Monday, May 17, 2010

May 18 - The Day the Civilised Vanquished the Uncivilised


It was Friday 17th September 1999. Laughter of villagers faded into the tranquillity of the night in remote Gongala village in Ampara District in Eastern Sri Lanka. HM Premasiri (29) went to bed late that night after a long pleasurable conversation with a large number of relatives and friends who had come to his place for a religious ceremony. Around two hours after midnight the serenity of the night was shattered by screams of men, women and children. About 75 Tamil Tigers and their accomplices, mostly women, brutally massacred 27 men, 17 women and 10 children to death. Tamil Tigers had plenty of guns but opted to make it as cannibalistic as they possibly could. Just one victim was shot with a revolver while the rest were killed with knives, axes and machetes. Most victims were hacked to death. Premasiri survived hiding under his bed. He could hear the hysteric laughter of Tamil Tiger female murderers and their civilian accomplices resembling what might be Satan’s laughter. For a moment he thought devils from hell have invaded the earth. When the morning came, the true horror of the attack became obvious. People found it difficult to attribute to humans. If anything came close, that was the horror female SS helpers including Irma Grese - known as the ‘Angel of Death’ - at Belsen and Auschwitz unleashed on unarmed civilians during WW2.

Despicable Tamil Elamists didn’t stop there. The political mouthpiece of the LTTE which is both the father and son of the LTTE, grabbed the opportunity to advance its ethnic-cleansing-for-Tamil-homeland agenda. Joseph Pararajasingham, an MP of the communalist TAMIL United Liberation Front (TULF), later the MP of communalist TAMIL National Alliance (TNA) justified the killing based on LTTE claims that an SLAF attack 2 days prior in Puthukudiyiruppu had killed 22 Tamil civilians. He was the only source that officially linked the Gongala civilian massacre to the SLAF attack, trying to whitewash the crime. In doing so Tamil Elamists (which includes both peaceful Tamil Elam supporters and the LTTE) sent out a powerful message - they want to ethnically cleanse the North East of every non-Tamil.

Those who heard, saw or read about subhuman acts of Tamil Tigers resolved to annihilate these uncivilised hordes from the face of the earth. While this was not the first barbaric attack of Tamil Tigers, it was certainly not the last.

V DAY 2009

After a period of illusion, Sri Lanka took on Tamil Tiger Terrorists in a well planned military manoeuvre in mid 2006 following another similar adventure by Tamil Tigers. After 33 months of intense fighting, Tamil Tigers were annihilated by gallant security forces. May 18th, 2009 became a memorable day not only for Sri Lankans but for all humans. It assumed universal significance because terrorism is the biggest threat to humans today and Sri Lankan security forces pioneered the method of wiping out terrorism.

LTTE terrorists were the most ruthless terror outfit ever to terrorise the world. The human bomb or the suicide bomb was effectively invented and reinvented by the LTTE. LTTE had more suicide bombers at its disposal than all the other terrorist groups combined. It became world’s only terror outfit to have an air force. LTTE had the largest arsenal of artillery among all terror groups in the world. If there is any terror outfit that killed national leaders of two countries, that is the LTTE. This is an achievement in terrorist terms, unmatched for over 17 years. To the horror of humanity, Sri Lankan security forces found submarines in the possession of Tamil Tigers which makes them the only terrorists to have them. Financially, LTTE was the second richest terror outfit annually collecting US$ 200 - 300 million. What’s more significant is all their funds came from developed countries.

Defeating such a colossal terror outfit is no mean task but Sri Lankan security forces achieved it with minimum civilian casualties. War on Terror that is raging around the world killed millions of people but still failed to rid terrorism. What’s more, War on Terror is fought by the richest and technologically most advanced nations. However, their lack of humanity is the main reason for continuing blunders. Sri Lankan security forces on the other hand put humanity first in all their military actions.


Although the war on terror was won, a bigger war looms ugly on the horizon. It must be fought with insight, clever propaganda, very long range reconnaissance/demolition operations, networking with friendly nations, and economic development. Establishing the rule of law, reducing corruption and safeguarding national and fundamental rights form the basis of it’s national aspect. Those who sacrificed life and limb must be looked after better than those who merely suffered from the war. However, these alone cannot save Sri Lanka as there is a more sinister campaign at work.

Blaming the LTTE alone for ethnic cleansing of Sinhalas and Muslims in the North and from some parts of the East is childish. Ethnic cleansing of non-Tamils was first conceived in the minds of communalist Ilankai TAMIL Arasu Kachchi leaders in 1949-1952. ITAK leader openly declared it on stages. Both LTTE and “moderate” communalist politicians, all of whom are supporters of Tamil Elam, call the ITAK leader “Thanthai” Chelva. His real name was Velupillai Chelvanayakam. The word “Thanthai” has the exact same meaning as “Fuhrer” in German. Only difference between the campaign to create a racially pure Tamil Elam and the campaign to create a racial pure Nazi Germany is that the former had a separation of the ideological leader and the actual executioner.

It is this racist separatism ideology that drove Tamil Tigers to commit extreme acts. Unfortunately they still continue their campaign. Have a look at TAMIL grievances, TAMIL aspirations, TAMIL homelands, TAMIL Congress, TAMIL United Liberation Front, TAMIL Arasu Kachchi, TAMIL Tigers, TAMILnet, etc. Honestly, aren’t these by definition racist? If in doubt, one should tap his/her conscience and ask this question. It doesn’t matter what supposedly created these, the fact is these are ultra racist demands and manifestations that must be avoided in all civilized societies.

Even after the end of the war, most Tamil voters in the North and the East voted for a racist political party that talks nothing but of racist demands. Is this not the plain truth?

We must show our racially deceived brothers and sisters, love, human dignity, compassion and guidance. We must help them not to go deeper into the dungeons of racism as demanded by communalist parties, but to overcome this vicious 63 year old racist bondage and 35 years of ethnic isolation.

Over 100,000 humans died in the war in all four quarters (security forces, LTTE, civilians and IPKF). Their lives must be celebrated in victory no matter what quarter they were in. Aren’t they all together, at last?

A solution is required to bring people of all races together. Communalist war wounds in war ravaged North and East can only be cured by multiculturalism, not by furthering mono-ethnic enclaves that created the war in the first place. Creating multiethnic settlements in the North and East should not be seen as something that will happen automatically. It must be deliberately initiated. This is the new battle. In order to have lasting peace, Sri Lanka must win this battle too.


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Thusitha said...

Thanks Moshe,
A well written article.

Lets never forget what LTTE did to our nation and the way our heroic soldiers gave their lives to save us from these animals. We should never worry about hurting the so called Tamil feelings to celebrate this V-Day from now onwards.

To all the patriots, cheers from me.

Anonymous said...


Good job.

Some comments;

1./He was the only source that officially linked the Gongala civilian massacre to the SLAF attack,../

Actually all the INGO kukkas, BBC and did so. More precisely, it was a retaliation from some unknown armed gang...

2./Over 100,000 humans died in the war in all four quarters (security forces, LTTE, civilians and IPKF). Their lives must be celebrated in victory no matter what quarter they were in. Aren’t they all together, at last?/

Well we don't know where are they now.. it depends on religion (I mean what you believe..) but no matter what no way we putting together LTTE here.

3.Since you mentioned Gonagala attack isn't it better to give a source?

Anonymous said...

3.Since you mentioned Gonagala attack isn't it better to give a source? I mean a link for more details.

Thusitha said...

Hope some TV station make a good documentary from Marvil Aru to the V-Day and put on U tube. Currently the version on U tube has only parts of the war and not the whole war.

Moshe Dyan said...

Happy V-T Day Everyone!

thanks thusitha and ninja.

tata said...

Excellent post Moshe!

"What’s more significant is all their funds came from developed countries."

I wish we have a new HR order in this world to scream about this type of HR violations.

Happy V-day everyone!

Moshe Dyan said...


from wikipedia and from my own sources.

re: 100,000

i FINALLY bring the uncivilised LTTE too into our side for three reasons.

1. in ALL religions there is something about forgiving your enemies, especialy when they are no more.

2. "only a dead tiger is a good tiger".

3. NOW the uncivilised axis has turned from terrorists to RACISTS who make racist demands.

today SL's enemies are NOT the LTTE but TNA, TGTE, GTF and the like. we must start beating them now without beating the dead tiger.

Moshe Dyan said...


1. they copied it from him. he's the mouthpiece of the LTTE to feed these stuff to BBC, etc.

glad someone got rid of him early in the game in 2005!!!

tata said...

Hope the postponement was genuinely due to weather.
And not due to "it might hurt feelings of Tamils".

Moshe Dyan said...

thanks tata.


don't know how successful i was in doing the following.

1. the DIWALI effect - bash the defeated TEs with MAXIMUM humilitation.

some get hurt even in DIWALI celebrations!!! but that doesn't mean india stopped celebrating it.

2. seperate dead tigers from TEs and tamil ppl.

3. seperate TEs from tamil ppl. create tamil ppl's destiny away from TEs.

4. bash the TEs. even dead tigers are BETTER than TEs!!

this is bcos the TEs are now slowly distancing themselves from LTTE. they blame everything on LTTE!!! yet, it's their plan!!

Moshe Dyan said...


some bad news on the weather front.

it looks horrible. hope it will move away from SL.

Moshe Dyan said...

the cyclone is bigger than SL and is heading SL's way.

we have a shitt situ.

Moshe Dyan said...

"When inquired about this, a UNP parliamentarian loyal to Ranil observed that although Eran is a member of Assembly of God, he was not a Sajith supporter.

However, he said that the use of race and religion in dealing with internal party affairs should be condemned."

so that means sajith IS what the rumour says. that's why the UNP source said not to use religion in internal party affairs. if not true, there is no issue at all!!!!

but there should be NO PROBLEM if he is in fact a christian. what's wrong with that??

as i predicted, ranil to sajith leadership handover changes nothing much for the UNP.

whoever is the leader, he/she must play for the BOSSES who are all anti-SLs. a really courageous leader may go against them at the expense of losing long term support.

Moshe Dyan said...

more shitt!!

that crap cyclone is heading in SL's direction. this is a very dangerous situ.

releif services should be alerted NOW. not after it hits.

Ananda-USA said...

Moshe, my brother,

Excellent article .. one of your very best!

It captures the deepest meanings of what we are advocating .. an end to communal idealogies and demands for dividing the pie along communal lines .. and the rise of a multicultural society in Sri Lanka dedicated to the ideal of ONE NATION, of ONE PEOPLE with ONE DESTINY, of ONE VOTE for each person, of EQUAL RIGHTS guaranteed under the rule of law, and EQUAL REPONSIBILITIES to love, protect and foster this Resplendent Land we call HOME!


You have met and exceeded my challenge to you of writing a memorable article to CELEBRATE this Hallowed Day of Victory over Terrorism (V-T day)!

Aadi Sinhale' Ae' Veera Meemuthun Layin,
Saara Wu, Udaara Wu,
Mathru Bhumiyayi!
Mathru Bhumiyayi!


Sam Perera said...


Please spend a few minutes in debunking blatant lies by Eelamist dogs in Sunday Leader.

KB said...

Moshe, old boy, great job. I like the way how you started out from the point when we were at our lowest and hit rock bottom. Our people were getting slaughtered by LTTE barbarians and we had no leaders to lead us to victory. Anybody who belittles our victory need to go back to those hopeless times to appreciate the place we are in today.


Ananda-USA said...


Pls check your email .. two from me.

Ananda-USA said...


I have joined in battle by your side at the Sunday Leader with my opening stroke.

More to follow. Jayawewa!

Moshe Dyan said...



that is the real victory ppl have forgotten. the victory was scored against the REAL TERROR that gripped the country then.

and it CAN or rather it WILL happen again.


Moshe Dyan said...

thanks ananda.

yes, its the common destiny of the ppl. it's indivisible.

Ananda-USA said...

My first post at the Sunday Leader today:

"Ananda-USA says:
May 18, 2010 at 9:16 am

This Hallowed Day celebrating Victory over Terrorism (May 18, V-T day) represents the dawn of a new age for Sri Lanka brought about by the combined efforts and sacrifices of the Sri Lanka Defence Forces, a visionary political leadership wil the will and determination to win and liberate ALL of our people, and the great majority of the long suffering ordinary people of Sri Lanka.

Every one of us now must stand firmly resolved to renew our comittment to bringing an end to communal ideologies and racist aparthied demands for dividing the nation along communal lines .. and work towards the rise of a multicultural society in Sri Lanka dedicated to the ideal of ONE NATION, of ONE PEOPLE with ONE DESTINY, of ONE VOTE for each person, of EQUAL RIGHTS guaranteed under the rule of law, and EQUAL REPONSIBILITIES to love, protect and foster this Resplendent Land we call HOME!

Jayawewa, Sri Lanka!"

Ananda-USA said...

My second post at the Sunday Leader today:

"Ananda-USA says:
May 18, 2010 at 9:53 am

Incurably frustrated Eelamists have invaded this blog plying their usual trade trying to influence public opinion with their incessant wailing about their fate, blithely ignoring all the muder and mayhem they inflicted upon ALL citizens of Sri Lanka. They claim that there is nothing good to celebrate on this May 18th, Victory over Terrorism (V-T) day.

Nothing could be further from the truth .. there is MUCH TO BE CELEBRATED on V-T day for ALL Sri Lankans, irrespective of community. It only needs honesty on the part of every resident of Sri Lanka to see that. Eelamists from the global diaspora can go boil their heads; the great majority of the people of Sri Lanka who can now live in security, go to work and return home to their loved ones whole, know the truth .. and THEY WILL CELEBRATE!

The Tamil people have more than any other group to celebrate. They have been liberated from the clutches of a murderous organization that enslaved them, wiped out their leaders who had gained acceptance based on their consent, who drove a large portion of their people to live among the “diabolical Sinhala enemy” in the South, kidnapped and conscripted their children to serve as cannon fodder, lived in luxury mansions built with Tamil Diaspora contributions while enslaved Tamils lived on the dole from the Government of Sri Lanka, and held them as hostages in a human shield to save their own miserable murderous lives.

The only arguable “benefit” ordinary Tamils derived from these “saviors of the Tamils” was that over a million of them were smuggled abroad under various pretenses, demonizing the Sinhala people in the process, to exploit the public welfare systems of gullible western nations, and to ultimately serve as a captive tax base of a global mafia bent on funding murder and mayhem in Sri Lanka.

Given that record of ill treatment by their self-appointed “saviours”, we can say that the Tamils have MUCH TO BE GRATEFUL for the eradication of the LTTE by the GOSL, and their deliverance from their largely self-inflicted servitude.

Why then, I ask, should not the Tamils join the Sinhala and Muslim people in celebrating V-T day with poojas and prayers, with te-deum invocations and the ringing of church bells pealing out all over our resplendent land?

If they do not do so, it is because these Eelamists are eternally ungrateful .. now that they are out of the frying pan of enslavement by the LTTE .. they want to enjoy the exclusive benefits of the monoethnic apartheid Eelam promised by the now defunct Sun God , even as while they were being slowly grilled over a blazing fire.

Such is the ingratitude and selective memory of the typical Eelamist. There is no cure for this affliction. We, the great majority of people of Sri Lanka must suppress these micreants everywhere they reside, and move towards a Golden New Age for Sri Lanka as ONE Nation, of ONE People, sharing ONE glorious DESTINY.

I have no doubt that we will reach that Promised Land, global naysayers of the Eelamist Diaspora notwithstanding!

Jayawewa, Sri Lanka!"

Hiranthe said...


This is the bitter truth we all have to face now as a collective nation, be it Sinhala, Tamil or any other.

The way you have spelled it out gradually and ended up with the "need of the hour" "Multiethnic Resettlement" is commendable.

This is great stuff Bro. Hope big guns will read this and get the message and get inspired.

Ananda-USA said...

My third post today at the Sunday Leader:

"Ananda-USA says:
May 18, 2010 at 10:22 am

There are Eelamists here who like to refer to all patriotic Sri Lankans as “Modayas”.

Well, as it turned out, the “Modayas” finally got their act together and wiped out the “Highly Intelligent Racially Superior” Eelamists.

But they NEVER LEARN do they? Lo and Behold, we now have these same MUTTS writing here .. AGAIN .. about the Sinhala Modayas. LoL!

It is OK guys, let us be the Modayas .. as long as we win in the long term! And we will .. because we are firmly committed to EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL RESPONIBILITIES for ALL citizens of Sri Lanka!

But, NO monoethnic aparthied Bantustans will be tolerated in Sri Lanka .. EVER!

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks. nice to hear from you after a long time.

Moshe Dyan said...


the crap cyclone is now entering SL from the north. have a look at the satellite image in the link i gave.

i don't like this a bit.

the fcuking cyclone is large than SL. we have to expect trouble.

Thusitha said...

Ananda-USA said...
My third post today at the Sunday Leader:

Haha. Some of my comments are in moderation. Looks like we cannot use swear words. Looks like quite a lot of LTTE Terrorist and SL idiots commenting there.

Thusitha said...

Moshe Dyan said...

the crap cyclone is now entering SL from the north. have a look at the satellite image in the link i gave.

Looks like it is going towards ToiletNadu. Mother earth is trying to clean up the stink.

No_MESS said...

Good work Moshe, I see you are getting ready for the SLPAC.

And as for me, I’ll just quote from

To the strains of the national anthem echoing in our hearts, today we light an oil lamp, light incense and bow our head a minute for the warriors who hunted down and killed South Asia's Pol Pot, a barrel-shaped despot who declared war on our State.
The pug-faced coward with a Hitlerian-moustache is no more.
Millions breathe a sigh of collective relief at the death of evil.

(Kapila Bandara)

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ananda-USA said...

My fourth post today at the Sunday Leader:

"Ananda-USA says:
May 18, 2010 at 1:24 pm

Natasha said …

[when 3000 innocent civilians were killed in USA twin tower attack, americans held national memorial each year but when atleast 7000 civilians die, our government holds a military parade.]

Right! This statement only demonstrates your abysmal ignorance of world history.

When WWII was ended victoriously by the Allies in 1945, there were parades in every Allied nation that suffered from the march of the Axis powers who started the war.

THEY CELEBRATED THAT VICTORY JOYOUSLY. Even to this day, the Allied victories of WWII are celebrated yearly, and glorified in movies as well, to remind their citizens of the price of freedom. Why not .. they saved the entire world from a terrible scourge.

If you say that negotiation with Hitler instead of war would have prevented WWII .. you don’t know your history .. and people old enough and smart enough to know their history would laugh at you!

Neville Chamberlain abandoned the Czechs to Hitler in his famous “Peace in Our Time” deal sacrificing his honor to get a peace, but reaped both war and dishonor.

After the war started did the Allies offer a negotiated peace to Germany & Japan? No, the only offer extended was UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER .. they wanted to eradicate the evil that gave birth to these war mongers by leaf, branch, trunk and root.

Sometimes, with some people, war is the only way to preserve your freedom. So it was with Prabhakaran and the LTTE .. 30 years of “negotiations” and half-measures only killed more people. .. he understood only violence and his demands were endless .. and he finally got what he fully deserved .. in spades!

No amount of Buddhist, Hindu, or Christian compassion, or inspired preaching, would have made any difference to the Sun God, or protected the people he treated as pawns.

The Eelam war was Sri Lanka’s World War II .. we finally did what had to be done in the best interest of the nation .. what our leaders had shied away from for 30 years, and in the process sacrificed the lives of tens of thousands of people. I will not shed tears for these monsters.

No one wants war, but when war is thrust upon you .. you have to fight with the utmost ferocity, will and determination to terminate it successfully in the shortest possible time. That is kindness to all of the people affected. There is nothing that kills more people than two evenly matched enemies locked in a deadly embrace for eternity; the Iran-Iraq war, that killed nearly two million people, is a classic example of an evenly matched war.

For this reason, past Sri Lankan leaders did not help preserve the lives of their citizens by not raising the armed forces and the funds necessary to defeat the LTTE within a short period. By their lack of wisdom, and inaction amounting to a dereliction of their primary duty to protect the lives of all of their people, they caused tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, and placed the integrity of Sri Lanka and the safety of its entire population, at mortal risk.

Therefore, let ALL Sri Lankans CELEBRATE every year this Hallowed Day of Victory over Terrorism (V-T day), not only to honor the sacrifices of our brave sons and daughters who paid the ultimate price of their devotion to our Motherland, but also to renew the ancient lesson to be learned from it and etch it deeply within our minds: IF YOU DESIRE PEACE, PREPARE FOR WAR!"

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Moshe you did the justice for the day. Like the last part most.

Ananda-USA said...

Defence Column,

It is so good to hear from you. You should visit us more often, and participate in the Sri Lanka Policy Analysis Center we are now creating.

Regarding SF, we are all very sad, but our allegiance is to Sri Lanka, not to individuals.

When individuals, however patriotic and heroic there were at one time, lose their way through unbounded ambition or greed for pomp and power, and threaten the safety and integrity of the Motherland, we are opposed to him.

Yet, the sadness endures for we have lost a great general who helped to hold the pass against enemy, when the need was great.

Ananda-USA said...

The MORE the LTTE threatens India, the CLOSER will be Sri Lanka and India!


LTTE regrouping to hit back at India, says ban order

Times of India
May 17, 2010

NEW DELHI: India extended the ban on Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers because its cadres are regrouping in Tamil Nadu to take revenge against Indian leaders for not preventing its military rout last year, according to a home ministry notification.

Although the Sri Lankan military has decimated the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), its surviving members are "regrouping in Tamil Nadu in pursuance of their avowed objective of establishing separate Tamil Eelam", said the notification.

India, which first outlawed the LTTE in 1992 after the Tigers assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, extended the ban last week for another two years.

It said that through internet portals, the Tamil diaspora in the West was spreading "anti-India feeling among Sri Lankan Tamils by holding the top Indian political leders and bureaucrats responsible for the defeat of the LTTE", it said.

"Such propaganda through internet ... (is) likely to impact VVIP security adversely in India," it added.

Sri Lankan armed forces crushed the LTTE in May last year, killing its top leader Velupillai Prabhakaran and all his top lieutenants, destroying a once feared insurgent group at one stroke.

The defeat ended a quarter century long conflict that claimed about 90,000 lives on all sides of the ethnic divide.

Noting that the LTTE has sympathisers, supporters and agents in India, the notification said that the LTTE's objective of a separate homeland for all Tamils "threatens the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India".

It said the activities of the LTTE cadres, dropouts and sympathisers who have been traced out in Tamil Nadu "suggest that the cadres sent to Tamil Nadu would ultimately be utilized by the LTTE for unlawful activities".

It said the Indian government felt that LTTE activities "continue to pose a threat to India, and are detrimental to, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of India".

Therefore, it said, the LTTE needed to remain a banned organisation under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act of 1967.

Ananda-USA said...

All India has to do, is GET TRAINING FROM SL, and stop MOLLYCODDLING terrorists!

LTTE techniques give Maoists lethal capabilities
May 17, 2010

RAIPUR: The deadly Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attack by Maoists in Chattisgarh today was strikingly similar to the precision strikes of the LTTE in its battle against Sri Lankan soldiers before being wiped out.

The device itself is believed to have been planted days before today's strike in which at least 40 persons were killed, officials said today.

The IED was triggered by the Naxals armed with real-time intelligence that Special Police Officers (SPOs) were travelling in the civilian bus.

The Left Wing Extremists used the technique to blow-up a civilian bus today in which at least 40 people were feared killed, officials said.

They attacked by digging a tunnel on either side of the road to reach the concrete top from below to plant the IED, they said.

"In this way, they do not disturb the crust so to avoid any suspicion. The signs of dredging on sides of road can be easily wiped off. Also, in this way they can quickly fit an IED and carry out the blast in the most effective way," they said.

In a similar use of IEDs last week, the Maoists had blown up an armoured vehicle in which CRPF personnel were travelling killing eight.

Top police officials said the same technique was used by the LTTE against the Lankan forces.

Ananda-USA said...

TNA asks "Can you remove the SLA so we can go back to bomb making?"

and Gothabhaya replies

"Nien, Dummkopf! Nien!

Gotabaya rejects TNA’s demand

PK Balachandran
May 16, 2010

COLOMBO: The Sri Lankan Defence Secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, has rejected the demand of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) that the Northern and Eastern provinces be de-militarised since the war against the LTTE had ended a year ago.

In an article in The Sanday Times Gotabaya said that it would be “foolish” to relax military control given the possibility that the LTTE might regroup.

On the very heavy military presence in the Wanni which was once under the control of the LTTE and which saw the heaviest fighting in Eelam War IV, he said: “The vast jungle terrain in the Wanni must be dominated – it is the land that the LTTE exploited to the maximum during the early stages of the campaign to wage guerilla warfare.


In another case of rejection, the Defence Secretary ruled out devolution of power to the Tamil provinces in the near future.

“I hear a clamour for political reforms in the North and East and I understand and appreciate that.But I do also sincerely believe that priority should be given not to political reforms but to infrastructure development and attending to the other basis social needs of the people.”

“The people of the war-ravaged areas now need roads,electricty, drinking water, schools, hospitals and jobs ,much more than they need amendments to the constitution.”

“With the former, they can rebuild their lives which had been stalled for near three decades. Then, surely ,the latter will follow,” Gotabaya said.


The capture of the LTTE’s top arms smuggler K.Pathmapanthan alias KP, was as important as the killing of the LTTE chief, V.Prabhakaran, the top official said.

After Prabhakaran re-appointed the sidelined KP in the last stages of the war to meet a weapons shortage, KP did the needful. But while the shipment was on its way, the war ended. On May 20, 2009, the arms vessel had to dump the weapons into the ocean and flee.

KP had not only been in touch with Prabhakaran and his son Charles Anthony till the last, but had annoited himself the head of the LTTE after Prabhakaran was killed on May 19.

“He asked the diaspora to rally round him and pledged to restructure the organisation,” Gotabaya recalled.

KP had started a movement for a Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) which is now gaining support among Western government. Sri Lanka has appealed to these governments to desist from giving support.


Quashing the persistent rumour that the LTTE’s intelligence wing leader, Pottu Amman, was not killed in the battle and that he was either in custody or had escaped, the Defense Secretary said that though Pottu Amman’s body had not been identified there was “extemely reliable” information that he was in the Nanthikadal battle zone in the last stage of the war. According to Gotabaya, there were dozens of bodies in the zone which could not be identified because of decomposition, and Pottu Amman’s body might have been one of them.

“Therefore, Pottu Amman is certainly dead, and it would be extremely naïve to believe otherwise,” he asserted.

Ananda-USA said...

Indian Leaders Fiddle While India Burns!

They should learn a lesson from Sri Lanka.

That is what our leaders did for 30 long years .. FIDDLED!

Spell out anti-Maoist policy: BJP asks PM
May 18, 2010

NEW DELHI: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Tuesday asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to spell out if his government favoured a soft or hard line against Maoist guerrillas.

"The time has come for the prime minister to end this debate (between the hard and soft lines)," BJP leader Arun Jaitley told a news conference here. "He should stand up and clarify his stand."

Jaitley said the prime minister needed to make it clear why Home Minister P. Chidambaram, the home ministry and the country's security agencies were finding themselves crippled vis-a-vis the Maoists.

"It is not a question of just one ministry or one security agency," he said. "We need to know if the government will wage only half a battle (against the Maoists) or an all out offensive."

Jaitley's comments came a day after Maoist guerrillas massacred 31 civilians and special police officers by blowing up a bus in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh.

The BJP leader said there appeared to be inconsistencies within the Congress party and the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) it heads on how to combat Maoism.

He said while some mistakenly thought that development work would end Maoism and that Maoists were only "misguided ideologues", the guerrillas "want to finish off the parliamentary system and through violence".

He said a recent communication from Congress president Sonia Gandhi to party activists appeared to indicate that she stood for a soft line against the Maoists.

"As UPA II is ending its first year, it looks they are in power but not in control," he said.

kevin said...

I hope for the sake of the country this is correct.

well written
AND happy VE day to you.Not a square in should be given to the racists.Their problems in the country is common to all who dwell there,so why an exception to them just because they are a minority?They can go and fly a kite elsewhere.

Real confirmation of Pottu's death is vital.perhaps some could have helped the gosl with a DNA check.He had all the reason to escape and to hide in a bandit country because he is wanted in India and there is an international warrant which would be gladly executed by the IC as he is the real threat out of that outfit.It is correct to assume that this particular guy would have received all the resources of the diaspora,though VP was a cult figure that could be sacrificed(for his stubbornness) but Pottu was the mastermind.I would have a open mind without scoring house and political points and be real.

Ananda-USA said...

Lanka’s statutory panels to lose independence
May 17, 2010

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s statutory commissions, which were established to de-politicise the various institutions of public administration, are set to lose even the little independence they have.

According to The Sunday Times, the Mahinda Rajapaksa government is planning to amend the constitution soon to give the President the power to appoint the chairpersons and members of these commissions.

The paper quoted top ministers to say that the 17th Amendment would be changed to give powers to the President to appoint the chair and members of the Election Commission, Public Service Commission, Police Commission, Human Rights Commission and the Bribery and Corruption Commission.

These commissions stopped functioning some time ago because appointments to them were entangled in political squabbling.

Rajapaksa had also strongly felt that the “independence” of these commissions was interfering with his own constitutional rights.

PRESIDENT TO ATTEND PARLIAMENT: The President’s brother and chief aide, Basil Rajapaksa, was quoted as saying that the Constitution would be amended to give the President the right to attend the parliament and make statements and answer questions.

Ananda-USA said...

Army to buy more Arjun tanks

Gautam Datt
May 18, 2010

NEW DELHI: The suspense over the future of home built Arjun Main Battle Tank project seems to have ended as the Army has ordered 124 of these armoured vehicles after they proved their metal this summer in comparative trials with much preferred Russian T90s.

Even as the Army's decision caps longstanding debate over induction of homebuilt tanks, which took more than three decades to roll out of the DRDO's heavy factory at Avadi near Chennai, the mainstay of the force will continue to be T90s.

The Army had placed orders for 124 Arjun tanks earlier, out of which 75 have been delivered. A squadron with Arjun tanks is already in place and another is shaping up.

The Army had raised red flag over inducting more citing problems with the capabilities of the tank. The Army's reluctance to buy more had placed question mark on the entire project.

The tank was tested with Russia's T90 which the Army has bought in large numbers and was considered to be superior. During the trials held this summer in Rajasthan desert, MBT Arjun came out with flying colours, claimed the Ministry of Defence.

The Army, which had challenged the battleworthiness of MBT Arjun, was forced to place orders for 124 more tanks. The Army has made it clear that it is looking to induct a futuristic tank signaling that Arjun in the long years of its development had lost the race.

Despite the fresh order, Arjuns will only remain the second option for the Army which has already ordered around 1650 T90s. It had received 310 T90s in 2001 and placed another order of 347 in 2007. Another 1,000 are slated to be built in India under transfer of technology pact with the Russians.

It remains to be seen if the Army would go beyond the second order of 124 as it comes days after the government approved DRDO's project to produce next generation of MBT Arjun known as MkII, more than 30 years after the project was first approved in 1974.

"After many years of trial and tribulation it has now proved its worth by its superb performance under various circumstances, such as driving crosscountry over rugged sand dunes, detecting, observing and quickly engaging targets, accurately hitting targets both stationary and moving, with pin pointed accuracy," the ministry said.

Ananda-USA said...

Agni-II missile test-fired
May 17, 2010

BALASORE: Nuclear-capable Agni-II missile, with a range of 2000 kms, was today successfully test-fired by the Army as part of user trial from the Wheelers Island off Orissa coast.

The trial was conducted from a rail mobile system in Launch Complex-4 of Integrated Test Range (ITR) at around 9.15 am, defence sources said soon after the versatile surface-to-surface missile blasted off.

Data relating to various parameters of the mission's objectives was being analysed, the sources said.

Agni-II Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) has already been inducted into the services and today's test was carried out by the Strategic Forces Command (SFC) of the Army with logistic support from various laboratories and personnel of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

A DRDO scientist said it was a training exercise to familiarise the end-users with different operational conditions.

The entire trajectory of the trial was tracked by a battery of sophisticated radars, telemetry observation stations, electro-optic instruments and a naval ship located near the impact point in the down range of Bay of Bengal.

The 20-metre long Agni-II is a two stage, solid-propelled ballistic missile. It has a launch weight of 17 tonnes and can carry a payload of 1000 kg over a distance of 2000 km.

Agni-II was developed by Advanced Systems Laboratory along with other DRDO laboratories and integrated by the Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad, the sources said.

The missile is part of the Agni series which includes Agni-I with a 700 km range and Agni-III with a 3,500 km range, they said, adding that Agni-I has already been inducted and Agni-III is in the process of induction.

The first trial of Agni-II was carried out on April 11, 1999. Though some of the subsequent trials were successful, the user trial conducted on May 19, 2009 and the first night trial on November 23, 2009 from Wheelers Island could not meet all the parameters, they added.

KB said...

Happy Victory Day! I composed below post last year when it was clear we had won, overwhelmingly won, and wiped out LTTE barbarians forever from our beloved country.


Friday, May 15, 2009
This is your victory


This is your victory! It is the victory of the cause of freedom in every land. In all our long history we have never seen a greater day than this. Everyone, man or woman, has done their best. Everyone has tried. Neither the long years, nor the dangers, nor the fierce attacks of the enemy, have in any way weakened the independent resolve of the Sri Lankan nation ...

My dear friends, this is your hour. This is not victory of a party or of any class. It's a victory of the great Sri Lankan nation as a whole. We were the first, in this ancient island, to draw the sword against terrorist tyranny. After a while we were left all alone against the most ruthless and cruel terrorist group that has been seen. We were all alone for year upon year.

Did anyone want to give in? No!

Were we down-hearted? No!

The lights went out and the bombs exploded. But every man, woman and child in the country had no thought of quitting the struggle. So we came back, after long months, from the jaws of death, out of the mouth of hell, while the world wondered: 'When shall the reputation and faith of this generation of Lankan men and women fail?' I say that in the long years to come, not only will the people of this island but of the world, wherever the bird of freedom chirps in human hearts, look back to what we've done and they will say: 'Do not despair, do not yield to violence and tyranny, march straightforward and die, if need be, unconquered.'

Now we have emerged from one deadly struggle - a terrible foe has been cast on the ground and awaits our judgment and our mercy - but there is another foe who occupies large portions of the western world, a foe stained with cruelty and greed: the terrorist supporting Tamil Diaspora.

I rejoice that we can all take a night off today, and another day tomorrow. After tomorrow we must begin the task of rebuilding our hearth and homes, doing our utmost to make this country a land in which we all have a chance, in which we all have a duty. And we must turn ourselves to fulfill our duty to our own countrymen, and to our gallant allies in this mighty struggle. We will go hand in hand with them. Even if it is a hard struggle, we will not be the ones who will fail.


Ananda-USA said...

Maoist Terror in India is Similar to JVP Insurgencies

Calls for Strikes Enforced by Violence

Dantewada attack: 15 survivors battle for life
May 18, 2010

RAIPUR: As many as 15 people were battling for life in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district Tuesday, a day after Maoist guerrillas blew up a crowded passenger bus and killed at least 35 special police officers (SPOs) and civilians on a state highway.

"So far we have recovered 31 bodies, this is a mix of SPOs and civilians. Since several bodies were found in pieces, it's difficult to say the exact break up SPOs and civilians but I put the death toll of SPOs at around 10," Dantewada Superintendent of Police Amresh Mishra told IANS over the phone.

"The death toll may rise further as I have information that up to five dead civilian bodies were taken away by local people and their relatives," he said.

"The 15 injured people included 14 SPOs who are very critical and have been admitted to different hospitals in Dantewada, but 25 other civilians who received minor injuries returned to their villages without informing the police. We are trying to find out their exact location so we can reach out to them medically," Mishra added.

Chhattisgarh's Director General of Police Vishwa Ranjan added that SPOs killed in the blast belonged to a unit named Koya Commando, known for their bravery and heroism in the anti-Maoist operation.

"For several months Maoists were looking for an opportunity to hit Koya Commando jawans as they were proving to be lethal," Ranjan told IANS.

He said roughly 3,500 SPOs in the state are local youths.

"We will keep recruiting SPOs in the state, mainly in the 40,000 sq km restive Bastar region. SPOs have always proved to be handy and I believe that their help is essential to dismantle the Maoist terror infrastructure in Bastar's five districts- Dantewada, Bijapur, Bastar, Narayanpur and Kanker," Ranjan said.

Fearful in Chhattisgarh day after Maoist strike

RAIPUR: Security forces stayed fearful in their base camps and life was hit in several parts of Chhattisgarh as a 48-hour Maoist shutdown began Tuesday.

Ananda-USA said...

Dantewada attack: 15 survivors battle for life

The shutdown called by the outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) began amid fears of fresh attacks and crippled life in Bastar region as well as parts of Rajnandgaon and the rural areas of Raipur and Dhamtari, a senior police official said.

"Passenger buses are off the roads and people are staying indoors. In several Bastar localities, Maoists have blocked roads by putting heavy wooden logs on jungle roads," the official at the police headquarters here told IANS.

"In Bastar, an absolute terror-like situation is prevailing. Forces are hardly moving due to fears of Maoist attacks... they are feeling terrorised at their base camps," said a senior government official based in Jagdalpur, the headquarters of Bastar region.

Maoist guerrillas killed at least 35 special police officers (SPOs) and civilians Monday in Dantewada district, some 450 km south of capital Raipur, when they detonated a powerful landmine blast targeting a passenger bus.

A policeman posted within five kilometres from the blast site at the Gadiras police station admitted that personnel were demoralised.

"I admit that forces in the interiors of Bastar have gone on the defensive. Neither state police nor paramilitary forces are ready with heart and mind to go after the Maoists in the thickly forested areas."

Added Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh in a conversation with reporters: "Attacking civilians in a planned manner is surprising; it's clearly a move to demoralise police and paramilitary personnel and terrorise civilians."

Chhattisgarh's Director General of Police Vishwa Ranjan spelt out the challenges ahead.

"Up to 25,000 sq km of Bastar's 40,000 sq km was intensively mined and the big problem is that we have no technology and resources to de-mine the massive forested pockets. There is no technology to detect mines buried more than four feet deep inside.

"The massive Bastar region has turned into a minefield with landmines buried even up to 10 feet below the ground. Without taking out the landmines it's literally impossible for forces to go after the Maoists freely in the thickly forested areas as the rebels are always ready with a booby trap."

The forested 40,000 sq km Bastar region comprises the five districts of Bijapur, Narayanpur, Kanker, Bastar and Dantewada.

Ananda-USA said...

Now it is India's Turn to Cry!

48-hour Maoists strike begins
May 18, 2010

RAIPUR: Security forces stayed fearful in their base camps and life was hit in several parts of Chhattisgarh as a 48-hour strike called by Maoists began Tuesday, a day after at least 35 people were killed when the guerrillas blasted a bus in the state's Dantewada district.

The shutdown called by the outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) began amid fears of fresh attacks and crippled life in Bastar region as well as parts of Rajnandgaon and the rural areas of Raipur and Dhamtari, a senior police official said.

"Passenger buses are off the roads and people are staying indoors. In several Bastar localities, Maoists have blocked roads by putting heavy wooden logs on jungle roads," the official at the police headquarters here told IANS.

"In Bastar, an absolute terror-like situation is prevailing. Forces are hardly moving due to fears of Maoist attacks... they are feeling terrorised at their base camps," said a senior government official based in Jagdalpur, the headquarters of Bastar region.

Maoist guerrillas killed at least 35 special police officers (SPOs) and civilians Monday in Dantewada district, some 450 km south of capital Raipur, when they detonated a powerful landmine blast targeting a passenger bus.

The forested 40,000 sq km Bastar region comprises the five districts of Bijapur, Narayanpur, Kanker, Bastar and Dantewada.

Maoist strike hits bus services in Orissa

BHUBANESWAR: Traffic was hit in several parts of Orissa Tuesday as a two-day strike by Maoist guerrillas protesting the government offensive against them came into effect.

Roads were deserted in the three southern districts of Gajapati, Malkangiri and Rayagada as authorities kept government buses off the road for safety, a senior state police official told IANS. Private operators also cancelled bus services in the interior areas of the districts.

However, other places in the state were unaffected.

Shops, business establishments, government and private offices were functioning as usual across the state, the official said, adding that no untoward incidents had been reported from any part of the state.

Maoists are active in more than half the state's 30 districts; the three southern districts are considered as their stronghold.

Maoist strike begins in Bihar

PATNA: A two-day Maoist strike began in Bihar amid tight security, police said Tuesday.

Additional Director General of Police P.K. Thakur said that no violence was reported in the state after Maoist guerrillas began their strike at midnight Monday.

"All the district superintendents of police have been directed to intensify patrolling and deploy additional security forces at vital installations, including railway stations," Thakur said.

"All police stations in Maoist affected districts would remain on high-alert," he added.

The outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist has called for a two-day shutdown in five states, including Bihar, to protest against a crackdown by security forces.

Ananda-USA said...

Maoist Rebel Killings in India Trigger Demands for Air Power

By Jay Shankar

May 18 (Bloomberg) -- India’s home minister said he will seek a tougher mandate to deal with Maoist rebels a day after they killed 31 police personnel and civilians, as regional leaders push for air force support.

“We are not talking about air strikes,” Palaniappan Chidambaram told the CNN-IBN television network in an interview when asked about the demands from provinces battling the leftwing guerrillas. “But using aircraft for surveillance, supplies, logistics, induction and extraction” of police forces, he said. It is up to the cabinet committee on security to approve a stronger response, Chidambaram said.

The rebels blew up a bus in the Dantewada district of mineral-rich Chhattisgarh state yesterday, injuring 12 civilians and 15 members of a special police force recruited from local villages to help fight the Maoists. The strike follows the killing of 76 policemen in the same district on April 6, the largest death toll from a single incident of Maoist violence in a decades-long conflict.

“The death toll in yesterday’s attack may rise as some are critically injured,” deputy superintendent of police Sanjay Sharma said in a telephone interview from Dantewada.

The government has repeatedly ruled out using the military against the Maoists. Chidambaram said today the appropriate response must include a stronger police presence, economic development and an offer to start peace talks if the guerrillas stop their fighting.

‘Options Open’

“The government is still not serious about the use of force and it is a very half-baked plan they’ve got,” Ashok Mehta, director of New Delhi-based Security and Policy Risk Analysis think tank said in a phone interview. “You’ve got to keep your options open.”

Dantewada, rich in iron ore, coal, bauxite and manganese, is one of the poorest regions in India with an illiteracy rate of 30.1 percent, among the lowest in India, according to a 2001 government census. Tribal communities account for more than 70 percent of its 720,000 population.

NMDC Ltd. operates its biggest iron-ore mine and Essar Steel Ltd. plans to build a $1.5 billion steel plant in the region. The rebels say there are fighting for the rights of landless poor and accuse the government of exploiting resources with no benefit for local people.

It will take two to three years to turn back expansion of Maoist violence as the rebels are a “formidable force,” Chidambaram said today.

There are no easy answers, Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management, said in a phone interview from New Delhi.

Fronts Banned

“The government does not have any more paramilitary forces at their disposal,” Sahni said. “You can’t bring in the army or the air force into such an operation. How would air power prevent the blowing up a bus like yesterday?” he said.

Chhattisgarh is among 11 of 28 states where Maoist guerrillas are active. They have killed more than 7,500 people since 1998, according to government figures. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has called the insurgents, also known as Naxalites, the greatest threat to India’s internal security.

India banned the Maoists and more than a dozen “front organizations” on June 22 last year, granting police greater powers to arrest members.

The so-called Naxalite movement takes its name from a radical 1967 peasant uprising in a village called Naxalbari in the eastern state of West Bengal. It was greeted as “a peal of spring thunder” by China’s People Daily at its birth during the political purges of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution.

Initially inspired by Maoist ideology, it has pressed a campaign of violence against the government, police and landowners in a class war that seeks to install communist rule. and address “all issues of concern,” he said.

To contact the reporters on this story: Jay Shankar in Bangalore at

Ananda-USA said...

Chidambaram threatens to Punish "Intellectuals & Academics" supporting Maoists.

It was not too long ago that I was predicting the intensification of terrorism in India, particularly by the Maoists.

The "Indian", a blogger from TN, ridiculed my statements.

But, lo and behold, just over an year later, India is trying to cope with what I had predicted.

Maoist rebels find support among India’s elite

By Amy Kazmin in Hyderabad
Financial Times
May 17, 2010

Nearly 200 activists, intellectuals and professionals met recently on a hot night in Hyderabad to celebrate a new translation of the prison writings of Varavara Rao, an unabashed ideologue for the Maoist rebels threatening the security of swaths of the interior.

The Maoists in the country’s impoverished tribal belt have stepped up their campaign, generating outrage in the political establishment.

Indian Maoist attack kills estimated 35 - May-17.Delhi accused of curbing debate on Maoists - May-09.India eyes use of drones against Maoists - Apr-15.Progress and democracy collide in India - Apr-07.Indian security forces face uphill battle - Apr-06.Maoist attack kills 76 police in India - Apr-06..Yet the Hyderabad audience was enthralled as Mr Rao, a retired college lecturer, spoke of his eight years in prison and read passages from his book. The fêting of a man cited by Maoist leaders as an inspiration for their struggle highlights the sympathy the insurgency enjoys among urban intellectuals and students.

For them the rebels articulate legitimate grievances of India’s most marginalised citizens even if they don’t support their violent tactics.

As P. Chidambaram, India’s interior minister, steps up his offensive against the guerrillas, he is waging an intensifying battle against the rebels’ urban support base.

New Delhi warned this month that intellectuals and academics disseminating “Maoist propaganda” could face up to 10 years imprisonment, a threat denounced by human rights groups as stifling debate.

“Let us have no illusion about what they want,” Mr Chidambaram said of the rebels during a parliamentary debate. “Their goal is the seizure of political power. Their method is armed revolutionary struggle.”

As New Delhi has poured paramilitary forces into Maoist-dominated territory over the past year, media-savvy rebel leaders have given numerous interviews, insisting that their struggle is a “just war” on behalf of those trampled by India’s drive for economic growth – mainly impoverished tribal people, whose land is coveted by companies eager to tap mineral wealth.

The rebel message is echoed by supporters such as Mr Rao. “Don’t go by our means, go by our cause,” said Mr Rao, who represented the Maoists in shortlived talks with authorities in 2004. “It is not just a question of violence or counter-violence. It’s a question of justice.

“Thousands and thousands of acres, the whole forest, are being given to big companies and multinationals.”

His support echoes the backing that Maoist and radical peasant movements received from intellectuals in Peru, Mexico, Nepal and elsewhere. The Indian guerrillas’ most prominent sympathisers include Arundhati Roy, the author, who called the rebels “people who live with their dreams, while the rest of the world lives with its nightmares” in a lyrical travelogue.

“I’m surrounded by these strange, beautiful children with their curious arsenal,” she wrote. “They’re all Maoists for sure . . . Are they all going to die? . . . What for? To turn all of this into a mine?”

However, Mr Chidambaram insists that the rebels must renounce violence as a precursor to talks.

Ananda-USA said...

Maoist rebels find support among India’s elite

.......continued ...
The government depicts the rebels as brutalising the tribal people whose interests they claim to protect and cites their destruction of schools and roads. Mr Chidambaram has repeatedly demanded that “those who have, erroneously, extended intellectual and material support” to the Maoists condemn their violence.

“The fight is on in the field and the propaganda war is being fought in the front pages,” said K. Srinivas Reddy, a Hyderabad-based journalist for The Hindu who has observed the Maoist movement for decades.

The propaganda war is not going well for the government. In public, many urban Indians, including former police and Congress party politicians, have said the movement reflects profound socio-economic problems.

The New Indian Express called on Mr Chidambaram to drop his insistence that the rebels abandon violence as a precursor to talks.

N. Venugopal, a member of the Revolutionary Writers’ Association, predicted that clamour for the government to open talks will grow, fuelled by guilt over rising inequities.

“The middle class is realising it is a logical consequence of government inaction,” he said of the insurgency. “If the government had done development, things would not have happened like this. To get away from their guilty feeling, [the middle class] are saying ‘come in for talks’.”

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ananda-USA said...

Konappu Bandara,

Your post of "Friday, May 15, 2009
This is your victory" is simply too beautiful not to be saved for posterity.

With your permission, I'll save it in the SriLankaPatriots blog.

I did detect lines from the "Charge of the Light Brigade" embedded elegantly in the text!
Let us Volley and Thunder regardless!


KB said...

Ananda-USA, dear chap, yes, 'Charge of the Light Brigade' is one of my favorite poems. But, happily in our case we charged headlong into victory. Please do save it in the SriLankaPatriots blog if you like.


Moshe Dyan said...


good pick!!

don't we think alike! or is it that everybody knows vezapillai is the (s)hitler of south asia.

Moshe Dyan said...

defence column,

nice to have you back.

"Should he be set free after removing his poisonous ducts?"

the best remedy. like we did to those mad doctors.

Moshe Dyan said...



yes, one nation for all. no sinhala racism, no tamil racims, no muslim racism. and demands. let there only be HUMAN endevours irrespective of race.

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

the cyclone miraculously turn away in the last moment.

praise be to god.

heavy thunderstorms in SL but if this storm keeps away that's a major relief.

Moshe Dyan said...

"Chidambaram threatens to Punish "Intellectuals & Academics" supporting Maoists."

fantastic opportunity.

if india enacts any laws now for that purpose, SL MUST copy them. any problem with that blame india!!

like the PTA. her majesty's PTA. we just copied.

kevin said...

Before I disappear from this place for another stint let me say that I am a minority in SL and a happy one.I got on well with my Sinhalese friends and ask our boys that were in Haiti about my katta sambol,second to none said the boys.
My lifelong best friend is a Sinhalese where a kar...tha like me learned to work hard, study hard and to make money hard the HONEST way.I am glad to say that he is the richest known sinhalese in UK,so humble one will never make out from a crowd,a true practicing Buddhist well respected by Denzil during his stay in UK in 60s.
He is giving you guys a tip on the stock market.Buy the shares of VOD and EMG NOW as a long term investment.Recent acquisition of another company had dipped their prices and with good yearly dividends is a good buy.
bye for now.

Moshe Dyan said...


me too!!


Sri Lanka Strategy page said...

Might be in Hindi,

But this is the best ever tribute to fallen heroes I've heard..In the amazing voice of Lata Mangeskar

Indian said...

Well,well,well,visited this site out of curiosity today and good to know that Ananda still remembers me :-)

Those 124 Arjun's are for the IA.I dont know how you got the idea that they are for the SLA.

That song makes me cry everytime I listen to it.Was composed during India's war with PRC and when Lata sang it on stage,she had our then PM Nehru on tears.

Coming back to Naxalism,I never contested the fact that it was a menace.I only contested your view on equating them to the LTTE.Naxals could never do to India what LTTE did to Srilanka,inspite of receiving support from Nepal and we all know who pulls the actual strings.India has been there and done that before.Remember Khalistan \ JKLF etc.What we see today is nothing when compared to what India faced in the 80's.India emerged out of that and this too shall go the same way.

I vividly remember a quote from BRF which goes along like "When the elephant does run,it wipes clean even the grass beneath" So the merry making will continue until the elephant decides enough is enough

Ok,bye again for now and you guys enjoy your First anniversary of eliminating terror from the Emerald isle.

Sam Perera said...


Your government needs stop appeasing terrorists, be it LTTE or Maoists. There is only one language the terrorists understand. The more you give in, the more they ask. I hope that they will gather the courage to do the right thing to all the terrorists.

Anonymous said...

moshe ,
good article. You can coose some nver forgetting pictures from below link,

Whenever I visit this link, I even do not want to keep single fucking LTTE captures ... alive.

You are correct about the whether condition and after around 15 years, we have seen a massive flooding in Galle district.

Anonymous said...

Excellent piece Moshe.

Anonymous said...

Oh lookie here! Suddha's tolerance on display

”Burka rage as female lawyer rips veil off Muslim woman in French clothes shop”

In France the veil is banned.

Now imagine if either of the two events happened in SL? All the human rights monkeys would be screaming, best of all those who advocated with fury banning the veil not just in France but else where in the West (this is a growing movement) would be the very same people screaming the loudest against "evil little brown people" as "intolerant", "racist" and "lack of religious freedom" before patting themselves on the back because they "are better than that".

Goolge said...

One year of peace! - a very big thank you SLDF. How I appreciate the value of freedom from terror that you've brought.

Kudos for Moshe for a great article.

kevin said...

One of the diasporas reaction to the VE day is to broadcast an interview by Louis Arbour and Dr Kohona on C4 TV.Main subject would be human rights and genocide etc.Will be shown on Ch4 today.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


[[the cyclone miraculously turn away in the last moment]]

Treasure your concerns about us.

Thru-out my life I have noticed that SL is close to a cyclone zone more than Florida, yet it rarely making landfall. Something "in the air" makes ~20 cyclones a year to circumnavigate the island in the "close" proximity of 500-1000km and almost always land in India/Bangladesh.

There are some exceptions I agree. Perhaps once in 10 years or so. And mostly such make landfall from H'tota and leave SL from Jaffna. That is when the radius of the curve reduces for some reason.

It is so unusual why they all go around us, while each of them is far bigger than SL. I think the cause is our hills, but need more knowledge to do an educated guess.

Nevertheless, teh whipping tail of every cyclone makes teh whole island covered with rainy clouds [Sinhala Tamil Muslim Burger we're all under one rainy cloud] and water down like it did just for so many days now.

BTW, the gurus of Global Warming state that "every activity will increase its extent" due to warming. I fear whether teh "whipping tail" of teh cyclone lengthens entering SL "airspace" and every year 20 odd tornado prone cyclones batter almost all coast of SL from Colombo thru Matara Batti Trinco upto Jaffna. It will be horrible on that day.

Pardon me for my two Italian cents of meteorology.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

From me to Sunday Leaker...


Sujeewa says:
May 19, 2010 at 12:36 am

Dear Sunday Leader;

We need to celebrate for our unity and our victory. There are no two words about it.

Note that celebration is not of our military. Our military like any great force will comply to its duty of ending social cancers like LTTE terrorists. In fact it was lack of that duty which they could not comply in preceding years that we suffered for so many. It is not the military that we celebrate. It is the victory that we celebrate.

As you said we have a great gratitude for them obviously. It is their lives arms, legs, sweat and blood that brought us to victory. But note that SLDF is not demanding this, nor is it flattered with it.

We celebrate the defeat of greatest savage of our time. When you go through the savage acts of LTTE you only have one in par – bad old Hitler. We celebrate the day of defeating the inhuman gang and bringing a chance for humanity in SL.

You mentioned about unity. It is of course for the unity not for segregation. It is a time that we can spread the message of Sri Lankanism among all people, be it Sinhala Tamil or Muslim. At a time the elements of evil agenda are hard at work, it is an essence that we bring all races that value the Unity aka Sri Lankanism. And what better day than the day of defeating the greatest obstacle for it? Celebrations should bring us unity.

Please note that despite having lost life and limb, yet most tamil people can find past few months are as anniversary of their liberation. Liberation from the grand inhuman killer force of LTTE which used humans like ammo for arti guns. It is amazing how some bravehearts risked their lives to save many such.

Some people think that it is a day of mourning for dead LTTE. Well death is in either side. This is perhaps the time of year that marks most intense deaths of brave SLDF. That is why people celebrate with restraint. People react to it not in a street fiasco but deep in their hearts commemorating the death, even the dead LTTE as humans at least by birth. If we forget the sacrifice that our dear defence forces did in this war and dance like madbulls we’re the most ungrateful ppl.

Therefore I think the message of the celebrations is clear. It is a time for celebration not with impulse reaction but with deep awareness of many sacrifices that brought us here, and great inspirations of unity of all Sri Lankans. That will only make it a true victory for celebration. And that is the key point I gather in this silent celebrations.

Cheers all Sri Lankans. For the great victory.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...

Old guards are not sleeping...


ආණ්‌ඩුව දෙමළ සන්ධානය සමඟ සාකච්ඡා කිරීම
පරාජය කළ ත්‍රස්‌තවාදයට නැවත අනුබල දීමක්‌
දේශහිතෛෂී ජාතික ව්‍යාපාරයේ සභාපති ආචාර්ය ගුණදාස අමරසේකර

ද්‍රවිඩ ජාතික සන්ධානය සමඟ සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට රජයට කිසිදු අයිතියක්‌ නැතැයි ද එසේ සාකච්ඡා කිරීම මගින් පරාජය කරන ලද ත්‍රස්‌තවාදයට නැවත අනුබල දීමක්‌ සිදුවන බවත් දේශහිතෛෂී ජාතික ව්‍යාපාරයේ සභාපති ආචාර්ය ගුණදාස අමරසේකර මහතා නිවේදනයක්‌ නිකුත් කරමින් ප්‍රකාශ කරයි.

එම නිවේදනය මෙසේය.

ආර්. සම්බන්ධන් මහතාගේ නායකත්වයෙන් යුතු දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය (ටී. එන්. ඒ.) මැයි 17 වැනිදා මහා ව්‍යසනයක්‌ කළ දිනයක්‌ ලෙස සලකා අඬා වැළපී ආගමික වතාවත්වල යෙදෙන ලෙස දෙමළ ජනයාගෙන් ඉල්ලා තිබේ.

දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානයේ ඉතිහාසය දන්නා අපි ඔවුන්ගේ මේ ජාති ෙද්‍රdaහී කතාව ගැන පුදුම නොවෙමු. දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය වේළුපිල්ලේ ප්‍රභාකරන්ගේ බවත් එය ත්‍රස්‌තවාදය වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටි රූකඩ පක්‍ෂයක්‌ බවත් ඔවුන් ත්‍රස්‌තවාදී හංවඩුව නොලබන්නේ අවි නොදැරීම නිසා පමණක්‌ බවත් අපි දනිමු.

අපේ වීරෝදාර රණවිරුවන් විසින් එදා නන්දිකඩාල් කලපුවේ ගිල්වා මැරුවේ වේළුපිල්ලේ ප්‍රභාකරන් පමණක්‌ නොවේ. ඔහු වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටි ටී. එන්. ඒ. වැනි ත්‍රස්‌තවාදී කල්ලිද එදා මේ කලපුව තුළ ගිල්වා මැරූ බව අපගේ විශ්වාසයයි. මේ සත්‍යය අද වනවිට සනාථ වී තිබේ. අද වනවිට ටී. එන්. ඒ. රූකඩ පක්‍ෂයට දෙමළ ජනයා වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටීමට අයිතියක්‌ නොමැත. පසුගියදා උතුර සහ නැගෙනහිර පැවැති මහජන ඡන්දයෙන් මෙය සනාථකර තිබේ.

අයි. ටී. ඒ. කේ. වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටි ටී. එන්. ඒ. පක්‍ෂයට උතුරු පළාතෙන් ලැබුණේ ඡන්ද 106,792 පමණි. එක්‌සත් ජනතා නිදහස්‌ සංධානය සහ එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂය ඡන්ද 110,551 ලබා ගත්තා. අයි. ටී. ඒ. කේ. පක්‍ෂයට මන්ත්‍රී ආසන 8 ක්‌ ලැබුණු අතර එක්‌සත් ජනතා නිදහස්‌ සංධානයට සහ එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂයට ආසන 7 ක්‌ ලැබුණි. නැගෙනහිර පළාතේ ටී. එන්. එකට ලැබී ඇත්තේ ඡන්ද 126,398 පමණි. එම පළාතේ එක්‌සත් ජනතා නිදහස්‌ සංධානයට ඡන්ද 253,889 ක්‌ ලැබුණු අතර එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂයට ඡන්ද 153,383 ක්‌ ලැබිණි. ටී. එන්. ඒ., අයි. ටී. ඒ. කේ. ආසන 5 ක්‌ ලබාගත් අතර විරුද්ධ පක්‍ෂ දෙක ආසන 11 ක්‌ ලබා ගත්තේය. උතුර සහ නැගෙනහිර එක්‌කොට සළකා බලන කළ ටී. එන්. ඒ. පක්‍ෂයට ලැබී ඇත්තේ එක්‌සත් ජනතා නිදහන් සන්ධානය සහ එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂය ලැබූ ඡන්දවලින් බාගයකි. මන්ත්‍රී සංඛ්‍යාව අතින් ද ටී. එන්. ඒ. පක්‍ෂයට වඩා ආසන පහක්‌ අර පක්‍ෂ දෙක විසින් ලබා ගෙන ඇත.

මේ ප්‍රතිඵල සලකා බලන විට ටී. එන්. ඒ. පක්‍ෂයට වඩා දෙමළ ජනතාවගේ එකම නියෝජිතයා වශයෙන් පෙනී සිටීමට කිසිදු පදනමක්‌ නොමැති බව කාට වුවද පෙනී යා යුතුය. ටී. එන්. ඒ. පක්‍ෂයට දෙමළ ජනයා වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටීමට අයිතියක්‌ නැතුවා මෙන්ම රජයටද ඒ ස්‌ථාවරය මත ටී. එන්. ඒ. පක්‍ෂය සමඟ ගනුදෙනු කිරීමට සදාචාරාත්මක අයිතියක්‌ නොමැති බවට අපගේ විශ්වාසයයි. රජය කතා කළ යුත්තේ දෙමළ ජනයා ප්‍රතික්‌ෂේප කළ ටී. එන්. ඒ. පක්‍ෂය සමඟ නොව උතුරු සහ නැගෙනහිර වෙසෙන දෙමළ ජනයා සමඟය. ඒ දෙමළ ජනයාට එසේ කථා කිරීමට මඟක්‌, හැකියාවක්‌ කටක්‌ නොමැති බව අපි දනිමු.

එසේ නම් මේ අවස්‌ථාවේ රජය කළ යුත්තේ ටී. එන්. ඒ. සමඟ සාකච්ඡාවට යැම නොව අර හඬක්‌ නැගීමට අසමත්ව ඇති දෙමළ ජනයාට හඬක්‌ නැගීමට අවශ්‍ය පරිසරය සලසා දීම නොවේද? මේ අතින් රජය ගෙන යන උතුරු පුනරුත්ථාපන කටයුතු අපි අගය කරමු.

මෙහිලා රාජ්‍ය ආරක්‌ෂක ලේකම් ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා විසින් පසුගිය දිනෙක කරන ලද මේ ප්‍රකාශය අපි එකහෙළා අනුමත කරමු.

"උතුරු සහ නැගෙනහිර අරබයා දේශපාලන වෙනස්‌කම්, ප්‍රතිසංස්‌කරණ කළ යුතුය යන හඬ මට අසන්නට ලැබී තිබේ. ඒ අභිලාෂය මට වටහා ගත හැකියි. එහෙත් මා සිතන අයුරු ප්‍රමුඛ ස්‌ථානය දියයුත්තේ දේශපාලන ප්‍රතිසංස්‌කරණයකට නොව දුප්පත් ජනයාට අත්‍යවශ්‍යව ඇති යටිතල පහසුකම් සපයා දීමටයි. තිස්‌ වසක්‌ බැට කෑ මේ මිනිසුන්ට පාරවල්, විදුලිය, පානීය ජලය, රෝහල්, පාසල්, නව රැකියා අද අවශ්‍යව තිබේ. ඒ අවශ්‍යතා ඉටු කිරීමට ව්‍යවස්‌ථා සංශෝධනයට වඩා ප්‍රමුඛ ස්‌ථානයක්‌ දිය යුතුය. ඔවුන්ට යළි මිනිසුන් බවට පත්විය හැක්‌කේ ඒ මගින් පමණි. එසේ මිනිසුන් බවට පත්වීමෙන් පසු ඔවුන්ට අවශ්‍ය දේශපාලන විසඳුම් ඉදිරිපත් කරනු ඇත.

ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතාගේ මේ ප්‍රකාශය අපි එකසේ අනුමත කරමු.

දෙමළ ජනයා ප්‍රතික්‌ෂේප කර ඇති ටී. එන්. ඒ. පක්‍ෂය සමඟ ගනුදෙනු කරන්නට යැම තුළ සැඟවුණු ලොකු අනතුරක්‌ අපි ද දකිමු. ඔවුන් සමඟ සාකච්ඡා කරන්නට යැම යළි ත්‍රස්‌තවාදීන් සමඟ සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට යාමක්‌ නොවේද? ත්‍රස්‌තවාදයට වක්‍රාකාරයෙන් පිළිගැනීමක්‌ දීම නොවේද? එය කිසි අයුරකින් නොකළ යුත්තකි.

Anonymous said...

Channel 4 has run another "heart rendering" account of Sri Lanka.

Usual self-pleasuring over "war crimes" with that whore Louise Arbour.

Comical piece was "Sinhalese are divided, military is divided, and people live in fear of the Governments terror".

More bullshit with "newly released photos" showing "suffering" which were in fact the same bs we have seen before with the edges blackened.

Included in this “new evidence” was one released by the MoD over a year ago (we’ve all seen these) which Channel 4 just “uncovered” (shock horror!) showing a commander on a radio (next to Jagath Dias), and according to Channel 4 "ordering the killing of civilians". Wow what a shocker! They figured what was spoken from a photo.

Included in this "report" was some so called Military officer "speaking" on condition of anonymity (as always), just showing his arms but the screen was greenish (like night vision) releasing more piles of bull. Looked like some suddha LOL. It was obvious it was so faked. Also there was some ugly Tamil sakkilya with the name “journalist”(LOL) adding to the above piece of “we live in terror (of the Government)”.

Attack on GR as "the man who ordered war crimes", also GR "being investigated by the US Justice department".

More demands for "international inquiry"

They then said this "we are waiting for a Government representative -Palitha Kohana- who is avoiding us. For our report to be impartial we need to hear from the Government of Sri Lanka".

How can we forget Channel 4 is the bastion of journalistic excellence.

Probably lied to Palitha Kohana about the time to meet so they can make it look like SL is "running away". Anyway PK arrived.

He was all right in how he spoke and all however was not forceful enough.
Best bit was that Sinhala hating faggot John Snow weeping over journalists “being killed” and “lack of media freedom” proclaiming "a journalist has been imprisoned for years" (he said it twice, trying to sound tough) PK laughed and asked "who? Give me the name", to which Snow stuttered then said "i do not know the name, but you know who i mean".

That was so funny.

Before PK could respond further Snow unsurprisingly changed the subject quickly.

What stood out for me was this: "other countries site Sri Lanka as an example on how to deal with rebellions and civil war".

Oh my goodness. The reporter (that other fag Jonathon Miller) was CRYING. HOLY SHIT what happens if other courtiers try ending their civil wars, suddha would be in deep shit then! We can't have broken, divided, war ravaged countries prospering now then can we.

Anyway all in all it was the usual persecution of SL.

Moshe Dyan said...


you are right.

what was i thinking!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

andare, goolge, pol,


Selva said...


Today marks the saddest day for our Eelam brethren, the day when our beloved President of Tamil Eelam was declared dead and the day the Singala state declared an empty victory over the Eelam nation and occupied our sovereign and internationally recognised territory. This is a day that will live in infamy. This day shall never be forgotten. Every cloud has a silver lining, today also marks the inauguration of the first session of the TGTE parliament when democratically elected Eelam MPs took their oaths and pledged to reclaim our nation from the hands of the chauvinist occupiers, we pray that they succeed.

Please light a candle for our fallen cadres and remember our long suffering Eelam brethren in your daily prayers, their sacrifices shall never be forgotten!

Sam Perera said...


I just checked the Channel 4 235% authentic video. Ch-4 sons of b1tches needed actors to speak for the front line soldiers. Many of the new found photos are the photos we have seen in the web. many of the photos did have no connection to Ch-4 fibbing at all. This sure is some damning evidence. I believe that Ch-4 should be sued by SL and be banned for ever in Sri Lanka.

Sam Perera said...

Terrorist Selva,

our sovereign and internationally recognised territory

Do you really know what an internationally recognized territory is? Please let us know names of the international bodies who recognizes your territory.

Sujeewa Kokawala said...


pls light the candle and stuff in your back.

this is not only a sad day but also a day of realization [or shall I say enlightenment] for you.

It simply proved that past 30 years of savage actions financed by your diaspora gang and put into action by your "beloved president of nythical land" do not have a place in this century.

Look at teh defeat with broader eyes Selva. Was it really "Sinhala Army"? What about the significent tamil and muslim support in not only morally but also as informants, combatants and intel services? What about Indians, why did your grand mother India supported SLDF whole heartedly? Then China and Pakistan? Why did they support SL? What about Russia who was a pillar against you?

Is taht all, you may dream so. What about USA, UK, Aus, Canada, Japan and even Norway who did not directly interfere into it militarily? Yet banned and busted all your logistic avenues. Why did they do so? Why did US not attack SL like they did with Millesovic? Why did you fail where Kosovo succeeded?

Sit back and think Selva. There are several facts that you cannot deny.

1. the land you claim was NOT your homeland historically. You may handg on to a misguiding line of Mahavansaya, but look at overwhelming archeological evidence despite the worst efforts to demolish them.

2. There is no practical possibility of an Eelam in SL. It just does not fit in place. Nobody really supports it.

3. The avenues you chose were extremely savage and bad. World is far more civilized that your ghettos and underworld gangs.

4. You took hostage of your own tamil bro/sis in SL. And taht is never gonna succeed. There is no war/rebellion/revolution won remotely. Your dlaar/euro a day alone cannot win it.

5. Your cheap tricks which just ended up in farces. Like BibMac only fasting. It is easy to cheat one once, but not all all the time.

6. It is impossible to beat a nation united, and standing to righteous and civilized ideals.

7. Anger and hatred along cannot build a country.

Think Selva. It is time for pondering. Stop wasting time with candles. Even a flash light won't shed any light in your anger-struck rotting minds.

Ananda-USA said...


Good to hear from you .. please visit us as often as you can.

You said "So the merry making will continue until the elephant decides enough is enough"!

I have no doubt that India will get its head straight and finally wipe out the menace of Naxalite terrorism affecting a broad swath of India, and the lives of over 850 million people.

India WILL DO IT, as WE DID IT in Sri Lanka.

But, how many people will die UNNECESSARILY due to the indecision and negligence of Indian leaders to act quickly and effectively?

Will India burn while the leaders fiddle as Sri Lanka burned as our leaders fiddled? Why can't India learn from Sri Lanka's mistakes and failure to act decisively?

As a result, how many opportunities for rapid growth and development of India will be lost in process. What of the delays in years and decades while the rest of the world races forward?

The federalist structure of India is a significant barrier to eradicating terrorism .. India is well endowed with people .. yet the state governments wail they do not have the necessary personnel to control terrorism! We hear of the state security forces shaking in their boots, and cowering in their bases, in fear of the Maoists! It should be the other way around!

In my view, India has a long way to go to secure peace and the rule of law within itself.

We wish our Dear Indian Cousins every success in their hour of pain, and stand ready to help in any way we can, because as India succeeds .. we ourselves will succeed.

Ananda-USA said...


Send your email address to me at . I will send you an invitation to the SLPAC blog.

Anonymous said...


I sent you an email.

Sam Perera said...


I want to rehash what Ananda said above,

We wish our Dear Indian Cousins every success in their hour of pain, and stand ready to help in any way we can, because as India succeeds .. we ourselves will succeed.

We have inseparable ties with India. Just as in Emperor Ashoka's time we want India to be strong and humble.

Moshe Dyan said...

"We have inseparable ties with India. Just as in Emperor Ashoka's time we want India to be strong and humble."

......and be ruled by hindi speaking ppl.

can't imagine karunanidhi or jeyalalitha ruling india!! lol!

Sam Perera said...

Prabhakaran completely misjudged the Sri Lankan state and military under President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Sri Lanka under the latter was a totally different kettle of fish from what it was in the past.

Rohan Gunaratne

It is a different kettle of fish just like in the times of Kings Gamini Abhaya and Kiththi Vijayabahu.

“The West too had changed after 9/11. It would not bend over backwards to rescue the founders of the suicide bombing technique, though it had to speak up for human rights, which is its new religion,” Gunaratna noted.

Speaking up for human rights while not allowing Muslim women to dress a burka at their own will like French Frogs do got to be a new religion. In other parts, it is called blatant hypocrisy.

Moshe Dyan said...

palitha kohonna is not good for the job when it comes to speaking to media.

he didn't blunder but he's not FLUENT!!!

Anonymous said...

I told you these para suddhas would not give up

Sri Lanka Strategy page said...


It is a timeless classic. It makes me choke as well, though I'm not even Indian (perhaps as I apply it in a Sri Lankan context). Thought of posting a translation, but really no translation can do justice to the song..I heard Nehru cried because he ignored the warnings of a general who predicted that the PLA would attack?

Moshe Dyan said...

just to clear the matter although this didn't happen....

on wars between india-china and india-pakistan, we should stay NEUTRAL.

india is CERTAINLY NOT better than china or pakistan.

if india stops meddling in others' affairs, its neighbours will have more respect for it.

Moshe Dyan said...


on sudda from a previous discussion.

i don't attribute it to the sudda, still.

1. sudda wants to kill every non-sudda in the world. he may temporarily team up with some to kill others.

2. sudda also attacks other suddas!!!

3. however, it was TAMIL ELAMISTS who gave sudda the AMMUNITION to fire at us.

sudda is the gun, tamil elamists are the ammunition that SELF LOADED the gun.

4. sudda the gun is not only pointing at us. its against every nation that's weaker. this is how it was and this is how it will be. we cannot stop this or change this. no need.

but tamil elamists are against us. those are the MFs.

that is why i blame tamil elamists, not suddas.

if not for tamil elamists, suddas' MAIN VICTIM would not be SL in south asia. in that event they would find another nation to bash.

e.g. bhutan!!!

suddas are 10% culpabale, tamil elamists 90% culpable.

Sam Perera said...

on wars between india-china and india-pakistan, we should stay NEUTRAL.

Moshe, this did happen. Regardless, I want to see an India of Dharmashoka's time again. That is the India made her most significant contribution to the world. Powerful yet humble.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Tamilia provide the conduit of interference/attack and suddha happily uses, so who is to blame? Tamilia or suddha?

Suddha obviously because if suddha wanted to he could ignore it or not be bothered with it. It is clear they have an agenda/goals to which they use Tamilia. If it was not Tamilia they would use something else (e.g. Ranilam, Gonseka).

It is a matter of convenience.

They are thus also encouraging and strengthening Tamilia.

Without suddha Tamilia amount to nothing. They so easily could ignore them as they do muslims/arabs in their own countries (who also do huge amounts of "lobbying" and prostituting vote blocks) so why "willingly be misled" by Tamilia who have less wealth and political power Vs muslims/arabs (i know Jews are a different case ;) )?

Suddha’s current goal based on recent events is to crush Sinhalese firmly into submission. Just look at what they have done in the past e.g. 1818, 1848. They are ruthless apes who we must fight back and we can using the same medium & language they have currently chosen to assault us with.

What is clear is Rajapakses have not understood the severity or significance of what is being hurled against the nation and them as individuals. I base this on their bloody stubbornness (best scene by still trying to get Tamilias vote block in SL) coupled with MR’s moronic belief “well, these things happen” i.e. the war crimes bs. Immediately after the UNHRC last year that was his response. He just shrugged his shoulders of a shocking and dangerous event. Worse was his treatment of Dayan J which also exemplifies his attitude towards this. (I never liked Dayan’s socialist bs that he rattles on about but Dayan hates suddha with passion, best of all he understands suddha well enough to fight him brilliantly as we saw last year. His removal was a great loss).

Moshe Dyan said...



did sudda create trouble to SL, b4 1505????

no; it was tamil madu invaders. now they have changed their form of invasion.

from 300BC onwards they were the curse SL had.

e.g. sennan, ellalan, pandyan, chol(er)an, etc.

sudda is different. they have NOTHING particularly against us. they are against ANY NATION that is likely to stand on its own feet.

even the gonseka thing is bcos gonseka sought help from the TE movement. so did ranil and CBK.

another convincing example is 1971, 1989 JVP wipeout. sudda could have easily made use of it and interfered in SL. more civilians died then. but that didn't happen. why????

also sudda did many good things to SL but TEs NEVER did any good.

e.g. railways, roads, kept the unitary status, NEVER entertained TE racists

of course there were bad things but TEs NEVER NEVER did any good. so comparatively sudda is MUCH better.

at times sudda was better than even SLs own MFs.

the motherfcuker was swOrd banda who totally unnecessarily came to the B-C pact with his school time older friend.

since then our MFs were obsessed with giving political solutions to TEs!!!

but when TEs made that demand from the sudda in 1931, it was rejected UNCONDITIONALLY.

order of evil. worst first.

1. TEs
2. SL's own foolish MFs
3. sudda

Moshe Dyan said...


dayan's hate for sudda is bcos of his communist thinking!!!

not bcos of anything else.

if sudda turned communist (hypothetically) and tells dayan to create tamil elam, he will preach us why tamil elam should be in existence.

we need ppl to work for SL FOR THE SAKE OF SL in top posts.

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ananda-USA said...

Diyasena malli,

And then listen to the great classical vocalists of India render the Indian National Anthem, and tremble when you hear the ties that bind us together!

Thusitha said...

Ananda-USA said...

Now listen to Vande Mataram, the National song of India, written by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay. :)

That song is bit slow. Like a Sri Lankan Classical song.

Ananda-USA said...

Prabhakaran’s flawed strategy sealed LTTE fate

PK Balachandran
May 18, 2010

COLOMBO: The LTTE chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran, was thought to be a military genius and invincible by most Sri Lankan and international analysts. Admittedly, he did hold the Sri Lankan state to ransom for three decades, and performed many military feats. But ultimately, he completely failed.

Asked to explain the dramatic turn of events in the course of 2008-2009, Prof.Rohan Gunaratna, Head of the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore said that Prabhakaran made two strategic mistakes: One was to transform his guerilla and terrorist outfit into a conventional armed force. The other was to believe that the Sri Lankan state could be militarily defeated.

“Turning the LTTE into a conventional army was the single biggest mistake Prabhakaran had made,” Gunaratna told Express over the phone on Tuesday.

“If the LTTE had remained a guerilla force, the Sri Lankan military could never have defeated it,” he added.

What finally sealed the fate of the intrepid guerilla leader was the bid to match the Sri Lankan conventional army in numbers by forcibly recruiting civilians and putting them on to the battlelines with little or no training.

“In the final stages, 60 per cent of the cadre had been forcibly recruited. These had no will to fight.This is why 11,500 of them surrendered, something which has never happened before,” Gunaratna noted.

The LTTE was flush with weapons, even to the last day, but it had no men to use them.

Prabhakaran completely misjudged the Sri Lankan state and military under President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Sri Lanka under the latter was a totally different kettle of fish from what it was in the past.

“In the last few years, after Balasingham’s death, Prabhakaran had surrounded himself by people who did not give realistic advice. These were Pottu Amman, Castro, Nadesan and Puleedevan. On external matters there was Ponnaiah Anandarajah, the chief arms procurer, and KP, after he was brought back from seculsion. These people kept telling Prabhakaran that the struggle could not be crushed and escape was possbile,” Gunaratna said.


“Till the last moment Prabhakaran believed that Tamil Nadu would save him, and that the West will intervene effectively. But he did not know that Tamil Nadu and New Delhi thought alike on the LTTE. Both saw the LTTE’s brand of politics and nationalism as being dangerous,” Gunaratna said.

“The West too had changed after 9/11. It would not bend over backwards to rescue the founders of the suicide bombing technique, though it had to speak up for human rights, which is its new religion,” Gunaratna noted.


Prabhakaran was viewed as a strong, self willed, ruthless leader, who was uncompromisingly committed to his cause. People submitted to him, out of a mixture of admiration and fear.

But the organisational structure which he gave to the LTTE had a major flaw.

“Being a totalitarian and monolithic structure with everything resting on one individual, his thinking and his decision, it collapsed like a house of cards, the moment he, the supremo, died. The LTTE met the fate of the Nazi party after Hitler killed himself,” Gunaratna said.

Ananda-USA said...

Civilian toll in last phase of Lankan war 1,400

PK Balachandran
May 18, 2010

COLOMBO: A well known expert on terrorism has put the number of Tamil civilians killed in the last phase of Eelam War IV, between January 1 and May 19, 2009, at 1,400, and not 40,000 as touted by the LTTE internationally.

Prof. Rohan Gunaratna, who heads the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (CPVTR) at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore told Express over phone on Tuesday, that he had arrived at a the figure of 1,400 after talking at length to the Tamil doctors who had served in the war zone, and interacting with “hundreds” of Tamil civilians who were in the No Fire Zone (NFZ) in the last days of the war.

The interviews were conducted between July and September 2009 with permission from the Ministry of Defence, he said.

“The doctors told me that they were forced by the LTTE to give highly inflated figures to the BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera,” Gunaratna said.


While civilian collateral deaths were low, the number of LTTE cadre killed during the same period was more than 10,000, the expert said.

Asked how the Sri Lankan armed forces could distinguish between civilians and guerillas in a small area teeming with 300,000 civilians and about 10,000 LTTE cadre and ensure such low civilian deaths, he said that to understand what happened, two facts must be noted:

(1) During most of the fighting in Eelam War IV in north Lanka, civilians were not involved. This was because the LTTE had moved the civilians deeper into territory held by them, before it faced the advancing army. Therefore, for the most part, there were no civilian casualties.

(2) Civilian casualties began to occur as “collateral damage”, only in the last phase of the war. This was when the LTTE moved into the No Fire Zone in the north eastern corner of Mulaitivu district. Even in this phase, the Sri Lankan forces largely withheld the use of heavy “area” weapons like artillery and aerial bombing, and used small eight to ten-man combat units and Special Forces.

The Special Forces, particularly, were trained to operate against pin pointed targets while ensuring minimum collateral damage, whether human or material.

“When artillery and mortars were used, they were directed precisely at LTTE gun positions and LTTE cadre concentrations,” Gunaratna said.


Asked how long range area weapons like mortars and artillery could ensure such pin point accuracy, Gunaratna said that the Sri Lankan forces had access to very good aerial and satellite imagery to guide their firing.

“The UAVs played a key role in directing military action. And thanks to some friendly countries, very good satellite imagery was also available,” he said.


The Lankan armed forces were able to keep track of the LTTE’s movements, because they had broken into the guerillas’ communication systems.

“The army could listen to Tiger chieftain Velupillai Prabhakaran’s coversations with his lieutenants,” Gunaratna said.


Civilian casualties were minimised also because covert operations were undertaken to a significant extent. The Lankan army had adopted the guerillas’ tactic of infiltrating enemy lines for espionage and sniping. Sharp shooters from the Diyatalawa Military Academy were effectively deployed. In one operation, the army’s eight-man units infiltrated the Forward Defence Lines of the LTTE in the NFZ, and planted twenty 12 kg claymore mines which, upon exploding, threw the guerillas into disarray.

Ananda-USA said...

Civilian toll in last phase of Lankan war 1,400

The precision with which the last phase of the operation was done enabled the peaceful surrender of over 11,000 LTTE cadre, including a number of their leaders, and the crossing over of 300,000 civilians into the welcoming arms of the army, Gunaratna said.


The expert said that the international community still believed that 40,000 civilians were killed because the Sri Lankan government had failed to counter the LTTE’s propaganda in this respect.

“The government should have issued a White Paper stating what really happened,” Gunaratna said.

Ananda-USA said...

Few in Lanka mourn LTTE chief

MR Narayan Swamy
May 17, 2010

NEW DELHI: One year after Tamil Tigers chieftain Velupillai Prabhakaran was killed the same way he sent so many to their death, Sri Lanka remains ethnically divided but not many mourn the once feared guerrilla.

Even as Colombo celebrates the crushing defeat of his Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) at the hands of its military, the anti-government Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has called for mourning for the thousands of civilians killed in the final months of the war that ended in May last year.

But while Tamil suffering may evoke sympathy among the majority Sinhalese community, few in Sri Lanka feel sorry for the late LTTE leader whose passion for self-defeating violence has left the Tamils reeling in misery.

"Apart from being callous and bankrupt, he has been an idiot," Rajan Hoole, a respected Sri Lankan Tamil human rights activist, said in a candid assessment of a man who had vowed to form an independent Tamil homeland but failed.

"Whatever aims Prabhakaran may have had, the Tamils have been taken in the opposite direction," Hoole told IANS in a telephonic interview.

"But that is only one part of the story," he said. "The way the government is dealing with the Tamil problem, Prabhakaran might end up having the last laugh."

Prabhakaran, who founded the LTTE in 1976 and spearheaded a horribly bloody separatist campaign, was killed by the Sri Lankan military May 18 last year, ending a quarter century long armed conflict that consumed over 90,000 lives.

Also killed with Prabhakaran in the marshy, forested battlefields of Mullaitivu district were virtually all his lieutenants and hundreds of his fighters, destroying in one stroke an outfit that was once considered as potent as Al Qaeda.

Today, thousands of Tamil civilians, who survived the blood-soaked final stages of the war are still in refugee camps in the country's north. Many former LTTE cadres are in detention, the hardened ones in military custody.

It is not that Prabhakaran has been forgotten.

Many of the Tamils who fled Sri Lanka over the decades and now live in large numbers in the West still see the man as a hero and are determined to keep alive his legacy.

But within Sri Lanka, support for Prabhakaran within the Tamil community is minimal, simply because it is they who suffered the most because of the activities of the Tigers.

"The Tamil people do not want another armed struggle again," said Tamil politician Dharmalingam Sitharthan, who had known Prabhakaran in their student days in Jaffna.

"But there are those in the northeast (of Sri Lanka) who still view him as a symbol of Tamil nationalism," he added.

Sitharthan and other Tamils who spoke to IANS, some not wanting to be quoted by name, agreed that the LTTE would never be able to revive itself even if some of its members are still on the run, with revenge on their mind.

Some Tamils, including those in the Tamil provincial government in Sri Lanka's eastern province, said that Colombo was determined not to give any meaningful political concessions to the Tamil community.

This, they feared, stood in the way of ethnic reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

"The fact is the Sri Lankan government is working towards Tamil Eelam in some sense by not addressing Tamil political problems," Hoole said. "Sinhalese politics seems linked to the fear of Eelam and separatist terrorism.

"There is no need for large military settlements that have come up in Tamil areas," he said.

A young former woman LTTE guerrilla told IANS: "So many years of fighting has gone waste. Today, we are weaker than in 1983 (when Tamil militancy started). I feel sorry for myself and the Tamil community."

Ananda-USA said...

This is what happens when the TNA is NOT HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their TREASONOUS ACTIVITIES and are allowed to foment treachery all over again!

There is NO TAMIL NATION in Sri Lanka, for an ALLIANCE to exist; there is ONLY A SRI LANKAN NATION comprising ALL OF ITS CITISENS!

The EARLIER the GOSL outlaws all organizations advocating communal agendas and using communal names for their organizations, the EARLIER Sri Lanka can be made completely safe from terrorism and disintegration.

Why, Oh Why, are we not doing these things STILL?

TNA’s mourning call a fizzle

P K Balachandran
May 17, 2010

COLOMBO: A call by the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to observe May 17 as a ‘Day of Mourning’ to mourn the alleged mass killing of civilians by the Sri Lankan armed forces in the last few days of Eelam War IV, had little or no response in the Tamil-speaking North and East of Sri Lanka ,sources in the area told Express.

“The TNA had called for prayers to be offered at temples and churches, but there was little evidence of any such puja here,” said a prominent Tamil in Vavuniya, which received lakhs of refugees in the last days of the war.

“There is no scope for any such agitations now,” the resident said on condition of anonymity.

Virakersari carried a report on an anonymous pamphlet distributed in Vavuniya which described the “Mourning Day” as nothing but a covert attempt to mourn the demise of the LTTE.

The pamphlet warned that those who participated would be noted and punished.

In Jaffna, families of those who had lost their kith and kin in the Wanni war zone, visited Hindu temples and the shrine in Kirimalai to perform ceremonies for the departed, a journalist working for a local daily, said.

But the army did not allow people to attend a multi-religious prayer meeting at the Nallur Adheenam, he added.

“About 50 people had tried to enter the premises, but they were stopped by the army. The rest took the cue and kept off, ” he said.

The army also made some inquiries from the 50-odd people who had attended a meeting organised by the TNA and told them not to indulge in such anti-government activities, the scribe said.

Ananda-USA said...

No demilitarisation of north, East: Gotabaya

PK Balachandran
May 17, 20109

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa has rejected the demand of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) that the Northern and Eastern provinces be demilitarised since the war against the LTTE had ended an year ago.

In an article in ‘‘The Sunday Times’ Gotabaya said that it would be “foolish” to relax military control given the possibility that the LTTE might regroup.

On the very heavy military presence in the Wanni, he said: “The vast jungle terrain in the Wanni must be dominated - it is the land that the LTTE exploited to the maximum during the early stages of the campaign to wage guerilla warfare.”

DEVELOPMENT NOT DEVOLUTION NEEDED: In another case of rejection, the Defence Secretary ruled out the devolution of powers to Tamil provinces in the near future.

“I hear a clamour for political reforms in the north and east and I understand and appreciate that. But I do also sincerely believe that priority should be given not to political reforms but to infrastructure development and attending to the other basis social needs of the people.”

KP AS IMPORTANT AS PRABHAKARAN: The capture of the LTTE’s top arms smuggler K Pathmapanthan alias KP, was as important as the killing of the LTTE chief V Prabhakaran, a top official said.

After Prabhakaran re-appointed the sidelined KP in the last stages of the war to meet a weapons shortage, KP did the needful.

KP had not only been in touch with Prabhakaran and his son Charles Anthony till the last, but had annointed himself the head of the LTTE after Prabhakaran was killed on May 19.

KP had started a movement for a Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) which was now gaining support from among the Western governments. Sri Lanka has appealed to these governments to desist from giving support.

POTTU AMMAN’S DEATH: Quashing the persistent rumour that the LTTE’s intelligence wing leader, Pottu Amman, was not killed in the battle and that he was either in custody or had escaped, the Defence Secretary said that though Pottu Amman’s body had not been identified there was “extremely reliable” information that he was in the Nanthikadal battle zone in the last stage of the war. According to Gotabaya, there were dozens of bodies in the zone which could not be identified because of decomposition, and Pottu Amman’s body might have been one among them.

“Therefore, Pottu Amman is certainly dead, and cant be believed otherwise,” he asserted.

Swarnajith Udana said...

Re-live the moment again. Visit the battle front update map. The feeling still I get when I see the map free of Sun God Area is refreshing.

Tilvin says that even the Mother Nature weeps for the injustice done against SF.

Tilvin might have needed to say that Mother Nature weeps for Sun God's demise. He has no guts to say it. Therefore Tilvin uses the name of the True Sun God the second!

Nice article Moshe.

I will visit the blog when I can.

Moshe Dyan said...



so he has got mixed up with thalaivar- I and II

No_MESS said...

Killed, cremated and ashes thrown to the sea

By Shamindra Ferdinando

I have only one complaint – Their ashes should have been encased in 1metre thick lead container to protect the CARBON CYCLE

Indian said...

I keep coming here often.Its just that I silently read and dont have anything to comment upon.

Yes.Nehru did misread the situation.He firmly believed PRC had no reason to fight India and his belief was only strengthened after his then Beijing visit.But PRC did attack India and he was never the same man again.

I too hope GoSL maintains neutrality if there is going to be a conflict in the future.And please remind them even re-fueling planes will be considered as a hostile action.Let bygones be bygones and hope the 2 countries understand the importance of each other and work together.

Sam Perera,
Ashoka turned a new leaf only on the latter part of his life,to be precise after the Kalinga war.Until then he has Chandasoka

Anonymous said...

another convincing example is 1971, 1989 JVP wipeout. sudda could have easily made use of it and interfered in SL. more civilians died then. but that didn't happen. why????

Well why would they “interfere”?? What, you think they care about civilians?

Both cases involved Sinhalese killing each other. That’s a win win.

You have thousands of Sinhala Buddhist youth driven by nationalism and patriotism (but under false leadership of JVP) being slaughtered by what were essentially kalu-suddha Governments. Who wants to stop that?

” also sudda did many good things to SL but TEs NEVER did any good.””

What rubbish, bloody suddha came and took our country back a 1000 years, destroyed our agro-subsistence economy impoverishing our people before turning us into 3rd class citizens in our own country, importing in millions of Tamils and running an apartheid. Not to mention the unbridled destruction and near eradication of our culture and heritage.

Then they harboured Tamils WILLINGLY (do not give me this bullshit they were conned) and used them to fund a war in Sri Lanka to keep our nation and people divided during the last 40 years. Right now they give their blessings to TGTE and GTF. Why? To keep the flames of racial hatred burning. Part of the reason for this war crimes bs and things like you see in Channel 4 is to BUILD THE HATE of Tamils where ever they ae against Sinhalese. It is simple divide and conquer which blew up in their face last year and now they are trying desperately to re-build what they lost.

They are furious that we destroyed this Tamil hit force and want to punish us for it and make us ASHAMED for winning. That is the magnetite and expansive nature of this bullshit they are doing.

But because they built a bloody railway I should be grateful??

Only in Sri Lanka are their people who praise suddha like there is no tomorrow “for the good suddha did”. There was NO good.

Some savages invade my country, take my people back a 1000 years then give them a tool to make profit out of there misery while further impoverishing and slaughtering them and then say “hey look we are civilising you”.

Look at India and China. People in those countries never “fondly” remember the occupations they under went. Do you see them gushing over so called “good” some pigment deficient savages “provided”? Did suddha build those railways in India out of the kindness of his heart because he wanted Indians to travel faster? NO. He did it to rob Indias resources and fill coffers in white wall, while also transporting what was Indian slave labour to the sites where they would be given a tool to dig (“civilising”) out their own wealth to hand it over to an occupier to get fat on. Not to mention the added benefit of transporting soldiers and weapons to crush “rebellions” (i.e. freedom movements). This is why they were building railways all over the place.

Indians always make this point, least the ones I know.

The same in Sri Lanka, those “mighty” railways were like drains robbing our nation of her blood and soul.

Anonymous said...

Tamil invasions,

With the historically examples you have given, we HAVE ALWAYS beaten Tamilia. We have struggled recently why? Because precious suddha was helping them.

If it was not for outside support Tamilia would be nothing.

The kind defamation and demonisation Sinhalese & Sri Lanka have been put through for the last 20 years would not have happened had it not been for suddha and his media broadcasting it.

And nothing beats 1818 & 1848 massacres (I guess they did that for our own good right?) because our people were DEFENCELESS. Previous slaughters by Tamilia we could fight back some how, we had standing Armies and the nation beside us and we fought back. In 1818 & 1848 it was a total slaughter as there was no proper Army or state structure for our people, not to mention attempts to create such as happened in the past were brutally crushed by suddha from “within”.
Furthermore the destruction they brought (destroying tanks, irrigation networks) we could never repair compared to when Tamilia invaded. We always had our country, under suddha we had lost it.

Tamilia is NOTHING without suddha.

Who imported Tamilia by the millions into Sri Lanka????? Bloody suddha. ( Or is that our fault for refusing to work like slaves, you put a similar argument before about not fighting suddha).

Why are there Tamils in the Central Province? Was it suddha doing “more good”??

Anonymous said...


dayan's hate for sudda is bcos of his communist thinking!!!

not bcos of anything else.

if sudda turned communist (hypothetically) and tells dayan to create tamil elam, he will preach us why tamil elam should be in existence.

we need ppl to work for SL FOR THE SAKE OF SL in top posts."

How long till Western countries become communist like Cuba? NEVER.

He was a brilliant attack dog. That kept the war crimes bs AWAY from Sri Lanka. It was ridiculous the way he was tossed aside. If he was in Geneva right now, he would have given Pillai, Arbour, Alston, Moon and Channel 4 a few good slaps.

I do not like Dayans communist crap and his annoying rants (you can see them on Adaderana), but he was by far the best man for the job. MR should have told him to shut his mouth over other issues and stick to what he was tasked with.

These white apes have nothing on Sri Lanka for “war crimes” other than the bs they have made up and so it can be countered through argument. As we lack a proper “international” media of our own and the rest of our media is made up of scum, we only have forums like the UN. Rajiva, Dayan and Mahinda Samarasinghe did excellent jobs in defence of the country at the international stage; it is how suddha got screwed with his war crimes bs the first time around. They should have been allowed to continue with this process. Appointing GL Peris is still a deep concern for me. He is a peacenik and Colombian in many ways.

Who's the voice defending the country? Save for Palitha Kohana, it seems the Government is playing deaf and dumb to the assaults against the country. There is no concerted effort to counter any of the bullshit against Sri Lanka. Just plaster that maybe "good" in Sri Lanka but not on the international stage OR even Sri Lanka for that matter. People in SL know its bullshit, but they are not given enough details (partly the fault of our own media as well who like retards just sit “in the middle” and play neutral/messenger –that is the media which is not anti-national. The anti-nationals media is in high gear and busy at work).

Anonymous said...

Where's UNP & JVP/DNA huh?

If they are "patriotic" as they try and claim (well JVP with Gonseka) they should attack Channel 4.

Any other country in the world the Opposition would try and OUT DO the Government in power over patriotism and defending the country's image espiecally when assaulted in the manner SL has been, in SL they make it worse.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Sam Perera said...

Interesting write up from Sunday Loser - March 2005.

Mangala's strategy to sideline Mahinda

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My tribute to our soldiers. I wrote this elsewhere, on fb yesterday to be precise, and want to share it with SLP & SLDF.


Those who died for us take their place in history

One year ago our soldiers achieved what was proclaimed the unachievable defying all difficulties and barriers thrown at them they successfully and brilliantly won the un-winnable war restoring unity, safety and pride to the nation.

Those whose mindset is beyond our borders do not understand and will never understand that for our soldiers this land has no borders.

Since the times of Gamani Abhaya to Vijayabahu to Parakramabahu they have always taken the sword into their hand and answered the call to fight, fight for the land below their feet and the protection of the people who walk it. No matter the difficulty of the challenge, no matter the appearance of impossibility they have always succeeded with unwavering dignity and valour.

Today we remember those who have fallen in this era who now join the countless others from the great armies of our nations past in making the ultimate sacrifice for our country and people as they have always done over the last two millennia.

May18th Victory Day. A day when the impossible was achieved.

No_MESS said...

Channel 4 Video - The Senior Army Commander who appears at:

01:57 - 02:10
04:43 - 04:55
06:30 – 06:40.

I don’t know about you guys, but if I saw my boss, or come to think of it any of my previous bosses in the past 5 years, talking as this Army officer does on the video clip:

With close ups of him, and the peculiar way he rubs his left forearm etc. …

I would recognise him without any problem. And if he was a Senior Army Commander, then there should be hundreds if not thousands of people who’d recognise him.

So who is he? An Army officer or a pot bellied actor paid by the JDS?

BTW, if it’s so hard to track down these headless Channel 4 witnesses, why don’t we stage our own report?

The British Government told the LTTE leader to use Tamil Civilians as Human Shields – We talk to a former member of British Tamil Forum.

Sam Perera said...


Please make sure, wherever you are, to light a lamp on this day to remember the great sacrifices of 26,000 Sri Lankan soldiers. Those who can, should visit the nearest war memorial to remember our heroes.

Shown below are a few names to remember.

* Colonel A.F. Lafir
* Captain Saliya Upul Aladeniya
* Second Lieutenant K.W.T. Nissanka
* Warrant Officer 2nd Class Pasan Gunasekera
* Corporal Gamini Kularatne
* Lance Corporal W.I.M. Seneviratne
* Major G. S. Jayanath
* Lt. General Denzil Kobbekaduwa - One of the greatest generals in modern Sri Lanka and Overall Operations Commander, Northern Sector.
* Lt. General Parami KulatungaFormer Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army.
* Lt. General Nalin Angammana - Former GOC 3 Division.
* Maj. General Vijaya Wimalaratne - Jaffna Brigade Commander & One of the greatest generals in modern Sri Lanka.
* Maj. General Percy Fernando - Former deputy GOC 54 Division.
* Maj. General Larry Wijeratne - Former brigade commander, 51-4 Brigade.
* Maj. General Lakshman 'Lucky' Wijayaratne - Former brigade commander, 22 Brigade.
* Maj. General Susantha Mendis - Former brigade commander, 51-2 Brigade.
* Maj. General Ananda Hamangoda - Former brigade commander, 51-2 Brigade.
* Brigadier Bhathiya Jayatilleka † - former Brigade commander, 54-1 brigade
* Colonel Tuan Nizam Muthaliff - Former commanding officer 1st Battalion Military Intelligence Corps.
* Corporal Ranjith Premasiri - Best of the best Sniper-SLLI
* Lt. Colonel Lalith Jayasinghe - SLA LRRP
* Lieutenant-Commander Jude Lakmal Wijethunge
* Admiral W.W.E.Clancy Fernando - Commander of the Navy
* Rear Admiral Mohan Jayamaha - Commander Northern Naval Area
* Air Commodore Shirantha Goonatilake - Commanding Officer, No. 1 Flying Training Wing
* Group Captain D. S. Wickramasinghe - Senior Staff Officer, Directorate of Aeronautical Engineering
* Group Captain Roger Weerasinghe - Zonal Commander, Northern Zone
* Group Captain Jagath Rodrigo - Commanding Officer, No. 9 Attack Helicopter Squadron
* Wing Commander Thilina Kaluarachchi † - Officer Commanding Operations, No. 9 Attack Helicopter Squadron

Many more to include... As a nation, we can go down in the history as a bunch of ungrateful bastards if we ever forget their sacrifices.

Moshe Dyan said...


mate, you have missed the woods for the trees when it comes to sudda vs TEs. you lose ALL objectivity in this subject which is not good.

1. 1987-89. i was talking about the aftermath. sudda could have come to SL on bogus HR mission and then started supporting TE, 1983 ALSO in the process. given ppl's severe dislike of the then govt, sudda could have suceeded. but sudda didn't do it.

2. LTTE was NOT given birth by sudda. it was the INDIANS. at that critical LTTE infant stage, sudda helped us.

3. LTTE's biggest weapons supplier were china and north korea (not suddas). our biggest weapons suppliers were SUDDAS!!!

you see, we could not have beaten the LTTE without suddas' weapons.

4. sudda banned the LTTE LONG b4 we banned it. US in 1991. we banned in 1998 and debanned in 2001. but EU banned it in 2005. we again banned it in 2008 ONLY.

don't be like an ungrateful TE MF (lol!!!). appreciate the good while condemning the bad.

5. who's the last king to unify SL????

parakramabahu the VI around 1450s.

thereafter who unified SL???

sudda!!! in 1833. and sudda maintained a LONG period of unitary status from 1833 - 1948. our leader ONLY MANAGED to maintain it until 1984 thanks to sudda's good work.

6. when sudda came to SL, there was jaffna kingdom, kotte and kandyan kingdoms. BUT when sudda left us, he UNIFIED SL and went!!! that's remarkable!! he could have EASILY divided and gone like india. but didn't.

we MUST appreciate it.

7. sudda didn't entertain TE demands.

e.g. when ponna-ambalama demanded 50-50 sudda stood firm and rejected it.

unfortunately SL didn't have OWN leaders with such conviction.

8. your assertion we could easily screw tamil invaders than now is not true.

we beat LTTE in just 34 years.
it took us 44 years to beat ellara
77 years to beat chol(er)a

of course they didn't stop attacking us and will not stop attacking us again.

9. in tamil madu a new party has been formed to create TE in SL. that has more support than all the TE recent support in sudda countries.

if we miss the woods for the trees, we will end up BS-ing like 1975-2005.

sudda has his problems but we MUST appreciate his good work. otherwise you fall into the level of ungrateful TEs.


Moshe Dyan said...

re: dayan

he always had a soft corner for PEACEFUL TAMIL ELAMISTS.

that is justified in the old left which is his ideology.

e.g. pissa vitharana
dew gunasekara
and other pissos.

unfortunately he wanted to inject his banckrupt fidel castrated castro crap into politics. that is highly dangerous for SL.

MR told him to shut up but then he started writing with a clause, "these are the personal views of the writer". he wrote same crap. using his influential position, he tried to fool ppl into believing RACIST FEDERALISM can resolve this. that is unforgivable.

he had the WRONG MOTIVATION to bash the sudda.

it is stupid to say there were no HR issues when he was around!!! there were. his UNHRC victory was engineered by MR with the promise of a commission which has come up now.

Sam Perera said...

A great post in true Tamilnet.

Asithri said...

Holyeee F!

I read the following news and it made me go into hysterical laughter!!!

[Give autonomy to Tamil areas in Lanka'

May 20 (EB) Pattali Makkal Katchi founder president Dr S Ramadoss on Monday sought the assistance of the United Nations and the international community to initiate steps to provide autonomy to the Tamil dominated north and east regions of Sri Lanka]

This Wesa-Sakkili Ramdoss thinks we are going to give his racist balu-kukka minion-parayas in Sri Lanka what they could not/did not get by bombing and killing our people for over 30 years???

This bitch Ramdoss must have a Dill-Pickle up his arse - if not why would he be so tickled with fantasy uh?

OaO Asithri

Sam Perera said...

Anybody see some similarities between
Naam Thamilar Movement and
Nazi Movement?

Asithri said...

Holyeee F!

I read the following news and it made me go into hysterical laughter!!!

Give autonomy to Tamil areas in Lanka'

May 20 (EB) Pattali Makkal Katchi founder president Dr S Ramadoss on Monday sought the assistance of the United Nations and the international community to initiate steps to provide autonomy to the Tamil dominated north and east regions of Sri Lanka

And this whoredog thinks, by doing this, he can get the "thamileelam" after his Balu-kukkas in SL faild to achieve it after bombing and killing our people for over 30 years!!!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

My earlier posts got deleted in this SLDF...not sure why...could it be this site has bee hacked?....or could it be this site has been infiltrated by a whorebitch???

Such are mysteries of life!

I will watch...and I will gauge...and I will teach a lesson.

OaO Asithri

Anonymous said...

Check DW.

Anonymous said...

”1. 1987-89. i was talking about the aftermath. sudda could have come to SL on bogus HR mission and then started supporting TE, 1983 ALSO in the process. given ppl's severe dislike of the then govt, sudda could have suceeded. but sudda didn't do it.”

They were already trying that. But at the time Sri Lanka was firmly in the eyes of the West "India's project" that is why they stayed out.

And what makes you so sure Sinhalese would welcome suddha's intervention? The Governments were always resented in some form because of their pro-suddha basis, its the very reason JVP could harness rural youth by selling that argument (fighting suddha's lackeys) in 71 and again in 88, that was always the core of their argument. Last thing people would want regardless of the situation they were in is suddha coming in to Sri Lanka. It is why the UNP today is so unpopular. No one likes bloody foreign interference whoever it is whatever the situation they themselves are in.

No doubt India created the LTTE and all, when India ditched them suddha took over.

It does not change the fact they (suddha) like India are using Tamilia as a conduit of interference because Tamilia is prostituting themselves for it.

If anything both should get EQUAL blame and disdain, more so suddha because he is a manipulative and conniving SoB riddled with hypocrisy that tries to play neutral and holy than thou, which is something Tamilia does not because it is obvious they are not “neutral” which is what makes suddha worse because he tries to mask himself as such.

”when sudda came to SL, there was jaffna kingdom, kotte and kandyan kingdoms. BUT when sudda left us, he UNIFIED SL and went!!! that's remarkable!! he could have EASILY divided and gone like india. but didn't.”

So the North is a Tamil homeland now? Who is to say suddha “unified SL”?? That is just regurgitating Tamil propaganda used by Tamils to tear Sri Lanka apart. If suddha had not arrived Sinhalese would have “re-unified” the country by ourselves. Who needs them to do it? It could not be done because they had started rampaging through the country, their presence is what gave strength to Tamilia in the first place.

3. LTTE's biggest weapons supplier were china and north korea (not suddas). our biggest weapons suppliers were SUDDAS!!!

you see, we could not have beaten the LTTE without suddas' weapons.

The bulk of our weapons came from China, Pakistan not from them. They did their best to block weapons from Eastern Europe getting to SL.

Oh, and where did the money come for LTTE to buy weapons? From the West, from Tamils harboured by suddha.

So we have them giving money to Tamilia they harbour willingly to buy weapons from South East Asia (not directly from China as you claim) to wage war against Sri Lanka while at the same time lecturing Sri Lanka about human rights and supposedly selling us weapons as well but making that extremely difficult.


Thusitha said...

Ninja said...
Check DW.

Please try to keep this blog going instead of DW. Have nothing against DW, but he shut it down during one of the most important stages (during the PE) of our nation. As far as I am concerned, that is unforgivable.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

”1. 1987-89. i was talking about the aftermath. sudda could have come to SL on bogus HR mission and then started supporting TE, 1983 ALSO in the process. given ppl's severe dislike of the then govt, sudda could have suceeded. but sudda didn't do it.”

They were already trying that. But at the time Sri Lanka was firmly in the eyes of the West "India's project" that is why they stayed out.

And what makes you so sure Sinhalese would welcome suddha's intervention? The Governments were always resented in some form because of their pro-suddha basis, its the very reason JVP could harness rural youth by selling that argument (fighting suddha's lackeys) in 71 and again in 88, that was always the core of their argument. Last thing people would want regardless of the situation they were in is suddha coming in to Sri Lanka. It is why the UNP today is so unpopular. No one likes bloody foreign interference whoever it is whatever the situation they themselves are in.

No doubt India created the LTTE and all, when India ditched them suddha took over.

It does not change the fact they (suddha) like India are using Tamilia as a conduit of interference because Tamilia is prostituting themselves for it.

If anything both should get EQUAL blame and disdain, more so suddha because he is a manipulative and conniving SoB riddled with hypocrisy that tries to play neutral and holy than thou, which is something Tamilia does not because it is obvious they are not “neutral” which is what makes suddha worse because he tries to mask himself as such.

”when sudda came to SL, there was jaffna kingdom, kotte and kandyan kingdoms. BUT when sudda left us, he UNIFIED SL and went!!! that's remarkable!! he could have EASILY divided and gone like india. but didn't.”

So the North is a Tamil homeland now? Who is to say suddha “unified SL”?? That is just regurgitating Tamil propaganda used by Tamils to tear Sri Lanka apart. If suddha had not arrived Sinhalese would have “re-unified” the country by ourselves. Who needs them to do it? It could not be done because they had started rampaging through the country, their presence is what gave strength to Tamilia in the first place.

3. LTTE's biggest weapons supplier were china and north korea (not suddas). our biggest weapons suppliers were SUDDAS!!!

you see, we could not have beaten the LTTE without suddas' weapons.

The bulk of our weapons came from China, Pakistan not from them. They did their best to block weapons from Eastern Europe getting to SL.

Oh, and where did the money come for LTTE to buy weapons? From the West, from Tamils harboured by suddha.

So we have them giving money to Tamilia they harbour willingly to buy weapons from South East Asia (not directly from China as you claim) to wage war against Sri Lanka while at the same time lecturing Sri Lanka about human rights and supposedly selling us weapons as well but making that extremely difficult.


Anonymous said...

”4. sudda banned the LTTE LONG b4 we banned it”

And so what? Whats the point in these bans if PGTE, GTF and their earlier versions have tea and biscuits with suddha, are endorsed by suddha and given protection by suddha? These bans are just eye wash meant to make it appear as though they are “doing their bit” to avoid any chance of SL attacking them over harbouring Tamilia they can say “look we have a ban!” and ride of on their morale high hose. Yet the truth is exposed in the manner in which they are doing deals with Tamilia.

What exactly have these mighty bans achieved? Did they stop Tamil funding? No. Did they stop Tamil protesting? No. Did they stop suddha from “working” with Tamils at high levels of suddhas Governments to plot against Sri Lanka? No.

None of what you have to say explains why they tried to save the LTTE leadership? While harassing Sri Lanka non-stop because we did not allow them to be flown to safety. The whole bloody human shield (and the defamation we got and keep getting from it) was their idea to fulfil this goal alone, to keep Tamil violence alive and kicking some how and the best way for it is the LTTE leadership to survive (go see BBC media reports when we said war was over, Praba is dead but gave no pictures of his body, they were gleefully reporting “the war will go on” because Praba is there/SL had not proven his death at that moment).

Why all this BS about war crimes and weeping for Tamils (IDP camps), why do they want to keep Tamil racism alive more than Tamils themselves? Otherwise why would they support organisations like PTGE & GTF and why do they not push reconciliation (now or back in 2002) amongst the die-ass-pora? Why are they ENCOURAGING Tamil racism amongst the die-ass-pora by entertaining Tamilia at such high levels of suddha’s Government? Do not tell me that the most power nations on earth are being tricked and conned by a bunch of stateless rats.

Why do they not lecture Pakistan the same? Why no talks to Pakistan about war crimes and human rights and IDPs? Why no AI or HRW reports? Suddha does complain, complain Pakistan is not killing enough.

“sudda has his problems but we MUST appreciate his good work. otherwise you fall into the level of ungrateful TEs.

we MUST appreciate it.

don't be like an ungrateful TE MF (lol!!!). appreciate the good while condemning the bad.”

Why on earth should I be grateful to suddha? I owe suddha nothing.
I would appreciate it if they stayed the hell out of Sri Lanka, then (1505) and now.

“Appreciating” the work of savages who mauled us and who keeping trying to maul us (using “human rights”) by claiming they did “good” and “we owe them” is what makes our people so weak Moshe. I see it every day.
I look at the people in India and they are so strong willed, never bow down to suddha.
I want our people to be strong willed and tough.

You will find many of our people “appreciating” suddha, and even worse worshipping (and I mean ordinary people, not Colombians/UNP scum) what was that achieved?

Anonymous said...

”it is stupid to say there were no HR issues when he was around!!! there were. his UNHRC victory was engineered by MR with the promise of a commission which has come up now.”

Where did I say there were no HR issues when Dayan was around? There has been consistently this HR bs by suddha to attack SL with. Dayan (and others, but notably it was him) was constantly arguing them out and exposing them as bs, does not mean they stopped, but they were consistently humiliated to the point suddha begged UNP to do something about Dayan. When Jayalth Jayawadene made his many pilgrimages Dayan was discussed as was shutting him up because it was ruining suddhas bag of tricks.

If the UNHRC was “cancelled” because of MRs so called commission of inquiry which he promised, then why did they bother holding a session accusing SL of war crimes then? What was the point if all it took was an assurance from MR? Furthermore why did all mighty suddhas VOTE AGAINST SL, Vs all the countries who did not.

Dayan did what our diplomats are supposed to do and that is build support for Sri Lanka from other countries. I totally accept he is full of communist junk but the manner in which he worked and presented himself was brilliant. It is how our missions/diplomats should be and work (minus the communist bs).

The victory at the UNHRC was a significant achievement that should not be brushed aside as nothing (many great voices, Samarasinghe, Rajiva, Kohana, worked for it).

There has been no one to replace him and this has given the likes of Moon, Alston, Pillia and Rahadika the courage to take SL on.

I feel it was a hole MR created and did not fill properly.

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Free media monkeys.

My comments are all being censored on Channel 4's retarded website as they are on the Times).

Not the first time this has happened or the only site of suddha's mighty "free and fair" media where opposing views and arguments that expose there bs and punch holes in their flawed logic are blocked.

Ananda-USA said...

Moshe Dayan said ..

[mate, you have missed the woods for the trees when it comes to sudda vs TEs.]


I completely agree with your statements in this post.

We only need to recognize that the British did not come to Sri Lanka for our benefit, but to exploit it for their benefit.

However, there is ABSOLUTELY NO POINT in castigating them for their colonial policies now .. those were the norms of that time when Manifest Destiny of the European was sacrosanct. Remember, when Sri Lanka was powerful in the time of Parakramabahu the Great, we threw our own weight around South Asia quite a bit .. that is the downside of strong muscles .. they need to be frequently flexed.

What IS IMPORTANT .. as you say .. is to focus on our CURRENT and POTENTIAL FUTURE enemies, and to devise strategies and policies to hold them at bay.

The PRINCIPAL THREAT to Sri Lanka, as you point out also, will originate from our nearest neighbor .. Tamil Nadu .. and more generally Dravida Nadu if they ever unify. Unification of Dravidian states is by no means certain; historically they have been at loggerheads, and Kerala and Pandya have been Sri Lanka's allies .. from time to time. The seriousness of the threat from the Southern States will depend on how the Central Govt of India, dominated by the Northern non-Dravidian States, acts to accommodate and placate its own SOUTHERN STATES, and whether these states will be destabilized by the Eelamists and pan-Dravidian agitators and breakaway. If they do, Sri Lanka will have immense problems.

As in the past, Indian foreign policy towards Sri Lanka cannot always be depended on to be favorable to us. It is as variable as the wind, and is conditioned on how badly Indian politicians at the Centre need Southern support to form a government and REMAIN IN POWER.

Ultimately, when PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, India is much more likely to acquiese to the demands of its own Dravidian States .. because that is where its NATIONAL INTEREST lies .. partly to prevent the breaking away of these states. In this context, note that the Central Govt of India is now taking the Eelamist threat to India's own integrity VERY SERIOUSLY.

Therefore, our stance MUST BE ONE OF PERMANENT AND ENDURING FRIENDSHIP towards India. Sri Lanka must ALWAYS assure India that we will not threaten its security by any actions we take.

However, we must also do everything we can to preserve our own freedom of action by making it impossible for India to interfere AGAIN in Sri Lanka. That will include both Military Strength and Global Alliances that can offset Indian power.

Sri Lanka must NEVER TOTALLY RELY ON India for our security and the integrity of our nation. After all, the Eelam project was conceived, initiated and planted in Sri Lanka by India during Indira Gandhi's time. The fact that India helped us recently, must not blind us to what happened in the past, and may recur in the future. Nor should we give India a dominant stake in our ECONOMY with which they can BLACKMAIL us at any time.

The record of the Kandyan Kingdom, in holding European Powers at bay for over 400 years is unmatched in world history of the colonial period as an example of small country successfully resisting the colonial powers.

That was accomplished through marshalling the entire people of the kingdom in its defense, reinforcing and exploiting the natural defenses of the kingdom, and maintaining multiple alliances with different European and other powers to keep them all off balance.

That, IN PRINCIPLE, is what Sri LANKA must do even today.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes, but DW has come up with a good article about channel-4 bullcrap.

we can discuss that article here in SLDF after reading it in DW.

Ananda-USA said...

My 5th Comment at the Sunday Leader

"Ananda-USA says:
May 20, 2010 at 9:20 am


Most of the true murderers are dead; mercifully, they were wiped off the face of the earth on May 18, 2009. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Eelamists labelling the patriotic GOSL/SLDF as murderers reminds me of the story of the man who AXED both of his parents to DEATH, and then pleaded with the judge for LENIENCY because he is an ORPHAN!

These are the very same jokers and clowns who applauded the murder of entire villages full of people in the dead of the night in LTTE’s program to create a racially pure Eelam, who blew to bits entire buses, trains and buildings full of innocent civilians, who executed without pity over 1,000 captured prisoners of war after the fall of Mullaitivu .. after extracting their blood for their own blood banks, who tortured their own people in vast torture chambers in their Wanni gulag that will now be displayed on the Eelam Holocaust Tour, who hung from lamp posts without pity any and all who disagreed with them, who brainwashed and sent pregnant women as suicide bombers to reach their diabolical goals, who kidnapped and brainwashed children to become child soldiers used as cannon fodder, who killed their own leaders in horrible ways as documented at the website of .. with such horror that Karuna broke away to avoid the same fate when summoned by Prabhakaran and Pottu Amman to the Wanni.

Are these Eelamists who condoned, supported and worshipped as the Sun God a truly monstrous incarnation of the devil himself, QUALIFIED to comment on the military operations of a legally constituted government discharging its duty to protect and liberate its people from these monsters?

Hiding under Sinhala, Muslim and Western names in your posts, to create the illusion of global support for your agenda, CANNOT absolve you Eelamists of your MOUNTAIN OF GUILT for your crimes against the innocent People of Sri Lanka.

Someday, you will be made to atone for your crimes, in this world or the next!

Moshe Dyan said...


1. the indian project ended in 1989. how about 1990???? it is not sinhalas wantng sudda's intervention, more of sudda using it a reason to interfere. that didn't happen. of course individuals tried this and that but no sudda intereference bcos the elam buggers were happy and didn't loddy the sudda and sudda didn't want to come by own choice.

2. "So the North is a Tamil homeland now?"

now you are behaving like a tamil elamist!! there was a jaffna kingdom but no tamil homoland. who says jaffna kingdom = tamil homoland?????

the sakkili-portuguese agreement was in chingalam not thamilam!!


FYI, sudda DID unify SL for whatever reason.

3. "The bulk of our weapons came from China, Pakistan not from them."

no. our biggest weapons supplier was EU not china. china was LTTE's biggest weapons supplier.

weapons came from pakistan were mostly russian suddas' weapons.

4. "Oh, and where did the money come for LTTE to buy weapons? From the West, from Tamils harboured by suddha.

So we have them giving money to Tamilia they harbour willingly to buy weapons from South East Asia"

again, tamil elam logic.

1. tamils in the west gave LTTE money.
2. west harboured tamils.

that does NOT mean they gave TEs money!!!


para balla!!!


Moshe Dyan said...

"If the UNHRC was “cancelled” because of MRs so called commission of inquiry which he promised, then why did they bother holding a session accusing SL of war crimes then?"

it was not UNHRC that was cancelled. UNHRC cancelled further action on SL following the promise.

the promise was made known to them DURING the session before the crucial 18-18 voting.

true DJ did well at that meeting but he started to have his own agenda susequently.

aree, that he was not properly replaced.

Moshe Dyan said...

"Eelamists labelling the patriotic GOSL/SLDF as murderers reminds me of the story of the man who AXED both of his parents to DEATH, and then pleaded with the judge for LENIENCY because he is an ORPHAN!"


this is a fantastic piece of ammo for us.

this is exactly the thinking of TEs.

Moshe Dyan said...

i meant "agree, DJ he was not properly replaced."

Swarnajith Udana said...

It seems like that SF has now begun to listen to his hndlers. These handlers could be JVP and even LTTE or Foreign agents.

Even so, it is welcome news that SF is denying Channel 4 war crime reports. This only shows that Sri Lankan voters have shown these traitors how and where to stand.

Even though this is welcome news in short term, it is prudent to wait and see how this saga unfolds.

It will be wise to be sceptical but to give praise where it is due without being cynical.

I hope that the Government will not trust these guys without them to face test of time.

Also, SF, no matter what he says, he could be really destructive to Sri Lanka, if he ever becomes President. That will not change unless he become a Dharmasoka. ONly time will tell.

Thusitha said...

Swarnajith Udana said...
Even though this is welcome news in short term, it is prudent to wait and see how this saga unfolds.

When things come to National Security, the policy should be, once a traitor, always a traitor. Zero tolerance. Not epsilon, but zero tolerance.

Our greatest problem is that we think as Buddhist and try to forgive people. That is one reason we get screwed all the time. Individually, people can forgive SF, but at a Nation, there should never be any forgivance to this snake.

Thusitha said...

In case people want to donate to Ranawiru Fund, here is the web site

Ranawiru Fund

Swarnajith Udana said...

I am almost sure that SF is trying to play another drama so that he can win sympathy. However, whatever he has done (this very thing) is nice for the moment but what he may have in his mind in store may be diabolical for the Nation.

SF becoming a Dharmasoka as remote as Devadattha would have reformed himself while Buddha was alive.

No matter how this drama unfolds SF is not suitable for leadership of a major political party. He belongs in jail for so many nasty things he has done.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes, that is a healthy way of doing things like it's said in the bible.

1. individuallly we can love our enemies

2. but within the national framework of retribution.

this gonzeka sinner will never repent his sins. a complete inhuman. we should pray for his evil soul's salvation. his unfortunate soul needs our prayers to have something human. still i doubt he will become human!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

tamil gentlemen and dignitaries should work to ban tamilnet or change it's name.

it is totally unacceptable these RACIST, CRIMINAL, TERRORIST lowlifes exploiting the word "tamil" for their criminal project.

what if there is an ENGLISHNET and it bashed everyone other than english and demand english homeland for the english only?????

that will be so despicable. same thing for tamilnet.

unless intellectuals take some action, the good name of tamils will be tarnished with racist, criminal, tribal crap of "tamilnet".

Indian said...

//Ananda USA said,
As in the past, Indian foreign policy towards Sri Lanka cannot always be depended on to be favorable to us. It is as variable as the wind, and is conditioned on how badly Indian politicians at the Centre need Southern support to form a government and REMAIN IN POWER.//

I beg to differ on this Ananda.If you look back carefuly you can see that India's intervention in the past,be it running training camps for various groups or the IPKF period,came always when we had a strong Central government run by the Congress party which had an absolute majority on its own in our parliament.More so Rajiv had a mammoth majority,the best ever in independent India's history when he decided to send the IPKF and thought of caging the tiger.

So its not about appeasing TamilNadu or the southern states or a case of saving the Government.Had that been the case,the GoI which needed the support of DMK very badly during Eelam war IV stood as one with the GoSL during the humanitarian operations.

However I firmly believe,not sure how many of you here concur,Indo Srilanka relations will face their toughest challenge in the days to come.Remember in the Geopolitics arena friends turn foe and foes turn friends in the blink of an eye.Nothing else but the absolute interest of the country matters.To put it in plain terms,there is no free meals when it comes to Geopolitics.Everything that is done is only done with the aim of getting a return elsewhere.

Theres no denying the fact that PRC and Paki supplied GoSL with much needed weapons in this war.They for sure will expect GoSL to respond in kind for some of their needs.I am sure GoI too would expect the same from Srilanka.At a time when the relations between India \ PRC \ Paki are so volatile,its going to be a very tough rope walk for GoSL.Whatever they do,we cant deny the fact that India and Srilanka are the closest in terms of geography.So whatever path the GoSL chooses,the ramificatios will sure be felt in both India and Srilanka.

I for one dont contest the fact that GoSL played the India vs PRC card beautifuly to their own merit.But I am eagerly awaiting to see how the GoSL will handle the aftereffects of this play when both the powerhouses will claim their share for having played along.For sure,GoSL cant keep both the powerhouses happy at the same time.We have interesting times ahead of us

Anonymous said...

It is very easy to handle channel 4 case. We should attack the very base of news channal using its own weakness or requirements.
All the TV channels are making money from advertisements and immediately, GOSL tourism promotion dept (better if it a outside organization) should talk to Channel 4 to advertise "small miracle" sorts of things in channel 4.

They start to loose the credibility of their bullshit against SL... Tamil coolies go nuts...
Imagine the effect....

NSL said...

Watched ch4 news in the morning, poor journalism. All the negatives from SL packaged well to sell to under informed audience.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

“1. the indian project ended in 1989. how about 1990???? it is not sinhalas wantng sudda's intervention, more of sudda using it a reason to interfere. that didn't happen. of course individuals tried this and that but no sudda intereference bcos the elam buggers were happy and didn't loddy the sudda and sudda didn't want to come by own choice.”

IPKF left in 1990. India disengaged directly from Sri Lanka when Rajiv Ghandi was killed in 1991 and within that “time period” that whore CBK was about to come to power. Suddha throughout was trying to interfere (see what they had to say about Premadasa) but could not because India was firmly in control and suddha did not want to antagonise India.
Suddha was banging on the door for ages only with the “Indian guards” gone they could enter. And when you have sakkilyas like CBK and Ranil they do not need to use TEs to interfere as those monkeys allow them in.

“sudda didn't want to come by own choice”

White mans burden right? Hikz. They didn’t want to invade our country, they were forced to because they needed to “civilise” us (or “unify” SL --> see below). When they slaughtered people in 1818 they were FORCED to do it. No choice, only way to maintain “law and order” is to kill all males over 8. When the Portuguese burnt Buddhist temples to the ground it was because they were FORCED to save us from going to hell. No choice.
Now they are interfering because Tamils are “begging them” to do it. Why? Why are they doing what Tamils tell them? Why are they interfering because some stateless rats are asking them? They are doing it because there is something in it for them (e.g. keeping the country divided, at war, backward and depended making it easier to control, tool against India –US Senate & Congress reports always outline the “potential” to cause problems in India). Tamils provide them a way of interfering which they have sized upon. If there was no use, or Tamilia was a threat to them, they would ditch then.

“2. "So the North is a Tamil homeland now?"

now you are behaving like a tamil elamist!! there was a jaffna kingdom but no tamil homoland. who says jaffna kingdom = tamil homoland?????


Haha, i guess you got upset when i accused you of regurgitating Tamil propaganda just to prop up your silly idea of “appreciating” suddha

“FYI, sudda DID unify SL for whatever reason.”

Was SL really divided? Aren't you taking "extreme liberties with the truth" by this statement where you are implying that there were multiple division and separate nations which suddha had to “unify” which is exactly what Tamils say and do and it was thanks to the “heroic” white man we have a country. What makes you think Sinhalese would not “unify” the country again?

You need to be careful in putting out such arguments because it plays right into the hands of TEs.

There was no need to “Unify” SL because we were already unified as the people were generally the same in the island as a whole.
This was only screwed up heavily when suddha brought kallathonis and coolie slaves in their millions, then giving them power and control over all to screw over the Sinhala Buddhists. Prior to their glorious arrival this island was known as “Sinhela” and the lands of the Sinhelas, where Buddhism was protected and promoted by the state. No one questioned our claim to this island (yes we had many sakkillyas from south India trying to conquer). It is only after suddhas savagery that our rightful claim to this whole island was challenged permanently, and to this day suddha harbours and supports with violence those who make this fraudulent challenge.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

“3. "The bulk of our weapons came from China, Pakistan not from them."

no. our biggest weapons supplier was EU not china. china was LTTE's biggest weapons supplier.

weapons came from pakistan were mostly russian suddas' weapons.”

More extreme liberties with the truth here.
Weapons did not come directly from China, they came from Burma, Thailand and North Korea channel corrupt hell holes in South East Asia like Malaysia and Indonesia and other weapons bazaars in this region (including Cambodia). Heck in Thailand and Indonesia they made those LTTE boats and even a submarine.
Norway gave special forces training to the sea donkeys in Thailand.

“4. "Oh, and where did the money come for LTTE to buy weapons? From the West, from Tamils harboured by suddha.

So we have them giving money to Tamilia they harbour willingly to buy weapons from South East Asia"

again, tamil elam logic.
1. tamils in the west gave LTTE money.
2. west harboured tamils.
that does NOT mean they gave TEs money!!!”

How is that “eelamic logic”? It is simple fact they ALLOW Tamils to give money to the LTTE and have NOT actively done enough to counter this, they make a point they do not try to stop funding either (“giving a political solution to answer Tamil grievances is the only way to stop die-ass-pora funding” is the mantra that comes from the US & EU). And who says they do not give money to the LTTE? How does the diaspora get its funds? Toilet cleaning alone? (lol).
There are many Western government funded groups and charities that give huge amounts of cash to Tamil groups/charities in the West even though it is known to suddha these Tamil charities are bogus, they keep operating and exchanging cash.
Add to that the activities of Western funded NGOs in the Vanni who built the LTTEs military infrastructure. Do not tell those NGOs were being “mislead” as well.

Bet lets see: China is giving weapons to the LTTE –even though they never came directly from China or with official blessings.

But mighty suddha is not funding the LTTE (to buy these weapons) because the funds are not coming directly from suddha, rather through proxy groups/the Tamils in the West who suddha harbours and allows to operate freely.

Liberties with the truth. Hikz.


para balla!!!


May 20, 2010 12:18 AM”

Oops! I am a para balla. Hikz. Why huh? Because I outlined the disgusting double standards and “games” suddha plays and attacks them for it?
Have I insulted you by insulting suddha?

Anonymous said...

Gonseka and Channel 4.

Wonder what this snake is up to?

It is because of him this war crimes bs got a booster shot and that bloody Channel 4 video came back, that thing was dead and buried until this SoB opened his venom filled mouth. (My view is that his SundayLeader speech was something he was “contracted” to give in exchange for support during the PE/if he forms a Government etc, of course it blew up in his face because his ugly ego did not let him see the consequences fully, either that or his coup plot was also in his mind so no worries).

Furthermore when he was going to his first Court Marshal Channel 4 ran a story on the day to humiliate SL with Gonseka giving a “recorded speech” to them plus some letter with details of his “torture chamber” (hikz) with his ugly hand writing and all.

The comments from Gonseka gushers on Adaderana are pretty funny. Here’s one from multipolar:

“May 20, 2010 01:24 pm

BOSS, we know you are a patriot... White flag was a political mistake ... we forget it.


This comment explains Gonsekas warped mind pretty well:

“May 20, 2010 03:04 pm

What he is trying to tell is it is Mahinda and Gota who done the war crimes. But the same time he saying that they didn´t have any participate in the victory of the war. All the blames for them and all the good things are for me. :) what a wonderful thinking of SF.


Anonymous said...

Sri Lanka desperately needs its own international media.

We could “piggy back” on such a venture launched by say China or Brazil. This would require investment into it but would be worth it (being non-SL based gives such a channel greater credibility) if we are to use it to counter all the bs against us and expose suddhas dirty games in SL and have a media with a fully pro-SL stance.

Sam Perera said...

Channel 4 Lies.

I hope that our government is smart enough to setup a commission to investigate Ch-4 allegations and ask for all evidence for examination. Alternatively, the government can sue Ch-4 for libel and ask for evidence. Either way, we need to get the full set of evidence. So far in their video clip, I saw no tangible evidence. They could not even show a shadow of a senior SLA officer other than a few actors. More than anything else, Ch-4 scumbag couldn't even name a particular journalist when PK asked. These just garbage but we need to debunk evidence and discredit Ch-4 systematically so that the evidence has no value and CH-4 has no credibility.

Anonymous said...

Multipolar and Jay-han have returned to DefenceWire.

We all know multipolar is up and about, but Jay-hans disappearance was a great concern. Hikz.

Anonymous said...

40,000 Indians ‘missing’ in Malaysia: PM Razak

Nearly 40,000 Indian nationals have gone 'missing' in Malaysia after the expiry of their tourist visas, Malaysian Prime Minister Mohd Najib Tun Razak said, indicating that he may take up the issue with New Delhi during his forthcoming visit to India.

"Almost 39046 are missing. Thankfully they have not become terrorists. They are here for economic reasons," he said adding that "their names are not in official records."

"They may have gone back to India or working here in restaurants or plantations," Najib told visiting Indian journalists here. Most of the missing Indians in Malaysia belong to Tamil Nadu.

"We want Indian people to visit Malaysia as tourists. We have been quiet liberal. We want genuine ones. They are most welcome," Najib, who leaves for a three day official visit to India on January 19, said.

The Premier felt that the only problematic exit point in India was Chennai and that there was not any problems with tourists from Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.


Tamil homOland coming to Malaysia (mad old Chelva would be pleased) or Oz. Malaysia being a stop off point for those en route to Oz, suppose it is easy to take a boat ride from there than from SL.

We should encourage all these kallathonis to keep heading East.

Should remind them there nothing for them in SL except white van rides lol.

Anonymous said...

/Asithri said...
My earlier posts got deleted in this SLDF...not sure why...could it be this site has bee hacked?....or could it be this site has been infiltrated by a whorebitch???

Such are mysteries of life!

I will watch...and I will gauge...and I will teach a lesson.

OaO Asithri/

Any explanations from admins..?? It seems some thing wrong with blog...

Anonymous said...


Re: C4 Video

Video shows a few armed men dressed in uniforms similar to that of used by some men in SLA executing a few men. How many possibilities we have?

1. SLA men killing tamils as C4 said with orders from top
2. SLA men killing tamils as C4 said without orders from top
3. LTTE men wearing SLA uniforms killing tamil traitors / prisoners
4. LTTE men wearing SLA uniforms killing Sinhala men / captured SLA troops
5. LTTE actors showing a drama/ movie

Further un-answered questions..

1. Why C4 don’t give names/ identification numbers of alleged soldiers?
2. Why C4 don’t disclose location and date/time incident alleged incident happened?
3. Why C4 don’t disclose how they get the video/ source?
4. Why C4 don’t give a proof that the video is not fake and not intended to disgrace SL?
5. Why C4 don’t take legal actions against murders if they have evidence (personally working with UK/int. authorities?)


Re: New C4 mud release

As DW said new mud release from C4 may be based on two cases.

1. Some two SLA men truly talked to C4 in which case
(a) Such people refer killing all LTTE terrorists not all tamils
(b) C4 twist it to killing all tamils in which case officers have not done their job/ followed orders (instead they have done the opposite)
(c) C4 should reveal their names
(d) GSL/SLA should take action required regarding talking to foreign media without permission

2. No such persons talked to C4 and whole thing is made up.


I don’t know what GSL should do/ should not do in this regard. However it should be much easier and clear for C4 if they just say the truth instead of mud slinging campaigns.

We like LTTE, their di-ass-pora is our friends. We believe what they say. Well, even though you GSL killed our friend VP our di-ass-pora friend are still with us. We don’t believe what GSL say. By default GSL/SLA is lying all the time 100% while LTTE says 100% truth all the time. Further, when our leaders ordered to stop the war and negotiate with LTTE how come you little brown people disobey our leaders and us? Do you think we are going to forget about that? We hate you. We know you GSL is planning massive V-Day celebration. (Forgot to check weather.) So we also planned new round of mud slinging. Do you GR think we forget how you deported us from SL? Now here is the return. We will release another fake evidence Nov 18 and another one on next May 18 for next few years (until UNP comes to power.) Do we care any fckuing war crime happened or not OR these real tamil civilians get killed or not OR they get facilities or not? Of course not. We just need to have mental pleasure and avoid sadness of defeat of LTTE. SO we pretend as champions of genius journalists and release all the fake news.

Sam Perera said...


Any explanations from admins..?? It seems some thing wrong with blog...

Some of my own posts vanished yesterday, not only here but in DW also. It looks more like a Blogger bug than a hack. One thing I didn't try was to post something in non SL blog. However, I used various browsers to check and they all returned the same result.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

When the first video was released, disappeared then returned to us, Alston, Channel 4 and other SoBs trying to crucify SL never asked JDS where/how JDS got the video (no one is bothered about this part, not even for the sake of “justice”).

When it aired Channel 4/JDS said it was from a mobile phone (proven be a lie. It was from a proper video camera) “smuggled” out of Sri Lanka (all the more daring and convincing if it was smuggled).

So clearly Channel 4/Alston should ask JDS how they got it, trace the source/soldier who gave it to them and from acquire who is involved & where then pass that info to SL.

But they are NOT interested in that.

Just look at the first video you cannot clearly identify who is being shot OR who the killers are. Cannot see their faces, nor see rank, names, and insignia on their "army like" uniforms.

There is NOTHING in this video to prove who did it, and that is the whole point. It is just to ATTACK and defame Sri Lanka.

How on earth can Sri Lanka do anything due to the above circumstances where you cannot identify the killers or the location? What to do, jail whole Army? It is designed to defame and insult us. They will be yakking away (again) "no investigation, no one arrested", "culpability from the top" blah blah blah.

Again when this video came out Channel 4/Alston etc never bothered to ask from JDS where they got it from to identify the killers. No one is bothered; all those accusing us do it with grins on their faces because they do not care for justice, just defamation.

And worse we are automatically guilty because of the colour of skin, only people of colour are capable of such primitiveness, enlightened HR champions in the West never commit such crimes “because they are better than that” (that is the attitude/atmosphere you always get when it comes to such imagery when Western media reports it and that is the standard of "response" of "horror" Western audiences give).

That is why I say: PARA SUDDHA.

Anonymous said...

At the end of last month, it was widely boasted in Western media that "Iraqi Military has killed two top Al Quieda members/leaders of the movement in Iraq" who where hiding in some town south of Baghdad.

No "war crimes" by Wests lackeys.

Russia also killed two leaders responsible for Moscow train bombs saying the "resisted arrest" (Damn why didn't we say that).

Turkey has launched massive air raids on Northern Iraq to destroy a large PKK movement -PKK biggest sectionalist threat to Turkey.

Some reports saying they killed goatherds and loads of farmers in the process, getting few PKK members if any.

Bai Kai Moon should investigate no?

Moshe Dyan said...


1. so the indians eventually left. sudda could have EASILY dragged HR issues and intervened. isn't it?????

or sudda could have intervened ALONG WITH the indians. by then indian was fast moving in a pro-west direction!!

and the cold war was also ending. all the more reason to monopolise.

2. true, sudda brought kallathonis but sudda DID unify divided SL administrations into one in 1833 and maintained it till 1948. and handed over a one undivided unitary nation to us. these are facts however you look at them.

3. US gave training to us CONTINUOUSLY!!!

our weapons were also made by sudda.

LTTE weapons would have come via any country but most had chinese/NK origins.

4. more than 32 western countries imposed a ban on LTTE and its front orgs.

5. well mate, "PARA SUDDA" is a RACIST comment. isn't it???

why should we use such APARTHEID stuff???? and race/colour related stuff.

whereas para balla is not racist, as you know.


there are suddas who LOVE SL. we cannot say bad things about the entire sudda community.

e.g. do we call henry olcott or ew leadbitter a para sudda???

anyway its best we refrain from using racist insults.

Ananda-USA said...

Sam, Ninja,

A very long post of mine on SL's future foreign policy towards India, also vanished suddenly from this blog yesterday!

Unfortunately, I didn't keep a copy, and don't feel like recreating it.

Ananda-USA said...

Swarnajith Udana,

We would like to invite you to participate in the new SLPAC blog. Please post your email address here. I will cross check against your blog ID and send you an invitation.

Ananda-USA said...

Sam, Ninja,

My SLDF post that was deleted mysteriously yesterday (see starting text below) is now back ..??? WTF!

[Moshe Dayan said ..

[mate, you have missed the woods for the trees when it comes to sudda vs TEs.]

Moshe, ...]

Ananda-USA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam Perera said...


One of my missing posts has re-appeared also. This looks more like a Blooger bug to me.

Sam Perera said...

Off Topic

There is a talk about 2600th Buddha Jayanthi coming soon. As far as I knew, 2500th Buddha Jayanthi was commemorated in 1956. If that was the case, how come we have 2600th Jayanthi? Were there any new found facts for this change?

Swarnajith Udana said...

Thanks Ananda: Glad to accept.

My E-mial Address is

These war crime reports are brought to put Sri Lanka into war path again. This is a plan remote controlled by LTTE.

If our opposition is strongly Nationalist and there are no INGO and NGO foreign agents distorting truth hoping to bring war to Sri Lanka again and when the stability comes to Sri Lanka, to clear the conscience of Sri Lanka, to build up a strongly democratic Sri Lanka where law and order upholds, I would support a genuine war crime probe. In which Sf will be a strong suspect dating back even decades earlier.

But this is not time for this. Doing it now can only bring the war and more war crimes, more destruction to our Sri Lanka.

To prevent war crimes, the first thing is to prevent war. So the Sri Lanka must first take the physical steps (multi ethnic settlement, coast guard -good intelligence service-law and order reforms). And then we can start the spiritual clean up.

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...


if you are a buddhist, i take pleasure in teaching something related to buddhist history to a buddhist!!!


sidartha was enlightened to become a buddha when he was 35 years old.

buddhist era started when he was called to god's side. that was in 544BC. at that time he was 80 years old????

so the time between becoming a buddha and going to heaven was 80-35 years = 45

so he became a buddha in 544+45 = 589BC

2011 + 589 = 2,600

this is calculated FROM THE TIME HE BECAME A BUDDHA whereas the BUDDHIST ERA starts from the time he ascended to heaven.

Sam Perera said...


Thanks for the calculation :) I personally like to see a consistent reference scheme like birth or death. Regardless, whoever organizes these events should be careful in not misleading the followers with numerically flashy years.

Sam Perera said...


This kind of things remind me the much talked about non advent of a new millennium on Jan 1st, 2000 instead of the numerically accurate Jan 1st, 2001.

Moshe Dyan said...

are they not monkeys????

when NORTH INDIAN cinema stars come to SL, that HURTS SOUTH INDIAN MFs including tamil elam racists.

so they do copycat crap.

"[TamilNet, Thursday, 20 May 2010, 12:21 GMT]
A web-based project to launch a bilingual database and news services related to Eezham Cinema has been initiated by some Tamil diaspora film artists. The move was launched on 18 May, the Gencidal War Crimes Day against Eezham Tamils, and the first phase of the project lasts till 25 July, the Black July Day, according to the initiators behind the project"

for their information, there is NO SL tamil cinema. that's the reality. SL tamils watch tamil madu movies.

Moshe Dyan said...


that was funny wasn't it??? but again its JUST A NUMBER after all. ppl can celebrate whenever they feel like.

but there are bigger discrepancies.

for instance that 544BC i mentioned is actually 543BC. that's just 1 year and is OK. but connected to it is vijaya's arrival.

some say its 543BC while others put it later to be 483BC.

along with it, buddha's visit to SL is also confusing.

some put one of it at 523BC. IF vijaya came to SL in 543BC, by 523BC when buddha came to SL he should have met vijaya's crowd. but didn't.

the buddha visits were around 570BC. that goes with the rest of numbers.

Moshe Dyan said...

this bugger is a real MF.

"Member of Parliament General Sarath Fonseka, speaking to Daily Mirror online a short while ago, said that LTTE leader Vellupillai Prabakaran was killed on May 19 last year and not May 18 as claimed by the government after the war.

Fonseka said that the Tiger leader was only killed after President Mahinda Rajapaksa had declared in Parliament on May 19 that Prabakaran was dead."

bloody idiot is making up stories to create trouble for SL.

there was no war on may 19 daytime. that had ended by then. if vezapillai was killed AFTER the president's speech, that means he was deliberately killed. this is BS.

the sooner we stop gonzeka stop spreading lies the better.

Anonymous said...

"well mate, "PARA SUDDA" is a RACIST comment. isn't it???

why should we use such APARTHEID stuff???? and race/colour related stuff."

Oops again! How silly of me to insult those white apes.
I’ll do a dance and maybe polish their shoes next time I see one.
What para suddha masters think of us is very important, can’t upset them because they are so fragile, they could get so upset and mentally broken due to such language they might even remove their paper ban! (We don’t want them lil innocent things to start having chats with GTF and TPGE).

By the way when was para suddha “apartheid stuff?”?? LOL

Anonymous said...

An excellent piece by the Island Political columnist about the para suddhas (oops! x3) at the ICG.

ICG: The art of the impossible
By C. A. Chandraprema
Political Correspondent

I do like this bit:

Another crazy suggestion is that western governments be prepared to grant political asylum to potential witnesses of war crimes in order to ensure that witnesses are protected. If it ever becomes known that the west is offering political asylum for witnesses, the entire population of the north and east will become ‘witnesses’ clamouring for protection in the west, and the western governments that make such an announcement are going to fall in a domestic backlash against immigration. In fact all the suggestions made by ICG seem to be aimed more at exterminating existing western governments than at resolving war crimes issues. Indeed given the suggestions made in their report on Sri Lanka, they seem to be trying to live up to their name International Crisis Group, by creating crises!

Maybe we should take up this up:))

Anonymous said...

"Member of Parliament General Sarath Fonseka, speaking to Daily Mirror online a short while ago, said that LTTE leader Vellupillai Prabakaran was killed on May 19 last year and not May 18 as claimed by the government after the war.

Fonseka said that the Tiger leader was only killed after President Mahinda Rajapaksa had declared in Parliament on May 19 that Prabakaran was dead."

Knew this snake was up to something (his earlier statement about Channel 4 has now been proven as the fraud it so obviously was). He will be real problem for us not just now but in the next few decades.

Government must realise that “locking up” such a nut is not enough. He has done enough damage to our soldiers and country and seems hell bent on continuing.

Seriously the option of sending Pakismoothy (or some other NGO/CPA clown) to have a "one on one" to discuss "legal issues" with Gonseka, (where obviously they discuss "war crimes" too) and the Government allows it in "terms of fairness/proper legal representation for Gonseka/International pressure" is the best way bump of both these SoBs. Now may not be the best time but some time within the next year or so.

When Pakismoothy + a pakismoothy aid goes to meet Gonseka, (have CCTV camera installed in the area) there is a massive explosion, both die. Pakismoothy smuggled in an explosive (through his aid) to kill Gonseka. Pakismoothy being Tamil wanted revenge. We can then have another letter written by Pakismothy released/found on his fat body & pieced together where he wanted to get rid of Gonseka for "crimes against Tamils" (if this tard can keep sending "death threats" to himself and Lasantha mutt can write an editorial from the grave i am sure Pakismooty can have a letter of hate after death no?). Bomb was brought in by Pakismoothy/his aid, but Pakismooty died by accident. Government in good faith did not search Pakismoothy as he is human rights defender.

Government then does some bogus arrests of CPA. Links them up to all LTTE activity and LTTE cells. Media headlines write themselves where so called "human rights champions" where harbouring terrorists.

Then release whoever was arrested saying "international pressure".

Gonseka and CPA/HR donkeys sorted in one go.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

In other countries their media would not give such a damaging man a platform to spout his venom.

While SundayMudslinger exposed what a snake Gonseka is (which they clearly did not intend to but since that clique shares many features identical to Gonseka, such a arrogance, hunger for power, boiling hate and ugly egos, they like him did not see the consequences election wise) anywhere else in the world a REAL media institution would not print such a damning article, especially at a time when their nation is already “under siege” with bs of the very nature they belted out.

The meaning of “free media” and “journalism” along with corresponding responsibility and ethics is something these people do not care for nor understand. It is a shame we have such a despicable media that would not exist in any other country.

Moshe Dyan said...


you argue like my thamil kaathali. either this EXTREME or the other EXTREME.

"How silly of me to insult those white apes.
I’ll do a dance and maybe polish their shoes next time I see one."

NO NEED to dance to their tune or polish their shoes!!!

just don't blame them for BEING SUDDAS.

and don't call them "para" suddas. whatever the literally meaning is, the prefix "para" is racist whenever associated with a community.

can't you find middle ground????

"By the way when was para suddha “apartheid stuff?”??"

a group of ppl discriminated BLACK ppl using a policy called apartheid. irrespective of colour, even if another group insults yet another group based on racial, ethnic, religious or colour related stuff, that is also a form of apartheid.

Moshe Dyan said...

pol and i SERIOUSLY disagree on the following.

1. christianity in SL
2. sudda
3. israel's rights

but come to think of it, these are minor matters. bigger issues are colonization, gonzeka, TE, etc. we agree on these.

but there is something we need to agree. the WORSE MFs in decending order of their evil.

1. tamil elamists
2. sudda

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

who are the bloody idiots who photographed war???

these MFs should have been stopped.

where else do you get army fellows with mobile phones and cameras????

photo archive of HRW crap.

i one photo someone points a knofe like thing to an african looking bugger who's tied to a tree.

may be he's trying to cut him lose!!!!

i recon GOSL should look into these specific events amd punish the wrong doers.

if photos are true there is no point denying them.

punish the bloody idiots who tolerated being photographed. that will teach the other idiots a lesson.

Anonymous said...

/and don't call them "para" suddas. whatever the literally meaning is, the prefix "para" is racist whenever associated with a community./

'para' in sinhala means 'out sider' or 'not one of us'.

Moshe Dyan said...

oh shitt! tigers breedin!!

what nonsense is this???

"The Sri Lankan military official in charge of "rehabilitating" former Tamil Tiger fighters says he is planning a mass wedding for some of them."

- bbc

we should have fought the war in such way that would have finished them in the war.

this is a joke. most hardcore terrorists will marry each other and escape!! one tamil madu fellow married a dog. so these terrorists will easily marry someone and escape.

what a joke. unless one broken hearted former suicide bomber - theviga - blasts herself at the mass wedding where her former lover - karupaiah alias karu - weds her best friend - vythiyarani.

Moshe Dyan said...


"'para' in sinhala means 'out sider' or 'not one of us'."

that's the direct meaning but when associated with a race/community it becomes racist.

e.g. p-sudda, p-demala, p-chingala

Asithri said...


[There was no need to “Unify” SL because we were already unified as the people were generally the same in the island as a whole.
This was only screwed up heavily when suddha brought kallathonis and coolie slaves in their millions, then giving them power and control over all to screw over the Sinhala Buddhists. Prior to their glorious arrival this island was known as “Sinhela” and the lands of the Sinhelas, where Buddhism was protected and promoted by the state. No one questioned our claim to this island (yes we had many sakkillyas from south India trying to conquer). It is only after suddhas savagery that our rightful claim to this whole island was challenged permanently, and to this day suddha harbours and supports with violence those who make this fraudulent challenge.]

I could not agree more!

OaO Asithri

(p.s, Agreeing with Pol on this account is NOT a slight against my brother Moshey)

Asithri said...


['para' in sinhala means 'out sider' or 'not one of us']


'para" is NOT the same as "pariah" or "paraya" as far as I know.

When I was growing up in SL, I remember the term "para Landhesi" ("foreign-Dutch") and "para-suddha" ("foreign-British/English) were common terms people used to denote the "foreign" element when talking about these, well factually, FOREIGNERS>

So, I personally don't think the term "para Suddha" should offend anybody as it literally means "foreign white-bugger"...

However, the difference is when we Sinhelas refer to Tamils as "para-Demalas" although that may have been their origin, when we refer to Tamils with that term, we give them a notion that they are "foreigners/invaders" and hence do not belong in SL...which is not the way going far as I am concerned.

So, in my view, "para-Suddha" is perfectly okay, but "para-Demala" is NOT okay.

Just my views...I am sure others have other views on this contentious point and I respect them.

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

News News News...

[ Colombo Christians remember war dead

May 21 (UCAN) Christians in Colombo have organized a prayer vigil for “innocent civilians” who died in the country’s decades-long civil war between the government and Tamil Tiger rebels. Hundreds of Catholics, Methodists and Anglicans, including clergy and nuns, took part in the May 17 event organized by the Christian Solidarity Movement (CSM). The government declared the 26-year-long civil war over in May 2009]

Holyeeeee F!

I am going Bonkers with these “Colombo Christians” only paying reverence to the “innocent civilians” (aka Tamil civilians who were held hostage by LTTE whores as human-shields) AND NOT to the dead/maimed-for-life SLDF bravehearts!!!

This is how it is with the "Christian churches" in Sri Lanka…they always lament about the “Tamil bretheran" who suffered but NEVER about our bravehearts who gave life and limb to preserve our MotherLanka.

The last time I was in SL, I attended a Christmas Mass with this beautiful Sinhela princess who happened to be a Catholic…and imagine my horror when the MF Catholic priest did just that (i.e. remember only the "Tamil civilians"!!!)...FCUK, I was INFURIATED...I WAS MAD...AND I almost walked out of the freaking church at that very moment, but other reasons made me stay…and to stay in that “house-of-God” after I had heard that crap was as painful as an experience that I have ever had!

OaO Asithri

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