Monday, January 4, 2010

Beyond 2009: The Butterfly Effect of National Security

2009 marks a remarkable point in SL history. It is an year of victory, triumph, and a certainty, with most vulnerabilities we faced as a nation deterred. We ought to live happily ever after, yet 2010 comes with more uncertainties and debate. Election heat is getting to its boiling point, with shameful betrayal and defamation. Forgotten and little spoken is the topic of national security today.

Yet the happenings have not left the topic barren. With lots of butterflies flapping their wings, we do not know when the category five may land upon us. While wishing our community a prosperous and joyful new year for 2010, this is an effort to look at the odds.

TNA Factor:

After the demise of Pussycats as a militia, the spotlight shone upon their political twin TNA, undoubtedly. Presidential Election extended this scenario. Both candidates have played Santa-Claus for TNA votes. And at least some of the official agreements contain segments that seem to threaten national security. Even if they turn out to be usual empty promises of Presidential Election, the General Election to be held immediately after, makes the promises more real. TNA will use their seats for bargaining.

However, TNA is set to prove that they're a synthetic alliance created in front of smoking AK 47 and they may fall apart into pieces.If this happens there will inevitably be lots and lots of active parties in Northern political arena, none gaining a majority of any kind. They'd sell their votes/seats at the best price they get for their variants of the same old demands. It may not be as rosy as it looks. Instead of one big federalist element there will be many little ones, and they may infest both sides during GE.

Nevertheless the diminishing of this biggest racist political movement in SL will be a welcome change. We need to move forward from elements of racism and make room for more generous and broad thinking political movements that represent one SL. Importantly, breaking up of TNA would make room for them to groom, if any.

That fallen Baton:

If such broad thinking non-racist movements fail to capitalize on TNA break up, it may make way for new Tamil militia. If TNA fails to represent Northern people, is there a political capacity in the rest to lead them? UNP is not in a position for any serious political discussion instead of providing political jokes. JVP who hinted as a good national level party, seems loosing whatever they had in the Southern regions as well. This leaves Northern Tamils with only option of SLFP, in the lack/break of TNA.

SLFP provides a hope right now. It already has some people such as Karuna [who may not be most preferred by them, but still a better choice than some unknown SLFP organizer]. I am predicting the possibility of some pussycat leaders appearing in SLFP lists in future. SLFP will provide a good non-racist political alternative for the Northern people, for few years.

But it is not enough. It needs a similar opposition as SLFP is the likely party in power. Lack of that may give opportunity for a new militia. This threat is quite high for next decade or so.

Until we have a certain picture on the Northern vote bases, and the direction of its flow, we need to pre-empt this possibility. It is a time to compare the golden years of late 2000s, in search of answers to what mistakes we did in late 70s and early 80s. How to use our military to diminish a movement in formation - that is the question for the defence establishments.

Pussycat-ospora, anger, revenge and hatred:

Anger and revenge was primarily the backbone of the whole havoc caused in SL by Tamil diaspora. More than Eelam they wanted to give us the biggest return, maybe hurt for the savage 1983, or maybe due to the superiority complex most of them seem to suffer from. And it ended up being a totally lost gamble, a huge waste of time and money of a million plus group of people. More anger has made them wanting to return to the same traits and give us a bigger blow. And they still have financial power to do so.

This is one more reason why a militia can be formed even in the death of the pussycat. If not for any other reason, diaspora cash-cow could be the prime reason for someone to create a fake "rebellion" against us. However, this seems to be an area which current defence/diplomatic establishments are tackling pretty well. We need to intense the acts. We should not rest until last active pussycat is behind bars.

Other side of the Pussycat-ospora:

While one part of them trying to give us the best blood bath possible, the other part is plotting the best political structure to make room for Eelam. The Trans- Notional Government and the corresponding elections are one segment of it. The minority forum held in Switzerland for all minority parties, is another. This alliance is highly supported by the INGOs, and many other foreign elements. Most of war crimes claims, and the defamation of SL are parts of this main plot.

Idea is to create a hostile environment for SL, and leave most minds ready to accept Eelam, should there be the slightest chance for it being declared. Also to push the GOSL to maximum in case there is some kind of negotiation.

Regrettably many local politicians including General Fonseka lately, have fallen into this plot. More dangerous will be if General looses campaign and finds life in Sri Lanka meaningless and flees to west looking for ways to revenge Rajapakses.

This is not an empty threat or a laugh-stock. In 90s when Wardharajah Perumal declared the N/E province as Eelam, [illegally] he lacked any formal acceptance from any part of the world. This was despite his capacity as the Chief Minister with [full] power of 13th amendment [although none gave him self-determination]. It would have given him good acceptance, had the world got prepared for the idea. Today's laid out foundations are for a future Wardharajah.

This is where we need to bring strong legal grounds to combat separatism. After 30years of separatist war SL is still entertaining the thinking, talking and organizing of separation. It can only combat separation by means of anti-terrorism. Separatists to date, foolishly took the same and hence got decimated. Yet we have no weapons to combat the peaceful version of separatism.This is a loophole we need to close soon, or the result will be regretful.

IDP turned Mentally Displaced:

IDPs are being settled. With them the multi million dollar topic [of NGOs] is gone. Yet the settling process looks hasty and a rash plan. Perhaps pushed into it by many such parties.

It is very important to handle them sensibly and delicately. More than the infrastructure and underlying needs, most of these people are mentally displaced, still so.

And that leaves all possibilities open. Most these people suffered in many hands, yet they may take it all from the GOSL. They may find their current lives not so filling and, in the slightest mistake, abandoned. Instead of working for their own future cum country's, they may work for country's destruction and eventually theirs.

In simple words the release was too early and primitive. In other words we need to make sure every plan we have to counter any bad formations among them, since they are very likely.

For racist politicians, for diaspora and INGOs, this bulk of ppl [together with other tamils in those regions] are the work horse. Every evil plot of the prior groups are made real by them. And for that reason they would invest their best to get these ppl lined up for their plans. Slightest mistake will be definitely highlighted in the process.

Govt should provide them all the needs and help them to get on with life and prosper. So far it looks good going. Yet the goals are still a significant distance away.

Not only the caretaking but also they should be monitored and closely spied. There is nothing wrong in spying. Today most western countries listen to Muslim circles day and night. We can do the same with them.

Mono-ethnic Enclaves, and unfair and preventive laws from Integration:

This is a topic discussed by likes of Moshe in many rounds. Needless to add, Multi-ethnic recolonization as our pals coined it, is an essence. Not only that the vast reserves of Wanni needs more people and it should be equally available for all Sri Lankans. Any laws violating that right should be removed, and challenged by means of basic rights.

As Moshe states, this is the best way to end racism. Yet they're late. This should have begun in parallel to IDP resettlement. Still never too late.


Most Australians whom I knew supported Federalism for SL, until when I told them "Hey you wanna divide an island in the size of Tasmania into so many states, ha?" Most critical reason why federalism does not apply to SL is the size of it. Very little countries there exist, whose states can be run across in a day.

Moreover it is impractical as it naturally leads up to the separation as many above mentioned forces work day and night to achieve it. Anything we mark by means of federal or any other race-based twin sister of it, will be simply another step for international recognition for eelam. And any power we grant such, is a road open to get there.

It is very clear that SL needs devolution. But most hurting needs are regarding administration and development. Not about defence and policy making. Devolution should focus these requirements. Smaller regions should be given more powers in administrating and developing their regions. Center should standardize all the policy and other critical issues including defence and should hold it under their control. Regions should be smaller than current ethnic barriers and should not have any ethnic basis.

Sadly, the lunatics who call themselves the professional devolutionists fail to understand this. In reality most such are rusted socialists who still read "Das Capital" to find best socialist ways of making love. We need to move out from here and get many "other"politicians into act. If we agree for Devolution we need to agree it all together and work hard to make it a healthy and safe plan.

Human migration and the millennium to come:

Sri Lanka is the dead end of a great human migration. Northern and Southern parts of India provided a flux of people who found nothing but great Indian ocean beyond this island. In recent millennium, Tamilnadu's population eruption has sent a lava flow of humans through to the island. It will keep on doing so within whatever legal and illegal frameworks of the day.

This means that eventually one day SL will be tamil dominant, theoretically. Today's world order saves us thanks to countries and visa barriers, hence making illegal immigration the only way. But there is no assurance that such structures will remain in tact for ever. In the millennial view this risk exists at large.

It leaves the Sri Lankans with a two way approach. Firstly be very open hearted. They should support any kinda integration of anyone into their fold. They should not base themselves on race, and the open and extended hands should embrace anyone who comes under their flag. Secondly they should be ruthless to anyone who's trying to pull down the flag.

And on this regards we need to learn everything from Israel.

In a summary; we need to address the following topics in this dawning 2010.

- Tamil racist politics: how to dismantle them
- Stop playing into their demands due to cheap political gain
- Banning Separatism
- Filling the northern political vaccum
- Increasing security of North and East. Establishing permanent camps and increasing numbers.
- Have an anticipative plan on combating terrorism at its birth.
- Taking care of IDPs, and providing them sustainable development
- Spying and monitoring the same
- Multi Ethnic Recolonization
- Combating illegal immigration and coast guard

As the new year brings a new president, these topics should be more significant when you decide on your candidate for voting. Whoever wins, these haunting questions will be nagging soon to be addressed. Failing which they'll take the nation back to 70s and 80s, making next decade bloodier than 90s.

And on the day when category five strikes, everyone will forget playing with the little butterflies flapping wings in their back yard.


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Moshe Dyan said...

sujeewa and su,

fantatsic clip. gonseka has lost his head.

this is what i said for one and a half months.

HATE is the tool to be used to SELF INTIMIDATE gonseka.

the more his hate is aroused, the deeper he digs his own grave.


Swarnajith Udana said...

If there were a tiny bit of doubt about the bribe incident it has vanished.

This would be almost impossible to achieve unless there are some support from pretending supporters of SF.

It is impossible for all of these people to genuinely support SF since they all know better than we do. Unless they are suicidal they cannot genuinely support SF.

Moshe Dyan said...


good find.

we know the motive now.

gonseka thought muzammil has almost crossed over at 1:30 pm.

but a few hours later he got the money and screwwed gonseka the corrupt MF.

Swarnajith Udana said...

Mahinda has said 5 lakhs of votes would be reduced due to Mervin Factor.

Sir You are too late to wake up now and people like me have serious concerns about this.

If not for things like these,

you would have won by 80% majority just by decalring your candidacy and just releasing the manifesto.

Why didn't you wake up before. Only now you know that he is hurting your image and the government?

We expect more from you in the next term. Otherwise you will earn the same place as CBK etc.

Thusitha said...

Moshe Dyan said...

good find.

we know the motive now.

gonseka thought muzammil has almost crossed over at 1:30 pm.

Think about it, if Norway is prepared to pay around 300 thousand dollars, how much they would have tried to pay save VP and the gang. It is a bribe not very many people would want to refuse.

Every Sri Lankan must be indebted to MR/GR for not being tempted by this type of bribing and finishing all LTTE Terrorist. I cannot believe the amount of foreign meddling going on in SL elections even after the fall of LTTE.

Thusitha said...

SU said ...
Swarnajith Udana said...
Mahinda has said 5 lakhs of votes would be reduced due to Mervin Factor.

It is hard to believe an astute politician like MR wouldn't know this. Even if he didn't realize this GR would have known. There is a reason why MR doesn't touch Mervin. Either Mervin have something on MR or he is worth loosing 5 hundred thousand votes. You shouldn't try to second guess MR.

දේශපාලුවා said...

Friend I made a new site, please visit.

Swarnajith Udana said...

This is not just the abhorrent sickness of SF. These are reflections of our society, the way how our government(not just this Government) and institutions run.

MR, it is your duty to reform all institutions so that we have lawful beautiful and decent country.

How on the Earth that the Devil SF remained in the Army for so long?


දේශපාලුවා said...


good find.

we know the motive now.


It will be interesting to listen to the audio tapes they claim they have

Swarnajith Udana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Swarnajith Udana said...

Dear Mr. President:

You have earned an enormous political capital. This is once in thousand years opportunity. You are so fortunate to be in this situation.

Bear in mind, dear sir, your fortune must be the fortune of the country.

After the election, unite all people creeds and all genuine politicians. Lead the way to clean this sick society.

Make this a country in which a person like SF cannot remain in public service without paying his due for his criminal activities.

Mr. President you need to appologise for the country because by your actions you created a situation in which the Devil could have become the President.

Aren't you upset about this?

Being sad and being upset are not enough. Unite the country! Save the country! Clean the country! prosper the country!

This is your responsibility!

This is the mandate.

NO more Mervins!, no more selective use of law!

Dedicate your life for the country alone.

You have alraedy done an immense service to our country but the country needs more. If you fail just because of your uncaring attitude or sleeping, then I regard it as the worst betrayal of the country. The mandate you are going to get must not be wasted, abused or misused. We always forgive you for genuine mistakes but we never foget or fogive any nigligence from your part.

We will vote for you because they love our country. So your victory is the victory of the people. I want you to treat the victory as exactly as that, nothing more or nothing less; an iota of arrogance from your part will be one of the greatest betrayal of mankind since nobody get such an opportunity.

I admit you worked as a Houdini. That is past. For future you need to summon all of your courage not to protect or white-wash Mervins.

We are hopeful. A leader who betrays his people are cursed.

A leader who dedicates his life for his people lives for ever inspiring the Nation for eternity.

We need that from you sir.

If you do that I will call you dear Mahinda in my heart.

Thusitha said...

දේශපාලුවා said...

It will be interesting to listen to the audio tapes they claim they have

The thing I can't understand is how Ravi K. is repudiating all that in the press conference without any hesitation. I couldn't see any hesitations when responded to questions by the media.

Swarnajith Udana said...

Remember that SF became the military ruler of Ambalangod area just for several hours in July 2009 (or so) when he had his meeting.

For this alone he should be punished for treason.

tata said...

"The thing I can't understand is how Ravi K. is repudiating all that in the press conference without any hesitation."

He was repeatedly reminding us how he does it: "I am a politician".

Sam Perera said...


Ravi K is a real gul aanda. He can put forward a nice poker face really well.

Ananda-USA said...

Deshapalua said ..

[Musammil exposes the bribing]

My God, it is so SHAMEFUL to me that any Sri Lankans would stoop to selling out the motherland to foreigners in this way!

I wonder if this money was arranged by SF during his last trip to the US, and by RW during his last trip to Norway!

A Total & Abject SELLOUT!

Ananda-USA said...

More TREACHERY by the UNF! How do these people expect to SURVIVE in Sri Lanka?

Lanka ‘lied to UN over heavy arms’

January 16, 2010

Sri Lanka’s opposition yesterday accused the government of misleading the UN over the use of heavy weapons during the final stages of fighting against Tamil rebels last year.

Sri Lanka is under pressure from the United Nations and Western nations to submit to a war crimes investigation after a host of allegations about the killing of prisoners and the use of weapons.

A top aide to President Mahinda Rajapakse disclosed on Thursday that Colombo ordered a halt to the use of heavy weapons only in April, two months after a UN envoy was promised that such armaments would not be used.

Former foreign minister and key opposition leader Mangala Samaraweera seized on the disclosure by the aide, Lalith Weeratunga, who said the use of heavy weapons was eventually stopped as part of a political deal with the Indian government.

The statement “indicates that despite claims to the contrary, both to the public of this country and to (the) UN ... in February 2009, in fact the government had sanctioned the use of heavy weapons until April, when the Indian general election was in full swing,” Samaraweera said in a statement.

Weeratunga said neighbouring India had asked for a complete halt in the offensive because it affected Tamil votes in southern India during national elections last year.

The UN estimates that at least 7,000 civilians were killed in the first four months of last year as Sri Lankan troops moved to finish off the Tigers, who had fought for an independent Tamil homeland since 1972.

Sri Lanka’s Tamil community, numbering 12.5% of the population, has close cultural and religious links with India’s Tamil Nadu state, which was once the staging post for Sri Lankan Tamil separatists.

Ananda-USA said...

Lanka’s Rajapaksa set for easy win: Opinion poll
January 16, 2010

NEW DELHI: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa seems set for an easy victory over his rival and former army chief Sarath Fonseka in the Jan 26 presidential poll, according to an opinion survey.

Viplav Communications Pvt. Ltd., which has earlier been strategic advisors to numerous Indian politicians and conducted election surveys in India, conducted the survey in Sri Lanka. The findings of the survey were made available to IANS here.

The poll shows Rajapaksa leading in all provinces other than the Tamil-dominated north and multi-racial east and enjoying a 12 percent lead over his opponent in the island as a whole.

According to the survey, Rajapaksa holds a dominant lead among the majority Sinhalese population who account for 74 percent of Sri Lanka's population. He also enjoys a narrow lead among the Muslim voters.

However, he trails behind Fonseka among the Tamils of the north and east, the war zone where the military crushed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in May last year leaving thousands dead.

Among the Tamils of Indian origin living in the tea plantation areas, Rajapaksa enjoys majority support.

The sample size for the Jan 6-13 survey was 10,225.

According to it, people have graded the president very high on the skills and experience needed to run the next government.

Fonseka's inexperience as a political administrator coupled with a pro-Rajapaksa environment in the country was the clinching factor, the survey said.

The president is expected to do very well in Sinhalese-dominated North Central, Southern and Sabargamuwa provinces.

Fonseka has a good support base in eastern and northern Provinces. He also has the support of Tamils in Colombo.

Rajapaksa has a slight edge over Fonseka among Muslim voters. Muslims, who also speak Tamil in many areas, are the second largest minority in Sri Lanka after the Tamils, who are dominantly Hindus.

According to the survey, Sinhalese Christians -- most Sinhalese are Buddhists -- support mostly the president compared to Tamil Christians.

Fonseka also has more support in urban areas while Rajpaksa wields clout in rural areas. More women were found to be supportive of the president.

The survey found that a majority of respondents expressed the fear that the Tamil ethnic problem had not been solved fully.

The credit for winning the war against the LTTE is largely credited to the president, who came to power in November 2005 with a pledge to end the Tamil separatist campaign.

He then scored a narrow win over his main rival, Ranil Wickremasinghe, who is now backing Fonseka. Fonseka was a personal choice of Rajapaksa as the army chief but they two fell out after the war ended last year.

The role of Fonseka is appreciated by people, but more credit is given to the president due to his leadership qualities during the war, according to the survey findings.

Most people see the president as a strong leader who did not bow to international pressure to stop the punishing military campaign against the LTTE.

Ananda-USA said...

Sri Lanka government says opposition camp bribing politicians

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Jan 15, Colombo: Sri Lankan government today accused the common opposition alliance of bribing government politicians to cross over to the opposition in support of their candidate General Sarath Fonseka.

The government media unit said two accomplices of opposition candidate today reportedly have offered Rs.30 million as a 'bribe' to National Freedom Front parliamentarian, Mohamad Muzamil.

The alleged deal has taken place in the room number 205 at Hotel Sapphire in Wellawatte, authoritative sources said adding that they have video and audio evidence.

The bribe had reportedly been offered to Muzamil for his appearance at one of Fonseka's press briefings to say the Hicorp arms deal was a charge made up and fabricated by the government against Fonseka.

Muzamil appeared at the Fonseka's briefing today but walked out saying that he will not support the opposition and he cannot be bought.

The two accomplices of General Fonseka have been identified as M. Mustapha and Nazeer Ahamed.

According to government sources of the Rs.30 million promised, Rs.10 million had been paid earlier and the recipient had been asked to come today for the balance.

Ananda-USA said...

Another RAT Jumps Ship!; Good .. let all RATS EXPOSE THEMSELVES Now!

Sri Lanka minister quits portfolio to support opposition candidate

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Jan 15, Colombo: A non-cabinet minister of the Sri Lankan government quit his position today to join the opposition presidential candidate's campaign.

Cegu Issadeen, the non-cabinet minister for export development has resigned from his ministerial portfolio and joined the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC).

Issadeen has extended his support to the common opposition candidate General Sarath Fonseka at the presidential election, Fonseka's campaign announced.

Ananda-USA said...


Tamils should vote for Rajapaksa: Swamy
January 16, 2009
Special Correspondent

CHENNAI: Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy on Friday urged the Tamils of Sri Lanka to vote for Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa in the Presidential elections.

Dr. Swamy said if the Tamils wanted Indian opinion on their side, they should vote for the Tamil-speaking Sinhala leader, Mr. Rajapaksa.

It was surprising that some representatives of the defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) floated the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and canvassed the support of Tamils of India for the Opposition candidate, General (retired) Sarath Fonseka.

No Indian concerned with the welfare of Tamils in Sri Lanka and their future could support any candidate who had on its side the LTTE-supported TNA, which sought a separate Eelam. Moreover, General Fonseka was supported by the anti-Tamil party Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, which did not want to give any concessions to the Tamils, Dr. Swamy observed.

If General Fonseka was elected, he would be in a constant dilemma about what to do. He had to legitimise the LTTE that is hiding a huge quantity of ill-gotten money for a comeback. The Tamils in Sri Lanka today needed humane stability in governance, he added.

Ananda-USA said...

Mr. President,

When you are Re-Elected on Jan 26th with an Overwhelming Majority,

Remember that We Patriots who Supported You without Wavering DON'T WANT DEVOLUTION of POWER ON ANY COMMUNAL BASES!


President rejects APRC proposals

By Charles Haviland
BBC correspondent, Colombo
January 15, 2009

President has proposed to set up a Senate with more Tamils
The president of Sri Lanka has dismissed all efforts that have been made so far to find political solutions to the country’s ethnic problem and has said he will present his own solution after the forthcoming election.

The country’s constitution has an amendment providing for devolution of powers to the provinces but this has never been fully implemented.

Since his government’s decisive war victory last May President Mahinda Rajapaksa has spoken of the need for ethnic reconciliation.

But his critics say he has offered few concrete plans to back that up.

Merging provinces

He has now made his clearest public rejection of proposals put forward by a parliamentary committee, which would increase the powers of the provinces in line with constitutional provisions.

Minister, Prof. Tissa Vitharana
Prof. Vitharana has been chairing APRC meetings for few years

Many Tamil people would like that as two out of the nine provinces have an ethnic Tamil majority.

Mr Rajapaksa has now said he does not think any generally acceptable solution has yet been suggested, so “after the present election I am going to put forward my own solution to the problem”.

He has remained vague on what this means although he has spoken of a possible upper house of parliament.

Devolution may be a popular idea among Tamils but it is a dirty word for many of the Sinhalese majority – including a Sinhalese nationalist party supporting Mr Rajapaksa’s opponent, General Sarath Fonseka, which is absolutely opposed to increased provincial powers.

It all makes this election a difficult choice for many Tamils.

President Rajapaksa has also made clear his rejection of an eight-year-old constitutional amendment, which would provide independent commissions in many spheres of public life including the police and anti-corruption.

He said commissions cannot be independent as they are appointed by politicians.

Without this amendment being implemented, Sri Lanka does not have even an election commission – only one man, the commissioner.

Ananda-USA said...

SB Dissanayake says NO Agreement With TNA; Yet TNA says SF and RW Accepted ALL OF THEIR DEMANDS!


I'll GIVE YOU ONE Guess!

TNA refers to conditions agreed with Sarath Fonseka

January 15, 2010

Tamil National Alliance Parliamentarians have confirmed that Presidential candidate Sarath Fonseka and UNP Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe had accepted all conditions submitted by them.

Parliamentarian Thangeshwari Kadiraman said they expected the right to self-rule for the Tamil polity. This was a main condition put forward by them. The right to self rule is the only method that the problem of the Tamil civilians can be sorted out. Re-merger of the North and East was another condition they laid down. Sarath Fonseka and UNP Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe totally accepted all these conditions put forward by their Party Leader R.Sambanthan.

Parliamentarian Sivashakthi Ananda said the Government rejected all their demands in toto. However, the group including Sarath Fonseka and UNP Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe endorsed all their conditions.

TNA Parliamentarian K.Thurairatnasinham said they submitted a proposal for their self-administration. It was put forward as a condition. Sarath Fonseka, not only endorsed their proposal, but has also signed an agreement accepting it.

Rana said...

PE candidate Funseka is only a flame with life span of 6 weeks. He will dance brighter before the final fall. The good old UNP will have to carry burnt out wick for next 10 - 12 years because of its impotent leader Ranil. Rusty old leaders of JVP will have to commit suicide after 27th.

Old fox JRJ once said; he will fold the electoral map of Sri Lanka for next 20 years. He nearly did that for SLFP. It is an opportunity for Mahinda to do the same now.

Moshe Dyan said...


you have to add another song to your list of patriotic songs. i have not seen this one.

mata meni wage

two verses from it....

"api wedihitiyo sema ekamutuwi mawu maw rata sri lanka"

"api podi daruwo dina dina babali mathu rajawana sri lanka"

these have intense meaning. the song was made in the 1980s. AT THAT TIME the elder generation was the one that put the basis for the nation.

the younger generation AT THAT TIME grew up to fight the war to victory in 2006-2009.

Moshe Dyan said...


SF is doing well even at village level. his yapahuwa rally had been massive.

it is a traditional non-UNP power hub.

govt canvassing strategy MUST change.

Moshe Dyan said...



send a link of your site to

i sent it already but no harm sending it by 2 ppl.

i've been telling the UPFA media man that we have to target NON PATRIOITIC crowd now.

we have to target,

1. UNP
2. TNA
3. JVP

in case of northern tamils, the best cause of action is the discourage them from voting.

Ananda-USA said...

Million signatures to denounce Fonseka's statement
January 13, 2009

A collection of signatures for a petition with one million signatures from the public organized by the Desha Hitaishi Jathika Vyaparaya at Provincial level was launched yesterday under the auspices of Ven. Elle Gunawansa Thera, the initiator of the program and President of the Desha Hithaishee Vyaparaya.

The petition is to protest against and to denounce the treacherous and irresponsible declaration of Retired General Fonseka alleging that the heroic war heroes of the motherland on the directives from Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa gunned down the terrorists who came to surrender with white flags in the final phase of the humanitarian operation to free the Tamil community from the ruthless clutches of the LTTE terrorists.

The petition was addressed to Philip Alston, United Nations' Special rapporteur on Extra Judiciary or Arbitrary Execution, United Nations' Human Right Council, UNO, Geneva with the objective of shedding light over the baseless and revengeful allegations made against the country's heroic forces and to educate the international community over the authentic and genuine nature of the Humanitarian Operations of the Sri Lankan Forces.

A number of political leaders, scholars, leading professionals and a large number of members of the public participated.

Courtesy : Daily news

Rana said...

Ananda-USA said,

[….The sample size for the Jan 6-13 survey was 10,225…..]

Mate, SF managed to gain popularity for first three weeks after the nomination but now he is in the declining mode similar to a stale soda bottle. I think by the Election Day; he will be back to square one… i.e. getting only 25 to 30%.

MR will win the second public approval by 25 to 30% difference.

Ananda-USA said...

Moshe Dayan said ...

[you have to add another song to your list of patriotic songs. i have not seen this one.]

Done! Many thanks!

Moshe Dyan said...


i disagree 50%.

his popularity is fluctuating.

there is some brain advising him "correctly" with the crap notion POPULARITY AT ANY COST.

sensing bugger is losing popularity bugger declared 3,000 rupees for every jobless bugger.

Rana said...


I mean his down fall has started already and he has burnt out. From now on he will be like a wounded snake and start to attack anything and everything around him including his own allays.

Unknown said...

Swarnajith Udana said...
Mahinda has said 5 lakhs of votes would be reduced due to Mervin Factor.

Where has he said this? Can you pls give the source?

Rana said...

If MR is loosing votes due to Mervin factor; it is obvious how to plug the leak. However, I think, Mahinda cannot get rid of Mervin that easily. He knows too much about MR and has to bump off. MR is a not person of that calibre.

kevin said...

MR could easily regain that 5 lakhs and more if he gets Mervin and the other notorious guys to join the UNP and campaign in their 'usual way' I know very few of that 5 lakhs will read what we have suggested as they have no access to Internet.This is a step worth considering.Even if the UNP wouldn't accept them,with media in the govt.'s hands,they could put these guys in UNP type cloths and the media do the rest.MR deserves to win.
Kev's mate.

DECOY said...

So far I have not seen a single advertisement from MR side targeting corruption & wrong doings of SF like the Hiccop deal. Such findings are limited only to press conferences which are limited to news bulletins on TV. Also these findings get limited publicity in independent media and of course zero prominence in pro SF media like Sirasa (less) TV. Although state media goes in full swing with such findings effectiveness is highly questionable since most independent voters do not bother listening to news on state media.
On the other hand the advertisements of SF camp are full of corruption, nepotism allegations on MR and looks highly effective and on air 24 hrs of the day. There is a larger voter base who is still undecided and might go to SF purely b’cos of corruption charges and the highly effective advertising campaign of SF carried out most importantly on the so called ‘independent media’. If MR can come up with a similar campaign like this at least during the next few days to show round the clock in all media including the official media of SF, Sirasa, it will do a world of good.

Anonymous said...


MR unfortunately does not know how to do propaganda and fully utilise the media. Worse they have a pathetic reactive approach and refuse assistance in this field. They just wait till shit hits the fan and go around doing a half hearted job cleaning up. Not once have i seen anything pro-active.

Ananda-USA said...


I know a Pera graduate who can wield a field-hockey stick like a sword to part head from shoulder in one stroke as well as send the ball barreling past the goalie in his heyday .. but why, oh why, do you need such a person, dare I ask?

Ananda-USA said...

We are PURE as the DRIVEN Snow say US and Norway!

Deniability is such a KEY ASSET, ain't it!

US and Norway deny accusations of funding Sri Lanka opposition

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Jan 16, Colombo: The United States and Norwegian embassies in Colombo today separately denied the accusations, leveled against them by the National Freedom Front legislator Mohamad Muzamil, of funding the opposition to buy the ruling party politicians.

In a statement the Norwegian Embassy said it strongly denies the accusation made yesterday by Muzamil and NFF leader Wimal Weerawansa that Norway has funded the opposition in an alleged attempt to seek Mr. Muzamil's support by offering him a financial deal.

Muzamil told the media yesterday that he was offered 30 million rupees by M. Mustapha and Nazeer Ahamed, two supporters of the opposition candidate. He claimed that he has video and audio evidence to prove the opposition's attempt to make him crossover.

"The accusation is untrue and totally unacceptable. Norway has never – and will never – interfere in an election in another country," it said.

In a statement the U.S. embassy in Colombo said they are neutral on the presidential election and ready to work with any government.

"The United States is neutral and we strongly condemn allegations that we are supporting one side over another," the US statement said.

There is widespread belief among the ruling party supporters in the country that foreign forces that were not happy with the government's refusal to agree with their conditions during the war are now financing the opposition's presidential campaign to force a government change.

Ananda-USA said...

Canadian Tamil CatPad rejects Padded Cats (er, Tigers to you) in favor of Mahinda Rajapaksa in Sri Lanka

Moderate Canadian Tamil group to support president at Sri Lanka polls

ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Jan 16, Colombo: A moderate Tamil group in Canada has voiced their support to re-elect President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the upcoming presidential polls in Sri Lanka.

The Canadian Tamils for Peace and Democracy (CatPad) recently passed a unanimous resolution to support President Rajapaksa as their only candidate for the presidency.

During a meeting on January 12 2010, the Executive Committee of CatPad ratified its support to the strong leadership given by President Rajapaksa in eradicating terrorism and restoring democracy in the country, in particular in the North and the East.

The group called on the fellow Tamils in Sri Lanka to follow its footsteps to strengthen the President's election campaign to take forward the task of not only defeating terrorism in the North and East but also to strengthen the democracy by developing the province economically and socially which are interconnected with peace and political stability in the country.

"We urge our Tamils in the North and East, to support a courageous leader who stood up for democracy for the Tamils and Peace for all Sri Lankans," the group said in a statement.

Recalling the plight of Tamils under the LTTE rule, CatPad urged the Tamils to unite together to "defeat the unholy alliance of Terrorist TNA (Tamil National Alliance alias Terrorist National Alliance) and the communal UNP."

Anonymous said...

Ananda which tread topic is being used? This one or the one above?

DECOY said...

@Pol Sambol

Exactly. Whoever is giving MR advice on these issues are just playing into the hands of SF. Even some experts in the advertising field have tried to change this approach but without any sucess. This is totally different to his approach in 2005 which was very sucessful.

Just look at Rupavahini news, full of useless things. Last night they even showed a small child (about 3yrs)uttering in broken language that "tharunyata hetak" ad. This shows stupidity. The two state TV stations are just ruining his campaign.

Thusitha said...

Hi SK, Ananda, Moshe,
Are we deleting other peoples comments or was it a mistake?

Sam Perera said...

There is a new thread.

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