and its allied culture solely for electoral gains and pointed out that the people of Tamil Nadu had been tricked into not studying English and Hindi.

Moshe Dyan said...

"A true Babel-of-India will emerge, where the very concept of Indian-ness will be gradually lost as demagogues rule the roost."

very true.

the origin of "babel".

this comes in the holy bible. a long time ago some ppl thought there is an easier way to reach god by building a tower that reaches the sky. so they were building this stage by stage and they thought this way that can disregard god's commands bcos they can anyway reach god their way, anytime. this angered the devine power and he wanted to stop this madness. what did the god do to stop this project?????

a very clever strategy.

he made these ppl talk in different languages. disunity among the ppl led to the collapse of the project.

so the BEST way to create disunity is by having multiple languages among the same group.

that is why it pays to have one language for everyone in a country. there can be plenty of optional languages, no harm.

this movement in india, especially tamil madu WILL REACH SL very soon. as it happens always, india will ultimately reject it, but idiots in SL will adopt it!!!

Moshe Dyan said...


"A leader of the anti-KP group in Oslo is in hospital after the attack
Police in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, have arrested three Sri Lankan Tamil men thought to be from rival factions supporting the Tamil Tigers, after a clash in a Hindu religious festival."


they attacked buddhist temples, consul offices, etc. and now turning against each other. these barbarians are digging their own grave.

what should we do???


Moshe Dyan said...

pakistan's importance to US, west.

from CNN.

"Cameron's comments do not form an original starting point but, in fact, are part of a gradual evolution of thought in the west that the problems in Afghanistan, India, as well as the potential global impact, are intrinsically tied to the security challenge in Pakistan.

Paradoxically, the Pakistani military stands accused of supporting and assisting these same extremist forces. This was highlighted in a 2009 report by the London School of Economics which claimed that Pakistan "appears to be playing a double game of astonishing magnitude" in Afghanistan.

The WikiLeaks documents, released last month, also illustrated a continued relationship between the ISI and the Taliban.

The thread that connects both the LSE report and the WikiLeaks documents is that Afghan Taliban factions are using safe havens within Pakistan to launch cross-border attacks in Afghanistan."

then this,

Worryingly for the U.S. and its NATO and Afghan allies, one of Pakistan's most senior soldiers, chief of army staff General Ashfaq Kayani, remains rooted to the old military concept of utilizing Afghan territory for the purposes of "strategic depth" in the event of a conflict with India. From this perspective, the Pakistani military views the Afghan Taliban as a potential asset rather than as a liability.

this is the right thing by pakistan.

US gives over $10 billion to pakistan every year "to fight taliban". what if taliban is no more????? who will give pakistan even a million dollars????

which idiot will kill the hen that lays golden eggs????

USA, UK, etc. knew this fcuking well when the soviets were in afghanistan. the soviets failed due to pakistan. US though pakistan has some intrinsic pro-US stand. they were sadly mistaken. it was because of this.

for pakistan to keep it's strategic importance, sustain its military-centred (and controlled) economy, it needs war on both sides.

now the US is paying for its crimes on others.

how dumb is that?????

Anonymous said...
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Moshe Dyan said...

another dumb thing of USA from CNN.

recently taliban killed 10 doctors most of them from USA.

they were operating in a province where taliban never had control.

US army condemned the attacks and call it cowardsly. he told the afghan ppl that taliban is not concerned about them.

but the idiots are so foolish not to realize that ppl do understand why these US, etc. doctors were ONLY serving ppl of a particular region of NON-AFGHANS (kazaks, uzbeks, etc.)!!!!

what's the point in pleading to afghan ppl when they got no benefit from these doctors?????

in fact MOST afghan ppl suffering from an acute shortage of doctors would be happy!!!

the afghan-pakistani connection is going to spell doom for the west. there is no way out and afghan and pakistani "REFUGEES" are flooding cananda, UK, australia, etc.

they are taking the war to where it came from!!!

this is the reality.

to spice things up, the other superpower camp can make use of afghanistan-pakistan affair to punish their competitors.

now USA is trying hard to drag india into it. although islamic terror is intermittant in india, it is still outside sponsored.

india has world's third largest muslim population. if you get them provoked, the consequences will be CATESTROPHIC!!

so the best thing for india is to KEEP OUT.

Moshe Dyan said...


"Taleban shot down a Canadian Chinook using MANPADs."

pigbal says it was a chinese helicopter bcos it was a "china-ook".

(added the vowel "a")

same logic he applied on INDIRA radar named after indira gandhi!!!


(added the vowel "i")

now the bugger is cooking pork chops in vienna.

Anonymous said...
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No_MESS said...

Pol Sambol / Moshe,

I hope you show some respect towards Mr Iqbal. Recently he won a award for abstaining from writing for a whole year!

Defence journalist Iqbal received the prestigious D.R. Wijewardene Award for earning the appreciation of his peers and the public for his coverage of Sri Lanka’s victory over the LTTE in 2009.

The D.R.Wijewardene Award was one of the two awards given by the joint organising committee, the other being the Sepala Gunasena Award for defending press freedom of Sri Lanka given posthumously to Jansz’s predecessor Lasantha Wickrematunge, assassinated on January 8, 2009.

Even after Athas was threatened for a second time in August 2007, he continued to write, but stopped his weekly column SITUATION REPORT on January 4, 2009. The last piece dealt with the fall of Kilinochchi on January 2.

But the week before (December 28, 2008) SITUATION REPORT headlined Eelam War: Which way the last phase next year, asserted that either the government or the LTTE could emerge victorious in the battle for Kilinochchi.

The relevant citation had mentioned that the year under consideration, 2009, was a period of political and military uncertainly and that the main honour (read as DRW Award) was offered for writing in the public interest and keeping the people informed of the rapidly developing situation.

But The Sunday Times never published SITUATION REPORT (after January 4, 2009, though the Army made rapid progress on the Vanni (east) front as the LTTE retreated leaving behind hundreds of bodies, arms, ammunition and equipment. The Jan 4 report headlined Prabha’s day-dream turns into Tiger nightmare acknowledged the Army’s superiority.

While referring to two statements attributed to President Mahinda Rajapaksa that his Army would take Kilinochchi by December 2008 and 2009 would be the year of triumph over the LTTE, Athas painted a bleak picture of the ground situation. He discussed an abortive bid by the Army to regain Kilinochchi on December 16, two LTTE counter attacks, failure on the part of the Navy to thwart LTTE receiving military supplies by sea and most importantly the availability ‘hardcore strength’ to defend Kilinochchi and Chilawattai, south of Mullaitivu, whereas The Sunday Island of December 28, 2008, in a front-page report headlined Battle for Mullaitivu reaches final stage, asserted that both Kilinochci and Mullaitivu could not be defended and whatever the LTTE did, they could not alter the ground situation.

Ananda-USA said...


[ recently taliban killed 10 doctors most of them from USA.]

What you may not be aware is that these doctors were Christian missionaries trying to convert Afghans to Christianity under the guise of ministering to their health needs.

Of all the places in the world, Afghanistan is the last where you can survive trying to convert Muslims .. hoping that the Taliban will not notice their missionary agenda.

No, these are definitely people with a death wish, who paid for the incurable disease of stupidity.

It is really bad that there are people trying to exploit the plight of the Afghans to harvest souls.

Ananda-USA said...

Singapore, the Bastion of Democracy and Human Rights in the Far East, wants no more foreigners!

As I recall distinctly, Lee Kuan Yew, the original Dictator of Singapore who executed drug dealers, and cropped long-haired hippies at the airport before expelling them and enforced a guided democracy, turned Liberal Democrat in his dotage and criticized Sri Lanka for being harsh on Eelamists.

Now, his disciple wants to shut Singapore to foreign workers! How about hard-working Tamil terrorists .. still welcoming them?

It all depends on WHOSE OX IS BEING GORED NOW!

Won't let too many foreigners: Singapore PM

Alex Kennedy
August 09, 2010

SINGAPORE: Singapore's prime minister sought Sunday to ease concerns that the city-state is allowing in too many foreign workers who will undermine national unity.

The surge of foreigners living in Singapore has become a hot topic in the lead-up to the next general election, which the government must call by February 2012. Many of the newcomers are from China, India and other Asian countries.

"We will control the inflow, to ensure that it is not too fast and not too large," Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said during a speech ahead of Monday's National Day. "And we will make clear that citizens come first."

About 150,000 foreign workers have entered Singapore per year since 2007, and they now make up about a third of the island's 3 million work force and about a fourth of the total population of 5 million, up from 10 percent in 1990.

Local media have reported growing complaints by Singaporeans about poor quality costumer service at restaurants and retail stores, crowded subways and occasional violent crimes by foreigners. Many foreign workers may not speak fluent English, which is the most commonly spoken of Singapore's four official languages.

"It's no secret that a record influx of foreigners in recent years has led to discontent among Singaporeans, who feel crowded out of their own country," wrote Straits Times reporter Radha Basu in a recent editorial. "New immigrants are being blamed for a host of ills, from the squeeze in trains to the tussle for jobs."

Lee reiterated that foreign workers were necessary for economic growth, which the government expects to be as much as 15 percent this year. Lee said last month the government would allow more than 100,000 foreigners into Singapore this year to help keep the economy from "overheating" and inflation in check.

Singapore's decades-long boom, which has made it one of the world's wealthiest countries, has been fueled in part by foreign laborers who are willing to do jobs in areas such as construction and hospitality for lower wages than locals.

Ananda-USA said...

Won't let too many foreigners: Singapore PM

Policymakers are eyeing the inflation rate, which the government expects to rise to about 3 percent this year from 0 percent last year. The central bank in April shifted its exchange rate target from a zero percent appreciation of the Singapore dollar to a "modest and gradual" appreciation in a bid to dampen price increases.

"We cannot do without a proportion of foreign workers," Lee said Sunday. "With new arrivals living and working harmoniously with those born here, we will keep Singapore dynamic, cosmopolitan, and successful."

Singapore is seeking to diversify its economy away from manufacturing toward tourism, and foreign workers are playing a key role in building and staffing projects such as the casino resorts opened this year by Las Vegas Sands and Malaysia's Genting, which have helped attract record visitors.

"There are a lot of jobs Singaporeans wouldn't do anyway," said Gillian Koh, a senior research fellow at Singapore's Institute of Policy Studies.

Koh helped conduct a poll last year that found 63 percent Singaporeans surveyed believed the government's immigration policy was weakening national unity.

However, two-thirds of respondents also said they supported bringing in more foreigners if it helped the economy.

Ananda-USA said...

This call for Power Devolution could be the Next Thin Edge of the Eelamist Wedge!

Indian Tamils seek fair representation

P K Balachandran
August 09, 2010

COLOMBO: The 15 lakh Tamils of Indian Origin (TIO) in Sri Lanka, majority working in up-country tea plantations, have begun lobbying for a legitimate share of power under the new Jana Sabha system, akin to the Indian Panchayati Raj. Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa is keen on introducing the new system by year-end.

P P Devaraj, chairman of the Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) told Express here on Sunday that GOPIO and the Sri Lanka-India Community Council led by Livestock Minister Arumugan Thondaman were seeking fair representation for the TIO in the new system in which some of the powers of the pradeshiya sabha and the district administration would be transferred to village-level Jana Sabha.

“The voice of Indian Tamil community is not being heard now because of inadequate representation in local bodies. As a consequence, they are unable to get their due as citizens,” Devaraj said.

The leaders of the Indian Tamils are also seeking an end to the present system in which the plantations are placed outside the jurisdiction and ambit of the local administrative and political set up.

The workers in the plantations, who live within the estates, are governed by the plantation companies. They are not participants in local bodies like the Pradeshiya Sabhas and other village institutions.

The welfare measures instituted by the local government and other organs of the state do not automatically apply to them. The plantations come under a separate ministry of plantations.

Ananda-USA said...

Doctor killed on Afghanistan aid mission was not religious, say family

Karen Woo's relatives reject Taliban claims she was trying to convert Muslims, saying her motives were purely humanitarian

Dr Karen Woo was a humanist and humanitarian according to her friends and family. Dr Karen Woo was a humanist and humanitarian according to her friends and family.

The family of the British doctor shot dead by gunmen in Afghanistan, today rejected Taliban claims that she was preaching Christianity to Muslims, saying she was not religious at all.

Karen Woo, 36, a surgeon from London, was among 10 medical workers killed in a remote area of northern Afghanistan on Friday.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the killings, with a spokesman saying the group was shot because they were "spying for the Americans" and "preaching Christianity". Today, Woo's family rejected this, calling her a "true hero" who had no religious or political agenda.

"Her motivation was purely humanitarian. She was a humanist and had no religious or political agenda," said the family in a statement.

Woo had been due to fly back to the UK today to marry a former soldier she had met in Kabul. She was with a group of eight foreign nationals working with the Christian charity International Assistance Mission (IAM) when they were ambushed by men carrying assault rifles in a forested area of Badakhshan province.

"She wanted the world to know there was more than a war going on in Afghanistan, that people were not getting their basic needs met. She wanted the ordinary people of Afghanistan, especially the women and children, to be be able to receive healthcare," the family statement said.

"Her commitment was to make whatever difference she could. She was a true hero. Whilst scared, she never let that prevent her from doing things she had to do."

The statement came after Woo's fiance, British security worker Mark "Paddy" Smith, told last night of losing the woman he was due to marry in two weeks at Chelsea registry office.

Speaking from Kabul, Smith said: "Karen grabbed life by the horns. She went to one of the most dangerous places in Afghanistan just to help people. That was the sort of girl she was – focused and professional."

The pair met when Smith helped her unload her luggage from a plane in November last year and fell in love after reuniting a month later. "It was one of those crazy relationships," said Smith. "Nothing is normal in Afghanistan, but when we met it just made sense. You know when something is right.

"Becoming friends with Karen was no effort as she welcomed people into her special heart. Always the first with a compliment and the last to judge, she had a beautiful outlook on the world."

Woo's brother, David, said that the couple planned to live in the UK and start a family together. "Karen was a lovely, vibrant and energetic woman, determined to get the most out of life," he said.

"She and Mark just clicked. She said he was the one. Their long-term plan was to come back to the UK and start a family together."The Taliban claimed responsibility for the murders, saying the group had been trying to convert Afghans to Christianity, but local police said they believed thieves were to blame.

General Agha Noor Kemtuz, the local police chief, told the Observer that the group had stopped for lunch in a heavily forested area at around 2pm, when they were robbed.

Sam Perera said...

No Mess,

This is the DRW award for Kazuthais.

Ananda-USA said...

Doctor killed on Afghanistan aid mission was not religious, say family

.......continued .......
The team, which included six Americans, one German and two Afghans, were returning to Kabul after a two-week mission to provide basic healthcare in remote mountain valleys in Nuristan. According to the sole survivor, an Afghan man called Safiullah, the attackers first took their money and then lined them up to be shot. Kemtuz said Safiullah had been spared after he cried out passages from the Qur'an and pleaded: "I am a Muslim. Don't kill me."

IAM issued a brief statement condemning "this senseless killing of people who have done nothing but serve the poor". Woo's friend, Firuz Rahimi, said she was "a brilliant person to work with".

The pair co-founded another aid organisation, Bridge Afghanistan. He told the BBC last night they had spoken together on the phone the night before she left for the trip: "She was very into doing things she believed in. I will remember her for many things for the short period of time I knew her, not more than two years. She was full of dedication and a very calm person."

Yesterday, a Taliban spokesman claimed the foreigners were killed for spying and attempting to convert Afghans to Christianity – an allegation IAM denies. A statement on the Taliban's website made no mention of alleged missionary activity. It said documents found on the foreigners "revealed the enemy was on a clandestine mission against mujahideen in the area".

Ananda-USA said...

The BEST THING Christians wanting to help Afghans can do is to send the material aid to be distributed by Moslem Afghan organizations, and to employ Moslem volunteer doctors to go to Afghanistan.

Sending Christians to Afghanistan now, is just sending people to their deaths .. that is the reality of it.

The other reality, is that Christian missionaries are aggressive, and seek conversions even in the lions mouth!

Ananda-USA said...

Doctors killed in Afghanistan


Also among those killed was Tom Little, an American optometrist from Delmar, N.Y., who'd been working with IAM in Afghanistan for decades, supervising eye hospitals in Kabul and smaller clinics in several other towns. He was one of those forced to evacuate the country in August 2001, after eight Christian aid workers were arrested for allegedly trying to convert Afghans to Christianity. But he returned to live in Afghanistan after the U.S. invasion.

Moshe Dyan said...


LOL! indeed for not writing.

i found this the funniest bit.

"But the week before (December 28, 2008) SITUATION REPORT headlined Eelam War: Which way the last phase next year, asserted that either the government or the LTTE could emerge victorious in the battle for Kilinochchi."

you don't need a defence column to say that!!

Moshe Dyan said...


i didn't know that but i sensed they were upto no good.

IF they were serious about AFGHANS' WELFARE, they should have concentrated on where their "MEDICAL" services are needed most!!

i have no problem with missionary work but afghans have more important earthly considerations than salvation at the moment.

Moshe Dyan said...

there is an organised group of MFs setting forests on fire in SL.

how many freaking fires for the past month???

this is unacceptable. mervyn should concentrate on these criminals. tie them to trees and whack them.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ananda-USA said...


[i have no problem with missionary work]

I have huge problems with missionaries surging forth to proselytize in poor developing countries.

They are going there as the vanguard of the modern version of colonialism, to convert and divide nations from within, and create fifth columns that can serve their larger purpose of economic exploitation and military domination.

This is not too different from the Christian colonialists of the past, who came to Sri Lanka, South America, etc with the Sword in one hand and the Bible in the other. Even as the native peoples were reduced to slavery, the missionaries pacified them, weaned them away from their own patriotic leaders, supervised the alienation of the land and acceptance of a new hierarchy, and the export of the native's wealth back to colonizing countries.

This kind of missionary work today is highly organized and cloaked under the cover of "charitable humanitarian programs" .. operating under seemingly innocuous charters .. but bribing local people with money, jobs, business opportunities, and opportunities abroad, to convert and spread their faith. The underlying motive has not changed one iota: undermine the country from within to ultimately gain economic and military control of it.

It is instructive to study Japan's experience with foreign missionaries. Japan today is one of the world's most homogeneous nations .. ethnically and religiously. During the Portuguese colonial era, Portuguese priests and naval forces .. gradually inserted themselves (1543 -1635) so effectively into Japan's social fabric .. pitting one Daimyo against another and organizing MILITARY FORCES under pliant Japanese leaders .. that they became a strong political and military force. Ultimately, they completely controlled the Southernmost island of Japan, and many regions of the Northern islands.

However, the Japanese patriots under the Shogun had enough of this foreign cancer in their midst threatening their very existence in collusion with foreigners. In several large battles (eg, Shimbara Rebellion, 1637 in which the Christians fielded an army of 30,000, and Portuguese ships, against the Shogun's forces of 100,000), they were completely annihilated. Their fortifications were destroyed, Christianity was banned, and foreign missionaries were expelled from Japan and denied entry. Japan's bad experience with Christian missionaries interfering in the governance of Japan was the key reason for Japan going into seclusion.

Ananda-USA said...

Missionary Agenda in Developing Countries

Japan was to remain closed to foreigners until the visit of US Commodore Perry .. in July 8, 1853 .. with a flotilla of steam-driven warships. Confronted by the obvious technological superiority of the US Fleet anchored in Tokyo Bay, the supporters of the hitherto powerless Meiji Emperor realized the need for Japan to open its doors and industrialize rapidly.

The ruling Tokugawa Shogunate was overturned, power was restored to the Meiji Emperor, a Constitution modelled after that of Germany was instituted, and Japan's rush to technological leadership began in earnest under the guidance of the young patriotic leaders of the Meiji Restoration.

Within four decades (1853-1893), Japan propelled itself into an awesome industrial and military power capable of defeating the Russians in the Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905), virtually annihilating the Russian naval squadron, sinking 8 battleships, in the Battle of Tsushima Straits on 27–28, May 1905. Japan had come, from not having even wooden hulled ocean going ships to fielding fleets of mighty steel dreadnoughts, within a short period of four decades, a technological and social transformation of a nation without parallel in human history.

Japan's feat was enabled by a Patriotism of a unique kind .. first to deny the opportunity for foreign missionaries (the NGOs of yesteryear) to further infiltrate and disrupt the country from within, and the second the will and determination to develop their OWN country, using their OWN people, relying on their OWN native wit.

Self-confidence, self-reliance, and internal integrity were the gifts of Patriotism to the Japanese people.

Can we Sri Lankans do less, as we move forward to Seize Our Day In The Sun?

KB said...

Chaps, take a look at the hilarious attempt by TamilNut plonker to whitewash the vicious infighting among LTTE terrorist factions in Norway.

A minor violent incident, resulting from a dispute over parking car at a Tamil religious festival on Sunday in Oslo, Norway, was wrongly reported by BBC Sinhala as a clash between “rival factions supporting the Tamil Tigers.”

Bugger, a 'minor' violent incident ending up with one thug in the hospital! These buggers are such thugs that even over parking spot they would bash and cut each other with sticks and knives. Of course if Tamilnut plonker says the fight was over a parking spot then it's most certainly a lie. Buggers were certainly fighting over terrorist funds.

According to those who were present at the site, batons and a minor knife were used in the clash. Tension prevailed at the corner of the temple, where the chariot festival was taking place.

Egads, what the bloody hell is a 'minor' knife? The only language these thuggish terrorist know is violence. They need to be put down so rest of us can live in peace.


Moshe Dyan said...


FYI, TODAY christianity is the FASTEST growing religion in japan!! (and south korea). and china.

you cannot use the conversion of poor ppl theory here!!!

you can't convert a person from one religion to another merely by offering money, etc. he may say he is converted but will continue to follow his own religion. there must be something more than money (although it may be coupled with monetary rewards).

SL should NEVER mix nationalism with buddhism. if it does, i'm out.

empowering, enriching buddhists is a different thing. since buddhists are/were the guardians of SL MOST ferociously, their interests MUST be protected and promoted in order to protect the nation. but equating the protection of buddhism to protection of SL is wrong.

in another 100 years SL will most likely be a muslim country. but still it has to remain in one piece and minority buddhists, christians and hindus must have equal individual rights. i will still love SL (from heaven or hell) as much as i do now.

Moshe Dyan said...

if a "minor incident" at a kovil ON THE festival day leaves one bugger hospitalised, 3 more injured and 3 more in police custody, we can only imagine how a "serious incident" would be!!!

which idiot will bring knives to a kovil on the festival day?????

and which idiot will fight over a VACANT parking spot at the kovil?????

toiletnet is trying hard to cover up the BARBARITY of it's community.

how long can they cover it?????

Ananda-USA said...


You misunderstood!

Where did I bring in Buddhism into my write up? It was not an attack on local religious groups ... buddhists, hindus, moslems and christians, .. who are now part and parcel of Sri Lanka's social fabric: they are Sri Lankans, not foreigners.

I am for developing a single Sri Lankan identity owing loyalty to Sri Lanka, and no other country.

You should know that by now .. no need to preach to the choir!

In Japan .. during the period in question .. as iot was in Sri Lanka .. the situation was that of a creeping invasion and disposseion of the country.

I acknowledge that South Korea has largely been proselytized by Christian missionaries .. from the US under whose protection South Korea survives .., but Japan is far from it. I challenge you to show EVIDENCE that Christianity is making a significant impact .. is the fastest growing religion .. in Japan.

I was opposing foreign invasions facilitated by religious missionaries under the guise of non-religious humanitarian activities to undermine and displace local people .. in whatever form.

I know this is happening in Sri Lanka even as we speak .. and I oppose it with all my heart!

Ananda-USA said...


[you can't convert a person from one religion to another merely by offering money, etc. he may say he is converted but will continue to follow his own religion.]

This is BS!

One day, I visited my internet service provider in Sri Lanka very early in the morning. I was surprised to find a religious service in full swing. During my conversations with the owner that day, it turned out that he had converted from Buddhism to Catholicism, he was offered funds and other help to start his own ISP business, provided he hires only Catholics, and assists in growing the flock!

One more case, a young man who is a relative of mine, was induced by similar offers to convert to Catholicism ... he had a series of unsatifactory jobs .. now he has a "secure" job. He is now totally alienated from his own family .. because his new found friends don't want him to communicate with his own family! Sad, but TRUE!

This is FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE, but only one of many cases I can relate. Please don't tell me money, jobs and business opportunities don't motivate people. It is shameful to sell your soul for a few pieces of gold and reflects badly on the character of those individuals .. but it happens ALL THE TIME!

Once converted, he is imprisoned by all that he has accepted, for the rest of his natural life!

Ananda-USA said...

Japan's Religions


Section I. Religious Demography

The country has an area of 145,884 square miles and a population of 128 million. The Government does not require religious groups to report their membership, so it was difficult to accurately determine the number of adherents to different religious groups. The Agency for Cultural Affairs reported in 2005 that membership claims by religious groups totaled 211 million persons. This number, which is nearly twice Japan's population, reflects many citizens' affiliation with multiple religions. For example, it is very common for Japanese to practice both Buddhist and Shinto rites.

According to the Agency's annual yearbook, 107 million persons identify themselves as Shinto, 91 million as Buddhist, 3 million as Christian, and 10 million follow "other" religions, including Tenrikyo, Seichounoie, Sekai Kyusei Kyo, and Perfect Liberty. Academics estimate that there are 120 thousand Muslims in Japan, 10 percent of which are Japanese citizens. The Israeli Embassy estimates that there are approximately 2,000 Jews in the country, most of them foreign born.

As of March 2005, under the 1951 Religious Juridical Persons Law, the Government recognized 157 schools of Buddhism. The six major schools of Buddhism are Tendai, Shingon, Jodo, Zen (Soto and Rinzai sects), Nichiren, and Narabukkyo. In addition, there are a number of Buddhist lay organizations, including Soka Gakkai, which reported a membership of eight million. The two main schools of Shintoism are Jinjahoncho and Kyohashinto. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism had modest followings.

Ananda-USA said...

FINALLY, Dengue eradication is receiving Priority in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka launches special program to eradicate dengue, sets up a department

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 09, Colombo: Sri Lanka's Health Ministry declaring today as a special day in dengue eradication launched a special program to stamp out the mosquito-borne disease spreading fast in the country with nearly 25,000 cases being reported so far this year.

The Minister of Health Maithripala Sirisena has instructed health officials to launch a number of dengue prevention and eradication programmes during this month.

A dengue eradication week has been declared from next Monday (16) while training programmes to eradicate dengue will be implemented on the 21st and 28th of this month.

Committees of the Dengue Prevention Task Force have been setup at provincial level for efficient management of the programmes.

The government has decided to set up a special department to dengue eradication efforts. The main objective of setting up a department would be to carryout dengue eradication activities countrywide throughout the year without any interruption, rather than addressing it on a periodical basis when dengue incidents rise, the Health Ministry said.

Statistics released by the Epidemiology Unit of the Health Ministry reported 24,829 cases of dengue island wide as of today. Among them were 177 deaths.

Colombo district suffered the most with 4,057 cases followed by Gampaha district with 2,920 cases and Jaffna district with 2,535 cases. Ratnapura, Batticaloa, Kandy, and Kurunegala districts also recorded high rates of the epidemic.

The government has taken stringent measures to control the stagnant water sources that are breeding grounds of the mosquitoes.

Sri Lankan government has imposed laws and regulations and threatened the offenders with jail time to keep the environments clean to control mosquito breeding.

Ananda-USA said...

Japan's Religions


Section I. Religious Demography

The country has an area of 145,884 square miles and a population of 128 million. The Government does not require religious groups to report their membership, so it was difficult to accurately determine the number of adherents to different religious groups. The Agency for Cultural Affairs reported in 2005 that membership claims by religious groups totaled 211 million persons. This number, which is nearly twice Japan's population, reflects many citizens' affiliation with multiple religions. For example, it is very common for Japanese to practice both Buddhist and Shinto rites.

According to the Agency's annual yearbook, 107 million persons identify themselves as Shinto, 91 million as Buddhist, 3 million as Christian, and 10 million follow "other" religions, including Tenrikyo, Seichounoie, Sekai Kyusei Kyo, and Perfect Liberty. Academics estimate that there are 120 thousand Muslims in Japan, 10 percent of which are Japanese citizens. The Israeli Embassy estimates that there are approximately 2,000 Jews in the country, most of them foreign born.

As of March 2005, under the 1951 Religious Juridical Persons Law, the Government recognized 157 schools of Buddhism. The six major schools of Buddhism are Tendai, Shingon, Jodo, Zen (Soto and Rinzai sects), Nichiren, and Narabukkyo. In addition, there are a number of Buddhist lay organizations, including Soka Gakkai, which reported a membership of eight million. The two main schools of Shintoism are Jinjahoncho and Kyohashinto. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism had modest followings.

Moshe Dyan said...


"Once converted, he is imprisoned by all that he has accepted, for the rest of his natural life!"

this is BS!!

he can develop his business, and then practice buddhism as before.

but this DOES NOT happen. why???

bcos MOST find solace in their "new" religion that money cannot buy.

there are millions of buddhists, hindus visiting christian shrines but they don't change their religion. they get favours but still remain what they are.

but if they find the christian religion more applicable to them, then they convert.

and remain so.

the portuguese may have used the sword to convert ppl, but once converted and LONG AFTER they left catholics still defend their faith. they defended it from the dutch too.

you can't get this by money or sword.

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...


did i say you did?????

no. read my comment. i only gave a warning to GOSL and i'm sure gosl will not equate protecting buddhism to protecting SL.

re: japan

japan depends on the USA militarily MORE than south korea!!! george washington ACC is the only US ACC with a home port outside the US and japan is its homeport.

re: sri lankan identity

christian missionary work has NOTHING to do with it.

the good king wimaladharmasuriya (konappu bandara) allowed total freedom for missionary work in SL.

looked from that POV, there is no problem here.

and i repeat, i have NO problem with missionary work. let free will prevail.

IF someone is so damn cheap to change his religious practices for a few bucks, so be it. he will ANYWAY fall for a few bucks. if its not a for a religion, it will be for drugs, etc. you cannot stop it.

Moshe Dyan said...

maharoof dropped by aravinda.

just read dailymirror comments.

its FCUKING racist but there is absolutely no race involved!!!!

i want to keep these comments so that we will know who is a racist. these buggers REGULARLY write to dailymirror.

look how bloody racist they are.

"Waruna 2010-08-09 14:06
He looked funny in fielding, so the drop is well-justified.

-7+6 # Ricky 2010-08-09 16:55
What about Dilshan's poor fielding in the Tests.

-26+20 # Charith 2010-08-09 14:15
Good decision Ara. He is not good for national team if he got hatrick because, we seen in last ODI series his poor fielding performance but why Chandimal not in squad. when some one showing performance well, at that time we should give him to chance.

-12+25 # Sumal 2010-08-09 14:35
All knows the reason including him.

-12+5 # ANees 2010-08-09 14:50
The hook for Murali is World Records Holder retaining in the team so outstanding performance no place even Murali, Mahee and comers from ur genee

-9+24 # ajith 2010-08-09 14:54
This is the testing time for you.
Without crying like a kid get your self involved in 'A" team or apply for a county team and prove who you are.
Improve your fielding as one day cricket need energetic players

-9+14 # Rifai 2010-08-09 14:57
Dont you know the know the reason? Poor mahroof.. You have to be extra ordinary to get select.

-36+33 # Chamal 2010-08-09 15:00
This is what happens in Sri Lanka cricket if you belong to another race. However much good you are you will get dropped if you get 10 Hat ricks, and go on to score unprecedented runs, You will be dropped,

-0+4 # mnsmart 2010-08-09 15:46
True, But don't do the mistake what Tuan Mohomed Dilshan & Suraj Mohomed did just to be in the SL squad.

-6+9 # kavinda 2010-08-09 16:07
Mr. Chamal, you are a extremist. Do you know that Murali played for SLC 337 ODIs & 133 TESTs, Do you know abt Rusal Arnold? What kind of race are you implying?

-7+7 # Manjula 2010-08-09 16:12
Dear Chamal
Then what about Murali ,Mathews

-0+4 # jansz 2010-08-09 19:43
bullshit... Checkout maharoofs past performances. We need a good batting all-rounder and a bowling allrounder. Matthews is irreplaceable even a kid would admit that. Competition is between maha and thisara. Maharoof has been piss poor as a batsman and it was just hat hat-trick in a dead rubber he could point out as a remarkable acheivement. His fielding is pretty bad as well

-20+34 # SL 2010-08-09 15:01
He is truly a great asset to Sri Lankan Cricket. It is a terrible mistake to exclude him!

-0+2 # UJ 2010-08-09 15:06
As long as Dilhara Fernando is in the tea this chap will not get a chance. Defeneatley this guy will not be in the World Cup squad and we will loose the world cup this time 4 sure.

-2+1 # freedom 2010-08-09 15:20
Go and play in UK they wil lgive you a chance , no use playing for srilanka what ever good you do you wil lbe dropped..settle down in UK

Moshe Dyan said...

-2+0 # Rushan 2010-08-09 15:22
Change your name just like SURAJ and DILSHAN may be you might get a chance.

-2+0 # Hettiarachi 2010-08-09 15:24
As Suraj did, change your name & come back so that you will be surely included in the squad.

-1+1 # galagedarian 2010-08-09 15:27
it's time to change your beliefs like what dilshan & randiv did.
but mahroof don't change your religion for the sake of foolosh cricket

-0+2 # Abdul 2010-08-09 15:34
I think it is high time the selectors are transparent, from whatever I saw, Maharoof's dropping is fair, He is supposed to be an all rounder but failed to to deliver when we needed most, I think reasons should be given for the selections of Chamara Silva instead of Dinesh Chandimal and Dilhara Fernando instead of Thilan Thushara. Dilhara and Chamara have been chronic failures in the team

-0+5 # Afrar 2010-08-09 15:50
Our crickrters dontt have consistancy in performing..! Thats why we fail in many series.

-0+6 # shace-UK 2010-08-09 16:03
u know the reason....look at dilshan!!!! do the same or migrate to ireland they are need of gud cricketers....

-6+8 # Raj 2010-08-09 16:11
Change your name, if you need a place in the national team

-7+3 # Patrotic 2010-08-09 16:16
He should be included to represent srilanka to be democratic

-3+8 # Aussie fan 2010-08-09 16:21
One poor match he has been dropped then what about others keeping faling (1 ex.Kapegedra) but every time in playing xi. there is no different between earlier selection committe and this one.

-1+2 # professorabdulmajeed 2010-08-09 16:24
Dont u know for all the Muslims cricket life was shortlived, even if they perform, marvan, with three zeros in his debut, became a captain, later, uvais karnain, got dropped after only a few matches, u are no extra ordinary player, but race counts to be dropped even a mistake of dropping a pin, sangakkara is not mahela, to give u chance, he is race consciennce, and mathews is sinhala so dont compare. murali had to throw and bend to be there

-3+0 # sam 2010-08-09 16:33
Ara knws in and out of cricket... he wil giv eve a chance n see b4 da world cup... wait u wil get ur chance.

-0+0 # chandran-kandy 2010-08-09 16:42
Actually it's depending on the choice of the National Selection committee.We should blame any-one. It is Clearly indicated by the chairman of National committee that the reason for dropping all rounder Mahroof was due to the lack of physical fitness (owing to injury in a match) & poor fielding of some one day matches.So, don't worry Mahroof. After this Tri-series you will be getting the chances either in one-dayers or test matches in future. So, Mahroof don't hesitate for not choosing.Take it easy & take care.from chandran Kandy.

Moshe Dyan said...

-2+3 # Rohan 2010-08-09 16:45
He has been dropped because of his race.

Any tamil palying for SriLannka?

You need be sinhala buddhist to be in the team which is always has blessings of Biku


-2+2 # Practical 2010-08-09 16:49
Try changing your name to Hewakaluallamul la Thilakaratna Mudiyanselage Maha Ranroof. Maybe that should do the trick.

-3+9 # chandran-kandy 2010-08-09 16:50
Don't hesitate Mahroof....... you will be getting the chances either in one-dayers or test matches after your physical fitness es.Take it easy.Take care. chandran -kandy

-3+10 # John 2010-08-09 16:54
may be they want you to change your name as Suraj Mohamed and Tuan Mohamed Dilshan became Suraj Randiv and Tilakaratne Mudiyanselage Dilshan.

Deyyo Saakki!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-1+2 # sriram 2010-08-09 17:19
He needs to improve his fielding without foulmouthing in the foreign media... Aravinda knows what he is doing...

-3+4 # Deepal 2010-08-09 17:27
Mahroof was not good enough to make the cut. Also, he is too junior to think like a selector.

-4+3 # Clifford 2010-08-09 17:33
Even our great Murali had been omitted in the ODI squad, so how can you expect to be in it?? there is no reason what so ever to drop Murali

-0+2 # murage 2010-08-09 17:44
Don't be naive Maharoof. Change your name to Paranavis Mahavahala and you will be selected! Just ask Suraj Mohamed and Tuan Mohamed Dilshan.. how that works a treat. You risk getting tied up on a tree with a name like Maharoof.

-8+23 # kandyboy 2010-08-09 17:53
dont change your religion to get permanant place

-0+0 # Reza Thahir 2010-08-09 17:56
the reason to drop mahroof is there so many. Poor fielding, average bowling & spiness less batting. we all now how good b atsmen is mahroof. but so far hardly played any attarctive innings in ODIs.He's very talented but underperforming . peforms once in 12 to 15 games. in the asia cup bowled belowe average other than the hat trick. in the final was just useless.

-0+0 # sean 2010-08-09 18:04
The glorious uncertainties
"It was one of those days when everything went right," Farveez Maharoof said after taking his hat-trick on Tuesday. Two days later, nearly nothing did. His six overs were caned for 41 runs, including three lovely driven boundaries in four deliveries from Karthik through the off side. A difficult return chance didn't stick in the 14th over, MS Dhoni's punch to him at extra cover went through him and he made a hash of a simple stop at long-on when he didn't anticipate the ball's spin. About the only thing that went right was the straightforward catch he took to dismiss Rohit Sharma.

quoted from cricinfo

-0+0 # mohamed mirza 2010-08-09 19:03
MAHA take it up like a good sportsman but dont sacrifice your religion and identity to get a place. Some have done that and are assured of their place.

Moshe Dyan said...

-0+0 # Lanka suraya 2010-08-09 19:14
You are a great allrounder,no doubt about that.Take this opportunity to get extra fit & let the bat & ball do the talking.You are too good for them to leave you out..But you always have to challenge yourself.This is it.To the fore!!

-5+12 # true nation 2010-08-09 19:18
Well said Kandy boy. I do hope Mahroof doesn't change his religion & name to get a place.. like.. U know

-5+12 # TN 2010-08-09 19:54
I agree both comments

-7+5 # Taniya de Mel 2010-08-09 20:27
Nonsense .. !!!

-0+0 # Tom 2010-08-09 19:39
There are ways, my friend. How about a fast-unto-death in front of the SLC? Or how about getting some cricket fans to hold a hartal in front of the railway station? C'mon Mahroof grow up. When good performers were dropped you thought they were unfit or when someone failed continously but was in the team forever you thought they "played" inside game well? Grow up mate, grow up. Cricket is a money game!

-0+1 # M.M.usoof 2010-08-09 19:42
maharoof, we have already 2 casulaities. please for goodnessake dont change your religion. its better off playing Ipl. and earn your money, he, by the way did you vote for SF. if so you will never ever get a chance...

-7+3 # kevin 2010-08-09 19:49
maharoof is lousy.

-5+8 # Nisha 2010-08-09 20:23
He is a one of our best all rounder

-0+1 # nnassm 2010-08-09 20:56
mahroof,please enter to mahinda's party and political,surel y u w'll earn a place in sl team,other wise changed ur name farvez randiv or mahroof tilakarana mudiyansalage. god bless to sl cricket.
nnassm from Bahrain

-0+1 # Sanjaya 2010-08-09 21:01
I think he is more reliable than others

-0+1 # truth 2010-08-09 21:24
Dear Mahroof,

Do you want to distract Muslims, in the Holy month of Ramadan, Just Because you are playing. It is harram to play a sport of this nature which not only kills the times of you and billion of people (billion X 10 Hours) and man hours lost, which leads to poverty and lazy life. which is not needed for Sri Lanka and Muslims. Discrimination is everywhere not only in your trade.

-0+5 # punchi banda 2010-08-09 21:42
+ Simple, just change your name to Paranavithanage Mahavamsasinghe ... you will be picked-up!

Moshe Dyan said...

sorry for pasting this CRAP. but we can get in idea of how racist these buggers commenting at DM are.

proof for anyone trying to measure public support for anything based on DM comments.

Ananda-USA said...


[LONG AFTER they left catholics still defend their faith.]

You are persisting in distorting the basis and focus of my comments.

Of course, DESCENDENTS of converts will hang onto whatever faith they were born into. My ancestors probably converted thousands of years ago in Sri Lanka to Buddhism from Hinduism, and because I was born into the Buddhist faith, I will remain so until I die because I am invulnerable to all forms of coercion.

That is not what we are arguing about. We were debating the original CONVERSIONS from one faith to another (does not matter which faiths) exploiting the economic needs and wants of vulnerable people to advance a FOREIGN political agenda.

This is now happening in certain Moslem countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, with the influx of missionaries following US invasions. It is happening on a large scale in India, and Hindus are up in arms. It has gone beyond tipping point in South Korea. Greeks are yelling that the Catholic Church is converting poor Greek islanders from the Orthodox Greek faith to Catholicism. Moslems are converting poor African Americans in the US, especially in US prisons.

The COMMON THREAD in all of these conversions is the targeting the conversion of VULNERABLE people through economic inducements to advance a foreign political agenda .. largely inimical to the majority community of that country. I particularly object to that being allowed in Sri Lanka.

By the way, Jewish people in the US are also up in arms against conversion of Jews to Christianity.
Link 1, Link 2. I read an article in yesterday's newspaper in which US Jews were complaining against the conversion of American Jews by the Catholic church. These converted Jews call apparently themselves "Jewish Catholics" and "Jews for Jesus". Jews of the Jewish faith were complaining that the Catholic Church was violating the unwritten agreement they had not to convert each other's flock, and that they were exploiting economically vulnerable people .. right here in the US! While these conversions do not have a foreign political element involved, they are upsetting the orthodox Jewish community.

In any case, I want these FOREIGN missionaries out of Sri Lanka, because they are pursuing a FOREIGN political/military agenda to ultimately undermine the nation and exacerbate and grow internal divisions. Religion in Sri Lanka should NOT BE ANY CONCERN of foreigners. Let Sri Lankans attend to matters of their own faiths without foreigners stirring the pot to serve foreign interests.

It does not matter whether those players are Buddhist, Moslem, Christian, or Hindu if they are exploiting the vulnerabilities of people to induce conversions in Sri Lanka: it should be banned!

Ananda-USA said...


Why are you posting these nonsense comments from DM? Really!

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


[[IF someone is so damn cheap to change his religious practices for a few bucks, so be it. he will ANYWAY fall for a few bucks. if its not a for a religion, it will be for drugs, etc. you cannot stop it.]]

Well, this is the only point that I disagree with.

Our poverty shud not be a hunting ground for predators of religious fundamentalists. We are pretty much a secular country with a fine religious blend. We do not need some rich American cults spreading madness [note that their versions of religion is truly madness] and converting us to a holy Rome or perhaps a modern day South Korea.

However, more than blaming "batahira kumanthranaya" the buddhist/hindu bigwigs [even Catholics are falling to such, whereas muslims are truly safe] should work hard to improve the life standards of these ppl, and help them to reach the equal status, hence leaving predators w/o prey. If the temple does that other parties cannot convert.

Sadly today's buddhist clan wastes all charity on coloring monuments with gold or building more and more shrines and holding madness of "pooja". Their own followers turn for the buck and all they know is to protest in town [that also in the town, not in the village where it happens].

Moshe these "missionary" operatives are not clean. They are connected with underworld, drug lords [ganja lords mainly] and other "mis-behaving" sectors. They even use such powers to silence activists and destroy conventional religious missions.

While supporting the right anyone has to preach a faith freely, I certainly urge that these groups should be regulated and monitored [even taxed at places where it matters]. They shud not be allowed to take cover in the cloak and conduct shit acts. Misconduct shud be dealt with punishment. Laws on "missionary conduct" shud be properly created at the first place.

Meanwhile, the ball is in teh courts of the Buddhist/Hindu bigwigs. It is their duty to take care of their community and raise their lives. If they do not, whatever we do, the conversion will continue. "Dhammo have rakkhathi dhamma cahrin" shud be withheld in every perspective, including economic.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

More weapons for SLDF from you-know-who Remaining tiger supporters in diaspora, pls send some more. We thank you for your donations.

Ananda-USA said...

VIDEO: Two more LTTE ships to follow MV Sun Sea depending on whether Canada accepts them, says Rohan Gunaratna

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

නෝර්වේ කොටි නායක හා දෙවැනියා
පිහි ඇනුම් කා බරපතල තුවාල ලබති

කීර්ති වර්ණකුලසූරිය

නෝර්වේ කොටි නායක සිවසිතම්පරම් නෙදියවන් සහ ඔහුගේ දෙවැනියා වූ සිවඥානේස වඩිවේළු පිහිඇනුම්වලට ලක්‌වීමෙන් බරපතල තුවාල ලබා ඔස්‌ලෝ රෝහලේ දැඩි සත්කාර ඒකකයට ඇතුළත් කර ඇත.

ඔස්‌ලෝ නගරයේ හින්දු කෝවිලක පෙරේදා (8 දා) දහවල් පැවැති උත්සවයකදී නෙදියවන්ගේ කණ්‌ඩායම සහ ඇමරිකානු කොටි නායක රුද්රකුමාරන්ගේ කණ්‌ඩායම අතර ඇතිවූ ගැටුමකදී මොවුන් පිහි ඇනුම්වලට ලක්‌වී තිබේ.

මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් රුද්රකුමාරන්ගේ කණ්‌ඩායමේ තිදෙනෙකු අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන ඇත.

නෙදියමන්ගේ කණ්‌ඩායමට අයත් සිව් දෙනෙක්‌ද මෙම ගැටුමේදී බරපතල තුවාල ලබා තිබේ.

මෙම පිහි ඇනුමට භාවිත කළ පිහිය සහ පහරදීමට යොදාගත් බේස්‌බෝල් පිත්තක්‌ද පොලිසිය විසින් සොයාගෙන ඇත.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


See how wide the cracks are...


එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂය හා සම්බන්ධ වන ලෙසට පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාට මෙතෙක්‌ එම පක්‍ෂයෙන් නිල ආරාධනාවක්‌ කර නැතැයි අනෝමා ෆොන්සේකා මහත්මිය ඊයේ (09) "දිවයින"ට පැවැසුවාය. ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී ජාතික සන්ධානයේ නායක, පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාට තම පක්‍ෂයට එක්‌වන්නැයි එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂය නිලවශයෙන් දැනුම් දීමක්‌ කළොත් ඒ සම්බන්ධයෙන් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාගේ තීරණය දැනුම් දෙන බවද ෆොන්සේකා මහත්මිය වැඩිදුරටත් කීවාය.

එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂයට එක්‌වන ලෙසට ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාට එම පක්‍ෂයේ නියෝජ්‍ය නායක කරු ජයසූරිය මහතා විසින් පසුගියදා කරනු ලැබුවේ විවෘත ආරාධනාවක්‌ පමණක්‌ බවද ඒ හැර මෙතෙක්‌ නිල වශයෙන් ඉල්ලීමක්‌ කර නැතැයිද ඇය ප්‍රකාශ කළාය.

තම සැමියා හමුවීමට යන්නේ තමන් පමණක්‌ බවද එනිසා එජාපය විසින් එවැනි ආරාධනාවක්‌ පුද්ගලයාට කළාද නැද්ද යන්න පිළිබඳව තමන් හොඳින් දන්නා බවද ෆොන්සේකා මහත්මිය පැවැසුවාය.

ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂයට එක්‌කිරීම සඳහා ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී ජාතික සංධානයේම පක්‍ෂ හතරක නායකයන් එජාප නායකයන් සමඟ සාකච්ඡා ආරම්භ කර ඇතැයි වාර්තා වේ.

නව සිහළ උරුමයේ නායක සරත් මනමේන්ද්‍ර, ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණේ නායක ආරියවංශ දිසානායක, එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණේ නායක සිරිමසිරි හපුආරච්චි, ජාතික ද්‍රවිඩ කොංග්‍රසයේ නායක පී, ෂන්මුගනාදන් යන මහත්වරු ජනරාල්වරයා එජාපයට එක්‌කිරීමේ තෙවන පාර්ශ්වය ලෙස කටයුතු කරති.

මොවුන් එජාපයේ ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නායකයන් කිහිප දෙනකුටම දුරකථනයෙන් කතාකර ඇති අතර ඔවුන්ද මේ පිළිබඳව සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට එකඟතාව පළකර තිබේ. ඒ අනුව ඉදිරි දින කිහිපය තුළ එජාපය සමඟ නිල සාකච්ඡා පවත්වන බව නව සිහළ උරුමයේ නායක සරත් මනමේන්ද්‍ර මහතා පැවැසීය.

ජෙනරාල් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාට එජාපයට පැමිණෙන්නේ නම් එම පක්‍ෂයෙහි ඉහළ තනතුරක්‌ හිමිවිය යුතු බවත් එවැනි තනතුරක්‌ ලබාදීමට එජාපය කැමැත්ත පළකළ බවත් හෙතෙම කීය. ජෙනරාල්වරයාට පැහැදිලි අනාගතයක්‌ ඇත්තේ එජාපය තුළ පමණක්‌ යෑයිද කී මනමේන්ද්‍ර මහතා ඔහු එජාපයට ගියහොත් අතරමැදියන් ලෙස සිටින පක්‍ෂ හතරද එක්‌සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණට එක්‌වන බව කියා සිටියේය.

DNA Leader General Sarath Fonseka has rejected an offer to join the UNP after an invitation was extended to him by UNP Deputy Leader Karu Jayasuriya last week, DNA MP Vijitha Herath told Daily Mirror online.

Herath said that the General who was not even considering the invitation had not even been approached by any UNP members so far.

“The only invitation which was extended was by UNP Deputy Leader Karu Jayasuirya. It was an open invitation which he issued when Mangala Samaraweera joined the UNP last week. The General has not personally heard from any UNP members,” Herath said.

When questioned if the General would hold discussions with the UNP if a personal invitation was made, Herath said that the General would not even consider it.

“These are all false rumours that the General might join the UNP. He is not even considering such a request,” Herath said.

Deputy UNP Leader Karu Jayasuriya made an open invitation to the retired General at a ceremony held at ‘Sirikotha’ on Friday to welcome SLFP (M) Leader Mangala Samaraweera who joined the UNP.

Moshe Dyan said...


not just decendants, the original converted ppl also defend their faith. otherwise you won't be discussing this topic here. is it not???

e.g. IF poor mr x "converts" to some religion. he gets the money, gets all the benefits. after a while he can live without these handouts. anyway no missionary group has unlimited resources to give away free!!! then will he resort back to his old religion????


this is my point. then they make a choice to continue. at this time they are NOT economic dependants.

in some cases, yes and there is no problem. the bottomline is some missionaries DONATED economic resources and some poor ppl consumed it with no lasting effects.

Moshe Dyan said...


re: the crap from DM

i know it is crpa but this is dangerous crap. you don't just disregard nuclear waste just because it is waste!!!

it shows how INGRAINED racism is among some ppl.

2 kinds of ppl.

1. those who think racism is the driving force of all affairs in SL.

2. those who are convinced of #1 above and are worried it will lead to a change in one's race/religion.

3. those ultra racists who make fun of TMD, SR for their democratic right of changing name.

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