Sunday, March 21, 2010

Separatist myth vs. facts: “Sri Lanka was never under unified rule during the time of the Sinhala kings”

Lies and damned lies

After the crushing defeat of LTTE terrorists last year, the overseas supporters of the terrorists have shifted into overdrive in spreading the outragoeous argument that Sri Lanka was never under unified rule during the time of the Sinhala kings. Whether it is LTTE's Tamilnet propaganda outlet last month(1) or supporters of separatism from days gone by, such as Dharini Rajasingham-Senanayake(2), the claim is that British unified the administration of Lanka for the first time in 1833, and, upon granting independence to the inhabitants of the island, handed this unitary state to a Sinhalese controlled government in the year of 1948.

We as patriots and defenders of integrity of our motherland should always be aware of the true facts with regards to the history of Sri Lanka. The history of the ancient period of Sri Lanka is the history of monarchical rule. Here is historian S. Pathmanathan on the subject of the Sinhalese monarchy(3):

An outstanding feature of the Sinhalese monarchy is its almost unbroken continuity lasting for nearly two thousand years and its close connections with Buddhist institutions. No dynastic state has ever had such a continuity and stability in the neighboring Indian subcontinent from where the culture and political ideas of the ancient Sinhalese were mostly derived. Nor could any of the kingdoms in some of the countries of South-East Asia-Burma, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam — where Buddhism exerted a profound influence, lay claim to such a long continuity and historical experience. The long and unbroken continuity and stability in the political and cultural tradition of the Sinhalese kingdom (s) was partly the result of the protection, provided by the island's insularity, the island's manageable territorial dimensions and the physiographic features which permitted control over a major part of it from a single dynastic centre before the thirteenth century. Another contributory factor was probably the absence of social classes able to challenge dynastic authority

To examine this concept of territorial integrity and unified rule by Sinhalese monarchs we need to examine how the Sri Lankan state came to be formed during earliest period of its history, how it evolved, and the nature of it leading up to the arrival of European powers, the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the British.

Early State Building

According to Mahavamsa, the story of man in Sri Lanka begins with the arrival there, sometime in the 5th century BC, of Vijaya the legendary founder of the Sinhalese. Beneath this charming exercise in myth-making lurks a kernel of historical truth – the colonization of the island by Indo-Aryan tribes from northern India(4). These settlements were established and developed in several parts of the island from about the fifth century BC. The earliest settlers were those on the west-central coast who pushed inland along the banks of Malvatu Oya and founded a number of riverbank settlements. Their seat of government was Upatissagama where the first ‘Kings’ of the Vijayan dynasty reigned. The settlers on the east coast would have moved inland along the Mahaveli River. Somewhat later, there was an independent band of immigrants who settled in Rohana in the south-east, on the mouth of Valave River. The settlers came in numerous clans or tribes. Among these clans were families of nobility, the Lambakannas, Moriyas, Kalingas, Tarachchas, Balibhojakas and others. By 250 BC, there is evidence of a recognizably literate culture in the main areas of settlements – a contribution of early Indo-Aryan settlers – even though the outlaying communities may have remained pre-literate(5).

According to historian K.M. DeSilva it is not possible to draw a firm conclusion on the process of political evolution that led to the emergence of a kingdom unifying the whole island under its sway. The inscriptional evidence points to a situation where Anuradhapura kingdom, which was founded by Pandukabaya, the third king of the Vijayan dynasty, as merely the strongest, among several in the northern plains and in the Malaya and Rohana regions. This structure had not changed substantially during the rule of Devanampiya Tissa, though he held a consecration ceremony, and assumed the title Devanampiya Tissa maharaja. In spite of this, other rulers on the island did not readily acknowledge his sovereignty. The influence he had in the southern kingdom of Rohana was minimal despite the establishment of the Kingdom at Mahagama by Mahanaga, his brother. This collateral branch of the royal house at Anuradhapura eventually unified Rohana and thereafter established control over the whole island as well. It took them a century and a half to achieve it. The key figure in the unification of the south was Kavantissa, during whose rule the authority of Mahagama began to be felt throughout Rohana. His son and successor Dutthagamani took the offensive against Elara, the Dravidian usurper of the northern kingdom, and established control over the whole island. It was, in fact, the first significant success of centripetalism over centrifugalism in the island history.(6)

The classical Sinhalese kingdom of Anuradhapura

The kingdom of Anuradhapura, the classical Sinhalese kingdom, lasted nearly 1,500 years and the city of Anuradhapura lasted as long as the capital city. It was the capital of the island kingdom since the time of King Dutthagamani (161-137 BC) to the end of the 10th century, longevity unmatched by any other capital city in south Asia. The political history of the kingdom can be divided into three distinct phases or periods.

The first phase is the early Anuradhapura period, the kingdom’s first seven centuries to the reign of Dhatusena in the 5th century, the principle feature of which was the rise and consolidation of power. The middle period saw considerable instability, particularly in the 7th century, and the regular entry of Tamil mercenaries brought to the island by Sinhalese kings to help prop up their power, or by the aspirants to the throne.(7) The late Anuradhapura kingdom saw two centuries of political stability, the 8th and 9th centuries, followed by century of increasing stress and instability as the Sinhalese kingdom struggled to cope with external threats from south Indian kingdoms. Those threats became more formidable in the 10th century and culminated in the absorption, if not the kingdom itself, of at least most of it, under the Chola empire(8), while the great city of Anuradhapura ceased to be the capital city.

The Polonnaruva Kingdom

The expulsion of the invading Cholas from the kingdom happened after a long war of liberation and the restoration of a Sinhalese dynasty on the throne of Sri Lanka under King Vijayabahu I. The return to order and authority became solidified under King Parakramabahu I, the remarkable king who achieved such a tremendous amount of constructive achievement in administration, economic rehabilitation(9), religion and culture. After him the only Polonnaruva king to rule over the whole island was Nissanka Malla, who gave the country a brief decade of order and stability before the speedy and catastrophic break-up of the hydraulic civilization of the dry zone. The collapse of the ancient Sinhalese kingdom of the dry zone is one of the major turning points of Sri Lankan history.(10) The Magha’s invasion and the orgy of destruction in which his cohorts indulged is regarded as the main cause in the disintegration of Sri Lanka’s hydraulic civilization.

The Fragmentation of the Sri Lankan Polity and Arrival of the Portuguese

In the quest for safety against invasion from south India, Polonnaruva was abandoned after Magha’s rule and the next three kings ruled from Dambadeniya. One ruler made Yapahuva his royal residence and another Kurunegala. Sinhalese power again shifted from Kurunegala to the central mountains further to the south, a region that has never in the past been a center of civilization. It was in the 14th century that a kingdom was set up in Gampola on the Mahaveli River as its capital. In the second half of the 14th century, the fortunes of the Sinhalese reached their nadir. The writ of the Gampola kings appears to have run in Rohana as well as the western sea board(11), but for a short period in the 14th century, Jaffna under the Aryacakravartis was the most powerful kingdom on the island. They seemed poised for establishment of Tamil supremacy over Sri Lanka, but were foiled in this by the defeat inflicted by the forces of the Gampola kings in 1380(12).

The Jaffna kingdoms’ expansion southwards had been checked, but the Sinhalese had no reason to believe that this had been halted for good. The capital of the Sinhalese kingdom was moved once more, this time from the mountains to the west coast near Colombo, to Kotte. In 1411, Parakramabahu VI began what was to be a very long reign of fifty-five years founded what came to be called the Kotte kingdom(13). His greatest achievement was to check what seemed to be a well-nigh irreversible trend – the break-up of Sri Lankan polity. He was the first Sinhalese king since the days of Parakramabahu I and Nissanka Malla to bring the whole island under his rule, the last ever to do so. Within forty years of his death, the Kotte kingdom, weakened by internal disputes, faced the formidable challenge of the Portuguese in the first phase of Sri Lanka’s long encounter with western colonialism, an encounter that lasted till the middle of the 20th century.


It is not possible to say that Sri Lanka was ruled as united country for a straight 2500 years. No country in the world can boast of such an achievement. However, neither was Sri Lanka always ruled as multiple polities by multiple sets of kings, as implied by the Tamil separatist movement. Certainly, the territory under the ancient Sinhala kings did not remain constant. Some kings gained territory, others lost parts of it. There were bouts of civil war. Subordinate rulers tried to take advantage of this. But Sri Lanka has been viewed as a unified whole during ancient times. That unity may have been in some cases conceptual more than territorial. It may have included only a formal recognition of the sole consecrated ruler, but this signifies an understanding of the concept of territorial unity. It is up to us, the die-hard patriots, to counter this vile separatist claim whenever and wherever we encounter it.

1. Myth of Sri Lankan state and the historic responsibility of Tamil leadership,
2. Dharini Rajasingham-Senanayake, Pravada vol 5 (2) 1997 P-17
3. S. Pathmanathan, Sri Lanka Journal of Humanities Vol 8(1) 1982 p 122
4. Basham, ‘Prince Vijaya and the Aryanisation of Ceylon’, pp. 172-91 and Mendis, ‘Pali Chronicles’, pp. 56-71
5. K. M. DeSilva, A History of Sri Lanka, pp. 8-9
6. K. M. DeSilva, A History of Sri Lanka, pp. 14-17
7. Kiribammune, ‘Tamils in Ancient and Medieval Sri Lanka’, pp. 14-15
8. On the Cholas and Sri Lanka see Spencer, ‘The politics of expansion’
9. Nicholas, ‘The irrigation works of King Parakramabahu I’, pp. 52-68
10. See Indrapala, ‘The Collapse of the Rajarata Civilization'
11. On Gampola kings see Abeyasinghe, 'The History of the Kandyan Kingdom', pp. 429-47
12. Kulasuriya, 'Regional Independence', pp. 136-55
13. Somaratne, 'Political History of the Kingdom of Kotte'


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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

[From last thread]

@ History

Thanks MD. Never heard that part before.

I think its the education minister Baduddeen who removed history from syllabus. I think that was done as a corrective action against 71 insurgency. Argument was

Teaching subjects like history, literature make jobless scholars

=> As they are scholars they do not go for farming or available employment which usually requires less educational qualifications

=> They wait for suitable jobs

=> Frustration

=> Link with JVP/Marxist parties

=> Revolution to change system

=> 71

So the reverse process end up in not teaching history and litriture. JRJ regime followed the same logic.

Now history was not taught for 30 years means one generation knows nothing about own history.

Even now they teach history like.. "there was king elara in north, and prince dutugamunu in south, prince dutugamunu killed elara and ruled entire country"... todays history lesson is over children...

Anonymous said...

Nice article.. like the style..

Read this to find out how first sinhalese started.. from NDeS.. This is not history really rather logic..

Asithri said...

Excellent collection of events from our proud Sinhela History!

This is par-excellence as any summarized version that I have come across!

I will print this and the next time I am in SL shove it down the throats of my "Colombian" nephews and nieces who are (as I said earlier) of the attitude "I don't give a fcuk about my history" types (they are that way because their parents are also bloody business minded, opportunistic "Colombians" sadly).

Fcuking sad uh? This is what corrupt, west-arse-licking, christian church worshipping, filthy bloody Para-Sankarayas of successive UNP govts did to our nation!

Yes, they destroyed any sense of the Sinhelas' proud history from most Sinhelas' psyche!

Time to turn things around I say...and work at it to regain our lost culture, glory and triumph so that those become the pillars of strength to ensure we will never ever be subjugated by these vile Tamil racist terrorist motherfuckers (and I sure am working at it in my own way).

OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...


fantastic article.


Moshe Dyan said...


thanks heaps.


i promise i had no knowledge of this yesterday coming in today's news!!!!


"Monazite deposits have phorium in them and the radio activity detectors will trace the monazite deposits comprising phorium a very valuable mineral,” Dr. Wijayananda said.

He said this project which is of national importance was to be tried out years ago.
But since it was highly risky for the research aircraft to fly low specially in Northern and the Eastern off shore areas due to possible LTTE attack, the airborne expedition had been suspended, he said. The chairman revealed that negotiations with several foreign funding technical agencies were being initiated pending Cabinet approval."

Anonymous said...

Read TNA manifesto. There were 3 kingdoms when porthgese came.. 2 sinhala kingdoms and 1 tamil kingdom.. and they want it back - new name is self-rule in SL.. so according to these dumbos we have re-start country from 1505..

KB said...

Asithri, old chap, thanks for the kind words. If you get chance get your nephews and nieces the book 'Winds of Sinhala' by Colin R. DeSilva. Though it is historical fiction, it is a fascinating take on King Abaya Gamini's life story. Reading that book is guaranteed to light a patriotic fire in any young lion's heart.


Moshe Dyan said...


that is KING KEKILLE logic of the then education minister!!

didn't WIJAMU LOKUBANDARA reverse the bullshit decision later?????

anyway now the job market for archeologists is higher than ever.

even our friend w-pala is planning to leave his NY job and fly to SL!!!!

but he may plant TE mutti and bluff the RC dating system and claim he found traces of tamil elam!!!

KB said...

Moshe, old boy, thanks for the very kind words. 'Peaceforlanka' is the handle I had set up for my gmail account.


Diyasena said...

Good stuff KB..

Nisal said...

[Ninja said...
Read TNA manifesto. There were 3 kingdoms when porthgese came.. 2 sinhala kingdoms and 1 tamil kingdom.. and they want it back - new name is self-rule in SL.. so according to these dumbos we have re-start country from 1505..]

They could start the history from King Elara. Then, they can claim that the main kingdom was ruled by a Tamil and SInhalese were limited to a reagional kingdom.

Moshe Dyan said...


"Thinking aloud.. wonder if new cities/towns especially new regional hubs can be designed with a "defence posture"?"

don't know what exactly you meant by defence posture.


it's a good idea.

i suggest the following.

1. easy access/reach by SLDFs at short notice.

2. 'natural' (including man made) protection for economic/political/military nerve centres.

3. physical military presence close by.

4. paramilitary presence.

5. colonization to centre around SLDF detachments first providing 100% security and providing a ready market for the producers' gods.

6. inability for trouble makers not to run into SLDFs in their movements.

Diyasena said...


Thanks for the info on Parakramabahu killing other princes..


As Moshe said above Parakramabahu towards the end of his reign got Fonseka syndrome..

1. He wanted to become an emperor (Something Sinhalese kings were not accustomed to)..He invaded south India, fair enough South Indians were relatively weak and warring with each other..But I think, instead of looting and returning (our armies were smaller than the Dravidian ones), we tried to hold land and took sever losses..

2. Then Parakramabahu using a kidnapping of Sinahala princess as an excuse (Wonder if read the Illiad, lol) launched a naval armada to invade Burma..Though Sinhala chronicles paint it as a success, many ships were destroyed and after limited successes the expedition were taken prisoner..The bhikkus of the two countries had to intervene for their release..

Both these adventures, led to neglect of the agri-civilization as able bodied men were sent to fight instead of ploughing fields and repairing tanks..The economy crumbled due to high taxation as Moshe said..

3. Parakramabahu eliminated princes that could be potentailly a threat to him..Many more good princes/ generals would have been killed in the futile invasions..

If you read the list of monarchs,

Nissankamalla tried to save face, but after him Polonnaruwa went on a downward spiral..With the Royal houses virtually wiped out Parakrambahu's queen (Leelavati) had to become ruler thrice (even Nissankamalla's queen ruled for a few years)..And according to this list when Kalinga Magha came, a Pandyan invader was already ruling..

Diyasena said...

Parakramabahu II of Dambadeniya finished off got rid of Magaha ruled from Polonnaruwa for a very little while..But the agri-infrastructure was in disrepair after 50+ years of neglect and Malaria was said to be rampant..So he abandoned Polonnaruwa..Up until Parakramabu VI of Kotte, he was the last to rule the whole of SL..

Moshe Dyan said...


few things.

1. it is 1833, not 1832

2. 6th century not 5th century. but there is a counter argument. they argue vijaya came to SL in 483BC and not 543BC.

i think you have missed one important point.

a tamil elamist readng your article might say, so SL was rarely unitary, what's the big fuss now.

1. the ABILITY to unify SL is different to the NEED to unify.

some kings felt the need to unify. it is wrong to assume that ALL kings wanted to unify SL and many failed.

most kings were happy with their reign. but WHENEVER a king wanted to unify the whole island nation, he tried. and most often suceeded.

2. a seperate tamil kingdom (in jaffna) was never accepted. it was either kings' unwillingness to go to war or lack of need that kept away from bringing it under control.

IF tikiri, tikiri bandara, etc. were not busy fighting the portuguese they would have whacked the shitt out of the jaffna kingdom.

3. jaffna kingdom grew and then shrunk back again. by 1505 it was smaller than b4.

Diyasena said...


1. Sena & Guttika were horsetraders, which means they were probably from Western or North Western India..

2. There is certain doubt whether even Elara was a tamil (chola)..Tamil literature does not speak of any empires at the time..Their is debate that the word Damida (in ancient Sinhalese) did not actually refer to Dravidians..Apparently certain books in the Kotte era refer to Portugese as Damida (Likely Damida meant foreign)..Parakrambahu I's Armada was led by a Damida Adhikari as well..

Diyasena said...


Arya Chakravarthhy's were pirates/raiders..They never held any part of the island apart from Peninsular Jaffna..But they frequently raided territories of the Vanniyars (present day vanni and anuradhapura) and the Sinahla kingddoms in the South West..What made them powerful was their naval prowess

Diyasena said...

Konappu Bandara,

In your article you left out your own relatives..Senarath of Kandy retook Jaffna twice..Firstly an expedition by Princes Wijayapala and Kumarasinghe (the yuvarajas of Matale & Uva)went to take Jaffna..But Senarath had an ulterior motive in sending these princes (sons of his brother Vimaladharmasuiya I) to war..He wanted them to die in battle paving the way for his son Rajasingha II..The princes made a deal with the Pararajasekaran of Jaffna, who became a vassal of the Kandyan king and gave his daughters in marraige to the princes..

This arrangement lasted only for awhile..

1. Pararajasekaran was overthrown by Sankili of Jaffna, who was later defeated by the portugese..

2. Wijeyapala and Kumarasinghe were assasinated by Senarath (by poisoning)..

Moshe Dyan said...

found it!!

"Many illustrious Sri Lankan kings such as Nisanka Malla and Parakarama Bahu claim Kalinga origin. The king who destroyed the Sinhalese Buddhist control of Northern Sri Lanka and established a Hindu Kingdom in Jaffna was known as Kalinga Magha."

so parakramabahu was also a part orissa guy.

this explains kalinga magha.

also magha arrives just after parakrmabahu's young queen (she was old then!!!) was ruling. i bet she too was from kalinga????? otherwise nissankamalla cannot claim kalinga origin.

so we have 4 kalinga ppl ruling SL almost consecutively.

1. parakramabahu-1
2. nissankamalla
3. parakramabahu's queen
4. magha

it is STUPID to say kalinga magha ESTABLISHED the jaffna kingdom. he destroyed the polonnaruwa kingdom so that SUBSEQUENTLY tamil madu fellows came to north SL and settled down.

i think he was doing his bit to establish JAINISM in SL. that's why he deliberately destroyed buddhist shrines and associated irrigation systems. unfortunately for him, jainism didn't take root.

our warriors should have killed him the moment he landed in SL.

no wonder he is considered a hero by tamil elamists.

Diyasena said...

Senarath sent a second expedition to Jaffna in 1628 which successfuly defeated the Portugese and retook Jaffna..However the Portugese, using their naval power, sent a large force and recaptured Jaffna within a couple of years..

Th..The portugese took Jaffna from the Sinhalese kingdom in Kandy not an independent tamil ruler..It was the dutch wanting to establish their rule over Jaffna and Mannar (and later Trinco & Batti) drew up the myth of the independent tamil kingdom, of which the Sinhalese had nothing to do with

Sam Perera said...


It was elephant trade related issue that made Prakramabahu to attack Ramanna, not a princess. Parakaramaba bestowed a village to his General Kiththi of Nuwaragala for the successful invation. There is a stone inscription even today standing called Devenagala Inscription in Devenagala, Mawanella area.

As for Tamilnadu invasion led by General Lankapura, it was mainly about South Indian Power Politics. We were trying to destroy Chola rule and bring in Pandyan rule.

KB said...

Moshe, old boy, thanks for correction of some of the dates mentioned. But with regards to Eelamists saying Sri Lanka being rarely unitary, history actually shows the contrary. During kingdom of Anuradhapura, which lasted a long 1500 years, the country was unified most of the time. Even during Polonnaruva Kingdom the unitary state was more prevalent than fragmentation. Only post Polonnaruva was fragmentation dominant.


KB said...

Diyasena, dear chap, unfortunately the expedition by Princes Wijayapala and Kumarasinghe, the sons of great king Wimaladharmasuriya, did not succeed in taking jaffna from Portuguese. The main reason was their allies, the Wadakkaru troops from Tanjore did not land and support them on the final assault on the Jaffana fort.


KB said...

Diyasena, old chap, also it was Prince Mahastanne, the eldest son of King Wimaladharmasuriya and heir to the throne, who was poisoned by Senerath not Princes Wijeyapala and Kumarasinghe.


Moshe Dyan said...

ranil w claims he is a decendant of king senarath.

Moshe Dyan said...


this is confusing.

1. "Senarath sent a second expedition to Jaffna in 1628 which successfuly defeated the Portugese and retook Jaffna."

2. "The portugese took Jaffna from the Sinhalese kingdom in Kandy not an independent tamil ruler."

so #2 is wrong?????

if #2 is true, we can make that into a WMD!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

from toiletnet.

"Somawansa Amarasinghe, the leader of Jantha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), opened the JVP office for Jaffna peninsula Sunday afternoon in Uduppiddi-Valveddiththu’rai area on Jaffna-Point Pedro road, sources in Jaffna said. The JVP leader said that while governments of United National Party (UNP), Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) and the ruling United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) had killed innocent Tamils and subjected them to untold difficulties in the past, JVP had not killed a single Tamil. He further stressed that JVP is not a racist party as some call it."

what a fcuking bastard is this!!!

and he says JVP is not racist!!!!

JVP killed over 20,000 ppl ENSURING NO TAMIL was killed. so JVP carefully planned and killed ONLY muslims and sinhalas.

that makes them worst racists than the LTTE.

this sakkiliya has to be killed like wijeweera.

Anonymous said...

/Hundreds of tribesmen from Pakistan's semiautonomous regions near the Afghan border ended a rare tribal council meeting over the weekend with a declaration calling for the army to crush the Taliban like Sri Lanka did against the LTTE, the Pakistani media reported.

The meeting in the city of Peshawar was called by an umbrella group of aid organizations and political parties in an effort to bring together people from the violence-battered region.

Participants called for the army to escalate its attacks, dismissing earlier offensives as "military dramas." Sayd Alam Mehsud, a powerful tribal leader, said, "It should be a genuine military operation like the Sri Lankans did against the Tamil Tigers." He was referring to the military campaign that destroyed the separatist Tamil army in Sri Lanka, the Pakistani media said./

Too bad Hila-ree and Mili-banda out of eqvivalent taliban diaspora supporters... So Pakitan may not need war crime investigation..

Moshe Dyan said...

that explains why the FCUKING MFs did the following.

1. there was a short JVP-PA govt in 2001 for a few months.

one condition of them was to stop all military operations.

even IMMEDIATELY after 9/11 we couldn't whack the shitt out of tigers bcos of that.

2. in 2004 JVP joined the govt. why??? bcos there was no war. in 2005 JVP resigned from the govt citing PTOMS. why??? bcos buggers thought war will breakout anytime.

3. when MR took over JVP refused to join in. no PTOMS. then why did they still refused????

they knew MR is going to start the war again.

4. when the govt was struggling to keep the war raging, JVP MFs didn't support it. at the 2007 budget they voted against the budget to bring down the govt. later they abstained from voting. why????

bcos that would have split the JVP and the govt would have anyway passed the budget.

JVP split came later in 2008.

5. got gonzeka to leave the country during the last battle.

this soma MF should not be shown any mercy. hack his sorry arse and kill him.

say a JVP's victim's son did it to avenge the killing of his father by the JVP in 1989. soma has no protection i guess bcos the bugger is not a MP.

Anonymous said...

/Former President Chandrika Bandaranayaka Kumaratunga hosted a group of diplomats at her Horagolla residence for lunch this afternoon. The envoys from America, India, Australia and Britain were among those who attended the luncheon. The meeting was described as a courtesy call./

Who is giving 'ropes' to whom to eat..? No surprise even if b1tch did a belly dance to satisfy former bosses...

Anonymous said...

/Russian ex-spy dies in hospital

Alexander Litvinenko, the Russian ex-spy who said he was the victim of a poisoning, has died in hospital.

Mr Litvinenko, 43, died on Thursday evening and the cause of his condition is still being investigated, said University College Hospital, London.
Scotland Yard said officers were now investigating 'an unexplained death'.

Friends say the former KGB agent was poisoned three weeks ago because of his criticism of the Russian government. The Kremlin has denied any involvement.

Mr Litvinenko, who was granted asylum in the UK in 2000 after complaining of persecution in Russia, fell ill later that day.
Initial reports from UCH at the weekend that he had been poisoned by heavy metal thallium, or some form of radioactive material, have now been dismissed by head of critical care Dr Geoff Bellingan./

NO AC, NO hot water (at 40C) outside, (ya part of 'yahapalanaya' was make 40C temperature cooled to 20C using energy from tax payer and then heat water again using same tax money and enjoy bath..)

But this is... News for Gonseka...

Anonymous said...


After RW till now real JVP leader is a tamil guy.. living in Auz now.. Ranjitham Gunarathnam. He is the most seniour surviving JVP poletburo member.. survived of course betraying many others so SLA was nice to him.. I don't think any one take this joli-seeya seriously now.. JVP knew how to market patritism and thats the only remarkable success they had..

AngeloNevillePeiris said...

As a direct decendent of Sinhabahu and Sinhasivali, I am proud to say that Sinhalese are direct decendents of Aryans and Tamils are decendents of Dravidians

Furthermore, I am proud to say that we are the chosen people of the chosen land because the history of our country is tied to Buddhism. The Mahavamsa says that the Buddha visited Lanka on three occasions. three times. He struck terror into the heart of the Yakshas.

"To this great gathering of the Yakkas went the Blessed One and there in the midst of that assembly, hovering in the air over their heads, at the place of the future Mahiyangana Thupa, He struck terror to their hearts, by rain, storm, darkness and so forth. The Yakkas, overwhelmed by fear, besought the fearless Vanquisher to release them from fear. Then, when He had destroyed their terror,… the Master preached them the doctrine.” (Geiger’s translation pages 3 and 4)

Anonymous said...

Ninja do you have a link for the Pakistan story you posted?

Nisal said...

[[ Moshe Dyan said...

ranil w claims he is a decendant of king senarath.]]

Another Mervin?

Moshe Dyan said...


the link is very interesting. i have see this but no so clear.

you seem to have interesting views on things.

keep posting.

but disagree with aryan/dravidian thingy.

sinhalese ORIGINATE from aryans (otherwise there is absolutely no way they can have an aryan language in SL cut off by a massive dravidian south india) but are mixed as tamils in SL.

once i posted DNA analysis of sinhalas and tamils. will post again if it find the like.

in summary, 65% of DNA of sinhala ppl (those who were tested) was similar to tamils. rest being north indian.

55% of DNA of tamils was similar to sinhalas. rest being tamil (nadu).

Nisal said...

[[Pol Sambol said...
Ninja do you have a link for the Pakistan story you posted?]]

Anonymous said...

Excellent piece Konnapu Bandara, the timing was perfect too since the discussion about Sinhala history was just picking up in the other thread :))

Anonymous said...


I have a hard time convincing Sinhalese that Tamil fairy tales about “discrimination” are just that: fairy tales. Real “discrimination” is if I tell a Tamil to go to the back of the bus or he/she can’t use my toilet because they are Tamil not this language crap and other nonsensical rubbish they toss out to justify violence, power lust and apartheid building as per the “good times” they had under the British.

They are the only ones who promote segregation in the name of “protecting culture” and “prevention of discrimination” then disgustingly compare their lies and power list to the plight of real suffering that the African populations in South Africa and America had to undergo
They wanted equality; Tamils want superiority and separation to keep themselves “pure” like the whites did (still do in coercive ways), i.e. to be “more equal”.

In arguments and debates with Tamilia and Sinhalese, it is the Sinhalese who are more pressing this rubbish about “grievances” and “discrimination” than Tamils, especially some losers from Australia (anyone heard of this cult called “Troops of Tigoons” made up of LTTE sympathising Sinhala tossers?) who I had the deep displeasure of meeting and arguing with. I do not expect Tamils to acknowledge their deceit because deceit is a way of life for them, many Tamils after getting pulverised and humiliated in the “discrimination|” argument usually come back a few weeks later or use a new handle and re-rash the same old stale points that have been proven fraudulent. But it is despicable the number of Sinhalese who refuse to realise or accept the fraud by Tamils because “it hurts Tamil feelings” and “is not good for race relations” (wtf?).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The best way to defeat this “discrimination” nonsense is to teach history properly as described in the previous blog thread and link up how suddha used Tamils to suppress our people, installed an apartheid and turned us into third class citizens in our own country and how after Independence Tamils wanted to retain/return to this racist system of Tamil superiority which is what led to war and our people once more fighting what was another Tamilia invasion.

The biggest crime is the manner in which European conquest is portrayed as something done by some snuggle bunnies for “our own good”, how they “did not want to but were forced” and we were all kissing trees and handing out flowers. This period must be remembered as a dark horrific period of destruction, devastation, genocide and depravity perpetrated against our people, the effects of which we are feeling to this day and have yet to fully recover from. There was no good, just death, but like in all such periods heroic Sinhala emerged who fought and died for our people, to restore our culture, dignity and rights and how suddhas, Tamils and traitors brutally crushed their struggles for us.

Anonymous said...


"Ninja said...
Read TNA manifesto. There were 3 kingdoms when porthgese came.. 2 sinhala kingdoms and 1 tamil kingdom.. and they want it back - new name is self-rule in SL.. so according to these dumbos we have re-start country from 1505.."

You will notice they, along with Colombians, always go back to suddhas time, to them that is the start of life itself because that is when their history here really began and it is when they had good times at everyone elses expense.

Anonymous said...


You got it from Nisal.


/the link is very interesting. i have see this but no so clear.

you seem to have interesting views on things.

keep posting./

Oh yeah.. indeed interesting.. HIKz.. No worries.. he will keep posting... HIKz.. Next time perhaps an image of a document signed in English by some (fake) singala high ranked officials.. which definetely proves singalas are decendents of british.. HIKz..

Anonymous said...


You got it from Nisal."


"Next time perhaps an image of a document signed in English by some (fake) singala high ranked officials.. which definetely proves singalas are decendents of british.. HIKz..

One already exists, that clown Cleghorn said Sinhalese were from Thailand :))

Diyasena said...

KB and Moshe,

According to this article the second (first?!) foray into Jaffna was led by Athapattu mudali not the two princes..And the Kandyans DID take Jaffna for awhile

Note the reference (10)given in the paragraph "the historic tradgedy of the island of ceilao" was a book written in the 17th century by Joao Ribeio


Thanks for the info on prince Maha-asthana (wimaldharmasuriya's 1st son)..Rajasinghe II was also known as Maha-asthana....However their is confusion/ debate on which children of Kusumasana/ Donna Catarina were Wimaldharamasuriya's and which were Senarath's?

If Wijeypala was born in 1604 as the article says he would be Wimaladharmsuriya's second son and heir to the throne after Senarath..However if that was his birth year then he would be too young to lead the first attempt on Jaffna, during the rule of Pararajasekaran..A bit confusing..The birth year of Kumarasinghe his not given

Unless, their was only one attempt on Jaffna as KB said, when Portugese were controlling it..That would make Wijeypala 24 and old enough to lead an army..It's a shame Wijeypala did not live to become king as his children would be heir to both Kandy and Jaffna

දේශපාලුවා said...

Thank you Konnappu for the great thought provoking article, but I see many of the old mistakes.

Pol I'm sorry I have to disagree.

It is true that Many accounts of Mahavansa has been coroborated with historical evidence.

But there are many gaps that we have to question.

I hope you guys will agree that we cannot advance without questioning the status quo.

My questions are these?

Who are the people who lived here when Vijaya came here?

Certaily they are no Dravidians as there is no evidence of such.

And it seems they are not Aryan's either.

What happened to them, after the Aryan migration?

I do not beleive that they just faded away in to the darkness.

Remember there were pre historic men living in Sri Lanka. (humans in early stages of evolution).

Such an ancient population would not have been massacred or integrated into the the Aryan migrant society.

I do not beleive that Sinhala nation has a homogeneous origin, I believe it originated with the coalition of Yaksha, Naga and the Aryan groups.

When did the Dravidian invasions start?

I think the historic literature has depected most of our invaders as Dravidian, I do not buy this.

As I said in the previouse post,

Sena - Guttika are not Dravidian names.

Diyasena says Elara is not a Dravidian

Arya Chakrawarthys cannot be dravidians.

We need to complete these gaps in our historic literature.

Diyasena said...


The Cleghorn minute which attached the Eastern Province, to the Tamil kingdom of Jaffna, was a follow-up to the dutch sponsored 'Yaalpana Vaipachamaalei'..It was only in 1766 that the Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe officially ceded the Eastern province and the Vanni to the Dutch..To stop any future claims from future Kandyan kings the dutch drew up the Cleghorm minute..

Long time ago a navy chap, revealed to me a stunning piece of info that could bury this claim. According to him small parts of Rajasinghe II's 'Galey Kotuwa' inside the Navy base ..However the Navy-ops room is located in the vicinity and I have no clue how well preserved this is..

Moshe Dyan said...


we are always open for criticism/other views presented objectively.

the only thing we don't tolerate is INSANITY.

e.g. multipolar

hope you agree with me.

i don't think angelo is multipolar bcos multipolar cannot put two sane sentences together (whatever the subject matter is).

Moshe Dyan said...


impressive, the knowledge you have on the subject!!

Anonymous said...


The people who were here before would be the Veddhas? Who are said to have similarities to the aborigines of Australia in terms of genetics.

”I do not believe that Sinhala nation has a homogeneous origin, I believe it originated with the coalition of Yaksha, Naga and the Aryan groups.”

Most likely this is the case, the Sinhala nation/identity as we know it formed in SL not Orissa. The Aryan groups integrated the Yasha and Naga's together. Vijaya’s group was not the last North Indian group to arrive in SL either, many more integrations took place with many peaceful arrivals fleeing/leaving North India.

My point about Mahavamsa was that it proves in terms of written history with evidence that SL is the birth place of the Sinhala nation and all of SL has historically been Sinhalese & under Sinhala rule for greater periods superseding any periods of Tamil/South Indian domination -their presence was due to invasions, extensions of already existing domains in South India, dipping their fingers to SL, getting their fingers burnt and retreating. These invaders were repeatedly expelled and Sinhala rule once again established, hence why no Tamil homOland here.

Moshe Dyan said...


"Who are the people who lived here when Vijaya came here?

Certaily they are no Dravidians as there is no evidence of such.

And it seems they are not Aryan's either.

What happened to them, after the Aryan migration?

I do not beleive that they just faded away in to the darkness."

they were aryans too bcos they too came from north india.

refer to ancient exotic tribes of india. a google search will get you there.

you will see mahabharata refers to EXACTLY the same ppl. click on their names and check where they lived. they all lived in north india.

yakkos were the majority. yakkos are the legendary kambojas. they were aryans. same goes for all other tribes.

for instance ravana belonged to raksha tribe that lived around nepal. this goes with ravana's stories.

the 34,000 years old 6 foot balangoda man, etc. poses an interesting question. but there is no evidence of him continuing to the linguistic tribe era. anyway this guy cannot be dragged into tamil, etc. racial groups.

Diyasena said...

Thanks Moshe :)

It is imperative we start teaching history in our school as a separate subject (compulsary till O/L), it's the best weapon against homoland claims..Sri Lankan film makers should concentrate on making historical movies of the Braveheart kind (Vijayabahu I is a good candidate..)..Of course a TROY type epic can be made on the Elara, Dutugemunu battle (The mahavamsa goes to great detail on this)

දේශපාලුවා said...

Hope you guys know about Rathnawalli (රත්නවල්ලී) goddess, worshiped in Anuradhapura Pollonnaruwa area.

Ruwanweli seya, in Pali is called Swarnamali seya. According to Dr. Nalin De Silva, it is because it was done in Yakksha peoples land and they would have aske King Dutugemunu to name the temple after their godess.

There are many evidenc that suggest the Yakksha and Naga people didnt just fade away but coalesced with the Aryan migrant to form Sinhala nation.

Anonymous said...


The Cleghorn minute has been manipulated greatly by Tamilia to prove their homoland, it has been proven a fraudulent in the context Tamilia use it and i also read that the Cleghorn minute itself is factually incorrect, the Dutch on purpose or not fumbled their facts when writing it.

Diyasena said...

Apparently another interesting happening in the Senarath era is the Muslim settlements in the East..Arab traders persecuted in the Protugese era were given refuge by the Kandyan king..

He gave them lands to settle in the East provided they took Sinhala wives and converted to Buddhism..They did the first bit but did not give up their islamic faith..I guess the subsequent kings were busy warding off the dutch to hold the muslims to their promise..

Moshe Dyan said...

"the supreme race" on the other hand didn't evolve (according to them). they came directly from the monkey.

but scientifically they are a combination of proto australis and negrotis ppl.

their cow worhip, looks, skin colour, dress, etc. also justify that they are a more later arrival from africa.

Anonymous said...

"Diyasena said...
Of course a TROY type epic can be made on the Elara, Dutugemunu battle (The mahavamsa goes to great detail on this)

It needs to be handled with care to prove Elara was an invader an occupier who's expulsion is the righteous act.

Any sloppiness or PCing up of such films and history lessons in schools can be insulting and extremely counter productive.

Government needs to appoint hardcore patriots into the education department to ensure history is taught properly.

Ananda-USA said...


Today is a great day for all Americans:

A universal healthcare plan, transportable between jobs, without pre-existing medical condition restrictions, more cost effective and cheaper in the long term, was passed by the US house of representatives by a 219 to 212 majority.

My confidence in President Obama has been reaffirmed!

Ananda-USA said...

Konappu Bandara/ PeaceforLanka:

Great article! Good job!

Moshe Dyan said...


another theory is that it was done in an area the goddess occupied herself.

king dutugemunu convinced her to leave. but agreed that once built the temple will be named after her.

BTW swarna and mali are pali terms and pali is an indo aryan language. if yakkas had that name that too proves they were aryans too.

both sinhala and tamil have sanskrit in their making. but ONLY sinhala (of the 2) has pali prakrit. not tamil.

Diyasena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diyasena said...


Even if Yaksha's & Naga's did mix with the Sinhalese at the time of Pandukabhaya it is impossible to think they completly faded away in a matter of 3 centuries..

On the contrary I reckon Elara was Yaksha king, not a Chola invader. The chola's were not that powerful in 2nd century BC..Unlike subsequent invaders, Elara was a just king. Moreover Aryan Sinhalese served as his minister and generals in his army..

Dutugemunu's victory was over a predominantly Yaksha army of Elara, and afterwards the country and it's people's were truly united under the banner of Buddhism..The yakka's with their beliefs must have gradually moulded into Sinhala Buddhist society and by the time the Mahavansa was written 600 years later, the mixing was complete..

දේශපාලුවා said...

Blogger Moshe Dyan said...


"Who are the people who lived here when Vijaya came here?

they were aryans too bcos they too came from north india.


MD I'm not ready to buy into this yet.

There were many civilizations that were neither Aryan, nor Dravidian.

According to the most comprehensive genetic analysis done today. It shows an early migration of humans form Africa to India and Australia. Well before the Aryan migration (Or Dravidian).

There are many evidence to believe that these are the people who lived here when the Aryan migration came to SL. (We have human fossils that are about 40 000 years old)

They are not Dravidian either. I think Sinhala race is a mixture of Aryan and non Arayan tribes. (remember when I say non Aryan I do not mean Dravidian)

දේශපාලුවා said...

Blogger Diyasena said...

On the contrary I reckon Elara was Yaksha king.

Diyasena Dr. Nalin De Silva had formulated the same theory.

දේශපාලුවා said...

Blogger Moshe Dyan said...


another theory is that it was done in an area the goddess occupied herself.

Yes, a Yaksha Goddess.

Anonymous said...


/we are always open for criticism/other views presented objectively./

Sure.. but criticism and divert a useful discussion toward meaningless arguements are two different things..

/i don't think angelo is multipolar bcos multipolar cannot put two sane sentences together (whatever the subject matter is)./

Well, to his credit multipolar got a great talent.. Time will tell.. I have no issue..

Anonymous said...

/(remember when I say non Aryan I do not mean Dravidian)/

Standard trick is not just to make non-aryans dravida they make them tamiz...

non-aryan (anarya) => dravida => tamiz

Thats the easiest method writing tamiz peezaam homelend histroy...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

President's magic doctor has cured Sachin

And host of others.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diyasena said...


Thanks for the link..I too am still not convinved about the Helas (Yakka, Naga, Deva, Raksha) being Aryans..According to what Arisen Ahubudu said on tv sometime ago (can't remembe the programme but was on Swarnavahini), linguistically the Hela basa was similar to that of the pacific islanders..The names were based on their professions,

Yakka (not Yaksha according to him - Iron forgers

Naga- Seafarers (nothing do with snakes apparently)

Raksha- A warrior race which were Sun worshippers (Ra-aksa => Symbol of the sun)..

Rathnavalli (Valli is a hela word I think not pali), Chittharaja and other names may have been Aryanised by the time, the mahavansa was written..

The name Sinhela itself describes the amalgamation of the Aryan Sinha tribe and the non-Aryan (non-dravidian as well) Hela tribes, into one nation

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nisal said...

Indian players coming to SL for treatments

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

I really like this topic. Their last resort maybe, winning a legislative support in IC, and one way to do it is to prove that we had never been fully in control of the island.

I have small fact which I may not agree with you. I am totally unable to think how Vijaya became the forefather of the nation. The nation was there long before he came, and at most he inserted some Aryan genes to the indigenous Sinhalayas [free to use any word/etymology, yet it is the same race].

Otherwise, it is beyond all belief that 700 convicts could get hold of a nation.

to me Pandukabhaya is the first man in written history to gain full control of nation. He may be the first man in written era who represented native sinhalayas.

I had an article posted elsewhere and of course in my blog. Will leave it for further discussion here.

Pandukaabhaya and Raksha Connection


Why am I so much concerned about it? Because these Eelamist who are best known identity thieves in the planet not only steal credit cards but also steal our own native identity. They think they are the natives of this land an call it "home land". In their version deduced from Mahavansaya there exist Vijaya, and Gamunu. Missing Pandukabhaya and Thissa.


If you find eelamists preeching everyone about a mythical Homeland theory and invasion where it was "occupied" for past 2000+ years, remind them of Pandukabhaya, the Aryan/Sinhala prince who stood for native Sinhala, got the natives to fight for him and topple the kingdom, and brought the whole island under control for the first time in written history, obviously as he was loved by natives. Talk about Thissa in Anuradhapura, who's his grandson, whose presence is unquestioned due to the arrival of Buddhism. Eelamists have no explanations for these. That is why they conveniently miss them out.

No_MESS said...

KB - interesting stuff, thanks.

Some info on prehistory of SL – I’m not an expert….

Early Man and the Rise of Civilisation in Sri Lanka: the Archaeological Evidence

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

DW Latest post is of extreme importance

Political Journalism

Divaina Defence Column of last Sunday says;

"මේ අතර ත්‍රස්‌ත මර්දන එAකකය විසින් වන්නි මෙහෙයුම සමයේ යුද හමුදාවේ එකම උරුමක්‌කාරයන් ලෙස ක්‍රියා කළ බොම්බඩියර් කණ්‌ඩායමේ ප්‍රධානියා වූ ගෝඨාභය රණවීර හෙවත් රුවන් ජයවර්ධන හෙවත් ලලන්ත නානායක්‌කාර හෙවත් බොම්ඩියර්ගෙන් හා තවත් තිදෙනකුගෙන් ප්‍රශ්න කර ඇත.

මොවුන් කොටි හිතවාදී ජර්මනියේ ඡේ.ඩී.එස්‌. සංවිධානය සමග එකට එක්‌ව ක්‍රියා කළ බව රහසක්‌ නොවේ. එහෙත් ත්‍රස්‌ත මර්දන එAකකය මේ මාධ්‍ය අඳබාල කණ්‌ඩායමෙන් ප්‍රශ්න කිරීම ද දැන් මාධ්‍ය නිදහස උල්ලංඝනය කිරීමත් ලෙස පෙන්නුම් කර තිබේ.

මේ නිසා ඇසිය යුත්තේ මොවුන් නීතියට ඉහළින් සිටින්නේද යන්නයි? ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ හමුදාව සුදු කොඩි ඔසවාගෙන ආ කොටින් මැරූ බවට කේලම් කියා මුළු හමුදාවම ජාත්‍යන්තරයට පාවාදුන් මේ ෙද්‍රdහින්ගෙන් ප්‍රශ්න කිරීමට ත්‍රස්‌ත මර්දන එAකකයට හිමිකමක්‌ නැද්ද?.

වන්නි මෙහෙයුම සමයේ ආරක්‍ෂක ලේකම් හා දැඩි සබඳකම් පවත්වන හමුදා නිලධාරීන් ගැන කේලම් කීමේ පිළිවෙතක්‌ අනුගමනය කළ මෙකී කණ්‌ඩායම නිසා වැලිකන්ද ප්‍රදේශය භාරව සිටි එක්‌ ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ හමුදා නිලධාරියකුට සිය ධුරය ද අහිමි විය.

එහෙත් වත්මන් හමුදාපති සමයේ එම නිලධාරියා අද හමුදාවේ ඉහළ ධුරයකට පත්විය.

එසේම ආරක්‍ෂක ලේකම්වරයා චීනයේ සංචාරයක යෙදී සිටි අවස්‌ථාවේ ඩිපෙන්ස්‌ වෙබ් අඩවියේ සේවය කළ කපිතන්වරයකු ද අත්අඩංගුවට පත්වූයේ මේ කේලම් නිසාය.

මේ හැර වන්නි මෙහෙයුමේ සැබෑ තොරතුරු වාර්තා කළ ජාතික රූපවාහිනියේ විශේෂ නියෝජිතයාව එකී ක්‍රියාදාමයෙන් ඉවත් කිරීමට දැඩි උත්සාහයක්‌ ගත්තේ ද මොවුන් යෑයි පසුව හෙළි විය.

එA සඳහා එවකට ජාතික රූපවාහිනියේ සේවය කළ අයෙක්‌ ද අනියමින් සහය වී ඇත. මේ යටගියාව හෙළිවීම නිසා මේ කණ්‌ඩායම දැන් ත්‍රස්‌ත මර්දන එAකකය තමන්ගෙන් ප්‍රශ්න කළ බව කියමින් ප්‍රචාර ගෙන යති."

KB said...

Deshapaluwa, old chap, I did some reading up on the subject you raised sometime ago when I was arguing with a Peelam plonker on Here is What I was able to put together on that subject:

On the early inhabitants of the island of Sri Lanka

Our present knowledge of prehistoric and proto-historic inhabitants of the island is mainly based on research of archeologists Deraniyagala and Senaratne in mid and late 20th century (1, 2). The evidence of of human settlements is stronger from about 34,000 before present era. The anatomically modern prehistoric human, the so-called Balangoda man, a cave dweller, was predominantly Australoid with Neanderthal overtones. The data on these prehistoric humans come from cave excavations in lowland wet zone. The Balangoda cultures seem to have had an island-wide distribution. The Vadda aboriginals are physically closest to Balangoda man from among the ethnic groups who still live on the island.

The transition from Mesolithic Balangoda culture to the proto-historical early iron age is not well documented. The start of the iron age is believed to be 1000-800 BC and it came with cattle, horses, paddy cultivation and pottery. These iron age people are described in sacred Buddhist books as Yakkhos or 'demons' and Nagas or 'snakes' (4, 5). The Yakkohs of Sri Lanka were demon worshipers, and the Nagas worshiped the Cobra. The Nagas appear to have inhabited northern and western coast while the Yakkhos the interior. Both had organized some form of government, however rudimentary (6). The question as to what race these inhabitants of sri Lanka belonged has not been clearly answered yet. The greater probability is, that a branch of the same stock which originally colonized the Dekkan Plateau, a triangular plateau covering central India, extended its migrations to the island. All the records of and traditions of Dekkan peninsular plateau point to a time when it's nations were not Hindu; there are still remnants of tribes in numerous localities in this region who appear to represent these people (7).

1. Deraniyagala, The Pre-History of Sri Lanka
2. Senaratne, Prehistoric Archaeology in Ceylon
3. K.M. DeSilva, A History of Sri Lanka, ch 1
4. Mahawamsa, ch vii
5. Fa Hian, Foe-koue-ki, Ch xxxvii
6. Faber, Origin of of Idolatry, book ii, ch vii
7. Sir James Emerson Tennent, Ceylon - An Account of the island, Part iii, ch ii


Anonymous said...

What the Hambantota Stadium will look like:

දේශපාලුවා said...

Blogger Pol Sambol said...

What the Hambantota Stadium will look like:
Short boundary? We might see high scoring games, lots of 6ers.

Goolge said...

KB - nice article.

And a nice follow up discussion.

This link Sri Lanka Genealogy Website lists the kings/queens of SL in chronological order, with interesting facts. It's also a detailed who's who of the royal lineages.


Moshe, what I had in mind were physical aspects of a town/city (such as your point no. 2) which can facilitate guerilla warfare in the event there is a an occupying army.

දේශපාලුවා said...

Who are we?
Brother Konnappu has intrigued my enthusiasm by starting a discussion about our roots. I can see from most responses to his article, most of us still believe that we are of Aryan decent and our nation is descending from Prince Vijaya and other Aryan migrations.

I cannot buy this story. I believe that Sinhala nation stared as a result of several tribes of Aryan and non-Aryan origins coalescing.

When the word non-aryan is mentioned many think its Dravidian, this is not ture, humans originated on earth more than 50 000 years ago, and there had been many civilizations that are not Aryan nor Dravidian.

Genetic studies shows the human migration that occured on earth. There were many migrations prior to the Aryans migrated to India and there were people living in India when Aryans came there.

Surely these non-aryans would have migrated to SL prior to the Aryan migration led by prince Vijaya.

Is there any proof? This genetic study on on the human population in India shows that Sinhalese and Bengalis are closely related and Sinhalse seperate from the other races quite early in the evolutionalry time scale.

It is true that Prince Vijaya and the other Aryans migrated from north eastern India (Vanga dehshaya). There were a substantial population of Yaksh and Naga people living in Sri Lanka when Prince Vijya came here, even lord Buddha visited here to resolve a conflict that was at the brink of war. It would have been quite a bloodbath that triggered a long distance visit from Lord Buddha.
There for the eastern indian Aryan migrations would not have been sufficient enough to shift our genetic affinity towards the Bengalis, without a total anihilation of the native population. Which is highly unlikely.
This leaves us to beleive that Yaksha and Naga people also migrated from north eastern India much prior to the Aryan migation.
This is further supported by the fact that Sinhalse and Bengalis separating from other races at a much earlier time.

Foll article

Anonymous said...

"Short boundary? We might see high scoring games, lots of 6ers."

Isn't that the average boundary size?

Moshe Dyan said...

of course sinhalas are a mix of all sorts of ppl.

and yakkos, naga, deva, sura, sura, raksha can well not be indo-aryans. but they came from north india.

i doubt that SLs has ANYTHING to do with the balangoda man, etc.

true there was a wave of migration 30,000+ years b4 aryan/dravidian migration but ...........

from SK's post....

"The evidence of of human settlements is stronger from about 34,000 before present era. The anatomically modern prehistoric human, the so-called Balangoda man, a cave dweller, was predominantly Australoid with Neanderthal overtones."

IF he had Neanderthal overtones, that's the end of him. bcos Neanderthal did NOT evolve to homo sapiens at this time, they fought each other. one perished and the other survived.

that may be the reason there is absolutely no evidence of continuity.

re: arisen ahubudu

he is not a expert on the subject. ALL his theaories are based on linguistics ONLY.

while i respect him for his knowledge on language, he is not a good guide for archeology or anthropology.

Moshe Dyan said...

read here about what the mahabharata has to say about yaksha, naga, deva, etc.

relate how it corroborates mahavamsa, etc. description of the SAME ppl by going inot EACH tribe (click on the tribe name).

"The classic Indian epics such as the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and the Puranas refer to many exotic tribes, describing them as superhuman or subhuman. Narrations about these tribes are often mixed with mythology and fiction. These tribes include Gandharvas, Yakshas, Kinnaras, Kimpurushas, Rakshasas, Nagas, Suparnas, Vanaras, Vidyadharas, Valikilyas, Pisachas, Devas (within them Vasus, Rudras, Maruts, Adityas) and Asuras (within them Danavas, Daityas and Kalakeyas.)"

Moshe Dyan said...

main tribes were yaksha, naga and raksha.

they ARE mentioned in indian history in detail.

SL's tribes were the SAME.
check it out.

Yaksha Kingdom refers to the territory of a tribe called Yakshas who were one of the Exotic Tribes of Ancient India. They had kinship with another similar tribe, the Rakshasas. Yaksha king Vaisravana (also known as Kubera, Kuvera etc.) and Rakshasa king Ravana were both sons of the sage Visrava Paulastya. Kubera is sometimes mentioned as a Rakshasa king. Kubera ruled a Yaksha kingdom of enormous wealth. Pandavas visited this place during their forest life with the help of Rakshasa Ghatotkacha and his friends.

Yaksha Territory

The territory of Yakshas under Kubera is mentioned as the region surrounding the Kailasa mountains and Manasa lake (Tibet) in the Himalayas.


Naga Kingdom refers to the territory of a tribe called Nagas who were a group of people spread throughout India during the period of the epic Mahabharata. They were also considered as one of the supernatural races like Kinnaras and Yakshas. Not much is known about their territories beyond ancient India except a region known as Airavata mentioned in the far north. It seems that the first settlement of this race in India is the Kashmir region. River Vitasta (Jhelum) in Kasmira is mentioned as the abode of Naga Takshaka. The city named after Takshaka, viz Takshasila (Taxila) is just to the west of this river. Places like Anantnag also is found in Kashmir. Ananta was the foremost among all the Nagas. Iravati River (Ravi) to the south of Kashmir could be the Indian territory of the Nagas called Airavatas. Their original abode could be the Airavata region mentioned in the far north.

Moshe Dyan said...

the beauti of it is yakko (and raksha) and naga ppl are described by NORTH INDIAN epics. they also came from NORTH INDIAN territories.

this is not mahavamsa.

so if tamil elamists want to fight these facts, they have to fight the north indian historians.

that puts them a FANTASTIC collision course which they are SHITT SCARED to take.

this clearly proves they were not dravidians.

they are from north indians, nepalese, tibetan territories. whatever their race was.

this is,

1. thrid party evidence to our TE coolies

2. TE coolies CANNOT dispute these effectively

3. mahavamsa, etc. say the same thing. how come??? that cannot be a coincidence???

4. further, both have indo aryan languages. there were NO indo aryan invasion on SL in history. then how come an indo aryan language in SL and not in south india???? only one way. origins of the ppl of SL got to have an indo aryan point of origin.

true they had mixed with others and today its a whole mixure and no indo-aryans at all. but our TE coolies are after the ancient era to claim tamil homoland extending BEYOND the anuradhapura era.

Moshe Dyan said...

bcos yakkos, nagas, rakshas were also of the same STOCK, they found it easy to integrate with other north indians when they came to SL.

Moshe Dyan said...

from strategypage.

"The Next Round In Sri Lanka

March 6, 2010: Sri Lanka is waiting for Tamil separatists to resume their war for independence. Many in the Tamil minority want to partition the island, handing the north, and the east coast, over to the Tamils, for a separate nation. A year ago, the Tamil separatists were defeated after a long battle for partition. While the LTTE (the main Tamil separatist organization) has been defeated, the organization still exists among Tamils elsewhere. Many of the two million Tamils in Sri Lanka still support the LTTE, as do many Tamils in southern India (the ancient homeland of the Tamils) and overseas. There are about 77 million Tamil speakers worldwide, most (nearly 80 percent) of them living in southern India (Tamil Nadu). Although a part of India, many Tamils believe that part, or all, of Sri Lanka should come under Tamil control. Of particular value for separatist militants are the 1.2 million Tamils living, and prospering, in the West. Many support partition of Sri Lanka, and this is an idea that will not go away. There are still thousands of Tamils, in Sri Lanka, and everywhere, who are still willing to fight and kill for this goal.
Indian Tamils have their own state in India (Tamil Nadu), and continue to pressure the Indian government to support Tamil separatism in Sri Lanka. The expatriate Tamil communities are still a source of cash for the LTTE. Most of these expats are in the United States, United Kingdom, throughout the European Union, Canada and Australia. The defeat of the LTTE, and the capture, or death, of many of the LTTE leaders, has left the terrorist organization demoralized and disorganized. The fund raising operations (mainly among the expatriates in the West) has been battered, but not destroyed. The LTTE remains tagged as an international terrorist organization, something Western nations took their time doing, and which played a role in the final defeat of the LTTE army on Sri Lanka.

Total losses for nearly 30 years of violence were about 80,000 dead, three times as many wounded, and over half a million refugees (meaning four percent of 20 million Sri Lankans were hurt or displaced). Twenty-six years after the LTTE began attacking government forces, the war in Sri Lanka finally ended a year ago. But in the 1990s, the LTTE inflicted several major defeats on the army, including driving out an Indian peacekeeping force. LTTE suicide bombers killed a Sri Lankan prime minister, a former Indian prime minister, and many other senior officials in Sri Lanka. By 2002, the LTTE had taken control of 14,000 square kilometers (22 percent of the island nation of Sri Lanka), and signed a ceasefire with the government. Tamils comprised 13 percent of the 20 million people living on the island, and wanted to establish their own nation in the territory the LTTE controlled in the north and along the east coast. Non-Tamils were driven out of that LTTE territory, and victory appeared in sight."


Moshe Dyan said...


Negotiations with the government failed because hard line LTTE leaders insisted on partition of the island. The government, and many moderate LTTE leaders were willing to allow greater autonomy, but not a separate state. This led, in 2004, to a split in the LTTE, with the east coast faction making a deal with the government. Troops moved into the east coast to put down the few hard line LTTE fighters that remained there. Continued negotiations with the LTTE proved fruitless, as the hardliners still insisted on partition. The war resumed in 2006, and in 34 months of fighting, the army lost 6,200 dead and over 30,000 wounded in what it called the Eelam War IV campaign. The LTTE lost over 20,000 fighters during this period. By the end of 2008, the LTTE had been forced into a small area on the northeast coast. The LTTE called on its Tamil supporters in southern India and overseas to demonstrate and persuade foreign governments to force Sri Lanka to stop the offensive, declare a ceasefire, and allow the LTTE to rebuild itself. This effort failed.

Determining how many Tamil civilians were killed during the last few months of fighting is complicated by the fact that many of the LTTE fighters were wearing civilian clothes, and the LTTE was deliberately urging, or coercing, Tamil civilians to accompany the troops and serve as human shields. The LTTE believed in "total war", where everyone, including women and children, had to be ready to risk their lives for the cause.

The defeat left many Tamils bitter, and Sri Lankan government is torn between trying to accommodate their Tamils, and preparing for a resumption of violence. Considering how popular partition is with Tamils outside of Sri Lanka, another round of violence seems certain."

Moshe Dyan said...

disregarding some petty errors, i agree with the strategypage article.

this is what i tried to convince some patriots here last week.

well, it is CERTAIN there will be another war. SLDFs should be ready to KILL, KILL and KILL AS MANY AS IT TAKES.

getting closer to the prey is one HUGE advantage in hunting.

keep prey as close to the hunters as LIVESTOCK, ready to be put down ANYTIME.

if tigers emerge, they will emerge from the north east. otherwise they cannot be seen as "defenders" of separatists there. not only they have to attack SLDFs but they also have to defend hardcore separatists from our retaliatory attacks. stay close to them so that they can be hunted selectively any given time.

SLDFs present focus should change from 2008-09 HARVESTING strategy to a HUNTING strategy.

Asithri said...


[SLDFs present focus should change from 2008-09 HARVESTING strategy to a HUNTING strategy]


In 2008/2009 the whoredogs would walk into traps...traps set up by SLA SF, SLA SF Mahason Brigade, STF, etc. as they were on a both offensive and defensive mode.

However today the whoredogs have largely gone underground...they are now laying low until the next starter pistol is fired...this time likely by the Global Tamil Forum (that I am told was successful in meshing together the demoralized, fragmented LTTE remaining leadership, abroad).

So I agree with you mate...

The operative mode should be...

KILL, KILL and KILL AS MANY AS IT TAKES...before them Terrorists once again start the claymores/baby-women hacking in Sri Lanka.

OaO Asithri

KB said...

[well, it is CERTAIN there will be another war. SLDFs should be ready to KILL, KILL and KILL AS MANY AS IT TAKES.]

Moshe & Asithri, dear chaps, that's why I advocated putting to death at least the second rung of LTTE leaders in captivity soon after the victory. Ancient Romans established Pax Romana, the Roman peace, by annihilating their enemy without mercy. They slaughtered most of the enemy on the battlefield and took the rest as prisoners of war to be paraded through the city of Rome in a big victory parade. The war prisoners were usually strangled after the parade in dark underground passages at the base of Capitoline Hill, ironically now located below the church of San Giuseppe dei Faleginami, where burly servants waited with leather ropes to stand behind the kneeling prisoners. We should have paraded some of these bastards in the victory parade in chains and executed them on the Galle Face Green. That would have sent such a dread into the heart of seperatists to have them not even dream about Peelam for the foreseeable future.


Asithri said...


[In arguments and debates with Tamilia and Sinhalese, it is the Sinhalese who are more pressing this rubbish about “grievances” and “discrimination” than Tamils, especially some losers from Australia (anyone heard of this cult called “Troops of Tigoons” made up of LTTE sympathising Sinhala tossers?) who I had the deep displeasure of meeting and arguing with. I do not expect Tamils to acknowledge their deceit because deceit is a way of life for them, many Tamils after getting pulverised and humiliated in the “discrimination|” argument usually come back a few weeks later or use a new handle and re-rash the same old stale points that have been proven fraudulent. But it is despicable the number of Sinhalese who refuse to realise or accept the fraud by Tamils because “it hurts Tamil feelings” and “is not good for race relations” (wtf?).]

Well said brother!

Well, now come to think of it, yes, I too recall meeting some very “liberal minded” Sinhela youngsters in Australia when I was there last year. On a few occasions a few guys I met also talked about “Tamil grievances” like they were reading passages from the Bible!

I thought that was fcuking strange and thought the poor idiots were stoned on drugs and/or alcohol, but may be what you say was the cause of it all (that they were brainwashed by LTTE propaganda!). Anyway, usually when I visit these “colonies” (like Aus, Canada, NZ, etc. LMSSAO!), I do come across some strange buggers as par-for-the –course, and often I do get into heated arguments about SL, but now I try mostly to keep away from them imbeciles as I found that it is the best way to not embarrasse or make my SL hosts feel awkward (such as if it is at a SL dinner party).

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

KB, well said bro...yep, when it comes to TERRORISTS, I am in agreement that we need to mercilessly "take out" not only the first layer but at least one or two layers below.

TERRORISTS are like an infestation of got to exterminate them with extreme prejudice.

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...


i too advocated a similar approach. but unfortuntely it didn't happen.

"The war prisoners were usually strangled after the parade in dark underground passages at the base of Capitoline Hill"


i feel great just to think about doing this to LTTE terrorists.

i wish i could strangle a few LTTE MFs with my bare hands in a dark underground passage.

but that didn't work. so we need to look at other avenues of destroying the remaining 10K trouble makers. why should we give them free food, rehabilitation, etc. and keep them or rare them????

that costs over US$ 3 million a year!!!

this is total absurd.

we should arrange 100 fishing boats captured from the LTTE packed with water and some out of date provisions in the mulaitivu seas.

spread the word in camps where tigers are held that an NGO has send some boats for tigers to escape.

allow them to escape but guard a broad area they cannot cross so that they will run to the right spot.

let them get away. no SLN interception.

once 2 hours into the journey, time bombs go off killing all 10,000 WITHOUT A TRACE!!!!

NO ONE, i say NO ONE will know for sure WHF happened to them. not even those who set it up.

annual direct cost saving - US$2.9 million

indirect cost saving - immense

lives saved - 50,000

Asithri said...

I live by this piece from Moshey (thanks Moshey):

[ the beauti of it is yakko (and raksha) and naga ppl are described by NORTH INDIAN epics. they also came from NORTH INDIAN territories. bcos yakkos, nagas, rakshas were also of the same STOCK, they found it easy to integrate with other north indians when they came to SL.]

After having visited our dear Veddhas many times and sitting down and even eating a meal with them, I am of the view that these ancient tribes people have to have originated from North India.

Their features, their eyes, their hair (some even had brown streaks in them and I know that was not from “just for men” hair color…lol) I came to the conclusion long ago that they were of Aryan origin (many looked to me copies of Pashtuns, although, naturally, they were of darker skin – a result of genes mutation from having lived in tropical hot sun for tens of thousands of hears).

I know there are differing opinions around this…but this is my own and I have formed it not by just reading Wikipedia, but by visiting our own dear Veddha and forming my own observations that I later tied to anthropological literature from eminent sources.

OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...

just imagine these 10,000 MFs get out one day.

they lead normal lives. will they EVER forget what SLDFs did to them????

they read tamil newspapers, listen to sakkili FM, watch sakkili TV, listen to racist TNA politicians..................

what will happen???

they already have the training!!

only thing lacking would be weapons. smuggling weapons or unearhting is easy.



Moshe Dyan said...

what if for some reason the "supreme race" was called "aryan" and the rest dravidian?????

then NO INDIAN community could survive in the sub continent!!! the "ultra supreme race" will look down upon everyone.

Asithri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Asithri said...




Hooooooooo!!! Hoooooooooooo!!!

Fcuk, I am LMSSAO!!! Truly LMSSAO!!!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


[My point about Mahavamsa was that it proves in terms of written history with evidence that SL is the birth place of the Sinhala nation and all of SL has historically been Sinhalese & under Sinhala rule for greater periods superseding any periods of
Tamil/South Indian domination -their presence was due to invasions, extensions of already existing domains in South India, dipping their fingers to SL, getting their fingers burnt and retreating. These invaders were repeatedly expelled and Sinhala rule once again established, hence why no Tamil homOland here.]

Well said matey! I could not have said this better!!!


OaO Asithri

Anonymous said...

On My Beat: Fonseka’s letters are smuggled out for vilification campaign

By K T Rajasingham
Colombo, 23 March ( Reports emerging from Oklahoma reveal that Sarath Fonseka, the former Army Commander, is involved in a vilification campaign against Sri Lanka Government and against Sri Lanka’s armed forces.

Asian Tribune further learns that he has managed to smuggle out of the Navy Commander’s Chalet, where he was presently held, nearly 20 letters to his handlers in the West.

It is alleged he took advantage of the leniency in supervision by those guarding him to smuggle out those letters through his wife as well as his lawyers from his place of custody to his handlers in the West.

The same sources in Oklahoma which had earlier revealed information about Sarath Fonseka’s Arms Dealer son-in-law Dhanuna Tilakaratne, inform Asian Tribune now that already those letters are on its way to Apsara, his eldest daughter’s place in Oklahoma to be delivered personally to a few high valued handlers in the United States.

Asian Tribune learns that when the first letter, said to have been written by Sarath Fonseka appeared in the Channel 4, and said to have been smuggled out, it seems that the CID had questioned Sarath Fonseka.

Accordingly, it is learnt that Sarath Fonseka has not denied that he has sent it to Channel 4 by smuggling that letter out.

Army sources told if Sarath Fonseka continues behave in clandestinely smuggling out letters in order to continue his smearing-campaign and mud-slinging at the Government leaders, they might have to force stop the privileges he is presently enjoying while being in custody.

Major General Parakrama Pannapitya, the hero who liberated the East in a humanitarian campaign, told Asian Tribune that he was in remand prison for five and a half months in 2009, on charges manipulated by Sarath Fonseka as he was involved in ‘Ttreasure Hunting’, was never given the facility of telephoning even to his three children who were kids.

He asked why such privileges are given to Sarath Fonseka who has worked against the Army Law of the country?

He pointed out that Sarath Fonseka is not kept under the military custody as a guest of the Government but as a suspect for violating numerous sections of the Army Act.

Maj. Gen. Prakrama Pannapitya further said that Sarath Fonseka has to be treated alike an ordinary suspect and not like some extraordinary person who has to be provided with all sorts of privileges.

- Asian Tribune -

Anonymous said...

War Art

Take a look at some of this art:

Any way we can hire our artists to do the same, depict ancient battles, cities, engineering master pieces and Kings through similar awe inspiring art?

As well as depicting the battles and victories of the current war?

Anonymous said...


About "armed" & excess Tamilia.

We must defiantly encourage their migration out of the country.

Not just to Australia, but Europe and Canada. Better hurry with sending them to Europe, people are getting frustrated with immigration, we have a very small window to ditch as many of them in the West as possible.

By any chance has the Government though about passing a law/decree stating anyone who leaves Sri Lanka and claims asylum (in the West) cannot come back? That way the West will be stuck with all and sundry -mainly Tamilia unable to deport them willy nilly.

Ananda-USA said...

Patriots .. We will have our wish of a MINIMAL CABINET

.... if the UPFA wins by a LANDSLIDE as I Predict!

No More making every MP a Minister to preserve a stable govt in the midst of a war of national reunification!

Ape' Ratna Deepayata Jayawewa!

40 ministers will lose jobs: Dullas

By Sandun A. Jayasekera
March 23, 2010

Government spokesman and Minister Dullas Alahapperuma said yesterday about 40 ministers would lose their jobs in the next UPFA government as President Mahinda Rajapaksa was determined to prune the cabinet to less than 40.

“This is a sacrifice the country expects from us as government politicians. A large cabinet was not to the liking of the government or the people. The next UFPA regime will be totally transformed into a new type of governance aimed at taking Sri Lanka to a new era of progress and prosperity.

As a first step towards good governance, the cabinet will be much smaller than the one at present. We are ready to make sacrifices to assist President Rajapaksa reach that goal,” the minister told the weekly UPFA news briefing at the Mahaweli Center.

He said the TNA election manifesto had vindicated the charges of a secret pact between the TNA and the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) or the General Sarath Fonseka camp.

“The TNA wants a merged North and East as traditional Tamil homelands. It wants a devolution package which undermines the authority of the central government. This is exactly what the UPFA highlighted as demands agreed to by the DNA. Up to now the neither the UNP nor the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) has made any comments on the TNA manifesto,” the minister said.

He said the United National Party (UNP) which attempted to reduce the public sector recruitment by 50 per cent during the 2001 UNP regime was now shedding crocodile tears for public servants.

“The UPFA government has brought peace and stability to Sri Lanka and people can travel safely to any part of the country,” he said.

The minister said General Sarath Fonseka’s wife Anoma had claimed that doctors had advised General Fonseka to live in an air conditioned abode because of the wounds he sustained in a LTTE suicide bomb attack. But the minister asked how this matched with General Fonseka’s charges against Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa that Mr. Rajapaksa lived in AC room comfort in Colombo while he waged the war against the LTTE in the jungle under extreme weather conditions and amid facing the dangers of war.

The minister criticized the DNA for using religious symbols as election propaganda and stressed that no political party had ever done this kind of thing before.

Ananda-USA said...

OK, Guys .. What is this lady upto now?

Sri Lanka's former President hosts several diplomats for lunch

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Mar 22, Colombo: Former Sri Lankan President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga had hosted several foreign diplomats serving the country for a lunch at her ancestral residence in Horgaolla yesterday (21).

The foreign diplomats representing the US, India, Australia, and Britain have reportedly been among the members of the diplomatic corps who attended the luncheon. The luncheon that had commenced at 12.30 p.m. had ended around 5 p.m.

Details of the discussions that had taken place between the former President and the diplomats were not immediately known.

Ananda-USA said...

Latest Sri Lankan Dish: Grilled Fonseka

CID grills Anoma Fonseka

Ananda-USA said...

Mahinda Rajapaksa's healing diplomacy

Rajapaksa hosts injured Gambhir, Nehra

March 23, 2010

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa on Monday hosted two leading Indian cricketers, opening batsman Gautam Gambhir, and opening bowler Ashish Nehra, prior to their return to India on Monday, after being treated by well known Sri Lankan ayurvedic physician, Eliyantha White, for injuries sustained while playing in the ongoing IPL in India.

White treated them at the request of Rajapaksa. The injuries threatened to keep them out of the tournament.

Gambhir and Nehra thanked the president and White for their speedy recovery. They also thanked Sri Lankan cricketer Dilshan Tillekeratne, who is now playing in the IPL, for recommending treatment in Sri Lanka and making arrangements for it through Rajapaksa.

The two cricketers told Rajapaksa they were fit to return to play in the IPL in the next few days.

Earlier, star Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar was successfully treated for a sports injury by White, at the request of Rajapaksa.

Nisal said...

[[Ananda-USA said...
Patriots .. We will have our wish of a MINIMAL CABINET ]]

Guys, what is the best possible cabinet?

I like to see

mahinda samarasinha - FM
Basil - min. of construction
champaka - min. of environment

However, bogollagama must be one of the jobless guy (if he is reelected).

What is your thoughts?

Ananda-USA said...


Mervyn Silva is Touting Basil as the PM!

Thusitha said...

Ananda-USA said...

Mervyn Silva is Touting Basil as the PM!

That is not good. Even if Basil is the best candidate, two brothers shouldn't be President and Prime Minister.
He should come when MR is gone or next Election.

Nisal said...

@ Thusitha


Nisal said...

I think


are suitable for minister posts.

also, I think the following guys didn't do well.

Nimal siripala (of course)
gamini lokuge
pyasiri Wijenayake

Diyasena said...


A few more choices,

Wimal - Media
Mahinda Yapa- Heritage and Culutral affairs

Diyasena said...

Basil, as good as he is shouldnt be made PM atm..That would just create the wrong picture..My bet is Maithripala Sirisena for PM..

Nisal said...

Add your comment here. Do not let MFs to pay.

Thusitha said...

London, England (CNN) -- Britain has expelled an Israeli diplomat in connection with cloned passports used by suspects in the January killing of a Hamas leader in Dubai, a British government source familiar with the situation told CNN Tuesday.

Not only SL, Isreal is getting screwed as well

Police have said toxicology results show al-Mabhouh was injected with succinylcholine, a drug used to relax muscles during surgery or as an anesthetic, before he was suffocated. Signs indicated that al-Mabhouh resisted as he was being suffocated, police said

Thusitha said...

Tamilnet TV getting better and better

SL boy said...

Ninja said,
/Now history was not taught for 30 years means one generation knows nothing about own history./

Yhough there is no specific 'History' as subject, SL history was tought under Social Studies, which gives a fair understandings of different kingdoms and kings in the past. That was the case in the 80s. I don't know the situation now.

SL boy said...

Thanks for the great post.

A topic appropriate clip on Tamil history. This shows clearly the majority of Tamils in Jaffna are bought by Dutch as agricultural labour.

KB said...

Sinhalese soldiers, hooligans destroy Thileepan memorial in Jaffna
[TamilNut, Tuesday, 23 March 2010, 10:45 GMT]
A gang of Sinhalese army soldiers and hooligans went on rampage Monday night, demolishing the memorial pillar of Lt. Col. Thileepan (Rasiah Parthipan) located behind the historic Nalloor Kanthasuvami Koayil on Point Pedro-Nalloor road, residents of the area said.

The thugs who demolished Thileepan’s memorial pillar Sunday night have taken the premises into their possession and have started using the memorial pillar to dry their washings, the sources added.

Bugger! Tamilnut is providing serious competition to these days. I am really disappointed that our chaps started using what's left of the memorial pillar to dry their socks and underwear. With a little bit more flair we should have constructed a latrine with pieces of the memorial pillar in this spot as a fitting tribute to this ThaiPan or whoever.


KB said...

SL boy, dear chap, thanks for the kind words. You are quite correct, I think, in saying majority of Tamils in Jaffna are of recent origin. In fact Robert Knox, the Englishmen who was kept as a human pet by our king Rajasinha II in his exotic animal collection, referred to Tamil of the north as Malabaris. He identified Sinhalese as the natives and Malabaris as the other group of people he encountered on the island.


OneNation (formerly TTBO) said...

Damn... blocked by my company and not accessible via my work laptop anymore. It is blocked as it has 'controversial opinion, violence, wiki'

How sad...

Anonymous said...

THis is what I heard of Yaksha, naga, deva, raksha

people descending from yakka, rakksha are still having bandara in their names.
Basically Karawa cast is descending from nagas.
People , who descending from Deva, still living in hilly areas and they are Buddhist and only Buddhist.

best way to project the population descending from 700 Aryans is to calculate it with
average life span 50years, number children (avg)4 (2 girl, 2 boys), marriage age 18 years etc etc for 2500 years

maths kings like Moshe and ananda can make a model

Anonymous said...

**/i feel great just to think about doing this to LTTE terrorists./**

For sure GSL/ SLA MI must go after remaining LTTE leaders. Most of them are probably citizens of EU/Canada/Auz/USA and live there. This will be unsees war.. intel war.. I don't know GSL is really doing this or not.. Hope GR do it..

I agree with how GSL deal with captured surrendered LTTE cadres. GSL eliminated top hard core as its not possible to rehabilitate them or legal actions is hard to prove. Some others now work for SLA MI against remaining LTTEers. Vast majority who are kids forcly recruited and brainwashed going through rehabilitation. I don't think its 100% success rate but >90%.

If you think about rehabilitating VP or Gonseka or Somahansa it will be a joke.. But those kids do have a future..

Even king dutugamunu stopped killing after end of elara.. Reason was his war was not driven by revenge.. Aim was not just to gain 'rajasapa' for himself but to protect buddhists.. Sinhalese way of dealing with enemies if different to Nazi way..

SL boy said...

Pre-Vijaya SL history.

Sam Perera said...

Recent actions of LTTE remnants.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Re: Akon, MBC and the bloody ha ho

Day closed yesterday with the pelting of stones at MBC - Mahajara Broadcasters. Today the day rolled with much hype and debate and ended with govt decision to ban Akon from entering SL.

I am not a fan of Akon, nor do I value his kind of music for a penny, but there were lots of important points behind the tale.

- Akon is accused of defaming buddhism. I watched his video in Youtube and found it very much debatable. In his orgy like gathering of nearly nude babes there was a BG pic of buddha statue in few of teh frames. It is indeed defamation, but how much was it intentional I don't know.

- In another view, as long as we sell buddha statues as gifts and decorative items, there is no stopping for such actions. Ppl buy decorative items to decorate places, and that is just what Akon did [lacking a lot of common sense though]

- Also, this comes to the same debate of Mohommed cartoons. Is it right to use a religious figures for jokes, ads or erotic stuff?

- Anyway I leave that topic for discussion. Now looking at the attack at MBC, it is almost impossible that Buddhist gathered so fast and organized such a violent act. There were other actions like lobbying and legal action. So who was behind Sirasa/MBC attack? The facts so far lead to one direction. A notorious political figure with a grudge with Mahajara ppl. Akon is used for a reason, to fulfill that.

- What is the end result? See the comments in this article. I believe that it would bring a huge defamation on SL. Diaspora must be busy day and night talking about Sinhala-Buddhist hooligans.

- This raises the next question. Why did MBC plan to bring Akon, of all ppl? They chose a man who has allegations of defaming Buddha to perform in Buddhist majority SL. Correct or not the allegations, it sure makes a chance for communal violence. Why did they choose this man?

- Did the expect a Sha-ruk-Khan style event in Akon show?

- In that view the MBC objective was fulfilled partially last night when they were attacked.

- Among those who spoke to media after MBC attack was Chevan Daniels. Firstly how did this designated tiger get back in? This bugger left SL in haste when Gota accused that there is one tiger in MBC [only one?] that he's gonna take actions against. Now he's safely back...

- So what is cooked by MBC, Chevan Daniels, Akon etc. Things get fishier.

- So even if Akon is not guilty of defamation charges, this show cannot be allowed to go ahead. If anything happened in the show the defamation will be bigger than the whole bunch of Elam war allegations. Most ppl know Akon, very little for Prabhakaran.

- It is not necessarily public, but even tiger remains can be used to make a fake buddhist attack in the show.

- It is a display of many things. MBC ulterior moves, return of some tiger ranks, buddhist's own selling of their idols, west's illogical and ignorant behavior on sensitive matters, local thugs using these and causing unnecessary havoc, and the defamation actions all together - we gotta be very careful.

- Finally I fully support the idea of banning the show. And glad the way the day ended.

Anonymous said...

Konnapu Bandara said...
SL boy, dear chap, thanks for the kind words. You are quite correct, I think, in saying majority of Tamils in Jaffna are of recent origin. In fact Robert Knox, the Englishmen who was kept as a human pet by our king Rajasinha II in his exotic animal collection, referred to Tamil of the north as Malabaris. He identified Sinhalese as the natives and Malabaris as the other group of people he encountered on the island.


Absolutely KB.

The bulk of the Tamils today in the Jaffna Peninsula (Yapnapura) were brought in by the Dutch as coolies to cultivate Tobacco. Tamils in the East were originally settled there by the British as a "reward" for killing Sinhalese in 1818 and 1848 hence why the gigantic Eastern province (made so when the British drew it on the map to punish Sinhalas and the Senkadagala Kingdom) has a Tamil "majority" which is amazingly enough concentrated in Baticalo town and bits of Trinco, not diffused out through the province, in fact the rest of the province is today mostly uninhabited –primarily because the Sinhalese who lived in the inner regions were culled out of it during various cleasnings by Tamils starting from the European occupation continuing all the way till 2007.
The bulk of Tamils in the Wanni jungle are in fact Tamils from the plantations moved their by the Norwegian NGO "Redd Barna" back in the 1960s to subvert the Sirimavo-Shastri Pact originally designed to send Tamils in the central province back to their homeland in Tamil Nadu. Instead Norway intervened (no surprise there) gave them lunch packets to last 2 days, hired a train and sent them into the jungles of the Wanni in the middle of the night. Funnily enough they then became part of the so called "Sri Lankan Tamils" who we have just spent the last 30 years fighting, when not only are they NOT unique to Sri Lanka, but were treated like dirt by the racist chauvinistic Jaffna Tamils for being "ultra low caste".

Anonymous said...

If you look at the comments here it seems our dicussions on history of Sri Lanka as sparked arguments, fury and anger amongst Tamilia elsewhere! Guess we rattled a few cages:

tata said...

"buddhist's own selling of their idols"
What do you mean by this?

Goolge said...


Israel has done this type of thing before, and there is usually a reaction from the other country concerned. But that tends to be temporary, and things get back to normal in a few months time.

The political opposition in UK has been supportive of David Miliband's decision to expel the diplomat (some reports say Mossad station chief).

Two other realities seem to not have had much weight in the decision:
1) the certainity that even British agents would use passports of other nationalities, and hence be accused of hypocrisy
2) a terrorist was taken out

Intended or not, DM stands to personally profit from this expulsion. Although supposedly atheist, he has Jewish roots. In some British eyes being Jewish is a "disqualification" for a future PM. By showing he is being tough with the Jewish state, he is showing "national concerns". This will be beneficial when there is a leadership fight right after the election.

HLIA said...

Can you stop calling the great king "Gemunu" , Dutugemunu or Dutthagamini?

Api apeema wiruwan heelluwata lak keerimak needa?

Moshe Dyan said...

"Sinhalese soldiers, hooligans destroy Thileepan memorial in Jaffna"

i'm against this.

i'm the first to demand the TOTAL dismantling of ALL LTTE artefacts in the country. i stand by that.

but this must happen officially by the SLA. private individuals and soldiers should not be allowed to do it their way.

this can damage inter racial harmony.

of course when SLDFs destroy LTTE crap that too will harm relations to some extent but then there is a law and aorder of doing things. then it is not done with emotions, etc.

i want this act condemned by the govt but to OFFICIALLY start destroying all LTTE crap AT THE FCUKING LEAST NOW.

complainging about sinhala traders is jaffna is bloody racist. how about THOUSANDS of tamil traders in colombo????????

if sinhala traders in jaffna is "wrong" in any way, tamil traders in colombo is equally wrong.

Anonymous said...

Superior Western culture on display:

Boy, 13, becomes one of youngest to be put on sex offenders register after he raped three-year-old at foster family's home"

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

[[ tata said...

"buddhist's own selling of their idols"
What do you mean by this?]]

Go down the streets of SL. Especially in downtown of a tourist town. How many small shops can you see to have Buddha statues to be sold. It is a profittable business and by all means it should be praised.

However, most buyers of these statues are NOT Buddhist followers. Nor are they interested in philosophy and teachings. Or respect Buddha like an ordinary Buddhist. They are mere tourists in town.

Why do they buy the statues? To keep in a small mini shrine and treat with Mal/Pahan/Handunkuru? Nop. They buy it as a gift, or a decorative item.

Once bought as a decorative item it depends on their respect and understanding what they do with it. They will use it to decorate places. To add a bit of mysterious shanthi into the house, room, hall, or even bathroom.

This is what Akon did, in my view. While he's shooting his song "Sexy Bitches" he used a statue of Buddha to decorate the hall, where few babes dance "in their preferred ways". If statue was sold as a decorative, this act is expected, isn't it?

I remember seeing Venus statues in houses, some in living rooms, others in kitchens and even bathrooms. Some are thrown over and some ppl even talk about her boobs as for a joke or even lustily. In a sinhala film there is always possibility of having a similar script of some guys speaking about venus statue with lust. It is just all right. But imagine an ancient greek hearing this. How awful would he feel to hear such against the goddess that they believe.

Equally, isn't it fair that Muslims outraged when P. Mohomed was used as a cartoon character by a Danish artist?

At least they both never built or drew or sold their idols, like we do.

Diyasena said...

Sujeewa K,

Re: Religion and erotica

Not just Buddhist and Muslim religious figures, Christian symbols are used to depict erotica as well..

These so called artistes, just seek attention, by inflaming hatred of pious people..However, unlike the above site or the Mohammed cartoons, Akon's act was unlikely intentional..The government led the thing get too out of hand. They should have demanded a public apology + action to remove the statue from the video (the latter of course can't be done overnight) as preconditions for a visa, instead of outright rejecting it..

Re: Selling statues to foreigners..

Maybe government should pass a law that all boutiques selling the statues provide a small brochure on the significance of the statue and appropriate display..It's still completely up to the buyer where he/she places it, but worth a try..


They probably had a well planned ulterior motive in doing so..However it is virtually impossible to prove it and they can feign innocence..Nevertheless the GOSL/UPFA emerged with greater popularity..9 out of 10 people going to this concert were Colombians, who would vote UNP anyway..

Moshe Dyan said...


good method subject to some assumptions.

it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE the 700+1 fathered all the sinhalas.

701 vijaya crowd (from orissa + bengal + gujarat) married 701 tamil women (from tamil nadu).

= 1,402

this number is not sufficient to justify ANY of the mahavamsa claims.

how many came with baddakaccana???

i'm assuming 35,000 from what i have read. they came to SL around 500BC. wijaya's crowd came in 543BC. assuming they got married in 535BC (they fcuked around with the locals and had kids during this 8 years) we can calculate their population increase which is not much.

world population (IN MILLIONS)
1000BC - 100
500BC - 50
1975AD - 3,900
1999AD - 6,000

pop in 535BC = 50*(((100/50)^(1/(1000-500)))^(1000-535))

= 95.2638 million

increase by 500BC = 100/95.2638
wijaya's crowd pop in 500BC = 100/95.2638*1402

= 1,471

total pop with baddakaccana's crowd came from utter pradesh, nepal, etc. in 500BC = 35,000 + 1,472

= 36,472

now they joined with the remaining yakka, naga, raksha, etc. and formed the nation.

what was their number???

obviously the baddakaccana crowd had their way. they built towns, irrigation systems, etc. so they must have been the majority.

what % of yakko, etc. were there???

assuming it was 70% of the recent migrants, yakko, etc. number is = 25,530

total pop = 62,001

world population in 1881 = 1,392 million

increase from 500BC to 1881AD = 1392/100 = 13.92 times

can we assume this to be SL's pop growth??? NO. SL has a higher pop density and had a higher growth rate.

from 1881 to 1981 SL pop increase = 5.95

from 1881 to 1981 world pop increase = 3.12

SL higher increment factor = 5.95/3.12 = 1.91 times

TF, SL pop growth from 500BC to 1881 = 13.92*1.91
= 26.5 times.

62,001 have grown into = 62,001*26.5
= 1,643,434

census sinhala pop 1881 = 1,846,600
difference = 203,166

or 11% of total sinhala pop is not accounted for by natural growth. they are likely to have become sinhala along the way from many ethnicities around the world.


1. 35,000 came with baddakaccana.

2. yakko, etc. pop was 30% less than migrants in 500BC.

3. SL pop grew in line with world pop but kept the unique trend.


1. wijaya's crowd alone would not have made the sinhala community.

2. the sinhala community is HIGHLY MIXED which included tamils as well although the majority were indo aryans.

3. subsequent mixing accounted for at least 11% of the sinhala pop as it is today.

long live!

Moshe Dyan said...

if wijaya's crowd was the first fathers, first mothers were tamils from madurai in pandya country.

we (i and some bloggers) did some research about wijaya's queen wijaya. mahavamsa clearly states she came from SOUTH india and pandya country.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Re: Akon show

[[instead of outright rejecting it..]]

Well I don't call the Akon act so serious. In fact he can always say he never intended. So Akon show has no reason for the cancellation on the grounds that Akon is a bastard.

Problem is that there is outrage and a group of ppl are agitated for right or wrong reasons. Note that it may not be the same group who attacked MBC, which leads to a notorious politician rather, but there is a great anger and call against Akon. I take the rage too strong, but still there is the outrage.

In such scenario it is of great importance that we close the controversy by canceling the show. MBC will never care for public safety. Similar event in Sharuk show, cost a life and loads of defamation. Why take the risk?

Even if Akon apologises and heals teh outrage of genuine buddhists, what stops the MBC/LTTE elements staging a fake attack, if defamation was their objective? What stops teh political enemies of MBC staging an attack, in teh name of Budhism, fakely used to fulfill teh grudges? Can you imagine the defamation that brings out of an attack in an Akon show? Needless to say the destruction and life cost.

And why shud we allow the obvious foul-play plans of MBC.

Well, for a minor event like this it is right to take strong actions and reduce risk, than letting the chance for the disaster. MBC is not banned [I wish] just that Akon is blocked.

Anonymous said...

Not only does this promote economic activities, but it encourages recolonisation.

This also confirms the earlier complaining from Tamilmutt about Sinhalese moving to Jaffna (as well as recolonisation, land allocation to Sinhalas), which is even more good news.

Moshe will like:

Why attention is making Jaffna uncomfortable

Jaffna is turning red, with a bit of anger and embarrassment both, and wincing under the sudden attention it is getting from the rest of Sri Lanka.

The quite town of narrow streets, churches and schools was all but cut off from the Sinhalese south for years. For years, the only Sinhalese who went to Jaffna were the military and police personnel who manned the hundreds of checkpoints and bunkers in and around town. The town hadn’t seen a battle since 1995 but resembled a battle zone with thousands of army personnel keeping watch and monitoring every inch of the peninsula.

All that has changed in the last few months. With travel restrictions lifted from the A9 highway, tourists from the south have been surging towards Jaffna and its temples and sandy beaches. At the Omanthai checkpoint, an army captain told me that on weekends, 1200 vehicles including 400 packed buses carrying tourists hurtle towards the peninsula.

Along the roads leading to the town, coconut groves have become picnic spots where tourists eat rice and curry, drink king coconut water and fan themselves with sarongs to escape the Jaffna heat.

The army is still present but there are fewer checkpoints. Shops in town are now open till late; the evening curfew is a thing of the past.

But many residents are guarded with their enthusiasm about this new season of opening up. Many are apprehensive that their enclave would be gradually taken over by businessmen from the Sinhalese south. Small local businesses would disappear, some feel. Others fear that the nuances of the Sri Lankan Tamil culture and identity would gradually be wiped out.

The town itself is not prepared to tackle this sudden surge of tourism. Hotels are few. Some residents are renting out extra rooms for large sums of money. Hoteliers are rushing in but it would take several months before the infrastructure would be in place. A Jaffna Chamber of Commerce official said that land prices, as well as rents, were shooting up with many from Tamil diaspora planning to buy houses and property in their land of origin.

Anonymous said...

This should be fun.

"A hunger striker who held a 23-day fast in Parliament Square last year in protest at the Sri Lanka's offensive against the Tamil Tigers is suing two newspapers over claims that he secretly ate burgers during his vigil."

Moshe Dyan said...


that bugger had asked for McMalupan first. then he had to manage with a bigmac.

that bloody thileepan bugger had died in 2 weeks without food. how come the london kaluthai survived for so many days?????

total BS.

Jemis said...

"Moshe Dyan said...
if wijaya's crowd was the first fathers, first mothers were tamils"

MD Boy. Please read the Mahavansa again. King Vijaya brought 300 Aryan wives not dravidians from Madurapua...

Moshe Dyan said...


but it doesn't say aryan. can you provide a link????

here are the scenarios we looked into.

1. pandu king - can be pandya of tamil madu or pandava of north india

2. from madura - can be madurai of tamil madu or mathura of north india

3. VERY STRANGELY pandava of north india lived around mathura!!!

4. this is a BIG confussion.

but mahavamsa says SOUTH.

in fact this mahavamsa reference is used by tamil madu historians (they accept mahavamsa although tamil elam junketts don't) to boast about a developed history in tamil madu b4 the SANGAM period.

sangam period which is the earliest known history of tamil madu started in 300BC whereas our continuing history staretd in 583BC - we are 283+ years ahead of them.

Moshe Dyan said...


583 should be 543 and 283 should be 243.

Anonymous said...

Thun Hele => 9 province

Some one should create graphical maps (flash/ power point) from thun hele to todays 9 provinces..

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks for sharing.

SL boy said...


This is para from the above link ,
"Vijaya takes the chief queen from North India Vijaya's ministers advised him to select a noble bride from North India as the chief queen. They proposed a princess from Madura Pura, south of Singhapura in Punjab. MaduraPura, inhabited by Ksatriya cast (mix of Sakyas and the Deva casts who refused to marry anyone from outside) was renown for beautiful maidens at the time. Many North Indian princes took brides from there. This beautiful princess from a kshastriya tribe of the Aryans arrived in Mannar with a large band of tradesmen and maidens. Earlier it was argued that this princess came form the Pandyan kingdom, and that she was the daughter of the Pandu King, who was from a kshastriya tribe of the Aryans who migrated from Madhya Pradesh. But it has been rejected. Among the many reasons it has been rejected is that there was no such royalty or advanced kingdom, which is linked, to the North Indians, developed in south India at the time."

tata said...

Thanks for the explanation.
Yes, there must be some sort of regulation for the sale of Buddha (and other religious) statues.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


Even if SL reduces the sale of statues, how can we control mass producers like Thailand? Also non-buddhists who have a share of Buddha like Indians.

It is not meaningful. It is unstoppable.

And Buddha is used as a decorative item in places like hotels, restaurants, mafia leader chambers, and notably bars [Buddha bar]. Even Akon's song was shot at a recreational place or a hotel where a Buddha statue is kept for decorative purposes [not that Akon really wanted to keep it]

I think the approach shud be, firstly that we shud make a voice in decent manner, opposing it, like in the case of Akon right now, who is apologetic about the matter. Then we shud also learn to bare the misuse of the statues. There is no point in getting outraged for some non-intentional common happening.

BTW, small correction. Akon show organizing was shared between MBSC and Tourism Ministry. Rats are all over. Who is the idiot in ministry that planned/agreed for this show, knowing it will outrage ppl?

tata said...

Of course, whatever we do in SL will not really affect anything outside SL. I was only agreeing that Buddha statues should not be sold in SL like any other commodity.
I think the thing is, Buddhism is in "fashion" now (like the Cross is also a fashion statement). I recently went to a (non-buddhist) house and saw that they have a Buddha statue in the garden; placed on the ground near a small fountain. How peaceful. :)

I don't see any big issue with all these (that happen outside SL) except the point you raised (that happen in SL).

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Going off topic.

Romani People - The Gypsies of europe

Was stunned to see that I never knew about them other than the stories in Tin Tin and Holocaust/Genocide.

Some astonishing facts.

- They originated from India around 1000yrs ago. Language culture and look is still very much Indian.

- They were enslaved by many nations [who preach freedom] even in teh last century. Even today they don't have equal opportunity or equal treat.

- Of all, the Norwegians stole the children of theirs [like lost generation of Aussies].

- They are the most suppressed and most harassed race in the world.

- They have never run a country, but tehy number into millions, even after millions being genocided by Nazis.

- Romania has a huge population of them, and wonder whether it is teh reason why teh country is called such.

දේශපාලුවා said...

යක්‍ෂ ගෝත්‍රික ඉතිහාසය ඇතැම් විට මහායානය ඔස්‌සේ මඟහැර ඇත. යක්‍ෂ ගෝත්‍රිකයන් යම් පිරිසක්‌ බොහෝ කල් ගත වනතුරු ම බෞද්ධයන් නො වී සිටීම ඔවුන්ට පාඩුවක්‌ වී ඇත. යක්‍ෂ ගෝත්‍රිකයන්ට කලාත්මක හැකියාවක්‌ තිබූ බව විජය කුමරු පැමිණියේ යෑයි කියන දිනවල තිsබි සංගීත උත්සවලින් ද සීගිරි (සිහිගිරි) චිත්‍රවලින් ද පැහැදිලි වෙයි. අභයගිරි භූමියෙහි ඇති සමාධි පිළිම වහන්සේ ද වෙනත් බොහෝ පුරා වස්‌තු ද යක්‍ෂ ගෝත්‍රිකයන් ගේ නිර්මාණ නම් පුදුම විය යුතු නො වේ. පස්‌ වැනි සියවසේ ඉතිහාසය ලිවීමේ කාර්යය හේතුවෙන් අද දක්‌වා ම මෙරට ථෙරවාදය රැක ගැනීමටත් සිංහල ජාතිය පවත්වාගෙන යැමටත් හැකියාව ලැබී ඇත. ඒ සියල්ල ධන පැත්ත ය. එහෙත් එහි සෘණ පැත්තක්‌ නැතිවා නො වේ.

tata said...

Very interesting.
I think NDS copied it from you. ;)

Anonymous said...

උතුරේ කොටි සංකේත හා ප්‍රතිමා ඉවත් කිරීමට යයි

කීර්ති වර්ණකුලසූරිය

උතුරේ කොටි ත්‍රස්‌තවාදී සියලු සංකේත සහ කේන්ද්‍රස්‌ථාන මෙන්ම කළුකොටි ත්‍රස්‌ත ප්‍රතිමා සියල්ල ඉවත් කිරීමට ආරක්‍ෂක බලධාරීන් තීරණය කර ඇත.

කොටි සංවිධානය විසින් සිය අණසක පවත්වාගෙන තිබූ සමයේ කොටි සංවිධානයට සම්බන්ධ කේන්ද්‍රස්‌ථාන 400 කට අධික සංඛ්‍යාවක්‌ පිහිටුවා තිබූ අතර ඓතිහාසික පුරා විදු ස්‌ථාන මුළුමනින්ම විනාශ කර දමා තිබේ.

බෝම්බ පිපිරවූ චාල්ස්‌ ඇන්තනී, තිලීපන් සහ කොටින්ට ආයුධ සැපයූ කිට්‌ටු ඇතුළු බෝම්බකරුවන් තිහකගේ පමණ ප්‍රතිමා උතුරුකරයට තවදුරටත් අවශ්‍ය නැත. ත්‍රස්‌තවාදය උතුරේ ජනතාවගේ සිත් සතන් තුළින් ඉවත් කිරීම අපේ අරමුණ යෑයි ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ ආරක්‍ෂක නිලධාරියෙක්‌ පැවසීය..

Anonymous said...

"If polls are free and fair, UNF will win handsomely – Rosy"

Bloody hilarious.

Well that is one way of excusing defeat and their failures, inability to see the needs and desires of the people out of the Colombian elites sense of arrogance and sheer contempt for the masses as well as denying and camouflaging the peoples democratic will.

දේශපාලුවා said...

Blogger Pol Sambol said...

"If polls are free and fair, UNF will win handsomely – Rosy"


If there is trend against the government they will lose what ever they do.

On the other hand, if there is no such trend the opposition cannot win what ever then do.

tata said...

"If polls are free and fair, UNF will win handsomely – Rosy"

What she meant was:

"If we lose, polls are not free and fair. If we win, they are free and fair."

So, "free and fair polls" depends on whether they win or lose and nothing else.

Moshe Dyan said...

rosy or vesy senanayaka thinks ppl will vote for an OLD beauty queen after her MENOPAUSE!!!!

funny slut!

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks for the explanation.

pardon me for saying this. but this is not the mahavamsa.

mahavamsa does not say SOUTH of sinhapura.

the reason is also not acceptable.

"there was no such royalty or advanced kingdom, which is linked, to the North Indians, developed in south India at the time"

i don't see how this can be a reason. pandya kingdom was there at that time based on controvercial evidence. still, it is likely that a tamil kingdom would have been there.

i'm NOT trying to prove that wijaya's queen came from tamil madu. my ultimate aim is to DISAPROVE that she came from tamil madu. but for that we need convincing HISTORICAL accounts.

i have some other explanations but cannot find convincing evidence of it.

1. there IS a city named MATHURA in north india.

2. there were PANDU kings (the legendary mahabarata pandu kings and their decendants) in mathura in north india.

3. wijaya's brother too married a woman from this SAME AREA in north area.

4. history says that wijaya was so grateful to his F-I-L that he sent valuable perals (found in abundance near his capital in mannar). if his F-I-L was in tamil madu, madurai, he would not have appreciated pearls so much bcos he has plenty of pearls in his kingdom!!!!

5. wijaya sent an embassy searching for a woman bcos he wanted a woman from a PARTICULAR group. otherwise he could have married another local.

6. kshatrhiya is a good point. if we can find it in historical accounts, we can seal it.

kotiwaenasewa said...

Please boycott the Subha saha Yasa Concert in Australia. It is organized by traitors and money swindlers.

Check who the organizers are before buying tickets for Sri Lankan functions.

A tiny band of traitors in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra, who belonged to the violent criminal "Singhala" political gang that created the mayhems of 1971 and 1988
-1989 in Sri Lanka have taken up arms against our motherland again. This was evident when a handful of their "comrades" (cowards, they covered their faces with black masks like how they entered and murdered the poor villagers of Sri Lanka for not siding with them) "demonstrated" in front of our High Commission in Canberra a few weeks ago. I am told that they also made a laughable attempt to stage a "vigil" in front of the Sydney Town Hall. They would have thought that they could stage something noticeable like how their cousins, the agents of the LTTE did in the past before they were decimated by the present government of Sri Lanka.

These traitors need funds to do these things and now they have started another ruse. They are beginning to tap into the only popular source of fund raising available to our community organizations (religious, cultural, social or patriotic) which is entertainment. I have observed that these traitors have begun advertising staging of drama, films etc to raise funds for their treacherous activities.

Please be mindful: these traitors are luring you to these shows only to use your money to further their war against your motherland. The Tamil terrorists are gone, but the
Singhala terrorists are about to bring on the next round of violence in our country. It doesn't matter whether the show is excellent, please don't buy a ticket. They are only exploiting you and the Singhala culture to the detriment of everyone.

Please pass this message to your friends too.

SL boy said...


That website is not purely based on Mahawamsa. There are tons of other references as listed below.

I think the article say "They proposed a princess from Madura Pura, south of Singhapura in Punjab. " ,not based on Mahawamsa. It first , come to the conclusion that there was no such kingdom LINKED to North India, in the South, based on South Indian historical evidence,during that period.("there was no such royalty or advanced kingdom, which is linked, to the North Indians, developed in south India at the time")
There would have been a Pandya kingdom, but it does not have any documented relations to North India.
And it would have surely picked what evidents you have found too to deduce this.
Keep up the good work.

Thusitha said...

A BAHRAIN resident has been arrested in Sri Lanka after converting to Islam and writing two books in Sinhalese allegedly offensive to the spiritual leader of Buddhism

A BAHRAIN resident has been arrested in Sri Lanka after converting to Islam and writing two books in Sinhalese allegedly offensive to the spiritual leader of Buddhism.

Sarah Malanie Perera, 38, was detained in the capital Colombo on Saturday as she was due to leave her homeland after a three-month holiday.

Discover Islam has now issued an international appeal to human rights groups to help secure her release, after being contacted by one of her sisters.

Relatives in Bahrain also fear she may not be allowed to return here as her residence permit expires today.

Ms Perera came to Manama in 1985 to assist her elder sister Mariam, who owned a gifts and flowers shop called Madhuri in The Palace Hotel, Adliya.

She worked there for two years before staying at home to care her sick old mother Aisha.

Ms Perera later worked as an assistant accountant for the US Navy, before becoming a teacher at the Child Development Centre, Juffair.

Born and brought up in a Buddhist family, she embraced Islam in 1999 after studying religion at Discover Islam.

Her father Norbet Perera, mother Soma and sisters Padma, Rasa, Padmani and Malanie, later also converted to Islam at separate times.

Is there any point in putting people like in Jail? There is no way of stopping people denegrading religion.

Diyasena said...

Thusitha and others,

Are their other pieces of legislation backing the 9th article of the constitution (Foremost place to Buddhism)?? I don't reckon someone can be jailed for publishing a book in SL..The book should be banned as is with all publications inflaming religious sensitivities..A few years ago some author in SL wrote a book saying the virgin mary was a prostitute..The church went to court and prevented the book from being published..

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Cambogeans slap UN for interfering into internal matters

If we slap for such "minute" issues and statements, UN won't have cheeks :)

Way to go...

Thusitha said...

Sujeewa Kokawala said...
Cambogeans slap UN for interfering into internal matters

Now it seem like after destroying Muslim nations, these fuckers are focusing on Buddhist nations. Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, China e.t.c.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Parrot of Pakisland is banned here. We have no time to waste with the idiot's play with words. Admin pls remove him.

We violate his right for public defalcation like we violate Prabha's right to kill people.

Parrot of Pakisland belongs to his Pakisland. Not here.

Diyasena said...

The dole bludger parrot was able to sneak in a few comments at DF..Must have achieved eelam in his pants..His cat will be spared tonight..

Goolge said...

We could also have something like this in SL...

Royal International Air Tattoo to welcome Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka will become the 52nd nation to take part in the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford.

An Antonov An-32B military transport aircraft from the Asian island will touch down at the air show in July, 2010.

The aircraft will make an 11,000 mile round trip to the UK to take part on July 17th and 18th.

"I enjoy nothing more than seeing aircraft appear from countries that have not taken part before," said Tim Prince, chief executive.

"It not only shows that the Air Tattoo is continuing to evolve but that its reputation for bringing nations together extends across all five continents.

"The chief of the Sri Lanka Air Force attended the Air Tattoo in 2008 and he obviously liked what he saw.

"It is a big undertaking for any nation, yet alone one so far away, to commit their resources to taking part in our air show and I am extremely grateful."

Unusual aircraft

Over the years, the Air Tattoo has attracted rare and unusual aircraft from around the world.

In 2006 Pakistan became the 50th nation to take part and last year, Algeria was the 51st.

Establishing strong links with international air forces has resulted in a number of coups for the event.

In 1992, Russia participated for the first time and in 2008 the Air Tattoo was chosen by the US Air Force to display its state-of-the-art F-22A Raptor for the first time outside north America.

The Air Tattoo, which is held in support of the Royal Air Force Charitable Trust, is the world's largest military air show and attracts around 300 aircraft from across the globe.

This summer's event will stage special tributes marking the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

Fonseka 2010 said...

Bandas don't like to be reminded that half their people went whoelsale to LTTE agents.

1. who first floated fonseka2010?
2. who coined beleievable change?
3. who starts all of the web campaigns?
4. who drafted fonseka's manifesto?

yep. believe it. cause that what you egreat general did. he fell for fame. a few dollars is all it took.

now the great commanders who supported him behind the scene are shivering. whose video will next reach rajapaksas? which diplomat's trechory will next be made known to basil?

lol! they will dance. dance to our tune. for as long as rajapaksa can do whatever he wants. and for as long as we have video/audio evidence of them backstabbing rajapaksa.

great game isn't over. some of your own will even plant bombs in colombo, if need be to save themselves.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Akon was banned, while they both have their cloths on this is just sick:

Moshe Dyan said...


there is a limit law can do but that should be done. the rest is up to the ppl.

Moshe Dyan said...

what UK does to smaller countries, it gets back from bigger boys!!!

Rare photos of Russian strategic bomber jets purportedly intercepted in British airspace show Moscow's war machine is becoming increasingly bold, analysts said Thursday as Russia denied any territorial violations.

Britain's Ministry of Defence released images it said were taken earlier this month of two Russian Tu-160 bombers -- known as Blackjacks by NATO forces -- as they entered UK airspace near the Outer Hebrides islands off Scotland's northwest coast.

"This is not an unusual incident, and many people may be surprised to know that our crews have successfully scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft on more than 20 occasions since the start of 2009," Wing Cdr. Mark Gorringe, of the RAF's 111 Squadron, said in a statement.

The RAF said two of its Tornado fighter jets from its base at Leuchars, on Scotland's east coast, were dispatched to tail the Russian Blackjacks as they approached the western Isle of Lewis.

"The Tornados shadowed the Russians as they flew south, then the Blackjacks turned north, just short of the Northern Ireland coast, and eventually left UK airspace," the statement said.

"After four hours, the Tornado crews stood down and returned to Leuchars."

Russian military authorities on Thursday confirmed their aircraft had been in the area, but denied any violation of British airspace.

"Our planes fly in strict accordance with the international rules government the use of airspace over neutral waters without violating the borders of foreign countries," Defense Ministry spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Vladimir Drik told CNN.

"The routine flights by the Tu-160 missile carriers took place in accordance with those conditions on March 10. They did not violate British airspace, and objective control materials confirm that."

Experts say regardless of the exact flight paths, the increased sorties by Russian aircrafts in international airspace show Moscow is flexing its muscles as it re-emerges as a global military player.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Rajiva Wijesinha has made a blog of his own

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Tamilnet interview with Gonseka

Gonseka eloquently issues more bs.

Anonymous said...

Conditions better in the camps:

Anonymous said...

This is not good, movement should be happening the other way!

"Now refugees trying to escape Tamil Nadu, flee to Sri Lanka"
March 26, 2010 07:31 am"

PHOTO: Dilapidated houses at the Sri Lankan Tamil refugee camp at Vriddhachalam in Cuddalore District.

Indian police have arrested 23 Sri Lankan Tamil refugees from different parts of Tamil Nadu for allegedly trying to flee to Sri Lankain the early hours of Thursday.

According to police sources, Sahaya Dhasan of Thoothur village in Kanyakumari district and some fishermen in a mechanised boat spotted the stranded Sri Lankan Tamil refugees mid sea as the boat carrying the refugees developed a technical snag.

The fishermen alerted the police and the refugees were brought to the shore along with the boat and later detained at Nithravilai police station.

The Superintendent of Police Rajendaran, marine police personnel and the ‘Q’ branch police from the district were conducting an enquiry.

Names of the arrested

The names of the arrested persons were Arunagiri Nathan (32) of Bhavani Sagar, Jeya Nathan (30) of Tindivanam, Uma Chandran (23) of Sivakasi, Joesph Pradeep (29) of Bhavani Sagar, Yoga Dhas (25) of Sivakasi, Anistron (23) of Bhavani Sagar, Dhilosan (27) of Bhavani Sagar, Ramesh (25) of Tiruchi, Raja (29) of Madurai, Jeyachandran (29) of Madurai, Inba Rooban (24) of Tindivanam, Gracy (22) of Dharmapuri, Murugaiha (40) of Chennai, Ravi (40) of Thiruvarur, Jeganathan (33) of Karur, Sharmilin (25) of Sivaganga, Louis Lawrence (32) of Chennai, Kanakaraj (22) of Tirunelveli, Immanuvel Jeya Kumar (35) of Chennai, Sangeswaran (21) of Bhavani Sagar, Pradeeban (23) of Chennai, Nickson (28) of Chennai and Packiyaraj (27) of Vedan Colony camp at Chennai.

The officials came to know that a sum of Rs.5,000 was collected from these Sri Lankan Tamil refugees to drop them at Sri Lankaborder. Moreover one person was reported missing from the boat.

The police had registered a case and were further investigating.

The Hindu

Hiranthe said...

Dear Patriots,

Things have already started it seems. These people called themselves "Tamil Refugees" from India were caught in the middle of the sea trying to come to SL. Surprisingly all were men....

If they are real refugees, it is okay...but by seeing their ages...most of the 23 men are below 30 years age... Can they be LieTTE carders trying to re-group or trying to create havoc before the Elections, or other supporters of the remaining SEPARATIST Groups??

Our authorities should be warned on this serious issue.... Are they "Kallathonies" is another worry.....

Pl visit AT in the following link

Hiranthe said...


Great work bro... I did not log in to the blog but seeing the news at AT I immediately copied the link and posted with my comments.. since I really struggling with time on a project....

On visiting the comments, I saw you have already done it with details...

Great work mate....We need to be this alert!!

Moshe Dyan said...

this is a fcuking serious issue.

they were granted indian citizenship and MUST stay in india. SL should STOP granting any more citizenship to ppl not bron in SL.

there must be a cut-off date.

we may have to start disappearing some to get the message across.

above all SLs should occupy MOST of the fertile land and use all fishing spots.

they come bcos there are opportunities here and no risk.

look at the historical danger, which will send chills down the spines of patriots of ALL RACES in SL.

in 1949 sakkili chelva started the RACIST illanka tamil arse kachchi party complaining about the law that made illegal immigrants non-citizens.

1. sakkili chevla was from the north. from ACTC. they had NOTHING to do with upcountry tamils. then why did he go SO PISSED OFF with that??????

2. complainging that he started the tamil kingdom party. what's the connection????? there is no apparent connection. or is there????

3. well, there is. the plan was the CREATE a tamil kingdom in SL USING illegal tamil madu migrants.

hope SL's ruling idiots will fully appreciate the danger and take action that marvel at how lovely it is to have "indians" everywhere!!!

threat of terrorism is only a small danger. they will NOT launch terrorism until millions come here. they will launch it thereafter.

Moshe Dyan said...


hope SL's ruling idiots will fully appreciate the danger and take action than marvel at how lovely it is to have "indians" everywhere!!!

unfortunately MR lacks FORESIGHT. we have seen this over and over again.

he lets a problem escalate and take action only thereafter.

may be we need to reserrect vezapillai!!!

MR's group knew how to win the war but has no clue what to do next. i expect a TOTAL blunder.

if that bloody SF was a BIT more intelligent than what he is.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


GG PONNAbalam threatened to flood the country with Tamils of toilet nadu in the 1930s if his "50:50" was not met. Bloody racist apartheid pusher. He set the tone and ever since they have been trying ensure/resurrect/re-establish British apartheid.

Now combine his racist thinking with racist Chelv-sakkilya’s “little now more later” we would have been stuffed, thank goodness people rioted.

Taking about illegal migration, bloody Chelva was an illegal migrant himself. The SoB was born in Malaysia. Malays had the foresight to toss him and his worthless family out and you can guess where is first port of call was and which set of fools who welcomed him with open arms (yet disgustingly we basically kicked out Anagarika Dharmapala when we tried to make our idiotic people rise from their slumber –so many things he said have come true and we now suffer. Tamil hate him because he challenged British rule –i.e. their rule and domination over us).

This Chelvanakykum beggar even proposed a Tamil homOland in Malaysia in 1957.

The sakkilya then started the 58 riot to decrease Sinhala population in Baticola to make the East a tamil homOland. Stateless sakkilya trying to make a state for himself by punishing Sinhalas. He combined with Ponnabalms power obsession (joined at the hip later with Amirthalingam) fermented the homoland ideology as justification to re-create/maintain the British apartheid and fulfil their power lusting; this is what Tamils in SL (and out) have worshipped since.

Moshe Dyan said...


some facts are news to me.

agree subject to a small correction. no good came by rioting which was instigated by none other than chelva.

chelva LED the riot by EXAMPLE!! chelva HIMSELF carried tar buckets and put tar on chingala letters first in jaffna. then he travelled ALL THE WAY to batti and did the same!!!!! then all the racists started doing it and then violence.

our poor general fonseka, his brother, his sister, both his parents, best friend and his family ran into the jungles and climbed a rock to save their arses from tamil racist thugs led by "GANGHIAN" chelva!!

they stopped only when their actions were retaliated by the other racist thugs and when it was clear they could not win the rioting game.

this riot crap must be nipped in the bud at all cost at all times. even if it means shooting in the arse of chelva or nanda mathew.

i think malays treated chelva's family badly. that's why he harboured such evil racist feelings towards all others.

we have new chelvas in sambandan and ASS.

Anonymous said...

”Unfortunately MR lacks FORESIGHT. we have seen this over and over again.”

Moshe you are right about that it is why they are never pro-active always waiting till shit hits the fan and plenty of damage is done.

When the human rights circus began, designed to stop the war effort, they did nothing, it then escalated out of control.

When it was obvious Western countries were heavily backing the LTTE (the bloody CFA was all the proof, but for MR lets say from 2006 coinciding with the human rights cirus) they did nothing, in fact they only connected the dots these last few weeks.

When the war ended and Time Magazine asked MR in June 2009,"what do you think of the West when tried to put war crimes against you" he goes "well these things happen". and just brushed it aside only to have the country bombarded with this bs non-stop since May as the West is desperate to extract revenge and MR still does not get it -as evident from his post election speech in January when he said he "wants to improve relations with the West", still he thinks they will accept him when they won't.

The sheer stupidity of it all is “releasing” and offering “better lives” to LTTE cadres in hopes of decreasing pressure from the West, and what has been the result? Unsurprisingly nothing, only thing that has happened is more THREATS have been unleashed. (Why did we even bother capturing them? Should have let them bite their cyanide).

I really hope UPFA only gets a few seats in North and East, preferably just two, if they do really well then they will think all is fine and dandy and not bother with colonisation etc

Moshe Dyan said...

i propose starting illegal kidney trade using illegal migrants. this is a growing (illegal) industry in india. illegal immigrants have no rights so they can do nothing. money will bring more and more operators in.

once the word gets around no MF with a kidney will illegally come to SL!!!!

this is horrible, i know, but terrorism is WORSE. terrorism won't stop with a kidney.

Moshe Dyan said...


"I really hope UPFA only gets a few seats in North and East, preferably just two, if they do really well then they will think all is fine and dandy and not bother with colonisation etc"

i too hope so.

hope at least the NE ppl will teach MR a lesson AGAIN (as he didn't learn it the last 2 times).

Thusitha said...

Moshe Dyan said...

once the word gets around no MF with a kidney will illegally come to SL!!!!

Haha. Sounds like a Plan.

Yeah, totally in agreement that MR is reactionary. But again can't put all the blame on MR. The blame should also go to the National security advisers of MR. SL are typically reactionary and wait till shit hits the fan, therefore we really need some expats in these positions as well.

Anonymous said...

Thusitha its been 4 years.

How hard is it for MR to realise?

Another problem is these people ("advisors") are cocky arseholes who refuse help from anyone.

The shitty english at is a great example (especially at time when it mattered) some of the articles which appeared when first started really made it look like extremely poor and nearly comical site.

Well written clever articles could have swayed things in our favour but they never materialised.

Many both within and out of SL emailed them on improvements, even offering to work for free to handle media since they had a better idea, what happened? NOTHING.

It now does a better job but when it really mattered, and could have established good credibility, it failed.

Fact is they do not have a clue of the world around them.
Most Government honchos do not know who Bruce Fien is.
They do not read the press coming from the West.
Worse examples are such as when the Times released that bs they pulled out of thin air over “20,000 dead” the clown from the SLHC who was sent to respond to it on SkyNews (they had already demolished SL before he appeared) had not even bothered to read the article, even when asked to visit the studio to speak he did not even know wtf he was arguing against.

Anonymous said...

They seriously do not know what the hell negative press means until it is to late, and they still do not seem to get it.

Like why the hell does MR try speaking in English all the time? He can't even speak in Sinhala properly (lol).
Wtf is the point in trying especially with Western media which is manipulative and anti-Sinhala. These dirty suddha fraudsters take advantage of poor english speakers (not just from SL) when they see the opportunity and especially when they are against that nation and people (when they are for a nation and people they help, do not ask difficult questions and the questions they do ask are designed to make he/she look like a saint).

MR speaking in English in front of Indian/other Asian media is not a problem because they understand the difficulties, are not virulently against SL and some cases are sympathetic with us (the funniest interview he gave was with NDTV’s “walk the talk” last year that was awesome had me in stitches –the interviewer and program for that matter was on our side as well).

He needs to use a good translator. Pre-prepare answers to potential questions. Have the translator be someone useful who can improvise and answer for MR if MR is "lost" for words.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You should see the way most Arab, South American and African countries spokespersons/individuals/Government officials speak to media.

They do it really well, answer the questions and are TOUGH. Never appear lost or scared.

Our Ambassadors (save for say Rajiva and Dayan J) are weak & pathetic, worried about upsetting the West which might screw up their children’s education prospects. To put it in one word: USELESS.

The Sudanese Ambassador to the UN who once appeared on BBC scared the shit out of the BBC presenter. That was so funny.

Moshe Dyan said...
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Thusitha said...

Mar 26 (DN) Senior State Counsel Damith Thotawatte yesterday told the Mount Lavinia Magistrate that a red alert had been issued through the interpol to arrest Cecile Kotalawala who is an accused in the misappropriation of Rs 26 billion belonging to the Golden Key depositors. The Senior State Counsel stated that Cecile Kotalawala can be arrested by any Police in the world after this red alert was issued through Interpol.

I just can't understand how some one like this dissapears from SL. Also how can she be in hiding when there is an Interpol arrest warrant.
Also how come Dadhulena is still in hiding in SL. Never thought it is such a tough thing to find a person in SL. I mean don't people understand that they face jail terms if they are hiding know fugitives.

Anonymous said...

/MR's group knew how to win the war but has no clue what to do next./


/Any person providing information that would lead to the arrest of Dhanuna Tillekeratne, General (retired) Sarath Fonseka’s son-in-law will be offered a reward of Rupees One Million, say the Police./

I can't beleive Gonseka getting another 10mn lottery from SL tax payer... Its too bad SLP still unable to arrest DanunaT.. Further, it seems like GSL now releasing almost all they arrested without charges.. Probably Gonseka too will be freed later by court with no evidence.. And GSL will probably end up paying some mn compensation for violating his HRs.. Proving stuff in courts is not easy.. Even VP got reduced his punishment from Indian court for killing RG.. Thats why "alternative" methods to be used.. SL will be much better counrty without Gonz and Ponz.

Anonymous said...

/MR's group knew how to win the war but has no clue what to do next./


/Any person providing information that would lead to the arrest of Dhanuna Tillekeratne, General (retired) Sarath Fonseka’s son-in-law will be offered a reward of Rupees One Million, say the Police./

I can't beleive Gonseka getting another 10mn lottery from SL tax payer... Its too bad SLP still unable to arrest DanunaT.. Further, it seems like GSL now releasing almost all they arrested without charges.. Probably Gonseka too will be freed later by court with no evidence.. And GSL will probably end up paying some mn compensation for violating his HRs.. Proving stuff in courts is not easy.. Even VP got reduced his punishment from Indian court for killing RG.. Thats why "alternative" methods to be used.. SL will be much better counrty without Gonz and Ponz.

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