Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Next Fifty Years of Sri Lanka's Independence – A Historical Perspective

By Ananda-USA
August 22, 2010

I am presenting below the text of a talk I was invited to give at the Independence Day Celebrations at a Sri Lankan Cultural Institute in San Francisco's East Bay area, on February 9, 2002, nearly a decade ago.

The content of that talk is as relevant today as it was then, as Sri Lanka continues its struggle against great odds to recreate the glories of her storied past. Although my Principal Concern then,  the imminent disintegration of Sri Lanka, has been alleviated by the monumental victory achieved by the Patriotic Forces of Sri Lanka comprising its Patriotic People, the Armed Forces, and the Government of Sri Lanka headed by President Mahinda Rajapakse, there are yet global forces arrayed against Sri Lanka attempting to undermine and reverse the benefits of that victory; the victory that has now set the stage for Sri Lanka to become the New Wonder of Asia.

As  long as the flame of PATRIOTISM burns bright, and endures etched deep within the hearts and minds of Sri Lanka's sons and daughters, nothing can prevent their achieving that goal, their Day in the Sun.

The Next Fifty Years of Sri Lanka's Independence
A Historical Perspective
February 9, 2002

Fifty four years ago, on February 4, 1948, Sri Lanka shook herself free from 134 years of colonial bondage, to be reborn an independent sovereign nation, a nation with  a storied past spanning 2,250 years.

We, the sons, daughters, and friends of mother Lanka, are gathered here today to commemorate and celebrate that reawakening, to pay homage to her hallowed name, and to rededicate ourselves to protecting the motherland and our common heritage. I am grateful to you all for inviting me on this important occasion, to give voice to our love, our common goals, and our uncommon aspirations for the future of all Sri Lankans. 

Unsteady on her feet in the beginning, but gradually gaining confidence, Sri Lanka has achieved much since independence. However, many opportunities for rapid progress as a country and a people have been squandered as well. Freedom, is a double edged sword; the freedom to succeed gloriously is inextricably married to the freedom to fail disastrously. It is a sword to be wielded with wisdom, with vision and courage – for the future of our country and our people depends upon it. As a people, we are not entirely innocent of the essential ingredients of good governance and national survival; we have inherited that wit from our ancestors in ample measure. We will prevail only if we temper our enthusiasm with the lessons drawn from our own history.

        Our Past

About 3,500 years ago, around 1,500 BC, an Indo-European nomadic people, the Aryans, began to migrate into Northern India from central Asia. Gradually they occupied the northern half of India, above the Godavari river, displacing the ancestors of the native Dravidian peoples to the south. During the course of the next five centuries, they had little impact except for the development of a body of myths and epic stories of their migrations and wars with the native peoples. These form the basis of the orally transmitted Vedic Hymns of the Hindu religion that were first written down in the 6th century BC.

By 1,000 BC the Aryans had developed metal tools and settled down into communities of rice farmers that grew into small tribal republics (janapadas) and kingdoms (mahajanapadas)  by 600 BC. By 500 BC Magadha, the kingdom of  king Bimbisara who reigned from 540-490 BC, was the most important of these. The Buddha lived for 80 years from 563-483 BC and was a contemporary of king Bimbisara. According to the Mahavansa, written in the 6th century AD, prince Vijaya (483-445 BC), the founder of the Sinhala civilization of Sri Lanka, left this region of India to colonize Sri Lanka with 700 followers in the year that the Buddha attained nirvana.  Vijaya’s arrival in Sri Lanka is documented in a large number of rock inscriptions dating from the 3rd to the 1st century BC. The Ajanta cave murals, painted in the 5th Century AD,  depict King Simhala’s arrival and consecration in Lanka. We can surmise that Vijaya was a Hindu by religion and that he spoke a derivative of Sanskrit. While there is significant evidence that the present day Sinhalese are a mix of the original immigrants from North India and the original natives of Sri Lanka, the dominant civilizing influences in the country - linguistic, agricultural, military and religious - were of North Indian origin.

The origin of the name “Sinhala” of  Vijaya’s people deserves some comment, but it is clearly related to the lion. Although the story of Sinhabahu is an unrealistic embellishment that must not be taken literally, the association of kings and their ancestry with lions and lion hunting was a common place tradition in Aryan lands, especially in murals, flags, coats-of-arms and on coins. For example, in addition to Sri Lankan sources, the stylized Sinhala lion appears on Asokan Mauryan pillars, Persian flags and sculptures, and on Greek coins.

The next epochal event in Sri Lanka’s history was the rise of the Mauryan Emperor Asoka (273-232 BC) in India who having adopted Buddhism as the state religion of his empire, dispatched his son thera Mahinda to Sri Lanka to convert his friend king Devanampiya Tissa (210-250 BC) of Sri Lanka and his people to Buddhism. Asoka’s immortal message to Devanampiya Tissa was “I have taken refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha; I have declared myself a lay-disciple in the religion of the Sakyamuni; seek then even thou, O best of men, converting thy mind with believing heart, seek refuge in these best of gems!”  When thera Mahinda died in Sri Lanka sixty years after he had been ordained, he had done his work well: the ordination of new bhikkus of Sri Lankan descent and the Buddhist religion was firmly established in Sri Lanka as a government supported institution.

Thus, in the early history of Sri Lanka,  the two epochal events that set the course for its subsequent history: the arrival of the original Sinhala Aryan settlers from North India with king Vijaya (483-445 BC), reputedly in the year the Buddha attained nirvana, and the conversion of the people of Sri Lanka to Buddhism by thera Mahinda in the reign of Devanampiya Tissa (210-250 BC). The significance of the conversion of the Sinhala people of Sri Lanka to Buddhism, and its impact on the history of Sri Lanka, cannot be overstated. From then until now, a period of over 2,250 years, it has given  form, substance and continuity to its culture, its art, its architecture, and its politics; it has moulded the moral character and the emotional disposition of its people; their very sense of justice and morality; it has influenced the laws of the land as they apply to both subject and king; and again-and-again it has served to rally the people to the defense of the country against foreign invaders. Every significant achievement of the Sri Lankan people, can be traced to the twin influences of the military, agricultural and engineering skills of the Sinhala immigrants, and the moderating, stabilizing, progressive influence of the Buddhist Dhamma.

The next salient feature of the history of Sri Lanka is the attractiveness of its advanced hydraulic civilization to plundering invaders and its inability to effectively counter and protect itself against such invasions. From the time of king DutuGamunu (161-131 BC), to the time of the end of the Polonnaruva period (1,200AD) Sri Lanka was beset by repeated invasions from South India, ultimately leading to the abandonment of its great garden cities of Anuradhapura and Polnonnaruwa. With the decline of these great civilizations supported by irrigated agriculture, the country became divided into several smaller warring kingdoms, which never acquired sufficient strength to ward off a determined invader. The only exceptions were brief periods in the reigns of the powerful warrior kings VijayaBahu I (1055-1110 AD) and Prakrama Bahu the Great (1153-1186 AD) when Sri Lanka had powerful navies to protect its shores and carry war overseas. During these periods, not only did a navy exist to defend against invasion, but the sea borne trade also resided in Sri Lankan hands. After the Polonnaruva period, the South Indians were confronted by the Muslim Moghuls and by internal conflicts and were not a serious threat to Sri Lanka. However, with the destruction of the Raja Rata civilization,  Sri Lanka could only sustain smaller populations and became divided into several small kingdoms in the southeastern, central and the southwestern parts of the country that were constantly at war with each other. 

With the arrival of the Portuguese in 1,505 AD , Sri Lanka was again confronted by a naval power they could not match, and an enemy whose homeland, unlike those of its former South Indian enemies, was beyond Sri Lanka’s reach. Although the Sinhalese quickly became adept at manufacturing guns, cannons and gunpowder better than the Portuguese themselves, they never acquired an effective ocean-going naval capability. Although, they repeatedly defeated the Portuguese on land, they could not expel them permanently from their fortifications defended by naval gunfire and supplied from abroad by sea. Not even Sitawaka Rajasingha could accomplish that.

Making the same mistake that Sri Lanka has historically made in inviting foreign help, instead of becoming self-sufficient in all things, in 1636 AD Rajasingha II requested Dutch assistance to expel the Portuguese. They complied, expelling the Portuguese in 1656 AD; but then they occupied the fortifications themselves and settled down for a long stay in Sri Lanka. Although central Sri Lanka retained its independence under successive Sinhala kings, they now had an enemy occupying the seaboard of Sri Lanka that was even more difficult to expel than the Portuguese. As a result of the weakening of Holland in European wars, the Dutch were easily expelled by the British in 1796 AD in a classic demonstration of how naval power can be effectively employed against other naval powers. Now we Sri Lankans had the British to contend with. 

Although several British armies were destroyed by Kandyan kings, the final demise of Sri Lanka’s royal line came in 1815 as a result of betrayal by the king’s own ministers. In the Kandyan Convention signed on March 2, 1815, the British promised  to allow the Kandyan kingdom to remain autonomous and to protect and foster Buddhism. These promises were promptly broken. A long period of darkness descended that day on Sri Lanka, when Sri Lanka could no longer claim to be a sovereign nation, a veil that lasted 134 years until 1948.  In the intervening years, the Sinhala people lost political power, were gradually ousted from their lands, were relegated to the bottom rung of the citizenry, and lost the protection and government patronage for Buddhism, their religion. In these years speaking Sinhala, being a Buddhist, and using our ancestral Sinhala names became disqualifications for economic and social progress of Sinhala people in Sri Lanka. With the loss of sovereignty, the profits of British planters became the paramount concern, and millions of Indian laborers were imported from India into the hill country, against the wishes of the Sinhala people. The restoration of the rights and privileges of a free and sovereign people is what we celebrate on Independence Day.

Our Present 

Now, Sri Lanka is engaged in a war against internal separatist forces in the country. Regarding this war, I can do no better than to quote that greatest, and most kindly, of all American Presidents, Abraham Lincoln. A compassionate man, he was, without a doubt the most ardent advocate of an outright victory in the American Civil War as the only means of preserving the Union. Referring to the war in his 2nd Inaugural Address, he said:

“Both parties deprecated the war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept the war rather than let the nation perish, and the war came.“
“To strengthen, perpetuate and extend their interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union by war, while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it.”
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us the right, let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Let me note here that, to end the war, Lincoln made no offer that compromised the integrity of the Union. Instead he wanted to ‘finish the work we are in’  which was the war to reunify the nation. Indeed, throughout the war he urged his generals to spare no effort and to conduct total war with a ferocity yet unmatched in the history of warfare, because that would hasten its end. In his wisdom, he knew that to do otherwise, would only perpetuate the war and endanger the nation and generations yet unborn. At the conclusion of the war, he urged leniency and compassion for the defeated South. Ultimately, the civil war ended in the abject and total surrender of the Confederacy, in a bloody but short period of four years. The wisdom of his decision is evident for all to see.

Compare that war to the civil war in Sri Lanka that has now raged for 18 long years, misdirected and mismanaged by a succession of weak-kneed vacillating governments.  Compare Lincoln’s clear understanding of the benefits of an undivided nation to his people, his iron-willed single-minded determination to pursue total victory as the only way to guarantee that end, against the pusillanimous pundits at the helm of Sri Lanka. As we speak now they are again calling for international mediation and negotiation for peace, with pieces of Sri Lanka as peace offerings.

Why are we so blind to the lessons to be learned from our own history? Are we  also ignorant of  the lessons of world history that aggression and terror must be met head on and not appeased? Have we no compassion for our long suffering people? Why have they not recognized and grasped the opportunity to support the global war against terrorism now being waged by the United States, and to leverage it against LTTE terrorism? In the light of Sri Lanka’s history, do they not know that we dare not fail, that we must not fail, and that if we stand firm, we shall not fail?  The re-emergence of colonial indignities, the creeping alienation of our fundamental rights,  will be among the inevitable consequences of the loss of control of the coastal border, and any territory within Sri Lanka, to a group that is both ill-disposed towards the Sinhala people and has established a common cause with a foreign ethnic community.

        Our Successes

I have briefly reviewed our distant history, the emerging danger of separatism and our failures as a nation. But, in the past 54 years of independence we have also achieved much. Contrary to LTTE propaganda, every statistic on Sri Lanka speaks volumes in praise of the egalitarian virtues of the society that has taken root in Sri Lanka since independence. Let us note that India, which attained independence one year before Sri Lanka, has yet to achieve this level of equity for its people. In Hindu majority India, discrimination on the basis of caste and creed is endemic. Indeed, the government of India has instituted affirmative action programs to uplift the so called "untouchables" and these programs have been violently opposed by people of the higher castes. In the United States, only in the 1960's was progress made on enfranchising and bringing  african americans and other minorities into the main stream of society - a goal that has not yet been fully attained.  When Sri Lanka became independent, the Sinhala people were the disadvantaged, disenfranchised, and suppressed people in the country who needed affirmative action. Yet, in Sri Lanka, the programs instituted were not directed towards the Sinhala people only, but towards all disadvantaged communities in the country, Sinhala, Tamil, and Moslem alike. 

What, then, is the reason for the much greater progress towards social justice made in Sri Lanka compared to India? An analysis of this disparity between Sri Lanka and India has made it clear to me that the great strides made in Sri Lanka are due to the general environment of compassion and tolerance engendered by the Buddhist traditions and values of the majority Sinhala community. In every country, it is the majority community that sets the tone for social progress and economic equity. The Sinhala Buddhist community has established an enviable record for social justice in Sri Lanka as documented by both domestic and international bodies such as the United Nations (UN) and International Labor Organization (ILO). Today, Sri Lanka enjoys a literacy rate above 90%, compulsory education for all its children, a children's mortality rate comparable to those of developed countries, free universal healthcare, affordable rail and bus transportation, electricity in most rural homes, widespread land ownership, full representation of women and minorities in the labor force and in government, a system of labor laws acknowledged to be a model for developing nations, the highest per capita income and lowest birth rate in the South Asian region. These are the attributes of a caring society, that exemplifies not only Buddhist values but also the teaching of every extant religion.

O Lanka, Mother Sri Lanka,
I dream a dream of a glorious future for thee,
O Lanka, Mother Sri Lanka,
I am haunted by the shining vision of what will be!


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Ananda-USA said...

Democracy Vs Democrazy

There are some who complain loudly about the lack of "democracy" at this blog, the Sri Lanka Defence Forum.

They are simply those who want the "freedom" to violate the two simple rules of this blog that allow us to engage in civil discourse on ways and means of helping Sri Lanka survive and prosper in the future.

The "rules" of this blog are simple:

1. Don't post offensive vulgar comments that bring all of us who blog here into disrepute, and contribute nothing to any debate.

2. Don't espouse anti-national views that seek to undermine Sri Lanka. This is a Patriotic blog, we don't want to become a platform for Sri Lanka's enemies.

Within the confines of those two simple rules, the blog is open to all who want to interact and exchange views with others here.

There is no such thing as a democracy without rules, where each person can and does exercise unlimited freedom, even when it infringes upon those same freedoms of others. The rules of a democracy are those instituted by the people, placing limits upon their own freedom of action, so all can survive and prosper, together. They prescribe the penalties associated with violating the rules of their democracy.

Likewise, we have democratic rules of conduct at this blog. Most people have no conflict with these rules, while others continually challenge, and test whether the rules will be enforced. The SLDF blog has gone from an unmoderated blog, to a blog that deletes posts that violate the rules after they appear, to a blog that reviews all posts and publishes only those posts that do not violate the rules.

Ananda-USA said...

Democracy Vs Democrazy

....continued 1......
Unprotected Democracy Descends into Anarchy

To put things in a clearer perspective, let me present a few examples of how DEMOCRACY descends into ANARCHY when the freedoms afforded by democracy are allowed to be flouted with impunity, and those vested with the power to enforce the rules .. FAIL TO DO SO.

1. During the past 30 years, Sri Lanka was subjected to intense terrorist violence. That terrorist violence was aided and abetted by different groups of people, within and outside the country, who orchestrated a campaign of destabilization and systematic undermining of the government of Sri Lanka .. always hiding under the cover of "protecting their democratic rights."

International "Non-Governmental Organizations", or iNGOs were in the forefront of that activity. The more the country descended into anarchy, the more they were involved in "protecting the rights" of the terrorists and their supporters. Forgotten in all of this disruptive behaviour carried on under the cover of "protecting democratic rights" was that the right of the vast majority of law-abiding citizens of Sri Lanka to a secure life was being ignored in favor of "protecting the democratic rights" of the terrorists and separatists.

Successive governments of Sri Lanka, elected by the people of Sri Lanka, to protect them and to assure their livelihoods and their prosperity, was increasingly undermined, and brainwashed into believing that their TOP PRIORITY was to pander to the demands of these supporters of the terrorists. Before long, the government of Sri Lanka was so busy fighting these engineered and manufactured "democracy fires" that it was quite unable to recognize and respond to the mortal danger confronting the nation and its people.

This situation prevailed until the UPFA government led by Mahinda Rajapakse, that understood well the game that was being played by the "demoracy enthusiasts" was elected to power.

Make no mistake, today the same set of actors, are appearing under different guises to resurrect the "democracy game" to gradually win by devious craft and strategy, what they failed win by terrorism and war.

Let us say:

HELL NO! We won't accept your definition of democracy; our survival as a nation and a people trumps your definition!

HELL NO! We won't play your "democrazy game" based on double standards .. one rule for you and another for us!

2. Another "democrazy game" that is being played out in Canada. In Canada, over 95% of the over 30,000 refugees arriving from abroad, are brought in illegally by human smugglers .. yet Canada seems unable to enforce its laws and deport these people to their countries of origin, asking them to join the immigration queue with all other law-abiding immigration applicants.

Many of these refugees are from the Sri Lankan Tamil Eelamist Diaspora. They have armies of people in Canada who assist they in every way to violate Canada's immigration laws. They provide the funds, provide the fake documents needed, prime them with advice on what to say and how to conduct themselves during immigration investigations, arrange for the largely illegal transportation, provide legal assistance in Canada once they land there, orchestrate political assistance by buying Canadian MPs and Canadian media to press their case, arrange for housing and jobs etc etc.

All this is done while pleading their "rights under the Canadian democracy" ignoring that they are aiding abetting in the undermining the democratic rights of the vast majority of Canadian citizens, by whose will those laws were enacted. This is a democracy descended into an "democrazy", into anarchy, due to the failure of those empowered by the citizens to protect their country.

Ananda-USA said...

Democracy Vs Democrazy

....continued 2......

3. When the survival of nations are at stake, they often suspend democratic freedoms permitted under normal conditions. When the United States was attacked without warning by Japan at Pearl Harbor, all Japanese US citizens were herded into detention camps, in many cases causing them to lose their homes and property. The survival of the nation was at stake; there was no time to hem and haw; drastic action was taken.

After the September 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, the Patriot Act was passed in the United States, limiting the democratic freedoms enjoyed by all Americans. The needs of the moment, to protect the nation and the great majority of the democratic rights enjoyed by the people .. principally their freedom to live their lives without fear of terrorist violence .. dictated those moves. Today, the law enforcement authorities, in conjunction with media companies, monitor all communications for evidence of such activity, and will investigate and penalize those who violate the security of the United States. Does this violate democracy? No, it is done by the will of the people, with the consent of their elected leaders, to preserve that nation and its law-abiding people.

In Summary

There is no such thing as unlimited democracy .. because unlimited freedom for one person infringes on the rights of others. According, in democracies, we have rules we ourselves adopt, which limit our freedoms, but which enables us to live in harmony.

The Sri Lanka Defence Forum is no different; we have been forced to adopt rules that allow the great majority of those who are willing to abide by them to continue their blogging activities at this blog.

Those who have other agendas that conflict the rules of this blog can exercise their FREEDOM not to blog here.

TropicalStorm said...

Well said, brother.

Freedom comes at a cost; partially that of denial of freedom to support what seeks to destroy. Guns and bullets serve a purpose too, and a nation must be prepared to defend itself at all costs, its people ready to shed individual inhibitions at the drop of a hat for the same ideals.

The need of the hour in the context of the ground realities of present day Sri Lanka are not democratic rights, but stability provided by security and a determined pursuit of broader economic goals which will inculcate a sense of ownership in all of our people sans divisive rhetoric.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Canada finally sees day light at sunset


පුවතක පසුබිම
"ශ්‍රී ලාංකික ද්‍රවිඩයන් අපිව මෝඩයන්ට අන්දවලා"
කැනඩා මාධ්‍ය කියයි

කැනඩාවේ සිටින ද්‍රවිඩයන්ගෙන් සියයට 71 ක්‌ නිවාඩුව ගත කිරීමට හා වෙනත් ව්‍යාපාරික කටයුතුවලට මෙන්ම පවුලේ සාමාජිකයකු ගෙන්වා ගැනීමේ අරමුණින් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට පැමිණ ඇති බව කැනඩා රජයේ රහස්‌ වාර්තාවකින් හෙළි වුණා.

- කැනඩා මාධ්‍ය
(A secret govt survey reported that 71%of Tamil refugees in
canada who responded to the survey travelled backed to Sri Lanka for or to sponsor a family member.)
-Canada media

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ රජයත් හමුදාවත් තමන්ව ඝාතනය කිරීමට උත්සාහ කරන බවත් කැනඩාවට මෑතකදී පැමිණි ද්‍රවිඩයන් 490 ක පිරිස විසින් පවසා තිබිණි. එහෙත් දැන් හෙළිවන්නේ කුමක්‌ද? කැනඩාවේ සිටින ද්‍රවිඩ අනාථයන්ගෙන් සියයට 71 ක්‌ තමන් නිවාඩුවක්‌ ගත කිරීමට හා ව්‍යාපාරික කටයුතුවලට මෙන්ම පවුලේ අයෙක්‌ව කැනඩාවට ගෙන්වා ගැනීම සඳහා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට ගිය බවට පිළිගැනීමයි.

මෙලෙස පැමිණි ශ්‍රී ලාංකික ද්‍රවිඩයන්ගෙන් කිසිවෙක්‌ ඝාතනයට ලක්‌වූයේත් අතුරුදන්වූයේත් නැත. මේ නිසා කැනඩා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ සභා නායක ජෝන් බෙයාඩ් පවසන්නේ මොවුන් කැනඩාවට පැමිණීම සඳහා රජය රැවටූ බවයි. මොවුන් ප්‍රකාශ කර ඇත්තේ බොරු යෑයි රජය දැනගත්තත් ඔවුන්ට ලබාදුන් පුරවැසිබව ඉවත් කිරීම ප්‍රශ්නයක්‌ යෑයි හෙතෙම තවදුරටත් පළ කළේය.

කැනඩා රජය මේ රහස්‌ වාර්තාව සකස්‌ කිරීමට පෙර මෙරට ආගමන හා විගමන බලධාරීහු කැනඩා ගමන් බලපත්‍ර හිමියන් කොපමණ සංඛ්‍යාවක්‌ මෙරටට පැමිණියාද යන්න නිරීක්‍ෂණය කළ යුතුව තිබිණි. එහෙත් එවැන්නක්‌ සිදුවූයේද? එසේ වුවත් වාර්තා වන්නේ විදේශික සංචාරකයන් විශාල ලෙස මෙරටට පැමිණෙන බවයි. කැනඩාවේ කිව්.එම්.අයි. ආයතනය විසින් දක්‌වන අන්දමට කැනඩා රජය එරට සිටින ද්‍රවිඩයන්ගෙන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට යැම ගැන තොරතුරු විමසා තිබිණි. මෙරට රාජ්‍ය නොවන සංවිධාන ක්‍රියාකාරීහු නිදහස්‌ මාධ්‍ය ව්‍යාපාරික ජාලය සහ සාම වෙළෙඳුන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ද්‍රවිඩ ජනතාවට වෙනස්‌කම් කරන බවටත් ඔවුන් විටක පිටත ස්‌ථානවලින් පන්නා දමා ඇති බවටත් ලොව පුරා දැඩි ප්‍රචාර ගෙනඑද්දී එරට සිටින ශ්‍රී ලාංකික ද්‍රවිඩයන් කර ඇති ප්‍රකාශය ගැන ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ රජය අවධානය යොමු නොකරන්නේ මන්ද?

මෙයට මූලික හේතුව වී ඇත්තේ මෙරට විදේශ සේවාවේ පවතින අයහපත් තත්ත්වයයි. ලෝකයේ සිදුවන්නේ කුමක්‌ද යන්න ගැන අවධානය යොමු නොකරන පිරිස්‌ අපේ තානාපති සේවාවේ ඇතැම් අංශවල සිටීම මෙයට හේතුවයි.

මෑතකදී අනාවරණය වූයේ ප්‍රකට එන්.ජී.ඕ. සංවිධානයක හිටපු ක්‍රියාකාරිනියක්‌ යුරෝපයේ තානාපති කාර්යාලයක පළමු ලේකම්වරිය වීමයි. කැනඩා රජය පවා දැන් ප්‍රසිද්ධියේ පවසන්නේ හොර ද්‍රවිඩ අනාථයන්ට දුන් දේශපාලන රැකවරණ ඉවත් කිරීම දුෂ්කර බවයි. (Hard to revoke bogus refugee claim)


Sujeewa Kokawala said...


මෙලෙස කැනඩා රජය මේ ව්‍යාජ ද්‍රවිඩ අනාථයන් ගැන තොරතුරු හෙළි කරද්දී එන්.ජී.ඕ. සංවිධාන නායකයන් නිදහස්‌ මාධ්‍ය ව්‍යාපාරික ක්‍රියාකාරීන් නිහඬවය. මන්ද යත් ඊට එරෙහිව ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම යනු ඔවුන්ට අරමුදල් අහිමිවීමයි. මෙයට වසර කීපයකට පෙර ගුවන් හමුදාව කොටි හඬ ගුවන්විදුලියට බෝම්බ ප්‍රහාර එල්ල කරද්දී නිදහස්‌ මාධ්‍ය ව්‍යාපාරයේ හිටපු ප්‍රධානියා එය මාධ්‍ය නිදහස උල්ලංඝනය කිරීමක්‌ යෑයි බෙරිහන් දුන්නේය.

එහෙත් දැන් සත්‍යය හෙළිවී ඇත. කැනඩාවේ ජනතාව අතර මේ සතියේ පැවැත්වූ ජනමත විමසුමේදී සියයට 63 ක්‌ පැවසුවේ සන් සී නැවේ පැමිණි ද්‍රවිඩයන්ව ආපසු ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට යෑවිය යුතු බවයි.

අපේ කැනඩා ආරංචි මාර්ග පැවසුවේ මෙම ද්‍රවිඩ අනාථයන් ජාතික හැඳිනුම්පත්, ගමන් බලපත්‍ර හා තම නිවාසවල තිබූ පවුලේ ඡායාරූප පවා ගෙන ආ බවයි.

මෙහිදී නැඟෙන ප්‍රශ්නය නම් රජය හා හමුදාව තමන්ව ඝාතනය කරන බවට හඬ නඟන මේ ද්‍රවිඩයන් ගමන් බලපත්‍ර ලබාගත්තේ කෙසේද යන්නයි.

කෙසේ වුවත් කැනඩා මාධ්‍ය දැන් සත්‍ය තත්ත්වය තේරුම්ගෙන ඇත. ද්‍රවිඩයන් අපිට වංචාවක්‌ කළා යෑයි කැනඩාවේ මාධ්‍ය ඊයේ (23 දා) කියා සිටියේය. YS %
(We've been duped by the Tamils) සන් සී නැවේ පැමිණි ද්‍රවිඩයන් දේශපාලන රැකවරණ නැවත ලබාදෙන්නැයි අපෙන් ඉල්ලනවා. ඉන් පසු කුමක්‌ද සිදුවන්නේ? ඔවුන් නිවාඩුවක්‌ ගත කරන්න සහ නෑයන් බැලීමට ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට යනවා යෑයි කැනඩා පුවත්පතක කතුවැකියේ සඳහන් විය. මේ අතර කිව්.එම්.අයි. ආයතනයේ ඉෂ්රා ලෙවන්ට්‌ පවසන්නේ ද්‍රවිඩයන් අපිව මෝඩයන්ට ඇන්» බවයි. (Tamils playing us for fools)

මෙය හරියට ජර්මනියෙන් පැන ආ යුදෙව්වන් බර්ලින් නගරය වෙත මුද්‍රd නාට්‍යයක්‌ බැලීම සඳහා ආපසු ජර්මනියට යැමට සමානයි යෑයි ඉෂ්රා ලෙවන්ට්‌ කියා සිටී.

කැනඩා ආගමන විගමන බලධාරීන් මෑතකදී ද්‍රවිඩයන් පනහක පිරිසක්‌ කෙරේ විමර්ශනය කළා. ඉන් තිස්‌ එකක්‌ තම ඥාතීන්ව ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සිට ගෙන්වා ගැනීමට උත්සාහ කර තිබූ බව හෙළි වුණා යෑයි ලෙවන්ට්‌ තවදුරටත් සඳහන් කර ඇත.

ශ්‍රී ලාංකික ද්‍රවිඩයන් විසින් කැනඩාව ගොනාට ඇන්ඳවූ බව සනාථ වන්නේ රටින් පිටත ඊළාම් ආණ්‌ඩුව නම් වූ හොර සංවිධානයේ නියෝජිතවරියන් වූ කල්පනා නාගේන්ද්‍රන් සහ ද්‍රවිඩ සම්බන්ධීකරණ කමිටුවේ නියෝජිත දර්ෂිකා සෙල්වාසියන් විසින් සන් සී නැවේ පැමිණි ද්‍රවිඩයන් වෙනුවෙන් කරුණු දැක්‌වීමට කළ ඉල්ලීම ආගමන මණ්‌ඩලය ප්‍රතික්‍ෂේප කිරීම නිසාය.

මේ විමර්ශනය සඳහා සහභාගිවීම ද ඔවුන්ට තහනම් වී ඇත. මෙහිදී ඉෂ්රා ලෙවන්ට්‌ ප්‍රශ්න කරන්නේ තමන්ව ඝාතනය කරන හා අතුරුදන් කරන බව පවසන ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට ආපසු යැමට නිවැරදි ද්‍රවිඩ අනාථයන් ක්‍රියා කරන්නේ ද යන්නයි.

මේ නිසා ව්‍යාජ ද්‍රවිඩ අනාථයන් ගැන කැනඩා බලධාරීන් දැන් තේරුම් ගෙන ඇති බව පැහැදිලිය.

කීර්ති වර්ණකුලසූරිය

Ananda-USA said...

In a recent post, I appealed to Sri Lankan Patriots, and to the Government of Sri Lanka, TO DO MORE to assist the Pakistani People suffering from the recent devastating flood.

Sri Lanka had NO GREATER FRIEND than Pakistan during the last 30 years, and it is up to us to do all we can to help in their hour of need.

We MUST DEMONSTRATE that we are a GRATEFUL PEOPLE who do not forget our Friends in NEED.

The GOSL has just answered my prayer: it has sent a SECOND CONSIGNMENT of aid to Pakistan.

Bravo, Sri Lanka!

Sri Lanka air lifts second consignment for Pakistan flood relief

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 23, Colombo: Reaching out to a friendly neighbor in need Sri Lanka on Sunday afternoon air lifted the second consignment of flood relief to Pakistan affected by the worst floods in decades.

The consignment of 18 tons sent under a directive of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa included dry rations, tea, medicines, and 250 large sized cabin tents. The consignment was flown in a Sri Lankan Air Force C-130 aircraft.

On behalf of the Sri Lankan government the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in Pakistan, Air Chief Marshal Jayalath Weerakkody, handed over the consignment at the Chaklala air base in Islamabad yesterday to Naimat-Ullah, Additional Secretary and Coordinator for the flood relief operations of the Pakistan Prime Minister's Secretariat, the Government Information Department said.

Sri Lanka sent the first 18-ton consignment of flood relief to Islamabad on August 8th.

Sri Lanka has also sent a 16-member medical team comprising 7 doctors, 6 nurses, 2 pharmacists, and one team assistant with medicines and surgical equipment. The team arrived in Pakistan on August 18th and presently has set up the medical camp for the flood victims in Nowshera area, close to the Afghanistan border.

The flood relief contribution to Pakistan was coordinated by the Ministry of External Affairs of Sri Lanka in association with the Ministries of Cooperatives and Internal Trade, Health, the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Tea Board.

Pakistan has immensely supported Sri Lanka in its war against the Tamil Tiger terrorists by supplying arms and military training to Sri Lankan forces. Pakistani military personnel had assisted Sri Lanka in rebuilding the infrastructure destroyed by the devastating tsunami in 2004.

Over 1,600 people have died and 20 million have been affected by the floods in Pakistan and health officials warn of more deaths as diseases are spreading rapidly among the affected people.

Ananda-USA said...

ADDLE PATED International DO-GOODERS, and their WILLING LOCAL STOOGES, aided the LTTE, and extended the WAR.

‘A section of int’l community prolonged war’

By Shamindra Ferdinando
August 23, 2010

Former Peace Secretariat Chief UPFA MP Professor Rajiva Wijesinha yesterday launched a scathing attack on a section of the UN hierarchy and other international players for backing LTTE terrorism, thereby prolonging Sri Lanka’s war.

In his presentation before the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, headed by former Attorney General C. R. de Silva, at the Kadirgamar International Institute for Foreign Relations, MP Wijesinha said that the then UNP-led UNF government had allowed funds to be granted to the LTTE even at the tail end of their administration in December 2003.

The then President Chandrika Kumaratunga dissolved Wickremesinghe’s administration in February 2004 and called fresh elections in early April.

Prof. Wijesinha said that Bradman Weerakoon, the then Secretary to Premier Ranil Wickremesinghe, had handled the transactions with the LTTE in most of the cases.

Prof. Wijesinha said that the UNDP and Norway had said that funds were transferred to the LTTE with the knowledge of the UNF administration. For want of scrutiny on the part of the government and the donors, the LTTE had an opportunity to use funds as it pleased, he said.

The UNICEF had, Prof. Wijesinha said, gone to the extent of donating $ 1 million for rehabilitation of child recruits. Pointing out the absurdity of financing an LTTE project, MP Wijesinghe said that the LTTE had continued the despicable practice though a section of the international community believed the group would change.

Prof. Wijesinha said that a lady called Joanna van Gerpen, who had been Head of UNICEF until 2007, at her first meeting with him declared that the LTTE would shortly be releasing all combatants under 17. Wijesinghe said: "I told her I thought this was what they had agreed to do five years previously, but she said that they had tried, but the LTTE would now really honour the promise."

The failure on the part of the UN to publicly condemn the LTTE even when members of families of NGOs had been taken at gun point, made the situation worse, Prof. Wijesinha said.

He said: "This was actively promoted by some of Wickremesinghe’s advisers, in particular Bradman Weerakoon, who initiated funding projects for the LTTE that allowed them to build up their image. When I asked them about funds given to the LTTE Peace Secretariat, both, the Head of UNDP and the last Norwegian Ambassador, Tore Hattrem, claimed that it was being done with permission of the government, a point I did not contest. My point was that they had not monitored what was done with the money, and that they should upbraid the LTTE for using the equipment and funds provided to glorify suicide bombers. Hattrem, I am happy to say, reported that he had requested the LTTE to remove the offending items, though of course they ignored him.

The general lack of monitoring allowed the LTTE in effect to run riot. I should note that I believe we, too, were at fault in not following up ourselves on funds that were given to the LTTE with our consent."

Ananda-USA said...

‘A section of int’l community prolonged war’

Prof. Wijesinha said many UN officials had thought there was something wrong with President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s newly elected government, which firmly dealt with terrorism after having made an abortive bid to negotiate.

He said that the situation would have been different had the UN and other international players brought pressure to bear on the LTTE.

Wijesinha said that he had taken up what he called, the deafening silence, on the part of the UNDP in his first meeting with the new UNDP representative, Neil Buhne. He said: "Buhne told me that he thought the UN had mentioned recruitment of children in its reports. I asked him to show an instance of this to me, but he was unable to do so, and had to acknowledge that this appeared only in confidential reports. Indeed he practically confessed to me the reason for all this, when I upbraided him more than a year later on the silence of the UN on the failure of the LTTE to release the international UN staff who had gone into LTTE controlled territory in January 2009. When I noted that a much less serious breach on our part would have been highlighted by the UN, he said, ‘But you guys wouldn’t…..’. He paused then, but I could finish the sentence for him – obviously what he meant was that we would not harm the UN whereas the LTTE would."

Pro. Wijesinha said that there had been a tremendous change in attitude on the part of Buhne, as well as the Heads of OCHA and UNICEF who came to Sri Lanka in 2007. "They were of a different mindset, and did their best to work together with government, sometimes despite opposition from some of their staff who still saw the LTTE as innocent victims. At the latter’s farewell party, Mr. Buhne testified to the achievement of Mr Duamelle, the recently departed Head of UNICEF, in winning the trust of the Sri Lankans, and I can vouch for this, since by 2008 he and the TMVP were working together to ensure that there were no child soldiers in the custody of the latter."

Ananda-USA said...

Rajapaksa stalls move to shift Tamils, Muslims

P K Balachandran
August 24, 2010

COLOMBO: Following objections raised by a Tamil MP, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa last week stalled a move by the Ministry of Defence to shift 66,000 families, mostly Tamil and Muslim, from the city’s slums to locations outside.

The move by the Urban Development Authority (UDA), which comes under the Ministry of Defence, was part of a plan to clear and commercially develop prime land, currently occupied by slums.

Raising the issue at a meeting of the parliamentary consultative committee on the Defence Ministry, R Yogarajan of the opposition United National Party said the government’s move would be detrimental to the interests of the minority Tamils and Muslims because most of the affected families belonged to these communities.

Yogarajan was supported by Vasudeva Nanayakkara, a respected leftist MP belonging to the ruling alliance. Leading Tamil daily Virakesari wrote an edit on Monday critical of the government’s move.

SECURITY CONCERNS: According to Yogarajan, among the 66,000 families earmarked to be shifted, 45,000 are Tamil, and 15,000 are Muslim. Though there were Sinhalese among the affected, shifting posed certain special problems for the minority Tamils and Muslims, he pointed out.

“The Tamils and Muslims of Colombo live in specific areas in close proximity to each other because this gives them a sense of security in times of communal tension. They are very reluctant to move into predominantly Sinhalese areas and get isolated when there is communal disturbance. The memory of the 1983 anti-Tamil riots is fresh in the Tamils’ minds,” Yogarajan told Express.

' Follow TN model'

The opposition MP asked the government to replicate the pattern adopted by the slum clearance authorities in Tamil Nadu, where individual shanties were demolished and multi-storeyed flats were put up in their place to release land for other use. The temporarily relocated slum dwellers were given flats in the new complex.

If this pattern was adopted in Colombo, the slum dwellers would not suffer any dislocation and they would not have any security concerns, he said.

Ananda-USA said...

A NATIONAL FOOD RESERVE: Excellent; Let us save and store food in times of PLENTY for use in times of DEARTH & FAMINE.
WFP to build warehouses to store Sri Lanka's paddy harvest

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 24, Colombo: The World Food Programme (WFP) has offered financial assistance to construct six warehouses to store this season's bumper paddy harvest in Sri Lanka.

The paddy storage facilities will be constructed in Moneragala, Ampara, and Polonnaruwa and Batticaloa districts and each warehouse can store about 1,500 metric tons of paddy.

Chairman of the Paddy Marketing Board K.B. Jayasinghe has told the state-run Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation that there will be a special discussion in the Polonnaruwa District Secretariat tomorrow with regard to purchase of paddy in the district.

Jayasinghe said that the paddy stores in Polonnaruwa district is still stocked with the harvest of the last season and steps have been taken to shift them to food stores in Veyangoda and Divulapitiya in the Western Province to make room for this season's crop.

With this season's bumper harvest the PMB was having difficulties to find storage facilities for the paddy. The PMB expects 600,000 tons of paddy harvest in the Yala season.

Ananda-USA said...


Gen. Shavendra Silva who made the LTTE terrorists run with their tails between their legs, can look these bureaucrats of the UN in the eye and dare them to accuse the Sri Lanka Defence Forces of "war crimes" ... ANY DAY!

Let us support our HEROIC Warriors to the HILT!


Major General Shavendra Silva to be appointed as Sri Lanka's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 25, Colombo: Sri Lanka's External Affairs Ministry has said that Sri Lanka Army Director of Operations Major General Shavendra Silva has been appointed as Sri Lanka's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) in New York.

External Affairs Ministry sources have been quoted in the local media saying Major General Silva is to take up the posting shortly.

Major General Silva will fill the vacancy created by Bandula Jayasekara who was recalled this month.

This appointment comes in the wake of the UN's allegations of human rights violations during the final stages of the war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) last year.

External Affairs Ministry sources have reportedly said that Major General Silva, who was a frontline commander during the battles, is believed to be capable of sorting out the issues raised by the UN and its Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Major General Silva was the commander of the Sri Lanka Army's 58 Division during the battles to clear the north of the LTTE and was instrumental in the military capturing several former LTTE strongholds including the Mannar Rice Bowl, Nachchikudha, Devils Point, Pooneryn, Kilinochchi, Elephant Pass, Vishvamadu and Puthukkudyiruppu.

Ananda-USA said...

WE WARNED YOU, but you were too busy PREACHING to Sri Lanka and aiding terrorists!

There is NO CURE for STUPIDITY, Canada!

What we expect of new Canadians

August 24, 2010

Over the weekend, the Sun newspaper chain reported the findings of a "secret government report" suggesting that nearly three-quarters of Sri Lankan Tamils previously granted refugee status in Canada have returned to their homeland for visits or vacations, casting doubt on their claims that they faced persecution, or even death, in their homeland.

The "secret report" turns out to be a collection of 50 refugee-applicant case studies, plucked at random from government files. That is a small sample size, and it's not clear that even these 50 individuals are entirely representative of the larger Canadian-resident Tamil community. Still, the results are worrying: Of the 50 refugee applicants, 31 had been granted asylum. Of those, 22 had made trips back to Sri Lanka. If applicants feel safe enough to return to Sri Lanka, they are putting the lie to their pleas for sanctuary here.

For many years, Canada has been regarded as a soft touch by Tamil migrants -- which is the main reason that the Tamil Tiger terrorist group is seeking to use Canada as its base of operations as it regroups in the wake of its 2009 routing by the Sri Lankan army. The overcrowded boat full of Tamil migrants that arrived in British Columbia this month likely will not be the last of its kind.

Martin Collacott, a former Canadian high commissioner to Sri Lanka, wrote on these pages last fall that between 1989 and 2004, Canada granted refugee status to more than 37,000 Tamils, "far more than to the nationals of any other country," and 50% more than were granted refugee status by all the other countries in the world. Mr. Collacott also pointed out that at the height of the influx of Tamils in the early 2000s, "in one year alone, 8,600 Sri Lankans with refugee claims pending in Canada applied to the Sri Lankan High Commission in Ottawa for travel documents so they could go back to Sri Lanka for visits."

As recently as 2008, Canada turned down fewer than 3% of Tamil refugee claims, while the average for rejection in other countries was 50%. Yet at an Immigration and Refugee Board hearing in 2006, it was pointed out that of 100 Tamil claimants refused refugee status and forced to return to Sri Lanka, none had suffered abuse by Sri Lankan officials or military.

As we have argued in this space many times before, Canada's refugee system needs a major overhaul. To most Canadians, the word "refugee" means someone fleeing to Canada from genuine persecution. Yet our system is gummed up by economic and family-reunification migrants who are simply trying to leapfrog the ordinary immigration system. This is a disservice both to legitimate refugees, and to honest immigrants who abjure invented tales of woe.

Ananda-USA said...

What we expect of new Canadians

Until recently, discussion of this subject was taboo -- especially under the governments of Jean Chretien and Paul Martin, which shamelessly marketed themselves as champions of a few-questions-asked immigration policy. A decade ago, for instance, when opposition politicians criticized Mr. Martin for attending a fundraiser for a group that U.S. intelligence services had linked to the Tamil Tigers, Liberal critics suggested the critics were motivated by racism.

But in recent years, Canadians have brushed aside multicultural pieties, and have welcomed an increasingly frank discussion about immigration and refugee policies.

This trend came into focus in 2006, during Israel's conflict with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon: It turned out that many of the Lebanese-resident Canadian citizens who were clamouring to be saved by the Canadian government hadn't actually lived in Canada for years -- if they ever had. Canadians were outraged to see that these people were using their Canadian citizenship as nothing more than an insurance policy against disaster overseas.

In the years since, Canadian doubts about our immigration and refugee system have only increased. This month, the catalyst for such doubts originated in Sri Lanka. But we also have seen scandals involving dubious refugees from Mexico, the European Union and even the United States -- especially in the form of U.S. soldiers shirking their military obligations.

The Harper government already has taken some steps toward reform -- including Jason Kenney's new immigration study guide, which lays out more clearly than previous editions an immigrant's or refugee's obligations to Canada, not just his or her benefits. But more must be done: In particular, the refugee-determination system must be tightened up so as to exclude bogus applicants; and those who are rejected should be removed from our shores within months, not years.

Whether as refugees or immigrants, new Canadians who do not genuinely wish to embrace this country as their own, or who seek to short-circuit our immigration procedures, must not be allowed to exploit our goodwill.

Ananda-USA said...

More wind power plants

By Indunil Hewage
August 25, 2010

Four plants add 33 megawatts to national grid:

High potential for wind power

Hayleys Group and WindForce (Pvt) Ltd are currently building a 10 megawatt wind power plant at Nirmalapura at Kalpitiya in the Puttalam district with a total investment of Rs 2.3 billion.

The new plant will be known as Nirmalapura Wind Power Ltd. WindForce is a company owned by Seguwantivu Wind Power and Vidatamunai Wind Power.

Seguwantivu Wind Power and Vidatamunai Wind Power Chief Executive Officer Manjula Perera said construction work of the plant is scheduled to be completed by April next year. The farm of wind turbine generators will have seven turbines when completed with each turbine producing 1.5 megawatts of power, generating electricity making use of the strong gust of winds from the Indian Ocean.

Currently a three megawatt windpower plant has been built by the Government in Hambantota. Three other wind power plants are being operated in the country. These are the ten megawatt Seguwantivu Wind Power, Ten megawatt Vidatamunai Wind Power and ten megawatt Senok Wind Power. Currently, 33 megawatts are being added to the national power grid by these four wind plants.

Two more plants, the ten megawatt Nirmalapura Wind Power and ten megawatt PowerGen Lanka plant are under construction.

Construction work of ten megawatt Lanka Transformers and 35 megawatt K L S Energy Lanka have not commenced yet.

So far, licences have been issued to generate over 90 megawatts of electricity using wind power by the Ceylon Electricity Board. There is potential to generate at least 500 megawatts within the next three years using wind power in the country.

tata said...

Sri Lanka Army Brave Hearts - Wellness Resort for Totally Disable War Heroes

Ananda-USA said...

A common definition of Democracy is that it is "Government OF the People, BY the People, FOR the People."

Although this definition is well known, few can precisely explain what it means:

OF the People means that the governing leaders are representative members OF the People,

BY the People means that these governing leaders are selected/elected BY the People themselves,

FOR the People means that the function and duty of governing leaders is to act FOR the People, in their best interest.

Ananda-USA said...

Angelina's donation for floods surpasses Zardari's help

Islamabad, Aug 25 (IANS) Hollywood star Angelina Jolie has contributed $100,000 (about Pakistani Rs.8.5 million) for flood ravaged Pakistan, a move that surpasses President Asif Ali Zardari's Rs.5 million donation and the help extended by most other politicians.


Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka Is a 'Cinderella' Story: Fund Manager

Sri Lanka, despite its turbulent political past, presents many attractive opportunities for investors, said Roman Scott, managing director at Calamander Capital.

"This is a bit of a Cinderella story here because of the ethnic war, people didn't realize that structurally Sri Lanka was a very, very good economy," Scott said.


Ananda-USA said...

VAIKO claims he is campaigning "relentlessly" to indite Mahinda Rajapaksa as a "war criminal"!


Let the GOSL request India to extradite Vaiko to Sri Lanka to be prosecuted for violating Sri Lanka's visa laws by illegally entering the country, and aiding and abetting terrorists in war crimes such as recruiting child soldiers.

We have ENOUGH video EVIDENCE against Vaiko.

In addition to bringing Vaiko to heel, this would have a chilling effect on TN Politicians (Karunanidhi, Nedumaran, Thirmavalavan, Ramadoss, etc) who think they can foment terrorism in Sri Lanka with IMPUNITY!

KP got his facts wrong, claims Vaiko

August 25, 2010

CHENNAI: MDMK general secretary Vaiko on Tuesday dismissed the allegations of Kumaran Pathmanathan, a.k.a. KP, a former Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) functionary now under detention in Sri Lanka that he thwarted Indian attempts for ceasefire in the island nation.

In a statement here, Vaiko said the allegations of KP that he scuttled the Indian bid for a ceasefire - as it would bring a good name for Congress-DMK combine - were a blatant lie and added that the former LTTE man was betraying the Tamil race by becoming a hireling of Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa.

“KP has been used now to defame me as I am relentlessly campaigning for trying Rajapaksa as a war criminal,” he said. Kumaran Pathmanathan’s statement was self-contradictory and does not make sense. “Who can be more happy than Pazha Karuppiah and me had a ceasefire been announced,” he asked.

Holding the Congress-led UPA government at the Centre and Chief Minister M Karunanidhi responsible for the annihilation of the Tamil people, he said betrayers like KP and Karuna could never have pardon.

When the whole world wanted a ceasefire in Lanka, the Indian government was the only one that did not seek it. “The three-member committees constituted by Rajapaksa and Manmohan Singh respectively met at New Delhi and Colombo to plan the war against the LTTE.”

Ananda-USA said...

TN Politicians are so CASTE concious they want a caste-based CENSUS!

These people are INHERENTLY INCURABLY COMMUNAL... and want to slice and dice their people into distinct segments.

What REAL PURPOSE is SERVED by permanently embedding caste divisions?

Isn't allocation of Govt benefits by POVERTY & NEED irrespective of communal attributes sufficient?

Or, is EMBEDDING CASTE PERMANENTLY in their society their REAL GOAL?

CM rules out a ‘TN alone’ Caste Census

August 25, 201

CHENNAI: Chief Minister M Karunanidhi on Tuesday ruled out the question of conducting a separate caste enumeration in the State.

Asked about the demand of PMK founder S Ramadoss that the DMK government should go for a separate caste-wise census as has been done in Puducherry Union territory, the Chief Minister said: “We are not here to approve of whatever Ramadoss demands…if there is something good in what he says, we will listen to them. As caste-wise census is a demand already accepted by the DMK, we too press for that.’’

When the Centre was making efforts for caste enumeration at the national level, Tamil Nadu cannot do it in the State, he said, and added: ‘The expenditure for conducting such a census should be borne by the Centre and we will demand for that.’

The talk about caste-wise census gained momentum after the announcement of Census 2010 on May 8 and the Tamil Nadu Backward Classes Commission Chairman Justice M S Janarthanam, submitting a report to the State Government in favour caste enumeration. Janarthanan said it could be done easily along with the Census.

The Supreme Court verdict on 69 per cent reservation in Tamil Nadu also gave an added impetus to the demand as the apex court asked the State Government to submit quantifiable data within one year in support of reservation exceeding 50 per cent.

On August 14, the Chief M inister urged the PM to conduct the caste enumeration without using biometric method, as it would only delay the process.

Ananda-USA said...

A CREDIBLE former UN-DIPLOMAT speaks out against BOGUS WAR CRIMES charges.

War crimes charges are now a PRIMARY WEAPON for EXTENDING CONTROL of developing nations by former colonialists of the developed world, EVEN AS THEY THEMSELVES PURSUE WARS "against global terrorism" with advanced highly-destructive weapons!

They talk the talk,
But, never walk the walk!


Sri Lankan forces acted with restraint to save lives, former UN diplomat says

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 26, Colombo: Sri Lankan security forces taking a major risk acted with restraint during the last stages of war against LTTE to avert a holocaust of 300,000 Tamil civilians who had been taken as human shields by the fleeing Tamil Tiger rebels, a former United Nations diplomat said.

Making a submission at Sri Lanka's Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies, retired UN diplomat and one time contender for its Secretary-General position, Jayantha Dhanapala the tragedy would have reached an alarming level if the forces had not exercised restraint in attacks in order to avoid civilian casualties.

He called on the the international community to adopt a new protocol to deal with the armed forces battling terrorism spearheaded by non-state actors.

"Armed forces should not be charged with war crimes when they launch offensives against terrorists," he said.

Sri Lanka is being accused of committing war crimes during the later stages of the war by Western nations and human right organizations. Sri Lanka denies that its forces committed any war crimes during final phase of the war that saw over 7,000 civilian deaths by the UN estimates.

Dhanapala pointed out that some nations interfere in affairs of other countries by aiding and abetting terrorism, funding terrorists, promoting terrorism and allowing funds from them to be used for supporting terrorist organizations.

"It is the responsibility of the international community to come for the protection of the nations victimized by the export of terrorism," he said adding that the international community should take action against countries assisting terrorism in other countries.

The career diplomat urged the government to enact a Race and Religious Relations Act to promote reconciliation and suggested that there should be punishment for hate speech and action against acts or speeches against other races and religions.

Dhanapala called for a programme to control the flow of illegal arms and light weapons in the Sri Lankan society.

"Now that the conflict is over the government should launch a programme, 'Aviyata Thitha' to prevent proliferation of unauthorized small arms and light weapons," Dhanapala said.

He suggested teaching Sinhala and Tamil languages from the beginning of the education of children to build trust and confidence among the communities and praised President Mahinda Rajapaksa for speaking in Tamil, whenever it is necessary.

Dhanapala suggested constitutional reforms as the way to attain true reconciliation and the government should consider public's views in formulating them.

"To begin with, the APRC proposals should be published, together with new proposals so that widespread consultations could take place," he suggested.

Ananda-USA said...

Returning to the EXCLUSIVE SOLE "Tamil" Homeland in the WORLD, perhaps?

'Tamil refugees want to be Indian citizens'

August 19, 2010

CHENNAI: An overwhelming majority of about 72,000 Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in over a hundred camps in the State do not want to return to the island nation, Director of Rehabilitation, Government of Tamil Nadu, M Mutia Kalaivanan said here on Wednesday.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a seminar on ‘Refugee situation in India’, Kalaivanan said “20,251 refugee-families are living in Tamil Nadu (totalling 72,385 persons in 112 camps). Also, there are 32,365 persons (11,933 families) living outside these camps. Though the war has ended in Sri Lanka, a majority of the refugees living in camps here do not want to leave the country. They are in the hope of getting Indian citizenship.”

Especially those who arrived here immediately after the 1983 ethnic bloodshed are well settled and have married Indian citizens. “They are not going. As regards others, may be five to 10 per cent may return.”

Listing the initiatives taken by the State government to help Lankan Tamils, Kalaivanan said that the refugees were entitled to avail welfare measures in vogue in the State, including free televisions, assistance to pregnant women, besides medical benefits under the Kalaignar insurance scheme. For upgrading amenities and construction of new house, Rs 100 crore has been allotted. The head of the family was given Rs 400, other adults in the family Rs 288, first child Rs180 and other children Rs 90 a month as cash assistance.

“Importantly, a lot of restrictions on movement of refugees have been removed to help them seek better employment,” he said.

Ananda-USA said...

Come to Momma, and HEAR THE TRUTH!

There is NO CURE for SERIAL IDIOCY, Canada!

We've been duped by the Tamils

August 22, 2010
Toronto Sun

The time is now - not next week, not next month - for the Harper government to find the lightning in its bottle to deal with the Tamil “refugee” charade.

The facts are in. We’re being played for patsies.

A secret government report, its contents outlined today by QMI Agency’s Brian Lilley, shows just how seriously we have been duped by Tamils already granted refugee status here - with a sample survey conducted by immigration bureaucrats showing some 71% of these claimants have already returned to Sri Lanka, despite their song-and-dance that they would be murdered and/or tortured the moment they set foot in their homeland.

And what happened to them?


They visited relatives, perhaps had a nice vacation, and then came back to Canada, now home of the second-largest Tamil population in the world, where their every need is paid for by an already cash-strapped Canadian taxpayer.

It is quite the ruse.

And it is quite the ruse considering that, while 492 so-called Tamil “migrants” - Correction: Queue-jumpers, scam artists, back-door invaders, and no doubt more than a few terrorists linked to the blood-mongering Tamil Tigers - are still being processed as refugees in British Columbia, all while the UN’s refugee commission is returning thousands of them from India to Sri Lanka because conditions there are no longer considered dire.

So call it what it is.

Call it fraud.

The National Post weakly opined yesterday that it was time for the Harper government to “get smart” about this refugee situation, and “forget tough.”

It then took us to task, stating “the Sun Media newspapers even ran an odious editorial advocating a Œlock and load’ approach to incoming vessels.”

That, of course, was early in the game.

So let’s rephrase that “lock and load approach” in light of the secret government report that gives credence to our concerns about becoming patsies - concerns rightly shared by many Canadians outraged by having our collective generosity taken advantage of by con artists.

Instead of “lock and load,” let’s “lock them up, load them up, and ship them out.”

Are we clear?

In light of the secret report highlighted in our news pages today, the Harper government must fast-track its plan to deport any and all refugees whose claims are proven to be lies, starting with those who skulked into our country aboard the MV Sun Sea.

Next up, of course, would be those 71% who conned us into granting them refugee status, and then returned to Sri Lanka to do what? Vacation? Visit relatives?

Or recruit?

According to immigration experts, refugee status can be revoked if someone returns to a country where it was bogusly claimed death or torture would ensue.

Unfortunately the process leading to rightful deportation of these bleeding-heart exploiters can take years.

There’s no lightning in that bottle.

So it must be found - now.

Ananda-USA said...

Ananda-USA Comment:
August 26th 2010, 6:23pm

Bravo, Toronto Sun!

Finally, Canada is opening its eyes to its FATE if its immigration laws are NOT STRENGTHENED & ENFORCED!

Canada has allowed a CRIMINAL MAFIA in the Tamil Eelamist Diaspora to become firmly entrenched.

They OWN Canadian politicians & the Canadian Media. They have its LEGAL SYSTEM in a stranglehold.

These CON ARTISTES are ABOVE & BEYOND national laws of ANY and ALL countries. After all, they are the LTTE .. the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam .. out to colonize the World. National boundaries are of NO CONSEQUENCE.

Canada's sole purpose is to serve as a PLACID COW to be milked by these self-declared SUPERIOR, HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, PERMANENTLY WAILING REFUGEES.

MAKE WAY native Canadians, the "Chosen Homelanders" are HERE!

Ananda-USA said...

A RARE ACKNOWLEDGMENT by the UN of the Superhuman Efforts of the Government, and People, of Sri Lanka to help their OWN people displaced by war.

UN says Sri Lanka's job is not done yet, need US$ 165 million more for 2010

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 26, Colombo: Sri Lanka's humanitarian operations are still in a critical stage and another US$ 165 million more is needed for activities planned by the UN and humanitarian organizations to support the national programmes for the welfare of the displaced during the remainder of 2010, the UN said today.

The United Nations Resident/ Humanitarian Coordinator in Sri Lanka Neil Buhne urged the donors to stay the course in assisting the humanitarian organizations that support Sri Lanka's national efforts on behalf of displaced persons and returned communities.

"The job is not yet done. It is still a critical period and we ask for your continued support to meet the remaining crucial needs" Buhne said in a statement.

"The welfare of the returned people, is an important element in reconciliation and ultimately, sustainable peace and development," the UN official stressed.

The effectiveness of assistance during this period will affect both the people directly and Sri Lanka's overall development, he pointed out.

According to the UN Country Director a substantial progress has been made in the past few months. Approximately 200,000 people have returned to their villages in the North while an estimated 70,000 remain displaced or are in transit sites near their home areas. The number remaining in welfare camps is less than 35,000.

Rebuilding livelihoods of the resettled and agricultural productivity in the area remain a common goal, the UN said adding that some 24,000 households have been provided with poultry and seeds, water pumps and crop sprayers to support the ongoing Yala season paddy cultivation of 10,600 acres.

The agency says around 50,000 households will be targeted in the upcoming Maha season aiming to cultivate 130,000 acres of abandoned land.

While pointing out that significant improvements have been made in the common services such as health, nutrition, and education, the agency says the returned IDPs remain vulnerable, needing support until livelihoods are restored.

According to the UN Country Coordinator there are shortfalls for all sectors, but the largest are for work on Economic Recovery and Infrastructure, Water and Sanitation, Agriculture and Health.

"Although generous donations of about US$ 125 million have made these response operations possible, US$ 165 million more is needed to cover gaps for activities planned by the UN and humanitarian organizations during the remainder of 2010 in support of the national programmes," the statement said.

Buhne said the funding for this work came from the Government, people throughout Sri Lanka and from donor governments.

"However, as all of us know, there is much more to be done - recently returned people are still vulnerable," he stressed.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Don't miss a little bit, A worthy reading for every word.


උතුර නැගෙනහිර ගිනි අවුළුවන්නන් යළි මතුවේ

යාපනයේ ධීවර සමිති නායක සූරියකුමාර් නාවික
හමුදාවට එරෙහිව චෙන්නායි නගරයේදී සාවද්‍ය චෝදනා නඟමින්......

"ඔහු එකම මිනිසායි. කිසිවිටෙක වෙනස්‌වන්නේ නැහැ."
- ප්‍රංශ ගත්කරු අල්පොන්සෝ කාර්

ද්‍රවිඩ දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ සංසදයේ රැස්‌වීම පසුගියදා මඩකලපුවේදී නැගෙනහිර මහ ඇමැති පිල්ලෙයාන්ගේ නිවසේදී පැවැත්විණි. මේ රැස්‌වීම පැවැත්වීමෙන් දින කීපයකට පසු මඩකලපු දුම්රිය ස්‌ථානය වෙත යමින් සිටි පොලිස්‌ කණ්‌ඩායමක ටී-56 ගිනිඅවියක්‌ ද්‍රවිඩයන් දෙදෙනකු විසින් පැහැරගෙන යනු ලැබීය. මෙයට වසර ගණනාවකට පෙර යාපනයේදී ආරම්භ වූයේද මෙම තත්ත්වයයි. එදා යාපන පොලිස්‌ අධිකාරිවරයාව සිටි සුන්දරලිංගම් විසින් ද්‍රවිඩ අන්තවාදීන් කණ්‌ඩායමක්‌ තමිල්නාඩුවේ සිට බෝට්‌ටුවලින් භාණ්‌ඩ ප්‍රවාහනය කරන බවට එවකට සිටි පොලිස්‌පතිට වාර්තාවක්‌ යෑවූ අවස්‌ථාවේ එකී වාර්තාව කුණු කූඩයට යවා තිබිණි.

මේ බව වසර ගණනකට පසු සුන්දරලිංගම් විසින් අනාවරණය කෙරිණි. මේ නිසා මඩකලපුවේදී ගිනි අවියක්‌ පැහැර ගැනීම යනු ඉදිරියේ සිදුවිය හැකි ව්‍යසනයක පෙර නිමිත්තකි.

ද්‍රවිඩ දේශපාලකයන් සහජීවනය යන වචනය භාවිත කළත් පැරැණි සතුරන් අවස්‌ථාව එනතුරු බලාසිටින බව තේරුම්ගත යුතුයි.

එA මන්ද යත් කොටින්ට සම්බන්ධ උතුරේ මාධ්‍ය තවදුරටත් ක්‍රියාත්මක වී දකුණේ සොරු බැතිමතුන්ව කොල්ලකෑමට උතුරට එන බවට කොටි වෙබ් අඩවිවලින් ප්‍රචාරය කිරීමයි.

එසේම මඩකලපුවේ පැවැති සාකච්ඡාවේදී යෝජනා වූයේ 13 වැනි සංශෝධනය මුළුමනින්ම ක්‍රියාත්මක කරන ලෙසත් උතුර නැගෙනහිර එක්‌ කිරීම හා ද්‍රවිඩ ගම්මාන අසල හමුදා කඳවුරු පිහිටුවීමෙන් වැළකිය යුතු බවයි.

එහෙත් උතුර නැගෙනහිර එක්‌ කිරීමට මහඇමැති පිල්ලෙයාන් එරෙහි විය.

උතුර නැගෙනහිර එක්‌ කළොත් පිල්ලෙයාන්ට මහ ඇමැති ධුරය අහිමිවේ. මෙහිදී නැඟෙන බරපතල ප්‍රශ්නය නම් පොලිස්‌ බලතල පවා ලබාගැනීමට ඉඩ ලැබෙන පරිදි 13 වැනි සංශෝධනය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමට ඉල්ලීමයි.

එසේම ද්‍රවිඩ ගම්මාන අසල හමුදා කඳවුරු පිහිටුවීම වැරදි නම් සිංහල ගම්මාන අසල හමුදා කඳවුරු තිබීමත් වැරදිය.

මේ ඉල්ලීමෙන් සනාථ වන්නේ ද්‍රවිඩ දේශපාලන සංසදයේ අබිරහස්‌ ක්‍රමවේදයයි. පුනරීන් සහ මුලතිව්හි හමුදා කඳවුරු තිබිණි. කොටි එම කඳවුරු විනාශ කර තම කොටි කඳවුරු ස්‌ථානගත කළහ. එහෙත් කිසිම ද්‍රවිඩ දේශපාලකයෙක්‌ ඊට එරෙහි වූයේ නැත.

මේ නිසා ආරක්‍ෂක අංශ හා රජය මේ ද්‍රවිඩ දේශපාලකයන්ගේ යටි අරමුණු තේරුම්ගත යුතුය.

උතුරේ හමුදා කඳවුරු ද්‍රවිඩ ගම්මාන සමීපයෙන් ඉවත් කරගැනීමෙන් එකී ගම්මානවල යළිත් පෙර පරිදි රහස්‌ කණ්‌ඩායම් ඇතිවනු නියතය. මෑතකදී චැනල් ෆොa රූපවාහිනි කණ්‌ඩායමකට නැගෙනහිර දී ද්‍රවිඩ ජාතිකයකු පැවසුවේ අපේ මුනුපුරන් පවා ඉදිරියේ ඇතිවන කණ්‌ඩායම්වලට එක්‌වන බවයි.

මෙහිදී රටේ ජාතික ආරක්‍ෂාවට මැදිහත්වීම සඳහා ද්‍රවිඩ දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂවලට ඉඩදිය යුතුද? මේ අන්දමට උඩරට වතුකරයේ ද්‍රවිඩ දේශපාලනඥයන් ද උඩරටින් හමුදා කඳවුරු ඉවත් කළ යුතු යෑයි ඉල්ලා සිටියොත් ඇතිවන තත්ත්වය කුමක්‌ද?

සික්‌ ජාතිකයන්ගේ පූජනීය ස්‌ථානය යෑයි කියා හිටපු ඉන්දීය අගමැතිනි ඉන්දිරා ගාන්ධි රන්දෙවොල අසලින් හමුදාව ඉවත්කර ගත්තේ නැත.


Sujeewa Kokawala said...


පසුගිය මහා මැතිවරණයට පෙර කොටි රූකඩයක්‌ වූ ද්‍රවිඩ සන්ධානය විසින් උතුරේ හමුදා කඳවුරු ඉවත්කර ගැනීමට දැඩි උත්සාහයක්‌ දරුනු ලැබීය. තමා බලයට පත්වුවොත් එම ඉල්ලීම ඉටු කරන බවද විරුද්ධ පක්‍ෂ දේශපාලනඥයකු ප්‍රතිඥ දී තිබිණි.

මේ නිසා ද්‍රවිඩ දේශපාලන සංසදය විසින් රජයට යොමුකර ඇත්තේ එම ඉල්ලීමේ දෙවැනි අදියරයි. මෑතකදී උගත් පාඩම් හා ප්‍රතිසන්ධාන ජනාධිපති කොමිසම හමුවේ සාක්‌කි දුන් ආරක්‍ෂක ලේකම් ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා පැවසුවේ කොටි අනුගාමිකයන් සිටින බවයි. මේ අතර උතුරේ තැන් තැන්වලින් අවි ආයුධ හමුවේ.

ආරක්‍ෂක අංශවලට හමු නොවූ අවි ආයුධ කොතෙකුත් ඇද්ද? ඇතැම් ව්‍යාපාරිකයන් උතුරට ගොස්‌ උතුරේ ජනතාව දකුණේ ජනතාව කෙරේ පුදුමාකාර ඇල්මක්‌ දක්‌වන බවට ප්‍රචාරය කරයි. එහෙත් සැබෑ යථාර්ථය දන්නේ හමුදාවයි. මේ ඇල්මක්‌ දක්‌වන අයට යළිත් අවි අතට ගැනීමට හැකි වූවොත් සහජීවනයේ රඟ පැහැදිලිවනු නියතය. මේ වාතාවරණය මැද උතුරේ මාධ්‍ය ද්විත්ව රංගනයක යෙදේ. කොටි වෙබ් අඩවිවලට ඡායාරූප හා සාවද්‍ය තොරතුරු සපයන්නේ මේ මාධ්‍යයයි. මෑතකදී යාපනයේ ධීවර සමිතිවල නායකයා වූ කේ. සූරියකුමාර් නමැත්තා තමිල්නාඩුවේ චෙන්නායි නගරයේදී මාධ්‍ය සාකච්ඡාවක්‌ පවත්වමින් අහිංසක ධීවරයන්ව මරා දැමීමෙන් වළකින්නැයි ශ්‍රී ලංකා නාවික හමුදාවෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටින බව පවසා ඇත.

මේ නිසා සූරියකුමාර් නඟා ඇත්තේ කාගේ හඬ ද යන්න පැහැදිලියි. ශ්‍රී ලංකා නාවික හමුදාව ධීවරයන්ව ඝාතනය කරන බවට සූරියකුමාර් පැවසුවේ උතුර ඊළාම් රාජ්‍යය යෑයි සිතාගෙනද?

වසර 30 ක්‌ තිස්‌සේ මෙරට ත්‍රස්‌තවාදය ඇති කළ කොටින්ට සහය වූ පාර්ශ්වයන් තවදුරටත් ක්‍රියාත්මක වන බව වගකිවයුතු අංශ අවබෝධ කරගත යුතුව ඇත. රජය උතුරේ ජනතාව වෙනුවෙන් සියලු පහසුකම් සලසාගෙන යද්දී කොටි ජාවාරම්කරුවෝ මෙරට සිට තවදුරටත් කොටි වෙබ් අඩවිවලට සාවද්‍ය ප්‍රචාර දියත් කරති.

මේ පිරිස එදා සිටම කොටින්ට හිතවත්කම් දැක්‌වූ කොටි මාධ්‍ය යෑයි තවදුරටත් පැහැදිලිවේ. කොටි ත්‍රස්‌තවාදී සංකේත ඉවත් කිරීම ගැනද මොවුන් එරෙහි විය. එසේම අපේ ද්‍රවිඩ සංස්‌කෘතිය විනාශ කරනවා යෑයි කියමින් ලොව පුරා ප්‍රචාරයක්‌ දියත් කිරීමට ද මේ කොටි හිතවාදීහු ක්‍රියා කළහ.

මේ තත්ත්වය මත මඩකලපුවේදී ආරක්‍ෂක නිලධාරියකුගේ අවියක්‌ පැහැර ගැනීම සුළුපටු ක්‍රියාවක්‌ නොවේ. එම තත්ත්වය උතුරටත් ව්‍යාප්තවීමේ ඉඩකඩ ඇත. මෙහිදී වගකීම් ඇත්තේ උතුර නැගෙනහිර ආරක්‍ෂක බලධාරීන්ටය. යාපනයේ පොලිස්‌ අධිකාරීව සිටි චාල්ස්‌ විඡේවර්ධන අමානුෂික ලෙස ඝාතනය කිරීමේ සිද්ධිය අමතක නොකළ යුතුවේ.

එදා සිටම කොටින්ගේ ත්‍රස්‌තවාදයට උරදුන් ටැමිල් නෙට්‌ නමැති කොටි වෙබ් අඩවියට තොරතුරු සපයන්නන්ගේ දැන් රාජකාරිය වී ඇත්තේ උතුරේ හමුදාව හමුදා කඳවුරු ඉදිකිරීම හා නාමපුවරුවල සිංහල භාෂාව සඳහන් වී තිබෙන්නේ ද යන්න ගැන විමර්ශනය කිරීමය.

මේ තත්ත්වය මත සතුරන්ගේ අබිරහස්‌ ක්‍රියාදාමයන් හා ආරක්‍ෂක බලධාරීන්ගේ දැඩි අවධානය යොමුවිය යුතුව ඇත.

කොළඹ හා යාපනයේ සිටින කොටි හිතවාදී ගිනි අවුළුවන්නන් තවදුරටත් ක්‍රියාත්මක වන බව උතුරේ හා නැගෙනහිර ආරක්‍ෂක අංශ තවදුරටත් අවබෝධ කරගත යුතුවේ. කොටි ඝාතක සමාගම විනාශ වුවතත් වෙස්‌මුහුණු දමාගත් කොටි අනුගාමිකයන් ක්‍රියාත්මක වන බව තෙරුම්ගත යුතුය.

කීර්ති වර්ණකුලසූරි

Ananda-USA said...

Ananda-USA Comment at the Toronto Sun:

August 27, 2010

Very few people in Sri Lanka are able to earn and save $50,000 even if they worked their entire lives. All rich Tamils are already living in comfort in Colombo, elsewhere in the Sinhala south, or abroad.

The IDPs who were enslaved by the Tamil Tigers are POOR. Therefore, all of the MV Sun Sea "refugees" are either hardcore Tiger cadre, or their relatives. The money came from Tiger coffers in Sri Lanka, or from Tiger supporters abroad.

Many of the "refugees" are relatives of those already in Canada ... they are jumping the immigration queue.

This SCAM has been obvious FOR YEARS! Sri Lanka has repeatedly warned Canada about this, and the LONG TERM THREAT to CANADA. You have embedded a vast criminal MAFIA in Canada!


Ananda-USA said...

Expatriates and their role

Dr. Tilak Fernando
August 23rd, 2010

“As we have been victorious in the battle to defeat terrorism, we should also take to the required successful end the struggle to build our land. It is necessary for us to take the required clear decisions for this. We must now be ready to direct our Motherland to that new era of national revival. Dear Doctors, Engineers, Scientists and other eminent professionals of Sri Lankan origin, your Motherland needs your experience, capabilities, professionalism and expertise in its national revival!” – Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka

දේශපාලුවා said...

country of hate 15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers were from Saudi, and they drill nails in to house maids. allah hu akbar.

Diyasena said...

Good speech Ananda Aiya,

Obviously the lack of participation from other bloggers has given the opportunity to the cat humping dole-bludger to target you..Please do not be disheartened (Pala ethi rukatane gal gahanney)..

What is interesting is the bugger usually singles you out for attack..Is their a history to this story (assuming it is old man
Rana), going beyond this blog.

Is Rana a disgruntled batch-mate (or a junna) of yours from Pera?
1. Did you end up marrying a girl that he too had a crush on?
2. Or is it that you got to go to MIT or U-Cal whilst he didn't?
3. Or is it because you are a successful professional in the USA whilst he is bludging the dole in NZ?

Care to shed some light?

Ananda-USA said...


Your anger at the terrible treatment of the Sri Lankan maid by her employer in Saudi Arabia ECHOES my own.

Your post highlights one COMPELLING & URGENT reason why we must Develop Sri Lanka into a Prosperous Nation whose people, driven by their poverty, need not accept menial work abroad, and can live safely and securely with pride in their own motherland.

It is up to us, the sons and daughters of Sri Lanka, who HAVE the skills, knowledge and ability to HELP Sri Lanka, to do EVERYTHING WE CAN to help Sri Lanka achieve that GOAL.

That was the SEMINAL SIGNIFICANCE of President Mahinda Rajapaksa's appeal to Skilled Sri Lankan Expatriates that I have posted above.

It is NOT SUFFICIENT for us to act individually in our private capacities; we can make a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT only if we JOIN TOGETHER to contribute in MORE ORGANIZED, MORE EFFECTIVE, WAYS, for


Ananda-USA said...

Diyasena said ..

[What is interesting is the bugger usually singles you out for attack..Is their a history to this story (assuming it is old man
Rana), going beyond this blog.]

I got targeted by Rana because I refused to condemn others who were fighting him .. a long time ago. That battle was pretty ugly.

He disclosed to another blogger during a meeting in person that he was attacking me under other avatar handles, even while he was pretending to be on good terms with me. That patriotic blogger spilled the beans at DW because he thought that was a pretty bad thing to do against other patriots. I confronted Rana on that .. though not with insults .. because that is not my way.

Rana does not have the power to affect my equanimity .. I live in a mental space beyond his grasp.

[Is Rana a disgruntled batch-mate (or a junna) of yours from Pera?]

He is not a batchmate, although he presumably had been an EE at eFac in Peradeniya a couple of years removed from me. I cannot remember meeting him at eFac.

[1. Did you end up marrying a girl that he too had a crush on?]

No! I married the only girl I had a crush on, and will be married to her the rest of my natural days.

[2. Or is it that you got to go to MIT or U-Cal whilst he didn't?]

I did get my PhD from MIT. I don't know what motivates Rana .. perhaps it is a reflex action which he cannot control!

I only know that I have not done anything against him, and will not do in the future as well .. despite his behavior. I am not into vendettas .. life is too short for that ... and there are so many GOOD & PRODUCTIVE things to do .. helping the motherland and others around me.

My only action has been to deny him access to our Patriotic blogs, because even when given the opportunity, he chooses to continue his antics, and PROTECTING OUR EFFORTS to ASSIST Sri Lanka is my OVERRIDING CONCERN.

I will not give him, or ANYONE ELSE, the opportunity to disrupt those efforts.

[3. Or is it because you are a successful professional in the USA whilst he is bludging the dole in NZ?

Care to shed some light?]

I simply don't know .. perhaps HE IS A SUCCESSFUL PROFESSIONAL himself .. but one with a character flaw he cannot overcome! In any case .. he presumably has two beautiful accomplished daughters .. that should be MORE THAN ENOUGH to sustain the pride aqnd ego of ANY MAN!

Being a successful professional, being a rich man having material things in abundance, does not a successful human being make. Being a decent compassionate human who cares how others feel and does all one can to help others makes him a success in this world and helps his journey through samsara.

We who follow in the footsteps of the Buddha know that .. don't we, malli?

Ananda-USA said...

A TIME of OPPORTUNITY, and a TIME of DANGER, is dawning for the National Survival of Sri Lanka.

The OPPORTUNITY to unite Sri Lanka into ONE Nation INDIVISIBLE, One People INDIVISIBLE sharing ONE Destiny INDIVISIBLE on the ONE HAND, and

The DANGER of Constitutional Amendments to Devolve Power to Ethnic Minorities designed to Placate Foreign Powers, thus planting the seeds of the ultimate disintegration of Sri Lanka, on the OTHER.

National Integration WITHOUT ANY DEVOLUTION OF POWER to Regions based on Ethnic Considerations should be the Path Forward!

Gird your loins for BATTLE, and look to your DEFENSES, Patriots!

VIGILANCE and SACRIFICE have always been the Price of Sri Lanka's Survival.

Sri Lankan government gets two-thirds majority in parliament with SLMC support

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 27, Colombo: The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) High Command decided today (27) to extend the party's support to the proposed constitutional amendments put forward by the government.

Soon after the conclusion of the High Command meeting, SLMC Leader Rauf Hakeem said the party will support the government's constitutional amendments.

The SLMC decision has now helped President Mahinda Rajapaksa to secure a two-third majority in parliament to pass the constitutional amendments.

SLMC Leader Hakeem met with President Mahninda Rajapaksa in Kandy on the 25th and discussed the government's proposed constitutional amendments including the proposal to extend the terms of office held by the Executive President.

Hakeem has already met with the Opposition Leader and the United National Party (UNP) leaders and explained details of his discussion with the President and the stance of his party members.

Ananda-USA said...

Shriram to tap wind power in Lanka, Croatia
August 28, 2010

CHENNAI: Chennai-based Shriram Group has firmed up plans for tapping the wind energy potential in overseas markets. Orient Green Power (OGPL), an associate company of Shriram EPC (SEPC) is setting up wind power ventures in Sri Lanka and Eastern Europe.

T Shivaraman, CEO & MD told ET OGPL has picked up 87% stake in Power Lanka (the rest held by a local partner), which will commission and operate a 10.5-mw wind power project. Work on the `80-crore venture at Puttakulam will commence shortly. Power purchase agreement has been signed with the Sri Lankan government for a price of `10 per KWH for 20 years.

OGPL will have the earlier mover advantage as the wind energy sector is yet to be tapped in the country. It will also be a lucrative venture as there are no subsidies and power is purchased at market rate. Puttalam is one of the best wind locations in the country and PLF is expected to be more than 28%, Mr Shivaraman said. Wind turbines will be supplied by SEPC’s associate company, Shriram Leitner, which has its facility near Chennai.

OGPL is also promoting another venture in Sri Lanka for developing 100 mw of wind farms over the next two to three years. The final agreement with board of investments (BOI) in Sri Lanka was signed early this month. This will help the project to get tax concessions and other investment incentives.

He said OGPL also has plans to tap opportunities in Central and Eastern European countries. Through its subsidiary, Orient green power Europe (OGPE) has acquired 52% stake in Vjetroelektrana Crnobrdo, (VCB) a company based in Croatia. It got an approval for building and operating a 10.5-mw wind power project. This is part of OGPL’s plan to establish wind farms in Europe. The balance 48% is held by local partner Tecoi.

Croatia is endowed with vast wind potential. The average wind speed at a height of 50 meters at the wind sites is around 8 m/s whereas the total identified wind potential of the country is more than 3000 mw. Currently the installed capacity is less than 100 mw.

Croatia is a designate EU country and also has obligations with respect to purchase of power from renewable energy. This project is located in Sibenik, one of the best wind locations in the country. It is located at a distance of 150 km from Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. The power produced from the wind farm would be purchased at a price of e10.4 cents per KWH.

OGPL proposes to use 1.5-mw Leitwind turbines for the project. The project cost is expected to be e16 million. Apart from this, OGPL is developing 60 mw of wind farms in the same area. Other farms under development in Europe include 20 mw in Hungary at Magyarkerestur near the Austrian Hungarian border, 18 mw in Czech Republic at Detrichov near Brno. The total project cost for these projects is expected to be e2.2 million.

Ananda-USA said...

Singapore WORRIES about TOO MANY IMMIGRANT Workers affecting the country's stability!

Singapore’s tough balancing act on immigration

By Mariko Oi
August 26, 2010


So visitors, whether or not they like it, get a glimpse at the driving force behind Singapore's construction boom: foreign workers.

Jay Chiu: "Singaporeans are not willing to take on this type of job"

"Our workers are from Malaysia, Bangladesh and China," he says.

Others also come from India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bangladesh, Burma, the Philippines, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea and Taiwan.

They are part of a huge army of 245,000 construction workers in Singapore.


"In our industry, all the work is very tough. Singaporeans are not willing to take up this kind of job," Mr Chiu says.

"So we have no choice but to rely on foreign workers to help us in our industry."

They are also much cheaper to hire than Singaporeans.


However, the industry is facing a big challenge. Construction workers in financial district Foreign workers make up a third of all workers in the city state

The government has reduced the annual intake of immigrant workers from 150,000 to 100,000.

It has also raised levies on foreign workers to make it less attractive for companies to import labour.



Singapore has also been trying to attract more foreign professionals.
Continue reading the main story

"Singapore's future rests on growing a deep pool of highly talented and entrepreneurial people," says the Economic Strategies Committee chaired by Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugratnam.


However, employment agent R. Narayanamohan says that the government is being increasingly selective of foreign professionals, too.


So why is the government restricting the entry of foreign workers?

The issue, it seems, is political.

Singapore's citizens have been complaining about the soaring number of immigrants.

The country now has the highest proportion of them in Asia, as foreigners make up one third of the island's workforce of 3 million. It is a sharp jump from a mere 3% in 1970.


The latest National Orientations of Singaporeans Survey, conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies, shows that more than six out of 10 Singaporeans believe that the government's immigration policy was weakening national unity.


Singapore's birth rate of 9.9 per 1,000 people in 2009 is one of the lowest in the world.

At the current rate, the population is expected to begin shrinking in 2020.


"We will control the inflow, to ensure that it is not too fast, and not too large."

"We will only bring in people who can contribute to Singapore and work harder to integrate them into our society."


Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka Vs India at Dambulla:

Sri Lanka 299/8 (50 ov)
India 225 (46.5 ov)
Sri Lanka won by 74 runs


Rathna Deepa Janma Bhumi
Lanka Deepa Vijaya Bhumi
Me' Ape' Udara Wu
Mathru Bhumiyayi
Mathru Bhumiyayi ...

Ananda-USA said...


The Tamil Diaspora can stuff their money where the Sun don't Shine!

The rest of us Sri Lankans will invest in, and ETHNICALLY REINTEGRATE, the North & East!


Swaminathan says: Tamil Diaspora won’t invest in Sri Lanka Until admin. structure set up in N&E

by Zacki Jabbar
August 27, 2010

The Tamil Diaspora would not make economic investments in Sri Lanka until a proper independent administrative structure was established in the North and East, UNP parliamentarian D. M. Swaminathan said yesterday.

He told a news conference in Colombo that the Tamil Diaspora had been helping Sri Lankans on humanitarian grounds, but they would not finance mega economic projects under the present political system that prevailed in the North and East of the country.

"Terminology does not matter. You can call it Provincial Councils, Regional Councils or any other name, but it has to be a truly independent administrative structure, where the Tamils can govern their day-to-day affairs. As it is, you have to run to some big shot at the centre to even purchase a fan. Jaffna today is worse than what it was 40 years ago," he said.

The education of thousands of Tamil youth was in jeopardy and that too, had to be addressed as a matter of priority, Swaminathan said.

India he said, could help in many ways to alleviate the sufferings of Sri Lankan Tamils, whose plight had been discussed for around forty years. However, there had been no progress whatsoever, he said.

The government had claimed that the resettlement of the war displaced in Killinochchi and Mullaitivu was proceeding smoothly, with Indian and UN assistance, but statistics indicated that over 12,000 had yet to be given a roof over their heads, Swaminathan said.

"Can the resettled and displaced live on dry rations? A stipend of Rs. 5,000 has been promised, but of what use is such a small amount in comparison to the unbearably high cost of living," he asked.

Ananda-USA said...



I need five more, door open – President

August 27, 2010

President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday stated that he only needed five more members to complete the 2/3rd majority in parliament. He added that before the door was closed however now it is open for anyone who wants to join the government.

President said this at the 28th annual general meeting of the Public Adminis-tration Service Association at the BMICH.Following is the speech delivered by President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the Annual Convention of Sri Lanka Administration Service at BMICH yesterday

When we govern the country, you, the officers of the Sri Lanka Administration Service, are a group that work very closely with us. You are the most important link between the people and the political leadership. I remember that in the past, the Government Agent signs his letters to the public as ‘your obedient servant’. I have not seen the Provincial Secretaries or District Secretaries signing letters as ‘obedient servants’. I do not know whether you have withdrawn from the role of a servant of the people. Whether you sign in this way or not, the fact remains that you are a servant of the people. I am a representative of the people, but I am also a servant of the public. Hence, I am glad to participate in the anniversary of officers who are committed to serve the people.

You are well aware that during the last 30 years, the public service and its strengths were treated lightly. As a result of emerging international trends, only the private sector was considered as the engine of growth. Accordingly, the public sector was sacrificed during the last 30 years for the benefit of the private sector. Plans were afoot to handover the administration of Divisional Secretariats to the private sector. While the international trend was different, we have succeeded in changing that trend in 2005. We have clearly stated in Mahinda Chintana, that it is essential to strengthen the public sector for the development of the country. Since 2005, we have strengthened the public sector to a level never before seen in history.

Today, the public service sector is very strong. Similarly, we have created the background required for strengthening the Sri Lanka Administration Service.

Those who join the public service or administration service must ask themselves a deep seeded question. You are aware earlier, that the armed conflict was the biggest obstacle to developing the country. The other was the lack of interest or funds to develop infrastructure. We have eliminated the world’s most ruthless terrorist organization from our country in a short period of three years. The question is whether the public sector, including the officers of the administrative service, are able to work at a similar pace?

Hambantota Port and many other large scale infrastructure projects were completed in three years. Is the public sector working at a similar speed?

Today the salaries of the public sector cost the nation Rs.300 billion. In addition, we spend Rs.100 billion for pensions. Do we receive a service worth Rs.300 billion from the public sector? That is a question which all officers in the public service who have undertaken the responsibility of directing and implementing the public policy must seriously ask themselves.

Ananda-USA said...


......continued 1...
I do not accept that our public service is incapable. There is enough evidence in history to show this. The Civil Service started during the colonial era. It was set up to collect tax for the colonial rulers. After we became a republic in 1972, the Civil Service became the Sri Lanka Administration Service. The Civil Service, which was set up for tax collection for colonial rulers, has been changed to a public service to build all aspects of public life. At times our public sector has amazed the world with their outstanding work.

When the Tsunami tragedy struck killing 40,000 people, the public sector responded with great commitment with the administrative service giving a good leadership.

When powerful nations take years to restore normalcy after floods or cyclones, we only took one year to overcome such a disaster. The public officers are able to conduct a sudden election in conditions of least facilities throughout the country anytime. During the final phase of the humanitarian operation, hundreds of thousands of people sought relief due to displacement. The world was skeptical whether the Sri Lankan government is able to safeguard these people. But, with your drive and dedication, the state was able to protect these thousands of people, not letting them go hungry by skipping even a meal. The public service has demonstrated such efficiency.

However, I must ask you, whether you display the same efficiency when it comes to addressing day to day needs of the public.

We can not accept anymore, public servants working the same pace they did in the pre-conflict period.

When the construction of the port ended less than nine months before the targeted date and when the bridges are constructed in 60 days, the public service officials should be similarly efficient. If public service lack efficiency and is unable to keep up with the pace of the development including infrastructure, its inefficiency becomes more apparent.

Ananda-USA said...


......continued 2...
Therefore, we need a public service free of lethargy. If technology is developed to the extent of fax machines, email and text messaging, why does it take 14 days to reply to a letter, is the circular meant for the future? Or to reverse the country’s progress? Is it worth the while for the public service official to hang around in the Head Office of one’s own institution for days to adjust one’s salary increments? There are officials who ask for request letters when information is sought for the compilation of my speeches. Then what is the use of this public service for the nation which bears a salary bill of 300 billion rupees? All of us should provide answers to these questions. Yourselves, who provide direction to the public service through the administrative service, should provide answers.

Today, we have established a strong government with an almost 2/3 majority. We have built this country to be one of the strongest nations in Asia free of anarchy. This government is not unstable. This is the strength needed for you to work freely. We have directed the path of the Mahinda Chintana towards the benefit of the public. When developing the country, the government and public service cannot be on two different sides. The public service cannot claim to be independent and do nothing when the government accelerates its development drive. We are all here on behalf of the public. Therefore, you, being the servant of the public, bear great responsibility. You are aware of the way we stepped in to protect the military officials who led the humanitarian operation. You know how we protected our soldiers when traitorous claims were made that shooting occurred when white flags were raised. That was during the humanitarian operations.

Now is the time for the development offensive. In that, you are the warriors. You should be the ones who direct it. Brave decisions need to be made on behalf of the nation in this offensive. As I safeguarded the military officials during the humanitarian operation, I will protect you who take humane decisions during the development offensive.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #160 at

Good Job, DBSJ! You have made a good contribution to our nation’s healing.

Even murderous terrorists, like KP, should have an opportunity to redeem themselves. I hope KP can and will serve as a model for former Eelamists to follow in the years ahead. But, a very smart canary in a tight cage will sing any tune to take flight to freedom; so we must HOPE FOR THE BEST while PREPARING FOR THE WORST.

However, I am worried about his comment about the need to regain the “Lost Rights of Tamils”. That is a bad omen that augurs ill for Sri Lanka, because Tamils had equal rights in Sri Lanka before all this began, and they messed it up by becoming communal and demanding more. We see this disease afflicting Tamil Nadu now.

May his NERDO organization succeed in helping the ex-tiger cadre and IDPs in need, with the help of all of us Sri Lankans.

Let us HOPE for the BEST, but as Ronald Reagan said, we should TRUST but VERIFY every step along the way!

Our fellow Tamil citizens need have no fear; they will have EQUAL RIGHTS in the years that lie ahead, as they had at the outset, together with the EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY to love and protect our shared motherland. If they start talking about “lost rights” all over again, we will quickly descend back to square one.

ONE Nation INDIVISIBLE, ONE People INDIVISIBLE, ONE Destiny INDIVISIBLE should be our GOAL, without separation by communal attributes!

Ananda-USA said...

What the HELL is Nirupama Rao doing DIALOGING with the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA?

What right has India to interfere in Sri Lanka politics anyway? Have they not DONE ENOUGH HARM to Sri Lanka already?

India should engage only in Govt to Govt interactions with Sri Lanka, and avoid direct involvement in Sri Lanka's internal politics.

Scine they appear not to understand this basic principle, the point may be best made by Sri Lankan Ministers meeting with Maoists and Kashmir insurgents in India, with a view to developing "political solutions" for their "grievances".

Visiting Indian Foreign Secretary to have a dialogue with Sri Lanka's Tamil National Alliance

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 29, Colombo: Sri Lanka's major Tamil party Tamil National alliance (TNA) Batticaloa district MP P. Ariyanethram says that the visiting Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao will have a special dialogue with his party.

The MP said that the TNA would focus the Indian senior diplomat's attention towards the issues related to the resettlement of IDPs and other matters.

Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao, Defense Secretary Prdeep Kumar and a senior delegation is to arrive in Sri Lanka tomorrow for an official tour.

Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna is also scheduled to visit Sri Lanka in October.

Ananda-USA said...

Why and How did the CEB become a "prisoner of nine companies"? This sounds very much like how the State of California became a prisoner of the now defunct Enron company that ran an end-run around the State government.

Let us learn the details of this, because Energy, electricity in particular, is the lifeblood of Sri Lanka's economy.

Freeing electricity generation, transmission and distribution from the grasp of solely profit motivated prison wardens, and restoring the National Interest is a make-or-break issue for Sri Lanka's National Development.

Ceylon Electricity Board to lose Rs. 40 billion this year, Minister says

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 29, Colombo: Sri Lanka Minister of Power and Energy said today that the estimated loss for the Ceylon electricity Board (CEB) this year will be about Rs. 40 billion.

CEB's cost for electricity generation and distribution in 2010 is Rs. 160 billion but the income is Rs. 120 billion, the Minister pointed out.

The Minister highlighted this issue addressing the public today after opening a center for obtaining consumer complaints at Magalla, Galle.

He said that this massive loss is covered by the state tax money levied from imports such as rice, milk powder, and fuel etc. He emphasized that the major reason for this massive loss is CEB being a prisoner of nine companies.

Ananda-USA said...

President to visit UN despite probe
August 29, 2910

Tight security amidst fears of protests by Fonseka supporters

President Mahinda Rajapaksa will lead the Sri Lanka delegation to the United Nations next month.
Some of Sri Lanka’s leaders in the business and industry sector will accompany him. They are to hold talks with their counterparts in the United States to promote trade and investment in Sri Lanka. Mr. Rajapaksa will also make private visits to Mexico and Germany during this tour.

Mr. Rajapaksa will take part in both the high level plenary meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) as well as the sessions of the UN General Assembly.
A slot has been reserved for him to address the MDG on September 22. More than 150 world leaders are expected to speak at this three-day summit meeting. This summit is to spill over to the UN General Assembly sessions which begin on Thursday September 23. President Rajapaksa is listed as the seventh speaker on the opening day after Brazil, the United States, Switzerland, Malawi, Pakistan and Costa Rica.

At the General Assembly sessions, President Rajapaksa, External Affairs Ministry sources said, would spell out matters relating to last year’s military defeat of Tiger guerrillas. “This is intended particularly to address issues which a UN panel on Sri Lanka is trying to probe,” a source said.

He said security during President Rajapaksa’s visit would be tight. According to reports reaching the Ministry, there are indications of protests and demonstrations outside the UN – not by Tamil expatriates or LTTE supporters but a group of Sinhala expatriates who are supportive of former Army Commander, Sarath Fonseka. However, a similar protest campaign last month in Los Angeles failed to assemble more than 15 participants.

The Ministry has advised the Sri Lanka mission to the United Nations to closely monitor the security situation and be very selective of the audience – both for a public reception and a visit to New York Buddhist Vihara – primarily to avoid any political confrontations or embarrassments.

As expected, President Rajapaksa has decided to skip the public lecture at New York’s Asia Society next month. External Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris has stepped in to address the Society on Monday September 17 at 6.30 p.m. The topic is expected to be post-conflict Sri Lanka.

Ananda-USA said...

France Expels Roma People As "Undesirables"

Is France acting within its Sovereign rights? What about the much balleyhooed EU committment to "human rights"?

Wither Liberte', Fraternite', Egalite'?

What? No fraternity with gypsies?


Roma expulsion unfortunate: Vyalar Ravi

August 29, 2010

NEW DELHI: The mass expulsion of the Indian-origin Roma people from France was unfortunate, said Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi on Sunday, adding "I am hoping they will revisit the matter".

"The expulsion of the Roma people by the French government is quite unfortunate but I am hoping they will revisit the matter," Vayalar Ravi told IANS.

Ignoring protests from the UN, Amnesty International and other human rights groups, French President Nicolas Sarkozy ordered mass expulsion of Roma migrants after incidents of riots and rising crime were blamed on them.

More than 8,000 Roma people have already been deported this year, with France paying them 300 euros per adult and 100 euros per child.

The Roma people - also called gypsies - claim their roots in north India from where they were enslaved and taken away by invaders from Afghanistan and Turkey almost a millennium ago.

In the 14-15th centuries they scattered across central and eastern Europe where they have allegedly faced systemic discrimination.

Actor Charlie Chaplin and Nobel Laureate scientist August Krogh are among the hundreds of famous Roma people who have made their mark in various fields.

Ananda-USA said...

Origin of the Romani people

Linguistic and genetic evidence indicates the Romanies originated from the Indian subcontinent, emigrating from India towards the northwest no earlier than the 11th century. The Romani are generally believed to have originated in central India, possibly in the modern Indian state of Rajasthan, migrating to northwest India (the Punjab region) around 250 BC. In the centuries spent here, there may have been close interaction with such established groups as the Rajputs and the Jats. Their subsequent westward migration, possibly in waves, is believed to have occurred between AD 500 and AD 1000. Contemporary populations sometimes suggested as sharing a close relationship to the Romani are the Dom people of Central Asia and the Banjara of India.[37]

The emigration from India likely took place in the context of the raids by Mahmud of Ghazni[38] As these soldiers were defeated, they were moved west with their families into the Byzantine Empire. The 11th century terminus post quem is due to the Romani language showing unambiguous features of the Modern Indo-Aryan languages,[39] precluding an emigration during the Middle Indic period.

Genetic evidence supports the medieval migration from India. The Romanies have been described as "a conglomerate of genetically isolated founder populations",[40] while a number of common Mendelian disorders among Romanies from all over Europe indicates "a common origin and founder effect".[40][41] A study from 2001 by Gresham et al. suggests "a limited number of related founders, compatible with a small group of migrants splitting from a distinct caste or tribal group".[42] The same study found that "a single lineage ... found across Romani populations, accounts for almost one-third of Romani males."[42] A 2004 study by Morar et al. concluded that the Romani population "was founded approximately 32–40 generations ago, with secondary and tertiary founder events occurring approximately 16–25 generations ago".[43]

Possible connection with the Jat people

While the South Asian origin of the Romani people has been long considered a certitude, the exact South Asian group from whom the Romanies have descended has been a matter of debate. The recent discovery of the "Jat mutation" that causes a type of glaucoma in Romani populations suggests that the Romani people are the descendants of the Jat people found in Northern India and Pakistan.[44] This connection was upheld by Michael Jan de Goeje in 1883.[45]

This contradicted an earlier study that compared the most common haplotypes found in Romani groups with those found in Jatt Sikhs and Jats from Haryana and found no matches.[46] The haplogroup H, which is the most common haplogroup in Romanis is far more prevalent in central India and south India than it is in northern India, where haplogroup R1a lineages make up at least half of male ancestries, and haplogroup H is rare.

Ananda-USA said...

Origin of the Romani people


Appearance in Europe
The migration of the Romanies through the Middle East and Northern Africa to Europe
First arrival of the Romanies outside Bern in the 15th century, described by the chronicler as getoufte heiden ("baptized heathens") and drawn with dark skin and wearing Saracen-style clothing and weapons (Spiezer Schilling, p. 749).
An 1852 Wallachian poster advertising an auction of Romani slaves in Bucharest.

In 1322, a Franciscan monk named Symon Semeonis described people resembling these "atsinganoi" living in Crete and, in 1350, Ludolphus of Sudheim mentioned a similar people with a unique language whom he called Mandapolos, a word which some theorize was possibly derived from the Greek word mantes (meaning prophet or fortune teller).[47]

Around 1360, an independent Romani fiefdom (called the Feudum Acinganorum) was established in Corfu and became "a settled community and an important and established part of the economy."[48]

By the 14th century, the Romanies had reached the Balkans; by 1424, Germany; and by the 16th century, Scotland and Sweden. Some Romanies migrated from Persia through North Africa, reaching the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th century. The two currents met in France. Romanies began immigrating to the United States in colonial times, with small groups in Virginia and French Louisiana. Larger-scale immigration began in the 1860s, with groups of Romnaichal from Britain. The largest number immigrated in the early 1900s, mainly from the Vlax group of Kalderash. Many Romanies also settled in South America.

When the Romani people arrived in Europe, curiosity was soon followed by hostility and xenophobia. Romanies were enslaved for five centuries in Wallachia and Moldavia until abolition in 1856.[49] Elsewhere in Europe, they were subject to ethnic cleansing, abduction of their children, and forced labor. In England, there were hangings and expulsions of the Romani; in France, branding and the shaving of heads; in Moravia and Bohemia severing of ears of women. As a result, large groups of the Romani travelled back East, towards Poland, which was more tolerant, and Russia, where the Romani were also treated less heavy-handedly, as long as they paid the annual taxes.


Ananda-USA said...

France sends Roma Gypsies back to Romania

August 20, 2010

Dozens of Roma (Gypsies) have arrived back in Romania after being repatriated by France under a controversial policy backed by President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Some 86 Roma left France and hundreds more will follow in the coming weeks after their camps were shut down.

The French government says it is a "decent and humane" policy of removing people from deplorable conditions.

But rights groups say the Roma are being demonised, and Romania has warned France against "xenophobic reactions".

"We understand the position of the French government. At the same time, we support unconditionally the right of every Romanian citizen to travel without restrictions within the EU," Romanian President Traian Basescu said.

However, Mr Basescu added that he was prepared to send police to France to help implement the repatriation scheme.

A deportee named Gabriel told the AFP news agency in Bucharest that life had been "very tough" in France, but he would not rule out returning because there was no work in Romania.

Another man said that in Romania "we don't have any chance, no jobs, nothing".

"Today, 86 people left France on the basis of what are called 'voluntary returns', 61 from Lyon on a special flight charted by the French Immigration and Integration Office, then 10 and 15 on two separate commercial flights from Roissy," said Immigration Minister Eric Besson on Thursday.

Another 139 were due to be flown out on Friday, he said, and hundreds more by the end of the month.

Exploitation claims

The Roma are EU citizens, mostly from Romania or Bulgaria, but French law requires them to have a work permit and prove they have the means to support themselves if they intend to stay for more than three months.

The Roma have a history of being persecuted - many were killed by the Nazis” Gavin Hewitt BBC Europe editor

They complain that the permits are difficult to get, and so they are often forced to live illegally.

Roma who agree to leave have each receive 300 euros (£246; $384) and an additional 100 euros for each child.

The French government says it plans to shut down 300 illegal Roma camps in the next three months.

The controversial plan was put in place after clashes last month between police and travellers in the southern city of Grenoble and the central town of Saint-Aignan.

The Roma were not involved in all of the trouble, but the government said travellers' camps were sources of "illegal trafficking" and "exploitation of children for begging, of prostitution and crime".

Some 51 camps have already been demolished by police and the residents have been moved into temporary shelters or accommodation.

Ananda-USA said...

France sends Roma Gypsies back to Romania

Popularity booster?

The operation has been condemned by human rights groups, who say it is deliberately stigmatising a generally law-abiding section of society to win support among right-wing voters.

* Roughly 12,000 Roma migrated to France after Bulgaria and Romania's accession to the EU
* Many have no work permits, so live in camps and resort to begging
* Separately, at least 400,000 people are designated "travellers", mostly French nationals with Roma origins

Last week, members of the UN's Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination criticised the tone of political discourse in France on race issues, saying racism and xenophobia were undergoing a "significant resurgence" there.

But France has insisted that the actions "fully conform with European rules and do not in any way affect the freedom of movement for EU citizens, as defined by treaties".

Foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero told AFP that an EU directive "expressly allows for restrictions on the right to move freely for reasons of public order, public security and public health".

The European Commission said it would ensure none of the bloc's rules were being broken.

France repatriated some 10,000 Roma last year and other European countries, including Germany, Italy, Denmark and Sweden pursued similar policies.

Mr Sarkozy's political opponents have accused him of using the Roma issue to shift public attention away from corruption and on to crime.

The BBC's Christian Fraser in Paris says that the president's poll rating is sagging and there are some who accuse him of using the recent unrest to boost his own popularity.

Some of the Roma living in France are part of long-established communities of travelling people who are French nationals.

In addition, there are an estimated 12,000 Roma who are recent immigrants from Central Europe.

"Some of these families have been in France for five, seven or 10 years and 300 euros is not enough to help them settle in Romania. They will return in the coming weeks," Malik Salemkour, the vice-president of the French Human Rights League, told the Reuters news agency.

Ananda-USA said...

Another Tamil Tiger people smuggling ship preparing to leave Thailand, report says

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 30, Colombo: An investigative report by Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail reveals that an alleged Tamil Tiger human-smuggling ring is preparing to smuggle another shipload of Tamils who have left Sri Lanka to be sent to Canada.

Monday's Globe and Mail report says the Tamils arrive in Bangkok from Sri Lanka on two-week tourist visas and stay in rented apartments pretending to be tourists until the next ship is ready to sail to Canada.

The report citing the Thai police says some of the refugees left on MV Sun Sea, the cargo ship that reached Vancouver earlier this month with 492 Tamil asylum seekers on board, were recent arrivals, who entered the country on tourist visas shortly before the ship departed in April.

The Globe and Mail from a source has obtained a list of addresses where recently arrived Tamils were being lodged before their departure for Canada and interviewed some of those tourists who claimed not to know much English except saying that "Tourists. Arrived last week. Leaving next week."

A group of four Sri Lankan Tamil men, who were interviewed by the journalist, have said that they are in Thailand on vacation, but have rarely been outside their one-room apartment for sight-seeing or any other tourist activities.

According to Thai authorities, before the departure of MV Sun Sea, groups of refugees have traveled by caravan from Bangkok to a fishing hamlet near Songkhla in the south and lodged in a hotel before boarding a small boat that took them to a rendezvous with the Sun Sea in the Gulf of Thailand.

The Globe and Mail report says the entire operation, financed by enormous amounts of money, leave behind the legitimate asylum-seekers who don't have the money to pay for the agents who operate in the Thai capital and charge tens of thousands of dollars for safe passage to Canada.

Canada's Public Safety Minister Vic Toews has said that the organizers of the voyage of the MV Sun Sea charged up to $50,000 a passenger for a potential total haul of more than $20 million.

Sri Lankan authorities say the Tamil migrants are economic refugees who are taking advantage of Canada's relaxed immigration laws.

Ananda-USA said...

And Sri Lanka may want to intercede on behalf of various disaffected groups in India, like the Maoists, Kashmiris, Assamese etc, in a "friendly way" of course, and not as a policeman.

The Bloody Cheek of these TN demagogues!

India can’t act as policeman in Sri Lanka: Baalu

August 30, 2010

COLOMBO: India can help Sri Lankan Tamils, but it cannot act as a policeman and impose its will on the island nation, the DMK’s parliamentary group leader, T R Baalu, told the Lankan Tamil daily Virakesari in an interview published on Sunday.

Asked specifically about the Lankan Tamils’ complaint that even the Indian aid was not reaching the war refugees in the North, Baalu said that the issue had to be approached cautiously and with a sense of responsibility.

“India cannot act as a policeman. Its intervention should not confuse matters and spoil whatever has been done so far,” he said.

On the complaint of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) that the Lankan army was increasing its presence in the Wanni region by setting up more and more army camps, Baalu said that there was no concrete information on this.

“The TNA had raised this issue with me. But should they not present evidence to back their claim? I asked Basil Rajapaksa about this allegation and he said that there was no truth in it. In this matter it is necessary to go to the spot and see for oneself. The Indian special envoy, who is to go to Lanka, will find out the truth,” he said.

Baalu described Basil Rajapaksa, special advisor to the Lankan President and Minister for Economic Development, as “king” and said his interaction with him gave the hope that the Tamils’ problems would be attended to. Asked whether this meant that India could not do anything for the Tamils, Baalu said: “We are very concerned about the Lankan Tamils. But in this matter we can approach Sri Lanka only in a friendly way.”

Ananda-USA said...

When will the CITIZENS of Sri Lanka, the ultimate decision makers and stake holders, get to see this Bill?

It is OUR OX, isn't it?

Sri Lanka Cabinet approves constitutional amendments

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 30, Colombo: Sri Lanka Cabinet of ministers, met in a special session today, has approved the proposed amendments to the Constitution to be brought in parliament as an urgent Bill when the legislature meets on September 8, the government announced.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa called the special Cabinet session today to decide on the constitutional amendments to be presented as a Bill to the parliament.

Following the Cabinet meeting the draft of the proposed amendments is to be presented to the Supreme Court for its recommendations.

According to Sri Lanka's Constitution, the President should present the Bill, endorsed by the Cabinet as urgent in national interest, to the Chief Justice and the Supreme Court to determine whether the Bill or any provision of it is inconsistent with the Constitution. At the same time, a copy of the Bill will be delivered to the Speaker.

The Bill is not to be gazetted at least seven days before it is placed on the Order Paper of Parliament as required under Article 78.

According to the Constitution, the Supreme Court has to make its determination within a maximum of three days after assembling of the Court, and to communicate its decision only to the President and the Speaker.

The proposed amendments seek a third term for the incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The ruling alliance, enjoying the support of over 154 members of the 225-member parliament, is strongly confident that the Bill will be breezed through the legislature.

The government got a boost in power to secure the needed two-third majority for constitutional changes when the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, a constituent partner in the opposition alliance, last week decided to support the government.

All government parliamentarians are requested to cancel their other engagements and attend the parliamentary sessions when the Bill is presented.

Ananda-USA said...

Wimal’s Con. proposals back on stage

by Shamindra Ferdinando
August 29, 2010

NFF leader Wimal Weerawansa says constitutional reforms will be implemented on a staggered basis.

Addressing a gathering after the recent launch of the second stage of ‘Nagamupurawara’ project at Nawagampura housing scheme, Minister Weerawansa said that the constitutional reforms would take place in three stages. He said the need for constitutional reforms had been felt in the wake of the conclusion of war.

Although the government had initially planned to introduce the first stage of the proposed reforms as early as July, it was delayed due to President Mahinda Rajapaksa initiating a short-lived dialogue with UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe to replace the executive presidency with an executive premiership.

Government sources told The Island that further talks on this issue was unlikely in view of President Rajapaksa’s decision to engineer crossovers to secure the magical two thirds majority needed to amend the Constitution.

President Rajapaksa has drawn under heavy flak from the Opposition for seeking to do away with a constitutional provision that bars the incumbent President from seeking a third term.

The NFF recently submitted a set of constitutional proposals to President Rajapaksa. The NFF proposals envisaged a third term for the incumbent president.

Ananda-USA said...

LTTE’s main agent in arms network, a serious threat - Expert

August 29, 2010

International counter terrorism expert Shanaka Jayasekara said that Ponniah Anandarajah, the main agent of the LTTE’s arms network in the post-KP period, still poses a serious threat to Sri Lanka’s efforts in countering the LTTE’s international links.

Jayasekara, an Associate Lecturer at the Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (PICT) at Macquarie University in Sydney, told the Sunday Observer that Anandarajah is still having access to gun-running networks globally.

“The arrest of KP, the arrest of Rajan and the acquisition of the LTTE vessel MV Chrishantha are great achievements for Sri Lanka’s security agencies”, he said.

Jayasekara who is doing research on terrorist fund-raising, weapons procurement and support networks, said that it was difficult to estimate the LTTE’s total wealth as most of the investments were hidden or in front companies.

“The only figure that I have come across is that TRO leader Regi, now living in the UK has over US$50 million of TRO funds under his control.

The LTTE is still having six single engine aircraft packed in crates in a warehouse in Asmara, Eretria. It is also believed that one sea plane allegedly purchased with LTTE funds is running charter flights in the Fiji Islands”, he said.

Jayasekara said that most of the LTTE’s ships had been destroyed by the Sri Lanka Navy in deep sea operations and the security agencies seized the MV Chrishantha, the LTTE’s largest weapons ship. “The Princess Eswarie (Ocean Lady) captained by Kamalraj Kandasamy was the main vessel that transported weapons out of North Korea for the LTTE. In the post-May 2009 situation, after the arrest of KP in Malaysia the LTTE operatives felt insecure in South East Asian countries and fled to Canada”, he said.

He also said that the trend continued when the MV Sun Sea, captained by Vinod with a LTTE crew travelled to Canada. “The trend is very clear and members of the LTTE shipping network (Sea Pigeons) are using their seafaring skills to transport asylum seekers to western countries. The LTTE’s main shipping location for the Asian region was based in Cebu in the Philippines”, he said.

Jayasekara said that to prevent the LTTE smuggling people to the West, countries such as Canada and Australia need to look into their asylum seeker criteria on the UNHCR recommendations.

“The UNHCR has clearly indicated that Tamil persons from Northern Sri Lanka are not in any danger and political asylum should be considered only for an individual who has a specific threat in Sri Lanka. Therefore, based on the UNHCR recommendation all Tamil boat people should be sent back. This will be a clear message to potential asylum seekers”, he said. He said that payments to most of these human smugglers don’t directly come from asylum seekers and the money is paid by relatives living abroad. The Canadian authorities should track down payments made by their relatives in Canada.

“These human smuggling vessels maintain satellite phone contact during the voyage and these contacts should also come under surveillance”, he said.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Ed Balls slams 'daily soap opera' of Miliband brothers
Ed Balls Ed Balls is calling for money to be made available for more affordable housing

Labour leadership candidate Ed Balls has criticised the "daily episodes" of the "soap opera" surrounding fellow contenders Ed and David Miliband.

Calling for £6bn to be invested in affordable homes, he said their rivalry "did not do justice to the issues".

Meanwhile, Lord Kinnock has weighed in, labelling Lord Mandelson as "out of date" in a letter to the Times.

The BBC's Carole Walker said tension was rising ahead of the start of voting on Labour's leadership, on Wednesday.
Continue reading the main story
Labour Leadership Contest

* Labour leader: Runners and riders
* Labour leadership rules
* Newsnight leadership hustings
* Kuenssberg meets: Andy Burnham Watch

The final weeks of the battle have been dominated by the "increasingly fractious battle" between the Miliband brothers, our correspondent added.

Mr Balls added that the "Miliband soap opera" and the debates about Old and New Labour took away from the issues at stake.
'Hark back'

Former Labour leader Lord Kinnock, who is backing Ed Miliband as future leader, said in his letter that Lord Mandelson was "indulging in the sort of personalised factionalism that has inflicted such damage on our party in ancient and modern history".

His comments come after Ed Miliband hit back at veiled criticism from Lord Mandelson.

Lord Mandelson had said Labour could be left in an "electoral cul-de-sac" if its next leader tried to create a "pre-New Labour party" - seen to be referring to the younger Mr Miliband in particular.

He was reacting after Ed Miliband suggested New Labour had feared increasing taxes for high earners, had displayed an aversion to Old Labour's anti-Americanism and had suffered from an unnecessary desire to protect the public from the views of Labour members.

Speaking to the Times, Lord Mandelson addressed Mr Miliband's criticisms of New Labour.

He said: "I think that if he or anyone else wants to create a pre-New Labour future for the party then he and the rest of them will quickly find that that is an electoral cul-de-sac."

The peer also accused Roy Hattersley and Lord Kinnock of wanting to "hark back to a previous age".

Voting in the contest will take place between 1 and 22 September with the winner being announced on the first day of the party's conference in Manchester on 25 September.

The other candidates are Diane Abbott and Andy Burnham.

Ananda-USA said...

G.L. Pieris On: Lessons to the World from Sri Lanka's Experiences

Nisal .. Thanks for the Link!

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ අත්දැකීම් හා
එවා තුළින් ලොවට උගත හැකි පාඩම්
August 31, 2010

aqua said...

Making the same mistake that Sri Lanka has historically made in inviting foreign help, instead of becoming self-sufficient in all things, in 1636 AD Rajasingha II requested Dutch assistance to expel the Portuguese.

how history repeats and men forget.

GReat Post Ananda.. and Great Speech I should say!.. nice work.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #231 at DBSJ's blog:
August 31st, 2010 at 12:28 am

J.Muthu #226:

Dream On!

There will be no “Tamil areas” in the future. Nor will there be Sinhala areas, or Muslim areas.There will be only Sri Lankan areas where Sri Lankan citizens of all ethnicities can settle and live, at will.

That was what this war against terror was all about. This “war” against communal demagoguery will continue undiminished in Sri Lanka until the day when communal attributes will play no part in its politics, and the most able people based on their intrinsic merit are elected as leaders irrespective of community.

There will be no “Tamil” parties, nor “Jathika Hela Urumaya” parties. Communal parties will simply be declared illegal .. as in Singapore. Stirring up communal discord in the country will be declared illegal, outlawed, and yield a fast ticket to a life term in prison.

The nonsense that was tolerated in Sri Lanka for 30 long years until terror ruled and impoverished us will never be allowed to raise its ugly head again. Those who threaten the peace and incite violence again arousing communal passions, as you clearly hope, should leave the country with their NGO buddies. I recommend fleeing to Canada before Canada wakes up to the looming danger and shuts its doors.

We Sri Lankans have had ENOUGH! Never Again!

Moshe Dyan said...


welcome back!!

ha ha nice comment. only part i disagree is jatika hela urumaya. it is NOT racist. hela was how SL was known. too bad it is close to sinhala.

now there is no threat and lets disable moderation. so that ppl can conversate. please????

Ananda-USA said...

Moshe Dayan said ..


welcome back!!]

Hello! Welcome back yourself; it is not me who has been MIA/AWOL skulking!

You may not have noticed :), but I have been very active here. No sweat at all!

[now there is no threat and lets disable moderation. so that ppl can conversate. please????]

Is "conversate" a real word?

How do you know there is " no threat"?

People have to first return to blogging as usual, before there can be a "conversation" to hinder, and we can evaluate the situation. Most blogging activity we see are by Fakes banging their heads against the wall of "moderation" .. and bloodying Fake heads is just the way we like it.

Let us wait and see how things pan out.

In the meantime ... BLOG ON!

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:

J. Muthu #246

[ the way your Sinhala terrorist behaving in my land. ]

You got it all wrong .. AGAIN. I see what your problem is now.

You see, it is NOT YOUR LAND, has NEVER BEEN .. it is OUR LAND ... that is, it belongs in common to All of Us Sri Lankans, not just Tamil people.

This is the DISEASE that you have to overcome in your own mind, my friend. If you don't ... you will be one very unhappy lost soul forever wailing the recent demise of APARTHIED in Sri Lanka.

[Yes, Mr Ananda you can preach any thing from US. Why you living in US, go and live in your country.]

Well, actually I am very fortunate to be able to do just that .. at least 3-4 months of every year, helping Sri Lanka grow! You see, I only inherited gray cells from my parents, and had to work for a living a part of my life in the US to learn the skills, and make money to be able to help others in SL as I am now doing. You should try it yourself .. very invigorating and fulfilling .. I assure you.

[Do not put Tamil parties and Jhu same pot. ]

You are quite right, JHU is so much better than the "Tamil" parties.

Have you noticed that only Tamil parties use the ethnic label "Tamil" in their party names: TULF, TNA, PLOTE ... the list goes on. Very communal don't you think? This is a disease .. that has now taken root in Canada too .. with the Canadian Tamil Congress!

[If you want to ban communal parties then you have to start from UNP and SLFP.]

Please explain why,; Now, Why should the UNP and the SLFP be called communal parties? Do they not have enough representatives from the Tamil and Muslim communities in their leadership, even greater than the proportion of those minorities in Sri Lanka as a whole?
On the other hand, how many Sinhalese are there in those "Tamil" parties? Answer: NOT ONE. Why is that?

Here is my suggestion, Tamil parties should eliminate the words "Tamil" and "Liberation" from their party names and become truly national parties with non-discriminatory platforms. If they work hard, maybe someday they will have Sinhala party leaders and Sinhala people voting them into power.

[Sinhala barbarism created LTTE. Not Tamils created LTTE. ]

Ah, yes! ; here is the "Sinhala Barbarism" argument .. it always boils down to that .. does it not? 1983 ... 1983 .. 1983! If you have been reading closely to what DBSJ has written at this blog, you will have come to the conclusion that when it came to barbarism Tamil Eelamists stand alone .. at the head of the class. In a paricularly horrific story DBSJ recounts how VP's enemy was beaten to pulp while caged in a gunny sack hanging from a tree.

Let me fondly ask:

1. How many innocent people were blown to bits in buses, in trains, in office buildings by the heroic victims of the Tamil Eelamists? ... thousands.

2. How many innocent Sinhala and Moslem villagers were chopped to pieces, and ethnically cleansed from entire villages by the Tamil Eelamists? ... thousands.

3. How many innocent Tamil intellectuals, administrators, teachers, and high-caste Tamils were shot, strung up from lamp posts by the Tamil Eelamists? .. thousands.

4. How many dissidents were tortured in the barbed-wire torture chambers of their Wanni gulag by the Tamil Eelamists? ... thousands.

5. How many captured Sinhala policement/soldiers were summarily executed after the fall of Mullaitivu to the LTTE? ... thousands.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:

......continued 1....
6. How many children were kidnapped by the Eelamists, trained for war and as walking suicide bombs by the Eelamists? .. thousands.

7. How many Buddhist priests were shot down in cold blood by LTTE terrorists .. hundreds.

8. How many high-caste Vellala people were chased out from Jaffna and their property confiscated by the Eelamists ... thousands.

9. How many soldiers, policemen and government officials .. Sinhala and Tamil .. were killed by Eelamist terrorists BEFORE THE 1983 RIOTS? ... hundreds.

10. For purely political purposes ... to orchestrate and create an international outcry that would allow them to escape the impending annihilation, the Tamil Eelamists drove the entire population of the Wanni in front of them towards their rear areas, hoping to use them as human shields and recruits for waging the war. That was not the first time they had engineered mass evacuations: They emptied Jaffna of its citizens into the Wanni earlier, and engineered the mass exodus of economic refugees from Sri Lanka to unsuspecting Western countries to create a captive tax base for themselves.

I can go on forever reciting the "truly barbaric" acts of the self-declared "absolutely innocent wailing victims" of the Tamil Eelamists.

However, let me move onto some incomprehensible things that the "babaric Sinhalese" have done, that saner but less compassionate people would say compromised their ability to bring the Eelam conflict to a quick conclusion:

1. Throughout the 30 year period of the Eelam conflict, FOOD was never used as a weapon of war by the "babaric Sinhalese". Instead, at all times they sent lorry loads of food to the North and East, knowing full well that the LTTE monopolized the bulk of that for their own military uses, while charging the people exorbitant sums for the food doled out to them.

Contrast this with William Tecumseh Sherman's march through Georgia from Atlanta to the Sea destroying all means of livelihood of Confederate supporters .. to "demolish the will of the enemy to make war" as Abraham Lincoln's behest. In WW II, denying food to Britain was the purpose of the submarine warfare of the highly civilized people of Germany, and the carpet bombing of factories, food processing plants, granaries and reservoirs by the Allied British and US airforces. That is how the West wages war .. but not the "barbaric Sinhalese". So much so, that dear old Bill Clinton mocked Sri Lanka once for its peculiar soft ways in feeding the enemy in the midst of a war. Barabaric Sinhalese, indeed!

2. Throughout the 30 year Eelam conflict, Tamils who could escape the clutches of the LTTE were allowed to come and settle in the non-Eelamist South by the "babaric Sinhalese".. creating local Tamil majorities in Colombo, Colpetty, Wellawatta, Dehiwala and elsewhere. The "babaric Sinhalese" evidently understood that if the Govt cannot assure their safety in the North and East, at least they have a duty to accommodate them as citizens in the safer South under Govt control.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:

......continued 2....

3. The "babaric Sinhala" Govt of Sri Lanka finally launched a humanitarian operation to rescue its Tamil citizens held captive by the LTTE. During that process, instead of allowing the Tamil residents living in the areas lost by the LTTE to remain in their homes and be assisted by the GOSL, they drove them like cattle ahead of them.The tin roofing, the electrical wiring, the furniture, everything of value was ripped out and transported into the rear, bank deposits were emptied, completely impoverishing their own people under the threat of guns.

Is this how the "true saviors" of a people act? To pile people into vast camps in open air while they themselves site weapons among the people and fire at the enemy? Who was really babaric, my friend? All of this to save the hides of a bunch of murderous criminals who had brainwashed a captive people and drove them mercilessly to their deaths? Rarely have such things been recorded in human history.

It was also the "babaric Sinhala" Govt and the vast sacrifices of the Patriotic Armed Forces of Sri Lanka that rescued these unfortunate people, from the Mullaitiv pocket at the end of the war, while the LTTE was cowering among the women and children holding them prisoner at gun point.

4. It is the "babaric Sinhala" Government that created vast encampments for over 300,000 rescued Tamil, captives, healed their wounds, fed them, protected them from former terrorists hiding in their midst, and gave them funds and essential materials to recreate their lives. It is the largely the "barabaric Sinhala" people who bore, and are bearing, the tax burden of this caring assistance to their own unfortunate citizens, even today.

As a student of world history and conflicts all over the world, I know not of one Government and people who helped war affected people in a liberated enemy territory in this way. Certainly not an abjectly poor third world country such as Sri Lanka.

"Babaric Sinhalese" ... MY BLOODY FOOT!

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:

......continued 3....

[Yes, we Tamils ready to live peacefully, not under Sinhala domination.We want to live in our land as a free people, not prisoners. We do not care living with Sinhalese but they have to respect our way of lives. Law must be equal for every one. Which is not possible in Srilanka?Please do not say Tamils living in south peacefully with Sinhalese. We know how they live… ]

Who says it is not possible for Tamils and Sinhalese to live amicably in Sri Lanka? We were living amicably, and in great friendship, before Tamil racists started to divide the country on the basis of ethnicity; to demand an apartheid Tamil only nation in Sri Lanka.

Which community ethnically cleansed another community in Sri Lanka .. was it the Sinhalese? No .. it was the Eelamist Tamils. On the other hand, if you want to live in a country populated only with Tamils, please relocate to Tamil Nadu with our choicest blessings .. but be prepared to cope with discrimination and inequity several orders of magnitude greater than anything you can imagine in Sri Lanka. They don't even recognize Sri Lankan Brahmins as true Brahmins .. Good Luck to you!

The most peculiar thing is that Eelamist Tamils refuse to accept equal citizenship in Sri Lanka as living among non-Tamils is so disgusting, unacceptable, to them. Yet, they flood into Western countries as bogus refugees in search of greener pastures, fully accepting that they will have to live among people with totally different cultural values as an insignificant minority. Does this tell us, that this "Tamilness" that is hoisted as a flag in Sri Lanka is for sale if the price is right .. and that the price is indeed right in any Western country offering a luctrative life? Shall we place a dollar value on that Tamil-Identity product that is clearly for sale?

Why did the Eelamists launch this struggle in Sri Lanka? Because as a numerical minority they could not, indeed would not, accept .. that someday the country would be controlled by the dominant majority. That is the way it is in ANY DEMOCRACY based on ONE-PERSON ONE-VOTE..

On the other hand, if communal considerations are excluded from public life, and merit alone becomes the criterion for government leadership, some day there very well could be a Tamil Obama as President of Sri Lanka. I know that Kadirgarmar could have a "Tamil Obama" who could have help realize that level of trust\ .. but he was a threat to the Eelamists and was killed.
Nevertheless, as a SMALL MINORITY in Sri Lanka, Tamils will never hold the dominant share of power in Sri Lanka ... that is the nature of a DEMOCRACY based on one-person one-vote.

Why then would Eelamist Tamils even dream that they would be able to engineer the breakup of Sri Lanka? We all know why .. it is the presence of 65 million Tamils across the Palk Strait, and the covert and overt assistance they hope to get from Tamil Nadu. It is that which makes them dream that impossible dream. Indeed, they would have a MUCH GREATER CHANCE of engineering the secession of Tamil Nadu from India .. because they are the majority community in Tamil Nadu. We now see renewed agitation in TN towards this end, led by the that incurable demagogue Vaiko.

But, in Sri Lanka .. that will NEVER SUCCEED.

Let me tell you, that as long as the flame of PATRIOTISM burns, and endures etched deep, within the hearts and minds of Mother Lanka's sons and daughters, that will NEVER HAPPEN. We WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.

We are committed to EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL RESPONSIBILITIES within ONE Indivisible Nation, as ONE Indivisible People, with ONE Indivisible Destiny. We will NEVER ACCEPT anything less.

Ananda-USA said...

Tiger cell in Canada organized MV Sun Sea smuggling operation; Tamil Tigers threatening other migrants


Canadian authorities separate suspected Tigers from migrants

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 01, Vancouver: Canadian police had separated over three dozen suspected Tamil Tigers from the 492 migrants arrived in Vancouver last month in a Thai cargo ship MV Sun Sea, a Cnews report said yesterday.

The separated migrants, suspected of being linked to the Tamil Tigers, are reportedly held in "segregation" at Fraser Regional Correctional Centre, in B.C., for questioning by police.

The police had said the suspects are being interviewed and the RCMP, CSIS and Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) are conducting extensive background checks on the suspects. The authorities are looking into possible involvement of the suspects in alien smuggling, belonging to the LTTE Tamil Tiger terrorist group, and taking part in crimes against humanity.

The suspects held in segregation include the captain of the MV Sun Sea, Kamalraj Kandasamy, aka "Captain Vinod," his 24-man crew and about a dozen other migrants arrived in the ship.

Police had said several men were moved to a segregation unit because they were "threatening or intimidating" other migrants, the report said.

According to police and intelligence officials Captain Vinod, a Tamil Tigers leader, was deputy to a captain who steered a sister ship, Ocean Lady, to Canada last October with 76 migrants on board. Police reportedly allege that a Tiger cell in Canada has organized the Sun Sea smuggling operation.

Meanwhile, a Globe and Mail investigative report yesterday said that Tamil asylum seekers are gathering in Thailand in preparation for another smuggling ship to make the journey to Canada.

Ananda-USA said...


All patriots are invited, and have been invited many times in the past by me, to continue their blogging at SLDF.

However, the current policy of reviewing all comments for compliance with the blog rules will remain in effect.

The blog rules are:

1. Do not use offensive vulgar language.

2. Do not promote anti-national agendas inimical to Sri Lanka.

These two rules do not, and will not, limit any reasonable patriotic bloggers. These are the rules of the road of this law-abiding Democratic blog.

When deciding on their participation at this blog, the bloggers should keep in mind that the complete freedom we had previously at the blog led to Anarchy and the promotion of Anti-National agendas that brought all of us who blogged here into disrepute.

Please note that we will not publish any additional posts on this issue.

Thank you for your interest and concern.

Ananda-USA said...

German prosecutors charge three men suspected of fundraising and buying weapons for the LTTE, media report

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 31, Colombo: German federal prosecutors has charged three men suspected of fundraising and buying weapons for the Sri Lankan separatist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, European media reported today.

According to an AFP report, one Sri Lankan Tamil V. S. Vijikanendra (35) and two German Tamils M. Sasitharan (33) and T. Koneswaran (39) have been charged with belonging to a banned "terrorist" organisation and breaking export law.

The prosecutors had said that the trio, arrested in March, had run the LTTE's German opeartions in the western city of Oberhausen and raised some three million Euros (3.8 million dollars) from Tamils in Germany between July 2007 and April 2009 for the LTTE to buy weapons and equipment.

There was no information on when the suspects would face trial. A court in Dusseldorf has to decide whether to try them.

Ananda-USA said...


Please direct your blog moderation policy comments to me at .

They will not be addressed here. Thanks.

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ananda-USA said...

Indian official continues tour in Sri Lanka's war-torn region

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 01, Colombo: Visiting Foreign Secretary of India Nirupama Rao continued her tour in the Northern and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka for a second day on Wednesday by traveling to Mullaitivu and Trincomalee.

Ms. Rao, who visited Vavuniya, Kilinochchi, and Jaffna Tuesday (August 31), has received a briefing from the Government Agent (GA) of Mullaitivu, N. Vethanayakam, on the status of efforts directed at resettling the displaced and rebuilding essential infrastructure in the region, a press statement issued by the Indian High commission in Colombo said.

The GA has informed her that the demining in the region is still a factor in the resettlement of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Foreign Secretary has met with a group of IDPs at the District Secretariat Office and distributed roofing sheets and agricultural toolkits among them.

She has reiterated India's concern for the welfare of the people of this region and said that India would continue to work with the Government of Sri Lanka to help resettle the people and rebuild their lives.

India has pledged to build 50,000 houses in Northern and Eastern provinces for the displaced.

Ms. Rao has assured that India would be using the local expertise and resources wherever available for the construction of the houses so that employment could be generated locally.

During her visit to Trincomalee today, Foreign Secretary Rao has met the Chief Minister of the Eastern Province, Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan at his office and had discussions on projects that receive India's assistance in the Province and others that were in the pipeline. Foreign Secretary also has invited the Chief Minister to visit India at his convenience.

She has also called on the Governor of the Eastern Province, Rear Admiral (Rtd) Mohan Wijewickrema, who briefed her on the development work undertaken in a number of sectors in the Province following the restoration of peace in mid-2007.

While in Trincomalee, Foreign Secretary has visited the Koneswaram Temple and handed over to the temple management the keys of a bus gifted to the temple by the Government of India.

On her return to Colombo, Foreign Secretary has called on President Mahinda Rajapaksa, at Temple Trees and apprised him of her visit to the Northern and Eastern provinces and the assistance projects being undertaken by India for the benefit of the IDPs, the statement said.

Ms. Rao has also met with leaders of major political parties, including UNP Leader and Leader of the Opposition, Ranil Wickremasinghe, as well as leaders of the Tamil National Alliance and the Ceylon Workers' Congress.

On Thursday, the last day of her visit Ms. Rao will be hosted for breakfast by the Minister of External Affairs of Sri Lanka, Prof. G.L. Peiris. She will hold further meetings with delegations of other political parties as well before departing for India later in the afternoon, the statement said.

Ananda-USA said...

Scale up of BTI Application, Dengue Prevention Education, and Enforcement of Prevention Laws must be pursued as a National Priority.

Dengue mosquito eradication with locally made BTI begins

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 01, Colombo: Sri Lanka Minister of Health Maithripala Sirisena today ceremoniously initiated the use of locally produced larvicide BTI bacteria to curb the dengue menace in suburbs of Colombo while First Lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa participated in a dengue eradication campaign in the Sri Lankan capital.

The bacteria were first used at the State Engineering Corporation workshop in Peliyagoda in the outskirts of Colombo city.

The Pesticides Registration Bureau has registered the locally manufactured BTI bacteria produced by Bio Power Lanka Company.

Bio Power Lanka that was contracted by the Industrial Technology Institute to produce the bacteria says it has stocked 10,000 liters. The company is licensed to produce the bacteria for five years.

Dengue epidemic has taken 206 lives so far this year while 28,733 have been affected by the mosquito-born disease in the island.

Ananda-USA said...

Every homeowner should do grow vegetables in Sri Lanka.

Most of the vegetables my family is eating this year were grown in my own garden and planted in early spring (albeit with N-P-K fertilizer): Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Shallots, Green Peppers, Beans, Squash, Spices (Cilantro, Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Basil, Bay leaves), Various Lemons, Oranges, Apricots, and Passion Fruit. Red and Green grapes too next year.

Tastes much better than store bought, but the fun is in the joy of harvesting as needed!

Sri Lanka President promotes organic farming

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 01, Hambanthota: Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa says the government has a clear vision to boost the organic farming in the country to provide the public with local foods free from artificial chemicals and the agricultural officials should encourage the farmers to adhere to organic farming.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the agricultural exhibition at Agricultural Technology Park, Bata-atha in Hambanthota this morning, the President said necessary funds will be disbursed to agricultural projects and urged the farmer community to take the maximum advantage of the country's soil and natural resources to create a self-sufficient economy.

The President said it is mandatory to attract youth to the agricultural sector and pointed out that due prestige should also be given to the farmer community and farmers should be promoted in the society.

The President renamed the Bata-atha Agricultural Technology Park as the Chamal Rajapaksa Agricultural Technology and Tourism Park in observance of the "Farmers' Week" under the theme 'Tharuna Govi Diriya � Isurubara Heta davasai' (Strength of young farmer brings in a prosperous tomorrow).

Using the newly installed video technology facility at the Agriculture Research Centre at Bata-atha, President Rajapaksa joined a video discussion with Peradeniya Agriculture Centre after opening the Agri Sales Centre, at Bata-atha.

A First Day Cover issued to mark the event was also presented to the President.

Speaker of Parliament Chamal Rajapaksa, Ministers Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, Mahinda Amaraweera, Chief Minister of Southern Province Shan Vijayalal de Silva, Deputy Minister Jagath Pushpakumara, MPs Namal Rajapaksa and V K Indika and officials of the Agriculture Ministry were present at the occasion.

Ananda-USA said...

Workers remittances of USD 1820 million dwarfs exports earnings of USD 697 million, and imports of $1114 million in the first half of 2010.

This underscores the significance of the efforts of millions of Sri Lankans working abroad, and the need to invest their remittances wisely in developing Sri Lanka, so they can return home someday to a prosperous country they helped to build.

Sri Lanka's trade deficit widens over 100 percent in first half of 2010

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 01, Colombo: Sri Lanka's expenditure on imports surpassed the earnings from exports widening the trade deficit by 108.6 percent in the first half of 2010 to US$ 2.844 billion, figures released today by Economic Research Department of Sri Lanka's Central Bank showed.

Cumulative export earnings over the first six months of 2010 grew only 13.7 percent while expenditure on imports rose by 42.1 percent, the External Sector Performance report released today for June 2010 showed.

Higher earnings from the industrial and agricultural exports contributed to a 23 percent growth in export earnings of US$ 697 million in June 2010 but expenditure in all major categories of imports also increased by 32 percent to US$ dollars 1.114 million.

Exports of apparel and rubber products to US and European markets increased the export earnings in June.

Earnings from textiles and garments exports increased by 24 percent to US$ 305 million in June and exports to the United States increased by 34 percent while 8 percent increase was recorded for the European Union.

The European Union withdrew its GSP+ tariff concession to Sri Lanka from August 15. The move is expected to reduce the export earnings from Europe in the months to come.

According to the Central Bank earnings from exports of rubber products increased by 110 percent to US$ 52 million while earnings from agricultural exports, especially in tea exports accounted for 24 percent of export earnings in June 2010.

The rise in crude oil prices has contributed significantly to the increase in expenditure of imports.

The reduction in import duties on motor vehicles and electronic items by the government has lifted the import volumes of these items contributing to the expenditure on consumer goods.

Workers' remittances grew by 13.54 percent in the first half of 2010 over the same period last year bringing in US$ 1.82 billion.

Ananda-USA said...

Reserves close to US $ 6 billion: More space for economic activities

By Charumini DE SILVA
September 1, 2010

Sri Lanka’s total foreign reserves are close to exceed the US $ 6 billion, Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal told Daily News Business.

Governor Nivard Cabraal

This is mainly due to factors such as favourable response from the foreign investors, increased remittances, increased export proceeds and tranches of the International Monetary Board (IMF) Stand-By-Agreement.

The foreign reserves of the country have recorded a 15 percent growth compared to the end of 2009, which was US $ 5.2 billion.

“There is a tremendous growth in foreign reserves during the first half of this year compared to the corresponding period of 2009. The lowest foreign reserves of US $ 1.2 billion were recorded in March last year,” he said.

Having a large amount of foreign reserves assures and provides confidence to the public that the banking regulator has the ability of repaying the loans, imports and on due time as well, Cabraal said.

The majority of the foreign remittances were from Sri Lankan migrant workers in the Middle-East, which accounts for 60 percent while 20 percent are from the European countries.

The remaining remittances were recorded from North America, Australia and Far East Asian countries.

The Central Bank expects foreign remittances will further expand by the end of this year.

He said the position of the foreign reserves is very strong.

“Putting all these aspects together we think that the monetary policy that has been put in place is a bit relaxed and the interest rates have been brought down. This will support investors and business with more space for economic activities.

The Governor said they are confident that the positive trends and factors will soon set the environment of the country’s foreign reserves to exceed the US$ six billion.

“This will ensure Sri Lanka the impetus and the momentum for the economy to grow and stabilize well,” the Governor said.

Ananda-USA said...

Konappu Bandara's Comment #286 at DBSJ's Blog.

Well said, brother!

I want to ask you, the members of the Sri Lankan diaspora wallowing in the bitterness of past conflicts, do you not feel the love all of us patriots have for our beloved Lanka? The ancient land steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty. The sacred land where our forefathers are buried and where our descendants will live forever. Land so ancient that every rock, every boulder, every river, and every mountain speaks to us and reminds us of our ancestors and touches our inner soul. This is something a foreigner cannot grasp or understand. I ask you, my dear fellows, if you have ever gotten this feeling when you were treading our sacred soil, to join us patriots of every ethnic background, good Lankan patriots all, to rebuild this country and take it to new heights, to make it a shining beacon of hope in Asia, so all of us can look back when we are drawing our last breath with pride and fondness upon what we have contributed to our beloved Lanka.


Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:

Gbsganesan #260

said the following regarding my advocacy of ONE Sri Lankan PEOPLE...

[Some rubbish ideas like ONE PEOPLE is the root cause of all evils, especially communal tension. There is no way the world will see one people. There are differences among people and it should be acknowledged and accepted. This is not just the nature of human beings but all living beings.

Tall talks such as “one people” won’t work. Every country by their constitution should accept being multi-cultured and appreciate it if not patronize.

USA is one nation. But they are multi-cultured. Their Constitution is Unique. They don’t call themselves as ONE PEOPLE; But as ONE Great Nation. That is the true Human Spirit.]

No one contests that the US is ONE NATION and is multicultural, but they are ONE PEOPLE through the Preamble to the US Constitution, and generally accepted interpretation of the US Constituition by the US Supreme court.

Your understanding of the constitutional organization of the United States is completely wrong.

Here are the details: The Preamble to the US Constitution states:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The accepted legal interpretation of the phrase "We the People of the United States" by the Supreme Court of the United States is the following:

"The phrase "People of the United States" has sometimes been understood to mean "citizens." This approach reasons that, if the political community speaking for itself in the Preamble ("We the People") includes only citizens, by negative implication it specifically excludes non-citizens in some fashion.[47] It has also been construed to mean something like "all under the sovereign jurisdiction and authority of the United States."[48] The phrase has been construed as affirming that the national government created by the Constitution derives its sovereignty from the people,[49] as well as confirming that the government under the Constitution was intended to govern and protect "the people" directly, as one society, instead of governing only the states as political units.[50] The Court has also understood this language to mean that the sovereignty of the government under the U.S. Constitution is superior to that of the States.[51] Stated in negative terms, the Preamble has been interpreted as meaning that the Constitution was not the act of sovereign and independent states.[52] In short, although in some ways the meaning and implications of the Preamble may be contested, at the least it can be said that the Preamble demonstrates that the federal government of the United States was not created as an agreement between or coalition of the states. Instead, it was the product of "the People" with the power to govern the People directly, unlike the government under the Articles of Confederation, which only governed the People indirectly through rules imposed on the states."

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:

From the above it is clear that the US derives its sovereignty not from its constituent states, but directly from "The People". Since it does not refer to the individual groups of people resident in the different states, but collectively to all of the people resident in all of the states, there is, in fact, only ONE PEOPLE, the People of the United States, the federal confederation composed of the collection of states notwithstanding.

It is in this very same sense that I used the term ONE PEOPLE in my previous post to refer to ALL of The People of Sri Lanka.

That ONE PEOPLE of Sri Lanka is certainly composed of people of various ethnicities with different cultural attributes as in the US, but belongs to ONE multicultural society .. the Sri Lankan Society, in the ONE NATION of Sri Lanka as they belong to one society the United States Society in the US.

Furthermore, if that ONE NATION and its ONE PEOPLE are governed by a ONE government, then they will share ONE NATIONAL DESTINY.

It is in this sense that I used the statement ONE NATION INDIVISIBLE, ONE PEOPLE INDIVISIBLE, ONE DESTINY INDIVISIBLE to describe the patriotic GOAL for Sri Lanka.

Quad Erat Demonstrandum.

Therefore, it is NOT RUBBISH as you termed it, but is founded on a firm foundation of knowledge of the constitutional law of several major democracies.

Perhaps, it is you who has several decades of intensive reading and learning to undertake. Shooting from the hip with little knowledge is always a bad idea!

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #316 at at DBSJs Blog

shankar #310 said ..

[Since you are such a fan of the US constitution, how about going the whole hog and adopting for srilanka its federal constitution.]

Did I say I am "such a fan of the US Constitution"? I was merely correcting the erroneous interpretation of a previous poster who ridiculed my espousal of ONE Sri Lankan People as RUBBISH by comparing Sri Lanka to the status of The People in the United States.

On the other hand, I am a fan of the US Constituition in so far as it is applied to the governance of a vast far-flung nation such as the United States. The federal form of government is a ponderous inefficient elephant that very small nations such as Sri Lanka need not adopt. In fact, a federal system .. such as the one in the US, and in India are rather weak forms of government when it comes to ensuring the stability and security of the nation in times of war. But, for such vast countries, there is no way around some level of decentralization.

But, for minute Sri Lanka, comparable in size to the State of West Virginia .. it is asinine to impose a multi-level federal form of government proliferating bureaucracy at many levels. Here is a small analogy. Small US companies are usually partnerships, limited liability companies, or sub-Chapter 'S' corporations to reduce the administrative and tax-filing burdens. They never adopt the ponderous highly-regulated C-corporation form. By adopting a steamlined they decrease their costs and increase their effectiveness.

In fact, the Provincial Councils of Sri Lanka are alsoconstitute too much government, placing barriers between the people of each region and the central government in the form of tax supported blood-sucking satrapies for political favorites. I favour eliminating the Provincial Councils altogether, and empowering the peoples representatives elected to parliament to serve those functions in a more streamlined way. What useful function do these elected representatives perform now? Nothing .. except to pontificate in parliament and rubber stamp executive decisions. Instead, let them DO SOME REAL WORK for their salaries.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #316 at at DBSJs Blog

........continued .........
By empowering the MPs by giving them an executive role in their constituencies , we would bring government closer to the people .. sweeping away layers of unnecessary tax supported bureaucracies now living off the sweat of the working people. That would be much finer-grained more-effective representation directly serving the people of each constituency. Let us have executive Committees in Parliament (and in Senate if one is recreated) to prepare consolidated proposals each year and present them to the President and his Cabinet for his review, modification, approval and implementation.

Yet another benefit of doing away with Provincial Councils is that it would eliminate large regional administrative units that could form the bases for separatist movements in the future .. like in the North and East. Of course, Tamil Eelamists would oppose such a proposal vociferously, for a weak central government that can be more easily undermined, destabilized, and overturned is what they want ... and dismantling of the PC system SPIKES that SEPARATIST plan right in the GUT.

[As you are aware the US had bloody civil war between north and south just like us. By adopting a federal constitution the way they did they healed the wounds of war]

On the contrary, my dear shankar, the federal system of government PRECEDED the bloody US civil war, and WAS NOT ADOPTED by the US as a remedy for separatist secession. In fact, the secession of the Confederate states from the Union was made easier as a result of the provisions of the federal form of government in the US. For example, each state was empowered under the Federal System to maintain its own militia. In fact, when the war began, the Southern States (which initiated the war by firing on Fort Sumter) were better equipped and more prepared than the Northern States to mobilize their state militias.

I might add here in passing, that altough India preaches to Sri Lanka as if their federal system is a model for Sri Lanka to adopt, NOTHING IS WORSE for Sri Lanka. You see, India has the same problem as the US .. it is too big to be governed by a single government at the center, so some form of a devolution of power is essential for India. On the other hand, it is a very weak form of government for confronting terrorist and secessionist movements. For example, the central government in India is not empowered to intervene within the States to control Naxalite/Maoist terrorism. It has to be INVITED to do so b y the state governments. If the state government, for whatever reason ... such as ideological alignment with the rebels, or reluctance to relinquish any power even temporarily to the center losing political influence with the electorate. , does not want to invite the Federal Government in, short of suspending the state government and taking over the entire state, the federal govt cannot act. Right now, we see this snafu in action all across India, especially in the broad band of States stretching across India from Maharashtra to its Northeast border that is affected by Maoist terror. They are STILL DEBATING who has the authority while India burns.

Given the Eelamist Separatism we have just eradicated with superhuman effort after a largely mismanaged battle stretching over 30 years, why do we want to compound Sri Lanka's misery by adopting a weaker federal form of Government for a nation that is far too small to require that ponderous apparatus? To serve the intersrests of the SEPARATISTS, all over again?LoL!

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #316 at at DBSJs Blog

........continued 2.........
[So however much we holler about one people it will never happen until the govi and vellala relinquish power to the Karawe and karaiyar, which will never happen according to our present political system.]

Who says so? It will happen ... and soon .. with the Sri Lanka's Patriotic People and its Courageous Government leading the way.

There is no way we will enable SEPARATISM and the rise of apartheid systems by DEVOLVING power to LARGE REGIONS on the basis of ETHNICITY, or ANY OTHER COMMUNAL ATTRIBUTES.

Instead, we will implement a program of NATIONAL INTEGRATION that will bring all people of all races, castes, religions, and languages together into ONE PEOPLE with the GOAL of achieving a uniform demographic distribution throughout the land to give our long suffering people the opportunity to live in safety and proper to their hearts content. It will not be business as usual in this land.

Those pusillanimous pundits who pontificated that the LTTE cannot be defeated by war and we should negotiate with mass murders happily committing mass murder, that Kilinochchi will be Sri Lanka Army's Stalingrad, that Sri Lanka's Economy will sink through the floor if we confront the West .. were ALL WRONG.

They will be wrong again in the coming years as this Resplendent Isle, Our Motherland, marches forward to its Day in the Sun, with belief in our ability to guide our own national destiny, with an iron-willed determination to treat all of our people with justice and fairness, whatever the nattering naysayers of yesteryear may say.

aqua said...

what do you think Ranil discusses during these frequent visits to TN?

TN politicians do not know ANYTHING about the ground situation of sri lanka and they just scream according to the tide to get their votes.

Ananda-USA said...

A Summary List of the Proposed Constitutional Amendments

The amendments

1. propose deletion of Clause 2 of article 31 which specifies term limits on Executive Presidency,

2. changes to the Constitutional Council,

3. changes to appointment of Commissions,

4. delegation of powers to Secretaries of Ministries to institute public service transfers, and

5. making mandatory for the holder of the office of the President to attend Parliament every three months.

Sri Lanka's left parties in ruling alliance still undecided on constitutional amendments

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 03, Colombo: The left parties in the ruling coalition of Sri Lankan government are still undecided regarding the proposed 18th amendment to the constitution.

The Socialist People's Front, a common front in the ruling coalition formed by the Sri Lanka Communist Party, Lanka Samasamaja Party, and the Democratic Left Front, has held several rounds of talks but with no agreement. The dialogue held yesterday also has ended without a conclusion.

The left parties are to meet again on September 06 to reach a final decision, says the government MP representing the Democratic Left Front and President's Adviser Vasudeva Nanayakkara.

The debate on the Draft Bill will be held on September 08th, the same day it is tabled in the parliament. The vote on the bill will be held following the debate.

Left parties earlier vowed not to support moves that strengthen the executive Presidency. However, no Left Front Minister registered protest to the constitutional amendments at the cabinet meeting when the draft proposals were unanimously approved.

The amendments propose deletion of clause 2 of article 31 which specifies term limits on Executive Presidency, changes to the Constitutional Council, changes to appointment of Commissions, delegation of powers to Secretaries of Ministries to institute public service transfers, and making mandatory for the holder of the office of the President to attend Parliament every three months.

The ruling alliance is confident of passing the Bill with a two-third majority in the 225-member parliament with at least 160 votes in favor.

KB said...

Ananda, dear chap, read all your comments on DBS Jayraj's site. Great job in debunking Eelam nonsense for the umpteenth time. We just have to keep doing it as long as those blackguards are at it.


Moshe Dyan said...

the grand chess master avoids defeat!!

why does he check the bottom of the pieces as if he has never seen chess pieces b4.

anyway in his game we didn't have to use our king, queen, bishops and rooks.

knights and pawns did to job.

LTTE's first move after pawns was it's bishops!!!! including kasippu joseph. duleep chikera, etc.

what a foolish move.

knights hid in foxholes. while queen was sleeping with a rook in bangkok!!!

migoyan gurevich (MiG) (27) move took the other rook (tamilchelva) while the kalishnikov strategy trapped the king to nanthikandal.

our knight nailed the LTTE queen in the jungle.

blake defence failed badly and then, check mate.

Ananda-USA said...



I just get incensed and motivated when the same people who perpetrated awful crimes in Sri Lanka, engaged in barefaced scams all over the world, hoodwinked and brainwashed everybody including their own, come again wailing as perpetual victims, to do it all over AGAIN.

Then, we have to remind them that although we MAY BE READY TO FORGIVE, we WILL NEVER FORGET!

Ananda-USA said...

Tamil leaders responsible to some extent - Devananda

By Chaminda PERERA
September 4, 2010

EPDP leader and Minister Douglas Devananda yesterday apologized for the killings of innocent Sinhala and Tamil civilians by the LTTE during the past 30 years. He said the Tamil politicians should be held responsible to some extent for the suffering and hardships faced by the Tamils in the North.

He said the Sinhala and Muslim people should extend their fullest cooperation to find a lasting solution to the problems faced by the Tamil people and achieve economic prosperity.

The Minister was giving evidence before the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission which met at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute, Colombo 7 yesterday.

The Minister opined that Tamil leaders including him should be responsible for the sufferings and untold hardships faced by the Tamil people in the North.

He was of the view that the 13th Amendment to the Constitution should be fully implemented as an initial measure to solve ethnic issues in the North and the East.

He added that the solution to the ethnic issue could easily be solved through the Indo-Lanka peace Accord signed between India and Sri Lanka in 1987.

Devananda said the Tamil people should not be responsible for erroneous action taken by the Tamil politicians. He said the people in the Northern province seek more freedom. Devananda added that the Tamil people wanted to breath fresh air.

He added that the Tamil people do not ask impossible things from the Government.

"We do not ask for the Sun or the Moon to solve this problem," he added. Minister Devananda said the devolution of power in the form of the 13th Amendment has been approved by Parliament. "We need not cook meals. The Government has the responsibility to serve what has already been cooked equally," he added. He said the Sinhala and Muslim communities should not take the Tamil problems into account through the LTTE's perspective.

The Minister said that his party and a number of other political parties warned the LTTE from the inception of the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord that evading the negotiation table would bring destruction to the interests of the Tamil people.

He said the LTTE did not believe in a political settlement to the Tamil people's problems and they evaded all measures taken by successive governments to arrive at an amicable settlement to the ethnic issues. He pointed out that the Tamil politicians can not put the blame on the LTTE alone. He said the Sri Lankan forces came under virtual arrest of the LTTE during the CFA period.

Ananda-USA said...


This is what I have been advocating ... a string of large and small Naval bases all around the entire coast of Sri Lanka within surveillance distance of each other.

Helicopter pads at the major bases, to supplement patrol/attack seacraft for rapid surveillance and interdiction by both air and sea.


Sri Lanka to set up military bases in strategic locations

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 03, Mullikulam: Sri Lankan military plans to establish military bases in strategically significant places to strengthen the national security further, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said Thursday.

Addressing the ceremony to declare open a the new North-Western Naval Command Headquarters in Mullikulum yesterday, the Defence Secretary said it is the responsibility of relevant authorities to take necessary measures to thwart any attempts to reintroduce terrorism in the country.

The Defence Secretary said the Tamil Tigers smuggled stockpile of arms and ammunition into the country using the sea route and therefore, it is important to maintain a proper marine surveillance around the country. The country's Navy has to bear the immense responsibility in protecting the shores, he said.

The North-western Naval Headquarters has been strategically shifted from Puttalam to Mullikulam to enable the Navy to more effectively safeguard the waters and land by conducting prompt and sustainable naval operations at sea, lagoons and on land in accordance with national policies, the Navy said.

The new command center is tasked with preventing the use of sea and land routes in the general area by unauthorized persons, protecting the coast line and fisheries, and controlling illegal fishing activities.

It is also responsible for prevention of illicit migration, smuggling, drug trafficking, poaching, deforestation, and sand mining, the Navy highlighted.

Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy Vice Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe, Army Commander Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya, and Air Force Commander Air Chief Marshal Roshan Goonethileke also participated in the occasion.

Ananda-USA said...

Fishermen may be "happy", but that's not the only issue: national boundaries must be enforced.

There is a maritime boundary between Sri Lanka and India, that defines both the "territorial/national" boundary between the two countries, and the "economic zones" that extend further. The economic zone can extend to 200 miles in clear ocean, whereas the territorial boundary extends to 12 miles from land. Where offshore islands exist, the "clear ocean" boundaries need to be further extended/modified.

Usually, in sea channels .. such as the Palk Strait .. that are sufficiently narrow .. the economic and territorial zones may need to be reduced to prevent their overlapping. Usually in such cases, the channel is divided down the middle and each half is assigned to the two countries on either side.

Fishing rights MUST BE SECONDARY to the issue of enforcing the territorial and economic borders of the two nations.

Fishermen happy with new proposal

By C. Jaishankar

The consensus reached at the recent negotiation between the fishermen of Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu to find a solution to problems over trans-border fishing has been widely acknowledged by the fishermen of Rameswaram.

As per the agreement, which needs to be ratified by the governments of India and Sri Lanka, the Rameswaram fishermen can engage in fishing till three nautical miles from Talaimannar-Mannar in Palk Bay.

The fishermen of Pudukottai, Thanjavur and Nagapattinam will be allowed to fish in three nautical mile [9 km] from the India- Sri Lanka maritime boundary line in Palk Straits. The fishermen of Tuticorin, Mandapam, Pamban and Kanyakumari can venture up to 5 nautical miles from the International Maritime Boundary Line in the Gulf of Mannar.

They will be allowed to fish on all Wednesdays and Saturdays except during the moratorium on fishing. As against the 70 trips per year demanded by the Tamil Nadu fishermen, they can carry out 68 trips. The duration of actual fishing hour is 12 hours between 4 pm to 4 am.

Double trawler nets should not be used at all. The practice of fishing by trawl net will not be allowed after a year from the date of enforcement of agreement.

Moshe Dyan said...

a SENIOR SL cricketer is under the ICC radar for allegedly meeting a dubious guy late in the night.

may be its a cooked up story. may be not.

may be it is MJ??? UT and DF are possible candidates too.

Moshe Dyan said...


the best long term solution to the NEVER ENDING fishing fights off SL's north-west coast is to destroy this fishing field!!!!

it is too much of a security risk and TOO LITTE benefit for SL fishermen in reality. it is the ONLY border dispute SL has!!!!

and the BEST meeting point of tamil madu buggers are 'tamil elam' buggers for POLITICAL MATING. or screwwing SL's security/boundary. very easily weapons can be passed on. i'm fcuking 100% sure it IS happening still.

this is a joke.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka opposition MPs threaten to join government if sacked from the party

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 05, Colombo: Sri Lanka's main opposition United National Party members who have said they would vote in favor of the constitutional amendments in parliament this week have warned that they would join the government if disciplinary action is taken against them.

The UNP has said the party would take disciplinary action against the party's MPs who vote with the government on the constitutional amendments, as the Working Committee had last week decided to remove any UNP MP who votes in favor of the constitutional amendments.

UNP parliamentarian Earl Gunasekara has told the local media that the decision by several UNP members to support the government by voting in favor of the constitutional amendments was part of the democracy within the party.

He has said that action should be taken against UNP deputy leader Karu Jayasuriya for joining the government during the war and later rejoining the UNP, if the party is to take disciplinary actions against the MPs who vote for the constitutional amendments.

Gunasekara has warned that the UNP members who have decided to vote with the government for the constitutional amendments will not hesitate to join the government if the UNP attempts to take against them.

Four UNP MPs, Abdul Cader, Earl Gunasekara, Lakshman Seneviratne, and Manusha Nanayakkara have said they would vote in favor of the constitutional amendments.

Ananda-USA said...

Note that this article on OPA's position does not mention increasing the Presidential term limits.

Proposed Constitutional changes not in the national interest, says OPA
September 05, 2010

The proposed amendments to the Sri Lanka Constitution are not in the national interest, and do not promote good governance, says the Organisation of Professional Associations (OPA). The organisation has called on the authorities to seriously consider the advisability of enacting such changes.

The OPA maintains that the amendments, if enacted, would reverse provisions in the 17th Amendment for depoliticising the public service and key government institutions. These amendments would contravene the principles of Constitutional reform, the OPA says. The OPA Executive Council formulated the resolution on June 17, 2010, and the resolution has been forwarded to President Mahinda Rajapaksa and political party leaders.

According to the OPA resolution, the Constitution must ensure a clear separation of powers between the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary, and maintain the complete independence of the Judiciary. The Executive should be answerable to the Parliament and the Judiciary. The Constitution must also provide for a process of meaningful devolution under a unitary state, the OPA says.

Also, the independence of the media should be ensured, the resolution says.

Ananda-USA said...

Majority support certain for Constitutional Amendments

September 05, 2010

Over 164 MPs including 10 from the UNP, will support the Constitutional Amendments to be presented in Parliament this week, informed sources said.

Four UNP MPs namely Lakshman Seneviratne, Earl Gunasekera, Manusha Nanayakkara and Abdul Cader announced last week that they would support the Constitutional Amendments.

Political analysts believe that Puttalam District UNP MP Ranga Bandara, Kandy District UNP MP M. Haleem and Nuwara Eliya UNP MP Sri Ranga will also announce their support to the Government’s Constitutional Amendments. Eight Sri Lanka Muslim Congress MPs including its leader Rauff Hakeem last week announced their support for the proposed Constitutional Amendments. Prabha Ganeshan and P. Digambaran also joined the Government ranks recently. The Government is in a stable position to muster the support of a total of 158 MPs which is over and above the required two-third necessary to give effect to the proposed Constitutional Amendments.

Another group of UNP MPs from Puttalam, Galle, Gampaha and Kandy district are expected to announce their support to the Government.

Meanwhile JVP leader Somawansa Amarasinghe and General Secretary Tilvin Silva severely criticised the lethargy on the part of the UNP and its leader Ranil Wickremesinghe towards the proposed Constitutional reforms.

Ananda-USA said...

Ranil now wants to "cooperate" with the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA on the "Tamil political problem"!

This man, who very nearly handed over Sri Lanka bound hand and foot to the Eelamists, should be tarred & feathered and put out to pasture by the patriots in the UNP.

If not, the UNP will be labelled as anti-national and wither away under Ranil.

Sri Lanka's Opposition Leader ready to cooperate to find political solution, media reports

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 04, Colombo: Sri Lanka's Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe has said that the main opposition United National Party (UNP) will cooperate with all stakeholders in the efforts to find a political solution to the Tamils issue, the Indian media reported.

"We are for a solution� We will cooperate with the TNA (Tamil National Alliance), the (Sri Lankan) government and the Indian government," the Indian daily The Hindu quoting Wickremasinghe said.

Wickremasinghe has stressed the need for involving parliament members belonging to the major Tamil party TNA to decide the timing of the provincial election in the North.

"All MPs must be involved. Let them decide what is an appropriate time for the elections," he has said.

He has emphasized the need for the TNA to be realistic about the changed situation and be prepared to make some compromises.

"(The) TNA has to be very specific and put down on paper what exactly we need taking into account the current situation. The whole environment has changed," he has said.

Wickremasinghe has reportedly underlined the importance of all Sri Lankans being treated as equals to ensure lasting peace.

Ananda-USA said...

Surprise, SURPRISE!

100 Tigers on board MV Sun Sea!

Nearly 100 Tigers on board MV Sun Sea
September 05, 2010

The Canadian authorities have identified nearly 100 LTTE members among the 492 illegal immigrants who arrived on board the MV Sun Sea, informed sources said.

The report which could not be verified by the officials here said the investigations on the illegal immigrants have indicated that nearly 100 people on board had links to the terror organisation.

Meanwhile, the Toronto Sun reported more than three dozen Tamil migrants, who arrived on board the ship, have been segregated from the others by the police for questioning. The Police suspect they may have links to the Tamil Tigers (LTTE), or other inadmissible groups, including war criminals.

Those held in "segregation" at Fraser Regional Correctional Centre, in B.C., include the skipper of the MV Sun Sea, Kamalraj Kandasamy, a.k.a "Captain Vinod," his 24-man crew and about a dozen migrants who arrived on August 13 off the coast of British Columbia, after a 90 day trip from Thailand. A total of 492 men, women and children were on board the ship.

Police said the suspects are being interviewed and undergoing extensive background checks by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, CSIS and Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) on suspicion of alien smuggling, being members of the Tamil Tigers terrorist group, a Sri Lankan paramilitary group or for taking part in crimes against humanity, the paper reported.

Ananda-USA said...

Maid and nails: Tortured explanation

September 05, 2010

This refers to the report, “Maid’s nailing charges are refuted by Saudis (Sept. 1).

Saudi officials’ statements challenging the charges leveled by a Sri Lankan maid against her “sponsor” have stunned all the expatriates in the Kingdom, especially those from Sri Lanka.

They are trying to save the wrongdoer (the 60-year-old sponsor) instead of taking or urging appropriate legal action against him for a most heinous and beastly crime committed against a 49-year-old helpless poor woman. This would have served as a deterrent to other sponsors. Well, Saudi officials instead have washed their hands off this case, arguing how could an old man of 60 years, with heart complications, have done acts such as driving nails into a human body on several occasions. They ask how the maid L.T. Ariyawathi could have traveled undetected by security officials both at Saudi and Sri Lankan airports. But the questions beg:

1. Who said a determined 60-year-old man is not in a position to commit such acts? Let a medical panel decide it. How come suddenly everybody speaks of his frail health?

2. A renowned surgeon assisted by a team of other doctors and nurses performed the surgery on the maid and they removed not one but 23 burned nails. Do you think any doctor would risk his professional reputation by lying just to please a patient or her relatives?

3. The human body screeners at the airports the world over are known for dereliction of their duties, or incompetence. This is how terrorists and suicide bombers sometimes manage to cross these barriers safely. So what if the nails in the Sri Lankan woman’s body were not detected by the screening facilities at the two airports?

4. The contention that the maid acknowledged in writing having received her salary and that she did not experience any problems with her sponsor does not mean anything, because all expats know very well that you can’t leave the country except with the permission of your sponsor. Here was a helpless woman who was desperate to leave Saudi Arabia — to escape further torture.

Ananda-USA said...

INTERVIEW: Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the United States, Jaliya Wickremasurya
Unique opportunities to bloom

By Dhaneshi YATAWARA
September 05, 2010

The change in Sri Lanka made the USA to change, said Sri Lankan Ambassador to USA Jaliya Wickramasuriya in an interview with the Sunday Observer during a brief visit to Sri Lanka. Ambassador Wickramasuriya spoke of the hard work Sri Lankans in USA did to save the good name of their motherland.

Excerpts from the interview:

Q: The SL Government is making every effort to eradicate shadow LTTE movements existing internationally. In this backdrop what is the situation in USA?

A: During the last two years we had a lot of pressure from human rights groups and pro LTTE diaspora. Right now there is comparatively nothing. The changes that took place in Sri Lanka changed the mindset of the people in USA as well, especially at decision making levels. Even the image of a Sri Lankan politician changed with what President Mahinda Rajapaksa initiated - not only to eradicate terrorism but in all his efforts to develop the country socially, economically and culturally. But still there are a few groups trying to create problems. According to our statistics, the pro LTTE diaspora who live among Sri Lankan Tamils in USA is less than 2500. The total number of Sri Lankan expatriates in USA is around 250,000. . As the numbers grow less, the pro LTTE diaspora want to amplify their voice in order to maintain their false image. According to information gathered each person fabricates and sends hundreds of e-mails under different names to different groups of people. It is this small number who makes our lives as well as their own lives miserable. Earlier we knew that normal Tamil people were blocked by pro LTTErs preventing them reaching us. Some used to get letters of extortion. But today, any Sri Lankan, irrespective of ethnicity can easily reach us, discuss and solve whatever the problems they face.

Q: So Sri Lankans are living more peacefully with each other?

A: I work very closely with the Tamil diaspora. I meet these different groups in the cities they live, in my outreach program. I always tell them that this is the time to forget differences and unite as Sri Lankans. Actually the normal Tamil diaspora was very supportive of the Government efforts to end terrorism. But it was the extremists who were creating the problems and blocked the other Tamils reaching us.

Q: As a person with long experience in the social, economical and political areas, especially of the USA, how would you explain the present responsibility of foreign missions?

A: Today as Ambassadors, it is our duty to work more progressively in an accelerated pace. We have to work more aggressively to counter pro-LTTE attempts in foreign countries. If ambassadors can get together they can do wonders. I have an excellent team in the embassy. I stress that we need to work as a team. When the war was on security forces personnel had no sleep. Today it is our turn. So we must not relax. Our service to the diaspora is 24x7. I have been living in the USA, and to me, the embassy was the place from which I couldreach my home. It is the same for every Sri Lankan living in USA. The foreign missions must not forget why we are there. We go to those countries because Sri Lankans live there.

Ananda-USA said...

INTERVIEW: Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the United States, Jaliya Wickremasurya

......continued 1.......
Q: Sri Lankan embassies definitely need a strong back-up from the respective Governments. How did you sort this out?

A: We have to be thankful to the US Government for their back up. USA was the first western country to ban the LTTE. The Department of Defence is always against terrorism. Even before the September 11 terror attack on USA they imposed a lot of restrictions on terrorist groups and on their activities inside the USA. The FBI named the LTTE as one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations in the world. To be active amidst these tight restrictions the LTTE formed the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) as a cover-up for their clandestine work. The FBI found that the TRO was funding the LTTE and as a result the USA took action to end its activities. Other pro LTTE organizations that were registered faced the same fate with the strong control of the FBI. For the Last so many years the USA was behind such organizations. Many LTTE cadres, supporters connected to money laundering, arms smuggling, illegal arms deals were arrested. The Sri Lankan Embassy works very closely with the US Defence Department as well as US and Sri Lankan Intelligence, continuously.

Q: Are you satisfied with your success in your posting in Washington?

A: I’m extremely happy. After my posting in Washington, I had to put a lot of effort as there was so much of pressure on Sri Lanka from the world. It’s interesting to note that because of the pressure I managed to meet seventy congressmen and about 40 senators, making them aware of the true picture of the country. The pro LTTE diaspora who were US citizens, were also addressing these congressmen and senators. With priority naturally going to the citizens somehow I managed to create a truly positive understanding. One of the results was getting a very balanced report from the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee. It was a crucial point in the policy change of the US Government. Lead by Senator John F.Kerry and Senator Richard Lugar, representatives came to Sri Lanka to carry out ground work. They named the people they wanted to meet and we fully supported their request. These two senators went all over the country and met a wide variety of people.

Q: Most of the allegations levelled against Sri Lanka regarding human rights violations have not been substantiated. Please comment?

A: With the end of the war there was nonews published on war and related incidents. Yet we come across reports by different human rights organizations mainly relating to events of the past which are erroneous. We make sure th at we correct such reports with true statistics without delay.

Ananda-USA said...

INTERVIEW: Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the United States, Jaliya Wickremasurya

......continued 2.......
Q: Re Sri Lanka, what are the main concerns of the USA Government?

A: We are more closely associating with the US Ministries of Trade and Commerce. And also the State Department and Defence Department. They believe that through economic development we can come out of the many problems faced. The US Trade Department supports us in promoting US investments in Sri Lanka. Their main concern now is reconciliation. Earlier it was the settling of IDPs. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton congratulated Sri Lanka on resettling 90 percent of the people within one year, during the special meeting with Sri Lankan External Affairs Minister Professor G.L. Peiris. The world average of resettling displaced people due to natural disasters, is 20 years. Our problem is more complicated. Clinton said commenting on the Commission on Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation that it is a promising opportunity to move forward. “Experience in other countries has shown that such a commission that has the credibility within the country has a valuable role in advancing accountability,” she said. We have a very cordial relationship with the State Department. Having Robert Blake as the Assistant Secretary of State is a great advantage for Sri Lanka. He is a person with a sound knowledge on Sri Lanka with his experience as former US Ambassador to Sri Lanka.

Q: How about promoting tourism?

A: Our job was on the political front. Now is a good time for tourism and investor promotion. Focusing on this we facilitated a group of professionals on a tour to Sri Lanka - ‘A signature tour with the Ambassador’. They are travel writers, senior attorneys, location scouts in cinema industry etc. They are ready to help us technically as well as to build our contact network. Without contacts and marketing we can’t do anything. Within three months I organized this group’s visit. There was a lot of groundwork done since my posting in Washington as Ambassador. They are travel ambassadors. They can convince groups of people in their network to bring down more tourists to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is situated on the other side of the world for Americans. However, they do visit the Maldives, Thailand, India. US tourists spend much more money compared to tourists from Europe. Most of the Americans interested in travelling are retired elderly or middle aged people or professionals earning huge salaries. I have educational programs at the embassy and my residence to promote Sri Lanka to them. I always say “I can only show you 1 percent of Sri Lanka with the presentations I make. To get the true picture it is important to visit the island. Through direct communication today we have over 600 USA citizens willing to visit Sri Lanka. We are going to continue this and next year I will bring 250 tourists from America.

Q: Who is more concerned of the new situation in Sri Lanka. Is it the political or the business community?

A: Both are equally interested in helping Sri Lanka. What we have decided is that we will forget the extremists and go with the moderates. The US Trade Department promotes Sri Lanka under the theme. ‘Make Sri Lanka your next business stop’. They have organized a special conference to be held in Colombo from October 12 - 14. This conference provides an excellent opportunity to the US businessmen to discuss investment opportunities with senior government officials and investment partners of Sri Lanka. They have scheduled a tour to Jaffna as well.

Ananda-USA said...

INTERVIEW: Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the United States, Jaliya Wickremasurya

......continued 3.......
Q: The present Tamil Diaspora is the second or the third generation who are clueless about the history of our country. As Ambassador don’t you think you have a responsibility in bridging this gap?

A: The most important is bringing the diaspora together. My priority is to get help from the diaspora and build up enthusiasm for visiting Sri Lanka. In fact during the last year I have sent nearly 200 Tamil people who have never been to Sri Lanka during their entire life or for the past twenty years. Actually they contacted us, and we made arrangements for them to visit Sri Lanka. We were so delighted to receive their response expressing their joy after the visit.

Q: The present generation of the Tamil diaspora see and hear what is being published in the international media or on the web. This distances them further from Sri Lanka. How are we going to address this problem?

A: The number one solution is basically the duty of parents. Parents should try their best to keep children within their cultural values even when in a foreign country. At the embassy we very closely work with young Sri Lankans. We do a lot of activities centred around youth. Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim youth groups interact with each other at every activity. These young boys and girls are very enthusiastic to be in touch with their brethren. It is very encouraging for us as well. We need to get them together and we must educate them inculcating the habit of living in harmony. If everything goes well, I hope we will be able to organize a Sri Lankan tour for these youth groups. We have a complete database of the youth and we regularly interact with them by e-mailing newsletters. Every week there is some sort of an event for youth.

Q: How is the response?

A: Excellent. The youth groups are actively involved in compiling databases on all Sri Lankans living in USA based on their professions. It is easy to make them work together. I have appointed one of my officers at the embassy to bring these groups together. It is important to strengthen the unity among the Sri Lankan expatriates and when more places are available for them to get-together the more they feel close to their motherland. If not for the great support of the diaspora our mission would not have been successful.

Q: Media plays a big role in showcasing a country’s image. Shouldn’t we have a strong media network in the USA to project the true picture of the country?

A: USA tourists are happy to be in Sri Lanka. So tourists indirectly play a role in spreading the good news about Sri Lanka in their respective communities. The New York Times carried an article in January this year stating that Sri Lanka is the number one country to visit. I work very closely with certain media personnel. But their is another set of media personnel who will grab a negative point.

As the war ended US media did not write much on Sri Lanka as there weren’t many ‘exploding’ stories. Communication is good with main newspapers the Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Times, Chicago Tribune and Boston Globe.

The US media is publishing more positive stories about Sri Lanka compared to earlier.

Ananda-USA said...

Raj Rajaratnam case - allowed to proceed
September 05, 2010

A Federal Judge in New Jersey last week allowed to proceed a lawsuit accusing the Wall Street hedge fund billionaire Raj Rajaratnam and his father of using a charitable front in the US to funnel millions of dollars to the LTTE, the New Jersey Law journal reported.

According to the report, the suit concerns the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), a non-profit organisation the US Treasury Department shut down in 2007 for funding the LTTE. The group has been classified as a foreign terrorist organisation in the US since 1997 and as an especially designated global terrorist organisation since 2001. The suit was filed by more than two dozen Sri Lankans who claim to have got injured or lost family members in five bombings carried out by the Tigers in Sri Lanka in late 2007 and early 2008.

They alleged that Rajakumara (Raj) Rajaratnam, of New York City, and his father, Jesuthasan Rajaratnam, of New Jersey, both U.S. citizens, gave millions of dollars directly to TRO and also through the Rajaratnam Family Foundation, a tax-exempt charity incorporated in Maryland in 2001.

Their money and money donated by others allegedly wound up in the hands of TRO-Sri Lanka, a sister organisation that provided financial support to the Tigers.

In addition, after the tsunami of December 26, 2004, Rajaratnam started another charity, Tsunami Relief Inc., which gave $2 million to TRO-Sri Lanka, the complaint says.

The plaintiffs describe the Rajaratnams as "members of the global Tamil expatriate community who knowingly and purposefully helped fund Tigers' terror campaign and spread their propaganda."

In 2007, the U.S. Department of State identified TRO in the U.S. as one of the biggest sources of overseas donations to the Tigers and the Rajaratnam Family as the largest private donor from the United States, the report said quoting the Complaint.

Federal prosecutors and the FBI criminally charged Rajaratnam and five others in October 2009 in a case they described as the biggest hedge fund insider trading case ever and Rajaratnam is presently under indictment. He has been released on bail but not allowed to travel.

Courtesy : Sunday Observer

Anonymous said...

Removal of the Term limit
2. The Executive Presidency in Sri Lanka is one of the most powerful Presidencies in the world. There are a very few safeguards. The President has total immunity from suit and this extends even to executive action. Not even a fundamental rights application can be filed and maintained against the President. Impeachment is virtually impossible as the events of 1990 show. If a Parliament ran its full course of six years, the next Parliament could be dissolved by the President even one day after the new Parliament meets. If the earlier Parliament had been dissolved by the President, the new Parliament cannot be dissolved during its first year.

3. It is pertinent to remind ourselves of what Madam Srimavo Bandaranaike, a former Prime Minister, stated in the National State Assembly when the Executive Presidency was first introduced by way of an amendment to the 1972 Constitution. She stated:

“The effect of this amendment is to place the President above the National State Assembly. Above the law and above the courts, thereby creating a concentration of State power in one person, whoever he might be. This has happened in other countries before, and history is full of examples of the disastrous consequences that came upon such nations that changed their Constitutions by giving one man too much power.… We oppose this Bill firmly and unequivocally. It will set our country on the road to dictatorship and there will be no turning back. This Bill will mark the end of democracy in Sri Lanka, as the late Mr. Dudley Senanayake realized when these same ideas were put to him in the United National Party.” (NSA Debates, 04.10.1977, Vol. 23, No. 10, Columns 1293 to 1314).

4. It is significant that in no country with a parliamentary form of government is there a term limit on a person holding the office of Prime Minister. This is because he is counter balanced by the presence of the Opposition in the chamber of Parliament. Further, the Prime Minister loses his position if he does not have the support of a majority in Parliament.

5. On the contrary, term limits are found only in countries with an Executive President. Term limits are an important instrument of democratization in electoral-authoritarian countries. Not only do term limits constrain the powers of leaders but they promote changes in government and changes of the political parties in power. E.g; Croatia in 2000 and Kenya in 2002.

6. Term limits provide an important check on the concentration of power; they strengthen democracy and ensure long-term stability. The longer a chief executive holds power, the more the delineation between the state and the ruling party becomes blurred.

7. More terms erode the balance of power between government authorities and weaken the authority of legislatures, judiciaries, electoral authorities, other political parties, thus leading to authoritarianism.

8. In the absence of term limits, an incumbent may govern for too long and other aspirants may grow impatient. Term limits assure such aspirants that they would also have a chance of winning office. Thus, term limits reduce the stakes of politics, and may prevent alternate candidates from resorting to unconstitutional action or “intra-party or palace coups”. Term limits are one method of strengthening democracy.

9. Term limits also promote a party-based, as opposed to personality-based, vision of democracy. Term limits assume that, ultimately, no one individual, no matter how competent and exalted, has a monopoly on the skills needed to govern.


Sunil Koswatta said...

Groundviews rag has taken an exceptional interest in Dhanapala's comments to LLRC. The following is a reply from Shamindra Ferdinando.

Int’l laws shouldn’t apply to conflicts between States and terrorists
Dhanapala’s denial and The Island
September 5, 2010, 12:00 pm
by Shamindra Ferdinando

Apropos The Island lead story headlined ‘Ex-UN Under Secretary General tells LLRC: Intl. laws shouldn’t apply to conflicts between States and terrorist groups’ in its August 26 issue, Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala has said he was ‘surprised and disappointed by the many distortions of his representation appearing in the Sri Lanka media and the commentaries based on these erroneous and selective reporting’.

Dhanapala, in a statement to a website called ‘groundviews’ on August 30, four days after The Island report on his presentation at the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission headed by former Attorney General C. R. de Silva, promised to release the full text of the LLRC transcript as soon as it was received. The following day, the website posted the full text of the LLRC transcript alleging that the official transcript had not mentioned what Shamindra Ferdinando, the Presidential Media Unit or the Defence Ministry in particular attributed to Ambassador Dhanapala in their respective news reports. The editor of the website claimed that he had read through the transcript.


Sunil Koswatta said...


This writer asked the LLRC on Friday (Sept. 3) whether Ambassador Dhanapala had complained to it about what he called erroneous and selective reporting but the commission replied in the negative. Secretary to the LLRC S. M. Samarakoon, too, said that he had released full text of the LLRC transcript to Ambassador Dhanapala following a request.

As Ambassador Dhanapala had not so far contradicted our news item, we yesterday morning asked him whether he would like to issue a clarification or correction. While declining to issue a statement, Ambassador Dhanapala said that The Island could carry the full text of the LLRC transcript. But when pointed out the difficulty in publishing the full text of 10,100 words, Ambassador agreed to the publication of the relevant sections, which had led to controversy.

Ambassador Dhanapala told The Island: "You have interpreted what I have said. Produce the relevant sections and let readers decide."

‘Groundviews’ website went to the extent of declaring that the media had failed due to erroneous and selective reporting. Interestingly, the website conveniently ignored the fact that a section of the media totally ignored Ambassador Dhanapala’s submission to the LLRC and The Island was the only newspaper to report it with emphasis on the need to review International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

In the wake of an attempt by a section of the international community to undermine Sri Lanka on the basis of alleged war crimes committed by Sri Lanka during the final phase of the war against the LTTE, nothing could have been as important as Ambassador Dhanapala’s statement.

The Island categorically states that its report at issue was based on Dhanapala’s submissions and there was no distortion, a fact that our readers will see if they read the the relevant sections of the LLRC transcript published on page 12 today.

Ananda-USA said...

My Commentsubmitted to DBSJ's Blog

ATL #335, #340

Clearly the subtlety of sarcasm is lost on you; so let me resort to your blunt instrument.

[He manipulates events and facts to suit his predetermined concepts……… I think some of us are wasting time and energy.]

Your criticisms above are just non-specific and broad-based; why don't you identify just where I manipulated events and facts and how they are incorrect? Concepts pre-determined in what way? If the concepts are fashioned to fit the evidence well, is that not better than concepts that ignore the facts and events in their totality? It not the congruence between facts, events and concepts an indicator that the concepts may be valid? As you acknowledge, at least I present facts, events and concepts; you did not.

Why don't you present your own in a learned and erudite post, bereft of such manipulations with total recall, so we can discuss them at length? What you should NOT do, is to cast aspersions on a blogger, without refuting his arguments. Wailing that it is a waste of time and energy to comment is just a bare-faced cop out!

The con artists of the Tamil Eelamists are the one who used half truths and outright lies, every scam in the book, to demonize Sri Lankans, hoodwink the unwary world to cast themselves as wailing victims of discrimination while they engaged in wholesale murder and crimes of every sort in Sri Lanka. For example, they yell 1983! every time to demonize the Sinhala people, blithely ignoring the violent attacks and murders on govt officials and Sinhala people in the preceding 4 years that finally boiled over in the 1983 riot. Far less provocation would be needed in other countries, such as in India (e.g., the tit-for-tat killings in Gujerat between Hindus and Moslems). to precipitate such events. The purpose of that program of violence by the Tamil Eelamists was to incite and precipitate such an event, throwing their own people to the wolves, so they could cry "genocide" to the whole world! Yet, in the ensuing 27 years, while they murdered over 100,000 people in Sri Lanka, there were NO COMMUNAL RIOTS; a record of REMARKABLE restraint by the Sinhala people unmatched by any other country so affected. The Sinhala people REFUSED to let the Eelamists egg them on. This is just ONE EXAMPLE of the SELECTIVE MANIPULATION of facts and events that the Eelamists have practiced. So PLEASE don't get on a high horse and accuse other who are refuting those activities of Eelamist sympathizers at this blog.

We, the patriots of Sri Lanka, will not allow Tamil Eelamists to broadcast lies and untruth on the world stage without being corrected and opposed. We intend to be right beside them everywhere to refute their statements and expose their nakedness. Never again will they be allowed free reign to cast themselves as victims and hide their true nature as murderous wolves preying on the sheep of a gullible world.

Ananda-USA said...

My Commentsubmitted to DBSJ's Blog

[You should strongly consider migrating to Canada and get free medical attention! During your stay you can learn more about the minority rights]

Nah, I'll pass on that. Canada is a country that is totally unable to enforce its own immigration laws while scam artists bring shiploads of terrorists under the guise of "refugees" most of whom return to the country they fled within a year to collect their remaining valuables and have a cheap vacation! But, there is hope for Canada yet .. the Govt and law-abiding people of Canada are now waking up to the fact that they are being duped by these con artists, just as other countries like Australia, New Zealand, Germany etc have woken up and are shutting the doors in their faces.

You can fool some people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time!

The real victims of the Eelamists, are the People of Sri Lanka, and the many decent, honest, and respectable Tamils in the Diaspora, our friends, who have nothing to do with these Eelamist criminals, but yet are lumped together and unfairly tainted by their antics.

Those decent Tamil people should stand up, in their hundreds of thousands, and reject the claim of these criminal Eelamists to be their SOLE REPRESENTATIVES. They should recover control of their community, and recoup their tarnished image and standing in the world. If they do not act, they will be condemned to be painted with the same brush as the Eelamists, and viewed with suspicion all over the world. It is their choice.

Ananda-USA said...

Breakaway Marxist party says Sri Lanka's constitutional amendments are a way forward for the country

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 06, Colombo: A constituent partner of Sri Lanka's ruling alliance, the National Freedom Front (NFF) today (6) announced its support to the government's constitutional amendments and that the proposed amendments are a step to take the country forward.

NFF Leader and Minister Wimal Weerawansa told a press briefing at the party headquarters today that while the constitutional amendments are to be carried out in three stages one needed to look at the whole process before criticizing it.

Weerawansa has said the next stage is to form an Executive Prime Ministerial post that would be answerable to parliament.

Referring to the controversy surrounding the extension of the number of terms of office held by an Executive President, Weerawansa said the number of terms of office held by an Executive President depended on the voters.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka nationalist party to support constitutional amendments

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 06, Colombo: Sri Lanka's Sinhala nationalist Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) Monday officially announced the party's decision to support the constitutional amendments proposed by the government.

JHU Secretary and Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka told a press conference today that the party would vote in favor of the constitutional amendments in parliament this week.

Meanwhile, the JHU also called for the appointments to the independent commissions like Bribery, Elections, and Judicial Services under the proposed 18th amendment to be void of politics and be independent.

Sri Lankan parliament will vote on the proposed amendments to the Constitution on Wednesday (08).

Ananda-USA said...

Gen. Vijay Kumar Singh's appeal should be balanced by a call to the Eelamist Diaspora for "Largehearted-ness" and to CEASE & DESIST from pursuing their Eelamist agenda to partition Sri Lanka, and to DEMONIZE the Sri Lankan people.

How does he feel about the Separatists of Kashmir?

Be largehearted, Indian army chief to Sinhalese

P K Balachandran
September 06, 2010

COLOMBO: The visiting Indian army chief General Vijay Kumar Singh has asked the Sinhalese, the majority community in Sri Lanka, to be largehearted towards the minority Tamils and help them quickly re-build their war-shattered lives.

In an interview to The Sunday Island, Gen Singh said, “All Sri Lankans should move on by burying the bitterness and antagonism that existed all these years because of the civil war.” The Indian General said that during his five-day tour, he would not only strengthen bilateral defence cooperation but also “see how things are shaping up in the northern and eastern provinces.

Asked specifically what kind of defence cooperation he envisaged in the post-Eelam War scenario, Gen Singh said that it was for the political leaderships of the two countries to decide what it should be. Interestingly, Gen Singh was part of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) which was in Sri Lanka to implement the 1987 India-Sri Lanka Accord between July 1987 and March 1990.

On Monday, Gen Singh will place a wreath at the monument for the IPKF in Sri Jayawardenepura, adjacent to Parliament. The monument has names of the 1,165 Indian personnel killed in the operations, inscribed on it.

The Indian Army chief ’s five-member delegation includes Maj Gen Harminderjit Singh Sachdev, General Officer Commanding an Infantry Division. Gen Singh is scheduled to meet Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Prime Minister D M Jayaratne, Minister of External Affairs G L Peiris, Secretary of Defence Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Air Force, the Commander of the Army and Commander of the Navy, among others.

Gen Singh will visit the Security Forces Headquarters of the Wanni in Vavuniya and see Indian de-miners at work in Omanthai. In Trincomalee, he would see the Indian-run oil tanks and the Sri Lankan naval dockyard. He will then visit the Sri Lanka Military Academy (SLMA) at Diyatalawa.

In the final leg of his visit Gen Singh will address student officers at the Defence Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC) in Sapugaskanda.

Ananda-USA said...

NOTHING satisfies Tamil Nadu Demagogues ACHING for POWER, and Sri Lanka is a CONVENIENT boy to whip without fear of consequences!

When the LTTE was demolished & Tamils were rescued they called it GENOCIDE.

When the IDPs were housed and cared for in vast refugee camps, they called them CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

When the IDPs were not immediately restored to their homes until DEMINING and WEAPONS COLLECTION was complete, and LTTE cadre could be identified, they called it IMPRISONMENT.

When the IDPs were restored with GOVT ASSISTANCE to their villages, they called them ABANDONED without assistance.

Now, when MOST IDPs have been resettled and houses are being built for them with Govt funds and international aid, they are yelling the MONEY IS BEING DIVERTED!

What LIARS & DEMAGOGUES they are! They can't solve their OWN PROBLEMS of poverty, discrimination and crime in their own State of Tamil Nadu, but yet they feel QUALIFIED to criticize Sri Lanka.

The Scramble for Power in TN is so ugly, vicious and COMMUNAL!

Nirupama’s Lankan visit an eyewash: Nedumaran

August 30, 2010

PUDUCHERRY: Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao’s visit to Sri Lanka would not be beneficial to the minority Tamils in the island-nation, Tamil Nationalist Movement Leader P Nedumaran said on Monday.

Speaking to reporters here, he claimed that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa was looking for stronger ties with China even as Rao’s ongoing four-day visit was oriented towards bringing Colombo closer to New Delhi.

“Sri Lanka does not seem keen on the utilisation of Indian aid for rehabilitation of Tamil refugees there,” he added.

Nedumaran said 50,000 houses being constructed with aid from India for rehabilitating the Sri Lankan Tamilians, but bemoaned that the money would not reach the beneficiaries.

“It would rather go to the Sinhalese people. Tamil MPs in Sri Lanka have already expressed apprehensions on this,” he said, and refuted claims of rehabilitation of 50,000 Tamilians from the camps in the island-nation.

Referring to K Pathmanathan’s statement on certain political leaders from Tami Nadu having effected a ceasefire to the war, Nedumaran alleged that the current LTTE leader was hand-in-glove with Rajapaksa.

As for the situation in Tamil Nadu, he alleged that the past four years have seen a spurt in false encounters and custodial deaths, leading to a deterioration of law and order in the State.

He challenged the DMK government to initiate a judicial inquiry on the matter.

Referring to a recent statement by M Karunanidhi, he said the Chief Minister was trying to suppress the voice of the Opposition. “We have every right to criticise the government and its schemes. It is our democratic right.”

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #348 at DBSJ's Blog:
ATL #345

Perhaps my intense sarcasm was insufficient to drive home the point that you are way-off base on all counts.

Since we are condemned to be “blunt”, lets us begin with your post ATL #335:

[ with selective memory or his memory started functioning after 1983.]

Where is the evidence for this in my posts? The only thing I said was a reference to the Tamil Eelamist habit of yelling “1983!” every time they want to demonize the Sinhala people.

If you want to go beyond 1983, let us do that also, by going a wee bit further into the past. Let us then point out that the Eelamists undertook a 4-year campaign of violence .. killing many people .. to incite and induce that event in 1983 against their own Tamil people. They succeeded beyond their wildest expectations in provoking that terrible, unpardonable reaction , drving a wedge between Tamil and Sinhala people as they intended.

We should remember that such riots WERE NOT REPEATED in the ensuing years, despite the deliberate killing of over 100,000 innocents in Sri Lanka by the Tamil Eelamists. That provocation did not succeed in inciting more communal violence.

If you are student of communal strife in other areas of the world, especially the recurring Hindu-Moslem tit-for-tat killings in Gujerat, India and elsewhere in India, you would know that the level of restraint shown by the Sri Lankan people in the face of those repeated Eelamist provocations goes far beyond any restraint shown in India and other countries.

It is a TRULY REMARKABLE record of restraint spanning 25 years of murder and mayhem. It is a testament that the Sinhala people are NOT THE BARBARIANS that J. Muthu paints them to be. I

If you want to discuss history further into the past, let us do that as well. Why don’t you write a learned, erudite, post on that subject displaying your grasp of the facts, weaving your concepts around those facts, and displaying your exquisitely non-selective memory, and let us comment on it?

[He manipulates events and facts to suit his predetermined concepts]

Who among us does not select from the evidence available to support his case? If the evidence is factual, and the argument logical and true .. let us accept it; if not let us contest it. If my concepts are predetermined by me, of course, and by your admission supported by some facts and events, at least it shows that I have thought about the subject in some depth long enough to develop a cohesive argument. Let us now hear your arguments.

Do you have a problem with any of the “predetermined concepts” I advanced? If you do, please identify them, and present a cogently argued case refuting them. Don’t just let loose broad-based unsupported indictments, criticizing the assumed attributes of the blogger but not his argument, without a counter argument of your own supported by facts to refute it.

[You can wake a sleeping man but not the one pretending to be asleep!]

Who is pretending to be asleep? Me or you? Perhaps we can also say that “there are none so blind as those who refuse to see”!

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #348 at DBSJ's Blog:
[the history/facts which is repetitive and will aggravate the healing wounds of both communities in Sri Lanka]

This is a cop out. The history/facts are being contested and refuted by Eelamists here at this blog, continuing to demonize the Sinhala community as they did in the past, in order to whitewash the murderous history of a diabolical movement, and to gain in peace the aparthieid Tamil-only country they failed to win by murderous war.

Wounds are not healed by hiding our collective head in the sand while one-sided denials of the outright murders by the Eelamists are swept under the carpet. Failure to REFUTE those lies only gains them acceptance are truths in the eyes of the world. We will no longer allow that to happen by default.

Yes, we MUST FORGIVE, and prevent these things from happening AGAIN, but we must NEVER FORGET what , how and why they happened, or we will be condemned to repeat them.

Ananda-USA said...

Govt. to introduce further constitutional changes

By Kelum Bandara
September 07, 2010

The government would introduce further changes to the Constitution including those to the 13th Amendment and the establishment of a Senate after the 18th Amendment is passed in parliament tomorrow.

United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Secretary and Minister Susil Premajayantha said yesterday. the government would first focus on constitutional reforms which do not require to be placed before a referendum.

“For the Senate, I think a referendum will be needed. However, there is no such requirement for the sorting out of shortcomings in the 13th Amendment,” the minister said.He said the entire parliament would be converted to a Constitutional Assembly as done in 1972, to discuss changes planned for the future. Parliament will debate the 18th Amendment to the Constitution tomorrow, and it will be put to a vote by 7:00 p.m. The House will meet at 9:30 am to debate the proposed constitutional reforms which seek, among others, to replace the present ten-member Constitutional Council with a five- member Parliamentary Council. The main opposition United National Party (UNP) and the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) have already announced they were opposed to this piece of legislation. However, four UNP MPs have defied the party’s stand and decided to vote in favour of the 18th Amendment.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lankans will now have the OPPORTUNITY to RE-ELECT the Strong Patriotic President who REUNIFIED Sri Lanka.

By re-electing Mahinda Rajapaksa to the Presidency for a third term, Sri Lanka will gain the necessary POLITICAL STABILITY to become an economically strong developed nation like Singapore.

If Sri Lankans don't like that, they can elect another person for President.

We Patriots can REJOICE!

Sri Lanka parliament approves constitutional reforms with two-third majority

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 08, Colombo: Sri Lankan parliament on Wednesday approved the proposed 18th Amendment to the country's Constitution with a two-third majority, paving the way for the immensely popular President Mahinda Rajapaksa to seek reelection for a third term.

The amendment was passed with 161 votes in favor and 17 against it in the 225-mmeber parliament. This is the first time a Sri Lankan government had two-third majority in the parliament since 1977.

The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the proposed constitutional amendments are consistent with the Constitution and can be approved with a two-third majority in the parliament without holding a referendum.

The main opposition United National Party (UNP) boycotted the debate and the party members were not present in the House during voting.

Ahead of the voting this evening six UNP legislators crossed over to the government expressing their support to the proposed constitutional amendments.

Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), an ally of the opposition, decided to support the amendments earlier.

During the debate today SLMC leader Rauf Hakeem told the parliament today that his party will lend maximum support to the government to pass the 18th constitutional amendment.

Meanwhile, the Tamil National Alliance Digamadulla parliamentarian H. A. Piyasena has also decided to vote with the government for the 18th amendment today.

Crossed-over UNP MP Earl Gunasekara said that a stable government will help to revolutionize the country's economy and this amendment has carefully prepared to fulfill this aspiration.

The 18th amendment removes the term limits on Executive Presidency allowing the President to run for a third term.

The main opposition United National Party (UNP) has criticized the proposed change as a move to strengthen the powers of the President but the President recently said his powers would actually be "diluted" by the amendment.

The 18th amendment among other reforms proposes the appointment of a parliamentary council instead of the Constitutional Council born out of the 17th amendment that decides the appointment of independent posts like commissioners of election, human rights and Supreme Court judges.

Critics of the 18th amendment say the proposed parliamentary council has no powers and the President would have more powers over many independent institutions, seriously impacting the justice, free elections, and human rights.

Ananda-USA said...

Six opposition MPs in Sri Lanka cross over to government side ahead of crucial vote on constitutional reforms

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 08, Colombo: Ahead of a crucial vote today in the parliament on proposed amendments to the Constitution, six parliamentarians of the main opposition United National Party (UNP) has crossed over to the government side.

Abdul Carder, Upeksha Swarnamalee, Earl Gunasekara, Nilwala Wijesinghe, Lakshman Seneviratne, and Manusha Nanayakkara crossed over to the government side.

Last week Abdul Cader, Lakshman Seneviratne, Earl Gunasekara, and Manusha Nanayakkara expressed their support for the 18th amendment to the Constitution that is being debated in the parliament today.

Gampaha District UNP MP Upeksha Swarnamalee and Kurunegala district UNP parliamentarian Nilwala Wijesinghe expressed their support yesterday.

The UNP has threatened to take disciplinary action and remove any party members who vote in favor of the constitutional amendments with the government.

Ananda-USA said...

Sanjeev Kuhendrarajah, or "Alex" of the ship "Jaya Lestari 5" that smuggled 200 Tamils to Australia, has a long history of CRIME, perhaps even TERRORISM, in Canada and elsewhere.

He was raised in Canada, which deported him to Sri Lanka. Now he is hiding outside SL trying to re-enter Canada.

It is amazing how these guys can live in multiple countries with/ or without permission!

Why is he Sri Lanka's problem still? Did he not emigrate to Canada? He is Canada's problem .. let Canada give him a life term and feed and house him for the rest of his life.

Deported Tamil man longs to return to Canada

By Geoff Nixon
September 08, 2010

Ananda-USA said...

S.Lanka stx at peak on stability hope, low T-bill yields
September 8, 2010

* Market hits new record high; up 1.3 pct

* Drop in T-bill yields, stability hopes push bourse up
* Rupee down on share-related transaction

COLOMBO, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Sri Lanka's benchmark share
index hit a new record high again on Wednesday on lower
interest rate expectations and hopes of economic and political
stability after proposed constitutional changes.

..... More ...

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka Shuns West, Finds Solace in Emerging Powers’ Arms

By Amantha Perera

COLOMBO, Sep 8, 2010 (IPS) - The European Union’s decision to suspend trade preferences for Sri Lankan exports may have finally come into force, but the island nation is not budging an inch on any of the powerful bloc’s recommendations on its controversial human rights record.

On the contrary, Sri Lanka remains adamant about its position against the EU’s proposed measures concerning allegations of human rights abuses committed during the three decades-long civil war in the island nation that ended in May 2009. And President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s administration knows that it is not fighting a lone battle against the EU, having received support from emerging economies like China and India to withstand pressure from the western block.

On the same day the European body ended the Sri Lanka trade benefits on Aug. 15, Rajapaksa ceremonially released water into the newly built Chinese- funded harbour at Hambantota, a southern coastal city in Sri Lanka. The port was built to the tune of 360 million U.S. dollars, about 85 percent of which came from China.

While the EU and even the United States want Sri Lanka to address the human rights issues hounding it, China has called for more international support for the South Asian country.

During last month’s visit to China by Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Gamini Peiris, his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi, said: "Countries big and small have their own problems, and it is important to remember that solutions have to be found to suit the circumstances of each situation in keeping with the wishes of the country in question without hectoring or pressure from outside."

Last month Sri Lanka forged an 83 million U.S. dollar-agreement with India to reconstruct a section of the northern railway left in tatters by the war that pitted government troops against the secessionist Tamil Tigers.

The two states had previously signed a similar agreement to rehabilitate another section of the same track worth over 140 million U.S. dollars. The commitments are part of a larger package worth 800 million U.S. dollars that India has pledged on concessionary terms to help rebuild the war-ravaged northern side of Sri Lanka.

"India remains committed to continuing its assistance to Sri Lanka as it undertakes the important and challenging task of reconstructing the Northern Province," the Indian Mission in Sri Lanka said when it announced the new funding.

India is also helping reconstruct houses destroyed in the north during the armed conflict. According to the U.N. India has pledged to build 50,000 out of an estimated 160,000 new houses.

Indian companies are also exploring prospects for expanding their presence in Sri Lanka. The Mahindra group, worth over 7 billion U.S. dollars, announced last month in Colombo that it was introducing new vehicle models into the Sri Lankan market while looking to set up an assembly plant in the country.

"Sri Lanka has been able to stave off pressure brought on by the EU and the western block because other countries like India and China have supported it, especially in the U.N.," analyst Jehan Perera told IPS.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka Shuns West, Finds Solace in Emerging Powers’ Arms

......continued .....
The EU has accused Sri Lanka of violating international human rights conventions that made the continuation of the trade concessions problematic. It has recommended certain measures to the Sri Lankan government to facilitate the reinstatement of the concessions under the Generalised System of Preference Plus (GSP+), a tariff reduction regime unilaterally granted by the EU.

In 2008 GSP+ was worth around 100 million U.S. dollars, based on EU data. Expected to be hardest hit by the removal of the concession will be the 270,000-strong apparel sector, the country's biggest foreign exchange earner. Garment exports raked in over 3 billion U.S. dollars in 2009.

Government spokesperson Minister Keheliya Rambukwella told IPS that the conditions imposed by the EU on GSP+ renewal were an insult to the country. "It is nothing short of that," the minister declared soon after the EU recommendations were made public earlier this year.

Just four days before the GSP+ suspension came into effect, the U.S. released a critical report on actions taken by the Sri Lankan government on possible violations of human rights during the final phase of the bloody civil conflict.

"The principal measures the Government of Sri Lanka has taken to investigate incidents of alleged violations of international law have been the appointment of two commissions, the ‘Group of Eminent Persons’ and the ‘Commission on Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation’ (LLRC)," the U.S. State Department noted.

"The Department of State concludes that the Group of Eminent Persons was ineffective. The LLRC is less than halfway through its six-month term (it was established May 14, 2010). Initial actions taken by the Government of Sri Lanka, including aspects of the naming of commissioners and publication of terms of reference detailed in this report, have raised concerns regarding the LLRC’s mandate and its independence," it said.

Government has assured the public that no jobs would be lost as a result of the EU’s suspension of the GSP+ concessions. In fact, said Minister Rambukwella, the government expected to increase foreign reserves to 7.5 billion U.S. dollars by the end of this month. A strong currency and reserves on top of increased earnings from other sectors like tourism and foreign remittances will cushion any fallout from the GSP + loss, he added.

Yet such assurances have not assuaged the fears of the workers in the apparel sector, said Achila Mapalagama, who heads Stand-up, a workers’ rights campaign in the Katunayake Free Trade Zone just north of the capital Colombo.

"No one has a clear idea what will happen now that the concessions are gone. We will see within the next six months. For now there is a lot of fear," she said.

Moshe Dyan said...


check you email. urgent.

KB said...

Chaps, we can now be assured of a patriotic government for the foreseeable future as long as our people desire it. If the president falls short of our patriotic standards we can vote him out of office in the next election. We cannot afford to discard capable patriotic leaders due to arbitrary term limit restrictions. As we have seen from the caliber of traitorous leaders in the opposition great leaders seem to to emerge only once in couple of generations. Of course it makes it even more fun to see how this makes diaspora terrorist vermin loose all hope and start wailing.


Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #147 at DBSJ's Blog:

Annil #140, DBSJ:

[I wanted Palk Straits to be re-named Tamil Straits.]

Let us rescue the Palk Strait from this Strait Jacket, by naming it more appropriately.

Here are some suggestions, in order of my preference.

1. “Sri Lanka Channel” is similar to the “English Channel” that ignores the presence of France and Europe across sea, despite the historical existence of English territory in France. Similarly, Sri Lanka had some territories in India under its control in the past, but there is no use digging that up now. India, on the other hand, already has sufficient “recognition” in the “Indian Ocean” that includes the Palk Strait.

2. “Sri Lanka – India Strait” gives recognition to both countries on the two sides of the Strait, and is equitable to both nations.

3. “IndoLanka Strait” is easier to remember, and gives a stake to both nations.

Calling the Palk Strait the “Tamil Strait” is, in my view, quite inappropriate because it ignores the following important features:

1. that the nation of Sri Lanka lies on one side of the Strait,

2. that the North and the Northwest of Sri Lanka was primarily populated by Sinhala people through most of its recorded history,

3. that in the FUTURE, National Integration will drive the population statistics of these areas towards the national average, with Sinhala people present in SIGNIFICANT numbers, and

4. that it aggravates the non-Tamil population in Sri Lanka, further exacerbating the ethnic divide. Renaming the Palk Strait with racial overtones is the wrong direction to take in the future .. for example “Sinhala Strait” would be quite inappropriate.

Naming it the "Sri Lanka Channel", or "Sri Lanka – India Strait" overcomes creating yet another unnecessary self-inflicted wound.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #162 at DBSJ's Blog:
shankar #149

Agree with you. The stable, no nonsense, nearly dictatorial, development-before-democrazy government instituted by Lee Kuan Yew was the reason Singapore was able to surge ahead of many other developing nations.

One of the most important things he did was to ruthlessly suppress communal parties and communal divisionms, in his very long tenure at the helm of Singapore.

Therefore, I find your criticism of the 18th Amendment and admiration of Lee Kuan Yew's policies in Singapore CONTRADICTORY.

The 18th Amendment removes term limits on the Presidency, allowing President Mahinda Rajapaksa to seek re-election to maintain a stable government, instill discipline in both politics and governance, and continue to develop the nation rapidly AS NEVER BEFORE . The 18th Amendment only removes the term limit, but the people of Sri Lanka still have the freedom to either re-elect him or elect another leader .. that has not been denied them.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has so far had only one full term of office to confront a terrorist conflict and their international backers, defeat the terrorists, diversify and develop new alliances for Sri Lanka, and REUNIFY the nation.

ALREADY he has developed Sri Lanka to a level we could not have imagined only four years ago, even as he was fighting the war. Everywhere you go in Sri Lanka today ... there is new infrastructure ... power plants, highways, bridges, flyovers, airports, harbors .. the list is ENDLESS.

In the meantime, the economy of Sri Lanka is booming as never before. The cost of living and interest rates are down, Govt credit balance is at an all time high, balance of payments is strongly positive, the stock market is zooming up, and foreign investors and tourists are streaming in.

He never had the political strength in Parliament to address political corruption before; he now has that strength. I believe that, just like Lee Kuan Yew, he will eradicate corruption in Sri Lanka as he eradicated terrorism. Give him the time to do that, and recognize that .. just as Lee Kuan Yew did .. he will be forced to discipline those who try to exploit the freedoms afforded by democracy itself to undermine the Sri Lankan democracy. Both Sarath Fonseka and Mervyn Silva did not understand that those days of anarchy in Sri Lanka have come to an end, and a new era has dawned.

This is ONLY THE BEGINNING .. just wait till the end of his second term to see how the country has been changed forever. That will assure his Govt a third term to declare the creation of the New Wonder of Asia as a Mission Accomplished.

Now, what were your reasons for criticizing Mahinda Rajapaksa when you love Lee Kuan Yew's performance?

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #168 at
DBSJ's Blog:

sjoseph #157

[I used to wonder why SL Tamils rate some sinhalese “brainless”.]

Wonder no MORE: The Superior Highly Intelligent Sun God worshipping Eelamists always called us Sinhalayas “Modayas”.

The worst of those Sun God worshippers are now pushing up daisies along the banks of the Nanthikandal lagoon from six feet underground … Yup, the “Modayas” put them there!

On the other hand, the poor confused Indian Jawans who fought them could not hack it; they advanced to the rear .. right out of Sri Lanka .. back to India. I suppose they too have a thing or two to learn from us Sinhala “Modayas.”

Ananda-USA said...

An important SIMPLE book for us Sinhala "Modayas".

First copy of "Handbook of Simple Tamil" presented to President

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 09, Colombo: Prof. J B Dissanayake the first copy of the "Handbook of Simple Tamil" authored by him to Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa Wednesday at the Temple Trees.

The book is intended to promote the Tamil language proficiency among the Sinhalese public.

Secretary to the President Mr. Lalith Weeratunga, Mrs. Kusum Dissanayake, and Samitha Dissanayake were also present at the occasion.

Ananda-USA said...

The GOSL should investigate and NIP THIS ACTIVITY in the the bud before it causes problems for Sri Lanka.

Colombo is new LeT hub
September 8, 2010

Mumbai, Sept. 8: The key accused in the Pune German Bakery blast has made a startling revelation to his interrogators that the tourist destination of Colombo has now emerged as the training hub of the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba.

Mirza Himayat Baig, 29, the conspirator and co-planter of the bomb placed at Pune’s German Bakery has confirmed that he received his terror training in Colombo.

“Baig had received training in terror activities in Colombo. We will try to get more information on the same from him,” said ATS chief, Mr Rakesh Maria.

According to a source, another reason for the terror outfit choosing Colombo as the location for providing training could be because of its image as a tourist destination among Indians. “There are a lot of Indian tourists in Colombo and such visits are not under the scanner. If an Indian visits Pakistan or Bangladesh, his movements are under the scanner by the intelligence agencies. Moreover, they were of the opinion that the radar would be on LTTE operatives who might still be lying low, so Islamic terrorists had a good chance of going unnoticed,” he said.

Baig received the Daura-e-aam and Daura-e-khaas trainings in Colombo. The two trainings in terror activities are the same that were given to Ajmal Aamir Kasab in Pakistan.

“The LeT must have worked on the assumption that after LTTE chief, V. Prabhakaran, was killed by the Sri Lankan Army on May 19 last year, the alertness of the police must have naturally come down after being in a state of war for almost 30 years. The LeT must have thought they could take advantage of this,” said a source.

The police is now getting the location details of where the training camp was held in Colombo from Baig.

Ananda-USA said...

Is Colombo the new LeT hub?

By Sutirtho Patranobis
September 09, 2010

The Sri Lankan defence and intelligence agencies were alerted by reports on Thursday that said the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) member and key accused in the German Bakery blast in Pune was trained in Colombo. The Sri Lankan Ministry of External Affairs is waiting for a detailed report from its diplomats in New Delhi on the alleged confessions of 29-year-old Mirza Himayat Baig arrested by the Maharashtra Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS).

"Baig received training in terror activities in Colombo,” the Asian Age newspaper quoted ATS chief, Rakesh Maria, as having said.

It was confirmed that the Sri Lankan defence attaché at the Lankan High Commission in New Delhi has got in touch with Indian defence ministry officials.

"Reports in three Indian newspapers caught our attention. We are trying to verify the information and are in touch with Indian authorities. We also hope to contact the Maharashtra ATS for more information," a Lankan diplomat told HT over phone from New Delhi.

The news was startling, another diplomat said. "But since it was coming from a senior police officer, there seems to be some validity," diplomatic sources said.

Earlier this year, a top US military official had said LeT was expanding operations to Sri Lanka.

Admiral Robert Willard, Commander of the US Pacific Command, in his testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee had said: "right now our concern is the movement of LeT the terrorist group that emanates from Pakistan that was responsible for the Mumbai attacks in India, and specifically their positioning in Bangladesh and Nepal, the Maldives and Sri Lanka."

The diplomat said reports claiming that Sri Lanka had become a quiet and easy hub for Islamic militant activity were circulating for long but without any solid evidence; till date, there’s been no arrest or any arms seizure to indicate increasing militant activity.

But it is also true that Sri Lankan military, police and intelligence were totally focused on the activities of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for decades till the war ended in May, 2009. If authentic, Baig's confession could begin a whole new war on militancy in Sri Lanka.

Ananda-USA said...

Tamils on the Rebound

By Ezra Levant
September 07, 2010

Thousands of refugees leaving 'paradise' to return to peaceful Sri Lanka

Great news: There is a country in Asia willing to take Sri Lankan Tamil refugees by the thousand - with the United Nations' seal of approval.

And they're already doing it. In the first six months of 2010, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees says the generous country accepted 1,857 Tamil refugees from Sri Lanka, who had been staying temporarily in India.

UN refugee spokesman Michael Zwack says these Tamils are now "rebuilding their lives." The UN quoted one Tamil refugee, a 39-year-old woman, who said she was pleased with her new home for a pretty good reason: "Peace."

So where is this wonderful place that Sri Lankan refugees are going to by the thousand?

Sri Lanka.

That's right. Thousands of Tamil refugees are returning to Sri Lanka - because it's safe. Within Sri Lanka itself, internal refugee camps for displaced Tamils are winding down, as Tamils go back home. For example, the Menik Farm refugee camp in Sri Lanka once had 228,000 Tamils in it. It's down to less than 35,000 now, with 3,000 people going home every week.

It's an amazing success story, and it's because the 30-year civil war with the Tamil Tigers terrorist group is over. The terrorists lost. The war ended last spring. Everyone can go home.

Including the 492 gatecrashers who showed up on Vancouver Island last month.

This isn't Sri Lankan government propaganda. It's Tamil refugees telling the story, not with words but with deeds. They're leaving some of the friendliest places on earth to go home.

For example, the 1,857 refugees mentioned above had been staying in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It's a huge state, with more than 66 million people, overwhelmingly Tamil, as its name implies. Even from that Tamil paradise, Tamil refugees are going home to Sri Lanka.

We already knew 71% of Tamil refugees in Canada go home to Sri Lanka for holidays, too, according to a survey done by Canadian immigration officials, and reported by QMI Agency.

Question: If thousands of Tamil refugees from around the world are going home to Sri Lanka, and 71% of Canadian Tamil refugees go back there for holidays, why are we still going through the motions with the 492 Tamils on Vancouver Island, as if they are legitimate? And why are more Tamil ships steaming our way?

That's easy. Criminal smugglers made an estimated $20 million profit from the voyage. Why wouldn't they keep doing it?

Canadian immigration lawyers love it. It's lucrative work - they're paid by legal aid. Which is another way of saying "paid by your taxes." Politicians love it. With more than 200,000 Tamils living in Toronto, there are plenty of votes to be had by pandering.

And liberal, white journalists love it, because it's a chance to prove how sensitive they are, to polish their politically correct credentials.

That just leaves the rest of us - chumps paying the bills, and watching helplessly while 492 queue-jumpers butt in to the front of the line. Not just queue-jumpers, but queue-jumpers fleeing a "peaceful" place.

So are we going to change our laws to keep out these shysters, like Australia has done? Or is being the world's sucker the new Canadian identity?

Ananda-USA said...

Toronto Sun Articloe Comment by "Real Refugee"

September 8th 2010, 9:20pm

Tamils have been taking the world for a spin with bogus refugee claims to gain residency for more than two and a half decades. Whilst LTTE and Tamil diaspora organizing the trip (through Colombo Airport of course and later on a LTTE ship) and upon arrival, the Tamil lawyers, dodgy translators and refugee advocates unravel these perfectly concocted, reverse engineered and tailor made stories to suit the Geneva convention. Our countries are either gullible to believe or unable to disprove these claims. Send a Canadian to study Sri lanka and find out how 80% of Tamils (15% of the total population) live in the south with the Sinhalese in harmony. Real refugees don't have $40000.

Ananda-USA said...

What? Canadians don't like being Duped .. after 30 years of being Duped by the Eelamists? LoL!
Former CSIS chief tasked with cracking down on migrant smuggling

By Campbell Clark

Canada has dispatched its former spy chief to Southeast Asia as a special envoy with a mission to prevent migrant smuggling as the federal government prepares a crackdown to stop more boats of Tamil asylum seekers from sailing to Canada.

Ward Elcock, one-time head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, will travel to Sri Lanka, Thailand and other countries in the region to increase intelligence and police co-operation to thwart networks of smugglers.

And Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, in India on a multicountry tour, has changed travel plans so he can visit Australia next week to study its tough policies aimed at deterring asylum seekers. Australia detains illegal migrants who arrive by boat in camps in the outback and on the remote Christmas Island.

The MV Sun Sea landed on the B.C. coast in August carrying 492 Tamil refugee claimants from Thailand, and government is warning that more may be on the way. The Conservatives have promised legislation to crack down on the practice in the fall.

Many migrant boats are organized by networks in countries such as Thailand or the Philippines, and international policing efforts to disrupt them are key to deterring the trade. Mr. Elcock, CSIS director from 1994 to 2004, will visit those countries to “pursue high-level discussions,” about co-operating on interdicting smugglers, Mr. Kenney said.

“This is a dangerous form of exploitation, he said. The MV Sun Sea was unfit for an ocean voyage, he said in a conference call from India: “It was a dangerous vessel for people to be travelling on, let alone 500 people all the way across the Pacific, with limited supplies, in dangerous circumstances.”

Government officials are now drawing up broad lists of possible measures, from interdicting boats on the high seas and returning them to stepping up law enforcement efforts and imposing mandatory minimum penalties for smugglers. Penalties of life in prison are already on the books, but charges are rare. Mr. Kenney suggested mandatory minimum sentences are needed.

“Perhaps some of the smugglers are calculating that they’ll get away with a slap on the wrist. That would be wrong for them to make such a calculation. We need to send a strong signal,” he said. “The government is looking closely at what other jurisdictions have done.”

Australia has a history of boat landings, and it is a hot political issue as the number of refugees arriving this way rose by about a quarter in 2010, to just under 4,000.

“We’d like to learn from their experience over the past several years and see if there are practical ways that we can co-operate,” Mr. Kenney said.

Australia once diverted migrant boats to Pacific Island neighbours, but now detains the occupants. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has called for boat migrants to diverted for processing in East Timor, with accepted refugees settled in various countries, but East Timor’s legislature voted against the idea.

Ananda-USA said...

G.L. Peiris nails Ranil Wickramasinghe to the cross alleging anti-national activities abroad.

RW should indeed be held ACCOUNTABLE for his undermining of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka's External Affairs Minister welcomes no-confidence motion against him

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 10, Colombo: Sri Lanka's External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris has said that he "welcomed" the no-confidence motion handed over to the Speaker by a group of opposition United National Party (UNP) parliamentarians against him.

"For my own part, I welcome unreservedly the no-confidence motion as an opportunity of value to put firmly into the public domain, for all to see and reflect upon, unmistakable evidence, including official documents published by foreign governments, indicating the extent to which the Leader of the United National Party has tried to inflict incalculable damage on Sri Lanka, and the intensity of the efforts consistently made by President Rajapaksa and his Government to protect the integrity and stature of our nation against this onslaught," Prof. Peiris has said in a statement issued to the media.

"There is a supreme irony - surely not lost on the public - in the spectacle of Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe, leader of the UNP, instigating his party to move a motion of no-confidence in the Minister of External Affairs, when nothing is more painfully evident than the degree of confidence which his own party places in him and his leadership. The public is treated to the continuing fiasco of members of his party leaving him in droves, making on his qualities of leadership comments reflecting depths of despair, unique in the annals of political history," it said.

"The proposed motion is nothing but a clumsy diversionary manoeuvre, to distract the attention of the public from the most recent episode this week, in which eight more members of his party, having made historic statements on the floor of Parliament parted company with him," Minister Peiris has noted.

"As for the panel appointed by the Secretary-General, of the United Nations, the truth is that no one has contributed to this situation in more generous measure than Mr. Wickremasinghe himself. It is hard to think of any instance, of a political leader who has had so little hesitation in exhorting foreign governments to undermine the vital interests of his own country, in pursuit of partisan goals which he has convincingly proved himself unable to achieve by his own strength."

Prof. Peiris concludes the statement saying, "I look forward to the debate as an opportunity for exposing the frivolous nature of the motion and the pettiness that underpins it."

Ananda-USA said...

WOW! Sri Lanka, dominated by "Sinhala Barbarians", make the TOP 10 countries in CHARITABLE GIVING!

No other developing country makes the TOP 10!

Australia and New Zealand top World Giving Index

By Emily Buchanan
September 08, 2010

A man gives money to children in Taguig, the Philippines. Photo: August 2010 The survey was conducted in 153 countries around the globe

The happier people are, the more likely they are to give time or money to charity, the largest ever study into global charitable behaviour suggests.

The survey - conducted by the UK's Charities Aid Foundation - suggests that well-being is a more reliable indicator of philanthropy than wealth.

The survey took place in 153 countries, covering 95% of the world's population.

The "World Giving Index" placed Australia and New Zealand joint top, with the US in fifth and the UK eighth.

The index aims to analyse global generosity in giving money, time as a volunteer or helping a stranger.

Researchers from Gallup found that predictably some of the richer countries with strong histories of philanthropy come out top, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Republic of Ireland.
Bucking the trend

What was more surprising was that near the top too are poorer countries like Sri Lanka, Guyana and Turkmenistan, but they also registered high levels of contentment.


1. Australia, New Zealand

3. Canada, Ireland

5. Switzerland, USA

7. Netherlands

8. United Kingdom, Sri Lanka

10. Austria

Source: Charities Aid Foundation

The people of Turkmenistan are apparently the most generous in the world with their time, while Liberia tops the list for helping a stranger.

Sierra Leone is also high on the overall giving index, but contradicts the trend, with its people registering the lowest well-being score in the world.

The authors of the report acknowledge that there are exceptions which are not always easy to explain.

They are also keen not to offend and make a point of saying all countries give to charity in different ways.

The countries near the bottom of the list include Greece, India and China.

Richard Harrison, the charity's director of research, says one reason may be to do with the proportion of the population who give.

"An important factor is whether the culture of giving has reached the man in the street, in some fast-developing countries it may be just rich individuals who are the main charitable donors. So they register a low score when a cross-section of the population is surveyed," he says.

The Charitable Aid Foundation, which was set up to foster a culture of giving, argues that the research will help governments around the world do more to encourage all of their population to be more philanthropic - whether through tax incentives or closer community cohesion.

The idea is to promote giving and create a positive cycle in which society improves, people become happier and are therefore willing to give more.

Ananda-USA said...

Charities Aid Foundation Report Links

1. Global study finds we are more likely to give money to charity if we are happy than if we are wealthy,
8 September 2010

2. The World Giving Index Report


World Giving Index TABLE

Country, % of population who have given money, % of population who have given time, % of population who have helped a stranger, Wellbeing score out of 10

1 Australia 70% 38% 64% 7.3
1 New Zealand 68% 41% 63% 7.4
3 Canada 64% 35% 68% 7.5
3 Ireland 72% 35% 60% 7.0
5 Switzerland 71% 34% 60% 7.5
5 USA 60% 39% 65% 7.2
7 Netherlands 77% 39% 46% 7.6
8 United Kingdom 73% 29% 58% 5.6
8 Sri Lanka 58% 52% 50% 4.2
10 Austria 69% 30% 58% 7.2
11 Lao People's Democratic Republic 64% 32% 53% 5.0
11 Sierra Leone 29% 45% 75% 3.0
12 Malta 83% 21% 40% 6.3
14 Iceland 67% 26% 47% 6.9
14 Turkmenistan 17% 61% 62% 6.6
16 Guyana 36% 33% 67% 6.0
16 Qatar 64% 18% 53% 6.4
18 Hong Kong 70% 13% 50% 5.1
18 Germany 49% 28% 56% 6.7
18 Denmark 67% 20% 45% 8.0
18 Guinea 28% 42% 61% 4.3

Ananda-USA said...

Muslim Courts: A STEP IN THE WRONG DIRECTION for Sri Lanka.

ALL community legal structures, such as the Thesawalamai laws and Quazi courts, should be DISMANTLED, not promoted and fostered!

There should be ONLY ONE SYSTEM OF LAW in Sri Lanka .. that of its Government elected OF the People, BY the People, FOR the People.

I URGE the Sri Lanka Govt to STOP THIS MADNESS that militates against the ONE NATION, ONE PEOPLE, ONE DESTINY concept that is our only hope of SURVIVAL in the future as a prosperous, cohesive nation.


Qazi courts to be established in Sri Lanka

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 10, Colombo: Sri Lanka's Ministry of Justice has taken measures to establish 58 Qazi courts in the country's Muslim dominated areas.

Eight Qazi courts will be setup in Beruwela in Western Province and Akkaraipaththu, Batticaloa, Ampara, Potuwil and Sammanthurai in Eastern Province where a major population of Muslims live, state-run TV, ITN reported.

The courts headed by judges known as Qazis will render their verdicts according to the Sharia Law, mostly to settle family disputes of Muslim people. They serve as means to settle disputes without going to the civil courts and save the poor Muslims from paying heavy fees to the lawyers.

The government says until now these courts have been in operation at the residences of the Qazi judges.

Former Minister of Justice Milinda Moragoda has given advice to form these courts at a cost of Rs. 40 million.

Ananda-USA said...

Sounds like Slavery to me!

26 bonded labourers rescued in Kanchi

Dennis Selvan/C Shivkumar
September 10, 2010

KANCHEEPURAM: In a significant move, the district administration late on Thursday rescued 26 bonded labourers, including five children, from rice-mill owners at Thimmasamudram near Kancheepuram.

RDO Palani, who was personally involved in the rescue along with two sub-inspectors and six constables, told Express that the mission was strictly kept under wraps. “Even my deputy Taluk Tahsildar T Varadarajan did not have a clue as to where we are headed until he was asked to enter the premises of Devaki Modern Rice Mill, the culprit, for investigation.”

Palani said the rescued people, originally from places in the vicinity of Marakkanam, Vandavasi and Cheyyar, did not even know the difference between months and years, thus making their captivity all the more easier for their bosses, the owners of the Rice Mill, Rajaram, Chenthamarai Kannan, Harikrishnan, all brothers.

“The operators of mill paid the victims approximately Rs 28 to Rs 60 per day far below the minimum wage of Rs 136.02 per day. They did not permit the victims freedom of movement nor the freedom to work outside the mill,” said Alice Suganya, deputy director of IJM. “They did not have access to medical facilities,” she added.

Two women disclosed that they were asked to work a week after they delivered babies.

A criminal proceeding under the Bonded Labourers Act would be launched against the offenders, Palani said.

Palani then issued release certificates to the bonded labourers, officially identifying them as victims of bonded labour.

“The tahsildar is preparing a complaint. He will file a complaint against the owner as well as the two operators of the mill,” Alice added.

All the credit for the rescue effort must go to International Justice Mission, working on the mission for the last three days in close conjunction with the district administration. IJM has so far rescued 3000 bonded people since 2001. The labourers have been bonded to the owners for a period ranging from one year to eight years.

Ananda-USA said...

No training for LeT in Sri Lanka - Secretary Defence

Secretary Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday said that extremist groups operating in Pakistan have not received any type of training on Sri Lankan soil. He stressed that Sri Lanka is free from terrorists and there is no ground for terrorists to receive training in the country.

The Defence Secretary's denial came in the wake of Lakshar-e-Taiba (LeT) suspect involved in the German Bakery blast in Pune claimed that he was trained in Colombo. Two suspects involved in the attack were arrested by the Anti Terrorism Squad of India last Tuesday. Nine died and 45 people were injured by the incident.

One suspect has claimed that he was trained in Pakistan and the other suspect Miza Himayat Beig , 29 has confessed that he received training in Colombo. The Defence Secretary categorically denied the claims made by the suspect in Indian custody.

Secretary Defence further insisted that there is no ground in Sri Lanka for such an activity. He added that no terrorist group is operating in Sri Lanka after LTTE terrorism was swept out of the country.

Meanwhile, Sri Lanka has sought a comprehensive report from Indian defence authorities over the claims made by the Lakshar-e-Taiba suspect through the Defence Attache of the Sri Lankan High Commission in New Delhi.

Ananda-USA said...

Ranil faces another revolt *28 MPs ready to desert him, unless he quits leadership

By Shamindra Ferdinando,
Lal Gunasekera and Norman Palihawadena
September 10, 2010

The UNP faces the threat of a group of its Parliamentarians switching allegiances to the ruling UPFA headed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The threat came when 28 out of 43 UNP MPs were denied an opportunity to meet the party leader Ranil Wickremesinghe to discuss matters regarding their party’s future.

On Sept. 08, when the 18th Amendment to the Constitution was passed in the House, the group of 28 wrote to Wickremesinghe seeking an urgent meeting with him, but he turned down the request saying he would meet them the following week.

A spokesman for the dissidents, who wished to remain anonymous, said that they wanted Wickremesinghe to assist the party in solving the leadership crisis before the next party convention. They wanted him to talk to Hambantota MP Sajith Premadasa and Deputy leader Karu Jayasuriya about the leadership issue.

He added that the dissidents wanted Wickremesinghe, who had lost 16 elections, to stand down and pave the way for a younger and tougher person to take over the party leadership as the party needed to be strengthened at the grassroots level.

Among the 28 MPs in the dissident group are: Kabir Hashim, Thalatha Athukorala, Ranjit Maddumabandara, Dinesh Gankanda, Ranjan Ramanayake, Gayantha Karunatilleke, Dilip Wedaarachi, Buddhika Pathirana, E. M. Swaminathan, Harsha de Silva, Eran Wickremeratne, Palitha Thevarapperuma, Sujeewa Senasinghe, Ms. Rosy Senanayake, Ms. Chandrani Bandara, Niroshan Perera, Asoka Abeysinghe, Mohanlal Grero, Ruwan Wijewardena, Harin Fernando, Lakshman Kiriella, Anoma Gamage and Sajith Premadasa. Kurunegala District MP Dayasiri Jayasekera was not in Colombo at the time the dissident group collected the signatures for the letter.

Responding to a query by The Island, a veteran UNPer said that the rebels had stepped up their campaign, though the Wickremesinghe’s camp believed the reformists would be weakened by Deputy Secretary General and MP Lakshman Seneviratne’s cross over to the government.

Reformits, sources said, wanted Wickremesinghe to step down as both the party leader and Opposition Leader.

Ananda-USA said...

Was the FALSE RUMOR on LeT terrorists being trained in Colombo related to this US Panel report, and floated by Sri Lanka's enemies?

Mumbai II may provoke full blown India-Pakistan war: US panel

Washington, Sep 11 (IANS) Another Mumbai type terrorist attack on an Indian city may provoke a full blown India-Pakistan war, a panel of top US counter experts has warned on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

'One of the more predictable foreign policy challenges of the next years is a 'Mumbai II', a large-scale attack on a major Indian city by a Pakistani militant group that kills hundreds,' said a 42-page analysis report produced by the non-partisan National Security Preparedness Group,

Headed by former Democratic Representative Lee Hamilton, and former Repiblican New Jersey Governor Tom Kean, who also headed the 9/11 commission, the panel noted that the Indian government showed considerable restraint in its reaction to the provocation of the Mumbai attacks in 2008.

'Another such attack, however, would likely produce considerable political pressure on the Indian government to 'do something,'' the panel warned.

'That something would likely involve incursions over the border to eliminate the training camps of Pakistani militant groups with histories of attacking India,' it said. 'That could lead in turn to a full-blown war for the fourth time since 1947 between India and Pakistan.'

'Such a war involves the possibility of a nuclear exchange and the certainty that Pakistan would move substantial resources to its eastern border and away from fighting the Taliban on its western border, so relieving pressure on all the militant groups based there, including Al Qaeda,' the panel said.

The reconnaissance efforts of Pakistani-American David Headley, who had changed his name from Daood Sayed Gilani, 'on behalf of Lashkar-e-Taiba were pivotal to the attacks in Mumbai,' the panel noted.

'Last year he also planned an operation to kill those responsible for the 2005 publication in a Danish newspaper of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, which many Muslims had deemed to be offensive,' it recalled.

'The Mumbai attacks of 2008 showed that Al Qaeda's ideas about attacking Western and Jewish targets had also spread to Pakistani militant groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba, which had previously focused only on Indian targets,' it said.

Over a three-day period in late November 2008, LeT carried out multiple attacks in Mumbai targeting five-star hotels housing Westerners, as well as a Jewish-American community centre, it noted.

(Arun Kumar can be contacted at

Ananda-USA said...

Our Prayers are being Answered!

RING OF NAVAL BASES along the North & East Coasts!


Sri Lanka to establish 25 naval camps in North and East

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 11, Colombo: Sri Lanka defence authorities have taken measures to establish 25 naval camps along the coast of the Northern and Eastern Provinces.

The aim of these camps is to curb any terrorism raising its head again using Indian Ocean to smuggle lethal weapons and personnel, defense sources said.

The camps will be established at strategically important places and they will be operated as one network, sources further said.

Sri Lanka Navy has taken measures to add six Israel made Dvora Fast Attack Crafts to its fleet. Sea surveillance has also been upgraded.

Meanwhile, the Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy, Vice Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe visited the Eastern Naval Area yesterday and inspected the naval establishments and training activities in the Eastern Naval Command.

Ananda-USA said...

Agents luring Lankan refugees

S Raja
September 11, 2010

RAMNAD: A group of men posing as ‘Good Samaritans’ are luring innocent Sri Lankan refugees promising to send them to foreign countries and fleecing them for large amounts.

With the civil war ending in Sri Lanka, some inmates of refugee camps are anxious to get back to their homeland through proper channels or by illegal ferry service. Cashing in on this opportunity, groups of agents including Sri Lankans are fleecing such refugees, promising to send them either to Sri Lanka or any country of their choice.

Refugees who fall prey to these agents, are directed to assemble in a particular place to be ferried to their homeland. They are dumped into boats and waved off and whether they reach their destination is a matter of conjecture.

Such activities came to light recently, when over 50 refugees of different camps were detained by the police at Coutrallam. Twelve of them are being detained in Mandapam camp for inquiry as they have no documents.

A source in Mandapam told Express that the Lankan refugees were being cheated by agents. No one could trace the missing refugees as they escape from the camp without the knowledge of officials. It is very difficult to ascertain if the refugees reach their destination.

Ananda-USA said...

US soldiers 'collected Afghan body parts'

September 10, 2010

WASHINGTON: Five US soldiers allegedly blew up three Afghan civilians with grenades and kept their body parts, including a skull and fingers, as trophies.

New documents released by the US Army paint a disturbing picture of depravity, deceit and savage internal discipline involving at least 12 Stryker soldiers from Washington during their recent deployment to Afghanistan.

The soldiers, all from the same company in the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, are charged with a total of 76 crimes, including the premeditated murders of three Afghan civilians and the beating of one or more fellow soldiers.

One soldier is alleged to have stabbed a corpse last December.

Three soldiers face charges of wrongfully taking and/or possessing photographs of dead bodies.

The highest-ranking member of the group, Staff Sergeant Calvin R. Gibbs, is accused of showing fingers from a corpse to a soldier in an attempt to keep him from talking to Army investigators about his and other soldiers' alleged use of drugs.

Gibbs and four other soldiers from Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment face charges of murdering Afghan noncombatants and conspiracy to commit premeditated murder in Kandahar province.

The other four are Specialist Jeremy Morlock, Specialist Michael S. Wagnon II, Specialist Adam C. Winfield and Private First Class Andrew H. Holmes.

All five have been confined since returning from Afghanistan.

On May 5, just a few days after the last murder, seven of the defendants allegedly went after at least one fellow soldier, apparently to keep him quiet.

The soldiers allegedly beat up their comrade, hitting, kicking, strangling, dragging and spitting on him.

In an alleged effort to stymie Army investigators, some of the soldiers were also charged with lying or concealing evidence.

Wagnon is charged with trying to get his computer hard drive erased.

Investigators looked into reports of more Afghan civilians being shot at by six soldiers in the unit in March.

Staff Sergeant Robert Stevens told investigators that the Afghans were a threat "and that he observed something that resembled a rocket propelled grenade in the possession of the individuals he fired upon.'' The statement was false, according to the documents, and Stevens knew it to be false.

Stevens also is charged with throwing a grenade outside his Stryker vehicle "while there was no threat to himself or other soldiers,'' which might have hurt or killed soldiers in his own unit, according to the charge sheets. In March, he claimed an enemy fighter had thrown the grenade, which was also a lie, the documents allege.

Stevens is one of the seven soldiers in the unit charged in August with 35 non-murder counts, including assault on a fellow soldier, impeding an investigation and drug use. They have not been jailed.

Morlock and Gibbs are the only soldiers charged in all three murders, which occurred separately in January, February and May.

Ananda-USA said...

US soldiers 'collected Afghan body parts'

The Afghan men were killed with grenades, shot, or both.

Families for both Wagnon and Morlock have set up websites to support the two soldiers and raise funds for their defence.

Gibbs alone is charged with 16 crimes and is alleged to have had a strong hand in much of the criminal activity. From November 1 to May 11, Gibbs is charged with possessing "finger bones, leg bones, and a tooth from Afghan corpses.'' In November or December, he is charged with soliciting another soldier to cut off the finger of a corpse.

Gibbs also was allegedly one of the seven soldiers who participated in the May 5 beating of a fellow soldier. He threatened "to kill him if he spoke about hashish use within the platoon,'' according to charging documents.

On another occasion, the records allege Gibbs threatened to injure Winfield by saying: "I'm going to send you home by dropping a tow bar on you.'' He allegedly urged Winfield to lie to investigators about the civilian killings and drug use in the platoon, according to the documents.

The charge sheets don't shed light on what might have driven the soldiers to kill: whether for revenge, or for sport, or something else.

Ananda-USA said...

India, Russia to build multi-role aircraft

Gautam Datt
September 11, 2010

NEW DELHI: India and Russia have finally thrashed out a joint venture agreement on the development of a military tactical transport aircraft that would cost around $600 million.

The project has been in the pipeline for long and the proposed aircraft design had already been unveiled, but it is only now the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and its Russian partner United Aircraft Corporation and Rosoboronexport signed the joint venture.

The aircraft is meant for both Indian and Russian air forces looking to replace their aging fleet. The IAF’s transport operations bank heavily on the Russian aircraft An-32 and IL-76, but they have already reached at the edge of their operational lives.

Although IAF has broken free from over dependence on Russian hardware by ordering C-130 and C-17 transporters from the US, the numbers ordered are too small to replace an entire fleet. The new multi-role transporter could be an answer if it is delivered on time, but the project is already running way behind the schedule. According to the plan, 205 of these aircraft would be produced for IAF and the Russian Air Force.

The IAF desperately needs to enhance its transport fleet, a crucial arm that is needed the most during peace times.

The aircraft is powered by two turbofan engines and would have a payload capacity of 15 to 20 tonnes.

Thusitha said...

Ananda-USA said...
US soldiers 'collected Afghan body parts'

The Afghan men were killed with grenades, shot, or both.

I can't see any war crimes here. It is done by the supreme white masters.
Afer Wiki leaks and all these Afgan reports coming out, it seem like suddenly war crimes charges against SL has gone down by quite a bit.

Ananda-USA said...


Nice to hear from you after some time!

Yes, indeed! Youu see, gathering body parts as trophies is an old American custom.

The Native Americans scalped their enemies .. and kept them as trophies in front of their lodges.

When the US began expanding into the West, they thought this was a great idea that should be adopted in civilizing the West, and offered bounties for Native American scalps.

It was a case of DOING UNTO as DONE UNTO on a grand scale .. and achieved the manifest destiny of the victor in a few decades. :)

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:

258 Mahesh,

[Nuclear weapons could act as a deterrence against the Nuclear powers like Pakistan and China.

Why should we use the Nuclear weapon against a country like sri lanka as long as it is in friendly terms with us.]

Absolutely agree with you!

But, wasn't it you who said that India can use the N-Button against Sri Lanka?

Now, you are back to being rational .. very confusing indeed .. can you stick to being irrational?

Here is a secret that you, and every other Indian, should know about us Sri Lankans.

Sri Lankans, consider Indians to be our near and dear relatives. We inherited our culture, our traditions, our religions, our languages, our genetic makeup ... everything that matters ... from India. The founders of our country came from India. We rarely complain .. or try to correct others .. when we are mistakenly identified as Indians by foreigners .. that is OK with us .. we are so similar.

The Sinhala people of Sri Lanka, in particular, whether we are Buddhist or Christian now, value our historical relationship with the the Golden Age of India under the Great Emperor Dharmasoka, who gave us the inestimable gift of Buddhism that has molded our very sense of justice and compassion. In short, we feel good about this kinship with Indians and celebrate every accomplishment of India as if it were our very own.

India & Sri Lanka gained independence within an year of each other, with our leaders acting together as brothers in arms in the struggle for freedom from colonial bondage.

As such, India today has no greater friend than Sri Lanka among her neighbors. We are committed to defending India's essential interests. But, in return we ask, nay demand, that India respect our sovereignty and always acts as a good neighbor, irrespective of the desire of various ethnic groups, and their leaders in India and elsewhere, to interfere in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka for political gain. Sri Lanka's politics is the business of Sri Lankans; and of no one else.

In the last 30 years, India forgot this requirement of good neighborliness, and Sri Lanka paid the price with the blood of over 100,000 of its dead citizens, loss of vast national treasure, and the opportunity to transform ourselves into a bastion of peace and prosperity. Since our weakness in the military, economic and international alliances made that interference by India possible, we Sri Lankans are dedicated, in our national intererest, to rectifying those weaknesses, to protect Sri Lanka irrespective of the direction of the wind blowing in New Delhi. We cannot depend on good common sense about Sri Lanka always prevailing in India. Whatever adverse decisions India makes, Sri Lanka must immunize itself to it. India need not fear these moves; it is for DEFENSIVE DETERRENCE not for OFFENSIVE AGGRESSION against India, because otherwise when India sneezes, we can die from pneumonia.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:


We Sri Lankans clearly see now that India has recognized its past mistakes, and has moved, and is moving under President Manmohan Singh's sure hand, to a much more helpful and friendly stance towards Sri Lanka, perhaps in part as an act of redemption.

Also, this is happening as over 850 million people of India are affected by terrorism that India experiences first hand the pain it inflicted on Sri Lanka. In effect, the shoe of terrorism has shifted from Sri Lanka's foot to India's. Manmohan Singh knows well that the much heralded economic resurgence of India will come to nought, if security for all people and all businesses in India is not restored. If India fails to do so, all hopes of India's long suffering people for deliverance from poverty will be dashed yet again.

We Sri Lankans wish our cousins in India the very best, and stand committed to defending the Southern Border of India against its enemies with all our might, and to cooperating and collaborating in the joint revival of our fortunes. We Sri Lankans only ask that India reciprocate our love and friendship, AT ALL TIMES, and respect the decisions our people make through our elected leaders, as we do India's.

Ananda-USA said...

Strategic Command to acquire n-capable fighters

By Ajit K Dubey
September 12, 2010

NEW DELHI: With an aim of increasing its lethal power, India's tri-services strike force is planning to acquire 40 fighter planes capable of delivering nuclear weapons.

The Strategic Forces Command (SFC) has submitted a proposal to the Defence Ministry for setting up two dedicated squadrons of fighter aircraft which will act as "mini-Air Force", ministry sources told PTI.

This will be the first time that SFC, which at present depends on the Indian Air Force for delivering nuclear weapons under its command, will have its own aerial assets, they said.

The SFC does not want untested fighters but the ones which are battle proven and have capabilities to deliver nuclear-tipped missiles, the sources said.

The aircraft planned to be procured are part of efforts to strengthen the nuclear delivery system which right now is based on land-based ballistic missiles such as the Agni and Prithvi and nuclear-capable fighters such as the Mirage 2000, Su-30 MKI and Jaguars.

Created in January 2003, the SFC is part of the Nuclear Command Authority (NCA) and is responsible for the management and administration of the country's tactical and strategic nuclear weapons stockpile.

Attempts are underway to complete the nuclear triad by developing the indigenous Arihant class nuclear submarine and under-sea launched versions of the existing ballistic missile systems.

India's nuclear doctrine envisages building a credible minimum deterrent for maintaining a 'second strike capability' which will be massive and designed to induce unacceptable damage on the enemy.

The SFC is headed by a three-star officer from any of the three services and is responsible for implementing directives of the NCA. At present, the force is headed by Lieutenant General B S Nagal.

The force manages and administers all strategic forces by exercising complete command and control over nuclear assets, and producing all contingency plans as needed to fulfil the required tasks.

The operational missile groups of the Army are armed with the 150-250 km short-range Prithvi missiles and the others with the Agni missiles of ranges above 1,5000 km form the nucleus of SFC.

Ananda-USA said...

India's rising clout worries China: US report

By Arun Kumar
August 17, 2010

WASHINGTON: China remains concerned about strategic ramifications of India's rising economic, political, and military power even as it quickly modernises its own military, according to a new US defence department report.

With sights set on extending its influence deep into the Pacific and Indian oceans, the People's Liberation Army is advancing across the board commensurate with China's burgeoning economic power, said Pentagon's annual report to Congress on China's military Monday.

"To improve regional deterrence, the PLA has replaced older liquid-fuelled, nuclear capable CSS-3 intermediate-range ballistic missiles with more advanced and survivable solid-fuelled CSS-5 MRBMs and may be developing contingency plans to move airborne troops into the region," the report said.

"China is currently investing in road development along the Sino-Indian border primarily to facilitate economic development in western China," it said noting "improved roads would also support PLA border defence operations.

The 83-page report, "Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China" noted "China has deepened its ties with India through increased trade, high-level dialogues, and an improved military-to-military relationship."

"China and India agreed to boost trade from $11.4 billion in 2007 to $40 billion in 2010, and they have held several rounds of dialogue over disputed territorial claims.

"Sino-Indian Defence ties were institutionalised in 2007 with the establishment of an Annual Defence Dialogue and by conducting three bilateral Defence exercises since 2007."

"Nonetheless, Beijing remains concerned with persistent disputes along China's shared border with India and the strategic ramifications of India's rising economic, political, and military power," the Pentagon said.

"Despite increased political and economic relations over the years between China and India, tensions remain along their shared 4,057 km border, most notably over Arunachal Pradesh, which China asserts is part of Tibet and therefore of China, and over the Askai Chin region at the western end of the Tibetan Plateau," the report said.

Ananda-USA said...

India's rising clout worries China: US report

Suggesting both countries in 2009 stepped up efforts to assert their claims, the report recalled "China tried to block a $2.9 billion loan to India from the Asian Development Bank, claiming part of the loan would have been used for water projects in Arunachal Pradesh (India's northeastern state bordering China)."

"This represented the first time China sought to influence this dispute (China lays claims to Arunachal Pradesh) through a multilateral institution," it said.

Turning to China's cyberwarfare capabilities, the report noted "In March 2009, Canadian researchers uncovered an electronic spy network, apparently based mainly in China, which had reportedly infiltrated Indian and other nations' government offices around the world. More than 1,300 computers in 103 countries were identified."

Listing numerous areas in which China's military is on the march, the report said China is developing and fielding large numbers of advanced medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles and deploying a new class of nuclear-powered submarines equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles.

It is also pouring money into "increasingly capable long-range air Defence systems, electronic warfare and computer network attack capabilities, advanced fighter aircraft, and counter-space systems."

China has "the most active land-based ballistic and cruise missile programme in the world," the report said. Beijing "now possesses one of the largest" forces of surface-to-air missiles in the world, it added. And it has the "largest force of principal combatants, submarines, and amphibious warfare ships in Asia."

Ananda-USA said...

Karuna playing a Deep Game courting the Tiger Nominated Agents pof the TNA.

Karuna seeks united voice for Tamils

Deputy Resettlement Minister and SLFP vice-president Vinayagamurthi Muralitharan alias Karuna called on all Tamil political parties to unite for the betterment of the people.
“There is no point in them being divided. It is not a healthy sign. They could oppose the government, or join the government. But, the main thing is that they should unite and look at finding a solution to the problem,” he said.
Muralitharan also welcomed the move by several Tamil political parties to form a forum. The move would be successful, he said.

He called upon the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to work with the government for the benefit of the people.
The government is in a powerful position and the people would be benefit if the TNA works with the government, he said.

“The people will benefit a lot, if the TNA joins the government. The TNA can work with the government while preserving its principles. I am not in any way saying that they should give up their principles,” he said.
“It is heartening to see a healthy improvement of the TNA. I would never say that the TNA is of no use. However, the party should make some changes on its views and stances, according to the needs of the Tamil people. Then, they would be in a position to win the confidence of the Tamil people.”
Speaking further, he asserted that the resettled people were being provided with basic needs. He said around 28,000 people remained in IDP welfare centres.

Ananda-USA said...

Nah! Ask any Canadian Eelamist .. these are "hard-core" REFUGEES!
Canadian sleuths identify six LTTE captains

September 12, 2010

Canadian investigators have identified six LTTE captains among the illegal immigrants who arrived on board the Ocean Lady in October 2009 and MV Sun Sea last month.

“Investigation findings remain discreet as the government intends to arrest the organisers of both these ships shortly,” authoritative sources said. Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney who was in India last week on a multi-country visit has also changed his travel plans to tour Australia, this week, where he is expected to discuss the country’s tough policies in dealing with illegal immigrants, the paper said.

Elcock, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) director from 1994 to 2004, will visit Thailand and the Philippines, where the international smuggling networks are based in and most of the illegal migrant activities take place, “to pursue high level discussions” seeking cooperation on intercepting smugglers.

Canada is pursuing coordinated efforts and international policies to deter human trafficking following the arrival of Ocean Lady, a suspected LTTE arms vessel carrying 76 refugee claimants last year and the much bigger human smuggling operation on MV Sun Sea last month with 492 illegal immigrants and suspected LTTE members.

Sri Lanka maintains that both these ships were operated by the active LTTE human trafficking network and hardcore LTTE leaders and members, were also on board among others. Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in Ottawa, Chitranganee Wagiswara is in contact with the Canadian Foreign Ministry sharing intelligence on the background of the ship and its crew, the Foreign Ministry said.

Ananda-USA said...

Lanka among world’s most giving nations
September 12, 2010

Sri Lanka outdoes all other South Asian countries when it comes to acts of charity, according to an international survey.

The World Giving Index of the UK-based Charities Aid Foundation ranks countries according to their charitable behaviour.

Sri Lanka is also the second most generous country when it comes to volunteering time for good causes, and the eighth most charitably disposed country in the world,

Persons interviewed for the survey in 153 countries, including Sri Lanka, were asked whether they had given money to a charity in the previous month, given time to those in need, and helped a stranger.
Australia was ranked first in the World Giving Index, followed by New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, Switzerland, the US, and the Netherlands.

The UK and Sri Lanka shared eighth place. All South Asian countries, except for Sri Lanka, fall outside the first 100 rankings.

Ananda-USA said...

Creating a More Perfect Disciplined Civil Society in Sri Lanka!
Disturbers of the peace, watch out

The Police will soon be pouncing on all who contribute to noise pollution, starting with bus drivers.

By Nadia Fazlulhaq
September 12, 2010

Noise pollution continues to plague city dwellers, although the Supreme Court issued a directive three years ago instructing the authorities to crack down on offenders.

The offending noise makers listed range from factories and construction sites to public and private buses, CD and music cassette shops, lottery ticket sellers, three wheelers, and ice-cream and pastry vendors.

Noise pollution is defined as any disturbing or unpleasant sounds caused by humans, animals or machines. Such noise can affect human and animal behaviour, and even be a health risk. Social, political and legal issues have delayed the enactment of legislation to curb and monitor noise pollution, says Central Environment Authority chairman Charitha Herath, adding that religious groups have been especially vocal against noise control.
Noise generated at construction sites should be monitored, while drivers of vehicles, especially buses, should avoid making undue noise.

“With infrastructure development activity on the increase, there is a great need for noise control,” Mr. Herath told the Sunday Times. “We are in discussion with the relevant parties. Any noise-control regulations to be introduced will have to leave religious activities out of the equation. The delay to get on with the legislation was because of objections from religious groups.”

Laws to check noise caused by vehicles, the main contributors to increased urban noise levels, will come into force by the end of the year. “All vehicles – excluding ambulances, trains, fire brigade vehicles, military and police vehicles – will be subject to the law, once permissible noise levels are determined,” he said.

Loudspeakers and amplifiers are high on the list of offending objects that disturb the peace. Under the 2007 Supreme Court directive, the use of loudspeakers will be prohibited from 10.00 pm to 6.00 am. Police permission will be necessary to use loudspeakers during these hours, and permission will be granted only under exceptional circumstances.

The Supreme Court has ordered the Police to make special arrangements for members of the public to lodge complaints relating to noise pollution. Last month, the Police received up to 30 complaints relating to noise pollution.

“We are getting steady complaints about the noise cause by bus horns and vehicles braking and screeching, and loud music on buses and in three-wheel vehicles,” said Deputy Inspector of Police, Anura Senanayake, who heads the police force’s Environmental Protection Unit.

“Other offenders are street-facing CD and music cassette shops, with their blaring radios and stereo sets,” said DIG Senanayake. “While they may promote their products, they must also understand that they cannot disturb the neighbours and people on the road. Noise limits have to be established.”
He said stern action would be taken against vehicles that caused a disturbance in silent zones or noise-sensitive areas.

A silent zone, according to the National Environmental (Noise Control) Regulation No. 1 of 1996, is an area within a 100 metres of a courthouse, a hospital, a school, a place of religious worship, a public library, a zoo, and areas marked for recreation or environmental purposes.

Noise levels are determined by measuring sound pressure over a period of time in a designated area. Noise is measured in decibels, a logarithmic unit of sound intensity. The permitted noise level within Municipal Council or Urban Council limits is 63 decibels during the day and 50 dB at night. In a silent zone, the upper limit is 50 dB by day and 45 dB at night.

Ananda-USA said...

Disturbers of the peace, watch out


During peak traffic hours, the noise level on the Galle Road and along Parliament Road can go up to 75-to 78 dB, according to DIG Senanayake said. The Police will use monitoring equipment to crack down on drivers who cause unnecessary disturbances, and the Police Environment Protection Unit will act on complaints about noise pollution, under Public Nuisance regulations.

Persons most at risk, healthwise, because of noise are residents in houses facing main roads or dwelling in the vicinity of factories and construction sites, according to Dr. Mrs. A. M. S. Zanhar of the National Transport Medical Institute.

“You may not be able to see the negative effects of noise, but noise pollution is just as bad for health as any other form of pollution,” said Dr. Zanhar, who is a senior medical officer at the institute. “Noise can cause stress, hypertension, high blood pressure, aggression, insomnia, cardiovascular problems and, of course, hearing loss.”

Students exposed to high levels of noise may have difficulty concentrating, and may suffer memory loss, she added. The Motor Traffic Department is considering temporary control measures, such as issuing suspension orders on noise-making vehicles, according to the department’s Chief Examiner of Motor Vehicles, S. K. Premaratne. “The limit should be between 65 and 80 decibels,” he said.

Under the Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act, drivers of moving or stationary vehicles may not fit loudspeakers or amplifying equipment on their vehicles. Vehicles should also be fitted with silencers.

“All motor vehicles with an internal combustion engine shall be equipped with an efficient silencing device through which all exhaust from the engine is projected and which prevents the creation of undue noise,” the Act states.

Vehicle examiners and police officers are authorised to subject a driver of any vehicle to a noise-level reading. Environment groups are also keen to see a crackdown on noise polluters. Banduranga Kariyawasam, programme coordinator, Natural Resources Conservation Management Unit of the Green Movement, said noise monitoring is a must in urban areas.

“There’s a lot of construction work going on, but no monitoring of noise levels. The Central Environment Authority should have more equipment, and random checks should be conducted.”

Ananda-USA said...

More Moves to Discipline Development in Sri Lanka!
CMC out? New Authority under Defence Ministry

A Development Authority is to be set up for the City of Colombo. The move may see the abolition of the centuries-old Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) and the proposed statutory authority being vested with all functions now being exercised by the CMC.

Consequently there is likely to be no elected body to administer the City of Colombo. In addition, the authority will also enforce strict guidelines with regard to all development activity in the City of Colombo.
This Authority is to function under the Ministry of Defence. At present, the Urban Development Authority (UDA) administers a part of matters relating to development activity in the city, which is under this ministry.

A detailed study to formulate new legislation is now under way. One of the priority tasks of the proposed authority would be to prepare plans to do away with shanties located in and around the city. Those living in such areas are to be found accommodation elsewhere.

A hint that the new statutory authority is in the making came from Wimal Weerawansa, Minister of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities. Speaking as the chief guest at a construction exhibition at the BMICH, Mr. Weerawansa said there would soon be a boost to Sri Lanka’s construction industry when the new statutory authority was set up.

He said the industry should be prepared to cope with the new challenges. The Colombo Municipal Council was created in 1865 under an Ordinance by the British to train Sri Lankans in self-government. For this purpose, the Legislative Council of then Ceylon, constituted the Colombo Municipal Council. The Council met for the first time on January 16, 1866.

Nisal said...

Canadian Tamil Congress ‘targeted’ in break-in

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #295 at DBSJ's Blog:

285. Mahesh

[I didn’t start this. When Diyasena said that Sri Lanka should raise 500000 troops to counter India and in a war with India India should be forced to cede Kashmir or Arunachal to either Pakistan or China. I said these things.]

Well, getting egged on to say things you don’t believe in is not very smart … is it?

BTW, Diyasena’s take on 500,000 strong Sri Lanka Defence Force is something I share, and have been advocating for over 20 years .. from the very beginning of organized militant terrorism in Sri Lanka! Patriot Diyasena was doing such a great job advancing that view, he didn’t need my two cents in support.

Not only that, I advocate the creation of a 3,000,000 man National Guard comprising every male and female citizen of Sri Lanka able to bear arms to support the SLDF, and creating redoubts with hidden arms and food supplies at strategic locations everywhere in Sri Lanka .. as Switzerland does in its defence.

The purpose is to transform the country into a Fortress Lanka with a MEANINGFUL and CREDIBLE DETERRENCE against ANY and ALL of Sri Lanka’s future enemies .. whoever they may be. A related goal is to inculcate and continuously foster a spirit of patriotism in the population as a whole .. as in Israel.

A spirit of patriotism and committment that will give pause to the mightiest enemies Sri Lanka may face in the future. We may not win an all out war in the long term, but the cost will be SO HIGH AS TO BE UNBEARABLE to any enemy .. so he will not even contemplate striking Sri Lanka. The name of the game is DEFENSIVE DETERRENCE.

We don’t want to offend anybody .. particularly India who, as I said, we consider to be our near and dear relatives …. and wish to be friends of all who desire it. However, we will not leave our country defenceless as in the past. We will be prepared to confront any and all enemies of Sri Lanka in the future, in every way we can.

WEAKNESS begets AGGRESSION .. we have learned that the HARDWAY.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #296 at DBSJ's Blog:

285. Mahesh

[But I also believe that this good neighborly relations shouldn’t come at the cost of the suffering Tamils there.

We have a responsibility towards that end.]

NOTHING could be further from the TRUTH. Tamils of Sri Lanka are Sri Lankan citizens; India has NO RESPONSIBILITY for them.

India has only a responsibility to Sri Lanka as a whole, acting through the elected Govt of Sri Lanka, to make AMENDS for the DEATH and DESTRUCTION it wrought in Sri Lanka.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing India should do is to DIVEST ITSELF of the NOTION that it has FORMAL RESPONSIBILITY towards the citizens of another country .. irrespective of the fact that they are related to an ethnic group within its own borders. FAILURE to recognize this PRINCIPLE and dissuade the Tamil Nadu leaders from using it as a LEVER to BLACKMAIL the Govt of Indiia, will result in repetition of past errors. It has serious implications for both Sri Lanka & India as I explain below.

This attitude that some countries "have responsibilities" towards communities in other countries .. is the CRUX of problem that has bedevilled the world for centuries.

Very often it is a PRETEXT for advancing the agenda of that country which "assumes" it has a responsibility.

In India's case, that PRETEXT was motivated by two factors: 1. the need to pander to and curry political favor with the incurably racist leaders of Tamil Nadu. This will be a CONSTANT feature of Indian politics that Sri Lanka needs to confront by military and economic strength, and by strong alliances with other countries. 2. the annoyance of the Indira Gandhi govt, socialist in idealogy and allied with the USSR for defence against Pakistan, that Sri Lanka, trying to alleviate the poverty of its people through freemarket policies, was moving towards its "enemis" the capitalist West, principally the US.

This drove the Imperial Indira Gandhi to punish and "teach a lesson" to puny Sri Lanka, in the same way she had punished Pakistan by prying Bangladesh loose. She set the Tamil terrorist program in motion, with training, funds, delivery into Sri Lanka, and pressure on Sri Lanka as the "white knight" defending minority rights. BOLONEY! She was ALSO DEAD WRONG in her assessment that Sri Lanka's posture was anti-India .. and not driven by Sri Lanka's conclusion that socialist practices of dividing a fixed pie to an ever increasing population will not work to meets the needs of her people, and growing the pie by freemarket policies should be the way forward. But, who can sway the minds arrogant regional powers confident in their own beliefs. It quite odd, that India today is adopting the same freemarket policies that Sri Lanka spearheaded during Indira Gandhi's time in South Asia .. to Sri Lanka utter destruction because of India's mistaken foreign policy.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #296 at DBSJ's Blog:

Returning to the pretextual assumption of "responsibility" for ethnic communities in other countries, we have several classic examples. Hitler's Germany assumed "responsibility" for all Germanic people in adjoining countries. On that basis Hitler precipitated the "Sudeten Question" to demand that Cezchkoslovakia cede the Sudetenland to Germany, and moved on later to swallow all of that country. Austrian Germans integrated into the Reich with barely a wimper. The Germans in Poland of course needed to be incorporated by considerable force into the Reich .. his list of Germans needing rescue was endless.

In South Asia, we could say that the J&K conflict with Pakistan today arises from Pakistan assuming "responsibility" for the Muslims of that region. China is moving to assert that all Tibetans, as part of the "Chinese family", need to be protected and is laying claim to the Arunachal Pradesh and Askai Chin regions of India.

My plea to India is, GIVE UP THE NOTION that India has ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR SRI LANKAN TAMILS .. only the Elected Govt of Sri Lanka has that responsibility. If you assert such a responsibility, that principle may come to hant India as other countries invoke the same prionciple against India.

GIVE IT UP, I say!

Regarding the charge that Mahesh makes against the quality of Sri Lanka's democracy, I say that those who live in glasshouses should not throw stones.

India's democracy is not so hot, and is an indisciplined disaster in the making. This feederal system government has presided over India while the country dissolved into a indiscplined patchwork of states led by self-serving leaders filling their own coffers. The he nation is beset by separatist and terrorist movements across vast areas populated by the great majority of its people. Yet, the federal govt and states are fighting with one another as to how to confront this anarchy and who is empowered to do it. Meanwhile, govt benefits are doled out to people on the basis of their caste and other communal attributes instead of just poverty and need irrespective of community affiliations. Just the other day, the inestimable demagogues of Tamil Nadu were demanding that caste be included in the census to further perpetuate the slicing and dicing of India's people into ever smaller segments.

When India has assured equal rights in reality to all of its people, educated them, provided for their healthcare, and a reasonable livelihood .. I would happy to acknowledge that right of India, and Indians, to preach democrazy to Sri Lanka. Till then, please focus on your own problems .. we are doing quite well given the wars that were inflicted upon us for 30 years .. thank you very much.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #307 at DBSJ's Blog:

302. sjoseph

[A change in Govt would bring a major policy change in India. Of late JJ (Vaiko’s alliance partner) is getting more popular in Tamilnadu.]

The above cooment of yours illustrates my point; Sri Lanka cannot afford to remain defenceless, poor and friendless, because India’s Sri Lanka policy is fickle and may change with the weather!

Sri Lanka has maybe a decade of time to become the New Wonder of Asia, and become largely immune to external blackmail and threats.

The PEOPLE of Sri Lanka KNOW THIS VERY WELL. That is why they voted overwhelmingly, OVER & OVER AGAIN since the end of the eelam War, for a STABLE, STRONG and PATRIOTIC government that has the will, and the vision to get us there.

Naysayers, like those who predicted that Kilinochchi will become the Stalingrad of the Sri Lanka DEfence Forces, can stamp their feet in frustration and wail inconsolably in the scuppers, but the Patriotic People of Sri Lanka will back their Government to the HILT until it is DONE.

And ALL OF US Sri Lankans, Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Budhhist, Hindu, Christian, Moslem, Male, Female, Poor and Rich will benefit mightily and share EQUALLY in the peace & prosperity that this decade of achievement will bring.

Jayawewa, Sri Lanka!

Me Apey Ratna Deepa Janma Bhoomiyayi!

Thusitha said...

Ananda-USA said...

Nice to hear from you after some time!

Yes, indeed! Youu see, gathering body parts as trophies is an old American custom.

Was very busy for some time and therefore didn't enter the blog. But now I am back. Seem like the blog has been transformed quite a bit.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka responds to US concerns on passage of 18th Amendment

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 13, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government today, responding to the concerns expressed by the United States on the just passed constitutional reforms, said the passage of 18th Amendment to Sri Lanka's Constitution last week in the parliament with a two-third majority is an entirely internal matter.

The government said while it, along with the people, values the longstanding relationship with the United States it regrets that the U. S. State Department comment has not been able to do justice to the true intent and circumstances behind the enactment of the 18th Amendment.

In a statement released today, the External Affairs Ministry said the passing the 18th Amendment "took place in full accord with the provisions of the Constitution and in total compliance with a unanimous decision of the Supreme Court, with an overwhelming majority of 161 Members of Parliament of a total of 225, voting in favour."

The United States on Saturday (11) said it has closely followed the progress and the passage of the 18th Amendment Sri Lanka Constitution and expressed concern over the approved saying the new measure weakens checks and balances and undermines the principles of constitutional democracy.

The Ministry statement pointing out that successive governments have failed to fully implement the 17th Amendment to the Constitution since its inception, said the 18th Amendment was presented after careful consideration.

The government said the 17th Amendment could lead to the practical situation of depriving the executive arm of government of the authority and disciplinary control, essential to meet the constitutional obligation of managing the machinery of state and the 18th Amendment resolves this issue.

The Ministry statement explained that the removal of term limits by the 18th Amendment will serve to prevent any potential for the political authority of the Head of State and Government being eroded during the course of a second term, due to an arbitrarily imposed time limitation of service to the nation.

"In fact the 18th Amendment re-establishes the will of the people as the sole factor, which should correctly determine the continuity of tenure," it noted.

Sri Lankan parliament on September 8th approved the 18th Amendment to the country's Constitution with a two-third majority, paving the way for the immensely popular President Mahinda Rajapaksa to seek reelection for a third term.

The U.S. in its statement called on the Government of Sri Lanka to promote the principles of good governance, democracy, and independent State institutions.

Critics of the 18th amendment say the proposed parliamentary council has no powers and the President would have more powers over many independent institutions, seriously impacting the justice, free elections, and human rights.

Ananda-USA said...

Really? And here I was labouring under the belief that this kind of thing NEVER HAPPENS in INDIA!

India border troops 'tortured' Maoist suspects
September 13, 2010

A file photo of an injured BSF soldier in Chhattisgarh on 20 November 2008 There has been a spate of deadly attacks on the troops in Chhattisgarh

Claims that Indian paramilitary forces tortured villagers while pursuing Maoist rebels in the central state of Chhattisgarh are under investigation.

Troops from the Border Security Force (BSF) allegedly beat and gave electric shocks to tribal people, including women, during interrogation.

BSF director general Raman Srivastava said an internal inquiry was underway.

A large number of Indian police and paramilitary are based in Chhattisgarh, a stronghold of Maoist insurgents.

The allegations against the troops have been made by residents of Pachangi and Aloor villages in Kanker district.

The rebels, who say they are fighting for the rights of the rural poor, have carried out a spate of deadly attacks in recent months.

In April, 76 members of the paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force were killed in Chhattisgarh state's Dantewada district.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has described the insurgency as India's biggest internal security challenge.

Meanwhile, the rebels blew up rail tracks and killed eight people in three Indian states, after calling a 48-hour strike.

The walkout is to protest against what the Maoists call the "cold-blooded" killing of their top leader, Cherikuri Rajkumar, alias Azad.

Authorities said Azad was killed in a clash on 2 July.

The industrial action has affected parts of the states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Maharashtra.

Early on Monday, the rebels shot dead five male members of a family after dragging them from a house in Dompara village, West Bengal, police said.

They were apparently targeted for supporting the state's governing Communists.

Also on Monday, the Maoists shot dead two officers at a police station in Dantewada district, police said.

The Maoists also blew up a stretch of railway track near the Karmavad station in Giridih district of Jharkhand.

Ananda-USA said...

Some Old Terrorists NEVER DIE, they just get ASSIMILATED!

Thaya Master now heads pro-Lanka TV station

P K Balachandran
September 13, 2010

COLOMBO Thaya Master, once known as the media coordinator of the LTTE, is today the director of news at a pro-government TV station in Point Pedro near Jaffna.

Sources in Jaffna told Express on Sunday that Velayutham Thayanithi, alias Thaya Master, is head of news services at DAN TV said to be close to the pro-government Eelam Peoples’ Democratic Front led by Cabinet Minister Douglas Denananda. DAN TV is run by a Sri Lankan Tamil settled in France who was earlier a journalist with the Jaffna daily Eelanadu.

Thaya Master and the LTTE official translator, George Master, had fallen out with the militant group in the final phase of Eelam War IV. They daringly escaped from the LTTE’s clutches and surrendered to the Lankan forces. They were arrested and sent to Colombo for interrogation. Soon, the duo appeared on state-TV denouncing the LTTE. Though cases were registered against them they were released from detention.

Thaya Master, along with Karuna Amman, former Eastern commander of the LTTE, were flown to Nanthikadal lagoon on May 19, 2009, to identify the body of the slain Tiger chief Velupillai Prabhakaran.

A heart patient, Thaya Master was earlier treated at Apollo hospital in Colombo and is now being monitored by cardiologists at the government hospital in Point Pedro, Jaffna. According to The Sunday Leader, he is building a good house in Point Pedro at a cost of SLRs 5 million, which is big money in Point Pedro.

Thaya Master was an English teacher at a government school before he resigned and joined LTTE’s media wing. His wife, however, continued to be a government school teacher in Kilinochchi right through the war. She is now teaching at a Point Pedro government school and is reportedly hoping to be its principal, using her husband’s new-found clout with the Rajapaksa regime.

Ananda-USA said...

Polish Nobel Laureate to visit Sri Lanka
September 12, 2010

Lech Walesa, historic Polish figure will be in Colombo soon for a lecture tour, the Asian Tribune which is one of the sponsoring parties reported on its website yesterday.

It said that arrangements are made in Sri Lanka by Senaka Rajapakse, a resident of Poland and President, Sri Lankan Diaspora Group, along with the AT to organise Nobel Laureate’s visit to Sri Lanka.

Walesa, who served as the Polish Premier from1990 to 1995, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983 and is a founder member of Solidarity, the first independent trade union behind Soviet bloc’s ‘Iron Curtain’.

Walesa, who was an electrician by trade, had no higher education. He became a trade-union activist once he began work at the Polish shipyard called Gdansk, (then, "Lenin"). He was thereafter persecuted by the Polish communist government which placed him under surveillance, and subsequently and threw him out of job in 1976. Thereafter, he was arrested several times. In 1980 he was involved in the negotiations leading to the ground-breaking "Gdansk Agreement" between the communist regime and the workers and co-founded the "Solidarity" union movement. Solidarity was outlawed and he was arrested, but he continued with his trade union activities led to the establishment of the 1989 Round Table Agreement resulting in the semi-free parliamentary elections in June 1989. This gave birth to the Solidarity-led government.

In 1990, Walesa successfully ran for the office of President of Poland and oversaw Poland’s transformation from a communist to a post-communist state, but his popularity fell and in 1995, he narrowly lost the election. He now delivers lectures in Poland and abroad on history and politics.

Nisal said...

Guys, look at this map of ancient Bharath.

Sri Lanka was "Sinhala" for them.

TropicalStorm said...

Hello Ananda,

While I admire your gutsy patriotic attitude towards everything Sri Lankan, am getting rather uncomfortable with the way you seem to endorse everything Prez MR is doing, with scant regard to how dynamics of cause and effect works.
We just watched a bad piece of legislature being passed, while attempting to whitewash it under different pretexes. And then the SLG went so far as to critique the self appointed guardian of the democratic world's (US')opinion that it is ant-democratic.
All this may play jingles to the ears of the blind masses, but people like you and I know that global powers like the US do not take hash from third world despots kindly. They have long memories and even longer reach.
Just to arrive at my point quickly; I would say the happenings of the last few days, starting with this ill considered 18 A (Constitutional amendment) will have long term effects on the country and in isolating the Rajapaksa's in the world political theatre. By pushing thru with 18 A, MR asked the western world to put political expediency before justice. (Not that they haven't done it to us before)
We just watched the final act that could lead to the conviction of the Rajapaksas for war crimes, fact or fiction.
We also precipitated either foreign intervention or military coup.
The only way out would be for the MR regime to become survile to the West.
I don't like either.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #336 at DBSJ's Blog:
322. Shiva

[How long is needed to enact strong anti-discrimination and anti-Racial Vilification laws?]

Tamils in Sri Lanka had equal rights 30 years ago, and have equal rights now.

What Tamils wanted in Sri Lanka was the perpetuation of the greater rights they had under colonial rule, working with the British while the majority Sinhala community was suppressed. After independence, especially after the SWRD SLFP Govt came to power, the doors to equal opportunity was thrown open to all people .. especially the rural poor .. and not just to the elite who thrived under colonial rule. As a result, the poorer rural people who were denied equal opportunities in the land ... from all communities ... Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim ... began to benefit and get ahead. Since the majority of those people were from the previously suppressed Sinhala community .. they got ahead in proportion to their presence among the poor.

The Tamil elite who began to see that their economic advantage and disproportionate share of power in the country was slipping from their grasp under one-man one-vote rule, began to demand a Tamil-only Aparthieid state in Sri Lanka to preserve their gains. They cloaked it under the cover of racial and linguistic discrimination .. but it was never discrimination against them by others, but the reverse of trying to hang on to their special privileges and unwillingness to compete on a level ground.

Sri Lanka's very high literacy (>95%) compared to India (50%) , presence of racial, religious and gender minorities in every sphere of governance and professional occupation to an extent greater than their statistical proportion in the population, labor laws acknowledged to be a model for developing nations, electricity in most rural homes, affordable bus and rail transportation even in rural areas, free basic healthcare for all, longevity approaching that of developed nations, infant mortality that is among the lowest in developing nations, near absence of caste distinctions, these are among the achievements made since independence.
These are attributes of a caring society that placed human considerations before all others.

I repeat again: poorer previously disenfranchised segments of the Tamil population benefited as much as the poorer disenfranchised segments of other communities. At the dawn of independence, Indian Tamil estate laborers were indentured slaves subsisting on starvation wages. If you visit the upcountry areas of Sri Lanka today you will see that their standard of living is often equal to or better than that of other rural folk in Sri Lanka. If you compare their lot today with the economic deprivation, and systematic humiliation experienced by dalits in Tamil Nadu, and elsewhere in India, you will begin to appreciate what has been achieved in Sri Lanka under successive Sinhala dominated governments.

What is perhaps more startling is that these gains were preserved and extended even as the country was subjected to a debilitating 30 year conflict that siphoned away funds from human development to security activities.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #336 at DBSJ's Blog:
Sri Lanka is not yet the paradise it can be, but it will become a paradise for all of its citizens a few decades from now, when we succeed in implementing the development plans that are now underway. Everywhere in Sri Lanka today there is endless optimism, infrastructure development and growth .. go and see for yourself the highways, bridges, flyovers, railways; wind, coal and hydroelectric power plants; airports, harbours, new land recovered from the sea, new sports stadiums, old canal way resurrected, new apartment complexes, shanties removed and people relocated to better housing, factories being built, locals investing their savings in ventures and foreign investors streaming in. These are the benefits of peace and the will and determination of a visionary can-do government to hold naysayers at bay, and develop the nation full speed ahead.

Anti-discrimination and equal rights are already part and parcel of the laws of Sri Lanka ... no additional legislation is necessary. Laws against disruptive communal activities .. including racial vilification .. are just around the corner. The latter .. in my view .. should include the banning of all political parties with communal separatist party names and agendas. Parties with "Tamil", "Hela", "Muslim" , "Sinhala" , "Eelam", "Liberation" etc should be banned forthwith.

Remember, we eradicated a malevolent separatist terrorist movement only in May, 2009 ... just an year ago. Sri Lanka is still struggling to rehabilitate the IDPs, restore their livelihoods, protect them and the nation from resurgence of terrorism, while coping with all of the disruptive, divisive activities of anti-national local and foreign elements. No country has done so much, for so many in such a short time.

After ending the war, the first priority was to create a stable and strong government that can protect the achievements of the recent past, and realize the hopes for the future. The overwhelming mandate from the people received in the Presidential and General elections, and the Constitutional amendments have laid the basis for that. Now development of the nation can proceed with the confidence that no enemies of Sri Lanka can prevent our reaching our national goals.

Yet, Sri Lanka's enemies keep ignoring her stupendous accomplishments while impatiently criticizing the progressive plans that are underway. ALL of that criticism is designed to undermine the Govt and prevent the stabilization of the country, because in a stable and strong country they cannot achieve their anti-national objectives.

Tamil Eelamists want to gain in peace what they failed to win in war: an apartheid Tamil-only nation carved out from Sri Lanka. That will NEVER be allowed to happen. Tamil people should settle for EQUAL RIGHTS as citizens in ONE Indivisible Nation, as ONE Indivisible People, sharing ONE Indivisible National Destiny, and bear EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY to love and protect this Resplendent Isle. If they do so willingly, their place as honoured citizens in a peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka is assured.

No country can offer more than that to its citizens.

Ananda-USA said...

TropicalStorm said ...

[Just to arrive at my point quickly; I would say the happenings of the last few days, starting with this ill considered 18 A (Constitutional amendment) will have long term effects on the country and in isolating the Rajapaksa's in the world political theatre. By pushing thru with 18 A, MR asked the western world to put political expediency before justice. (Not that they haven't done it to us before)]

Thanks for posting you views.

I would be concerned about the lifetime tenure for MR under the 18th Amendment and his becoming a dictator answerable to no one, only if he is not subject to re-election by the people in a Presidential election.

If the people believe he is doing a good job, let them re-elect him; if not let them reject him. Only the automatic disqualification of the President to run re-election is lost.

The position of the US on this is rather laughable, and is driven primarily by chagrin that Sri Lanka is "not listening" to the US. If we had, Prabhakaran would be taking pot shots at Sri Lanka from abroad now, and organizing a renewal of terrorism in Sri Lanka. Would the US have allowed Osama Bin Laden to be rescued if they had cornered him in Afghanistan, so he can do the same? Definitely not. He would have been given the very same treatment as the Sun God.

Much of this US Policy is driven by Hillary Clinton who is rather upset that Sri Lanka rejected her moves to rescue the LTTE leadership. Why she ventured to do that on behalf of the LTTE is another story that will no doubt come out in the future(hint, hint, wink, wink). As you correctly imply, the reaction to that refusal is the same as that of Empress Indira Gandhi who precipitated the Eelamist terrorism in Sri Lanka because Sri Lanka was not following the Indian lead to remain in the socialist camp.

Let me first address the US unhappiness with eliminating the two-term limit. It was only after Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was elected three times as US President and died in office, that the US placed a two-term limit on the Presidency.

He was so popular as the President who revived the nation from the Great Depression with his "New Deal", and successfully defended the US in WWII, that had FDR remained in good health, he would have been easily re-elected to a 4th term by a landslide.

So, who was unhappy about that? Not the ordinary American citizen ... who was glad that God had seen fit to gift such a leader in a time of desperate need .. but the legions of Presidential hopefuls who were shut out by this man.

So, let us ask, what is more important ... the preservation and prosperity of the nation, or accommodating the ambitions of politicians who cannot cope with such an exuberantly able man?

The situation with MR is similar. Here is a man who came to power with a paper-thin majority .. that required him to give a Minister-ship to everyone who asked as the price of his support. Yet, he used that opportunity, to solve a national problem that had eluded the grasp of many successive governments and posturing all-knowing leaders who had neither his committment to his country, his courage, nor his ability to fight with the iron-will and dedication necessary to win on its behalf.

In the recent Presidential election, and the General election which followed it, millions of ordinary people rewarded him and his party, ignoring the usual array of naysayers, by returning them to power with landslide majorities .. because they realize that WHAT HE REPRESENTS MATTERS TO THEM. They know that by doing his job well, he saved their lives and their future.

If other politicians can match wits with MR let them convince the people, and get elected. But, let us not prevent the ablest man to lead the nation since independence from serving the country, by an arbitrary two term limit.

Ananda-USA said...

Response to TropicalStorm ..

Let us now address the issue of the entire Rajapakse family being in government. The father of these brothers was a founding father of independent Sri Lanka. Politics is their inheritance .. if they are serving the nation well, let us support them. If not, and they fail miserably as other political dynasties of Sri Lanka have, let us kick them out. The people have the freedom to make that choice.

You and I know very well that is was the seamless coordination of the war effort, the diplomacy and the finances of Sri Lanka, between Mahinda and Gotabhaya that won the war. That was something that no other government could do. Remember CBK, who tried to fight, lost courage when she lost an eye, and became a peacenik who aggravated the human rights assault on Sri Lanka? The ineffectual children of a great patriotic mother could not hack it. A band of leaders such as the Rajapakse brothers are a very rare gift by the Hatara Waran Deviyo to Sri Lanka; let us treasure them and thank the Gods.

Then there are the other provisions of the 18th Amendment including the SC and HR commisions. These laws upset the US because they will now find it difficult to orhestrate opposition to the Govt on pretext of war crimes, and use that lever to btring Sri Lanka to heel. The Govt did what they had to do to protect the stability of Sri Lanka and its war winning leaders. Only those elements of Sri Lanka politics who tried to use these levers against Sri Lan ka, and are willing puppets in the hands of external forces, are unhappy. Again, preseving the integrity of the nation, and meeting the national goals we have set for our country, are PARAMOUNT.

You say MR is exercising political expediency; but I disagree. I have no personal allegiance of any kind in the Rajaspakse family, but I have a strong allegiance to this band of brothers who have rescued SRi Lanka's sceptre from the gutter. The lead article of this section of the blog that I wrote nearly 15 years ago shows why. What I espoused for Sri Lanka then has not changed one iota in the intervening years. The Rajapakse brothers made my dream a reality for me .. that wins my allegiance to them, until they prove themselves to be unworthy of it.

Sri Lanka has had many political family dynasties before (Senanayake, Bandaranayake), as have other countries (eg. US, UK), so now we have the Rajapakses .. let them rule if they can deliver the goods.

[We just watched the final act that could lead to the conviction of the Rajapaksas for war crimes, fact or fiction.
We also precipitated either foreign intervention or military coup.]

I disagree. The opposition of the West was always there; but, they now have bigger problems of their own to attend to no.

The Tamil Eelamist Diaspora are losing ground everywhere, as Western nations are questioning their barefaced lies and breaking of their laws. In the current economic climate, the West has no patience for these freeloaders trying to sponge off them.

As long as Sri Lanka becomes an economic success, and becomes profitable partner in commerce for them, the West could not care less about the creation of an Eelam in Sri Lanka.

We have to make sure that as we diversify our alliances to deny any foreign nation a veto power over our survival, we maintain a proper balance, friendly relations and commercial interactions with the West.

At the same time, when Sri Lanka's essential interests and internal matters are at stake, we should not hesitate to firmly shut the door to further discussion and interference.

Ananda-USA said...

Human Rights Violations in British Colonies during WWII;

Millions left to die in artificial famine!

Winston Churchill blamed for 1m deaths in India famine

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
September 10, 2010, 12:00 pm

Sir Winston Churchill may be one of Britain’s greatest wartime leaders, but in India he has been blamed for allowing more than a million people to die of starvation.

According to a new book on the famine, Sir Winston ignored pleas for emergency food aid for millions in Bengal left to starve as their rice paddies were turned over to jute for sandbag production and supplies of rice from Burma stopped after Japanese occupation.

Between one and three million died of hunger in 1943.

The wartime leader said Britain could not spare the ships to transport emergency supplies as the streets of Calcutta filled with emaciated villagers from the surrounding countryside, but author Madhusree Mukerjee has unearthed new documents which challenge his claim.

In her book, Churchill’s Secret War, she cites ministry records and personal papers which reveal ships carrying cereals from Australia were bypassed India on their way to the Mediterranean where supplies were already abundant.

"It wasn’t a question of Churchill being inept: sending relief to Bengal was raised repeatedly and he and his close associates thwarted every effort," the author said.

"The United States and Australia offered to send help but couldn’t because the war cabinet was not willing to release ships. And when the US offered to send grain on its own ships, that offer was not followed up by the British," she added.

The man-made famine and the contrast between the plight of starving Indians and well-fed British officers dining in the city’s many colonial clubs has been described as one of the darkest chapters in British rule on the Indian subcontinent.

Miss Mukerjee blames Churchill’s ‘racism’ for his refusal to intervene.

He derided Gandhi as a "half-naked holy man" and once said: "I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion."

He was known to favour Islam over Hinduism.

"Winston’s racist hatred was due to his loving the empire in the way a jealous husband loves his trophy wife: he would rather destroy it than let it go," said Miss Mukerjee.

(C) The Telegraph Group
London 2010

Ananda-USA said...

Sinhalese chased away from Jaffna by LTTE seek resettlement

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 15, Colombo: Quoting the Army spokesman Major General Ubhaya Medawala, Sri Lanka's state-owned Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation reported that 150 Sinhala families who resided in the Northern Province capital Jaffna for over 50 years have applied for resettlement.

The official said it had been established that all of them were long time residents of Jaffna. Most of these Sinhalese ran businesses in Jaffna and they were famous for bakery industry in the peninsula.

However, they migrated back to their ancestral villages, mainly in Deep South, with the culmination of communal violence.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE) commenced ethnic cleansing with ousting of Sinhalese and later chased away the Jaffna Muslims within a brief time frame.

Around 40,000 Sinhala soldiers are in Jaffna now manning the security establishments.

Ananda-USA said...

Daya Master talks of new life
SEptember 15, 2010

A man who acted as media spokesman for the Tamil Tiger rebels in Sri Lanka says he believes the decades-long war between them and the state was a waste of people’s lives.

Velayutham Dayanidhi, better known as Daya Master, was speaking in an exclusive interview with the BBC, the first broadcast interview given by any of the former senior Tiger leaders since their movement was decisively vanquished on the battlefield in May last year.

BBC's Charles Haviland spoke to Daya Master.

Daya Master surrendered to government forces with a colleague in April last year, weeks before the separatist Tamil Tigers or LTTE were destroyed and beaten.

They were released on bail last September but their whereabouts had been unclear.

The BBC has now spoken to Daya Master on the telephone to the northern city of Jaffna, his hometown. He said he was working as the local head of operations for a privately-owned Tamil television channel, Dan-TV, and was living peacefully there, as was his wife who is working as a teacher.

Asked if he was glad the country was now at peace, Daya Master said yes. The Tamil people had not liked the war, he said; what they had wanted was education. Asked if the conflict was a waste of the lives of many people, he said that was true. But he would not comment on whether he regretted being part of such a violent organisation, nor on the case which is to be heard against him next month.When he was released on bail a year ago the police said there was no evidence to charge him under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, but said possible criminal activity was being looked into.

Jaffna town
Jaffna town

Daya Master told the BBC he had no relationship with the Sri Lankan government, and also that he had not met his former senior LTTE colleague, Selvarasa Pathmanathan, who was captured in August 2009 but has been working with government officials to engage with visiting members of the Tamil diaspora.

Shortly after Daya Master surrendered he said in a government video interview that the rebels had shot at least 200 civilians as they tried to leave the war zone. Thousands of other former rebels remain in detention and hundreds are likely to face charges in court.

Ananda-USA said...

British Government admits humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka has improved.

September 15, 2010

The British Minister for the Middle East and South Asia Mr. Alistair Burt , answering oral questions has told the British parliament that the British government was aware of the ground situation in Sri Lanka, and human rights and media freedom situation have improved in Sri Lanka after the conflict with the Tamil Tigers ended.
The Minister also said that the UK government is continuing a dialogue with the Sri Lanka government, as well as the NGOs including the UNHCR, over the plight of remaining internally displaced (IDPs) people in the camps, and the British government has spent 13.5 million pounds to support IDPs.

Meanwhile, government officials said that only about 25,000 IDPs from more than 300,000 persons rescued from the tiger terrorists are remain to be settled by now and they also will be resettled in their original habitats as soon the demining in their original habitats is completed.(niz)

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:

369. Shiva,

I am glad I asked you for examples of discrimination. I did that because I am aware of the historical allegations of discrimination in Sri Lanka that have been used by Eelamists to justify their murder and mayhem, but I wanted to know what kinds of events you were referring to.

It was not a schoolmasterish response from me.

However, the four "examples" you provided clearly indicate that you don't know what "discrimination" is, legally.

If you filed cases alleging DISCRIMINATION in a US court on the basis of these examples, they would be summarily thrown out as not constituting discrimination.


The word "discrimination" has a very special legal definition and societal connotation that many other ordinary crimes do not meet.

In US Constitutional Law, discrimination is the grant by statute of particular privileges to a class arbitrarily designated from a sizable number of persons, where no reasonable distinction exists between the favored and disfavored classes. gives a more digestible definition of that Discrimination as:

"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit:, eg. racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.

while states:

"Discrimination is a sociological term referring to the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group in consideration based solely on class or category. Discrimination is the actual behavior towards another group. It involves excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to other groups.[1] The United Nations explains: "Discriminatory behaviors take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection." "

Some of the cases you cited are only your interpretations of the facts and are debatable as to whether they are crimes committed by, for example the GOSL, while others seem to be "crimes" under the law of the land, but do not constitute "discrimination." I will address these examples one-by-one later after I have dealt with the usual categories of discrimination.

The usual categories of discrimination as listed in are:

1 Race and Ethnicity discrimination

Racial discrimination differentiates between individuals on the basis of real and perceived racial differences

2 Age discrimination

Age discrimination is discrimination on the grounds of age. Although theoretically the word can refer to the discrimination against any age group, age discrimination usually comes in one of three forms: discrimination against youth (also called adultism), discrimination against those 40 years old or older,[10] and discrimination against elderly people.

3 Sex and Gender discrimination

Currently, discrimination based on sex is defined as adverse action against another person, that would not have occurred had the person been of another sex. This is considered a form of prejudice and is illegal in certain enumerated circumstances in most countries.

4 Caste discrimination

Discrimination against people of social classes formiing a system of social stratification and social restrictions defined by endogamous hereditary groups.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:


5 Employment discrimination

Employment discrimination refers to disabling certain people to apply and receive jobs based on their race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation and disability.

6 Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Sexual orientation discrimination is prejudicial behaviour against people who deviate from the usual norm of heterosexual conduct, irrespective of their sex.

7 Language discrimination

Language discrimination exists if there is prejudicial treatment against a person or a group of people who speak a particular language or dialect.

8 Reverse discrimination

Some attempts at anti-discrimination have been criticized as reverse discrimination. In particular, minority quotas (e.g. affirmative action) discriminate against members of a dominant or majority group. In its opposition to race preferences, the American Civil Rights Institute's Ward Connerly stated, "There is nothing positive, affirmative, or equal about 'affirmative action' programs that give preference to some groups based on race."

9 Disability discrimination

Discrimination against people with disabilities in favor of people who are not is called ableism or disablism. Disability discrimination, which treats non-disabled individuals as the standard of ‘normal living’, results in public and private places and services, education, and social work that are built to serve 'standard' people, thereby excluding those with various disabilities.

10 Religious discrimination

Religious discrimination is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe in their religion.


1. [A national hero challenges the president and he gets detained and have numerous trumped up charges against him.]

What exactly is the basis of alleged discrimination here? First, many accept that Sarath Fonseka, driven by unbounded personal ambition, perceptions of insufficient credit and rewards for his services, and perhaps other perceived insults, decided to enter politics. But, the principal reason for which he was targeted was his accusations of war crimes against the SLDF, and the GOSL, and the coup-de-etat security threat he posed to the GOSL in forming a extra-governmental military unit of his own. That precipitated everything. As it turned out, he had engaged in several illegal activities that could be used to prosecute him .. and they were. However, no prejudicial action against Fonseka was taken on the basis of a protected group attribute that meets the definition of discrimination. Therefore, this example cannot be used to allege discrimination.

2. [National embarassment and underworld figure ties a Government Servant (Muslim) to a tree and gets off Scot free (because he sought to sit on the ground like a dog next to the President?).]

Mervyn Silva did tie a government servant to a tree; he was dismissed from his deputy Minister job for doing that, although he has been recently restored to it. A legal case against him is currently pending in court. I don't think the victim was a Muslim. Mervyn is a raging bull in a china shop who should have no role whatsoever in government. But, Mervyn has not systematically targeted persons of any particular protected group, and his actions which are reprehensible, and even criminal in this case, are not discriminatory, because they have not been taken because of prejudice against a particular social class or protected group.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment at DBSJ's Blog:


........continued 2..........
3. [Minister’s son sexually harasses a young lady in a night club. Her boy friend defends her and is beaten with head injuries requiring hospitalisation. The Minister’s son gets a security detail holding machine guns while he bullies any one and everyone he
pleases. – GETS OFF SCOT FREE]

This case may be clearly viewed as criminal, and the Minister's son should be charged in court for that. However, it is arguable as to whether it is sexual discrimination. It WOULD BE sexual discrimination, if the Minister's son has authority over the young lady in some capacity .. such as an employer. Without such a prior organizational relationship, or administrative position where the son would have the power to affect the rights of the lady, this case would not meet the strict standards of a discrimination case. It would merely be a case of criminal misconduct. The issue of why the Minister's son was allowed to go SCOT FREE is not an issue of discrimination, but a breakdown in governance and administration of justice.

4.[A 13 year old girl is immediately (within minutes?) arrested by police in Kalutara when accused of stealing Rs 5 and the magistrate is prepared to bail her on Rs 100 000!]

We don't know whether the girl was really guilty of the stealing or whether she was framed for some other purpose. We don't know whether the judge made a grievous mistake in handing out such draconian punishment, or was party to the framing of the girl. What is clear is that it was not a case od "discrimination" but perhaps overzealousness on the part of the judge, or part of a criminal conspiracy for some other reason. This is not a case of discrimination, either.

None of your four cases meet the legal standards to be considered discrimination. While discriminatory acts do involve individuals, the tests for discrimination involve prejudice against individuals as members of a social class or group. If that test cannot be met by a case, and the case is filed alleging discrimination, it will be dismissed. Not all crimes meet the test of discrimination.

If you want to allege discrimination is rampant in Sri Lanka, try to come up with some examples .. like the Eelamists did .. of systematic prejudicial actions by those in authority against a social class or group, and not isolated criminal acts by agents of favored politicians. The latter happens in all countries, including the US, but do not constitute discrimination.

kevin said...

Ananda Said..
'As long as Sri Lanka becomes an economic success, and becomes profitable partner in commerce for them, the West could not care less about the creation of an Eelam in Sri Lanka.'

Very true and spot on
If we can achieve this then the West will leave us alone.good example is China where many violations still occurs but tolerated.
Road to such achievement need many sacrifices.Lets hope the government will create the right atmosphere that bring back confidence for investment in SL.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lankan's Outstanding Giving Record hits Indian News media.
'Lankans most generous charity donors in Asia'

September 15, 2010

WASHINGTON: The people of Australia and New Zealand are the most generous in the world when it comes to donating for charity, said a study that added that Sri Lankans are the leading charity donors in Asia.

The "World Giving Index" was produced by Britain-based Charities Aid Foundation after a survey in 153 countries.

Australia and New Zealand topped the "World Giving Index", Malta was found to be the country with the largest percentage of the population giving money, the people of Turkmenistan are the most generous with giving time to charity work and Liberia was the number one country for helping a stranger.

A statement issued by the embassy of Sri Lanka here said that the regional winners were: Asia - Sri Lanka, Europe - Ireland, North America - Canada, South America - Guyana, Africa - Sierra Leone with Australia and New Zealand sharing the Australasia mantle.

The global survey by the independent research company Gallup measured the percentage of people who have given money to charity, the number of people who have given time to those less fortunate than themselves, and those who helped a stranger.

In the index's global league table, Sri Lanka ranked as eighth most charitable country in the world, and came second globally only to Turkmenistan as the country where people volunteered their time for good causes

John Low, chief executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said: "The level of giving in a country indicates something about the strength of civil society."

"In an international report it is important to recognise both giving of time as well as money since a simple measure of financial donations would, on the whole, make the wealthiest nations appear the most charitable."

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa said: "This report's conclusions are an honour for each and every citizen of Sri Lanka. The conflict that brought suffering to all families is mercifully now behind us and this global survey by such a respected body captures the mood and reality of our caring and sharing society.

"We are building a single united nation with a bright future ahead of us and whilst this is not without obstacles this new report fills me with encouragement that we will nurture peace and harmony, particularly by helping each other to move to the future together."

Ananda-USA said...

Good! Boycott the Parliamentary Council and LOSE YOUR VOICE in REPRESENTING your Interests!

These Guys have still not learned that this kind of activity will get them nowhere FAST!

Sri Lanka Opposition Leader nominates TNA MP to Parliament Council and TNA rejects nomination

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 16, Colombo: Sri Lanka's main opposition and United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremasinghe today nominated Tamil national Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian M.A Sumanthiran as his nominee to the Parliamentary Council established under the 18th Amendment.

Wickremasinghe announced his nomination following a request by Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa from the Opposition Leader and the Prime Minister to nominate their representatives to the Parliamentary Council.

However, Wickremasinghe told the media that he would not participate in the Parliamentary Council.

Meanwhile, the TNA today turned down the nomination of its MP Sumanthiran as Wickremasinghe's nominee to the Parliamentary Council.

TNA MP Suresh Premachandran told the media that while Sumanthiran has already rejected the proposal, the TNA would not accept any nominations to the Parliamentary Council, as the party was opposed to the 18th Amendment.

"The TNA is opposed to the 18th Amendment and does not want to play any part in its implementation. The TNA does not want to have any role in the Parliamentary Council, which is a powerless body," he said.

The 18th Amendment to the Constitution specifies the appointment of the five-member Parliamentary Council comprising the Speaker, Prime Minister, Opposition Leader, and two nominee MPs from the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader, in place of the Constitutional Council specified by the 17th Amendment.

Ananda-USA said...

OK, Is this discrimination against Moslems? If not, why not?

Does this require Jewish skull caps, Sikh's & Afghan's turbans, and European's hats to be banned, to preserve parity?

Hint: A veil impedes recognition and identification of individuals, whereas other clothing do not.

French Senate votes to ban burqa

September 15, 2010

PARIS: The French Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a bill banning the burqa-style Islamic veil on public streets and other places, a measure that affects less than 2,000 women but that has been widely seen as a symbolic defense of French values.

The Senate voted 246-1 in favour of the bill in a final step toward making the ban a law – though it now must pass muster with France’s constitutional watchdog.

The bill was overwhelmingly passed in July in the lower house, the National Assembly.

Many Muslims believe the legislation is one more blow to France’s No. 2 religion and risks raising the level of Islamophobia in a country where mosques, like synagogues, are sporadic targets of hate.

But the law’s many proponents say it will preserve the nation’s values, including its secular foundations and a notion of fraternity that is contrary to those who hide their faces.

Saul said...

Has everyone upped and gone? Don't see a lot of familiar names....

Saul said...

I'm back after a long time....

Where is everyone?

Ananda-USA said...

Hi Saul,

Welcome back!

Everyone is here, but not blogging as frequently ... except me, the admin's admin. LoL!

Comments are now being held for review before posting unlike before, so we have delayed gratification instead of instant gratification .. that upsets some people.

I carry on ... old soldiers never die .. they just fade away!

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka records highest economic growth in 8 years

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 17, Colombo: Sri Lanka recorded an economic growth rate of 8.5 percent in thee second quarter of 2010, the highest ever recorded quarterly GDP growth since 2002, a report released Thursday by the Department of Census and Statistics said.

The economic output of Sri Lanka as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the April-June period of 2010 at constant (2002) prices was estimated at 635.0 billion rupees as against 585.5 billion for the same period a year ago, the figures showed.

The report says the three major sectors of the economy namely, Agriculture, Industry, and Services registered significant growth rates of 5.1 percent, 9.2 percent and 8.8 percent respectively, in the Q2 of 2010 over the same quarter of previous year.

The Agriculture sector contributed 11.9 percent to the total GDP while Industry was responsible for 28.1 percent and Services accounted for 60.0 percent of the total.

Within the Agriculture Sector Minor Export Crops grew by 20.7 percent, Paddy by 10.3 percent and Fishing by 18.3 percent as the agricultural activities in the war-ravaged Northern and Easter provinces picked up and fishing restrictions eased.

The report noted that the marine fish production increased by 134.1 percent in the Northern Province and by 45.8 percent in the Eastern Province while overall fish production in other regions except the North and the East decreased by 2.1 percent in the second quarter as more fishermen from the South migrated to North.

The Services sector posted a substantially higher growth rate of 8.8 percent higher over the 1.2 percent recorded a year earlier. The Census and Statistics Department attributes the growth in the Q2 2010 due to the recovery of its major sub sectors such as Wholesale & retail trade, Hotels & restaurants and Transport & communication.

Hotels and restaurant sector has experienced significant growth of 25.2 percent in Q2 as opposed to a negative 0.4 percent for the same period last year. Tourists arrivals have jumped from 81,027 in the Q2 2009 to 118,243 in the Q2 2010 indicating a 45.9 percent increase.

Reduction of import duty on vehicles in the latter part of the quarter contributed to an increase of 78.6 percent in the total number of new vehicles registered in Q2 as opposed to a 36.2 percent decline in the same quarter of previous year.

Sri Lanka has seen a remarkable progress in the country's economy after the government wiped out the separatist Tamil Tiger rebel group, LTTE, in May 2009 and ended the three-decade long armed conflict.

The present government has embarked on major infrastructure development projects in the country, especially in the North and East, with the financial backing, mainly from India and China.

Ananda-USA said...

China, Sri Lanka vow to boost military cooperation
September 16, 2010

China and Sri Lanka on Thursday agreed to enhance military cooperation during a meeting of senior military officials.

Recent years had seen the continuous consolidation and development of China-Sri Lanka relations, said Chen Bingde, Chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China when meeting with Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Public Security, Law and Order of Sri Lanka.

Chen said China appreciated Sri Lanka's firm support on the issues of Taiwan and Tibet, which were related to China's core interests.

China was willing to work with Sri Lanka to further enhance friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two nations and armed forces, to promote their comprehensive and cooperative partnership, said Chen.

Rajapaksa said the government and armed forces of Sri Lanka appreciated China's support and would continue to advance friendly and cooperative relations between the two nations and two armed forces.

Source: Xinhua

Ananda-USA said...


The Wall Street Journal needs to be set straight .. they are again wailing the "Loss of Democracy" in Sri Lanka!

My Bloody Foot!

Sri Lanka's Peace-Torn Democracy

In consolidating power, President Rajapaksa risks squandering one of his country's greatest advantages.

Wall Street Journal
September 16, 2010

One of Sri Lanka's unique achievements was preserving democratic rule through its 26-year bloody battle against Tamil Tiger insurgents. So it's troubling to see democracy—and the prosperity that ought to come with it—under threat now that there's peace in the land.

Witness the passage earlier this month of an amendment to the constitution making some significant changes to the way the government functions. Most controversially, the provision ends the two-term limit for presidents. That would allow recently re-elected incumbent Mahinda Rajapaksa to run for a third six-year term when his current stint expires in 2016. The new amendment also scraps ...

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lankan economy powers on

By R M Cutler
September 17, 2010

MONTREAL - Whatever doubts Sri Lanka's local and overseas investors had about constitutional amendments reinforcing President Mahinda Rajapaksa's already appreciable powers, they did not show up in the stock market in the week since parliament approved the changes.

Sri Lanka Stock Market Colombo All-Share Index has risen more than 4.5%, reaching 6,234 at the Wednesday close this week. It has doubled in the past nine months, after breaking its previous all-time record high just under 3,000 in early September last year, then retesting it from the upside to confirm it as a support.

Among the most important changes to the constitution is the abolition of term limits on the presidency, allowing the incumbent to stand for office indefinitely into the future. He also acquires the power to appoint all senior judges, police, the election commission, and the central bank.

In a public statement, he justified these new powers in the name of promoting economic development and ethnic reconciliation. The main opposition United National Party (UNP) boycotted the vote, leaving only 17 of the 225-member parliament to cast votes against, while 161 votes were in favor.

At the end of last month, the head of the International Monetary Fund mission to Colombo, Brian Aitken, foresaw the country's economy growing 7% this year, double the rate in 2009, according to the Pakistani newspaper Daily Times. Consequently, he said, the IMF would release another US$200 million of a $2.6 billion stand-by arrangement approved in mid-2009. That fourth tranche would bring the total amount lent so far up to $1.2 billion.

The IMF report released last month added, however, that concern remains over difficulties in reducing the budget deficit, which reached 9.9% in 2009. The hope is to reduce this to 8% in the current year and then continue decreasing it until it reaches a "sustainable" level of 5%.

The IMF loan eased concerns over current-account balances and the financing of external debt and so signaled to foreign investors the international community's belief that economic reforms and liberalization would continue.

The Standard & Poor's rating company raised the long-term foreign-currency rating to B+ from B ahead of a $1 billion bond sale, and also its local-currency rating from B+ to BB-. Both upgrades were given "stable-outlook" prognoses but are still several levels below investment grade.

Sri Lanka has hired Bank of America, HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland Group to arrange meetings with credit investors starting this week and lasting about 10 days, Bloomberg News reported.

The bond issue will increase the island nation's foreign reserves to $6.8 billion, as international investor confidence has increased following the IMF's package approved last year, itself following by two months the end of the long conflict with the Tamil Tiger rebels.

The already impressive rate of economic growth may be expected to increase further in 2011 and 2012 if reconstruction efforts get seriously underway and foreign direct investment continues to show confidence. Faster growth will be necessary to increase revenue to met budget deficit targets. The regime will have to balance lower taxes for investment promotion against that goal. Tourism has also increased significantly since the end of the civil war.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lankan economy powers on

Yet the president's increase and consolidation of his the powers of his office, along with moves to establish what looks like a dynasty, have foreign investors already nervous. The president is himself minister of finance and minister of defense and holds two other portfolios besides.

His brother Gotabaya is in charge of all military and intelligence services, and his brother Basil heads the Economic Development Ministry and is in charge of investment promotion. The British newspaper The Guardian estimated that "[w]ith dozens more relatives in prominent positions, the net result is that the Rajapaksas control an estimated 70 percent of the national budget". In addition, earlier this year the president's son Namal made his political debut by winning a seat in parliament.

All this is why Forbes magazine is cautioning that "sentiment on the Sri Lankan economy may be beginning to turn", although there are increasing economic relations with such countries as Iran and China, which are not known for concerns over authoritarianism.

The stock market indeed looks due for a rest sometime soon. It is up phenomenally by over one-third in just the past two months, and by one-quarter since the cabinet approved the amendments at the end of the last month before they were submitted to parliament.

This cannot go on forever. Volatility is also to be expected in both directions. In three trading days near the beginning of August, the index plunged nearly 7%, ironically in response to the exchange's imposition of a 10% limit on daily stock moves.

Dr Robert M Cutler (, educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and The University of Michigan, has researched and taught at universities in the United States, Canada, France, Switzerland, and Russia. Now senior research fellow in the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Carleton University, Canada, he also consults privately in a variety of fields.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka to improve three fisheries harbors to massive scale

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Sept 16, Colombo: Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation has planned to develop three fisheries harbours of Sri Lanka as large scale fishery harbors.

The Cabinet has granted approval for the proposal in this regard at the Cabinet meeting yesterday, a spokesman of the Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation said.

Three places have been identified as locations to develop large scale fishery harbours. They are situated at Silawathura in Mannar District, Gurunagar in Jaffna District and Gandara in Matara District.

According to official data, Sri Lanka's fishing fleet is over 43,000 and the fishing population exceeds 171,470. There are 12 fishery harbous, 37 anchorages, and 700 small landing centers around the country.

The recorded fish production in Sri Lanka in 2008 reached 319,120 metric tons while the per capita consumption reached 15kg.

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #406 at DBSJ's Blog:
399 Diyasena,

[it would be nice if.......‘Hela Jathika Abhimane’ (with a portion of Tamil) as the anthem..]

I strongly disagree with this proposal to replace Namo Namo Matha as Sri Lanka's national Anthem with "Hela Jathika Abimane". My reasons are given below.

"Hela Jathika" is a reversion to communal pride in Sri Lanka ... which is the root of many of our problems, as I see it.

On the other hand, Namo Namo Matha is PERFECT as a National Anthem AS IT STANDS, in many ways.

First of all .. it is beautiful.

It lauds all of the best aspects of Sri Lanka from a human emotional and conceptual standpoint, everything all Sri Lankans love about Sri Lanka and all that we aspire to as one people, without recourse to communal attributes. All of us, whatever our ethnicity, religion, and language, can identify with it, and call it our very own anthem.

Other National Anthems

Most other national anthems focus on one narrow aspect, or event, in their history of their country, leaving unvoiced all of the attributes that endear, ennoble, and transcend everything, and bind them to their country.

For example, the French National anthem "La Marseillaise" originally was the war song for the Army of the Rhine lauding the glories of Republican France at war in defending liberte', egalite', fraternite'.

The US national anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner" is derived from from "Defence of Fort McHenry", a poem written in 1814 by the 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet, Francis Scott Key, after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British Royal Navy ships in Chesapeake Bay during the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812.

"God Save the Queen" (alternatively "God Save the King") of Britain, and many other commonwealth territories, salutes and affirms fealty to the sovereign.

Jana Gana Mana, the national anthem of India is the closest in SPIRIT to Namo Namo Matha. It is rather short compared to Namo Namo Matha. It is no surprise that it is so, given our shared roots. It spends the first two thirds of its lyrics listing its various peoples and geographical features, before moving on to the conceptual qualities of the nation in the final third. I give below the translated lyrics of Jana Gana Mana attributed to Rabindranath Tagore:

Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,
Dispenser of India's destiny.
Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind,
Gujarat and Maratha,
Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal;
It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas,
mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges and is
chanted by the waves of the Indian Ocean.
They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.
The saving of all people waits in thy hand,
Thou dispenser of India's destiny.
Victory, victory, victory, Victory to thee.

The most beautiful rendering I have heard of the Jana Gana Mana, that evokes in my mind visions of the kinship we Sri Lankans share with Indians, can be found here. It never fails to bring tears to my eyes. Who would not be proud to be kin to such people?

Ananda-USA said...

My Comment #406 at DBSJ's Blog:


For completeness and comparison, I give below the translated lyrics of Namo Namo Matha:


Sri Lanka Matha, apa Sri Lanka,
Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha.
Sundara siri barini,
Surändi athi Sobamana Lanka
Dhanya dhanaya neka mal pala thuru piri, jaya bhoomiya ramya.
Apa hata säpa siri setha sadana, jee vanaye Matha!
Piliganu mana apa bhakti pooja,
Namo Namo Matha.
Apa Sri Lanka,
Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha,
apa Sri Lanka, Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha.

Obave apa vidya obamaya apa sathya obave apa shakti
apa hada thula bhakti oba apa aloke
apage anuprane oba apa jeevana ve
apa muktiya obave
Nava jeevana demine nithina apa
Pubudu karan matha
Gnana veerya vadavamina ragena yanu
mana jaya bhoomi kara
Eka mavekuge daru kala bavina
yamu yamu wee nopama
Prema vadamu sama bheda durara da Namo Namo Matha


Mother Lanka - we salute Thee!
Plenteous in prosperity, Thou,
Beauteous in grace and love,
Laden with corn and luscious fruit
And fragrant flowers of radiant hue,
Giver of life and all good things,
Our land of joy and victory,
Receive our grateful praise sublime,
Lanka! we worship Thee.

Thou gavest us Knowledge and Truth,
Thou art our strength and inward faith,
Our light divine and sentient being,
Breath of life and liberation.
Grant us, bondage free, inspiration.
Inspire us for ever.
In wisdom and strength renewed,
Ill-will, hatred, strife all ended,
In love enfolded, a mighty nation
Marching onward, all as one,
Lead us, Mother, to fullest freedom.

In Summary

The unity that Namo Namo Matha urges in these lyrics is particularly relevant to our lives and our natiopn at this time, if we are to survive as One Indivisible Nation, of One Indivisible People, sharing One National Destiny.

Therefore, we must NEVER GIVE UP this Resplendent National Anthem that inspires us to be the best we can be!

Diyasena said...

Ananda Aiya,

Re: 18th Amendment

I cannot fully agree with the contents of the 18th amendment..

I believe MR is the greatest leader we have had since DS Senanayake and I do not mind him running 3, 4 or 5 terms..Even if he is made lifelong president I will be most happy..

However what after him??
Imagine someone like Ranil W as president and being able to run for unlimited terms..

Term Limits are essential for a system like ours where,

1. The incumbent always has an advantage over the challenger (An incumbent president is yet to lose an election)

2. There is no intra-party democracy (i.e. no primaries to chose party leader/ presidential candidate)

Three terms of 6 years should be the limit..

1. 18 years is more than enough for an individual to leave a lasting legacy..

2. Every 18 years a new generation of politicians get the chance to aspire for the nation's top job..

The three term limit should be there for not only the incumbent but all candidates..

1. Fosters democracy and inter-generational equity in opposition parties as well (No chance for Ranil types)..

2. Removes Jokers like Wickramabahu Karunarathne from the political scene..

Diyasena said...

Re; 18th Amendment continued

Same goes with appointees for Commissions..

Have no issues with the President appointing them...However they could have made it so the nominees need approval from 2/3 majority in parliament..This would have led to less partisan appointments in future..

Diyasena said...

Ananda Aiya,

I am thinking of writing a detailed article about the provincial structure I put up in DBSJs blog (which is a variation of Professor Maddumabandara's original idea)..Might take a few weeks though..

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lankan Traitors advise India to act against Sri Lanka!

>Rajapaksa using Sino-Indian rivalry in Sri Lanka: Activist
September 16, 2010

NEW DELHI: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa is using the perceived Sino-Indian rivalry to keep at bay New Delhi's concerns over the Tamil community, says a leading rights activist from Colombo.

But India has many options to ensure that promises repeatedly made by Rajapaksa to Indian leaders are kept so that minorities feel a sense of equality, P. Saravanamuthu told a group of Sri Lanka watchers here late Wednesday.

Saravanamuthu, executive director of the Colombo-based Centre for Policy Alternatives, said Rajapaksa was "cleverly" using contradictions in the international community - between the West and Asia, between China and India - to its political advantage.

"But the Rajapaksa regime needs to recognise that they can use the China card to a certain extent, not forever," Saravanamuthu said at a meeting organised here by the Sanchal Foundation.

In recent times, China and India have emerged as two of Sri Lanka's biggest economic partners. India is Sri Lanka's largest trade partner, and Beijing became Colombo's biggest single lender in 2009.

A section of India's strategic community is concerned over China's growing clout in Sri Lanka -- evident in its involvement in mammoth infrastructure projects and military ties with Colombo.

This has happened at a time when the US has scaled back military assistance to Colombo while Britain and Germany have pruned their economic aid because of unhappiness over the Rajapaksa regime's rights record.

Saravanamuthu said if India wants, it can assert itself, "and it has a lot more options". He noted that changes seemed to be coming about in India's stand from a time when it wholeheartedly backed the Rajapaksa regime.

India continues to harp on a political solution to the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka that ended in the military defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in May 2009. The conflict, one of the bloodiest in the world, claimed around 90,000 lives since 1983.

During a recent visit to Colombo, Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao emphasized that while development and rehabilitation of refugees were fine, Sri Lanka could not overlook "some of the needs of the minorities".

"You have a regime which is unable or unwilling to comprehend the post-war challenges," he said. "So the Tamil polity is left relying on Delhi...Delhi has a lot of catching up to do."

In an obvious reference to India's repeated calls for a united Sri Lanka, he said: "Can one have unity without reconciliation? Can one have reconciliation without accountability?"

Saravanamuthu pointed out that "there is a lot of militarisation" in Sri Lanka's northeast, the former war theatre, and Colombo had systematically undermined the provincial council in the country's eastern wing led by a former Tamil Tiger guerrilla.

The rights activist, who is also a keen political observer, said President Rajapaksa and his family were increasingly concentrating power in their hands.

"The Rajapaksa family is at the zenith of its power. They have tremendous control over the entire state apparatus. They will effectively own the state."

Earlier this month, the Sri Lankan parliament approved proposals removing the two-term cap for the country's president, giving him immunity, and vesting in him the final authority over all appointments in civil service, police and judiciary.

"It is an attempt to perpetuate dynastic rule," Saravanamuthu said.

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