By Ananda-USA
July 1, 2010
The unilateral action of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, in appointing a UN Panel to investigate any "War Crimes" that may have been committed in Sri Lanka by the warring parties in the recently concluded war against terrorists, appears to exceed his authority under the UN Charter, in that this is purely an internal domestic matter under Sri Lanka's sole jurisdiction, that did not, and does not, threaten international peace.
For example, Article 2, Item #7, of the UN Charter, states
Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state, or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.
Since this matter does not threaten international peace, the provisions of Chapter VII do not apply to it.
As such, the Secretary General's appointment of this UN Panel amounts to unwarranted interference in the domestic matters of the sovereign UN member state of Sri Lanka, that is not sanctioned by the UN Charter which specifically prohibits such intervention.
In recent years, the United Nations has sanctioned several such illegal actions against a number of countries at the bidding of certain powerful western nations who act with impunity. It is high time that the vast majority of member states of the UN, who do not agree with these high-handed interventions, organize and act to prevent the misuse of the United Nations as a cover to demonize and punish targeted nations, at the bidding of powerful nations with self-serving political agendas of their own that are unrelated to the allegations made against those countries.
I present below the full text of the UN Charter of 26th June, 1945, to assist the readers of this blog to do their own legal analysis of the situation. I will add all amendments to this version of the UN Charter in due course.
Ban Ki Moon changing the rules of UN decisionmaking with a South Korean "Ban Team"!
July 1, 2010
The unilateral action of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, in appointing a UN Panel to investigate any "War Crimes" that may have been committed in Sri Lanka by the warring parties in the recently concluded war against terrorists, appears to exceed his authority under the UN Charter, in that this is purely an internal domestic matter under Sri Lanka's sole jurisdiction, that did not, and does not, threaten international peace.
For example, Article 2, Item #7, of the UN Charter, states
Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state, or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.
Since this matter does not threaten international peace, the provisions of Chapter VII do not apply to it.
As such, the Secretary General's appointment of this UN Panel amounts to unwarranted interference in the domestic matters of the sovereign UN member state of Sri Lanka, that is not sanctioned by the UN Charter which specifically prohibits such intervention.
In recent years, the United Nations has sanctioned several such illegal actions against a number of countries at the bidding of certain powerful western nations who act with impunity. It is high time that the vast majority of member states of the UN, who do not agree with these high-handed interventions, organize and act to prevent the misuse of the United Nations as a cover to demonize and punish targeted nations, at the bidding of powerful nations with self-serving political agendas of their own that are unrelated to the allegations made against those countries.
I present below the full text of the UN Charter of 26th June, 1945, to assist the readers of this blog to do their own legal analysis of the situation. I will add all amendments to this version of the UN Charter in due course.
Ban Ki Moon changing the rules of UN decisionmaking with a South Korean "Ban Team"!
Charter of the United Nations (June 26, 1945)
We the Peoples of the United Nations Determined
to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
And for these Ends
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and
to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
to ensure by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
Have Resolved to Combine our Efforts to Accomplish these Aims
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.
Article 1
The Purposes of the United Nations are:
1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and selfdetermination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
3. To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
Article 2
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
1. The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
2. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter.
3. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.
4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
5. All Members shall give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.
6. The Organization shall ensure that states which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security.
7. Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.
Article 3
The original Members of the United Nations shall be the states which, having participated in the United Nations Conference on International Organization at San Francisco, or having previously signed the Declaration by United Nations of January 1, 1942, sign the present Charter and ratify it in accordance with Article 110.
Article 4
1. Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations.
2. The admission of any such state to membership in the United Nations will be effected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
Article 5
A member of the United Nations against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by the Security Council may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. The exercise of these rights and privileges may be restored by the Security Council.
Article 6
A Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
Article 7
1. There are established as the principal organs of the United Nations: a General Assembly, a Security Council, an Economic and Social Council, a Trusteeship Council, an International Court of Justice, and a Secretariat.
2. Such subsidiary organs as may be found necessary may be established in accordance with the present Charter.
Article 8
The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs.
Article 9
1. The General Assembly shall consist of all the Members of the United Nations.
2. Each member shall have not more than five representatives in the General Assembly.
Functions and Powers
Article 10
The General Assembly may discuss any questions or any matters within the scope of the present Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any organs provided for in the present Charter, and, except as provided in Article 12, may make recommendations to the Members of the United Nations or to the Security Council or to both on any such questions or matters.
Article 11
1. The General Assembly may consider the general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security, including the principles governing disarmament and the regulation of armaments, and may make recommendations with regard to such principles to the Members or to the Security Council or to both.
2. The General Assembly may discuss any questions relating to the maintenance of international peace and security brought before it by any Member of the United Nations, or by the Security Council, or by a state which is not a Member of the United Nations in accordance with Article 35, paragraph 2, and, except as provided in Article 12, may make recommendations with regard to any such questions to the state or states concerned or to the Security Council or to both. Any such question on which action is necessary shall be referred to the Security Council by the General Assembly either before or after discussion.
3. The General Assembly may call the attention of the Security Council to situations which are likely to endanger international peace and security.
4. The powers of the General Assembly set forth in this Article shall not limit the general scope of Article 10.
Article 12
1. While the Security Council is exercising in respect of any dispute or situation the functions assigned to it in the present Charter, the General Assembly shall not make any recommendation with regard to that dispute or situation unless the Security Council so requests.
2. The Secretary-General, with the consent of the Security Council, shall notify the General Assembly at each session of any matters relative to the maintenance of international peace and security which are being dealt with by the Security Council and shall similarly notify the General Assembly, or the Members of the United Nations if the General Assembly is not in session, immediately the Security Council ceases to deal with such matters.
Article 13
1. The General Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommendations for the purpose of:
a. promoting international cooperation in the political field and encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification;
b. promoting international cooperation in the economic, social, cultural, educational, and health fields, and assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.
2. The further responsibilities, functions and powers of the General Assembly with respect to matters mentioned in paragraph 1(b) above are set forth in Chapters IX and X.
Article 14
Subject to the provisions of Article 12, the General Assembly may recommend measures for the peaceful adjustment of any situation, regardless of origin, which it deems likely to impair the general welfare or friendly relations among nations, including situations resulting from a violation of the provisions of the present Charter setting forth the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations.
Article 15
1. The General Assembly shall receive and consider annual and special reports from the Security Council; these reports shall include an account of the measures that the Security Council has decided upon or taken to maintain international peace and security.
2. The General Assembly shall receive and consider reports from the other organs of the United Nations.
Article 16
The General Assembly shall perform such functions with respect to the international trusteeship system as are assigned to it under Chapters XII and XIII, including the approval of the trusteeship agreements for areas not designated as strategic.
Article 17
1. The General Assembly shall consider and approve the budget of the Organization.
2. The expenses of the Organization shall be borne by the Members as apportioned by the General Assembly.
3. The General Assembly shall consider and approve any financial and budgetary arrangements with specialized agencies referred to in Article 57 and shall examine the administrative budgets of such specialized agencies with a view to making recommendations to the agencies concerned.
Article 18
1. Each member of the General Assembly shall have one vote.
2. Decisions of the General Assembly on important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. These questions shall include: recommendations with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, the election of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, the election of the members of the Economic and Social Council, the election of members of the Trusteeship Council in accordance with paragraph 1(c) of Article 86, the admission of new Members to the United Nations, the suspension of the rights and privileges of membership, the expulsion of Members, questions relating to the operation of the trusteeship system, and budgetary questions.
3. Decisions on other questions, Composition including the determination of additional categories of questions to be decided by a two-thirds majority, shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting.
Article 19
A Member of the United Nations which is in arrears in the payment of its financial contributions to the Organization shall have no vote in the General Assembly if the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it for the preceding two full years. The General Assembly may, nevertheless, permit such a Member to vote if it is satisfied that the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the Member.
Article 20
The General Assembly shall meet in regular annual sessions and in such special sessions as occasion may require. Special sessions shall be convoked by the Secretary-General at the request of the Security Council or of a majority of the Members of the United Nations.
Article 21
The General Assembly shall adopt its own rules of procedure. It shall elect its President for each session.
Article 22
The General Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.
Article 23
1. The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations. The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council. The General Assembly shall elect ten other Members of the United Nations to be non-permanent members of the Security Council, due regard being specially paid, in the first instance to the contribution of Members of the United Nations to the maintenance of international peace and security and to the other purposes of the Organization, and also to equitable geographical distribution.
2. The non-permanent members of the Security Council shall be elected for a term of two years. In the first election of the non-permanent members after the increase of the membership of the Security Council from eleven to fifteen, two of the four additional members shall be chosen for a term of one year. A retiring member shall not be eligible for immediate re-election.
3. Each member of the Security Council shall have one representative.
Functions and Powers
Article 24
1. In order to ensure prompt and effective action by the United Nations, its Members confer on the Security Council primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and agree that in carrying out its duties under this responsibility the Security Council acts on their behalf.
2. In discharging these duties the Security Council shall act in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations. The specific powers granted to the Security Council for the discharge of these duties are laid down in Chapters VI, VII, VIII, and XII.
3. The Security Council shall submit annual and, when necessary, special reports to the General Assembly for its consideration.
Article 25
The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter.
Article 26
In order to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of the world's human and economic resources, the Security Council shall be responsible for formulating, with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee referred to in Article 47, plans to be submitted to the Members of the United Nations for the establishment of a system for the regulation of armaments.
Article 27
1. Each member of the Security Council shall have one vote.
2. Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members.
3. Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members including the concurring votes of the permanent members; provided that, in decisions under Chapter VI, and under paragraph 3 of Article 52, a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting.
Article 28
1. The Security Council shall be so organized as to be able to function continuously. Each member of the Security Council shall for this purpose be represented at all times at the seat of the Organization.
2. The Security Council shall hold periodic meetings at which each of its members may, if it so desires, be represented by a member of the government or by some other specially designated representative.
3. The Security Council may hold meetings at such places other than the seat of the Organization as in its judgment will best facilitate its work.
Article 29
The Security Council may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.
Article 30
The Security Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including the method of selecting its President.
Article 31
Any Member of the United Nations which is not a member of the Security Council may participate, without vote, in the discussion of any question brought before the Security Council whenever the latter considers that the interests of that Member are specially affected.
Article 32
Any Member of the United Nations which is not a member of the Security Council or any state which is not a Member of the United Nations, if it is a party to a dispute under consideration by the Security Council, shall be invited to participate, without vote, in the discussion relating to the dispute. The Security Council shall lay down such conditions as it deems just for the participation of a state which is not a Member of the United Nations.
Article 33
1. The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.
2. The Security Council shall, when it deems necessary, call upon the parties to settle their dispute by such means.
Article 34
The Security Council may investigate any dispute, or any situation which might lead to international friction or give rise to a dispute, in order to determine whether the continuance of the dispute or situation is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security.
Article 35
1. Any Member of the United Nations may bring any dispute, or any situation of the nature referred to in Article 34, to the attention of the Security Council or of the General Assembly.
2. A state which is not a Member of the United Nations may bring to the attention of the Security Council or of the General Assembly any dispute to which it is a party if it accepts in advance, for the purposes of the dispute, the obligations of pacific settlement provided in the present Charter.
3. The proceedings of the General Assembly in respect of matters brought to its attention under this Article will be subject to the provisions of Articles 11 and 12.
Article 36
1. The Security Council may, at any stage of a dispute of the nature referred to in Article 33 or of a situation of like nature, recommend appropriate procedures or methods of adjustment.
2. The Security Council should take into consideration any procedures for the settlement of the dispute which have already been adopted by the parties.
3. In making recommendations under this Article the Security Council should also take into consideration that legal disputes should as a general rule be referred by the parties to the International Court of Justice in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Court.
Article 37
1. Should the parties to a dispute of the nature referred to in Article 33 fail to settle it by the means indicated in that Article, they shall refer it to the Security Council.
2. If the Security Council deems that the continuance of the dispute is in fact likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, it shall decide whether to take action under Article 36 or to recommend such terms of settlement as it may consider appropriate.
Article 38
Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 33 to 37, the Security Council may, if all the parties to any dispute so request, make recommendations to the parties with a view to a pacific settlement of the dispute.
Article 39
The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security.
Article 40
In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures.
Article 41
The Security Council may decide what measures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its decisions, and it may call upon the Members of the United Nations to apply such measures.
These may include complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and other means of communication, and the severance of diplomatic relations.
Article 42
Should the Security Council consider that measures provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate or have proved to be inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and other operations by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the United Nations.
Article 43
1. All Members of the United Nations, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to make available to the Security Council, on its call and in accordance with a special agreement or agreements, armed forces, assistance, and facilities, including rights of passage, necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security.
2. Such agreement or agreements shall govern the numbers and types of forces. their degree of readiness and general location, and the nature of the facilities and assistance to be provided.
3. The agreement or agreements shall be negotiated as soon as possible on the initiative of the Security Council.
They shall be concluded between the Security Council and Members or between the Security Council and groups of Members and shall be subject to ratification by the signatory states in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.
Article 44
When the Security Council has decided to use force it shall, before calling upon a Member not represented on it to provide armed forces in fulfillment of the obligations assumed under Article 43, invite that Member, if the Member so desires, to participate in the decisions of the Security Council concerning the employment of contingents of that Member's armed forces.
Article 45
In order to enable the United Nations to take urgent military measures Members shall hold immediately available national air-force contingents for combined international enforcement action. The strength and degree of readiness of these contingents and plans for their combined action shall be determined, within the limits laid down in the special agreement or agreements referred to in Article 43, by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee.
Article 46
Plans for the application of armed force shall be made by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee.
Article 47
1. There shall be established a Military Staff Committee to advise and assist the Security Council on all questions relating to the Security Council's military requirements for the maintenance of international peace and security, the employment and command of forces placed at its disposal, the regulation of armaments, and possible disarmament.
2. The Military Staff Committee shall consist of the Chiefs of Staff of the permanent members of the Security Council or their representatives. Any Member of the United Nations not permanently represented on the Committee shall be invited by the Committee to be associated with it when the efficient discharge of the Committee's responsibilities requires the participation of that Member in its work.
3. The Military Staff Committee shall be responsible under the Security Council for the strategic direction of any armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Council. Questions relating to the command of such forces shall be worked out subsequently.
4. The Military Staff Committee, with the authorization of the Security Council and after consultation with appropriate regional agencies, may establish regional subcommittees.
Article 48
1. The action required to carry out the decisions of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security shall be taken by all the Members of the United Nations or by some of them, as the Security Council may determine.
2. Such decisions shall be carried out by the Members of the United Nations directly and through their action in the appropriate international agencies of which they are members.
Article 49
The Members of the United Nations shall join in affording mutual assistance in carrying out the measures decided upon by the Security Council.
Article 50
If preventive or enforcement measures against any state are taken by the Security Council, any other state, whether a Member of the United Nations or not, which finds itself confronted with special economic problems arising from the carrying out of those measures shall have the right to consult the Security Council with regard to a solution of those problems.
Article 51
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of selfdefense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
Article 52
1. Nothing in the present Charter precludes the existence of regional arrangements or agencies for dealing with such matters relating to the maintenance of international peace and security as are appropriate for regional action, provided that such arrangements or agencies and their activities are consistent with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations.
2. The Members of the United Nations entering into such arrangements or constituting such agencies shall make every effort to achieve pacific settlement of local disputes through such regional arrangements or by such regional agencies before referring them to the Security Council.
3. The Security Council shall encourage the development of pacific settlement of local disputes through such regional arrangements or by such regional agencies either on the initiative of the states concerned or by reference from the Security Council.
4. This Article in no way impairs the application of Articles 34 and 35.
Article 53
1. The Security Council shall, where appropriate, utilize such regional arrangements or agencies for enforcement action under its authority. But no enforcement action shall be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council, with the exception of measures against any enemy state, as defined in paragraph 2 of this Article, provided for pursuant to Article 107 or in regional arrangements directed against renewal of aggressive policy on the part of any such state, until such time as the Organization may, on request of the Governments concerned, be charged with the responsibility for preventing further aggression by such a state.
2. The term enemy state as used in paragraph 1 of this Article applies to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory of the present Charter.
Article 54
The Security Council shall at all times be kept fully informed of activities undertaken or in contemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for the maintenance of international peace and security.
Article 55
With a view to the creation of conditions of stability and well-being which are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, the United Nations shall promote:
a. higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development;
b. solutions of international economic, social, health, and related problems; and international cultural and educational co-operation; and
c. universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.
Article 56
All Members pledge themselves to take joint and separate action in cooperation with the Organization for the achievement of the purposes set forth in Article 55.
Article 57
1. The various specialized agencies, established by intergovernmental agreement and having wide international responsibilities, as defined in their basic instruments, in economic, social, cultural, educational, health, and related fields, shall be brought into relationship with the United Nations in accordance with the provisions of Article 63.
2. Such agencies thus brought into relationship with the United Nations are hereinafter referred to as specialized agencies.
Article 58
The Organization shall make recommendations for the coordination of the policies and activities of the specialized agencies.
Article 59
The Organization shall, where appropriate, initiate negotiations among the states concerned for the creation of any new specialized agencies required for the accomplishment of the purposes set forth in Article 55.
Article 60
Responsibility for the discharge of the functions of the Organization set forth in this Chapter shall be vested in the General Assembly and, under the authority of the General Assembly, in the Economic and Social Council, which shall have for this purpose the powers set forth in Chapter X.
Article 61
1. The Economic and Social Council shall consist of fifty-four Members of the United Nations elected by the General Assembly.
2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, eighteen members of the Economic and Social Council shall be elected each year for a term of three years. A retiring member shall be eligible for immediate re-election.
3. At the first election after the increase in the membership of the Economic and Social Council from twentyseven to fifty-four members, in addition to the members elected in place of the nine members whose term of office expires at the end of that year, twenty-seven additional members shall be elected. Of these twenty-seven additional members, the term of office of nine members so elected shall expire at the end of one year, and of nine other members at the end of two years, in accordance with arrangements made by the General Assembly.
4. Each member of the Economic and Social Council shall have one representative.
Functions and Powers
Article 62
1. The Economic and Social Council may make or initiate studies and reports with respect to international economic, social, cultural, educational, health, and related matters and may make recommendations with respect to any such matters to the General Assembly, to the Members of the United Nations, and to the specialized agencies concerned.
2. It may make recommendations for the purpose of promoting respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.
3. It may prepare draft conventions for submission to the General Assembly, with respect to matters falling within its competence.
4. It may call, in accordance with the rules prescribed by the United Nations, international conferences on matters falling within its competence.
Article 63
1. The Economic and Social Council may enter into agreements with any of the agencies referred to in Article 57, defining the terms on which the agency concerned shall be brought into relationship with the United Nations. Such agreements shall be subject to approval by the General Assembly.
2. It may coordinate the activities of the specialized agencies through consultation with and recommendations to such agencies and through recommendations to the General Assembly and to the Members of the United Nations.
Article 64
1. The Economic and Social Council may take appropriate steps to obtain regular reports from the specialized agencies. It may make arrangements with the Members of the United Nations and with the specialized agencies to obtain reports on the steps taken to give effect to its own recommendations and to recommendations on matters falling within its competence made by the General Assembly.
2. It may communicate its observations on these reports to the General Assembly.
Article 65
The Economic and Social Council may furnish information to the Security Council and shall assist the Security Council upon its request.
Article 66
1. The Economic and Social Council shall perform such functions as fall within its competence in connection with the carrying out of the recommendations of the General Assembly.
2. It may, with the approval of the General Assembly, perform services at the request of Members of the United Nations and at the request of specialized agencies.
3. It shall perform such other functions as are specified elsewhere in the present Charter or as may be assigned to it by the General Assembly.
Article 67
1. Each member of the Economic and Social Council shall have one vote.
2. Decisions of the Economic and Social Council shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting.
Article 68
The Economic and Social Council shall set up commissions in economic and social fields and for the promotion of human rights, and such other commissions as may be required for the performance of its functions.
Article 69
The Economic and Social Council shall invite any Member of the United Nations to participate, without vote, in its deliberations on any matter of particular concern to that Member.
Article 70
The Economic and Social Council may make arrangements for representatives of the specialized agencies to participate, without vote, in its deliberations and in those of the commissions established by it, and for its representatives to participate in the deliberations of the specialized agencies.
Article 71
The Economic and Social Council may make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters within its competence. Such arrangements may be made with international organizations and, where appropriate, with national organizations after consultation with the Member of the United Nations concerned.
Article 72
1. The Economic and Social Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including the method of selecting its President.
2. The Economic and Social Council shall meet as required in accordance with its rules, which shall include provision for the convening of meetings on the request of a majority of its members.
Article 73
Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the system of international peace and security established by the present Charter, the well-being of the inhabitants of these territories, and, to this end:
a. to ensure, with due respect for the culture of the peoples concerned, their political, economic, social, and educational advancement, their just treatment, and their protection against abuses;
b. to develop self-government, to take due account of the political aspirations of the peoples, and to assist them in the progressive development of their free political institutions, according to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and their varying stages of advancement;
c. to further international peace and security;
d. to promote constructive measures of development, to encourage research, and to cooperate with one another and, when and where appropriate, with specialized international bodies with a view to the practical achievement of the social, economic, and scientific purposes set forth in this Article; and
e. to transmit regularly to the Secretary-General for information purposes, subject to such limitation as security and constitutional considerations may require, statistical and other information of a technical nature relating to economic, social, and educational conditions in the territories for which they are respectively responsible other than those territories to which Chapters XII and XIII apply.
Article 74
Members of the United Nations also agree that their policy in respect of the territories to which this Chapter applies, no less than in respect of their metropolitan areas, must be based on the general principle of goodneighborliness, due account being taken of the interests and well-being of the rest of the world, in social, economic, and commercial matters.
Article 75
The United Nations shall establish under its authority an international trusteeship system for the administration and supervision of such territories as may be placed thereunder by subsequent individual agreements. These territories are hereinafter referred to as trust territories.
Article 76
The basic objectives of the trusteeship system, in accordance with the Purposes of the United Nations laid down in Article 1 of the present Charter, shall be:
a. to further international peace and security;
b. to promote the political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the inhabitants of the trust territories, and their progressive development towards self-government or independence as may be appropriate to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned, and as may be provided by the terms of each trusteeship agreement;
c. to encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion, and to encourage recognition of the interdependence of the peoples of the world; and
d. to ensure equal treatment in social, economic, and commercial matters for all Members of the United Nations and their nationals and also equal treatment for the latter in the administration of justice without prejudice to the attainment of the foregoing objectives and subject to the provisions of Article 80.
Article 77
1. The trusteeship system shall apply to such territories in the following categories as may be placed thereunder by means of trusteeship agreements:
a. territories now held under mandate;
b. territories which may be detached from enemy states as a result of the Second World War, and
c. territories voluntarily placed under the system by states responsible for their administration.
2. It will be a matter for subsequent agreement as to which territories in the foregoing categories will be brought under the trusteeship system and upon what terms.
Article 78
The trusteeship system shall not apply to territories which have become Members of the United Nations, relationship among which shall be based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality.
Article 79
The terms of trusteeship for each territory to be placed under the trusteeship system, including any alteration or amendment, shall be agreed upon by the states directly concerned, including the mandatory power in the case of territories held under mandate by a Member of the United Nations, and shall be approved as provided for in Articles 83 and 85.
Article 80
1. Except as may be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under Articles 77, 79, and 81, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and until such agreements have been concluded, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties.
2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be interpreted as giving grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiation and conclusion of agreements for placing mandated and other territories under the trusteeship system as provided for in Article 77.
Article 81
The trusteeship agreement shall in each case include the terms under which the trust territory will be administered and designate the authority which will exercise the administration of the trust territory. Such authority, hereinafter called the administering authority, may be one or more states or the Organization itself.
Article 82
There may be designated, in any trusteeship agreement, a strategic area or areas which may include part or all of the trust territory to which the agreement applies, without prejudice to any special agreement or agreements made under Article 43.
Article 83
1. All functions of the United Nations relating to strategic areas, including the approval of the terms of the trusteeship agreements and of their alteration or amendment, shall be exercised by the Security Council.
2. The basic objectives set forth in Article 76 shall be applicable to the people of each strategic area.
3. The Security Council shall, subject to the provisions of the trusteeship agreements and without prejudice to security considerations, avail itself of the assistance of the Trusteeship Council to perform those functions of the United Nations under the trusteeship system relating to political. economic, social, and educational matters in the strategic areas.
Article 84
It shall be the duty of the administering authority to ensure that the trust territory shall play its part in the maintenance of international peace and security. To this end the administering authority may make use of volunteer forces, facilities, and assistance from the trust territory in carrying out the obligations towards the Security Council undertaken in this regard by the administering authority, as well as for local defense and the maintenance of law and order within the trust territory.
Article 85
1. The functions of the United Nations with regard to trusteeship agreements for all areas not designated as strategic, including the approval of the terms of the trusteeship agreements and of their alteration or amendment, shall be exercised by the General Assembly.
2. The Trusteeship Council, operating under the authority of the General Assembly, shall assist the General Assembly in carrying out these functions.
Article 86
1. The Trusteeship Council shall consist of the following Members of the United Nations:
a. those Members administering trust territories;
b. such of those Members mentioned by name in Article 23 as are not administering trust territories; and
c. as many other Members elected for three-year terms by the General Assembly as may be necessary to ensure that the total number of members of the Trusteeship Council is equally divided between those Members of the United Nations which administer trust territories and those which do not.
2. Each member of the Trusteeship Council shall designate one specially qualified person to represent it therein.
Functions and Powers
Article 87
The General Assembly and, under its authority, the Trusteeship Council, in carrying out their functions, may:
a. consider reports submitted by the administering authority;
b. accept petitions and examine them in consultation with the administering authority;
c. provide for periodic visits to the respective trust territories at times agreed upon with the administering authority; and
d. take these and other actions in conformity with the terms of the trusteeship agreements.
Article 88
The Trusteeship Council shall formulate a questionnaire on the political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the inhabitants of each trust territory, and the administering authority for each trust territory within the competence of the General Assembly shall make an annual report to the General Assembly upon the basis of such questionnaire.
Article 89
1. Each member of the Trusteeship Council shall have one vote.
2. Decisions of the Trusteeship Council shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting.
Article 90
1. The Trusteeship Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including the method of selecting its President.
2. The Trusteeship Council shall meet as required in accordance with its rules, which shall include provision for the convening of meetings on the request of a majority of its members.
Article 91
The Trusteeship Council shall, when appropriate, avail itself of the assistance of the Economic and Social Council and of the specialized agencies in regard to matters with which they are respectively concerned.
Article 92
The International Court of Justice shall be the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It shall function in accordance with the annexed Statute which is based upon the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice and forms an integral part of the present Charter.
Article 93
1. All Members of the United Nations are ipso facto parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice.
2. A state which is not a Member of the United Nations may become a party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice on conditions to be determined in each case by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
Article 94
1. Each Member of the United Nations undertakes to comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice in any case to which it is a party.
2. If any party to a case fails to perform the obligations incumbent upon it under a judgment rendered by the Court, the other party may have recourse to the Security Council, which may, if it deems necessary, make recommendations or decide upon measures to be taken to give effect to the judgment.
Article 95
Nothing in the present Charter shall prevent Members of the United Nations from entrusting the solution of their differences to other tribunals by virtue of agreements already in existence or which may be concluded in the future.
Article 96
1. The General Assembly or the Security Council may request the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on any legal question.
2. Other organs of the United Nations and specialized agencies, which may at any time be so authorized by the General Assembly, may also request advisory opinions of the Court on legal questions arising within the scope of their activities.
Article 97
The Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary-General and such staff as the Organization may require. The Secretary-General shall be appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. He shall be the chief administrative officer of the Organization.
Article 98
The Secretary-General shall act in that capacity in all meetings of the General Assembly, of the Security Council, of the Economic and Social Council, and of the Trusteeship Council, and shall perform such other functions as are entrusted to him by these organs. The Secretary-General shall make an annual report to the General Assembly on the work of the Organization.
Article 99
The Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.
Article 100
1. In the performance of their duties the Secretary-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any other authority external to the Organization. They shall refrain from any action which might reflect on their position as international officials responsible only to the Organization.
2. Each Member of the United Nations undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Article 101
1. The staff shall be appointed by the Secretary-General under regulations established by the General Assembly.
2. Appropriate staffs shall be permanently assigned to the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, and, as required, to other organs of the United Nations. These staffs shall form a part of the Secretariat.
3. The paramount consideration in the employment of the staff and in the determination of the conditions of service shall be the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.
Article 102
1. Every treaty and every international agreement entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the present Charter comes into force shall as soon as possible be registered with the Secretariat and published by it.
2. No party to any such treaty or international agreement which has not been registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph I of this Article may invoke that treaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations.
Article 103
In the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Members of the United Nations under the present Charter and their obligations under any other international agreement, their obligations under the present Charter shall prevail.
Article 104
The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfillment of its purposes.
Article 105
1. The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfillment of its purposes.
2. Representatives of the Members of the United Nations and officials of the Organization shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Organization.
3. The General Assembly may make recommendations with a view to determining the details of the application of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article or may propose conventions to the Members of the United Nations for this purpose.
Article 106
Pending the coming into force of such special agreements referred to in Article 43 as in the opinion of the Security Council enable it to begin the exercise of its responsibilities under Article 42, the parties to the Four-Nation Declaration, signed at Moscow October 30, 1943, and France, shall, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 of that Declaration, consult with one another and as occasion requires with other Members of the United Nations with a view to such joint action on behalf of the Organization as may be necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security.
Article 107
Nothing in the present Charter shall invalidate or preclude action, in relation to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory to the present Charter, taken or authorized as a result of that war by the Governments having responsibility for such action.
Article 108
Amendments to the present Charter shall come into force for all Members of the United Nations when they have been adopted by a vote of two thirds of the members of the General Assembly and ratified in accordance with their respective constitutional processes by two thirds of the Members of the United Nations, including all the permanent members of the Security Council.
Article 109
1. A General Conference of the Members of the United Nations for the purpose of reviewing the present Charter may be held at a date and place to be fixed by a two-thirds vote of the members of the General Assembly and by a vote of any seven members of the Security Council. Each Member of the United Nations shall have one vote in the conference.
2. Any alteration of the present Charter recommended by a two-thirds vote of the conference shall take effect when ratified in accordance with their respective constitutional processes by two thirds of the Members of the United Nations including all the permanent members of the Security Council.
3. If such a conference has not been held before the tenth annual session of the General Assembly following the coming into force of the present Charter, the proposal to call such a conference shall be placed on the agenda of that session of the General Assembly, and the conference shall be held if so decided by a majority vote of the members of the General Assembly and by a vote of any seven members of the Security Council.
Article 110
1. The present Charter shall be ratified by the signatory states in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.
2. The ratifications shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, which shall notify all the signatory states of each deposit as well as the Secretary-General of the Organization when he has been appointed.
3. The present Charter shall come into force upon the deposit of ratifications by the Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, and by a majority of the other signatory states. A protocol of the ratifications deposited shall thereupon be drawn up by the Government of the United States of America which shall communicate copies thereof to all the signatory states.
4. The states signatory to the present Charter which ratify it after it has come into force will become original Members of the United Nations on the date of the deposit of their respective ratifications.
Article 111
The present Charter, of which the Chinese, French, Russian, English, and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America. Duly certified copies thereof shall be transmitted by that Government to the Governments of the other signatory states.
IN FAITH WHEREOF the representatives of the Governments of the United Nations have signed the present Charter.
DONE at the city of San Francisco the twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five.
1 – 200 of 866 Newer› Newest»Patriots,
Please note the following sections of the UN Charter:
Chapter I, Article 1, #3:
"and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion;"
which supports the purpose and intent of Ethnic Integration.
Chapter II, Article 2, #4:
"All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations."
which did not prevent the invasion and occupation of Iraq, nor Indian intervention in Sri Lanka, but should form a basis for preventing future threats against Sri Lanka by foreign powers.
Chapter II, Article 2, #7:
"7. Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII."
which says the UN has no jurisdiction to appoint a UN Panel to investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka, which is essentially a domestic matter under Sri Lanka's jurisdiction. Therefore, the UN Panel is illegal and violates its own Charter!
To be continued...
Arrested rogue also a terrorist
By Supun Dias
July 3, 2010
A suspect, alleged to be a former LTTE cadre was arrested by the Murunkan police for engaging in activities detrimental to the state and promoting the now defunct LTTE.
Police media spokesman Preshantha Jayakody said that the suspect had a mobile phone and a hand grenade in his possession at the time of the arrest. A police special forces team arrested him. Police on recovering a haul of jewellery from the suspect found out that he had also committed several other robberies and been involved in other criminal activities in the Kankasankulam area. The Murunkan police are questioning the suspect about his activities in the area, SP Jayakody said.
To those who persist in using the word "colonization" instead of settlement, take a look at the UN's Decolonization Program!
How to expect Sri Lanka to win and keep friends among the recently independent former colonies if Sri Lanka uses the word "colonization" for its settlement programs?
You are asking Sri Lanka to swim against the global current!
The LACK OF CREDIT given by these Indian authors to the GOSL in the defeat of the LTTE is ASTOUNDING!
The CREDIT is ALL India's!
The Tiger Vanquished, By M R Narayan Swamy
Reviewed by Sreeram Chaulia
July 3, 2010
The unexpected destruction in May 2009 of one of the world's most fearsome guerrilla movements, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), has altered Sri Lanka's fate completely. Explanations for this separatist rebel group's momentous demise have thus far remained limited to bits-and-pieces opinion articles and half-baked books.
The field was wide open for the world's most renowned authority on Sri Lankan Tamil militancy, senior Indian journalist M R Narayan Swamy, to plug the gaps in understanding the fall of an organization whose birth and maturity he chronicled in two earlier
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bestselling books, Tigers of Lanka (1994) and Inside an Elusive Mind (2003).
The Tiger Vanquished comes as a fitting finale of a trilogy that can be rated as the finest collective reference guide to the devastating three-decade-long war in Sri Lanka's north and east.
This concluding volume contains a long introduction and contextualized articles Swamy wrote from 2003, when the LTTE shunned the international peace process, to 2009, when its supremo, Velupillai Prabhakaran, perished with his organizational top brass in a savage Sri Lankan military assault. The thread running through the book is an examination of the immediate and ultimate causes for the once invulnerable LTTE's destruction.
When Mahinda Rajapaksa, a one-time human-rights activist and Sinhalese Buddhist hardliner, became Sri Lanka's head of state in 2005, Prabhakaran was "arrogantly confident of success" (p xviii) in his lifelong ambition of carving out an independent homeland for the island's Tamils. He picked Sarath Fonseka, the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) chief, as the latest target of his elite corps of suicide bombers, the Black Tigers. Prabhakaran's strategic goal was to derail the state's war machine that was taking shape amidst a crumbling ceasefire.
The sensational attempt failed and Fonseka miraculously survived. This and other provocative tit-for-tat actions by the LTTE and the SLA in the eastern province formally triggered the fourth phase of the protracted Eelam war.
Swamy argues that the LTTE's unsuccessful bid to assassinate the younger brother of President Rajapaksa in December 2006 was "the most decisive turning point in the war" (p xxi), as it steeled the resolve of Sri Lankan state elites to pursue nothing short of total annihilation of the painful thorn in their flesh. Rajapaksa went for Prabhakaran's jugular while the latter calculated that the regime would capitulate to his audacious strikes.
By early 2009, after suffering severe setbacks at the hands of the SLA and getting cornered in the forested northern district of Mullaitheevu, Prabhakaran hoped for Indian and Western intervention for an 11th hour ceasefire. It was to no avail, and he was killed in battle in May "in the same callous and brutal manner he had so often used to send so many thousands to their death". (p xxiv)
The Tiger Vanquished, By M R Narayan Swamy
.....continued 1...
Swamy elaborates through fresh revelations that the Congress Party-led coalition government in India played a crucial role in the LTTE's rout. The preceding regime in New Delhi under the Bharatiya Janata Party had covertly orchestrated the Norway-sponsored ceasefire agreement between Colombo and the LTTE in 2002. But the Indian establishment under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, a woman widowed by Prabhakaran, progressively tilted towards the Sri Lankan government in the war's endgame.
India's Intelligence Bureau (IB) cracked down hard on LTTE's networks in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu and kept a gimlet eye on developments in Sri Lanka during the final years of the war. Swamy divulges that the IB was the first to uncover the truth about a mysterious accident off Sri Lanka's coast in 2007, when Soosai, the LTTE's naval chief, barely escaped death.
The chief minister of Tamil Nadu, Karunanidhi, widely regarded as an LTTE backer, actually did nothing to prevent the Tigers from breathing their last breath. While serving Karunanidhi's government, the Tamil Nadu police's "Q Branch" crippled LTTE insurgents on Indian soil with seizures and arrests. Indian interdictions were critical at the finish because "the Tigers' dependence on Tamil Nadu had soared parallel to their mounting difficulties in Western countries". (p 87)
Swamy does not dispute rumors that India harbored the leader of the breakaway faction of the LTTE, Karuna Amman, who weakened Prabhakaran's de facto state like none other. Recalling LTTE propagandists' accusations in 2004 that India covertly aided the renegade Karuna, the author mentions that this former bodyguard turned bete noire of Prabhakaran "quietly spent time in India when Sri Lanka became too dangerous for him". (p xlii).
Swamy spotted the irony as early as 2007 that Rajapaksa was not returning India's favors by implementing verbal assurances of a power devolution package for Sri Lanka's minority Tamils. Now that the war is over, New Delhi finds itself with even less leverage to ensure that Colombo grants political autonomy to the discriminated people of the north and east.
Swamy could have raised a number of moot questions in this regard: What did India gain geostrategically from propelling the LTTE's defeat? Is Sri Lanka any less susceptible to China's influence because India was instrumental in wiping out the LTTE? Is Rajapaksa's illiberal reign a sign of progress or regression? Will India benefit from an imposed victor's peace on Tamils in Sri Lanka?
The Tiger Vanquished, By M R Narayan Swamy
.....continued 2....
In one reproduced column from 2008, Swamy writes matter-of-factly that "everyone agrees India matters the most in Sri Lanka". (p 133) A good year after the war, with Indian military and diplomatic aid no longer absolutely imperative for Sri Lanka, serious doubts arose about such convictions. A line of inquiry that Swamy ignores, but one which is nonetheless tangential to the LTTE's fall, is whether India allowed itself to be taken for a ride by the deceptive and ethnic chauvinist Sri Lankan government?
A cardinal error Prabhakaran committed after Karuna's desertion was to wage a virtual war on Tamil civilians to enforce loyalty and extract the last ounces out of a war-weary populace. Horrific conscription and re-conscription drives, mass intimidation and the use of civilians as human shields robbed the LTTE of its oxygen - public sympathy.
When the end came, few beleaguered Tamils in the battle zones willingly cooperated with their so-called "liberators". Alienation and "silent anger in the Tamil community" (p lxi) orphaned the rebels who once rode on relatively high social legitimacy. Swamy does not downplay the horrific abuses committed by Sri Lankan security forces as the war culminated, but the LTTE's impunity was strategically costlier.
The secretive and paranoid Prabhakaran's decision in 2003 to replace the legendary Scarlet Pimpernel, Kumaran Pathmanathan (aka "KP"), as international arms procurement chief with another confidante, V Manivannan, alias "Castro", was one of the most consequential blunders that contributed to the LTTE's undoing. Swamy narrates how Prabhakaran resurrected KP when the war was almost lost and no late miracle could save a "sinking ship called the LTTE". (p l)
The author lists Prabhakaran's hubris, "false sense of superiority" (p lvii) and misreading of India and the West after September 11, 2001, as other fatal mistakes that brought down his empire in a gory climax. Had the Tiger boss correctly read New Delhi's preference for democracy, pluralism and human rights in the north and east, and liberalized his totalitarian rule, his dream of achieving freedom for Sri Lankan Tamils may not have been comprehensively extinguished.
Swamy observes, contrary to received wisdom, that Prabhakaran "often acted irrationally" and "at times took decisions that made no sense". (p 44) When the ceasefire of 2002 offered a golden opportunity to seal a permanent settlement with the LTTE in the driver's seat, Prabhakaran "slipped on the political art of compromise and accommodation badly". (p 181) His decree to Tamil voters to boycott the November 2005 presidential elections spiked the prospects of the liberal Sinhalese candidate Ranil Wickremasinghe and ironically paved the path to victory for Rajapaksa, who went on to be Prabhakaran's nemesis.
The Tiger Vanquished, By M R Narayan Swamy
.....continued 3....
Swamy reasserts the view that Prabhakaran's biggest indiscretion was ordering the assassination of former Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi. The Tiger commander-in-chief also erred in military tactics by not scattering LTTE's forces and senior echelons once the SLA embarked on a no-holds-barred offensive in late 2008. The famed guerrilla forgot the fundamentals of unconventional war when the curtains were closing.
The author lays part of the blame for LTTE's collapse on its diehard donors and acolytes among the Tamil diaspora residing in the West. These non-resident Sri Lankan Tamils failed to articulate in favor of a negotiated end to the conflict when the timing was apt. Their "illusions" (p lxxiii) and "persistent aggression" (p 185) wasted the lives of tens of thousands of innocent Tamil civilians facing bullets and fear in the north and east.
Swamy cites a disillusioned young female escapee from LTTE's ranks lamenting in retrospect that, "after so much destruction, the Tamils are nowhere". (p lxxvii) He quotes a former Prabhakaran associate in despair that Sri Lankan Tamils are "today not in zero but in minus". (p 151)
Prabhakaran's penchant for "unlimited violence" and "supreme destruction" (p 174) come in for consistent criticism throughout Swamy's book, reconfirming that the militant mode of emancipation is often a folly of epic proportions. Via a wealth of previously unknown empirical details, The Tiger Vanquished sends a profound message that choice of means is the most meaningful factor in political struggles.
The Tiger Vanquished. LTTE's Story by M R Narayan Swamy. SAGE Publications, New Delhi, 2010. ISBN: 978-81-321-0459-9. Price: US$8, 276 pages.
Sreeram Chaulia is associate professor of world politics at the OP Jindal Global University in Sonipat, India.
The MORE these Tamil Nadu Politicians Cfight each other, the MORE they display their LACK OF PRINCIPLES!
Absolute Crooks .. All of Them!
“Jayalalithaa got Assembly to adopt resolution seeking Prabakaran's arrest”
Special Correspondent
CHENNAI: A day after AIADMK general secretary Jayalalithaa accused him of betraying Sri Lankan Tamils, Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi said she had provided him an opportunity to expose her earlier stands against the Tamils.
In a statement here on Friday, the Chief Minister said it was Ms. Jayalalithaa who got the Assembly to adopt a resolution urging the Sri Lankan government to arrest LTTE leader Prabakaran, prime accused in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, and hand him over to the Indian government. She also got another resolution stating that no member of the banned LTTE should be allowed to gain entry into India passed.
Mr. Karunanidhi said that when the Sri Lankan Army killed innocent Tamil civilians, Ms. Jayalalithaa justified their action saying civilian casualties were inevitable in a war.
“She even accused the LTTE of using Tamils as a shield in the war against the Sri Lankan Army. When all political parties unanimously passed a resolution against the killing of Tamils, she accused me of supporting the LTTE,” he said.
Mr. Karunanidhi also recalled Ms. Jayalalithaa's words that “the Indian government has no power to stop the civil war in Sri Lanka,” and “the war is against the LTTE, a terrorist organisation.”
The Chief Minister said those who were truly fighting for the cause of Sri Lankan Tamils would know his statement in the Assembly that he was even prepared to lose the government for the sake of Sri Lankan Tamils.
"Arrested rogue also a terrorist"
I strongly believe that we should strongly discourage police revealing such details of arrests to media. They should have handed the terrorists to MI immediately.
It's obvious that Moon has violated the UN charter.
Sorry, I didn't read the full text.
Is there any clause how to impeach sec. gen?
We should do it. If we just let this slip by, there will be another round.
ජාතියේ පාහර බල්ලා මංගල සමරවිර ලංකාව යුරොප ජීඑස්පි කොන්දේසිවලට යටත් විව් යුතුයි කියනවා.
The LACK OF CREDIT given by these Indian authors to the GOSL in the defeat of the LTTE is ASTOUNDING!
The CREDIT is ALL India's!
India cultivated the terrorists in the Indian soil against us. We defeated the LTTE brand of terrorism with our live, blood, and sweat. We did what India couldn't do with the fourth largest army in the world, then and now, even on the Indian soil. I suspect that India will take full credit for vanquishing LTTE. However, those pundits are bound to be in the laughing stocks of humanity together with M R Narayan Swamy.
It’s intimidation, says Dr Kohona
By Wijitha NAKKAWITA and Lakshmi DE SILVA
July 02, 2010
The panel of experts on Sri Lanka to advice UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon was an attempt to intimidate the weak and meek nations but was not called for by the member states of the UN body, Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Palitha Kohona told Daily News yesterday.
Dr. Palitha Kohona
Dr. Kohona currently in Colombo said the Non Aligned Movement too had protested to the UN Secretary General about this unacceptable decision as he seemed to be influenced by certain NGO lobbies but the UN was an organization of sovereign nation states and not NGOs.
Matters concerning Sri Lanka with regard to the final phase of the humanitarian operations were taken up at the appropriate UN organ the Human Rights Council and a motion was carried in favour of Sri Lanka with 29 member nations voting for us while only 12 members voted against us, he said.
There were other regions where thousands of human rights violations were taking place daily but the UN Secretary General seemed to be reluctant to take up these issues as some powerful and rich nations were involved in those regions.
But Ban Ki Moon seemed to have ignored such violations, he noted.
Dr. Kohona said there were only a handful of nations that may be in agreement with the move against our country but the vast majority of the member nations have expressed their opposition to this move.
NAM comprises 117 nations out of the 192 member states of the UN and NAM had objected to the move by the Secretary General.
In the case of appointment of panels by the UN it had been done either at the request of the UN legislative organs or at the request of the country itself. But in this case it was not so.
Why not? Voice of America, China Radio International, and Voice of Hindustan can compete for our UNDIVIDED attention!
China Radio International Launches Radio Channel in Sri Lanka
Web Editor: Zhao
July 03, 2010
China Radio International (CRI) held a ceremony here on Friday to celebrate the launch of a radio channel in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo.
Sri Lankan Prime Minister Dissanayake Jayaratne told the ceremony that China and Sri Lanka have been enjoying traditional friendship. Jayaratne said in the era of "Global Village", the launch of the radio channel will provide a new bridge for the two peoples to understand each other.
Wang Gengnian, director general of CRI, said Sri Lanka is among the countries where the CRI has the largest number of audience and receives most letters.
"With the support of our friends in Sri Lanka and China, the Colombo FM channel will play an important role in promoting the bilateral relationship and the two countries' cooperation in broadcasting," said Wang.
Formally launched on April 23, the Colombo FM 102 channel broadcasts 19 hours of news and culture programs in Sinhala, Tamil, English and Mandarin every day. The channel covers Western Province, the island's political, economic and business center with an area of 3,700 sq km.
Founded in 1941, CRI aims at promoting understanding and friendship between the people of China and people throughout the world. CRI's programs include news, current affairs, and features on politics, economy, culture, science and technology.
You said "We did what India couldn't do with the fourth largest army in the world, then and now, even on the Indian soil."
Damn right, we did!
All of the "superpowers" who are mired in mud with all of their high-tech weapons, but don't have the guts to latch onto the enemy and pursue him into his den .. don't want to give Sri Lanka Defence Forces the CREDIT for it.
Pure JEALOUSY, I say!
So, they attribute the success to everybody else who had anything to do with it at the periphery to degrade the accomplishment of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and police.
Like Israelis, we Sri Lankans must continue to EXCEL in every important field, be it in warfare, technology, education, sports, management, and finance so that "I am a Sri Lankan" and "Made in Sri Lanka" will become SYNONYMOUS with EFFICIENCY and HIGH QUALITY.
Dear Old Bill Clinton, that quintessential humanitarian, once laughed at Sri Lanka for its "soft ways" in fighting the Eelam war, and for feeding its enemies.
I wonder what he thinks now that Sri Lanka has eradicated terrorism in one fell swoop, while successive US Presidents camping out in the Oval Office mismanaged the War Against Terrorism, Bungled it in Iraq, and are Mired Knee Deep with nowhere to go but OUT in Afghanistan!
So much for their superior skills, knowledge and capabilities derived solely from GREAT GOBS OF MONEY!
Atta Girl, Jaya! You tell him!
When it comes to EXAGGERATION and LIES no one can beat this GAL!
Karunanidhi a war criminal, says Jaya
July 02, 2010
CHENNAI: Karunanidhi is a "war criminal" who facilitated attacks against Sri Lankan civilian population not taking direct part in the hostilities, AIADMK general secretary Jayalalithaa said here on Thursday, saying that when the UN delegation visits Sri Lanka, an AIADMK team will present evidence to it that will indict Karunanidhi as a "war criminal".
"This is the least we can do for the souls of thousands of Tamils who died in the war, thanks to the machinations of this selfseeking merchant of death," she said.
Jayalalithaa, the leader of the Opposition in TN Assembly, said Chief Minister M Karunanidhi staged a "cheap drama" on April 27, 2009 by staging a fast and announced that he had received information from Sri Lanka that the war had stopped and his assurance that heavy arms would no longer be used resulted in the killings of thousands of people.
"The unfortunate Tamil civilians of Sri Lanka believed Karunanidhi and came out of their underground bunkers thinking the war had indeed ended, only to be mowed down by cluster bombs dropped by supersonic Sri Lankan Air Force jets. More than 50,000 civilians died in just two days," she said in her statement..
The Opposition leader said that international law held that "intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population or against individual civilians, not taking direct part in hostilities" was a war crime. "By claiming that the war had ended, when it had not, and thereby exposing the hapless, unarmed civilian population of Sri Lankan Tamils to the destructive fury of the Lankan armed forces, Karunanidhi had facilitated the attacks against the civilian population who were not taking direct part in the hostilities. He is as guilty of war crimes as the Rajapaksa brothers and the Sri Lankan armed forces personnel," Jayalalithaa said.
U.N. Chief Heading For New Brawl Over Sri Lanka Panel
by Thalif Deen (united nations)
July 02, 2010
Inter Press Service
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is heading for a second round of political brawling with the powerful 118-member Non- Aligned Movement (NAM) over his decision to appoint a panel of experts to advise him on possible violations of humanitarian law by the Sri Lankan military during the concluding stages of its war against Tamil separatists last May.
A draft letter of protest, currently in circulation among NAM members, expresses 'serious concern' about the appointment of the panel 'against the clearly expressed wishes of the country concerned, and without any mandate from the Human Rights Council, the Security Council or the General Assembly'.
The letter will be formally submitted to the secretary- general next week provided there are no objections from any NAM members.
Asked for his comments, U.N. spokesperson Farhan Haq told IPS: 'As far as I am aware, discussion is still going on in NAM about the letter.'
'I am not aware whether the membership agreed to it or not,' he said.
NAM is the largest single political coalition at the United Nations, after the Group of 77, a 130-member economic coalition of developing countries.
A diplomatic source told IPS: 'We hear the secretary- general's office is upset with the letter.'
He also said the U.N. secretariat is apparently arguing that the NAM letter will jeopardise Ban's plans to appoint a similar international panel to investigate charges of war crimes against Israel over last month's attack on a flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza.
But the proposed panel to investigate Israel was authorised by the Security Council while Sri Lanka's panel wasn't.
A similar NAM letter of protest was sent to Ban last March warning him against the appointment of the proposed panel on Sri Lanka.
After a response from the secretary-general, in which he claimed he had a legitimate right to appoint such a panel, NAM virtually backed down from a possible confrontation with the U.N chief.
'I am convinced it is well within my power as secretary- general of the United Nations to ask such a panel to furnish me with their advice of this nature,' Ban told news reporters in March.
'This does not in any way infringe on the sovereignty of Sri Lanka,' Ban explained.
But with the current letter, NAM is reverting back to its original hard-line stand, namely, that Ban has exceeded his political authority in naming the panel.
The letter also says 'the Non-Aligned Movement expresses serious concern about the selective targeting of individual countries which it deems contrary to the founding principles of the Movement.'
'In this context,' the letter continues, 'the Movement firmly opposes the unilateral evaluation and certification of the conduct of states as a means of exerting pressure on Non-Aligned countries and other developing countries.'
U.N. Chief Heading For New Brawl Over Sri Lanka Panel
The letter says that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has already appointed his own commission of inquiry to probe any violations of international norms and standards during the conflict.
'It is a well recognized international norm that in situations where there are allegations or breaches of international law that the country concerned should in the first instance be allowed to conduct its own investigation and to make known its findings,' the letter says.
In this instance, says the letter, the secretary-general has appointed a panel on Sri Lanka to advise him on the modalities, applicable standards and comparative experience with regard to accountability processes 'even before the commission of inquiry in Sri Lanka has commenced its inquiry and without any express request from any member state or group or U.N. body or without seeking the opinion of any group of member states or U.N. body'.
The three members of the Sri Lanka panel, who were named last month, are Marzuki Darusman of Indonesia as chair, along with Yasmin Sooka of South Africa and Steven Ratner of the United States.
The panel is expected to advise the secretary-general on 'implementing the commitment on human rights accountability' made in a joint statement issued by Ban and Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa after the U.N. chief visited the island nation in May 2009.
Rajapaksa, who scored an overwhelming victory at recent elections, primarily on the strength of his military's defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), has consistently denied charges of war crimes and violations of humanitarian law.
The United Nations, however, has said that an estimated 7,000 or more civilians were killed during the height of the battle that continued for over three decades.
And international human rights groups have accused the military of executing LTTE rebels even as they surrendered.
At the same time, these groups have also accused the LTTE of committing war crimes and killing civilians.
The panel has a four-month deadline to complete its mandate from the day it starts work.
Please read the article The politics of transnational Tamil Eelam Government, May 28, 2010 at
It summarizes well the events leading to the formation of the TGTE.
It describes what we Patriots will have to confront in the future, because their declared goal is a Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.
I have also saved it in FULL in the archives of the SriLankaPatriots blog, for future reference.
The importance of being Sri Lanka
China’s ties with Sri Lanka aim at expanding its profile in the Indian Ocean, where the ‘great game’ of this century will be played
Harsh V Pant
July 04, 2010
On the face of it, the visit of the Sri Lankan President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, to New Delhi last month was rather successful. India and Sri Lanka signed a range of agreements including loans for major infrastructure projects and sharing of electricity. India has extended a line of credit of $200 million to assist in the setting up of the NTPC-CEB joint venture 500 Mw thermal power plant at Trincolamalee. The two nations also decided to set up an annual defence dialogue and increase high-level military exchanges. India has agreed to construct a rail link between Talaimannar and Madhu in the Northern Province.
However, the anger in Tamil Nadu at Rajapaksa’s government’s conduct during the war with the LTTE still remains high. A delegation of MPs from Tamil Nadu met Rajapaksa regarding the delays in rehabilitating Lankan Tamils displaced by the civil war. The President acknowledged the delay and suggested that those staying in relief camps will be resettled within three months. The DMK might be tempted to play the Lankan Tamil card with an eye on state elections in a year’s time, even though the issue had little resonance in the Lok Sabha elections last year. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also emphasised the need for urgent steps to resettle internally displaced persons and urged the government to undertake speedy rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in Northern and Eastern Sri Lanka. Singh underlined the need for a meaningful devolution package, building on the 13th amendment that would create the necessary conditions for a lasting political settlement. Rajapaksa, however, was largely non-committal on this.
The Sri Lankan President is at the height of his power after having defeated the LTTE and winning an overwhelming mandate for himself and his party. Yet his government’s human rights record is under critical scrutiny in the West and a visit to India would have helped him in underlining India’s backing for his government to the world. But beyond that symbolic value, Sri Lanka is rapidly slipping out of India’s orbit. India failed to exert its leverage over the humanitarian troubles that Tamils trapped in the fighting were facing. New Delhi’s attempts to end the war and avert a humanitarian tragedy in North-East Sri Lanka proved utterly futile.
Colombo’s centrality between Aden and Singapore makes it extremely significant strategically for Indian power projection possibilities. After initially following India’s lead in international affairs, even demanding that the British leave from their naval base at Trincomalee and air base at Katunayake in 1957, Colombo gradually gravitated towards a more independent foreign policy posture. And it was India’s enthusiasm for China that made Sri Lanka take China seriously, but after the Chinese victory in its 1962 war with India, Colombo started courting Beijing much more seriously.
The importance of being Sri Lanka
And today China has displaced Japan as Sri Lanka’s major aid donor, with an annual aid package of $1 billion. Trade between China and Sri Lanka has doubled over the last five years, with China emerging as the latter’s largest trading partner. China now supplies more than half of all the construction and development loans Sri Lanka receives. Chinese investment in the development of infrastructure and oil exploration projects in Sri Lanka has also gathered momentum. China provides interest-free loans to Sri Lanka for the development of infrastructure. It is the first foreign country to have an exclusive economic zone in Sri Lanka. China is involved in a range of infrastructure development project in Sri Lanka — constructing power plants, modernising railways, providing financial and technical assistance in launching of communication satellites.
China is financing more than 85 per cent of the Hambantota Development Zone to be completed over the next decade. This will include an international container port, a bunkering system, an oil refinery, an international airport and other facilities. The port in Hambantota, deeper than the one at Colombo, is to be used as a refuelling and docking station for its navy. Though the two sides claim that this is merely a commercial venture, its future utility as a strategic asset for China remains a real possibility, to India’s consternation. For China, Hambantota will not only be an important transit port for general cargo and oil, but a presence there also enhances China’s intelligence gathering capabilities vis-à-vis India.
India has expressed its displeasure about growing Chinese involvement in Sri Lanka on a number of occasions. In 2007, India’s then national security adviser openly criticised Sri Lanka for attempting to purchase Chinese-built radar system on the grounds that it would ‘overreach’into the Indian air space.
Yet Sri Lanka has emerged stronger and more stable after the military success in the Eelam war and two elections at the national level. To counter Chinese influence, India has been forced to step up its diplomatic offensive and offer Colombo reconstruction aid. With the LTTE now out of the picture, the Indian government hopes it will have greater strategic space to manage bilateral ties. However, where New Delhi will have to continue to balance its domestic sensitivities and strategic interests, Beijing faces no such constraint in developing even stronger ties with Colombo. As a consequence, India is struggling to make itself more relevant to Sri Lanka than China.
Colombo matters because the Indian Ocean matters. The ‘great game’ of this century will be played on the waters of the Indian Ocean. Though India’s location gives it great operational advantages in the Indian Ocean, it is by no means certain that New Delhi is in a position to hold on to its geographic advantages. China is rapidly catching up and its ties with Sri Lanka are aimed at expanding its profile in this crucial part of the world. Indian policy makers need to shape up soon or else they are in danger of losing this ‘game’ for good.
The author is with the department of defence studies, King’s College London
I believe that the following paragraph summarizes the nature of challenges we have to face in the future. What is apparent here is that these terrorists remnant are trying something long terms, I mean 100s of years. They are trying something similar to Israel with fake reasons.
We need the following steps from our side at minimum.
(1)Keep SL sanitized of LTTE terrorists and any derivatives like TGTE. A modified PTA that gives our law enforcement the power to hunt anybody who engages in separatism is essential.
(2)A series of counter measures to make the TE project further baseless such as ethnic integration and equalization ethnic spectrum.
(3)Continuous strengthening and reshaping of our forces (the ideas you and I share strongly)
(4)Economic improvements and prosperity.
(5)Strong alliances with the other Eelam Terrorist threatened countries such as India, Malaysia, etc.
The TGTE in a sense is a re-branded manifestation of the LTTE overseas structure. The first guiding principle of the TGTE is unambiguously clear about the ultimate goal being the creation of Tamil Eelam. Although it does not explicitly endorse the LTTE the TGTE’s commitment towards the LTTE was demonstrated clearly at the Philadelphia summit where the tiger flag fluttered boldly despite the LTTE being a banned foreign terrorist organization in the USA.
Found this in Divaina. It is a touchy story. But the key point is that the father of family is a SLA soldier. Up until now there was no support from SLA or any movement that talks about war heroes [as per news].
Pls do what you can.
ඒ දරුවන් දැන් සුවෙන් උපකාර කළ සැමට ස්තුතියි!
දරු තිදෙනා එදා
"මේ ජීවන බර දරන්න හැකිද අපට උදව් වෙන්න" යනුවෙන් කුඩා දරු තිදෙනකු වෙනුවෙන් කළ ආයාචනයක් ඉරිදා දිවයිනේ නිම්නය පිටුවේ දිග හැරුණේ 2009 ජුනි 21 දිනය. ඒa දැනට අවුරුද්දකට පෙරය.
ඒ වන විට මේ නිවුන් දරු තිදෙනාගේ වයස අවුරුද්දකි. යුද හමුදා සෙබළකු වූ මේ දරුවන්ගේ පියාට හා මවට මේ දරුවන් හදා වඩා ගැනීම මහමෙරක් තරම් බරක් වූයේ ඔවුන් පෙළුE දුගී බව නිසාය. ඒ එක් දරුවකු හර්නියා තත්ත්වයකින් පෙළීමත් අනෙක් දරුවා හා දැරිය ඇස් පෙනීමේ දුර්වලතාවයකින් පෙළීමත් ඔවුන් තිදෙනාම මන්දපෝෂණ තත්ත්වයන් පෙළීමත් නිසා ඔවුනට අවශ්ය ප්රතිකාර කිරීම ද මේ දෙමාපියන්ට විශාල ප්රශ්නයක් වී තිබිණි.
දරු තිදෙනා අද
සියලු ප්රශ්න මැද ඉන්න හිටින්නට පවා තැනක් නොමැති වූ ඔවුනට බදුල්ල, ඉඹුල්ගොඩ, ස්ප්රිංවැලි පාරේ අංක 94 සඳරුවන් නිවසේ ආර්. එම්. දයාවතී මහත්මිය ඇගේ නිවසේ කොටසක නොමිලේම නවාතැන් දුන්නා පමණක් නොව තවත් බොහෝ උදව් උපකාර කළාය.
එම නිවහනේ පදිංචි වූ අජිත් කුමාර හා ස්වර්ණලතා යුවළට කළ හැකි වූ එකම දෙය වූයේ තම නැතිබැරිකම, අසරණකම ගැන කියාපා තේජාන් නිම්නජිත්, දේශානි හසංගි, දේශාන් ඉන්ද්රජිත් නම් තම දරු පැටවුන් වෙනුවෙන් කාරුණික වූ මිනිසුන්ගේ උදව් ඉල්ලීමයි. "දිවයින ඉරිදා සංග්රහය" ඔවුනගේ ආයාචනය සමාජය වෙත ගෙනයැමට අත්වැලක් විය.
ඒ පණිවිඩයත් සමඟම මේ විෂම වූ සමාජයේ බෝසත් ගුණැති "මිනිසුන්" ද අපමණවත් සිටින බව සනාථ කරමින් මේ අසරණයන්ට උපකාර කිරීමට බොහෝ දෙනා ඉදිරිපත් වූහ.
ඒ අතර සිටි කොළඹ 05, වජිර මාවතේ අංක 46 ඒ හි පදිංචි නීතිඥ උදිත ඊගලහේවා මහතා එදා පටන් මේ දක්වාම මාසිකව රුපියල් 2000 බැගින් මේ දරුවන්ගේ බැංකු ගිණුමට බැර කරයි.
කොළඹ, නෙල්සන් සිල්වා නම් මහත්මයෙක් මේ දරුවන්ගේ අක්ෂි ආබාධ සුවකර ගැනීම සඳහා ප්රමුඛ පෙළේ පුද්ගලික රෝහලකට යොමුකොට අවශ්ය සියලු කටයුතු ඉටුකර දුන්නේය.
බදුල්ල ඉඹුල්ගොඩ පදිංචි හිඳගොඩ ඉන්ධන පිරවුම්හලේ සේවය කරන ගුණරත්න මහතා මේ දරුවන් විවිධ ප්රතිකාර සඳහා කොළඹ ගෙනයැමට ප්රවාහන පහසුකම් සැපයූ අතර එම ප්රදේශයේ තවත් පරිත්යාගශීලී මහත්මයෙක් මේ දරුවන්ගේ ඇස් කණ්නාඩි සඳහා අවශ්ය මුදල් ලබාදී ඇත.
තලවතුගොඩ මාදිවෙල පාරේ රංජන් විඡේරත්න පදනම ද මේ දරුවන්ට උදව් කිරීමට ඉදිරිපත් වී ඇත.
එසේම ඉතාලියේ වෙසෙන ජානක නමැති ශ්රී ලාංකික මහතෙක් මේ අසරණ පවුලට (ඔවුන් සතු නිරවුල් ඉඩමක් වේ නම්) එහි නිවසක් ඉදිකර දීමට අවශ්ය මුදල් ලබාදීමට සූදානමින් ස්sටී. එහෙත් මේ වනතුරුත් ඔවුනට බිම් අඟලක හිsමිකමක් රජයේ හෝ පුද්ගලික අංශයකින් ලැබී නොමැති බැවින් ජානක මහතාගේ උපකාරය ලබාගත නොහැකිව ඇත.
තවද මොවුන්ගේ නවාතැන හිමි දයාවතී මහත්මිය සේවය කරන ඌව පළාත් සභා සැලසුම් අංශයේ සමස්ත කාර්ය මණ්ඩලය මෙන්ම විශේෂයෙන් ඒ. එස්. දිසානායක (අනුරාධ) මහතා එදා සිට මේ දක්වා මේ අසරණයන්ට විවිධාකාරයෙන් උදව් උපකාර කරයි.
මේ ඔවුනට උදව් උපකාර කළ අති විශාල පිරිසෙන් අතලොස්සකි. කෑම බීම, බේත් හේත්, ඇඳුම් පැළඳුම්, මුදල් හදල් ඇතුළුව විවිධාකාරයෙන් උපකාර කළ තවත් විශාල පිරිසකි.
ඒ උදව් නිසා මේ දරුවෝ අද සුවසේ සිටිති. සර්ව සම්පූර්ණ නොවුවත් දරුවන්ගේ ජීවිත ගැන දැන් බයක් නැත. ඒ නිසා ඒ බිය දුරු කළ නා නාවිධ උදව් උපකාර කළ සෑම සියලු දෙනාට හා විශේෂයෙන් ඉරිදා දිවයිනටත් මේ දරුවන්ගේ මවුපියෝ අනේකවාරයක් ස්තුති කරති. පිං දෙති.
නමුත් ප්රශ්න නිමක් නැත. දරුවන්ගේ අක්ෂි ප්රතිකාර තවදුරටත් ලබාදිය යුතුව ඇත. ඒ අතර දරුවන්ගේ හමුදා පියාට ඔවුන් බර වැඩිවන සෙයකි. මේ සටහන යම්කිසි වගකිවයුතු යුද හමුදා ප්රධානියකුගේ නෙත ගැටේ නම් මේ පිළිබඳව සොයා බැලීම වටී.
ඉන්න හිටින්න තමන්ගේම කියා නිවහනක් ඉදිකරන්න ඉඩම් කැබැල්ලක් නොමැතිවීම තවත් ලොකු ගැටලුවකි. දරුවන්ගේ පියා යම් වෙනස්වීමක් පෙන්වන අතරේ මවට ද රැකියාවක් ආදායම් මාර්ගයක් නොමැති වීම තවත් ගැටලුවකි.
මේ අසරණයන්ට උපකාර කළ හැකි නම් තවත් ඒ උපකාර ලැබීමට මොවුන් සුදුසුය. ඒ පිළිබඳ විස්තර දරුවන්ගේ මව වන ඩී. එම්. ස්වර්ණලතාගේ අංක 0776756409 හෝ දයාවතී මහත්මියගේ අංක 0552224128 යන දුරකථන අංකවලින් ලබාගත හැකිය.
(අනුරාධ සොයුරාට හා දයාවතී මහත්මියට විශේෂ ස්තුතිය)
සටහන හා ඡායාරූප බෝගොඩ - රත්නායක
Regarding your request for assistance to the soldier's family, what if we expatriate patriotic bloggers at SLDF/SLP get together and create a small SLDF/SLP Rana Viru Assistance Fund of our own, and you manage it as our representative in Sri Lanka?
You will be our point man in Sri Lanka. You will have to open a bank account in Sri Lanka and disburse the funds to needy Rana Viru families with our consent. We will appoint a committee of a few people to review the deserving cases. We can consider giving one-time payments or periodic payments.
To start it off, I am willing to make the first contribution of .. say 500 USD to the fund. We will create a Paypal account and remit funds directly to the Sri Lanka bank account .. if that is possible. Let everyone contribute what they can through Paypal, even $10 or $20 will help.
Friends, I have met Sujeewa in Sri Lanka .. he is a true flesh and blood patriot .. so have no worries.
It won't be a big effort like the Rana Viru Fund of the UK that we are already contributing to, but it will be DIRECTLY FROM US BIG TALKERS at SLDF/SLP to needy security forces families who need help.
Any comments?
Sri Lanka's Reconciliation Commission to hear from people in conflict-affected areas
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
July 03, Colombo: The Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission appointed by the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to probe the events during the last stages of the ethnic conflict is preparing to listen to the people's accounts in the conflict-affected areas.
The eight-member Commission says it has decided to hold public sittings in the provinces, particularly, in affected areas to enable the public in theses areas to have easy access to the Commission, in order to make their representations.
A statement issued by the Commission says holding public sittings will enable the Commission to gather first hand information from the affected areas. The Commission is currently engaged in drawing up a work plan as a part of this process, it said.
The Commission expects to commence public hearings during the month of August 2010.
The Commission has held regular meetings during the month of June 2010 initially focusing on the institutional matters to make preparations for the soon to follow public hearings.
The investigative body has published a public notice in newspapers in all three languages calling for written representations to the Commission on matters related to the Commission's mandate. The public has until August 18th August to make written representations and the Commission urges the people to send them early to facilitate its work.
The Commission will also invite on its own motion persons who represent a broad spectrum of views and who have been actively engaged in the areas falling within the ambit of its Warrant to testify before the Commission.
The Commission is appointed to probe the events in the period between 21st February 2002 to 19th May 2009 and report on the lessons to be learnt from those events and whether any person, group, or institution directly or indirectly bears responsibility for those events.
The Reconciliation Commission chaired by the former Attorney General Chitta Ranjan de Silva includes President's Counsel Dr. Amrith Rohan Perera, Prof. Mohamed Thahir, Professor Karunaratne Hangawatte of the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), Attorneys-at-Law Mohamed Jiffry, Chandirapal Chanmugam, H.M.G. Siripala Palihakkara, Mrs. Manohari Ramanathan and Maxwell Parakrama Paranagama.
[We need the following steps from our side at minimum.]
Agree 100%.
I would add the following Item to your list:
6. A "World Sri Lanka Defence Organization" created along the same lines as the TGTE, with Independently Functioing Branches in every country of the world, organized as a functioning always-ready movement with elected officers, and both local and global assets.
This should be an organization that has the funds necessary to retain attorneys and file legal challenges, hire PR organizations and paid lobbyists, create professional videos and other PR materials, organize demonstrations and letter writing campaigns, etc.
We don't have this level of ORGANIZATION that the TGTE represents.
It is my experience that all other things being equal, the most organized group will win, and organized groups can overcome imbalances in assets as well.
It is superb organization and motivation that led us to victory on the banks of the Nanthikadal Lagoon.
We need that kind of organization of the Sri Lankan Patriot Diaspora as well to confront the TGTE in the future.
We need that kind of organization of the Sri Lankan Patriot Diaspora as well to confront the TGTE in the future.
I believe that this is a great idea. Perhaps, we can join the scattered groups together. We need to float this idea to other groups also.
ISRAEL is absolutely right, and SHOULD not APOLOGIZE!
INSTEAD, Turkey should APOLOGIZE to Israel for knowingly allowing the ship, populated by activists determined to create an INCIDENT, to run the Israeli blockade, knowing well that Israel would STOP it by whatever means were necessary.
If Turkey wanted the blockade lifted, it should have approached Israel through diplomatic avenues, and failing that, by various other means of applying pressure.
This kind of "bully" tactic was bound to excite a forceful response from Israel.
Those who play with fire should expect to get burned!
Israel rules out apology to Turkey
July 03, 2010
TEL AVIV: Israel will not apologise to Turkey for the killing of nine activists on the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara May 31 while intercepting the ship as it sought to break the blockade of Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.
Israel would not apologise for protecting its soldiers, he said Friday on Israeli Channel 1 television, while adding, "We regret the loss of life. That is clear."
A senior government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Israel Radio earlier Friday that "hostile elements" had been among the passengers on board the ship and they attacked the Israeli naval commandos overtaking the ship with "cold weapons", including knives and sticks.
Therefore there was "no chance" Israel would apologise for defending itself, the official said.
Netanyahu meanwhile met foreign minister and his largest coalition partner, Avigdor Lieberman of the ultra-right Israel Beiteinu party, to settle their row over a secret meeting in Brussels Wednesday between a minister of the Labour Party and Ankara's top diplomat.
Lieberman was outraged that he had not been informed of the meeting between Israeli Trade and Industry Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, held in a bid to patch up the deeply damaged ties between the two countries.
Turkey's foreign ministry confirmed the meeting Thursday and said Davutoglu reminded Ben-Eliezer about Turkey's conditions for restoring the ties between the once strong allies.
These included an Israeli apology, compensation for the victims' families, an international commission of inquiry, and lifting the blockade of Gaza. He said Ben-Eliezer promised to convey the message.
Eight Turkish activists and one Turkish-American were killed when Israeli commandos opened fire on board the Mavi Marmara, after they say they came under attack by a group of several dozen violent, knife and stick-wielding civilian activists.
you fail to understand that SL's version of ethnic integration is NOT accepted by most tamils.
this is why colonization MAY happen with or without EI.
either way it has IMMENSE BENEFITS.
we cannot force anyone to ETHNICALLY INTEGRATE. it should come within. but national security cannot wait till that. and national security cannot rest on wavering hearts and minds.
for them any integration is integration of the "sinhala nation" and "tamil nation".
for ethnic integration to happen, colonization should precede.
good analysis.
but you should have ONLY stated RELEVANT sections.
money boon should be punished for acting without authority.
of course there is no need for israel to apologise to every turkey, cock and fowl!!!!
it was turkey that abbetted the violation of israel's territorial integrity and turkey must apologise!!!
anyone wanting israel to apologise are following tamil elam crap logic.
The list of complaints used to justify the US GSP+ review is a complete joke, with more than half to do with the private sector.
"11. The Supreme Court issued an injunction against trade union action in the Colombo Port because of a fundamental rights application by a trade association and the Supreme Court should not have done that.
12. The Supreme Court issued another injunction against a teachers’ strike during examination paper evaluation time once again due to a fundamental rights petition by an examination candidate, and that, too, was wrong.
OH waa waa, supreme court was 'wrong'. Supreme court should 'not have done that'.
How can the Government interfer with the judiciary. Is this not what Western countries and their lackeys eslewhere (NGOs, JVP) also complain about? Real joke. Also some of these "incidents" happened in 2002, why not take it up with their pet Ranil? Or was it only a problem after they loose their pet. LOL.
And what can SL do about the provate sector, don't these monkeys always promote "free enterprise" etc?
This sums everything up pretty nicely:
"In addition to this common accusation, the AFL/CIO petition has several instances of what they claim are labour rights violations by certain (named) private companies. In fact 14 pages of the 27 page petition are devoted to the alleged misdeeds of the SL private sector. We have to presume, that if Sri Lanka is to pass the US GSP test, then it would not suffice for the government make the above mentioned changes to the legal and administrative framework, but it would become necessary to right the wrongs committed by the named individual companies as well. Clearly what we are experiencing now is an attempt by the western powers to micro-manage Sri Lanka."
other lackey includes UNP.
"The upshot of all this is that private companies in Sri Lanka will have to get things cleared from the AFL/CIO headquarters before disciplining or sacking a worker for fear of the whole country losing GSP preferences. Even to change a work schedule, private companies will have to get it cleared from various trade unions and keep AFL/CIO in Washington informed that they have obtained permission from the local unions"
"What we have seen in the past couple of weeks in the EU’s 15 conditions and the AFL/CIO’s petition is that there is an attempt on the part of western governments to completely take over the functions of not just the Sri Lankan government and the opposition, but the management of the Sri Lankan private sector as well. Obviously, this cannot continue. Something will have to give way. It is now time to stand on the corridors of the World Trade Organisation and to scream blue murder. Last Sunday’s newspapers showed that even business editors of certain newspapers in this country are under the impression that the trade concessions given to developing countries by the developed nations are just that - concessions, and that the donor countries can give it or withdraw it as they wish. But that’s far from the truth. The global trade regime is structured in a different way."
Since the West can't get a puppet Government they are finding knew ways to control Sri Lanka permanentely
"If the EU withdraws GSP+ from Sri Lanka, that act may be legal in terms of European law, but it contravenes GATT/WTO rulings and all signatories to GATT are bound by GATT law. If EU law contravenes GATT/WTO laws, then the EU laws are illegal. Therefore, what the EU will be doing to Sri Lanka by withdrawing GSP+ will be illegal. This is an open and shut case as far as the WTO is concerned. The SL Govt. did not initiate litigation in the WTO earlier, with regard to the EU GSP+ scheme, because they thought that would make SL look ‘desperate’. SL may be able to do without the EU’s GSP+, but they cannot survive without the general GSP which all developing nations enjoy. If the US followed by the EU takes away the ordinary GSP that Sri Lanka’s competitors will continue to have, then Sri Lanka will be in trouble. The only force that can save us now is the WTO and the government should ask for a consultation with the WTO to discuss initially, the EU’s GSP+. The WTO has a streamlined process for dispute resolution and the time frames are set out and the whole process from asking for an initial consultation through the adjudicating panel and the appeal process will be completed within two years. The only way to stop the EU and the US from harming Sri Lanka is to obtain a ruling from the WTO that what they are doing to this country is illegal in terms of international trade law. - CAC"
While i am not to fused about loosing any of these concessions this should be an avenue SL should consider regardless.
You said ...
[you fail to understand that SL's version of ethnic integration is NOT accepted by most tamils.]
I fail to understand NOTHING!
I KNOW most Tamils will reject EI .. have I not said that repeatedly?
But, EI is PRIMARILY our own "political solution" for consumption by the CRITICS of the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY who want to push a POWER DISTRIBUTIVE solution that devolves power on a racial basis, such as the "federal solution", down our collective Sri Lankan throat.
WE SIMPLY can't SWALLOW it, so we REJECT those "devolution solutions" TOTALLY, and present EI with settlement to follow under its umbrella as the INTEGRATIVE solution that UNIFIES the country and its people without communal divisions.
Most Tamils will oppose it, but they will oppose EVERYTHING that is acceptable to us; so IGNORE their opposition!
EI is JUST and FAIR and assures EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL RESPONSIBILITIES whether they want it or not.
We JUST WON'T ACCEPT a PROTO-EELAM in any shape or form in Sri Lanka.
Moshe said ...
[but you should have ONLY stated RELEVANT sections.]
TRUE, but I wanted the UN Charter to be easily accessible at this blog, because the future holds MANY MORE TUSSLES with the UN instigated by the Transexual Government of Tamil Eelam in their DECLARED QUEST to get the UN to sanction Eelam.
For that reason, ALL of us need to be conversant with the provisions of the UN Charter.
So, I posted the WHOLE HOG .. I am sure my friends here will pardon my nerdyness!
Moshe said ..
[this is why colonization MAY happen with or without EI.]
MAY, but UNLIKELY because it will generate international opposition.
[either way it has IMMENSE BENEFITS.]
[we cannot force anyone to ETHNICALLY INTEGRATE.]
Absolutely DISAGREE! Govt programs and incentives under a declared national policy makes ACCELERATES many things that would otherwise drift along aimlessly under a laissez-faire approach.
Active pushing by the Govt is CRITICAL for Ethnic Integration to educate the people, provide incentives, create the required infrastructure, create employment etc etc.
They can PLOT & PLAN till DOOMSDAY, but DEVOLUTION OF POWER to regions on the basis of ETHNICITY is a NON-STARTER for us!
The Eelam war was fought to DECIDE wether Sri Lanka would be split along ethnic lines or not, just as the US Civil War was fought to determine whether the United States would remain ONE country free of slavery, or TWO .. one free and one slave owning.
The US Civil War was won, and the NATION remained ONE .. with emancipation declared just before the end of the war.
There was NO "DEVOLUTION" that gifted to the losers in PEACE what they had FAILED TO WIN in WAR!
The Confederates were NOT HAPPY, but they endured, accepted and integrated .. just as the Eelamists will have to do NOW.
Devolution .. Indeed! Bloody Nonsense!
Tamil parties begin quest for CMP
P K Balachandran
July 03, 2010
COLOMBO: A number of Tamil political parties and NGOs, except the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), met here on Friday to chalk out a common minimum programme (CMP) on the issue of devolution, rehabilitation of the war-affected Tamil areas and resettlement of Tamil refugees in northeast Sri Lanka.
Briefing Express on the meeting, the head of the Eelam Peoples' Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF), A Varatharajaperumal, said the aim of the meeting was to take a joint Tamil initiative on these matters, and not wait for the government to come out with its proposals and programmes. He clarified that the idea was not to interfere with the aspirations and ideologies represented by each of the parties, but to arrive at a common minimum list of proposals, which will set the ball rolling.
13TH AMENDMENT: Having been the Chief Minister of the united northeastern province between 1988 and 1990, and seen for himself the flaws in the system of devolution contained in the Indiainspired 13th Constitutional Amendment, Perumal said any new proposal from the Tamils would have to go beyond the 13th Amendment. The 13th Amendment was full of contradictions, he explained.
CIVILIAN RULE: The dozen parties and NGOs discussed the question of demilitarising the north and east.
When pointed out that the government had ruled out the withdrawal of the army to prevent any resurgence of the LTTE, Perumal said demilitarisation did not mean withdrawal of the army, but their return to the barracks.
"We want civilian rule restored. Right now, the armed forces have a pervasive influence over the civilian administration in the north and east in contrast to the Sinhalesespeaking south," he said.
On Army Commander Lt Gen Jagath Jayasuriya's plan to make the army participate in the economic development of Tamildominated areas, Perumal said that while the army could "supplement" the civil administration, especially in emergencies, it should not "supplant" it.
SHOULD NOT STOKE SINHALESE FEARS : The EPRLF leader said the Tamil parties should shed their ethnic exclusivism and try to rope in progressive and democratic elements among the majority Sinhalese. "We should not look like a threat to the Sinhalese or to the unity of Sri Lanka. Our aim should be to open the eyes of the Sinhalese to the Tamils' problems and make them appreciate the Tamils' demands and aspirations," he said.
TNA splits after bid to register as party
July 03, 2010
COLOMBO: The bid by the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to register itself as a political party and stop functioning as a multiparty alliance has split the outfit's main constituent, the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Katchi (ITAK). S X Kulanayagam, the administrative secretary of the ITAK, said in a statement published by that the TNA's leadership, comprising R Sampanthan, Mavai Senathirajah and P Selvarasa, had been taking decisions without consulting the ITAK to which they belonged.
The decision to register the TNA as a party by itself was one such, he said. At the end of June, the TNA had applied to the Sri Lankan Election Commission to be recognised as a distinct party, rather than as the ITAK, as had been the case so long. Kulanayagam charged that Sampanthan and his cohorts had done this to destroy the ITAK. This was reflected in an interview given to the BBC's Tamil service by the joint secretary of the TNA, in which he said that if the TNA became a party by itself, the ITAK would become a nullity.
Since this would never be accepted by the members of the ITAK, a grand old party founded by S J V Chelvanayakam, Sampanthan, Senathirajah and Selvarasa should resign from the ITAK, Kulayanayagm said.
"EI is PRIMARILY our own "political solution" for consumption by the CRITICS of the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY who want to push a POWER DISTRIBUTIVE solution that devolves power on a racial basis, such as the "federal solution", down our collective Sri Lankan throat."
do you think the IC will accept this as a "political solution"???
get real, dear ananda!!
then they will do EVERYTHING in their power to stop it!! the last thing they want is SLs to integrate.
EI cannot, more importantly, NEED NOT be enforced. let ppl integrate at their own free pace. but changing the mono-ethnic nature of the NE cannot wait.
The FAILURE by the GOSL to hold the TRAITORS in the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA has now emboldened them to seek the assistance of India with POLITICAL ISSUES of Sri Lanka.
In ANY OTHER COUNTRY (e.g., the United States) this kind of activity where citizens request intervention of foreign powers in the domestic matters of one's own sovereign nation would be TREASON, and the perpetrators WOULD BE PROSECUTED for that CRIME and EXECUTED if found to be guilty!
The GOSL should IMMEDIATELY declare that this kind of activity would be henceforth VIEWED AS TREASON and WILL BE PROSECUTED as such to the fullest extent of the law.
FAILURE to do so, will result in the gradual loss of sovereignity of our motherland with treacherous citizens inviting intervention of foreign powers on their behalf, in this case to divide the nation along ethnic lines.
The last time we allowed that to that happen, and India interfered in Sri Lanka, and spawning a 30 year war that consumed over 100,000 lives.
In 17th Century AD England, King Charles was beheaded by Oliver Cromwell's Parlimentarians for conspiring with the Irish and the Spaniards to come to his aid with a foreign army .. even after he had lost the English Civil War and was offered a constitutional monarchy!
The Charge: TREASON against the English people and England.
The GOSL should ACT NOW to DECLARE and ENFORCE LAW against TREASON, before Sri Lanka's Law is routinely flouted, and TREASON becomes commonplace in Sri Lanka, and the nation descends AGAIN into the pit from which it was recently rescued!
TNA delegation to leave for Delhi
July 03, 2010
COLOMBO: In the midst of discontent in its ranks over its close links with India, a six-member delegation of the TNA would leave for New Delhi on Sunday to discuss with Indian leaders the problems of Sri Lankan Tamils, particularly the resettlement of war refugees and political devolution.
Daily Mirror Online reported that the delegation, comprising R Sampanthan, Mavai Senathirajah, Suresh Premachandran, Selvam Adaikalanathan, A Vinayagamoorthy and M A Sumanthiran, was expecting to meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
re: decolonization.
can't stop laughing!! good one.
Moshe said ..
[but changing the mono-ethnic nature of the NE cannot wait.]
Let me TELL YOU AGAIN, and AGAIN if necessary..
Declare Ethnic Integration (EI) as National Policy under Presidential Order tomorrow, and then issue orders for settlement/resettlement to begin under EI the same day.
such a declaration although not necessary is most welcome.
but giving false hopes of racism based devolution to the IC MUST continue. that's the only way to keep them occupied with a bone.
Moshe said ..
[such a declaration although not necessary is most welcome.]
In my view, an EI declaration before settlement activity is both NECESSARY and WELCOME!
in my view it is a "nice to have".
Following the laws of the land, SLA removes illegal signs erected by Tiger Terrorists in government property. As usual, the terrorist remnants bray.
also EI is JUST ONE (of many) fruits of colonization. there are POSSIBLY other more important things.
e.g. development, solving the BIGGEST problem of SL - landlessness and associated poverty, increasing food production, defence, etc.
i think the govt has found DEVELOPMENT to be most important.
there need not be EI for these. colonization alone suffices.
Ananda / Moses,
I think the following comment regarding Moses’ article, posted on lankaweb 2010/06/29, is relevant to your ongoing debate :
[ …
However, the movement of Southerners towards the North-East MUST NOT be termed as COLONISATION.
1. It is not COLONISATION because these are areas where the Singhalas traditionally lived. In fact, the hilly country and the South was the areas of fall back when the country was under attack. Our royal country (Raja Rata) is the dry zone, the Centre, the North and the East. This is evident from the Singhala Buddhist archaeological remains scattered all over North and East.
2. It is not COLONISATION but a crown land distribution. Many a Southern plantation lands were purchased by the SL Government and distributed to the landless. No more land is available in the South but there is more than 1000000 hectares of unused crown land in the North & East.
The term COLONISATION rhymes with the COLONISATION of Americas by the Europeans involving the elimination of 40,000000 Amerindians. It rhymes with the COLONISATION of Australia which involved hunting down and massacring of millions of aborigines. It also rhymes with the COLONIAL subjugation of India, Sri Lanka and many other Asian Nations by the Brits. ]
US diplomatic apes are trying another way to destabilize Sri Lanka. Any trade union helping a foreign power to destabilize Sri Lanka shall be held accountable under Sri Lankan law.
It is learnt that several Sri Lankan trade union representatives will be invited by the US government to participate at a public hearing to be held in this regard next month. It is understood that their expenses will be borne by the US government.-Lakbima News Sunday 04 July 2010
So the new line of NGOs will be "trade unions".
This is another attempt to interfer in Sri Lanka and produce essentially 100s of mini Gonsekas.
From democracy, human rights and media, now labour rights/trade unions.
As the Island politial columunist said if the West says there is "no freedom, then there is no freedom", even if it is a lie.
RE: Ranaviru Fund
I am always willing to do my max. So we can do it. But I want a transparent manner than individual trust. Just to make sure that we can do our auditing.
For management locally. I will do my best. I have a like minded activist groups who take part in such. So lots of actions can be organized [like visiting them etc]
We did small scale donations several times, and a major donation to Army Hosp during Elephant Pass debacle [I did not know you guys then].
Is this a wise decision?
Bandula Jayasekera recalled, reasons not clear
July 4, 2010 03:26 pm
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Former Sri Lankan Consul General to Toronto in Canada and serving Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN in New York, Bandula Jayasekara has been recalled to Colombo with immediate effect, a senior External Affairs Ministry official said today (July 4).
However, he declined to provide any reasons for the recall and said it was only on the orders of higher authorities. Bandula Jayasekera was appointed to the post only a few months ago.
Prior to taking over as the Counsel General for Sri Lanka in Toronto, Mr. Jayasekera was the editor of The Colombo Post, a weekly English newspaper and prior to that was the Editor in Chief of the Ceylon Daily News.
He has worked in the fields of broadcasting, public relations and the media earlier.
Apologies for a little digress:
Look at this aerial beauty:
I don't think this is second to none. If we are to reach a "knowledge economy" we need to transform the entire university system. Are we really up to this task?
Sadam Hussein completely ignored US orders and acted his own. His decisions on oil, euros, and foreign relations disturbed US and his disobedience was an insult to US. Punishing SH and replacing was the agenda but US never stated it explicitly. Instead, western media was on a huge propaganda about WMD in Iraq and this propaganda made US citizens accepting Iraq invasion. US found no WMD, captured SH, presented in US court, appointed US puppets for Iraq admin, send SH to Iraq, Iraq admin hang him.
Scenario with SL is not much different. MR+GR clearly disobeyed USA+west, annihilated LTTE completely disregarding USA+west orders to negotiate with LTTE, and maintain foreign relations annoying to USA+west. So similar recipe is there for SL. USA already have their puppet-Gonseka in SL. Their attempt to replace MR by puppet Gons democratically was a failure. As a first step Mon-Ki-Boons panel will advice on a war crime probe, western media now is on war crime probe propaganda, USA+west will try to take MR+GR to Hague after a step by step approach, possibly find guilty for some HR violations, and sent back to SL for imprisonment, where we have a chaos, political instability and Gonseka as new ruler appointed by USA+west, then Gonseka just need to find a rope to hang MR+GR. In this way, execution will be done by SL admin with new changed law, so USA "has nothing to do with internal affairs in SL".
A parliamentary speech with lot of data/facts:
Man-Ki-Boons panel officially is just to advice to him about SL. It was some thing to related to UN sec.gen. and not UN. And its not to investigate any thing. Just to advice and Man-Ki-Boon can accept or ignore advice. So this looks like some panel to give advice for an idiot and SL has nothing to do. However, western media and US+west officials act like this is a war crime investigation panel. So this is the tricky part. USA+west were able to skip Russia+China by bypassing UN rules, and not following official procedure but they expect official type reactions for a non-official type panel. SL with Russia+China must investigate officially is it legal Man-Ki-Boon to appoint panels like this and if found wrong must fire him.
Hi AP, nice to see you around.
"[TamilNet, Sunday, 04 July 2010, 18:11 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers along with Sinhalese thugs are engaged in obliterating Koappay Thamizh Eezham Heroes War Cemetery (Thamizh Eezha Maaveerar Thuyilum Illam), the only one that remained in Jaffna peninsula"
wipe out ALL other similar crap elsewhere.
it is not the word that is central to the thing but the actual doing. we have to do it but term it "affectionately".
i am against using the word colonization for public consumption. but there is no other appropriate word for the purpose of the discussion.
it was used in the discussion to avoid giving wrong connotations.
e.g. it is ot quite EI. it has more than EI, like defence interests, development, giving land to the landless, etc.
at the same time we justify it in the public domain trying to say that colonization is not colonization.
however, still the english terminalogy - colonization - holds true!!! it is just that we don't colonize others' lands!!
thanks for sharing.
in short, what we want is to do the SAME thing we did in gal oya, welioya, etc. in a larger scale.
janapadakaranaya, new/settlements, resettlement, gam udawa, peace villages, agri revolution, jaya boomi land distribution, etc., etc. may be used to describe it. certainly the govt is not going to call it colonization!!
but what happened in weli oya, gal oya, etc. when established must happen.
[i am against using the word colonization for public consumption.]
Sinhalization is more appropriate (even though todays sinhalization and westernization pretty close). Thats what we really need. Sinhalisation of NE - i.e. making NE similar to rest of SL. (We don't mean doing any thing to tamils, their culture or language.Its up to them.) We do this using GSL owned land (not tamil residents land) and settling other Sri Lankans (who are mostly sinhalese) there.
we agreed on the array of terms that can be used in public.
i go with your janapadakaranaya. preferred word.
we need a premadasa type front end/contact point but driven by gota style resolve.
gal oya, weli oya in a larger scale. i'm happy.
food stamp became janasaviya, then it became samurdhi. but in substance it is the same!!
If we need a word to express exact meaning of the process we want the closest one is sinhalization or re-sinhalization. 'Janapadakaranaya' doesn't mean necessarily settling even a single sinhalese. One can do 'janapadakaranaya' (colonization in english) only with tamils (which we don't want).
I agree, GSL just need to use some fancy name for the program, possibly not colonization or even janapadakaranaya, of course not sinhalization. Probably some thing like uthuru wasanthaya 2, uthuru sanwardana viaparaya etc.
no need. that can arouse too many unwanted questions.
just do it without a name like GR's operations (which he denied until it was tooooo obvious!!).
for us to discuss it here we can use any word. i prefer colonization bcos it is UNAMBIGIOUS. the important thing is we understand what we want to do.
ppl had sex even b4 the word was introduced. otherwise the word would never have come into existence!!!
192 UN member states.
118 NAM states.
IF the general rule of majority is used, we only need the support of 96 nations. so even if 22 NAM states don't support us and assuming other nations don;t support us, still we are through.
if the north korean thing hots up even further, that is very good.
money-boon being a south korean is biased to USA. any escalation of violence in the region means bugger going mad and showing off his pro-US colour. then we can nail him better.
china will be all out to get him in that case with a BIG following.
still no clear response from india.
should GOSL trust india as it should trust china???
main benefits of colonization. in order of priority.
the list is ranked but not exhaustive.
1. frustrating TE
if the "tamil elam" can be turned to "sinhala elam" or "multiethnic elam" or "sri lankan elam" it AUTOMATICALLY frustrated the TE project. TE becomes impossible even if anyone wants it.
if at all some BS creates a seperate nation/unit/etc. it will revert back to SL as most ppl there would voluntarily want to remerge with SL.
this happens with or without EI.
2. defence
the best example is JCP. he developed the welioya sector to such an extent NO subsequent govt should dismantle ANY army camps there. they were VITAL for the security of threatened villages.
from welioya to vezapillai's once top secret 1-4 base complex of 14 bases, it was less than 15 km.
ultimately vezapillai abandoned 1-4 base and ran into thick jungle!!!
weli oya played a CRITICAL role in staging our move to mullaitivu.
we may recall 59 division was the SLOWEST to move forward of all mainland divisions. why??? bcos given the significance of mulaitivu, LTTE heavily resisted.
we had a "headstart" thanks to colonization schemes b4. had we started 15km behind, our journey would have taken more than double time.
meeting of the north-bound and south0bound divisions was CRITICAL for the final outcome of the war.
had we delayed even a few more weeks, we would have had to abandon the war!!! timing was SO CRITICAL. weli oya gave us an unfair advantage. having more sinhalas in welioya made things easier.
mavil aru is another example.
what happens in the north today by way of militarisation is yet another example. ranil can and will reverse these camps. i'm 100% sure of that. but if we settle ppl there, then there is no way even clinton can reverse these.
this happens with or without EI.
3. pre-empt and deter tamil madu colonization of north east.
large scale tamil madu colonization took place in the north east and still takes place.
close proximity, EASE of getting SL citizenship (ANY GS can give citizenship and GSs are dime a dozen!!! which makes SL the easiest place to get citizenship!!), language similarity, no deportation, economic prospects, better quality of life, etc. make SL VERY VERY attractive to tamil madu invaders.
b4 the war broke out SLDFs main challenge was to deter illegal tamil madu invaders (kallthonis). this shows how grave the problem IS.
occupying the north is the ONLY real way to deter them.
use it or lose it!!!
4. rooting out RACISM from politics.
racism in politics is the ROOT CAUSE of the problem.
since 1947 all elections in the north resulted in RACISM and racist parties winning.
this has to stop.
it is futile to expect tamils to reject tamil racism when they are the majority. this trend is not inherent to SL. it is seen in tamil madu as well.
e.g. in SL's NE and tamil madu there are over 41 tamil/dravidian racist parties!!!
however, tamils in toronto, london, colombo, nuwara eliya, etc. reject racism. instead they vote for national parties!!
the magic is the multiethnic society. in such a society, they MUST vote for the MOST FRIENDLY national party. otherwise BOTH lose.
this is the trap we should use to trap and kill racist parties.
even if they don't get wiped out, their number of seats reduces drastically.
when racist politics become less powerful, communalism becomes a lesser issue. a MANAGEABLE issue.
5. development
"south" of SL has very few options for expansion sustainably. for that we must use the 1,000,000 hectares we liberated in the north.
fruit of development must go to every community. employment, land, food production, profits of the use of these resources must go to every community.
due to the level of under development, it offers HUGE potential.
this happens with or without EI.
due to migration of 1,300,000 tamils from the NE region, it lacks ppl, especially young ppl tfor development. this makes it imperative to colonize these areas for development.
6. political importance
today the north is politically not very important as many districts in the south.
main parties - UPFA, UNP win 2-4 seats on average in the north. this happens no matter what they do or don't do.
most seats from the north don;t go to UPFA or UNP and therefore is not material to government formation.
due to tamil-only nature, north showed IRREGULAR voting patterns. this further frustrated mainstream political parties to commit LIMITED resources in the north where they knew would be thanked or appreciated.
e.g. premadasa imposed a full economic embargo on the north. it didn;t cost him ANYTHING politically. at the next GE, EPDP a pro-govt party won 9 seats!!!
ranil tried every trick to please the northerners. but AFTER his appeasement work, ppl even withdrew the support they gave him b4!!!!! at the 2004 GE, UNP lost VERY BADLY in the north-east.
as a result of these, north tends to get little attention.
but when ppl of all races live there, especially if ppl who vote for UPFA and UNP live there, political significance of the north increases. then NO GOVT can ignore them. when govt attention is on the north it benefits not only the sinhalas but ALL.
EI is required for better political outcomes.
So now it is more than evident the useless JVP is officially a puppet of the West. What a sad and pathetic, yet comical situation.
The noise by these “Trade Unions”, which are all JVP linked, is what is providing material for the US to do their own “GSP” review, where in order to have that a situation will arise where as put by the Island paper: "The upshot of all this is that private companies in Sri Lanka will have to get things cleared from the AFL/CIO headquarters before disciplining or sacking a worker for fear of the whole country losing GSP preferences. Even to change a work schedule, private companies will have to get it cleared from various trade unions and keep AFL/CIO in Washington informed that they have obtained permission from the local unions". And: "In addition to this common accusation, the AFL/CIO petition has several instances of what they claim are labour rights violations by certain (named) private companies. In fact 14 pages of the 27 page petition are devoted to the alleged misdeeds of the SL private sector. We have to presume, that if Sri Lanka is to pass the US GSP test, then it would not suffice for the government make the above mentioned changes to the legal and administrative framework, but it would become necessary to right the wrongs committed by the named individual companies as well. Clearly what we are experiencing now is an attempt by the western powers to micro-manage Sri Lanka."
These people are so bankrupt and useless and hated by the masses (only securing 3 seats), they like Ranil & the UNP have no other choice but to spit venom against the nation in hopes of creating misery on the people with the perverse idea that the people will then blame the Government for the misery and problems they create and come to power that way. They tried it during the war, did it work? No. They tried it during the PE and GE, did it work? No. What makes them think spitting on the nation and playing dirty tricks like this will fool the masses? All it does it drive them away from the Opposition and strengthens Rajapakse –the man these people are insanely jealous of and hate, with the desire of throwing him out of power, yet everything they do to achieve this aim (throw him out of power) has only strengthened him because the Opposition (Colombians/UNP/JVP+Fonseka) are not in touch with the masses, only thinking of furthering themselves and their personal wealth and power all at the expense of the masses by using conwork, lies and trickery which they have done for 60 years and which the people are sick off, hence why they vote for Rajapakse. Yet humorously the Opposition continues on this anti-people, anti-national, anti-Lankan, anti-Sinhala policy out of their own arrogance and hatred that takes them nowhere and only turns the people even MORE against them.
A quick re-post:
"As in the case of the EU’s 15 conditions for extending GSP+, the AFL/CIO’s petition against Sri Lanka to the Office of the US Trade Representative, is impossible to fulfil. According to the EU’s conditions, it is Brussels that will tell this country which provisions of the constitution to implement, which sections of the emergency regulations have to be repealed and how to cut and pare the Public Security Act and the Prevention of Terrorism Act. It will be Brussels that decides which prisoners to release and which prisoners to keep incarcerated, and how to amend the criminal procedure code. Brussels will also tell us whether Sri Lankan citizens can appeal to an international tribunal against decisions of our supreme court. If you accept the EU’s 15 conditions, you don’t need a government or opposition in this country. Mahinda Rajapaksa and Ranil Wickremesinghe both become redundant overnight, and you don’t need a chief justice or judiciary or a defence secretary or a police force. All those duties will be performed by Bernard Savage (The EU Ambassador) under instruction from Brussels.
It’s the same when it comes to the AFL/CIO petition that has been taken up for consideration by the US Trade Representatives Office. We really won’t need any trade unions, trade union leaders, a Ministry of Labour or working class based parties and the Thondamans, the Digambarams, the Sirinal de Mels the DEW Gunasekeras, and the Vasudeva Nanayakkaras all become redundant overnight. (See Box)
Some of the complaints made by the AFL/CIO sound reasonable like the one about the need to prevent the Registrar of Trade Unions from de-registering a Trade Union until the judiciary grants approval. Some are plainly ridiculous like allowing trade unions in the armed services and police and allowing strikes in the essential services. Whatever the merits of their demands, the point is that these are matters to be discussed by Sri Lankan trade unions and matters to be fought out here by our political parties. It was Prof. Kumari Jayawardene the pioneer labour historian who wrote a book on the history of the Trade Union movement in Sri Lanka. Well, that history will end in 2010 if the AFL/CIO has its way and a new era of American trade unionism in Sri Lanka will begin.
but who would buy it for a mere US$ 150 million???
dumb asses.
now EU jokers will come after us begging to accept it with lesser conditions.
the US GSP thing has to be skillfully managed by GOSL.
any national adverse impact should be avoided. but needless to go beyond that.
garment company owners in SL are UNP financiers. workers eating into their profits have no political implication for GOSL.
it may send the JVP and UNP on a collision course.
govt should protect SL industry and workers ALLOWING UNP and JVP to kill each other. there is no need to stop their tug of war.
toiletnet says NEXT has quit SL.
and relocated to bangladesh. remember the countries that signed the rome statute???
apart from japan and south korea, only bangladesh has signed it from asia. this shows bangladesh's will to do anything to get concessions.
we obviously cannot match it.
we have to find alternative sources of income making good use of the 1,000,000 hectares and 750km coastline we won.
it's trivia time!!
Q: what healed fidel castro's wounds of castration???
A: daya jayatilake's toung!!
and he is at it again.
bugger identifies problems correctly but his remedies are problematic.
he identifies 4 scenatios.
1. One is a Cold War which is already ongoing globally against Sri Lanka. This brings pressure from other governments and established international organisations against us.
2. The second possibility is non-violent civic resistance on the part of the Tamil people in the North and East. This is a Mahatma Gandhi-Martin Luther King option, which Chelvanayagam and Amirthalingam already resorted to. If the state or para-state forces resort to violence to crush it, the earlier mentioned global Cold War against us will intensify. The visit of Samantha Power, an assistant of President Obama and a member of the powerful National Security Council, shows that the Sri Lankan state is under the (passing) scrutiny of the White House.
3. The third kind of conflict which is possible is that by regrouped Tiger cadres, who may feel after several years of peace, that the Tamil people are deeply unhappy and that the Sri Lankan state has lost international support. If that is their perception, they may use Tamil Nadu as a rear base once again, re-insert themselves into Sri Lanka’s North-East and re-launch low intensity guerrilla warfare. One cannot rule out that some Eastern Tamils may also welcome them.
4. The fourth form of possible conflict is of direct external intervention as a result of a UN decision or an India-US agreement, and it will take the form of a ‘peacekeeping operation’, but will carve out certain areas as no-go zones for the Sri Lankan state.
so how can we PRE-EMPT these scenarions?????
1. why is there a "cold war" over SL???
is it to investigate war crimes and then will it be over????
fine, follow the norms.
it ends there.
or is it to divide SL???
then we have to preempt anyone demarcating tamil homolands. how to do it??? colonization.
2. oh!! the gandhian movement.
why are they trying a tamil homoland in SL and not in tamil madu??? bcos it is easily getable in SL. (india does not even use tamil as an official language!!! according to karunanidhi)
how to put them off??
colonization. even if they get it, it will be a chingala elam.
3. if LTTE raises it's ugly head again, we should be ready to wipe it out. we need a stronger army.
4. if the IC intervenes in SL on ground there is NOTHING SL can do. the way things are going it is somewhat likely.
the ONLY solution is TIMELY colonization.
even the IC will not be able to keep TE safe from its own ppl.
[Sujeewa said ..
RE: Ranaviru Fund
I am always willing to do my max. So we can do it. But I want a transparent manner than individual trust. Just to make sure that we can do our auditing.]
OK .. thanks Sujeewa for volunteering your valuable time and effort!
Let us do it!
Friends, please post your WILLINGNESS TO CONTRIBUTE here.
Don't have to pledge any specific amount. We will publish a list on a secure online page .. under your blog name, your real name, or both, at your option.
Any amount is welcome .. so don't be bashful.
Step right up to be the main attraction,
Form a line, and be a sight to see!
Come up close and watch the action,
The first in line stands right behind me!
We need a MINIMUM number of 10 contributors.
Mathematica said ..
[Ananda / Moses,
I think the following comment regarding Moses’ article, posted on lankaweb 2010/06/29, is relevant to your ongoing debate : ]
Nice post .. Mathematica!
Agrees with my views ENTIRELY!
BTW, I didn't know Moshe had been elevated to Moses .. I am impressed .. Moshe! Will we have to genuflect in your direction? LoL!
When is "Moses" scheduled to descend the mountain with the Fifteen Commandmants?
Oops! He Dropped and Broke one Tablet ..! He slipped up AGAIN!
Ten Commandments, Ten AGAIN .. Folks!
>> RE: Ranaviru Fund
>> Friends, please post your
I am willing to contribute financially, be it a one time contribution, or a small monthly sum over a long term.
Would like to know more details on the activities you planning to contribute to.
Also, on another related topic. Without waiting for the govt to do this entirely, can we do something to motivate people (especially unemployed youths from South) at least in a small scale, to move to north/east and settle there ?
Will India support Sri Lanka this time too?
P K Balachandran
July 5, 2010
COLOMBO: India is to mull over a variety of factors before it takes a decision on the draft of a letter which Egypt, the current chair of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), had written to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressing opposition to the expert committee on the human rights situation in Sri Lanka that he had set up recently. About a week ago, the Egyptian Ambassador in the UN had circulated the draft letter among the 118 countries that are members of NAM.
Official sources told Express on Sunday that India would first have to take into account the fact that the Mahinda Rajapaksa government has refused to cooperate with the panel, arguing that its mandate seriously erodes the country's sovereignty.
India will also have to bear in mind the fact that China has publicly backed Sri Lanka on this issue. India cannot be seen to be opposing Sri Lanka on this matter and allow China to get the advantage in the intense India-China rivalry that is going on in Sri Lanka.
India cannot ignore Colombo's argument that Ban had been arbitrary in Sri Lanka's case. He had appointed the panel without any resolution by the UN General Assembly or the Security Council or even the Human Rights Council asking for it. In contrast, the UN panel on the Israeli attack on the civilian flotilla in Gaza on May 31 had the prior sanction of these UN decision-making bodies.
New Delhi is constrained to take into account the growing pressure on the Manmohan Singh government from its ally in Tamil Nadu, the DMK, to take a tougher line against Colombo on the Tamil question, which is at the bottom of the human rights situation in Sri Lanka.
India will wait and see as to how the other members of NAM react to Egypt's letter. It is not clear how many in the 118-country NAM group will oppose or support the panel. The Sunday Times says that members of the Islamic Countries have expressed reservations.
Labour Rights US mounts pressure on Sri Lanka
Colombo: Close on the heels of the European Union’s decision to withdraw trade sops given to Lanka under the General System of Preferences Plus scheme, alleging non-compliance with international conventions on human rights, the US has begun mounting pressure on Colombo on labour rights issues.
[Would like to know more details on the activities you planning to contribute to. ]
Many thanks for volunteering to contribute! Great!
Regarding activities: We are thinking small right now, primarily direct aid from us to needy rana viru families.
Whether we can support things on a larger scale depends on how many will contribute and how much we can raise.
Your suggestion of using funds to underwrite settlement of the NE is a great idea we should consider, but is too ambitious at this startup stage. But, let us continue the discussion of this idea.
There is almost no way to hold the UN accountable for most of what goes on in this growing empire.... In fact, there is no procedure at the UN for impeaching or firing the Secretary-General....
—“How Corrupt Is the United Nations?”
Claudia Rosett
Read the full article to learn more about handy work of the UN.
Like Ted Turner, have our Eelamists donated generously to UN too?
RE: Ranaviru Fund
Count me in.
ps. I already fund couple of kids. I would like to include them in this scheme for better management. (At the moment I directly deposit to their accounts.)
please count me in for ananda's retirement fund!!
re: moses
as you know i write to SL media under that name. moshe is the correct jewish name of moses. if i write under k* moshe (surname not revealed) on colonization, some sections might speculate BS.
moses was the liberator of jews from defeat and suffering.
diyasena is the sinhala equal.
the meaning of the name moses is 'drawn out of the water'.
it's the SAME for diyasena. water-man!!
these are real barbarians brainwashing school kids and suicide bombing schools!!
and they have the audacity to glorify it.
well done SLA!!
"[TamilNet, Monday, 05 July 2010, 16:02 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers totally destroyed the remnants of the first Black Tiger Miller memorial statue Sunday night on the eve of Black Tigers’ Day which falls on 5 July, sources in Vadamaraadchi said. The remnants destroyed were the dais on which Miller’s statue had stood and the stone memorial plaque erected in memory of Miller. SLA which is systematically obliterating all evidences of Liberation Tigers in the North hastily destroyed what remained of Miller’s memorial monument Sunday night.
SLA had completely destructed the Miller statue located in front of Nelliyadi Maththiya Mahaa Viththiyaalayam in Vadamaraadchi when it captured Vadamaraadchi during ‘Operation Liberation’ launched in 1996.
The statue was reinstalled during the Cease Fire period of 2002 along with a new stone memorial plaque. ponnayo!!!
When war broke again SLA had destructed the statue of Miller but the dais and memorial plaque had remained.
Miller, the first Black Tiger of the Liberation Tigers, had died in his attack on the Nelliyadi Central College after SLA captured Vadamaraadchi in 1996."
what took so long to get rid of this piece of shitt???
Jay-han the Top Scum is begging his white masters not to provoke Sri Lankan nationalism. In a very subtle manner, Jehan Perera the scum dog is connecting the current condition in SL to that of Sudan. Perhaps, artificially drawing such parallels between SL and Sudan was his real motive.
where the hell are you????
the enthusiasism at the end of war has died down. we have to ramp it up.
all the big projects we discussed must start now.
govt should address any concerns of investors in these sectors. make their investments tax free.
if the private sector is not going to invest in these govt should invest ON A COMMERCIAL BASIS.
1. wind power
2. sugercane - ethonol, etc.
3. ocean based industries
4. etc.
our garment exports are likely to drop. may not be significantly. we have to more than match the drop.
if imports can be locally anufactured, BOTH sales and purchases will add to the SL economy.
energy being a BIG chunk of our imports and given our increasing demand, energy should take priority in DEVELOPMENT projects other than food production.
Ananda, old chap, count me in as well.
RE: Ranaviru Fund
Count me in.]
Thank you, Bro! Jayawewa!
I am sure people have seen this before, but it is a worthy reminder of the crimes against our people (some good comments as well -especially towards the end).
please count me in for ananda's retirement fund!!
Thanks, Moshe! I knew I could count on you!
My retirement is already fully funded .. by the Grace of the Holy Triple Gem.
I can still eat only one meal, and wear only one clean amude' and one pair of pants at a time.
So, my needs are few, and my wants are getting to be even fewer .. but, happiness and contentment is increasing every day as I survey the friends I make every day ... :)
BTW, I am planning to exclude myself from the management of this fund. I will help set it up, and remain only a contributor without a management role.
It is time to shift the burden and enable more energetic patriotic younger folks to carry the torch.
Fonseka lodges fraud case against Rajapaksa
July 5, 2010
COLOMBO: A Sri Lankan court Monday opened a hearing on charges of fraud against incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa by a former army commander who ran against him in the last election.
Former army chief General Sarath Fonseka, currently in military custody on charges of conspiracy, alleged that Rajapaksa rigged the January 6 presidential poll.
The case was heard in the Supreme Court by a five-judge bench headed by Chief Justice Ashoka de Silva.
The suit alleges that Rajapaksa illegally directed public officials to campaign on his behalf.
Lawyers for the president submitted their objections, and the Court scheduled the next hearings for Sep 13-15.
Fonseka is seeking to have the election result declared void, and to be named president.
Rajapaksa was elected for a second term with 59 per cent of the vote, while Fonseka polled only 40 percent.
Fonseka spearheaded the military campaign which defeated the Tamil rebels last year, but later fell out with Rajapaksa after he was demoted, and entered politics against the president.
Two weeks after the election he was arrested but was elected to parliament in April from custody. He has been allowed to attend parliament sessions pending his court martial.
Moshe said ...
[well done SLA!!
"[TamilNet, Monday, 05 July 2010, 16:02 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers totally destroyed the remnants of the first Black Tiger Miller memorial statue Sunday night on the eve of Black Tigers’ Day which falls on 5 July, sources in Vadamaraadchi said.]
Well done SLA, Indeed!
Every structure glorifying this monstrous murderous organization should be eradicated from Sri Lanka, just as those of the Nazis were eradicated from Germany and Europe.
Let all LTTE 'mahaveer" graveyards, monuments, street names, and place names be erased without trace.
The ONLY EXCEPTION should be a "holocaust museum" maintained in the Wanni to memorialize the tens of thousands who died in the Wanni Gulag of LTTE, to teach future generations of the dangers their racist apartheid ideology.
I am sure a lot of you have seen this before but it is a worthy reminder of the crimes committed against our people (with some good comments in certain areas).
NFF submits five proposals to include in proposed amendments to Sri Lanka's Constitution
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
July 04, Colombo: Sri Lanka's National Freedom Front (NFF) led by Housing, Construction and Engineering Services Minister Wimal Weerawansa has submitted five proposals to be included in the government's proposed constitutional amendments.
Among the proposals, the NFF has proposed the inclusion of a constitutional amendment that any person charged with the crime of separatism and acts in contravention of the country's unitary state concept be tried before the Supreme Court and final verdict issued within a set time.
The NFF has proposed that Clause 157(3) of the Constitution be amended in a manner that any person regardless of their social standing who directly or indirectly, in or outside Sri Lanka, support, espouse, promote, finance, encourage or advocate the establishment of a separate state within the territory of Sri Lanka be dealt with by the Supreme Court within a stipulated period of time.
NFF sources said that the party was looking at such a case being dealt with by the Supreme Court within a period of 90 days.
"The current laws are old and action could only be taken in the Court of Appeal for such an offence. We want this amended so that any one can file a petition at the Supreme Court and the Court would thereafter decide on it within 90 days," the source said.
Clause 157 of the Constitution deals with the "Prohibition against violation of territorial integrity of Sri Lanka."
Clause 157(3) states "Any person who acts in contravention of the provisions of paragraph (1) shall, on conviction by the Court of Appeal, after trial on indictment and according to such procedure as may be prescribed by law."
The other amendments proposed by the NFF to be included in the constitutional amendments are measures to safeguard fundamental rights of citizens and natural resources in the country.
The party has also proposed that measures be taken to emphasize the government's responsibility towards the public and ensure transparency.
Lanka no longer a third world country- Douglas
July 4, 2010
Minister of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise Development Douglas Devananda told Parliament on Saturday that Sri Lanka was no longer a poor third world country.
Participating in the Budget debate, the minister said that Sri Lanka had graduated to a middle-income country and the per capita income increased from US$ 1062 in 2004 to US$ 2053 in 2009.
The Minister said: "This is an achievement that we can be proud of. Our average economic growth has been increased to 6% in the past five years. In the first quarter of 2010 the economic growth rate was recorded at 7.1%. Unemployment has been brought down to 5%. Poverty levels have declined from 23% to 15%," he said.
Minister Devananda said the government would transform Sri Lanka into the "Emerging Wonder of Asia". The Government has managed many challenges both mandate and natural and made successful progress. Almost three decades of conflict has been brought to an end. Similarly, the tsunami-affected areas in the costal belt have been developed. We were even able to withstand the global financial and economic crisis.
The Government has given priority to infrastructure development initiatives with a special focus on developing energy sources, seaports, airports, expressways, road networks, bridges, new irrigation schemes, water supply projects, etc. Similarly high importance has been given to Education, Health, and Rural Economic Development. Despite many challenges, the Budget Deficit has been maintained at 8% of the GDP, which is commendable, and the IMF has extended its support.
The projected economic growth of 7% for the year is on par with the economic development for the fiscal year 2008/09 of India, the third largest economy in Asia. The LTTE was defeated by the government and the Government’s fiscal policies have stimulated the economic growth.
As a Minister of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise Development, my Ministry will play a leading role in the country’s development by mobilizing small entrepreneurs engaged in traditional industries, the handicrafts sector, and small industries and enterprises scattered all over the island.
Minister Devananda said that his Ministry will work towards bringing traditional industries from the war affected areas line with the rest of the country’s enterprises. In this regard, a medium term Results Focused Strategic Plan is being prepared by the Ministry. The SME, Industrial Development Board, National Craft Council, National Design Centre, Palmyrah Development Board, Elephant Pass and Kurinjativu Salterns, and North Sea Ltd. come under the purview of my Ministry.
Lanka no longer a third world country- Douglas
My Ministry will play a significant role by supporting in the transfer of technology to the rural industrialists and handicraftsmen; introduce innovative designs to enhance competitiveness in the market; provision opportunities to run trade, fairs at provincial and national levels to find market opportunities to promote handicraft and small industries; transfer technical, managerial and entrepreneurial skills and training to small medium enterprises; and streamline the availability of credit;’ provide quality raw material and equipment to support the SMIs and SMEs scattered all over the island.
Moreover, the 2010 Implementation Plan includes the reactivation of the Elephant Pass and Kurinchativu. Salterns which will be able to achieve a national salt production level of at least 60,000 to 80,000 Mt. in the medium term and provide employment opportunities to 2000 people.. These salterns will commence operation as soon as the demining activities in and around them are completed.
Further, the Palmyrah Sector, which comes under the purview of my Ministry, is also very important. We have proposed to develop this as a dynamic and vibrant sector with a focus on new planting, expanding the ‘Katpagam’ sales outlets Island wide, enhancing the production of Palmyrah handicrafts, and increasing sap, pulp, soft drink, and jaggery, production. We have also proposed to re-establish the Kaithady Research Institute, and to relocate the Head Office of the Palmyrah Development Board in Jaffna in line with the incorporation Act, and to enhance the living standards of those dependent on this sector.
The Annual Implementation Plan for 2010 along with other nation-wide initiatives includes the conduct of the Shilpa -National Exhibition, National Award Ceremony for Handicraftsmen and Small Industrialists, Kitul Production Programme, Development of Craft Villages, Industrial Estate in Atchchuveli, Jaffna, improvements to Polonnaruwa and Badulla Lakkam Sales Centres, establishment of Lakkam Sales Centres in the Northern and Eastern provinces and Common Service Centers.
My Ministry will work closely with other line Ministries, Provincial Councils, Federations of Chambers of Commerce and Industries, Private Sector and other Development Partners to fulfill the achievement of its mission.
He said that he too believed in the vision of President Mahinda Rajapaksa that "peace without development" or "development without peace" was not sustainable.
With the Liberation of the Eastern province the Government embarked on a "development drive" for the province. Now the government’s focus has been on the Northern Province, to prioritize demining operations and complete the resettlement of people. This year, government has a priority target to complete all demining operations, to resettle all IDPs, and to ensure their quality of life.
The resettled people will be given all necessary assistance for re-start their lives.
The reopening of A9 road, removal of restrictions on fishing, the openings of bank branches, and unrestricted transportation have expedited business development in the North and East. Assessments are being carried out to identify fully and partially damaged houses, buildings, hospitals, court houses, bus stands, market places, etc. to implement an accelerated rehabilitation programme.
Protestors led by Wimal outside UN office
Well done Wimal.
Lay siege to that stupid place. If they complain, Government must launch a verbal assault on the UN trying to deny freedom of expression.
All foreign employees should have their "diplomatic privileges" stripped, their finances and activities investigated and arrests should be made followed by prison sentences while “awaiting deportation”.
The local lackeys should also be investigated. They should learn that COUNTRY comes first and any anti-national work by them WILL have consequences.
The Frontline Club will be discussing press freedom in Sri Lanka and the impact that government has on its reporting of human rights abuses within the country. Is the Sri Lankan media in a position to hold the government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa to account?
Could the West and its media do more?
With us to discuss this will be:
Douglas Wickramaratne, poitical analyst, former president of the World Federation of Sri Lankan Associations and current president of the Sinhala Association of Sri Lankans in the UK;
Jonathan Miller, foreign affairs correspondent, Channel 4 News;
Edward Mortimer, senior vice-president and chief programme officer at the Salzburg Global Seminar and chair of the Advisory Council for the Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice;
Yolanda Foster, Amnesty International's Sri Lanka rsearcher
Chaired by Stephen Sackur, presenter of BBC HARDtalk who has recently worked on a series of 'HARDtalk On The Road' programmes looking at the legacy of thirty years of civil war in Sri Lanka and examining the country's commitment to human rights and the rule of law.
Video of the February 2009 event chaired by nurse Priyath
>> Regarding activities: primarily
>> direct aid from us to needy rana viru families.
This is good. Hope we have ground contacts in SL to find such families. Please keep us updated. I am particularly interested in sponsoring a child from such family who are doing well at school, but regardless, I will contribute to any other good projects you plan to initiate.
Let's not forget our true heroes of SL.
PS. In case you need to contact me directly, you can use frankdg 944 (No spaces)
So far, we have the following bloggers volunteering to contribute to the SLDF Rana Viru Assistance Fund:
Moshe Dyan
Konappu Bandara
We need about 5 more people to start up!
Communal approach to Politics takes center stage among Sri Lankan Tamils!
This is why, Ethnic Integration MUST BECOME NATIONAL POLICY to replace COMMUNAL POLITICS!
Forum of Tamil parties formed
Tamil political party and civil organization leaders met in Colombo on July 2 and formed the Forum of Tamil Parties. The formation of this organization is in furtherance of the consensus arrived at by representatives of Tamil political parties and Tamil political party circles that met in Colombo on June 24.
It was decided at this discussion for all Tamil political parties to work together as to what course of action they need to resort to in the future for the betterment of the Tamil people, having taken into consideration the political atmosphere. A decision was also arrived to invite other political parties that could not participate at this discussion and absorbing other parties to this forum so that all could work in unison to materialize the objective.
The discussion also focused on Tamil people’s problems face in the contemporary political situation. The forum decided to appoint a committee through which to present a work plan for achieving the objectives of the forum leading to solving Tamil people’s problems at present. The committee comprising R Surendran, R Ragavan, AC Kaileswararaj, T Sridharan, M Chandrakumar, Perinpanayagam, T Sivajilingam, M Kumaragurabaran and Sherin Xavier, was entrusted to draw up the work plan and present it to the forum on July 7.
Tamil United Liberation Front Leader V Anandasangari, Chelvanayagam Chandrahasan and Perinpanayagam of OPER Organization, Varatharajaperumal of EPRLF, (Pathmanabha Group) its Secretary T Sridharan, PLOT leader Dharmalingam Siddharthan and its members Sathananthan and Ragavan, Tamil National Liberation Front Leader T Sivajilingam, AC Kaileswararaj representing TMVP, Eastern Provincial Council Member T Prasanthan, TELO Leader Uthayan, G Surendran of Democratic People’s Party, Secretary Nalliah Kumaragurubaran and Western Provincial Council Member, Sherin Xavier and Mekala, representing civil organization, EPDP Leader Douglas Devananda, M Chandrakumar MP and Deputy Chairman of Parliamentary Committee, Silvestri Alandin Uthayan MP and EPDP International Organizer Miththiran participated in the discussion.
Forum of Tamil...
Western Provincial Council Member, Sherin Xavier and Mekala, representing civil organization, EPDP Leader Douglas Devananda, M Chandrakumar MP and Deputy Chairman of Parliamentary Committee, Silvestri Alandin Uthayan MP and EPDP International Organizer Miththiran participated in the discussion.
"NO Equal Opportunity for Tamils in Sri Lanka" cries Tamil Diaspora asylum advocates!
Tamils cautiously welcome asylum changes
July 6, 2010
Source: SBS staff and agencies
The government has lifted a freeze on asylum claims from Sri Lankans (AAP)
Australian Tamil groups have welcomed the government's decision to lift a freeze on processing Sri Lankan asylum claims, but say the situation in the country has not markedly improved.
As part of a host of policy announcements on the asylum issue made today, Prime Minister Julia Gillard slated Sri Lankan asylum claims would be judged on an individual case by case basis. This comes as a blanket freeze on claimants from this country is due to expire.
The freeze on claims by Afghan asylum seekers will remain in place, however, while the government reviews its policies.
Perambalan Senthooran fom the Australian Tamil Congress says the policy shift would come as a
relief for around 700 Sri Lankan asylum seekers waiting to be processed by Australian authorities.
"I know they have been under a lot of stress, depression, suicidal tendencies, and they were very fearful that they would be sent back home," Mr Senthooran tells AAP.
"Now at least they will receive a fair process and that's all they were after.
"They were fleeing from really horrendous conditions."
Palaniappan Kumarasamy from the Australia Tamil Association says all asylum seekers should be encouraged to enter Australia through the proper channels.
"All the people should not be encouraged to seek asylum here in Australia," Mr Kumarasamy tells SBS.
"[Bit] there must be some policy for those who are in danger, and who led the freedom struggle to apply to the government and there must some processing to understand if it is a genuine case or not."
Mr Kumarasamy says many Tamils are still disadvantaged in Sri Lanka, despite the end of a 25-year civil war between the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - or Tamil Tigers.
"We have not seen... a policy for Sri Lankan Tamils in Sri Lanka to have an equal opportunity in employment, in education, in every aspect of their life, so what does it mean when they say the situation for Tamils in Sri Lanka has improved," he asks.
I am already doing this through a school for two kids. I want to merge my work to this plan once I iron out the the channeling issues.
16,011 Army deserters granted amnesty in Sri Lanka
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
July 06, Colombo: Sri Lanka Army announced that 16,011 Army deserters have been granted amnesty so far.
These deserters have legally resigned from service under three general amnesties that were offered since the end of war in May 2009.
In the third amnesty that was in effect until June 30 this year, 2,062 Army deserters resigned legally, the Army said.
The amnesties were granted to the Army deserters as a relief for them.
Protest Marches are OK, but not holding UN personnel captive, or any form of violence against the UN.
Massive protest launched outside UN compound in Sri Lanka capital
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
July 06, Colombo: Sri Lanka's National Freedom Front (NFF) leader and Housing, Construction and Engineering Services Minister Wimal Weerawansa has led thousands of demonstrators to the United Nations compound in Colombo to protest against the organization's alleged interference in the country's affairs.
Over 1,000 NFF protestors gathered outside the UN office in Colombo and some have even climbed the parapet wall to protest against the appointment of an expert panel by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
The demonstrators commenced the protest march from Hyde Park at 10:00 a.m. today and marched towards the UN Compound at Bullers Road, Colombo.
The protestors have set up a stage blocking the entrance to the compound and begun a hunger strike at the premises, sources said.
Weerawansa last week called on the public to protest against the UN move to appoint a panel of experts on Sri Lanka by surrounding the UN Compound in Colombo and taking its staff hostage.
UN officials raised concerns over the Minister's threat last week with the authorities in Colombo and the Sri Lankan government had assured that it was not government's policy but an individual opinion.
The UN chief last month appointed a three-member Panel of Experts chaired by Marzuki Darusman, a former Attorney General of Indonesia to advise him on Sri Lanka's accountability issues regarding any alleged violations of human rights and humanitarian law during the last stage of the three-decade long conflict.
Sri Lankan government had vehemently opposed the UN's move to appoint the advisory panel on the basis that infringes on the country' sovereignty. However, the UN Chief had dismissed the Sri Lankan government's objections.
For some strange reason, some of my posts are disappearing!
For example, I had posted the list of bloggers who have so far volunteered to contribute to the SLDF Rana Viru Assistance Fund as:
Moshe Dyan
Konapppu Bandara
We need 5 more volunteers to start up!
Count me in for two kids I take care of right now. I have to think of a way to transfer the responsibility since it goes through a school.
Currently myself and my family + family friends are already helping Ranaviru families including school/education projects for their children, but we do this privately. I cannot make a blog commitment on their behalf -they are vary of "internet associations/friends".
This frontline club sounds like a pathetic joke. Looking at who is on it and "chair". Wow this thing is 4 Vs 1.
As for "can the West do more", the West should go to hell.
Adaderana has a "tell Ban-Ki Moon" segment, you can post what you think, it will be send to the UN.
Please post your comments there.
My Comment
Many analysts have show that appointment of this panel violates the UN charter. The Gen. Sectary has no authority wrested on him to appoint such panels.
On the other hand, just last year at the UN commission for human rights a motion was passed by the majority vote that there is no need to investigate Sri Lanka on human rights violations related to the war.
Mr. Moon has violated the UN charter and blatantly disregarded the motion of majority of UN human rights commission countries.
This clearly shows that Mr. Moon has acted illegally and arrogantly.
It is clear that the LTTE lobby and a few of the western countries were pressurizing Mr. Moon to appoint this panel.
The people behind appointing this panel and the illegal and arrogant nature of its appointment shows that it is predisposed to convict Sri Lanka regardless of evidence.
When the LTTE was massacring innocent civilians or when it massacred and buried 600 surrendered Sri Lankan police men or when it committed any other thousands of heinous crimes the UN didn’t even wink or even issued a statement. To the contrary last few years Sri Lanka members of parliament has shown that UN organizations such as the UNICEF had direct ties with LTTE and were actually supporting them secretly. Mr. Moon took no action on such blatant violations by his of staff.
Mr. Moons and UN organizations past and current behavior clearly demonstrates that they are sympathetic and even supportive of the ruthless terrorist group LTTE. The events leading to the appointment of this panel clearly shows that it was appointed illegally, disregarding the majority voice of the UN, just to please the powerful western countries and the LTTE lobby.
Therefore we have no confidence over this illegal arrogant panel.
By shamelessly violating the UN charter and disregarding the voice of the majority UN countries Mr. Moon has shown that he is ready to pimp the UN organization to extend the imperialistic ambitions of the western powers.
This also tells us that Mr. Moon is a shameless arrogant sleazy person, unworthy of a responsible position as the UN sectary general , probably the worst UN sectary general ever.
so sucker is the tip of a lager iceberg working against us.
its a shame GR gave him an opportunity to become important.
and they have amassed other anti-SLs for their cause. i think these MFs are going to do menial work of the panel since the panel jokers cannot come to SL.
"Forum of Tamil parties formed
This is why, Ethnic Integration MUST BECOME NATIONAL POLICY to replace COMMUNAL POLITICS!"
not quite.
this is why we need a COLONIZATION based approach to change the voters' composition in areas tamil racist parties get support.
if you look at them, TNA is not in it.
this means we have another TNA!!!!
this is why winning tamils' hearts and minds should not be the main strategy.
Ananda, dear chap, here is another big fat lie from one of these so called asylum seekers as reported on Radio Australia website. This malodorous heap of parrot droppings is claiming that his father's arm and mother's skull were broken because sonny took a boat trip to land down under. There has to be a bogus refugee handbook with standard lies listed for these wankers to parrot them en masse.
MICHAEL EDWARDS:(Sound of telephone conversation) Sara Nathan is phoning a Sri Lankan Tamil asylum seeker inside Villawood detention centre.
The man is facing deportation back to Sri Lanka and as an activist for the Sri Lankan Tamil community in Australia Ms Nathan is concerned for his wellbeing.
SARA NATHAN: They would prefer to be killed here rather than be sent to Sri Lanka.
MICHAEL EDWARDS: Sara Nathan says the man's family has already been persecuted in Sri Lanka and that he fears the worst if he's deported.
SARA NATHAN: The fact that he has left the country and claimed asylum, his parents were targeted, last week his father was beaten up his arm was broken and he ended up in hospital and the mother's head was broken as well, I think there was a fracture on the skull.
He says if they can do that to my family because I claimed asylum I can't even imagine what will happen to me; they'll definitely torture me and kill me so I definitely don't want to go back.
even if they stay in SL or australia, UK, canada or anywhere, they will discredit SL.
best option is to send them away.
SL should covertly encourage australia, canada, etc. to take AS MANY SLs as possible.
the less of them in SL, the better.
every bugger counts!!
what SL should do is to protect IT'S OWN border from kallathonis.
Moshe, old chap, these buggers will sell their own mother to get across to a white man's country. As you say it's good riddance of bad rubbish. We should definitely encourage them to go but should have a way to disprove these outrageous lies to protect the good name of the country.
On the monkey moon section of Adaderana i have left 4 comments already.
KB, Moshe,
We have been trying to disprove those lies for decades. The truth does not matter to para-suddhas. That is history.
They want to crush Sri Lanka in general and Sinhala Buddhist people as a whole and wipe our civilisation out due to their from their own deep intolerances and vile prejudices and have our heritage and culture replaced with one of pure servitude. They have made some head way with Colombians & mental slaves SL has in abundance. The fact our people have for 500 years resisted these SoBs is something they are still furious about.
They want us all to be their Colombian styles slaves (like South Korea and other white sycophant nations, including Japan to an extent).
So if crushing us means taking in a few hundred thousands kallathonis they will do it. It is an “investment”. They already know the loyal docile effeminate nature of Tamils towards them.
If we are to disprove the lies and defamation we need our own international media akin in terms of coverage and “depth” to CNN, BBC etc. We need to create one ourselves. Sadly our media is made up of white worshipping slaves who instead of fighting suddha and his lies as media in other nations would if assaulted in the same manner, they took part in exasperating them, playing “neutral” (wtf?) and all out supporting our destruction.
I say we encourage mass scale movement of as many kallathonis from within SL and from Toilet Nadu to suddhas lands. We can even set up an “illegal” system/transit point within SL and milk money out of the whole operation. Obviously suddha will not like to be flooded, so while we encourage a flooding (squeezing out as much $$$ as we can) we can cause some of those boats with kallathonis on them to disappear mid sea. Canada is the best place to send them, as well as Europe. They take kallathonis like flies to faeces.
And we have to do it now, before more right wing Governments come into power across Europe who will be tougher on admitting kallathonis while just as racist and vile as the West has always been.
Tamils cannot do more damage to SL, so there is nothing to worry about on this front. They have done the maximum damage they can do already.
KB, Moshe,
We have been trying to disprove those lies for decades. The truth does not matter to para-suddhas. That is history.
They want to crush Sri Lanka in general and Sinhala Buddhist people as a whole and wipe our civilisation out due to their from their own deep intolerances and vile prejudices and have our heritage and culture replaced with one of pure servitude. They have made some head way with Colombians & mental slaves SL has in abundance. The fact our people have for 500 years resisted these SoBs is something they are still furious about.
They want us all to be their Colombian styles slaves (like South Korea and other white sycophant nations, including Japan to an extent).
So if crushing us means taking in a few hundred thousands kallathonis they will do it. It is an “investment”. They already know the loyal docile effeminate nature of Tamils towards them.
If we are to disprove the lies and defamation we need our own international media akin in terms of coverage and “depth” to CNN, BBC etc. We need to create one ourselves. Sadly our media is made up of white worshipping slaves who instead of fighting suddha and his lies as media in other nations would if assaulted in the same manner, they took part in exasperating them, playing “neutral” (wtf?) and all out supporting our destruction.
I say we encourage mass scale movement of as many kallathonis from within SL and from Toilet Nadu to suddhas lands. We can even set up an “illegal” system/transit point within SL and milk money out of the whole operation. Obviously suddha will not like to be flooded, so while we encourage a flooding (squeezing out as much $$$ as we can) we can cause some of those boats with kallathonis on them to disappear mid sea. Canada is the best place to send them, as well as Europe. They take kallathonis like flies to faeces.
And we have to do it now, before more right wing Governments come into power across Europe who will be tougher on admitting kallathonis while just as racist and vile as the West has always been.
Tamils cannot do more damage to SL, so there is nothing to worry about on this front. They have done the maximum damage they can do already.
"Well informed sources said that there was confusion with regard to the safety and security of the expatriate UN staff and local employees.
Sources said that the UN may temporarily quit the mission as part of its overall strategy to increase pressure on the government in the wake of a deepening dispute with the EU over the withdrawal of GSP plus concessions"
Sounds like sour grapes. What kind of lame "threat" is that? Who or what the hell does the UN think it is?
Also "expatriate staff" should be investigated and imprisoned before being deported.
Pol Sambol, old chap, what our people should do is to throw rotten vegetables and old stinking fish parts from the market on to any UN vehicles they see on the road. No violence, just make the the stinky bastards smell even worse. They will soon start pleading with Monkey boy to withdraw his comic panel.
"Tamils cannot do more damage to SL, so there is nothing to worry about on this front. They have done the maximum damage they can do already."
you mean tamil elamists i guess.
it is only beginning!!
they work hand in glove with outside MFs. these outside MFs need tamil elamists to create trouble and TEs know that.
if you STILL don't understand this, try out this math trick.
y = (x-10).(a^2+500)
if you want to make y = 0 and a is not a complex number, there is NO WAY you can make (a^2+500) = 0.
instead if you make x = 10, y = 0!!!
we cannot beat superpowers. the more we try the more we get screwed. US-EU accounts for more than 40% of our exports. we need them.
a small move from them can change the political power balance in SL due to economic collapse. then everything is busted. china, etc. cannot do ANYTHING in that regard.
we cannot be a paraih state in the eyes of the western dominated world.
we have to beat tamil elamists. that will bust outside MFs' CONDUIT. it's the same end result but without confronting the powerful west.
Re: SLDF Ranaviru Fund
I want to help set this fund up with a Website and a Paypal payments gateway, and then move aside to being a contributor only.
I am sensitive to the charge that I may be doing this for my own benefit, and in moving aside immediately after it is set up, I can allay those fears. Besides, I am already doing too many such things, and would like to shift the burden to younger more energetic folks to carry the torch in the years ahead.
I would like to propose Sujeewa (based in Sri Lanka) and Sam Perera (based in the US) as co-Chairmen to coordinate activities both within and outside Sri Lanka, and have a few other SLDF patriots to round out the (small) management Committee. The Committee can decide how to rotate responsibilities.
Here are some additional ideas:
1. Incorporate the Fund as a non-profit charitable corporation in the US to enable tax-deductible contributions. It lends credibility in that you have to comply with the law in the State of Incorporation. I know how to do this and would be glad to help.
Remember, this tax-free status is reserved for non-political organizations only .. so that excludes anything other than purely charitable activities.
2. Identify matching-donation-sponsors as an incentive for regular donors to donate to the fund. The way it works is, a matching-donation-sponsor will match dollar-for-dollar contributions from others up to a maximum specified by the sponsor. In that way, we maximize contributions: for every dollar you contribute .. the fund gets two dollars.
I am willing to be one of those initial matching-donation-sponsors.
3. We can create some SLDF Ranaviru Fund T-shirts and Bumper Stickers to mail to the donors as a sign of appreciation.
4. I will also talk to Dhammika Siripala from the Rana Viru Fund (UK) about this idea, and get his input on whether we should collaborate in some way.
Please feel free to post your ideas, while we wait for the initial complement of 10 contributors to be reached. With Sam Perera, we have six people so far.
Remember, NO ONE SHOULD FEEL UNDER OBLIGATION TO CONTRIBUTE, because I am sure most of you are already doing your bit in your own way.
Give to this initiative .. only if you can afford to do so in addition to your current giving.
another aspect to it.
it is a "client" who will decide what to do with a prostitute. the pros cannot dictate a man should screww her for money instead of screwing his wife for free.
but as time passes, if the 2 continues, then the pros becomes powerful enough to control the client.
e.g. hamid karzai's men earned big money, power, fame, immunity, etc. from their US connections. they are US's henchmen but THEY TOO HAVE A PRICE!! US cannot simply ignore their needs and expect them to do the menial work.
it is GENERALLY not toilet elamists who guide the US, etc. its the other way round. US, EU, etc. GENERALLY dictate to toilet elamists.
BUT what practically happens is, it becomes a 2 way process. the prostitute (TEs) start to cry and complain that they won't be able to provide the same help due to the lack of this that and the other. then the client (US-EU) will have to pocket out these demands.
toilet elamists know US-EU depend on them to block "string of pearls", etc. with that knowledge, they dictate what they want to US-EU.
so it is not entirely true that it is US-EU neo colonialists who are using TEs to destabilize SL.
they do (my previous post) but they are also influenced by their cheap prostitutes who would blow ANYTHING for a little resturn.
this can be stopped by frustrating TE.
do you see the 2 sides of the US-EU-TE thingy????
A DEVIL DANCE to Expel the Evil of the UN Panel!
Vasa Kaviyakuth Kiyamuda?
Protesters watch dancers perform a traditional devil dance to ward off evil in front of the United Nations headquarters in Colombo July 6, 2010. Police on Tuesday clashed with protesters led by a Sri Lanka cabinet minister Wimal Weerawansa who vowed to besiege the U.N. office until Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon dissolves a panel advising him on possible war crimes.
I know we need to beat TE and that can only be done by recol.
But that does not mean ordinary citizens cannot "fight" the superpowers, through protests, media/propaganda of our own, the general attitude of people etc. (UN is different kettle of fish, so Wimal staging a demo against them is no harm done). It is a shame we have no NGOs or media to act as the wild bulls to defend the country –instead they act on behalf of their white masters, which constrains how the country fights this bs, leaving it up to the Government and they have to walk a fine line. NGOs & media serve as the Wests attack dogs, so you see no “official” attacks (typical type of manipulative deceit from suddha).
Also does not mean we cannot use the asylum boat people thing to our advantage flooding the West with kallathonis diverting them from SL means a decrease in potential problems large kallathoni/TE population would have on SL (is that not what you also advocated?) and increases future problems for Western countries already creaking with immigration issues that have made identity problems for the suddhas -getting them worried, making them expose their true racist nature more and more.
France is a good example of what will happen to the rest of North Western Europe in 10-20 years time, MASSIVE identity issues with the white frenchies feeling the country has already been “transformed”. Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway (haha), Finland, Belgium, Switzerland and even Germany are “feeling” the problems of mass migration that they have in fact gone beyond the point of no return especially because of the low white birth rates coupled with loony leftist policies.
I say we use this to our advantage and “tip the balance” so as to speak. Once non-whites become majorities or close to that those countries will enter civil wars. UK looks to be heading that way LOL. The country is over run with immigrants and the whites are FURIOUS about it. We will see violence.
Moshe I have always viewed Tamils as the hit force of the West to de-stabilise and control SL (it is history). Which is why they (West) ordered the human shield to justify intervention to save the LTTE and retain this foreign policy tool, and are now all out for revenge against SL for destroying the LTTE with the added hope of creating a new form of it and thus Tamil separate state in all but name (which they will use to control SL/Sinhalese and then accelerate to cause problems in Toilet Nadu if/when India becomes too strong and independent like China, of course there are other things such as religion and culture which suddha wants to replace and which Tamil violence creates avenues to do so i.e. by inducing poverty and misery on people it is easier to manipulate them tell them their ways have “failed them” etc).
Thus far the interests of Tamils and their TE crap coincides with the interests of the West. Hence why both are working together, but one is the master, the other not necessarily the slave, but the coolie willingly working. The die-ass-pora is an “investment”. It is the conduit point in the West with TE/LTTE/devolution the other point in SL. They allow the die-ass-pora to exist and let it grow and function (so long as they do nothing to hurt white lives/laws in any form) unimpeded to channel money to the LTTE sustain violence & racism in SL. Through the die-ass-pora they remote control SL while at the same time the die-ass-pora functions as a “deniability” tool, making it easy for the West to pretend to be “neutral” and “being duped/mislead” which also lets them enjoy the site of us doing a song and dance begging them to “see our side” and “be our friends”. They love to play full imperial and it strokes their egos.
I highly doubt Tamils are asking for anything in return, because the West is giving them what they want (separate state, revenge for LTTEs destruction, entertaining Tamil racism etc) as those things are ALSO what the West wants. If they started pushing the West around, or their goals stop being in sync with the Wests, the West will arrest them, jail them, deport the die-ass-pora ect. They will not hesitate to look after their own security and their media/NGOs will immediately turn against Tamils. Currently it censors all negatives about Tamils. If they stop playing ball Western media will be filled with hate and anger to thus justify “new” policy approaches towards Tamils (an example of this is Fonseka. Earlier was portrayed as war criminal and butcherer of tamils, after confirming his role as puppet, today nothing negative is reported about him).
mostly agree.
this is where disagreement sets in.
"I highly doubt Tamils are asking for anything in return, because the West is giving them what they want"
not quite. it is happening.
india is VEHEMANTLY against a seperate tamil nation in SL. but tamils demands this from the west.
west is in a dilema here. if they support a seperate tamil nation, they have to face india. without india, west cannot do anything in the REGION.
same goes for war crimes BS.
this war crimes BS will set up a precedent that will be used against pro-US less powerful countries.
e.g. eastern/central european countries, pro-us african/latin american countries.
but still this is a BIG demand of the prostitutes. don't give them this demand (even at the risk of own destruction to an extent) means TE prostitutes will no longer do bloww jobs!! they will do the rest.
get my drift???
this is why US-EU have to entertain these MFs demands despite they not being a perfect fit with US needs.
karzai is same. his corruption is going to play a big role in making the US afghan campaign very unpopular in the US. but it got to be done not bcos US cannot do with karzai but bcos it is easier to go with him than create and sustain another one. even if another is created, that bugger too will have demands.
musharaff another case.
mujahiddin/al qaeda, yet another case.
even in the case of a slave, you have to heal his sicknesses and give him food, etc. otherwise you lose your slave. in the case of SL, it is VERY difficult to find an equally dumb, hate-filled, globally dispersed slave than TEs.
so US-EU will also do their share to keep this slave whorre contended.
Moshe said ...
[a small move from them can change the political power balance in SL due to economic collapse. then everything is busted. china, etc. cannot do ANYTHING in that regard.]
Sri Lanka NEEDS to EXPORT and EARN PROFITS to achieve prosperity.
For that we need wealthy paying customers who are largely concentrated in the Western world.
Our friends in the East can help us with loans for infrastructure development, and provide certain goods (machinery from China and Russia, oil from Iran, coal from Indonesia and India, etc) but they don't have the wealthy customers (exception is Japan and certain Middle East countries) who can pay a good price for our goods and value added services. These Eastern countries will acquire that ability say ten years from now, but lack that capability at present.
Therefore, we need the Western markets for our goods, and we need their tourists.
Our goal in the years ahead will be to diversify our markets as the center of gravity of global wealth shifts, and make ourselves IMMUNE to politically biased acts of Western Countries who will be slow to change their historical prejudices and adjust to emerging realities. That is, they will try to manipulate the developing world as in the past, and will become increasingly frustrated as they lose that power.
Those difficulties in adapting to the emergence of new economic powers will induce frustration that will manifest itself through increasing military interventions in emerging nations of the developing world. The second invasion of Iraq is a classic example of that trend.
Establishment of foreign Universities: Govt ready with legal steps
Irangika RANGE, Sandasen MARASINGHE and Disna MUDALIGE
July 7, 2010
Higher Education Minister S.B. Dissanayake told Parliament yesterday that legal drafts and standards will be prepared to establish foreign Universities in Sri Lanka.
He said there are around 73 private educational institutes offering degree courses in the country.
These institutes have no direct link to the Higher Education Ministry, he said adding that they prepare students for the degrees offered by the foreign Universities. Answering a question raised by UNP MP Ravi Karunanayake, Minister Dissanayake said these institutes have their registrations with the Board of Investment as private companies.
He said there are Universities including the Open University of Sri Lanka under the University Grants Commission purview while there are two other Universities under the Higher Education Ministry purview.
Asked by Karunanayake about the cost per student in each course of study, the Minister said it was Rs 555,653 for Dental Science, Rs 463,476 for veterinary science, Rs 286,592 for medicine, Rs 263,321 for agriculture, Rs 180,845 for science, Rs 173,704 for engineering, Rs 123,813 for architecture, Rs 111,893 for education, Rs 109,135 for Business studies and Rs 57,767 for law per student of the Buddhashravaka Bhiksu University and Rs 241,517 per student of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
The Minister said there are eight institutes which have been recognized under Section 25 A of the University Act to amend some selected degree programs.
The Minister said ranking systems of Universities differ from one to another. During the past among Sri Lankan Universities only the Colombo University obtained an Asian ranking above 80. According to the Asia Week Asian Universities, the University of Colombo was placed 75th in 1999 and placed 77th in 2000. According to web metrics regional and global ranking of South Asian Region in January following local Universities have obtained rankings: University of Moratuwa (15), University of Colombo (17), University of Peradeniya (25), University of Sri Jayewardenepura (76), Open University of Sri Lanka (79) and University of Kelaniya (88).
A spokesperson for the "Australian Tamil Congress" is holding forth about those Sri Lankan demons .. Please go forth and demolish her propaganda ...!
India is obviously against a separate Tamil state.
But the West is not completely averse to the idea.
They (in reports by Governments, NGOs, think tanks etc) consistently point out how Tamils in SL can cause problems in Toilet Nadu and the link between the two.
Blake was in TN last April to stir up problems to force more action from the then benign Indian Government.
As you know they are using India as a counter weight against China (or at least trying) and creating a new cold war of sorts. Hence why Western media which used to be filled with hate and mockery of India is now pimping up India as a "super power".
However if India gets to strong economically they run the risk of creating indeed a new super power that will be independent of them. Similar way these SoBs greed and want for cheap goods turned China into a superpower. And unlike China, India is far more diverse and already broken on racial lines, there is constant conflict over race, religion, caste and class. It is easier to set India alight and they see Toilet Nadu, therefore TE in SL as the avenue of approach. Toilet Nadu being the source of all Tamils who have proven to be docile to the West will naturally be their billy boys (as Tamils harbour dreams of grandeur and “Dravidistan”).
Simply put the West will accelerate the creation of a separate Tamil state in Sri Lanka (laying the foundations for such today through the TE project/LTTE/Tamils racism/devolution) which will exist in all but name and use it as a launch pad to cause problem in India. In fact having such a state in all but name (i.e. through forcing devolution on SL which is what this war crimes bs is about achieving as well -a longer term goal, revenge/control being the short term one) is all it takes to then infiltrate India/Toilet Nadu and cause major wars, internal problems and unrest like done to SL but on a massive scale. Which is the Wests way of controlling India.
SL is trapped in a bigger game of not just “curtailing China” but one of curtailing India deep into the future.
Tamils want the war crimes bs for revenge, the West also wants revenge (for MR/GR giving them the finger when they came to save Praba) but sees greater opportunities with the war crimes bs. Other than staining Sri Lanka, if Sri Lankan “war criminals” do not play ball (i.e. give devolution/TE) then they have all the justification to put economic sanctions on Sri Lanka and try to create misery and hardships for the people –then people will throw out MR and bring Ranilam who will do his duties as a slave and hand over the North and East, maybe the rest of the country as well. Even if we refuse still and keep MR, they will then take the “genocide” angle (Powers bitch was here for that) like they did to Turkey over Armenia, and use it as grounds through their puppet UN to create a “Tamil autonomous region” in Sri Lanka (falling short of a full blown separate state to keep India happy, but exactly what they what I said above of prickling India). Naturally the West will be “forced” into doing this as the “unquestionable evidence” they themselves make up will be presented by various “independents”.
In fact this war crimes bs will be permanently (once turned into "fact") used to control, manipulate and threathen Sri Lanka.
it was tamil elamists who dragged this war crimes BS so much. west was not interested at one point.
also note TAG (toilets against genocide) is based in the US!! for obvious reasons despite USA having fewer tamils than UK, france, canada, australia, switzerland, etc.
it was US TEs who hired fein, boyle, etc. who led their genocide BS.
they have influenced the US govt to do this BS.
actually the US govt is split on the issue. they are aware of the likelihood of SL moving closer to china more.
that is what the kerry report pointed out.
but to keep their cheapest slaves happy, and to achieve their goals through these slaves, they have accomodated TEs demands for war crimes BS.
re: destabilizing india
apart from the TE project, other projects to destabilize india should be SUPPORTED by SL!!!!
yes. bcos it is not easy to destabilize india.
1. world's second largest army
2. a hostile region which will not be friendly to a new less powerful hindu nation
3. strong legal framework
but in the attempt, india will take precautionary measures. these will benefit SL. worse come to worst india will team up with SL to screww tamil madu separatists.
The West is the one who invented this "war crimes" to punish Sri Lanka, they were talking about it after Killinochichi fell, when they had to "do things themselves". It is not something the Tamils pulled out of nowhere and the West followed reluctantly. It is the other way round.
A bunch of stateless rats do NOT control OR influence the West.
They are merely providing them with what they want, i.e. being the conduit of interference, “evidence” and other crap to fulfil the Wests agendas. They do not give a tinkers damn about TE or Tamil “grievances” and other bs like that. What they do care about is furthering their interests, and currently Tamils interests coincides with theres. If they really wanted to they would/could ignore the Tamils bs and get on with SL/MR (they know they can) but they are thinking long term and they need a fully active TE (in all but name) to control and mess around the region (including India later) which is something MR and Sinhala people will not give (+ having a strong independent people and nation is something they detest, they prefer a nation of slaves, all of us to like Ranilam). Even if Ranilam tries to give TE through devolution there will be massive opposition. So they have no choice but to FORCE it on us. They had the LTTE holding the territory at first, now have to try a new way.
Both are our enemies, both work against us, both have committed horrific crimes against us and we should not loose sight of that fact at all.
We can actively fight TE (through recol) and pretty openly (including white van rides) and as you said we cannot fight the West out right (we should exploit what we can in terms of markets as spelt out by you and Ananda). However just because we cannot fight the West as we can fight TE, it does not mean we make excuses for them or lie flat and surrender. We must challenge what they say and try and do. The Government cannot, but the people, NGOs, media can (sadly they do not).
Sinhala people have to understand once and for all these suddhas will never support us. They will never be on our side. I do not understand why people desperately try and “win them over”, it will never happen. You just need a history lesson to understand why.
And of course we need their markets or whatever, but that to does not mean we as a people have to be servile. Other countries (in ME, Bangladesh, South East Asian countries) access Western markets but are rude, crude and detest white people.
"A bunch of stateless rats do NOT control OR influence the West."
once again we go to the first argument.
1. they don't control the west
2. they DO INFLUENCE the west to a certain degree.
of course if their influence US to take on india that will never work. but if the target is SL, then it is nothing for the US.
sure, US-EU had their plan but it was TEs who influenced it to follow this BS approach to the max.
US-EU had many instances to get involved in SL, do BS and split the country.
in 1989 they could have done that under the pretext of HR violations, war crimes, etc. but nothing happened.
in 2002 they could have intervened when norway was already in SL!!!
after the 2004 tsunami they could have EASILY done that. they were here in SL!!
but no.
this war crimes BS is a TE-US-EU joint initiative.
even rats in new york have influence!!! many US health agencies keep a close watch over them. at any sign of communicable disease, they take precautionary measures.
With regards to war crimes BS, the West only got real energy to follow through with it after Gonseka opened his mouth.
(Which i believe was part of the agreement made between him and the West).
The West pushed the Channel 4 video forward courtesy of Sunsanda Desripya as "evidence" of war crimes because after the UNHRC humiliation they realised they "needed proof" to mount the war crimes bs (and the opportunities such a thing provides to threaten and manipulate SL) and so they colluded with Tamils to get “proof” using LTTE propaganda footage but packaged through a “non-Tamil” source (JDS) that is funded by the West -how cute (and once again Tamils do their bit for the West). The video was poorly made because Desripya is a dumb incompetent retard and they did not expect the strong and humiliating response from SL.
The whole thing died down then (but you can tell they were pissed they lost it as it was used in the State Department report, they just watered down the language). Until Gonseka opened his mouth. This is what gave such energy and strength to the whole anti-MR/anti-SL/anti-Sinhala movement and war crimes bs. That bastard did so much damage and it was clear when the “split” (back in October 2009) happened these people got into high gear waiting for “juicy” details that that pile of shit delivered.
Up to then the West had lost interest because they had NOTHING to push the war crimes bs, even that bs from the Times of “20,000” dead died off. It was Gonseka who gave them the energy (no doubt in accordance with his deals with the US he made in October –that trip “confirming” he would be their puppet).
After Gonseka spoke, Desripya re-made the tape to try and eliminate/reduce the errors Siri Hewa pointed out, what Alston mutt “authenticated” pretty pathetically using dumb logic and reasoning was a different tape, still loaded with errors as the premise was “they are speaking Sinhala and in what looks like Army uniforms” –which is apparently all the proof it takes to find SL guilty. It is clear that the sound has been dubbed and footage cut all over the place produce that ridiculous video.
"Up to then the West had lost interest because they had NOTHING to push the war crimes bs"
even the US possible war crimes report last year was not fully pursued.
gonzeka played a big part. gonzeka is a tamil elamist.
"SLA converts Valvai Monumental site into army playground
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 07 July 2010, 05:08 GMT]"
as we used to say in school, "ela ela".
Its funny to see all the Colombians spamming Adaderana and DailyMirror with "hurt" that their masters were "insulted".
The level of mental slavery is unbelievable. As is the hatred for Wimal, then again he did bust up Gonsekas election campaign exposing el Janaral as a corrupt whore (from Sapphire gate to HiCorp debate) ruining any hopes these morons had of coming to power.
Can the Israel behind the all the covert help to LTTE terrorists?
Israel trained LTTE terrorists, while they were showing the traing support for Sri Lanka.
Israel is the main suppoter for Eritria to cesede from Ethiopia and still Israel the big force behind terrorist activities organize by Eritria.
What is the need for eritria to support LTTE? there is no connection al all.
Can that be this grand master, who is supplying and creating a base in this poor country.
The West has always been involved in Sri Lanka, mainly thanks to Colombian slaves ruling us, reaching unprecedented levels in 2001 with Raniliam where the Western embassies ran the Government.
The Tsunami time they invaded this country by their NGOs also at unprecedented levels and thus gave huge help to the LTTE. The LTTE got a massive boost where these “humanitarian NGOs” built the LTTEs infrastructure as order by their paymasters in the West.
There was no need for any war crimes bs by the West back in 2002 or earlier periods because everything was either “under their control” in some form, the LTTE was around and the country was divided and in some mess that paved easy way for manipulating and controlling.
It is because the LTTE is gone now (and the nation is united and strong) they have lost their way of muscling into Sri Lanka and are looking for a new one (they tried Gonseka). They even say so in the ICG report, where they say openly that they can use “war crimes” to force MR make “meaningful political reforms” --> devolution --> TE in all but name. Which under Ranilam or some other donkey they can achieve easily (as done with the CFA which handed them over territory legally which is why West was furious when MR abandoned it as it took back “devolution”) and when the LTTE was around there was a permanent guarantee of the North and East being “devolved” from SL, as we needed “permission” to enter the North and East and everything was being run by a “separate” administration (i.e. the LTTE bossing around and controlling the state structure that existed).
The North and East were basically a formal separate unit and it has been like that since the late 80s (until MR ruined everything). No need for them to actively split the country, it was already done and they had lackeys keeping it that way.
Because MR unified the nation and brought stability they are now having to work hard themselves to try and undo what he has done and bring instability again
israel openly supported SL after 1995.
when LTTE and STF were trained together, both parties knew it. it was never kept secret.
things changed when LTTE showed its true colours with suicide bombings, etc.
israel is the only country that gave SL military technology.
e.g. deborah boats manufactured at colombo dockyard
some key pieces of equipment that changed the war are israeli.
SLAF - kfair
SLN - super deborah mk-3
SLA - EMIT blue horizon-2 UAV
this MAY be a fluke. during the same time, jewish presence in SL started to feel more.
synagogues that were almost non present in SL started functioning.
kosher foods started getting listed.
ultimately the first kosher mikva was built in SL during this time.
so its an open two way thing.
"There was no need for any war crimes bs by the West back in 2002"
it's not war crimes BS. there are many other BS excuses they could make to split SL. but they didn't.
colombians are such an ungrateful lot. even the west don't trust them too much!!
Ananda-USA said...
Re: SLDF Ranaviru Fund
I want to help set this fund up with a Website and a Paypal payments gateway, and then move aside to being a contributor only.
I would like to propose Sujeewa (based in Sri Lanka) and Sam Perera (based in the US) as co-Chairmen to coordinate activities both within and outside Sri Lanka, and have a few other SLDF patriots to round out the (small) management Committee. The Committee can decide how to rotate responsibilities.
4. I will also talk to Dhammika Siripala from the Rana Viru Fund (UK) about this idea, and get his input on whether we should collaborate in some way.
Hi Ananda,
I haven't been following the blog due to hectic work schedule.
Dhammika does good work. I recently gave Rs 100,000 for a soldiers limb, which is done by him. These limbs seem to be better than the ones that are given by the government (I think cost around RS 30,000)
Was planning to pay for another one soon. If you have better Ideas, don't mind contributing your one as well. I will contribute $500 as start up.
"Historical event in Sri Lanka
Last Wednesday – 28th of Iyar, an historical event was recorded at Chabad house of Sri Lanka: for the first time in history, a book of Torah was completed in the country and put into Chabad House!
The book of Torah which was donated by friends of Chabad House, entered with much splendour into its new home and was honoured by the presence of the esteem donators, Israel’s ambassador to India Mr. Mark Sofer, a delegation from the embassy, relatives and friends.
One by one, the guests participated in writing the last letters in the book of Torah, followed by a parade around the Chabad House and then Hakafot and entering of the book of Torah into its place with singing and dancing.
Thereafter, a festive dinner took place, during which Rabbi Mendi Crombie, his father and other friends said words of gratitude and blessings. All of the guests noted how excited they were from this historic event and wished that it will be the beginning of an active and vibrant Jewish community in Sri Lanka."
here's the link
Israel also very
good in double games. Country like Israel would happy to test their vepons and technogies against a terrorist organization, which is innovative in their tactics.
It is well known, that israel is behind the eritria to help militeraly to fight against ethiopia and all other countries around it.
Why eritria for a LTTE base. since israel is strongly presence in Eritria, cant they be the reason behind the support for LTTE.
Training LTTE by ierael came to public due to book written by a Mosad agent. Israel train terrorist again legitimate government due to some political or religious reasons.
Behavior of Norway, the church in SL and the other christian countries, would explain, what were the real motives behind helping LTTE terrorist.
Israel and norway help Eritrian terrorist against Ethiopia due to simple reason. i.e. power of the eritrian region was on the hand of christians.
Can that be the same simple reason to help LTTE terrorist in SL by Israel and Norway?
Do you know the way LTTE terrorist pay the Inner City Press to promote their terrorist agenda.
You are spot on. The religious zealots have their tentacles everywhere.
Thusitha, brother ..
[Was planning to pay for another one soon. If you have better Ideas, don't mind contributing your one as well. I will contribute $500 as start up.]
Good to hear from you .. after a while!
Yes, Dhammika does very good work!
I had suggested that a "World Sri Lanka Defense Organization" with branches in every country of the world be set up, similar to the TGTE, with elected officers, fund base and resources, both local and global, to confront the emerging power of the TGTE network.
Likewise, the Rana Viru Fund .. started by Dhammika, Mahindapala and company in the UK, can have local Chapters in every country, with a local non-profit status. It could be locally administered with the freedom to directly fund small projects, but also collaborate with other chapters on bigger projects.
As in ALL other things, in UNITY lies STRENGTH.
Thank you very much for your generous offer .. we are very grateful for your support!
We are getting close ....!
We now have the following SEVEN people
Moshe Dyan
Konapppu Bandara
Sam Perera
volunteering to contribute to the SLDF Rana Viru Fund!
THREE to go form the required STARTUP Quorum of TEN!
Step right up to BE the Main Attraction,
Form a line, BE a sight to see,
Come up close and JOIN the action,
The next in line, stands right AHEAD of ME!
This Protest by Sri Lankans is GOOD, but GOSL MUST ENSURE SAFETY.
Removal of POLICE PROTECTION is asking for TROUBLE, given that there are enemies waiting to EXPLOIT every opportunity to CREATE PROBLEMS for Sri Lanka!
Remember the "embassy seige" in Tehran during Jimmy Carter's Presidency?
Sri Lanka's feud with the UN turns acrimonious
By Charles Haviland
BBC News, Colombo
July 7, 2010
On a leafy Colombo corner, surrounded by hundreds of his nationalist supporters and Buddhist monks, Sri Lankan cabinet minister Wimal Weerawansa burns an effigy of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.
Protesters burn Ban Ki-Moon effigy Mr Ban is a figure of hate among the protesters
The crowd shouts anti-UN slogans in Sinhala and jeers when cars leave the UN compound.
UN staff say they feel scared and besieged; the world body delivers a strong protest.
The government says the demonstration is peaceful and orders the police to leave.
Would-be hunger strikers lie on a mattress.
What is causing this unusual stand-off and why are Sri Lankan nationalists so angry with the UN?
This battle arises from Ban Ki-Moon's appointment of a three-member international panel to "advise him on accountability issues" relating to allegations of war crimes by both sides in the final stages of the civil conflict.
From the start, plans for the panel angered Colombo.
It denies allegations that it targeted and killed civilians, or shot surrendering Tamil Tigers.
It says Ban Ki-Moon's move is an unwarranted interference in its affairs and says he has no backing from the UN's Security Council or Human Rights Council.
'Excessively politicised'
An anti-UN protester told the BBC he used to see the world body as something which helped his country, but now he felt it was getting excessively politicised.
Anti-UN protest in Sri Lanka Tempers have often flared during the protests
Cheered on by a largely supportive media, the government says the UN's action is hypocritical, alleging that no similar attention is paid to civilian deaths caused by Western powers in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan - the same powers that it often accuses of hounding it, chiefly the US and Britain.
The constant refrain is that Sri Lanka, a small country, "defeated terrorism" and that the rest of world is jealous as it has not enjoyed similar success.
And the Sri Lankan government says that, like other countries re-examining past deeds, it has set up its own perfectly adequate mechanism, namely the Commission on Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation which was announced in May.
The government says this should be given a chance to do its work and was gratified when Hillary Clinton gave it a cautious welcome.
The backdrop is one of strong nationalism in which Colombo stresses its many Asian political allies and deprecates its critics.
Buddhist monk walks past anti-UN protesters The demonstration has been supported by nationalist groups and monks
It is a largely Sinhalese nationalism, not one which appears to have many Tamil or Muslim adherents.
"Why should I worry about others? If India and neighbours are good with me, that is enough for me," President Rajapaksa said last week.
On the other side sit the critics of the Sri Lankan government.
They list allegations that international humanitarian law was breached and say there is enough evidence to warrant an international inquiry.
There must be a process of accountability of Sri Lanka if it is to move forward, they say.
Prominent among them are the head of the UN Human Rights Council, Navi Pillay (although the council itself has refused to censure Colombo), and a UN special rapporteur, Philip Alston.
Sri Lanka's feud with the UN turns acrimonious
The top UN leadership points out that a joint statement by Mr Rajapaksa and Mr Ban last year guaranteed that Colombo would take measures to address human rights grievances thrown up by the war.
They say this must be followed through.
Isn't the Commission on Lessons Learnt good enough for that?
International human rights groups including Amnesty International say they doubt its efficacy and point to what they say is a string of failed commissions of inquiry in Sri Lanka's past, going back decades and achieving little or no justice.
Domestic and foreign critics say the mandate of the domestic commission appears to be quite narrow.
"If they don't like our own panel, why don't they just ask us to broaden its mandate?" says Supporter of cabinet minister Wimal Weerawansa
Its head this week told BBC Sinhala that it is centred around the failure of the ceasefire which was originally declared in 2002 - it does not appear to cover the controversial closing stages of the war in 2009.
Mr Alston has even thrown the charge of hypocrisy back at Colombo, as the Sri Lankan ambassador to the UN heads a UN committee looking into allegations of Israeli human rights violations.
But the demonstrators at the UN compound are sticking to their line and promising a hunger strike until Ban Ki-Moon withdraws his rights panel.
"If they don't like our own panel, why don't they just ask us to broaden its mandate?" an indignant associate of Mr Weerawansa asked the BBC on Wednesday morning.
In a sense, Mr Weerawansa is following through on the government's own repeatedly stated line.
The authorities seem quite happy with what is going on, at least as long as it does not get further out of hand.
But the UN (to which Sri Lanka, of course, belongs) has made its unhappiness known.
It regards events since Tuesday as excessive already. What it may be saying to the Colombo government off the record is anyone's guess.
Little by Little, India is FORCED to deploy the Army against Maoists. GOOD!
ONLY an omnipresent Indian Army can create the secure environment needed for DEVELOPMENT to take hold.
‘Logistical support from Army against Maoists’
July 06, 2010
BANGALORE: Defence Minister A.K. Antony Tuesday said the armed forces would extend logistical support to the state police and paramilitary forceS in combating the growing Maoist menace in parts of the country.
"Though armed forces are mainly meant for safeguarding the country's borders, they will give all the logistical support, including training, supplies and more aircraft," Antony told reporters here.
Admitting that the Maoist problem was a serious threat to the country, Antony said the government was seized of the issue and working on a two-pronged strategy.
"We will deal with them strongly by using the legal force available with us. On other side, we will have massive development programmes in the undeveloped tribal belts. Both strategies are working," Antony said at a defence function here.
Expressing confidence that the state police and the paramilitary forces would tackle the Maoists, the minister said the army would set up training units in Chhattisgarh where Maoists have been wreaking havoc.
"Land acquisition is in the final phase for setting up army training units in Chhattisgarh. State police and paramilitary forces will be trained to counter Maoists who indulge in hit-and-run attacks," Antony added.
Pol Sambol said ..
[It is because the LTTE is gone now (and the nation is united and strong) they have lost their way of muscling into Sri Lanka and are looking for a new one (they tried Gonseka). They even say so in the ICG report, where they say openly that they can use “war crimes” to force MR make “meaningful political reforms” --> devolution --> TE in all but name.]
Absolutely TRUE!
Removal of POLICE PROTECTION is asking for TROUBLE, given that there are enemies waiting to EXPLOIT every opportunity to CREATE PROBLEMS for Sri Lanka!
This worries me a bit. I believe that WW is disciplined enough not to use anything close to violence. We have to deploy STF to make sure that any monkey cannot exploit the situation.
andare, sam,
israel wanted military bases in the horn of africa that's one reason for difficult relations with eritrea. that is understandable. norway had their agenda in eritrea too.
help LTTE got from eritrea was nothing compared to what it got from other countries. most eritrean weapons were not dispatched to LTTE.
LTTE's biggest weapons supplier was china-north korea!!!!
also eastern european countries.
re: training LTTE
but the GOSL was informed of CONCURRENTLY training both STF and LTTE. this is bcos israel, like many other countries in the immediate aftermath of the 1983 riots didn't want to take sides.
things changed when LTTE started to grow.
israel need not test their weapons in SL!! there are bigger terrorist problems in the region where these can be tested ANYTIME. also there is no need to give military technology to SL when no other country did!!!!
the growing relationship of isr-sri is much bigger than defence. for such a relationship to prosper, there should be an underlying trust.
re: double games
well sri lanka too plays double games!!!!
while securing weapons from israel, SL borrowed money from iran!!!!
getting money and weapons from both india and china!!!
this is diplomacy.
christian agenda and jewish agenda are two different things. clashes between the 2 go back 2000 years.
we can test any hypothesis which is good. but we have to be factual not speculative.
for instance gonzeka has done more damage to SL than israel did by training LTTE in the 1980s!!!
west waited till they could get DEPENDABLE SLAVES who will do ANYTHING.
they could only find tamil elamists fitting that description.
without them west cannot take forward their agenda. that is why they didn't do it in the past when they had opportunities.
war crimes BS is JUST ONE opportunity. there were plenty in the past.
all slaves come at a cost. it is a must that even the most menial slave is given his basic needs. the most basic need of tamil elamists is tamil elam by whatever name.
WW should stop his BS now.
i can't understand why GR instructed police to move out!! (if that's true)
this is horrible.
HIZB ut-Tahrir, which urged Australian Muslims to boycott democracy in "this godforsaken country", is to hold study sessions in Sydney to coach its followers in how to achieve their goal of an international Islamic state.
Read more: Hardliners offer classes in Sydney on how to attain Islamic stat
Haha. Next it would be LTTE in Canada, UK and Australia. How to attain a Global Tamil State
I have to agree with you.
Moshe please do not get offended.
But I have always believed in the Jews “control” the US thing.
There are a large number of Jews in high levels and sections of US Government holding key positions.
Media is heavily controlled/run by Jews.
Large businesses and multinationals of the West are run by Jews (Jews excel at trade and business/commerce).
You will find most anti-SL NGOs (ICG, AI, HRW and other minor ones obsessed with HR/media freedom) have Jews in high positions. ICG founder/owner is a Jew
Media: Times, BBC, CNN, Channel 4, NY Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post all run owned and have Jews in them (on editorial boards) along with the rest of Western media.
Murdoch controls most world media, from the US-UK-AUS.
Bruce Fein is a Jew isn't he?
The "Inter Press Service" was founded by some blogger called Mathew Lee who was given a green light to be the official mouthpiece of the UN. He is a leftist moron (which is why he was considered for the job in the first) and like other leftist scoundrels is deeply intolerant of those who disagree with them and their viewpoint and can extol extremely racist behaviour and attitudes with missionary zeal. Lying, manipulating and disseminating propaganda or “mistruths” is part and parcel of the job.
Pretty funny when these people portray themselves as "progressives" and "fair" when they are anything but and prove to be worse than extremists who they always claim to be fighting against. They are the very things they pretend not to be and are ardently “against”, ending being a thousands times more insulting, rude, manipulative, racist and worse. (They have a pre-set conclusion revolving around whatever agenda they are pushing and will manufacture evidence to meet that conclusion, if that means lying –using media etc- it will be done).
This retard Lee was given this job because he pushes the US line. He viciously attacks and condemns nations in the UN (and the UN itself) when it does not tow the US/Western line in some form, hence given the job. Thus he “exposes” the “frauds” in the UN (i.e. not agreeing with the West) and makes himself sound like some “unbiased” saint who “maintains” the impartiality of the UN (i.e doing what the “holier than thou” West says where little brown people the world over must bow down to them, if not there is something wrong with those brown people, they are evil and must be demonised, killed if necessary).
He is just another propaganda arm and Western agenda pusher wrapped by as “unbiased” and “fair” (like Western media) that checks and balances the UN (i.e. pushes/ensures Western interests) so whatever he says must be the absolute truth.
BBC bs, who is Muzzamil then?
They always try and split minorities from the majority. Stupid SoBs
Most comical is this crap that the Moors/Muslims are also "mistreated" and "discriminated" by Sinhalese and other bs.
These people care for Muslims do they? Wow. The way they are demonising and treating muslims in their own countries, denying them their religious and cultural rights to carrying out slaughters and genocides in Muslim lands speaks for itself.
Moors/Muslims have never complained because they are treated so well and they know it. Our best soldiers have been from the Moor/Malay community. We all know how patriotic they are as a community.
Bro Ananda
re: volunteering to contribute to the SLDF Rana Viru Fund
Most certainly count me in Aiya.
Like many of you, I have done my own thing, and continue to do so, on many different fronts in appreciation of our beloved Ranavirus, but I simply cannot resist the urge to partake in this for two different reasons, namely, for one I deeply appreciate this initiative by you (and others who have joined in so far) and secondly want to express my comeradarie and be a part of it. Count me in for $500 for starters.
OaO Asithri
[You will find most anti-SL NGOs (ICG, AI, HRW and other minor ones obsessed with HR/media freedom) have Jews in high positions]
Bang on!
I myself have seen the how the high-ranking Jews in these orgs have been wined and dined by the mommafucker Vesa-Tamiz in the west (that's because I had inside info. from other Jewish volunteers in these groups who worked in the same large employers as I am/have been and they, swallowing the hook line and sinker of the "anti-GOSL" sob-story bait I gave them, used to relate to me everything post such meetings/events - and some of it, selectively, I have passed onto "Colombo" !
Aha, rather unscrupolous on my part to do so?
You bet! And I will do so hundred times more gladly.
My motto:
As long as the end justify the means - just do it!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
I fully agree with the protest outside the UN office.
However, WW being a GOSL minister should have stayed in the shadows.
Either way, protests are a way of life the para-Suddhas world and any bitch taking issue over this protest must be raked over the coals for his/her undemocratic principles and the finger (not necessarily the middle, but preferably :)) must be pointed at any attempt to muzzle this protest as yet more proof that this "expert panel" is not what it appears at face value and that it only a hidden agenda from anti-SL forces, namely the LTTE agents in the west who are still flying the LTTE flag freely at public places!
OaO Asithri
a typo correction:
It should be:
As long as the end justifies the means - just do it!
OaO Asithri
my English grammar teacher at RC would have had a fit had she seen the error :))
[GR instructed police to move out!! ]
Not true.
GR just instructed, respecting the constitutionally guaranteed freedom in SL, the Police not to remove the protesters from OUR public properties.
After all, all these UN and other NGO para-Suddas are always harping on lack of freedom of expression in Sri Lanka (after they suck on the anti-GOSL phalluses of the LTTE and UriNePeers) so what is the beef now we should ask - and I think GOSL has done it quite mutedly, stoically.
OaO Asithri
speaking of English grammar etc...I wonder where that English-spiffy, white-master-cocksucking "Jay" the undercover LTTE whorebitch went to?
Have not seen him after the Fat Black Ugly Oily Pig was found with a head gash...Mmmmmm...wonder if the whoredog accidentally stepped on a LTTE JonnyB when he went to recover some of the LTTE's hidden loot?
Seriously, I was told by an "insider" that some Tamiz diasapora whores have been trying to take trips up north with their own inside info on some large cash stashes (in foreign notes that is) buried in the Vanni jungles, but they have not been able to as still the movements are fairly tightly controlled by the SLA. While looking for landmines, SLA must be vigilant for anything in polythene buried as that could be a stash and whoa, what that could do to our Ranavirus' welfare!!!
OaO Asithri
With regards to WW protest that is my exact thinking.
There is nothing wrong with what he has done. I am so proud of him.
There are many trying to clamp this down.
What Wimal has done is not “counter productive” but a damn good lesson to the UN/Moon who has the AUDACITY to try and lecture and boss our nation around. He (Wimal) is voicing the collective anger of the nation, and quite rightly.
The reason this is being dampened down is to project the false impression (that the white world usually excels) in where this outrage is just the views of a “few” “random” “ultra nationalists” (as falsely portrayed by Western media already) while the thumping majority are in support of the West (because as always the Wests “loves and cares for us and whatever they do is rooted in this love and care so we the masses of third world country X are on their side regardless because they are always doing whats good for the little brown people the world over, and thus we want their help as they are on or side”). The TRUTH must be known and spoken openly and freely –everyone including the whites are “big” on freedom, but I guess no freedom if you have something to say against the freedom champions.
This is a good way to see who are with us and who are not (both within SL and internationally). Just look at Adaderana and DailyMirror. All the Colombians and traitors came pilling out. I was stunned at the number of comments by Colombians suddenly spamming Adaderana –since they do not own that site they cannot censor it, hence why they usually stay away as many pro-SL comments flood that site, which is natural considering the way the majority in SL think. They were FURIOUS with Wimal because he had the “audacity” to challenge their masters. Part of their “rage” was to comfort their masters, part because they are SLAVES who only know how to be SLAVES as everything they have has been “earned” through such slavery so naturally they are averse to nationalism and finally because Wimal DESTROYED their power grabbing hopes (from Sapphire Gate, to HiCorp debate to the Budget debate of 2007). They also attack him because he is a “godaya” and “uneducated” because “he cannot speak english” (unbelievable logic of these low live Colombians at work).
While I agree that being a cabinet member is “disadvantageous” I am really really proud of him. It is great to see that such patriotic forward Sinhalays still exist –especially when saturated through media and other devises of traitors who actively work with their masters to crush and enslave our people and that sense of pride and nationalism because such thinking (nationalism, pride) builds a “can do”, “this is OUR country, who the hell are you to hold us behind” attitude amongst the people making them strong, forward moving and independent, thus para-suddha and his pets always want to crush such thinking amongst the people to ensure weakness and servitude.
Ancient times Wimal would be leading our Armies and making our nation strong and powerful (through development etc). Many ways it is like the times of the great Gamini Abaya.
"Asithri said...
[GR instructed police to move out!! ]
Not true.
GR just instructed, respecting the constitutionally guaranteed freedom in SL, the Police not to remove the protesters from OUR public properties.
And what is the source of this claim? Para-suddhas and para-suddha media.
AP was bitching "even though their check points with dozens of soldiers nearby, and the UN compound being in a HSZ".
Waa waa, what happened to "freedom of protest" from the "freedom champions"? They are acting (as always projected a false image) like this is some kind of crime and trying to generate negativity towards the protests, because "it is wrong" (that is the feeling you get when you read their bs free media). Wrong why? Because it questions the "freedom champion". This is more proof that these people are liars and frauds.
Just see how they have lied about the Police thing. Man these SoBs really make my blood boil.
Remember the good old days? Such piles of shit would be hung from tree tops. How i wish those times could return, where our nation was bossed around by no one and our people lived healthy, fulfilled lives and poverty was non-existent.
CURSE on the traitors of our nations past. They must be reborn as roaches to be crushed again and again through all of time itself.
[This is a good way to see who are with us and who are not (both within SL and internationally...All the Colombians and traitors came pilling out...They were FURIOUS with Wimal because he had the “audacity” to challenge their masters. Part of their “rage” was to comfort their masters, part because they are SLAVES who only know how to be SLAVES]
I am simply horrified when I see the interviews UriNePee RanilW and RaviK ponna-bastards have given to the media, criticizing this protest!
Is it a small wonder why this once formidable UNP is today in the kakkussi-waley?
Cannot the average UNP supporter see this? ...that this "old guard" leadership of the party is far removed from any semblance of nationalistic pride and that such visibility is what is hurting the party at each poll?
When will this madness ever end (for UNP's sake?)...when will there be a Bolshevik-revolution in the party whereby these unpatriotic Amma-hukkas will be dethroned and declothed in public before being cast into fire?
As for the "Colombians" well, this is nothing new. As we know they live in a fantasy world and who the FCUK cares...they are NOT Sri Lanka...they only have so many votes and as was proven recently twice, they mean fcuking dick-for-all when we set out to select the leadership of OUR nation.
However, having said that, because in their midst there are also the now-silent/dormant LTTE/Tamizeezamists, we must be vigilant and as soon as such lying-low Terrorists are identified, they must be liquidated with extreme prejudice.
OaO Asithri
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